Stanford Live Matinee for Order Form 2014-15


Stanford Live Matinee for Order Form 2014-15
Teacher Workshop: Reaching Students With Autism
Through The Arts: Implications For Inclusive Arts Classrooms
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 / 4:00pm–7:00pm / The Studio at Bing Concert Hall
327 Lasuen Street, Stanford, CA on the Stanford campus
Free, registration required • For teachers of grades K–12 • Refreshments will be provided
Many teachers have noticed an increase in the number of students on the autism spectrum included in their classrooms. In this
interactive workshop, participants explore questions about what autism is, how it affects people, and how some strategies are utilized to
help students with autism learn and experience the arts. Ryan Hourigan addresses communication, emotional, socialization, cognitive,
and sensory challenges faced when working with students with autism in music, art, theater, and dance classrooms and offers practical
suggestions for teachers to use. e workshop will also be of great interest to special education teachers and teachers interested in
inclusion, arts integration, and working with students on the autism spectrum.
DR. RyAN HOURIgAN is a leader in the field of arts learning and autism and Director of the School of Music
at Ball State University. Dr. Hourigan is a nationally acclaimed presenter and leads teacher workshops across the
United States as a member of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ national roster of teaching
artists. He is an advocate, teacher, clinician, and prolific researcher.
Dr. Hourigan has been published in Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Arts Education Policy
Review, e Journal of Research in Music Education, and other journals, and has presented at conferences including
the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and the Music Educators National Conference. Dr. Hourigan was named the
2010 Indiana Music Educators Association Outstanding University Music Educator of the Year. He holds a PhD in music education
from the University of Michigan.
Hourigan is the co-author of the acclaimed books Teaching Music to Students with Autism and Teaching Music to Students with Special
Needs: A Label-Free Approach. Both books are published by Oxford University Press and will be available at a discount at the workshop.
Compagnia TPO: Bleu! The Mediterranean Sea
For students with special needs
In conjunction with the workshop, we will present performances by Italian
multimedia theater ensemble Compagnia TPO in the Bing studio for students
with special needs on June 4, 2015. Seating is very limited; please contact us
directly regarding tickets and for more information.
Thursday, June 4, 2015 / 10:00am and 1:00pm
The Studio at Bing Concert Hall
Stanford Live and the Palo Alto Unified School District are members of the Partners in Education program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts. Selected because of their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of education in and through the arts, the partnership
team participates in collaborative efforts to make the arts integral to education.
To register for the workshop or for information on the Compagnia TPO performances,
please email or call (650) 736-8768 ÷ LIVE.STANFORD.EDU