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here - Ferrybank Parish
Fourth Sunday of Ester - 26th April, 2015.
Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, a day of special prayer for vocations
to the work of service in the Church. Christ is the
good shepherd who has given his life for his
Mass for Vocations Sunday will be broadcast by
RTÉ One Television today at 11am. The principal
celebrant and homilist will be Bishop Denis Brennan, Chair of the Council for Vocations. The
Mass is being co-ordinated by Fr. Willie Purcell
and the Council for Vocations of the Irish Bishops
For more information visit
St. Vincent de Paul
The monthly collection for the St. Vincent de Paul
will take place next weekend Sat. & Sun. 2nd &
3rd May, 2015. Your suppor t is gr eatly appr eciated !
Coffee Morning
The Ferrybank Social & Fundraising Committee
will host a Coffee Morning next Tuesday 28th
April from 10.30am to 12 noon in the Par ish
Centre. Sales Table and Raffle. Adm. €3. All
proceeds in support of the Ferrybank Conference
of St. Vincent de Paul - your support is greatly
New Weekly Envelopes
Next weekend, May 2nd/3rd sees the start of a
new Envelope Year. Parishioners will have received a new box of weekly envelopes. We would
ask that you tear up any remaining envelopes from
last years box. If you have not received a box of
Church Envelopes and would like to, please contact the Parish Office on 051-830813. We would
like to take this opportunity to thank all those who
work so hard to help organise and distribute the
envelopes each year and also to thank people for
their continued generous support of the parish and
its work.
Cemetery Mass
The Annual Cemetery Mass takes place on Thursday 25th June at 7.30pm.
South Kilkenny Historical Society Lecture
Fr. Francis Browne SJ
the photographer and his photographs
Speaker: Mr David Davison
Thursday, April 30th
8.30pm Mullinavat Parish Hall (opposite church)
Admission €5 (members free)
All welcome
Ossory Times
The latest high-quality, magazine publication
which provides up-to-date news and commentary
from across the Diocese is now on sale in parishes
and online… pick up your copy from the Parish
Office. €2 per copy.
Pope: Our vocation is to care for the
covenant of Marriage
Within weeks of the people of Ireland being asked
to vote in the referendum that will change the
meaning of marriage in the Constitution of Ireland
at his general audience on Wednesday last, Pope
Francis continued his catechesis on the family,
focussing again on the complementarity of men
and women.
If we cannot generate sympathy for the covenant
between men and women, children will be increasingly uprooted. “The social devaluation of the stable and generative covenant of the man and of the
woman is certainly a loss for everyone,” he said.
“We must recover the honour of marriage and the
family.” Pope Francis continued, “the safekeeping
of this covenant between man and woman, is
therefore for us believers a challenging and exciting vocation” in today’s world.
Sacrament of Confession available each
Saturday evening before the 7.30 Mass.
Sacrament of Baptism celebr ated each
Saturday at 5pm.
Staff Required Urgently!
The Carers Association urgently need staff in the
Callan, Kells & surrounding areas. If you have
completed FETAC level 5 in Healthcare Support
or currently working towards it, could you please
contact 056 7721424 or email
De La Salle Waterford Past Pupils Reunion
The Annual Reunion of De La Salle Waterford
Past Pupils will take place on Saturday 16th May
and Sunday 17th May, and all past pupils of the
College, St. Declan’s and Stephen Street are invited to attend. This reunion will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Leaving Cert class of 1965. A Dinner/Social Evening will be held in the Woodlands
Hotel, Dunmore Road, Waterford on the Saturday
at 8pm. On Sunday, Mass in the College at 11am
will be followed by a College Tour and light refreshments. The events are open to wife/partner.
Booking details are available from the College and
posted on the College Website.
Early booking is advisable. Bookings should be
made with Br. Timothy contact 087-7791001 or Anyone wishing to
avail of an agreed special (De La Salle) overnight
rate for the Hotel on Saturday night should book
direct with the Hotel. 051304574 or
St. Mary’s
Cathedral Restoration Fund
Your last chance to buy a ticket for The
Diocesan Cathedral Restoration Fund.
Tickets €10 each per month and are
available from the Parish Office. The
next Draw will be held in the Cathedral
Chapter Room at 8.00pm on Wednesday, 29th
April. All are welcome … good luck!
Please remember in
your prayers those who
died recently …
Victor Merriman,
68 Bishopsgrove.
Ellen Sutton,
St. Joseph’s,
Little Sisters of the
Poor and late of Ballyrobin.
James Keany,
Ard Mhuire
Ian Redmond,
Grange Heights
Those who died about a
Month ago…
Mrs. Joan O’Mahony
And those whose
Anniversaries occur
about this time …
Eileen Cantwell
Elli Feicks
Annie Irish
Michael (Mick) Dalton
Pat Dunphy
Kathleen Crowe
Mary Roche
John Sutton
Jimmy & Babs Gleeson
John Dunne
Paddy Halpin (40th Anniv.)
May they rest in peace
We welcome into the
Christian Community…
Maia Morrissey who
were baptised recently in
our parish.
Fr. Jim Crotty, P.P.
Fr. Raymond Dempsey
Parish Office
Mass Times
Sat. Vigil : 7.30 pm
Sunday : 10, 11 & 12 noon
Daily Mass : 10am