drinking water filters - f.electronic
drinking water filters - f.electronic
D R IN KING W AT ER WWW.ULTRA-FILTER.COM 2015 DRINKING WATER FILTERS 3M filters offer complete solutions in purification of liquids and air for use in research and laboratories, industry, food and beverage production and in private homes and more. Aqua-pure filters are specifically designed for drinking water systems and for some food and beverage productions. Benefits: - Reduces smell and taste of chlorine - Reduces particles down to 1.0, 0,5 or 0,2 micron - Helps prevent limestone scale - Removes at least 99,99% of bacteria - Easy to install and very easy (sanitary) filter replacement The filter cartridge should be replaced at least once each 6 months Reduction claims Model Chlorine taste and smell Sediments Cyst Limestone Scale AP3-765-S • • • • AP3-762-M • • • Bacteria • Capacity (liter) Flow Rate (lpm) Temp (°C) Micron (µm) 7.600 2,8 4,4-38 0,5 7.600 2,8 4,4-38 0,2 HOT WATER APPLICATION Consumption of special brew coffee and tea inceases steadily each year, and the quality of water is greatly influential on the taste of coffee. (98% of coffee is water.) Designed to give hot drinks a consistent high quality and good taste, and to reduce the needed amount of service visits, due to chlorine taste/smell and to prevent limestone scale building in commercial coffeemakers and teabrewers. Aqua-Pure’s filters for coffee and hot drinks uses SQC (sanitary quick change) cartridges, ensuring easy and quick exchanges, as well as low risk of contamination. The cartridge must be used with a VH3 head, with 3/8” tube connections. Your benefits from using this filter before your hot water applications: • Consistens high quality tea and coffee, without loose particles from water pipes. • Better protection of your equipment from limestone scale and magnesium buildup. Particularly on heating elements and boilers. • Reduces scale in free flowing water. Reduction claims Capacity (liter) Micron (µm) Flow (lpm) Water application* • 13.200 0,5 3,8 SWC • 34.069 0,5 5,7 SWC HF30-MS • • • • *SWC = Standard water conditions, high turbidity at request. 52.995 0,5 6,3 SWC Model Chlorine taste and smell Sediments Cyst Limestone scale HF10-MS • • • HF20-MS • • • WATER FOR SOFT DRINKS In convenience stores and restaurants alike, the soft drink fountains are oftens amongst the best earning products, and because of this, the quality of the water and protection of the machine are high priorities for most. (post-mix is about 83% water). Designed to give both carbonated and still water soft drink a consistens and high quality water feed to increase customer satisfaction and reduce unplanned service calls, due to limestone scale buildup or bad taste of the water. Your benefits from the soft drink filters: • Avaible in anti-bacterial variant (99,99% efficiency). • Protects the valves and pump of soft drink applications. • High flow capacity secures optimal usage and long lasting filter cartridges. Model Reduction claims Chlorine Sediments Cyst HF30 • • • HF40 • • • Bacteria • HF37 • • • *SWC = Standard water conditions, high turbidity at request. Capacity (liter) Micron (µm) Flow (lpm) Water application* 52.996 0,5 6,3 SWC 94.635 0,2 7,9 SWC 20.800 5,0 6,3 SWC WATER FOR ICEMACHINES Machines for producing ice is an important part of food and beverage, and restaurent industry and wether to keep drinks cold or food fresh, many restaurents and manufacturers produce and use big quantities of ice. More than 70% of all errors in these applications are caused by issues with the feed water. This filter has been designed to reduce the need for service of ice applications. The cartridge will reduce limesstone scale buildup, as well as bad taste or smell and loose particles from water pipes. This filter comes in normal and anti-bacterial versions, reducing bacteria by 99,99%. Your benefits from choosing this filter: • Typically no need for pre-filter. Total solution. • Reduce the turbidity of the water, resulting in clearer ice. • Greatly reduces the corroding effect of chlorine and magnesium of metal. • Wide selection of sizes and variants secures your needs can be met. Reduction claims Model HF20-S Chlorine Sediments Cyst • • • Bacteria HF40-S • • • • *SWC = Standard water conditions, high turbidity at request. Limestone scale Capacity (liter) Micron (µm) Flow (lpm) Water applikation* • 34.069 0,5 5,7 SWC • 94.635 0,2 7,9 SWC Ultrafilter Skandinavien ApS Sunekær 1 5471 Søndersø Denmark (+45) 82 30 30 20 (+45) 64 81 37 40 info@ultra-filter.dk www.ultra-filter.com SERVICE ABOUT US We offer start-up, installation and a wide range of service solutions for all our products. In 2010, Ultrafilter Scandinavia ApS was established in collaboration with ultrafilter GMBH, with the intention of selling compressed air and process filtration products to the Nordic countries. Today, the sale doesn’t end at the Nordic countries but also include the Baltic countries, Poland and many others. We produce and distribute filters and filtration products for compressed air, gases, water, liquids, Nitrogen and Oxygen Generators, as well as a variety of services and testing equipment. Our warehouse is located in Denmark, and delivers daily to all the Nordic countries and much of the world. OUR PARTNERS
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