Mother of Divine Grace School Summer Classes 2015


Mother of Divine Grace School Summer Classes 2015
Mother of Divine Grace School
Summer Classes
#1 – Natural Science
Natural Science is an important course that Mother of Divine Grace School offers. It is a precursor to the
study of the soul, the De Anima of Aristotle. Unfortunately, we notice many students skipping this
formative course in favor of additional biology co urses or physics. If you are considering skipping this
course due to the demands of your student’s colleges or interests, think again. This is a way to complete
½ credit of the course in a slightly abridged format. Additionally, direction is given to comp lete the
course for a full credit. As Natural Science investigates the formal and final causes,
it is most appropriately done before biology, but it can be done either before or
after. Class is open for rising 9 th graders through 12 th graders; preference given
to 10th, 11 th, & 12 th graders.
Cost: $120
Dates: June 16, June 18, June 23, June 25, June 30, July 2, July 9 and July 14
Time: 11 AM- 1 PM PT.
#2 - Health
Margaret Hayden, James Berquist and Cyndi Montanaro will offer a 4 -week intensive course focused on
health, culminating in a paper. This class will use the materials listed in the MODG syllabus, and is open
to students in grades 9-12. The MODG Health course uses the encyclical
Casti Connubii, supplemented with the Catechism of the Catholic Church (the entire
text of the encyclical Casti Connubi can be found in the MODG Health syllabus,
which your consultant can load to your family site). This course provide s the
student with an excellent overview of the Catholic moral teaching on marriage,
sexuality, and family life. Students will receive 0.5 credits for this course. Laura
Berquist is offering a companion class for parents!
Student Version Cost: $120.00
Dates: June 17, June 24, July 1 and July 8
Time: 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM PT or 1:00 PM-3:00 PM PT
Parent Version Cost: $60 (parent only)/$30 (if student is enrolled in student version)
Dates: June 18, June 25
Time: 4 PM – 6 PM PT
#3 – Practical Economics
This course will address many topics, such as the role of money, work, a living wage, insurance, debt and
interest, tithing, charity, disposable income, subsidiarity principles, governmental assistance, and loans.
In the course of this class, students will be asked to do a debate, prepare a budget
and write a short paper. Class will meet twice per week for two weeks.
Essentials readings available online for free; a few supplemental materials
recommended that you purchase. Class led by Jen Dunlap.
Cost: $120
Dates: June 23, June 30, July 7 and July 14
Time: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM PT
#4 - Test Prep Class (ACT)
Jen Dunlap & Amanda Mills, two of our most experienced Test Prep teachers, will meet with students
twice a week for three weeks to prepare them for the ACT. Students will be required to take practice
tests before coming to class so that the teacher can pinpoint their trouble spots. This class will also
cover test taking strategy. It will also include a vocabulary study element to aid with the critical reading
section and math content review. All materials will be provided. Open to Grades 10-12.
Cost: $100
Dates: June 15, June 17, June 22, June 24, June 29 and July 1
Time: 8:00 AM-9:15 AM PT
#5 - Photography for High School Students
In the summer Photography class, learn how to
use light, composition, depth of field,
and perspective to create beautiful images of
landscapes, animals and people.
Any camera will work, even your phone. Class
will include sharing of assignments for comments
and direction. Everyone is a photographer! Open
to Grades 9-12 (includes rising 9 th graders). This
class, led by Kim McCarthy, can counts towards a
Fine Arts credit. Log your hours!
Dates: June 18, June 25, July 2 and July 9
Time: 9:00-11:00 AM PT
#6 – Methods in Literary Analysis.
In this summer class, students will read, discuss and apply the principles laid out in Mortimer Adler’s
book “How to Read a Book.” This work is one that is ordered to making one read carefully and with
greater comprehension of the material at hand. It will make one a better, more careful reader. Students
will first read and discuss the material. They will then apply his principles to various reading materials.
Class may be done for credit.
Cost: $120
Dates: June 15, June 22, June 29, July 6, July 13, July 20, July 27
Time: 2:00 PM PT-3:30PM PT
Credit: ½ credit, Grades 10-12
Parent Offerings:
#7.a - Coaching Writing for Parents: We are pleased
to offer a two hour discussion hosted by Cyndi
Montanaro, an experienced LS Teacher, Consultant,
and mother of enrolled students, on how to work
with your child to improve his writing. This class is
strongly suggested for families in Learning Support.
Class: Two separate classes for Coaching Writing: July
28 at 10:00 – 12:00 Pacific and August 11 at 10:00-12:00 Pacific Cost: $20
#7.b Writing Practicum: Cyndi Montanaro offers a follow up to Coaching Writing for Parents. In this
writing practicum, Cyndi and moms work together to build an assignment and then take an actual
assignment and work to perfect it. This class is open to anyone who has taken the Coaching Writing class
at any time. Class: August 12 th 10:00-12:00 Cost: $15
#8 - Internet Safety Classes: A two hour discussion hosted by Cyndi Montanaro based upon her article,
“Keeping Our Children Safe in a Digital Age”, about monitoring internet activity in the home. This class is
valuable for any family, but strongly suggested for anyone with students in Le arning Support. Class: Two
separate classes for Internet Safety: August 11 th at 12:00 – 2:00 Pacific and August 17 th at 12:00-2:00
Pacific Cost: $20
#9 - St Thomas on Sacraments: Question 60-65: The sacraments and their nature is a topic that
Catholics should undertake to study at some point. As sacramental preparation must begin with parents
in the home, parents have a vested interested in understanding the nature of a sacrament. Join James
Berquist to discuss the wise words of St. Thomas on the nature of sacraments. The class will meet four
times for 2 hours at a time.
Cost: $100
Dates: June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21
Time: 4:00-6:00 PM Pacific
Summer 2015 Workshops for Students:
Want to do just a few fun activities this summer? Sign up for our
single day classes. We have many offerings that would appeal to
students at many different levels.
#10 - Writing Workshops with Kristin Crook
Paragraphing: This workshop will cover the basic building blocks of writing —how to build
paragraphs and how paragraphs build papers. Class: July 27 th 10:00-12:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Summarizing: This workshop will focus on Main Idea and ordering information well. Tr ansition
devices will also be emphasized. Class: July 28 th 10:00-12:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Outlining and Note taking: This workshop will go over the basics of note taking and offer a
variety of pre-writing strategies. Class: July 29 th 10:00-12:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Upper Level Papers: This workshop will give practical help for developing thesis statements,
conducting research, and strengthening organization in upper level papers . Class: July 30 th
10:00-12:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Citation Skills: This workshop will address academic integrity and how to cite sources using the
Chicago Method and MLA. Class: July 31 st 10:00-12:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Earth Science Writing Orientation: This workshop will give students a glimpse of the Earth
Science course and ease them into the writing that it involves. This will include tips on taking
notes, doing research, organization, and proofreading. Class: August 3 rd 10:00-12:00 Pacific Time
#11 - Other Workshops
Answering Islam: This will be a lecture exploring the worldview presented by Islam and seeing
where it goes wrong. No preparation necessary. Lecture by James Berquist. Class: August 3 rd
4:00-6:00 Pacific Time Cost: $20
Discussion and Dramatization: Macbeth: This is a three part class. The first class meets with
James Berquist to discuss the play; the second and third classes meet with a Radio Theater
teacher to dramatize it for fun. Log class hours to count towards Fine Arts credit. Classes: July
15th, July 20 th, July 22 nd at 11:00-1:00 Pacific Time. Cost: $45
Museum Tours: Travel with us to some of the finest museums in the world. You don’t even have
to leave home. Log your hours to count this towards your Fine Arts credit. Tours visit different
museums for sign up for either or both. Classes: June 16 th at 1:00 Pacific; June 23 rd at 1:00
Pacific. Cost: $15
Enrolled families: please register through your family site. Non-enrolled families: please fill out
this registration form and return it to the MODG office:
407 Bryant Circle Suite B1 Ojai, California 93023
Phone: (805) 646-5818 Fax: (805) 646-9921
Email Paula Lyons: (please do not include cc # if emailing form)
Natural Science
Student Health
 11 AM – 1 PM
 1 PM- 3 PM
Health – Parent Class
Practical Economics
Test Prep
Methods in Literary Analysis
Coaching Writing
 July 28th
 August 11th
Internet Safety
 August 11 th
 August 17th
Aquinas – Sacraments
Writing Workshops
 Paragraphing 7/27
 Summarizing 7/28
 Outlining/Note taking 7/29
 Upper Level Papers 7/30
 Citation Skills 7/31
 Earth Science Writing
Orientation 8/3
Answering Islam
Museum Tours
 June 16 th
 June 23rd
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