What is the Difference Between Muzara`ah and Mukhabarah?


What is the Difference Between Muzara`ah and Mukhabarah?
What is the Difference Between
Muzara'ah and Mukhabarah?
Islamic Finance
By: Majd Bakir, Financial Analyst (majd@financialencyclopedia.net)
Muzara'ah (‫ )مزارعة‬is a cultivation (plantation) partnership between a land owner and a farmer in
which the former provides a piece of land and the latter contributes efforts and expertise to grow
a crop therein. The total yield (ghallah) of the land is divided between the two partners according
to specific percentages.
On the other hand, mukhabarah (‫ )مخابرة‬is a type of sharecropping whereby a plot of land is
rented for part of its yield (ghallah).
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