Congregational Meeting & Farewell Reception This Sunday, April 19


Congregational Meeting & Farewell Reception This Sunday, April 19
Congregational Meeting &
Farewell Reception This Sunday, April 19
The session has called a Congregational Meeting for this
Sunday, April 19 following the 9:30 am worship service.
The purpose of the meeting is to dissolve the pastoral
relationship of First Presbyterian Church of Findlay with
Rev. Patrick Cherry. Patrick has accepted a call to Christ
the Word Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. His
last day with us will be April 19. There will be a farewell
reception in Fellowship Hall following the meeting to
celebrate and thank Patrick for the nearly 4 ½ years he
has served and shared his gifts with us. Please join the
staff as we wish Patrick, Kate, Micah and baby brotherto-be, the very best, safe travels, health, and happiness.
A place of
work  witness
welcome  worship
Volume 64, No. 15
April 10, 2015
Nursery School Garage Sale – Part 2
Let Us Worship God
Sunday, April 19.
Luke 24:36-48
& 1 John 3:1-3
“See What Love”
Rev. Cynthia Holder Rich
Rev. Patrick Cherry
Communion Worship
8:00 a.m. – Chapel
Communion Weekly
Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. - Sanctuary
Music: Chancel Choir
The bus driver for the 9:30
am worship service Sunday,
April 19 is Dave Martaus
THIS Saturday, April 18, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the
Great Room. Due to poor weather in February, we are
delighted to offer another opportunity to offer some great,
gently used items for sale (CASH ONLY PLEASE). Items FOR
CHILDREN including infant, toddler, preschool clothing, toys,
stuffed animals, highchairs, car seats, or other children’s
items. MATERNITY CLOTHES are also available. Items
are clean and in good working order. If you are looking
for children and maternity items, stop by and check it
out! Proceeds from the Garage Sale benefit the First
Presbyterian Church Nursery School.
What does excellence in music ministry look like? What would you like to see, hear, and/or
engage in ministries of music at FPC? What ideas do you have for our congregation's future
music ministries? What do you like about what is happening, and what suggestions do you have
for growth of this important part of our common work? The Worship Committee invites you to a
MUSIC SUMMIT to address these questions and help them plan for the future. Sunday, April 26,
11:30-2:30 pm in the Great Room -- lunch will be provided. Anyone who loves music, plays or
sings music, or has an interest in our music ministry to and with the congregation and the
community is very much encouraged to attend. Questions? Be in touch with Elder Bob McEvoy,
Worship Committee co-chair, at PLEASE RSVP to the office to let us
know you will be there!
Are You a Gardener?
Garden plots behind the church are available. Plots are $10 each.
Assignments will be made soon so preparations can be done for planting
season. Call the church office if you would like one, 419-423-2112.
We are an active open community of Christians seeking to know and glorify God,
nurturing all people and sharing Christ’s love and teachings.
Adapted from Article Originally Published June 23, 2014
It was past my bedtime, but I found myself turning the page of yet another good book eager to see how the
story would continue as I began a new chapter. I always love a good story. Some chapters are long and
others are short. Some chapters leave you hanging in suspense. Others may leave you frustrated or angry as
the plot thickens. At times, one of the threads of the story is brought to a nice satisfying conclusion…only to
be turned upside down as you begin the next chapter! Yet, no matter the elicited emotion, a good book
assures that the story continues when we turn the page.
I find these thoughts and feelings brewing in my mind as I consider this past month and months to come. As
many of you know, I have entered my last week of my time as pastor here at the First Presbyterian Church of
Findlay, OH. Much like the varied reactions we have to the chapter of a book, there is a mixture of emotions on the heels of this
announcement. Some celebrate and affirm the answered call my family has taken to help plant a new church in North Carolina. Others
grieve, struggle with disappointment or frustration. Perhaps some wrestle with a combination of everything mentioned!
Many emotions surround this congregation as one chapter of ministry draws to a close as my family and I say farewell and you prepare
to look to a new chapter. Some anxiously await what this new chapter will bring. Others may long for another time. Still others
celebrate a new beginning and start of a grand new chapter. A myriad of emotions and thoughts abound.
When we read any book, we place a certain amount of trust in the author. We must trust that the author is leading us somewhere
worthwhile. As the story continues and we invest more of our precious time in reading the pages, the level of trust and comm itment
required increases. It is this very trust that leads us to turn the page!
We are a part of a greater story that is still being written. The story began long before us and will likely continue well beyond us. While
our decisions, actions, reactions, and emotions are important, they form a minor thread in a far greater story. Our prospective must be
tempered by the knowledge of this larger narrative, but even more by our trust in the Author of that narrative.
We all have a part to play, but we are not the authors of this great story. We are not the authors. Any one congregation is not the author
of the story. No pastor, elder, denomination, or human individual is the author of our story. The Creator of All, the Lord of Hosts, the
Savior of the World, the God of Isaac and Jacob, the Great I AM, and Emmanuel, is THE Author of this story!
We are all entitled to our joys and our concerns, our tears and our fears, our anxiety and assurance. But I humbly ask that you consider THE
Author of our story and place your trust in the ONE who invites us into the next chapter of an ongoing story that has yet to come to its
conclusion. God is still at work and each of us can witness what marvelous works await us in the coming chapters, if we but turn the page!
Grace & Peace,
Join us at 10:45 a.m. this Sunday!
Welcome & Fellowship ............................Front Entrance
Get a cup of coffee or tea & join us for fellowship. There
will be members on hand to greet visitors and guests
and provide information about our church.
Farewell Reception .................................. Fellowship Hall
Please come as we say thank you and goodbye to Patrick
and his family. The reception will include recognition,
presentation, light treats and beverages. Join us.
All women - mothers, daughters,
grandmas, aunts, sisters and
girlfriends - are invited to the
Presbyterian Women’s Spring
Garden Party, Thursday, April 30, at 6 pm in the Great
Room. The menu for the evening will be a soup and
salad bar, beverages and dessert, for $5 per person.
Included in the cost will be a surprise program. Watch
your mail for a formal invitation. Advanced sign up is
required by April 27 to assure enough food for all to eat.
See the sheet outside the church office or call 419-4232112. Hope you can come. THINK SUNSHINE!
Congratulations to Amanda Hall & Jason Howland who were married on March 17, in Lima. Maureen Hall is Amanda’s
mother and Suzanne Kilpatrick is her grandmother. Our sympathy to Kay & Bob Chesebro and Mickie & Lee Mathews and
family following the death of their great granddaughter Lilah Jane Caroline Mathews on April 13, in Austin, Texas.
Congratulations to Chase & Rebecca Scarbrough on the birth of their daughter Anna Isabelle Scarbrough on April 13, in
Columbus. Joyce & Stan Scarbrough are Anna’s grandparents and Anna & Carroll Scarbrough are her great-grandparents.
Parenting Children, Not Labels
A.D.D.? Autistic? Normal? There are many labels used
to describe our children, but what are the important
strategies to know in order to nurture our kids to be the
best they can be? Sign-up for this 5 week series on
understanding the labels that are placed on our children
and incorporating the best learning practices to guide
children and learn that labels don’t define who they are.
April 15-May 13, 2015. Family dinner is provided, 5:30-6
pm in Fellowship Hall. Class is 6-7:30 pm in Rooms 209210. The class is led by Beth Niemeyer and Nancy
Stephani. DURING THE PARENTING CLASS: Children K5th Grade are invited to participate in KIC program.
Please RSVP by the Monday before the class for dinner
& childcare by calling 419-423-2112 or email Childcare is for children pre-K and
younger and is also provided at no cost. For more
information or to register call the church office at 419423-2112 or email
May 19, FPC hosts MVP, Volunteers Needed
Maumee Valley Presbytery will meet on Tuesday, May
19, 2015 beginning at 3 p.m. at First Presbyterian
YOUR HELP IS VITAL! The following is a list of volunteers
that will be needed for the opportunity to share our
fellowship and hospitality as the host church:
 2 at Welcome Table
 2 Hospitality
 2 at Dinner Check-In (Reservations)
 6-10 for food prep/serving/clean-up
 4 ushers
 2 childcare providers (youth - 1 scheduled
2:45-5:45 pm; 1 scheduled 5:45-9 pm) will
work with a Crib Room staff person. The
Presbytery will pay youth volunteers for childcare.
 3 to direct parking
As you can see we need a number of volunteers.
Remember “many hands make light work”. Please call the
church office (419.423.2112), email (,
or sign up on the bulletin board ASAP if you can help.
Thank you
Living through Loss
Grief & Tough Topics. Monday, April 20, 7–8:30 p.m.
Patient Pavilion-Marathon Auditorium, Blanchard Valley
Hospital. Carmen Cupples, LISW, Pathways Christian
Counseling will facilitate. Registration is appreciated. The
presentation is followed by a discussion group.
Participation in the discussion group is optional. Many
people find them helpful. Please call 419-423-5351 to
register. Living through Loss is sponsored by Bridge Home
Health and Hospice.
KIC (Kids In Christ) - K-5th grade,
Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall. The evening
includes dinner, Bible lesson,
games and a craft. We begin with
a meal in Fellowship Hall. Contact
Amy VanAtta 419-423-2112x25 or
Youth News
T.U.G. Youth Group
youth group needs you! We have 5 more youth group
nights and we are in need another adult to hang out with
us during those times! Come one night or all 5! If you
are interested in what we’re doing, or have a passion for
youth please email Mary or call her to sign up! 419-4232112, x28, TUG will meet on
Sunday, April 19 at 6 pm in the Great Room.
Mission Trip Meeting
April 19 there will be a Mission Trip parent meeting
before TUG at 5 pm for parents of those going on the
mission trip to North Carolina. Youth are also
encouraged to come!
Scavenger Hunt, May 2
Scavenger Hunt on May 2 from 1-3 pm! This is a great
and fun family event as well as a fundraising opportunity
for the youth group! Form your team and sign them up
on the bulletin boards outside the youth office! The cost
is $10/per person and a maximum team number is 6!
We are also looking for 2-3 people who would love to be
involved, but don’t want to run around downtown
Findlay. These volunteers will help calculate points at
the end of the Scavenger Hunt. Let Mary know if you are
Back Yard Mission Trip
The Backyard Mission is Saturday, April 25. Get a group
together to help fellow members and Findlay neighbors
who need a hand! Help with food or service. The small
donation of one day of your time is a HUGE gift to many
people. Let Mary know if you are interested.
FPC Financial Corner as of March 31, 2015
To Date
$54,495 .................... $131,451
Expenditures $62,987 .................... $225,095
If you would like a copy of the latest financial statement, please
contact Dana Bourne.
Capital Campaign Part II:
Campaign Goal: ........................................ $2,500,000
Pledges Received: ..................................... $1,235,540
Loan balance as of March 31, 2015 = $635,162
FIRST NEWS & VIEWS (USPS #604-100) is
published weekly by the First Presbyterian Church,
2330 S. Main Street, Findlay, OH 45840-1146.
Periodicals postage paid at Findlay, OH.
POSTMASTER: send address change to
First News & Views
First Presbyterian Church,
2330 S. Main Street, Findlay, OH 45840-1146
8:00 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Communion Worship
Prayer Ministry
Chancel Choir
Fellowship Time
Traditional Worship
Congregational Meeting
Children’s Choir
Sunday School
Cherry Ministry Farewell Reception
Worship Telecast of April 12
TUG Youth Group
Special Session Meeting
April 19
Ch. 21
April 20
Worship Telecast of April 12
Ch. 21
Women of Faith
Flag City Cloggers
Youtheatre Young Playwright rehearsal
Boy Scout Troop 304
Millstream Singers
April 21
Men’s Breakfast
Café Marie
Ohio Connections Academy Testing 333, 340
Staff Meeting
Ariel Rehearsal
Japanese Playgroup
107, 107A
Presbytery Council
Evangelism Committee
CMC Dinner
Personnel Committee
Presb. Women Coordinating Team
April 22
Ohio Connections Academy Testing 333, 340
Gather-Ring Handbell Choir
10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
Stephen Ministry Celebration
FH, GR, 338
Parenting Children, Not Labels Class
Children’s Choir
Youtheatre Young Playwright rehearsal112-113
Chancel Bells
Mothers & More Open House
Chancel Choir
April 23
Miller’s Men’s Group
Ohio Connections Academy Testing 333, 340
Head Start Staff
Worship Committee
Youtheatre Young Playwright rehearsal
April 24
Backyard Mission Trip
April 25
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