easter sunday april 5, 2015 - First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne


easter sunday april 5, 2015 - First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne
APRIL 5, 2015
He Qi, The Empty Tomb
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are so glad that you are here. We hope that joining us
for worship today will nurture your heart and transform your mind. Here at First Pres our mission is
transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ—that simple and that challenging. We realize we
need each other and commit to pray for each other. We reach out in love and compassion to a world in
need, and we know we are a work in progress.
If you are new to First Pres, we hope you will join us again and consider attending any of our
mission, fellowship and education opportunities. If you would like to learn more about us, please fill out
the visitor information on the “rose card” in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. You are also
more than welcome to contact any of our pastors over the phone or by email. God's peace to you today.
Rev. Jeff Lehn, Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An and Rev. Arianne Lehn. (contact information on inside back page)
† Those who are able please stand
Large print hymnals are available; please ask an Usher.
FESTIVAL PRELUDE Grand Choeur Dialogue
Eugene Gigout/arr. Gary Olson
Richard Hillert
Richard Hillert
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
setting by Robert A. Hobby
As the Prelude begins, we invite you into a period of quiet reflection as we begin our preparation for worship.
INTROIT Christ Triumphant *
Mark Patterson
Christ triumphant, death’s prisoner no more; Christ triumphant, exalted, risen Lord. Sing with joy this Easter
day; Christ is risen from the grave. Alleluia, rejoice! Come praise the risen Lord!
One: Joyful is the sound we make this morning! For this day liberates us from doubt and fear.
All: Thankful is the song we sing! For this day moves us past bewilderment and despair.
One: Hopeful is the prayer on our lips! For this day awakens in us long-awaited new life.
All: Jesus promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.”
One: The tomb is empty, light has extinguished darkness and new creation has dawned.
All: The living Christ is with us here and now, at this hour, in these pews, setting us free to love
and serve.
One: Friends, Christ is risen!
All: Christ is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!
†HYMN No. 232 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
One: When the women first encountered the empty tomb and the risen Christ, they were flabbergasted.
“How could this be?” they wondered. They were afraid, yet they summoned their faith. They were
doubtful, yet they persevered. In the same spirit, let us confess our brokenness, yet strive for our
Easter faith.
All: Gracious and gritty God, even as we sing of Christ’s resurrection and the promise of new life,
we know things are not the way they are supposed to be in your world. We have hurt ourselves
and others. We have chased after appearance, affluence and achievement. We have missed the
life that is truly life. Please forgive us. Please give us a second chance. Please empower us.
Invade our hearts and lives with your self-giving love and transform us into new people. We
are yours, now and always. Amen.
One: Christ is alive and all things are being made new! Because of Christ, the old is gone and the new has
come. Because of Christ, grace is really true. Because of Christ, reconciliation is possible. Friends,
believe the good news of the gospel!
All: Christ is risen! Thanks be to God.
†GLORIA PATRI No. 581 Glory Be to the Father
Henry W. Greatorex
All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the
beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
One: The peace of Christ be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: As we gather, we remember we are God’s beloved children. Let us greet each other in the peace of
Christ while saying, “God loves you!”
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign and pass the friendship pad to those in your pew.)
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Please join in singing Jesus Loves Me as the children come forward.
(After the Children’s Message, children will return to the pews to enjoy the service with their families.)
ANTHEM “Since By Man Came Death” from Messiah *
G.F. Handel
Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
“Worthy is the Lamb” from Messiah *
G.F. Handel
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us to God by His blood,
To receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.
Blessing and honor, glory and power, be unto Him, be unto Him
that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever.
†HYMN No. 233 The Day of Resurrection
One: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God!
Terror and Amazement Seized Them
OFFERING “The Trumpet Shall Sound” from Messiah
One: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them up to the Lord.
One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Mark 16:1-8, pages 54-55
Reader: Myra Mae McFarland
Rev. Jeff Lehn
G.F. Handel/arr. Hopson
All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive
our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,
and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
SHARING OF COMMUNION Please remain seated while the elements are being distributed.
Worshipers should partake of the bread as it is served. A gluten-free option is available in a cup in the middle
of each serving plate.
Please hold the cup until all have been served, so that we may all drink together.
All: God, in deep gratitude for this moment, this meal, these people, we give ourselves to you.
Take us out as changed people because we have shared the living bread and cannot remain
the same. Ask much of us, expect much from us, enable much by us, encourage many
through us. God, may we live to your glory, both as inhabitants of earth and citizens of your
kingdom. Amen.
†HYMN No. 238 Thine Is the Glory
†CHORAL RESPONSE “Hallelujah!” from Messiah *
G.F. Handel
†POSTLUDE “Finale” from First Organ Sonata in d minor
Alexandre Guilmant/arr. Eberhard Ramm
*Anthem note: “Christ Triumphant” is a new anthem written by Mark Patterson. Patterson is a composer,
educator and clinician who resides in Austin, Texas where he is the Director of Choirs at Covington Middle School and
Director of the Choristers Choir at Covenant Presbyterian Church. His compositions are for children, youth and adult
choirs and are in a variety of styles. He is known for meaningful texts and memorable melodies. “Since by Man
Came Death” and “Worthy is the Lamb” both come from the third part of Handel’s Messiah. Handel wrote the
Messiah in 1741 and it was first performed in Dublin on April 13, 1742 and premiered in London a year later. “Since
by Man Came Death” is based on I Corinthians 15:21-22 (For since death came through a human being, the
resurrection of the dead has also come through a human being; for as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in
Christ). “Worthy is the Lamb” is based on Revelation 5:12-13 (“Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive
power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing?” Then I heard every creature in heaven
and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing, “To the one seated on the throne and
to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”). “Hallelujah” is the final movement of
the second part of the Messiah. Apparently at the London premiere in 1743, King George II stood during “Hallelujah!”
which made everyone else stand. Portions of the text come from Revelation 19:6 (for the Lord God omnipotent
reigneth), Revelation 19:16 (King of Kings and Lords of Lords) and Revelation 11:15 (And he shall reign for ever and
Scripture reading for today Mark 16:1-8
Lectionary readings for today Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11;
John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8; (Easter Evening) Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 114; 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; Luke 24:13-49
Lectionary readings for next week Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31
Preaching Scripture for next week will be John 20:19-31
The CHANCEL FLOWERS for Holy Week and Easter are given by members and friends of the congregation to
the glory of God in loving memory of:
 E. Ross & Marian Adair by their family
 Francis & Emma Almeida, father, mother, Nana, Grandfather, Great-grandfather and Great-grandmother, by
Edgar, Betty-Alice, Tyler, Kelly, Nicholas & Matthew Almeida and Kimberley Almeida de Atarama &
Martin Atarama
 Ann & John Andreas, Doras Bailey, Bill Moody, Elsie Myers, Lloyd Pinkerton, Jack Ruhl, Elbert Smith, Jean Volz
and Marion Walley by their friends
 Dorothy Bitzel by Rollyn & Julie Coverdale
 Richard Bokern by his wife, Virginia
 Raymond, Bernice & Terrill Borne by Catherine Borne
 Gail M., Stephen A. and Dan Boyer, and Terry Black, aunt, uncles and cousin by Kimberley Almeida de Atarama
and Tyler & Kelly Almeida
 Leo & Hazel Brenizer and Jose & Gilda Perez by Ned & Ady Brenizer
 Kirk & Rick Bugher by Dick & Peg Bugher
 Edmund & Florence Cadarette by their son & daughter-in-law, George & Julie Cadarette
 Reid G. & Janet K. Chapman and Mark C. Chapman by Arthur “Chuck” & Linda Chapman
 Bob Christon by Norma Christon, Kent Christon & family and Kristin Klausing
 Lowell S. Coats by Virginia B. Coats
 Emerson Evans by Tara, Scott & Ava Meyer
 Family members by Sandy Shearer & Dick Florea
 Richard Ferguson by Dorothy Ferguson & family
 James Fletchall by Jim & Kaye Lobsiger
 Tom Foltz, C.V. & Helen Foltz, Fred, LaVerne and Wanda Cohrs by Luci Foltz
 Grandparents by Edgar & Betty-Alice Almeida
 Husband, Robert Snyder, daughter, Lisa Shelton and loved ones, by Marilyn Snyder, son and brother,
Kent Snyder & family
 Richard Inskeep by Harriett Inskeep
 Jesse and Burton loved ones by Bob & Donna Jesse
 Earl Johns & Evelyn Johns Andrews by their children
 Philip C. Kaiser and loved ones by Phyllis R. Kaiser
 Dr. H. S. Lee by Antoinette Lee, children & grandchildren
 Loved ones by Natalie Ann Bloodgood
 Loved ones by Bonnie Huepenbecker
 Loved ones by Susan & Franklin Johnson and family
 Loved ones by Barbara Kerch
 Harold & Mildred Lowery and Max Taylor by Tom & Anne Barnett
 George R. Mather, Samuel & Henrietta Mather, Gunder & Esther Anderson, and Marjorie Elliott, by Catherine,
Dwight, Emma & Ethan Grimes
 Debra S. McMeen by Scott McMeen
 William F. Mead and Robert F. Mead by Marianne Platt
 David & Elizabeth Morgan, Ilo & Lloyd Forste, and Hari Vasu, M.D., by Beth Marks & family
 Kathleen Moses by the Gumbert family
 My beloved friend, Blanche Griffin, by Marianne Platt
 My parents, Maurice & Eleanor Felger, by Gretchen Wiegel
 Robert P. Norton by Beverly Norton and family
 Our baby angel, James Jeffrey, by Jeff & Renae Schaller
Our loved ones by Lou & Art Brickman
Our parents, Richard W. Worman and William H. & Iole Memmer by Susan & Robin Memmer
Our parents and siblings by Elizabeth & Clairus Dew
Our son, John E. Pierce, by Ed & Pat Pierce
Parents, brothers & sisters, by Don & Isabelle Bosse
Parents, John & Oma Bishop Kauffman by Kathie Bishop
Parents, Ruth & Joe Shanahan, by Mary Campbell
Howard Schneider by Mary Schneider
Nazeera Shaheen by Fahad M. Shaheen
Judy Sites by Tom Sites
George E. Smith, John W. Smith and Lester & Marcella Merica by Anita Wolfe
Maxwell P. Smith by his family
Vrina Stebbins by Gary Stebbins and family
Besty Storey by Hal, John, David, Liza & Daniel Storey
Esther & Axel Swedberg and John & Agnes Shoaff by Eunice & Tom Shoaff
Rolland Weber by Jerry & Joyce Briner
Janice Yancy and Edna Stoneburner by Brenda Stoneburner
An additional gift was given in honor of Louise Taylor by Tom & Anne Barnett
Stephen & Kathy Adair
Tom & Anne Barnett
David & Jane Beer
Otto & Diane Behrens
In honor of Mr. Edward King by Kathie Bishop
Nan Bloodgood
In memory of Richard Bokern by his wife, Virginia
In memory of Carlos “Charlie” Perez by Ned & Ady Brenizer
In memory of Brett Harding, our Grandson and our friend, Bill Mead by Lou & Art Brickman
In memory of Richard Ferguson by Dorothy Ferguson and family
In memory of Tom Foltz by Luci Foltz
Josh & Nancy Gerow
In memory of Walter D. Griest, M.D. by his loving family
Maggie Gu
In memory of Andy Gumbert by the Gumbert Family
In memory of William Moses by the Gumbert Family
Marsha Heller
Alan & David Johns
In celebration of Ben, Katie and Lucy by Ron & Pat Kohart
Carolyn Krebs
In memory of May Louise Thomas by Mary LaRocque
Antoinette Lee
In memory of George R. Mather by Doris Mather and Catherine Mather-Grimes
In memory of their son Robert; parents Emmet and Ruth Mergenthal, and LaMarr and
Irma Bercaw; and Jim’s sister Nancy Mergenthal by Jim & Sondra Mergenthal
 Dan & Elaine Michnay
 Kathryn A. Miller
In loving memory of Jim Platt by his wife Marianne
In memory of Lloyd Pinkerton, Jack Ruhl, George Johnson and Rev. John Scott by Marianne Platt
John & Joan Ruble
In memory of loved ones by David & Judith Ruoff
In memory of Howard Schneider by Mary Schneider
In memory of family members by Sandy Shearer and Dick Florea
In memory of Judy Sites by D. Tom Sites
In memory of Maxwell Smith from his family
In memory of Vrina Stebbins by Gary Stebbins
In memory of Norm & Laurie Williams by their family
In memory of Richard W. Worman and loved ones by Carol Worman and family
Greeters: John & Joan Ruble, Shirley Sona
Ushers: Wendell Cree, Chair; Dave Beer, Justin Etchison, Deb Ward
Acolyte/Crucifer: Sierra Serban, Sydney Serban
Organist: Dr. Chelsea Vaught
Chancel Choir Accompanist: Kathryn A. Miller
Chancel Choir: (Soprano) Christa Cook, Jenniffer Etchison, Mary Jo Meyer, Marianne Platt,
Sandy Shearer, Sherrie Steiner; (Alto) Nancy Archer, Jane Beer, Kathie Bishop, Virginia Coats, Pat Doerr,
Kathy Miller, Fran Page, Marj Sapp, Jill Therrien, Mary Winters; (Tenor) Robin Memmer, Scott McMeen;
(Bass) David Beer, Otto Behrens, Richard Eble, Jim Mergenthal, Dan Michnay, Dr. Hal Thomas
Brass Quintet: Alan Parr; Matt Walter, trumpet; Katherine Loesch, horn; Adam Johnson, trombone;
James Court, tuba
Communion Servers: Jim Ehlich, Dick Florea, Tom Foltz, Jean Linville, Jim Lobsiger, Dave Lundy,
Pat Lundy, Marj Sapp, Cynthia Scott, David Scott, Sandy Shearer, Carole Slater
Children’s Worship Bags, red for Ages 3-6, black for Ages 7-12, are available of the Sanctuary Narthex.
Hospital Visitation and Clergy on Call Schedule: Rev. Youngsoo An will be on call during the week of
April 5. Deacons will assist with hospital visits on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.
Our clergy are off on Mondays, with the pastor on call being available for emergencies. If you need
immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office, 426-7421.
An Elder of the Month is available for a time of private conversation or prayer after each Worship Service.
April Elders of the Month are Suzanne Echtenkamp, 492-4142, and Jim Lobsiger, 637-0795.
Hearing Assistance: Our Chapel and Sanctuary are equipped with the “Hearing Loop” system. Please set
your hearing aid to the “T-coil” or “telephone” setting to access the system. If you do not wear hearing
aids, but would like to hear more clearly, ask an usher for a loop headset.
For information about other ongoing programs and services of the church, please see the Welcome
Brochure in the pew rack.
Please join us for Easter Breakfast from 9:00 - 10:00am this morning and bring the children to
the Easter Egg Hunt at 10:15am.
Family @ First, April 8, 5:30pm Join us as we complete Random Acts of Kindness. We will eat together in
McKay Hall from 5:30-6:15pm, then split up into teams and venture out into our community to complete
acts (prepared for you!). We are accepting donations towards our Acts of Kindness night. Please leave
donations in the Church Office for Jennifer Shaw, or put in the collection plate with 'Random Acts of
Kindness' written on your check or envelope. RSVP for dinner or activity in the Church by today.
First Pres 4th Annual Garage Sale - Is Finally HERE! Benefiting missions in the church and community.
Join us this Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm & Saturday, 9:00am - 2:00pm
Last Chance to view the works of Sadao Watanabe in the Gallery. Next Exhibit will be the Parish Art
Show, April 17 - June 7.
43rd Parish Art Exhibit, Submission Form Due Monday, April 6. It is once again time for our very own
Parish Art Exhibition (April 17 – June 7, 2015) at First Presbyterian Church. This year we are accepting art
from members, adult children of members, and children K-12. Please submit your Paintings, Drawings,
Prints, Ceramics, Sculpture, Photos, Jewelry, Needlework, Crafts, Poetry or Short Stories. Submission Forms
are due April 6, and Artwork is due April 13, in the Church Office. For further information, please call
Carolyn Krebs at 459-0914 or Patty Griest at 625-3543.
Same-Gender Marriage Forum, 10:00am, Parlor. Join us for our second and final forum regarding the
topic of same-gender marriage at First Pres. Last summer the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
(USA) of which we are a member, voted to change the book of order to describe marriage as between two
people, therefore allowing same-gender marriage in states where it is legal. If you are interested, the key
material for their study included: The Bible’s Yes to Same Sex Marriage, An Evangelical's Change of Heart, by
Mark Achtemeier and The Bible and Homosexual Practice by Robert A.J. Gagnon.
Faith Friends—46825, 46845 and 46818 will meet for lunch and fellowship following the 11:00am church
service at Don Hall’s Gas House. They meet the second Sunday of each month, September - May.
Faith Friends—46804, 46814 will be meeting for dinner, today, at Hall's Tavern at Coventry at 5:30pm.
Prayers for our Youth Group — Our Youth will be attending an overnight retreat to the Heifer
International Global Village in Howell, MI April 11-12. Pray for the safe travels of the youth and
chaperones, and for the spirit to work in them that weekend as they learn about the needs of the underprivileged in other countries.
Serving the April Mission meal on April 19. Cooks are needed to prepare a casserole, garlic bread and bar
cookies. Please sign up early at the Church Office. Thank you!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of the bakers, buyers and generous donors who
made last Sunday's bake sale a huge success. We sold out and raised $435 for Vacation Bible School and
other Children's Committee missions.
First Music presents Bradley Sowash, Sunday, April 19, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary. Bradley is a
composer, creative pianist, multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, author and educator specializing in
improvisation. He teachers master classes nationwide, serves as Pop/Jazz chairperson for the Music
Teachers National Association and teaches at the 88 creative Keys Camp. The event is free. For more
information, visit his website at www.bradleysowash.com.
VISITING NURSE— a locally-based, non-profit hospice and palliative care provider is looking for
volunteers to visit patients in area nursing facilities, visit with patients in the home setting, and assist in
Hospice Home. VISITING NURSE has a well-established volunteer program that provides ongoing support
and guidance for the volunteer. Volunteers are needed to help serve patients in Allen and the surrounding
counties. Drop-in information sessions will be held on Thursday, April 9, 16 and 23 from 3-4 pm in the
large conference room at Visiting Nurse, 5910 Homestead Road, Fort Wayne. Volunteer training begins
May 4 at the offices of Visiting Nurse & Hospice Home. For additional information, please call Ann Blue,
Volunteer Coordinator at (260) 435-3222 or annblue@vnfw.org.
EARTH DAY, April 22
▪ Prayer walk downtown from 12:00-12:30pm
▪ 4:30pm - Workshop for Green Teams
▪ 5:30pm - Soup and salad supper, no reservations required, free will offering accepted
▪ 6:30pm - Book review, "Inhabiting Eden"
HOME HOSTED DINNERS are Filling Up! Treat yourself to a sumptuous meal in a private home in the
warm company of a few other theater lovers, and support FPT at the same time. Ask anyone who’s
attended our dinners in the last five years and you’ll know you’re in for a great time! This year’s cast of
hosts are:
April 25 - Dinner
Tom and Allison Corron, French dinner, featuring Beef Bourguignon
April 25 - Dinner
Veterans Linda Kirby and Jerry Hertenstein, featuring Prime Rib
May 2 - Dinner
Becky Coar and Nancy Kartholl
May 3 - Brunch
Luci Foltz, Sunday luncheon at Grandma’s
Each seat is $50 and you can sign up in the Church Office. Because of the generosity of our hosts, all
proceeds go directly to FPT. Questions, contact Jill Therrien at jillt654@frontier.com.
Jubilee Sunday, April 26, 2015. Jubilee Sunday recognizes those who have been active members of First
Presbyterian Church for 50 years or more. Jubilee members will be acknowledged during the 11:00am
service, and a light lunch will be served in McKay Hall following the church service. Reservations may be
made by calling the Church Office, 426-7421, or signing the Reservation sheet in the Church Office by
Monday, April 20.
The Emergency Food Pantry relies on your donated food or money to support its
program of feeding hungry people caught in crisis situations. See the Grocery List
for needed items. If shopping isn’t possible, monetary contributions are accepted by
placing them in the on the food table or in an envelope in the collection plates
during worship. Please bring your donation next Sunday, April 19.
Moved recently or travelling? Our wish is to stay connected with you and keep
you current with the church happenings. Thus, if you’re contact information has
permanently changed or you’re temporarily going out of town, feel free to let us
know by contacting Beth Grueb, 260-426-7421 x101 or bgrueb@firstpres-fw.org.
101 & 103
Newborn to
3 years
church volunteers & youth
Toys and Joys
Resume April 12
age 4 to
Grade 5
Renae Schaller
Liturgical Dance
Jennifer Shaw
Exploring the
New Testament
Resume April 12
Grades 6-12
Resume April 12
Resume April 12
Session Room
Jeff Lehn
Credo: We Believe
Children’s Ministries
Easter Egg Hunt
Age 3 to
Grade 5
Sunglim Shin
KLM Sunday Class
Resume April 12
Age 3 to
rotating volunteer
Resume April 12
Grades 1-2
rotating volunteer
Resume April 12
Grades 3-5
Mary and Sarah Larocque
Andrea Amstutz
The Bible Speaks
300 West Wayne Street † Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Contact us by phone at 260-426-7421
Office Hours:
9:00am - 5:00pm M-F; 9:30 - 12:30pm, Sundays
Our clergy are off on Mondays, with the pastor on call being
available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance,
please contact the Church Office.
Pastor on call, April 5—11, Rev. Youngsoo An
FIRST PRES BOOK & GIFT SHOP: 260-426-7421 x110
Book & Gift Shop hours:
Sundays, 10:30-11:00am and 12:00–12:30pm
Wednesdays & Thursdays, 11:00am-1:30pm
Sadao Watanabe, printmaker
now through April 12, 2015
Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm, M-F; 9:00am-1:00pm, Sundays
Nunsense, April 23 - May 10
Box Office hours during season: 11:00am - 2:00pm W-F and
1 hour prior to performances. Order Theater Tickets online
at 260-422-6329 or www.firstpresbyteriantheater.com
Bradley Sowash
Sunday, April 19 ▪ 4pm in the Sanctuary
(free will offering)
Mr. Mark Hare and Ms. Jenny Bent, Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Rev. John McCall, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan
Rev. Leonel Pech, Amistad Cristiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Rev. Jeffrey T. Lehn, Pastor/Head of Staff
jlehn@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 107
Sondra Mergenthal, Food Services Coordinator
smergenthal@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 126
Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, KLM Associate Pastor
ysan@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 105
Kathryn A. Miller, Assistant Organist
kmiller@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 137
Rev. Arianne Lehn, Associate Pastor
alehn@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 106
Cindi Odle, Communication Director
codle@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 112
Christi Campbell, Box Office Manager
fptboxoffice@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 121
Norma Christon, PT Administrative Assistant
nchriston@firstpres-fw.org or Ext 120
Jo Furr, Financial Assistant
jfurr@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 111
Danielle Gonzalez, Office Manager
dgonzalez@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 102
Beth Grueb, Administrative Associate
bgrueb@firstpres-fw.org or Ext 101
Rev. Bill Haworth, Ex. Dir., Smock Sr. Adult Ministries
smockoffice@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 131
Thom Hofrichter, Managing Artistic Director
thofrichter@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 103
Mary Lynn McIntyre, Smock Administrative Sec.
smock@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 132
Bill Patterson, Maintenance Mechanical Technician
bpatterson@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 144
Marj Sapp, Director of Day School Ministry
msapp@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 108
Jennifer Shaw, Dir. of Children, Youth & Family Ministries
jshaw@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 127
Bob Sutton, FPT Technical Director
bsutton@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 130
Shannon Timmons, Head of Housekeeping
stimmons@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 104
Dr. Chelsea Vaught, Director of Music
cvaught@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 137
Lisa Yarian, Financial Manager
lyarian@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 116
We who are staff members and congregation members know how important it is for our weekday work to be performed accurately.
Something you tell us on Sunday can be forgotten by Monday, so please follow up any Sunday morning conversations with staff with a
phone or e-mail reminder, or leave a written note in the Church Office. Thank you.
Visit our website: www. firstpres-fw.org
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/firstpresfortwayne
Easter Sunday
KLM City-Wide Easter Worship Service, CH
KLM City-Wide Breakfast, FH
Easter Sunrise Communion Service, Narthex
Easter Brass/Organ Rehearsal, SB, SC
Easter Breakfast, MH
Chancel Choir warm-up, SB
KLM Choir practice, 201
Easter Egg Hunt, CY
First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
Nursery, 101, 103
Festival Prelude, SC
11:00am Festival Worship, Communion, SC
KLM Worship, CH
KLM Sunday Class, 200
12:00pm KLM Fellowship, FH
First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
1:30pm KLM Choir Practice, 201
First News articles due
Day School Chapel, CH
Connections Group (L. Foltz), SR
3B Fitness, FH
Study Connection– Rising Stars, PR
Day School Staff Meeting, PR
Prayer Day: John McCall, Mission Co-worker, Taiwan
9:30am Clergy Prayer, CH
IECC Steering Committee, 302
10:00am Staff Meeting, SR
First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
11:00am Staff Worship Planning, SR
5:30pm Personnel Committee, 302
Worship Committee, SR
Prayer Day: Presbyterian workers in the Middle East
10:00am Table Talk I, 306
11:00am First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
1:30pm 3B Fitness, FH
All day
BKS - Book & Gift Shop
CH - Chapel
CL - Chapel Lounge
CY- Courtyard
FH - Fellowship Hall
FO - Front Office
GL - Gallery
KLR-Kitchen lower level
K2 - Kitchen, 2nd floor
LB - Library
LE - Lobby Elevator
LN - Lobby North
MF - McKay Foyer
MH - McKay Hall
2:30pm Table Talk II, 306
5:00pm Adult Education Committee, SR
Family @ First, MH
5:30pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 201
7:00pm KLM Wednesday Worship Service, SR
Prayer Day: Mark Hare & Jenny Bent,
Mission Co-workers, Haiti & the Dom. Republic
9:00am (Set-Up) Garage Sale Vendors, MH
9:30am Women’s Bible Study, SR
11:00am KLM Thursday Bible Study, 304
First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, MR
9:00am 4th Annual FPC Garage Sale, MH, SDR
1:30pm 3B Fitness, FH
9:00am 4th Annual FPC Garage Sale, MH, SDR
All Day Youth Group Retreat, OS
All Day Youth Group Retreat, OS
9:00am Worship Service, CH
9:45am Nursery, 101, 103
10:00am Christian Education—see Education Box inside
KLM Choir practice, 201
Same-sex Marriage Forum, PR
10:15am Chancel Choir warm-up, SB
10:30am First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
11:00am Worship, SC
KLM Worship, CH
KLM Sunday Class, 200
11:15am Children’s Sunday School, 206, 207, 210
12:00pm KLM Fellowship, FH
First Pres Book & Gift Shop Open, BKS
12:15pm Green Team Meeting, SDR
1:00pm First Hope, 300
1:30pm KLM Choir Practice, 201
MK - Main Kitchen
MR - Music Room
OS - Offsite
PO - Pastor’s Office
PR - Parlor
SB - Sanctuary Balcony
SC - Sanctuary
SDR - Small Dining Room
SR - Session Room
TH - Theater
THS - TowneHouse
YL - Youth Lounge, 209, 212