The Fountain - First Presbyterian Church


The Fountain - First Presbyterian Church
213 W. HOME AVE.
(843) 332-3622
The Fountain
The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life.
Proverbs 13:14
June 4, 2015
Special Points of
A Note from Our Pastor
Sunday School
Summer Blood
Inside this issue:
Church Calendar
Sunday School
Children and
Youth Ministries
Church Family
Prayer List
Staff Listing
When the motivation of Jesus to suffer for us is described in the Bible, in
the book of Hebrews, it says, “for the joy that was set before him . . .” [Hebrews
When the Apostle James writes to encourage some discouraged
Christians, he writes, “Count it all joy . . .” [James 1.2]
When the 100th Psalm speaks of our participation in worship, it says,
“Make a joyful noise!”
The word “joy” is used hundreds of times in the Bible to speak of our
encounters with God, his spiritual fruit developed in our hearts, our fellowship
with one another, and especially our worship. I want to remind you of a few
things about our worship.
Worship is the central act of every Christian Church.
Worship is both the duty and the privilege of every Christian.
Worship is giving “worth” to someone – in this case, God.
Worship is not only what we do on Sunday mornings, but what we might
do throughout the week. However, worshipping together on Sunday morning is
the greatest source of our faith, strength and mutual encouragement.
Worship is the main part of our discipleship, for worship acknowledges
Jesus as Lord in every dimension and decision of our lives.
Worship is our joy. When we come to worship services, we find that God
is already here. Jesus’ promise is true: “Where two or more are gathered in my
name, I am there among you.” [Matthew 18.20]
While we have entered the coming and going season of our warmest
weather of the year, and breaks from school and vacations from work, let us not
neglect our worship. We need to be in worship for our own sake, as worship realigns our heart and mind with God’s good purpose for our lives. We need to be
in worship to encourage others. We need to be in worship to grow our faith. We
need to be in worship because our gracious, loving, almighty God is deserving of
our praise.
I encourage you to try not to miss worship this summer – and don’t miss
the joy, either!
Your pastor,
Dr. Dan Sansbury
ADDED NOTE: please continue your summer reading of I-II Samuel. Prizes
await the first ten who do so, and who let me know.
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The Fountain
Church Calendar for June 4 through July 26
Thursday, June 4
5:30 PM
Property Committee - MFH
Sunday, June 7
Mission Team to Dominican Republic Departs
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service - Communion
Monday, June 8
4:00 PM
Pastor’s Aides Meeting Conference RM
5:00 PM
Administration Committee Pastor’s Office
6:00 PM
Finance Committee - Conference
8:30 PM
Softball: FPC vs. Darlington
Presbyterian - Byerly Park
Tuesday, June 9
1:00 PM
Terrific Tuesday (ages 3-6) Memorial Fellowship Hall
5:15 PM
Children and Families
Subcommittee - G.R.A.C.E. RM
6:30 PM
Christian Education Committee
- Conference RM
8:30 PM
Softball: FPC vs. Latter Day
Saints - Byerly Park
Sunday, June 14
Mission Team to Dominican Republic Returns
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
12:15 PM
VBS Volunteer Meeting Conference RM
7:00 PM
Montreat Youth vs. Pastor/Elders
Kickball Game - Byerly Park
Tuesday, June 16
7:00 AM
Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Shoney’s
12:00 PM
Newsletter Deadline
6:00 PM
Mission Committee - Conference
Wednesday, June 17
1:00 PM
Wonderful Wednesday (ages 7-10)
- Memorial Fellowship Hall
Sunday, June 21
Montreat Music and Worship Conference
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service - Father’s Day
12:15 PM
VBS Volunteer Meeting Conference RM
Monday, June 22
9:00 AM
FPC Vacation Bible School
7:00 PM
Session Meeting - Conference RM
Tuesday, June 23
9:00 AM
FPC Vacation Bible School
12:15 PM
Pastor’s Lunch at the Presbyterian
Wednesday, June 24
9:00 AM
FPC Vacation Bible School
Thursday, June 25
9:00 AM
FPC Vacation Bible School
Friday, June 26
9:00 AM
FPC Vacation Bible School
10:00 AM
Soup Kitchen
Saturday, June 27
Montreat Music and Worship Conference
Sunday, June 28
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
Tuesday, June 30
12:00 PM
Newsletter Deadline
Friday, July 3
Church Office Closed for Independence Day
Sunday, July 5
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
Sunday, July 12
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
Monday, July 13
Thornwell VBS Team Departs
6:00 PM
Finance Committee - Conference
Thursday, July 16
Thornwell VBS Team Returns
Sunday, July 19
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
Monday, July 20
2:00 PM
Blood Drive - MFH
Tuesday, July 21
7:00 AM
Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Shoney’s
Sunday, July 26
Montreat Youth Conference Departs
9:45 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM
Worship Service
June 4, 2015
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Sunday School Classes for All Ages through June 7
Infant Nursery – Room 132
Toddler Nursery - Room 121
Claudia McDaniel, Tamika McDaniel,
Doris Chavis, Latoya Chavis Wanzer,
Jessica Howle, Sherry Edwards
3K – 2nd Grade - Room 213A&B
We Believe
Valerie Gardner, Susie Guerry,
Candace Smith
3rd – 5th Grade - Room 220A
We Believe
Elizabeth Johnson, Jean Robison
Middle School and Senior High Youth
- MFH Classroom
RE: form
Pam Youngblood
The Challenges and Opportunities of
Following Jesus
Various teachers
Men’s Bible Class - McAlpine Room
Standard Lesson Commentary
Women’s Bible Class - Room 208
Matthew for Everyone
Christian Service
Kate Pennington
Mary Lathan Steele, Ken Hughes
Week of June 8: Bill Morrison, Doris Small
Week of June 15: Flossie Hopkins,
Jean Robison
June 8:
Jean Robison
June 9:
Agnes Lyles
June 7:
Elizabeth and Alan Hubbard
June 10:
Becky Vincent
Jim Steele, Cecelia Brown
June 11:
Ann Gettys
Ken Hughes
June 12:
Betty Shepard
June 14:
Lyne Askins, Paula Terry
June 15:
Tru Lawton
Jim Steele, P.J. Casey, Ken Hughes June 16:
Agnes Lyles
June 17:
Gwen Davis
June 18:
Ann Gettys
June 7:
Carver Segars
June 19:
Betty Shepard
June 14:
Andrews Meadows
June 22:
Nancy Money
June 23:
Rita Daniel
June 24:
Joann Wurzbacher
June 7:
Todd Rix
June 25:
Ann Gettys
June 14:
Ronnie Holden
June 26:
Betty Shepard
June 29:
Jane Wheeler
June 30:
Agnes Lyles
June 7 teacher: Graham Segars
Volunteers, please note: Summer volunteer
June 7 helpers: Elizabeth and Dean Hall
hours are 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. except on
June 14 teacher: Elizabeth Johnson
June 14 helpers: Elizabeth and Alan Hubbard Thursdays when hours are 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thank you!
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The Fountain
The Sacrament of Communion will be celebrated during the worship service this Sunday, June 7.
All who trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and their baptized children, are invited to partake
of the sacrament with us.
Living Waters for the World
Our mission team travels to the Dominican Republic Sunday, June 7, to install a clean water system
and provide education on health and hygiene. They will return on June 14. Please keep our team in
your thoughts and prayers. Participants are Dick Porter, Brenda Porter, Phil Hart, Mac Folsom,
Jay Davis, Gwen Davis, Bill Wilson, Alex Brito, Jeff Scharstein, Julie Cox, Cathy Cuppett, Emma
Zold, Mike Zold (Hartsville), Alan Arnold, Penny Arnold, and John Long (Cheraw).
FPC Softball
FPC vs. Darlington Presbyterian
Monday, June 8, 8:30 p.m.
FPC vs. Latter Day Saints
Tuesday, June 9, 8:30 p.m.
Christian Education: Sunday School Summer Schedule
There’s so much to learn this summer at FPC! Join us on Sunday mornings, beginning June 14,
from 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Summer Session #1: June 14 - July 5
For Children:
Learn Your Bible!!! - facilitated by Summer CE Interns, Anna Clark and
Sarah Lee (Education Wing Classrooms 213A & B)
For Youth:
Living a Devotional Life (Memorial Fellowship Hall Classroom)
For Adults:
Exploring the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s newest addition: The
Confession of Belhar (G.R.A.C.E. Classroom 201)
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
All men of the church are invited to Men’s Prayer Breakfast on the third Tuesday of each month.
We meet at Shoney’s Restaurant at 7:00 a.m. Join us on June 16 and July 21.
Church Family in the News
Caitlyn Hathaway has been chosen to serve as a Young Adult Volunteer for the PC(USA) in
Asheville, NC for the 2015-2016 year! Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) work to put their faith into
action by serving the communities in which they are placed and engaging in intentional Christian
community with one another. To learn more, visit
Follow Caitlyn on this journey through her blog ( Caitlyn is so
excited about this opportunity, and would welcome support and prayers from her church family!
VBS Volunteer Meetings
We will have two meetings for our most wonderful volunteers intending to help with VBS this
summer: Sunday, June 14th and Sunday, June 21st, immediately following worship (12:15 p.m. 12:45 p.m.) in the conference room. Volunteers are asked to attend only ONE of these meetings,
June 4, 2015
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but your presence is so important! All VBS volunteers will receive their assignments and directions
for a week of learning, fellowship and fun. Youth that intend to volunteer are required to attend
one of these meetings. If you have questions or would like more information, contact Rev. Jill Isola, or summer interns Anna Clark, or Sarah
Montreat Music and Worship Conference
Please keep the following in your thoughts and prayers as they travel to attend the Montreat Music
and Worship Conference June 21 through June 26: Anna Hill, Barbara Prince, Ronda McElveen,
Tim Smoak, Susie Guerry, Susan Crawford, Penny Rogers, Holly Prescott, Brenda Porter, Dick
Porter, Madeline McElveen, Claire Gore and Mac Folsom. May they feel God’s presence in all that
learn, see and do in the beautiful place of Montreat!
Officer Nominating Committee News
Our Officer Nominating Committee has been chosen. It is composed of Elder Rita Daniel (Chair),
Elder Steve Maguire (Vice-Chair), David Roseveare, Paula Davis, Caroline Lee, P.J. Casey and
Michael Holt. A mailing was sent out this week which consisted of a letter from the ONC, a
brochure for you to nominate names for elder or trustee and a list of eligible members (resident
and non-resident). Additional brochures for nomination are available in Sunday bulletins through
June 21 and in the narthex. Deadline for submission of names is Monday, June 22.
Soup Kitchen
Our next date to serve in the Hartsville Soup Kitchen is Friday, June 26. Please consider
volunteering! Call the church office at 332-3622 to volunteer!
Church Office
The church office will be closed Friday, July 3, in observance of Independence Day. We will reopen
Monday, July 6, at 8:00 a.m. Church office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Friday. Please have a safe, enjoyable holiday!
Annual Summer Blood Drive
The American Red Cross will be in the Memorial Fellowship Hall on Monday, July 20, from 2:00
p.m. to 7:00 p.m. In the summer, the American Red Cross wants people to remember the
importance of giving blood at a time when donations are typically low. One unit of blood per
donor can save up to three lives because three products are extracted from each unit
of blood including red blood cells, which help in trauma situations, platelets used
mostly for cancer patients and plasma used to treat severe burns. Donors are asked to
double their fluid intake and to eat a good meal before donating blood. Please call the church office
(332-3622) or email us ( for an appointment. Thank you!
Newsletter Deadlines
All articles for the newsletter are due by noon on the Tuesday before the Thursday publication.
Articles are entered on a first come, first served basis. Upcoming deadline dates are June 16, June
30 and July 21. Please note there will only be one newsletter produced during the month of July.
Thank you!
The Fountain
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Children’s Ministry
Camp Pee Dee Retreat Center Summer Camp
This year, campers will enjoy a week of Bible lessons, games, crafts, worship, canoeing,
swimming, hiking and so much more as we power up with the Spirit! For more information,
Everest Vacation Bible School
VBS is only two weeks away! Join us June 22 through June 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. At
Everest VBS, kids embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Ages accepted are pottytrained 3 year olds through completed 4th grade! Register by today, June 7, to secure your very
own VBS music CD! Adults and youth who would like to volunteer, please send an email or
leave a note for Rev. Jill Isola,, with your availability and area
of interest!
SUMMER FUN: Terrific Tuesdays and Wonderful Wednesdays
It's that time of year again! Terrific Tuesdays and Wonderful Wednesdays are
underway! Terrific Tuesdays will be held for children ages 3-6 and Wonderful Wednesdays will
be held for ages 7-10. Our first Terrific Tuesday will be held June 9 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00
p.m. Our first Wonderful Wednesday will be held June 17 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. We will
meet in the Memorial Fellowship Hall for a super fun water day here on church grounds! Make
sure to bring bathing suits, towels, sunscreen, etc. If the weather does not cooperate
other activities are planned. To register your child, please fill out the medical permission form
as soon as possible. Forms are available in the narthex. You may bring forms by the church
office or email them to Rev. Jill Isola at Please also include a
copy of your insurance card, front and back, with your registration form. If you have any
questions or concerns, you may contact Anna Clark at or Sarah Lee
at We look forward to spending time with your children and having a
fantastic summer full of fun and fellowship!
Youth Ministry
The Challenge has been issued: It’s a THROWDOWN!!!
Join the Montreat Youth and their cohorts for an evening of fun, fellowship and some healthy
competition! The Montreat Youth have challenged the pastor and elders to a kickball game
June 14th at 7:00 p.m. at Byerly Park! Stay tuned for details of a field location and come out to
support your FPC family. Donations collected at the game will go to support our participation in
Montreat Summer Youth Conferences. You are guaranteed a great time!
Summer Service Opportunities
Looking for a work project this summer? Do we have the project for you! If you have a passion
for painting, we’ve got a job for you! Organizing your thing? Give us a call! Enjoy working in
the kitchen? We’ve got space in ours for your help! Want to show off your skills as a
handywoman or handyman? We will applaud your skills anytime! Contact Rev. Jill Isola (3323622 or for a list of opportunities.
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June 4, 2015
Church Family Birthdays in June
John Webb
Mary Knight Stuckey
Alex Gardner, Isabel Witten
Glenn Cannon
Ross Meadows
Ken Hughes, Mellany Faes, Haydon Norwood
Brenda Porter, Eileen Harris, Eloise Renck, Jamie Dyce, Barbie Lyles,
Kevin Norwood, Dan Zold
Harper Gibson, Hatch Wheeler
Evelyn Saleeby, Mark Haenchen, Lori Morris
Rene Barnes
Kathie Davis, Cindy McArthur
Bryan Martin, Charles Rogers, Matthew Lee
Dave Godshalk
Wade Hicks, Robert Moore
Bob Kearns
Madge Zemp, Brian Meadows, Hayes Coggeshall
Jane Truett, Kately Lane, Jordi Jones, Weston Coggeshall
Michael Smith, Cal Wheeler, Julia Dixon Asper, Mason Youngblood
Denice Nichols
Bill Timberlake, Lee Langston, Julia Harris
Pat Hill, Kaye Crook, Doyle Punches, Rachel Matthews
Heather Norwood, Carrie Kittrell, Taylor Morris, Peyton Little
Morgan Stacy
Kinsley Berdeau
Bose Liddle
Please remember in prayer our troops as they serve our country: Greg Jones (nephew of
Anna Hill), Mitchell Register (cousin of Brandi Wheeler), Col. Will Zemp (son of Sid Zemp), Lt. Col.
Jimmy Liddle (husband of Katie McKorell Liddle), Melissa Holden Miller (daughter of Ronnie Holden),
SSG Kevin Capazzi (son of Joann and Ted Wurzbacher), CDR Mary Katey Hays (niece of Bob and Ginny
Hays), Steven Turnbach (son-in-law of Bob and Anne Kearns), David Padgett (friend of Rose Collins)
and Lt. Mike and Megan Dumas (family of Andrew and Jill Isola).
Please keep in prayer: Curtis Britt, the family of Debby Blackwell, the family of Bernie Fatig, Clyde
Stuckey, Marilyn Lesser, Nancy Money, the family of Margaret Welch (mother of Eileen Jones), the
family of George Gering, Jr. (father of Skip Gering), the family of Frances Childers (grandmother of
Duane Childers), the family of Alice Williams (mother of Dona Miller), the family of Joe Allston, the
family of Betty Winslow, Eloise Renck, Diane Keever (sister of Denise Kelly), Kathy Goodwin (niece of
Cecelia and Tom Brown), Trip and Heather Robbins (niece of Beth Matthews, granddaughter of Joan
Rinehart), Mike Long (brother-in-law of Gay Blackmon), Jamie Sicard (friend of the Wheelers), Joe
Davis, Austin Nemecek (great-great-nephew of Ginny and Bob Hays), Michael Shuler (friend of Pam
Youngblood), Don Cuppett (brother of Cathy Cuppett), Michael (nephew of Cathy Cuppett), Press
Beattie, Sidney and John Horton, James Menius, Mark Sheffield, our residents at the Presbyterian
Community (Jane and Kirk Dunlap, Phil and Joan Hart, Lee Langston, Mary Jane McDonald, Olive and
Bill Timberlake), Methodist Manor (Pat and Harry Hill), and Morningside (Flynn Menius and Corky
213 W. HOME AVE.
We’re on the Web!
Dr. Dan Sansbury
Reverend Jill V. Isola
Associate Pastor
for Christian Education
Anna Hill
Director of Music
Lauren Hardymon
Director of Early Childhood
Education Program
Ronda McElveen
Annisa Sheffield
Administrative Assistant
Mary Jordan
Financial Secretary
Michael Smith
Eddie Best