Minutes from the May 5, 2015 Meeting


Minutes from the May 5, 2015 Meeting
Fishguard & Goodwick Town Council
Cyngor Tref Abergwaun ac Wdig
Town Hall, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire SA65 9HE
Neuadd Y Dre, Abergwaun, Sir Benfro SA65 9HE
Clerk/Clerc: Sarah McColl-Dorion
Tel: 01348 874406
email: clerk.fgtc@gmail.com
5th May, 2015
Town Hall, Market Square, Fishguard
Present: Cllrs: J Ryan, R Grosvenor, K Siggins, O James, J Thickitt, P Mason, M Lloyd, M
Mayberry, E Perkins, D O’Connor. C Cllr G Price.
Apologies: Cllrs: B Davies, A Allison. C Cllrs: P Davies, M Pepper.
1. OUTGOING MAYOR’S ADDRESS-Retiring Mayor’s review of the past year.
Cllr Lloyd addresses the TC and asks that a minute silence be given in honour of retired Cllr and
Mayor Dai Williams who sadly passed away. Cllr Lloyd also expresses sympathy to the family of
Marc Mordey who has lost his mother in law. Cllr Lloyd thanks his wife, Rhian Lloyd, Cllr
Grosvenor and the Clerk. Cllr Lloyd reviews achievements of the last year. A defibrillator was
donated to Saint John’s Ambulance, new notice boards were installed, WW1 commemoration
parade, art exhibition by school children and a book created. Cllr Lloyd also mentions the new
regular Cllr surgery, the Royston Hobson exhibition, the Christmas tree on the Golden Mile and
new play equipment. Two new Cllrs were Co-opted, the Orient Express visited Goodwick, the
Tour of Pembrokeshire through Fishguard, and the recent tractor run. Cllr Lloyd is especially
proud of the new War Memorial in Goodwick. Cllr Lloyd apologises that his wife Rhian can’t be
present at the AGM. Cllr Lloyd presents his outgoing Mayor’s guards with tokens of thanks. Cllr
Lloyd wishes Cllr Grosvenor and his wife Chris a successful 2015/16 and wishes Cllr Mayberry
and his wife Shelley success for their year as Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress.
2. VOTE OF THANKS TO THE RETIRING MAYOR- Cllr Grosvenor says he is very sad to hear
about Cllr Dai Williams and that it is a great loss. He says he is looking forward to the next 12
months. Good things are happening in Fishguard and he wants to concentrate on things that can
be worked on in the next year. Cllr Grosvenor states that despite being diagnosed with cancer
early in his term Cllr Lloyd has worked very hard, he is an inspiration to the people of the town.
Cllr Grosvenor says a big thanks must go to Rhian Lloyd for also putting in so much work and
effort. Cllr Grosvenor presents Cllr Lloyd and Rhian with parting thank you gifts. Cllr Grosvenor
states Cllr Lloyd and his wife Rhian are unstoppable.
acceptance of new Mayor by the Town Council to be supervised by the Clerk.Declaration of
Acceptance of Office to be made by the newly appointed Mayor, who will then take over as
Clerk swears in, Cllr Richard Grosvenor as Mayor. Cllr Grosvenor reads and signs his Oath of
Office. Clerk presents Cllr Grosvenor with his Chain of Office.
4. MAYOR’S CHAPLAIN-Mayor to announce appointment of Chaplain.
Reverend Terry Broadhurst is appointed.
5. APPOINTMENT OF MAYORESS-Mayor to appoint Consort.
Mrs Chris Grosvenor becomes Mayoress and is presented with her chain.
6. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR-Nomination and acceptance of Deputy Mayor by the
Town Council.
Cllr M Mayberry accepts his Chain of Office as Deputy Mayor
7. APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR’S GUARD- Leading Cadet Shannon Owen is appointed from
the Sea Cadets and Lance Corporal Luc Jackson from Army cadets
Lloyd steps down from the Econ Regen Committee.
9. APPOINTMENT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE- Cllr Mayberry proposes committee remain the
same, Cllr Siggins seconds. All agreed.
Meeting adjourned 19:28