

MAY 2015
MAY 2015
The heart of
VOL 80 No 5
Colouring foods
EDA policy conference
Europe goes quota-free
Volume 80 No. 5
May 2015
Editor’s Comment
World News
Suzanne Christiansen
Art Editor
Sue Burke
Web Editor
Letitia Booty
Regular Contributors
Henrik Suhr
Julian Mellentin
Group Sales Manager
Adam Young
Assistant Group Sales Manager
Samantha Page
Yee Yau
Neil McRitchie
Editorial & Sales Office
The Maltings, 57 Bath Street,
Gravesend, Kent
Tel: +44 1474 532 202
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MAY 2015
The heart of
15 New Product News
16 Functional Focus - Julian Mellentin
Editorial Director
Sarah McRitchie
43 New Equipment
40 Diary
50 A working day ... Caroline Bell, director of Acorn Dairy
Colouring foods
EDA policy conference
Europe goes quota-free
13 Dairytech
A new show for the dairy industry launches in Milan 19-23 May
18 European Union
The outlook for dairy exporters both within and outside the
EU is uncertain as the chains come off for a post-quota
20 European Dairy Association
Europe’s strength lies in unity in a post-quota world –
perhaps. Suzanne Christiansen reports from Brussels
European Union
See page 18
22 Nutrition
What are the fat facts about saturated fats? A Dairy
Council conference in three British cities investigated
27 Colours
How consumers want natural ingredients in their food and
how colouring foods can help
31 IFE 2015
This year’s International Food & Drink Event (IFE) at
ExCel in London spanned the range of options
See page 22
32 Anuga FoodTec Review
Anuga FoodTec highlighted waste minimisation
A report on the global food emulsifiers market to 2020
37 Society of Dairy Technology
The latest issue of the International Journal of Dairy
Technology. Andrew Wilbey reports
38 Cheese Production
Monitoring of the cheese ageing process is key to the
finished products
Colours See page 27
41 UK AD & Biogas 2015
The UK AD & Biogas 2015 is to be held at NEC in
Birmingham, UK
44 Classified
46 The Dairy Directory
Cheese Production
See page 38
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international
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Reasons to
be cheerful
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Industries International
Dr Judith Bryans
Director General, Dairy UK
e are now living in the post-quota world here in Europe.
Back to 1984, as it were, and there are worries that
the EU may well return to the bad old days of butter
mountains and milk lakes. We debate both sides in this issue –
there is a story on what some of the market players worry about
on page 18, and then there’s coverage of the European Dairy
Association’s recent dairy policy conference on page 20.
I know it’s scary and people are nervous that milk prices will fall
through the floor, never to recover. But if there’s anything that’s
been learned in the last 31 years, it’s never to be nervous about
volatility. This industry is all about volatility, and it’s only become
worse over the years. It is just a fact of the industry today.
Now, I will give you some reasons to be cheerful. First, there
was a small item in the news this month that China is coming
back into the market. I doubt the Chinese will buy in silly amounts
at silly prices this time, but the fact that purchasing is returning is
good news. Second, the insular dairy market is not what it was
all those years ago. We have more ways to move milk around
the globe, in different formats. Butter is so last century, when you
want to get dairy from one side of the world to another side. The
powder dryers that have sprung up can process that milk lake into
portable powder and send it to places that don’t have chill chains.
Finally, European dairy is about quality. People across the
world think of European cheeses and dairy products and think,
ah, that’s a good, safe, healthy product. It is a sales point that
nobody in the EU should forget.
Jenny Deeprose
Dairy Journalist & Cheese Judge
Jeremy Hill - President,
International Dairy Federation
Claire MacEvilly
Communications Manager
Food for Health Ireland
Suzanne Christiansen, Editor
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May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 5
World News - Europe
Togtema at Hochdorf
Fons Togtema has taken
over management of the
Babycare unit at Hochdorf
Swiss Nutrition, succeeding
Michiel de Ruiter. Past jobs
included business development manager at FrieslandCampina. In 2006 he was a
founding partner of the baby
food business of the Hochdorf Group.
IPA meets
The International Probiotics Association Europe
(IPA Europe) conducted its
first formal meeting as an
official association in Brussels. Representatives from
Danone, Dupont, Yakult,
Chr-Hansen, Probi, Lallemand and the IPA attended
the meeting. The creation
of IPA EU will reinforce the
probiotic sector in Europe,
bringing companies with
expertise in probiotics under
one recognised banner.
Milk Race on in UK
Champion cyclists, council
leaders and leading representatives from the British
dairy industry are returning
to Nottingham for The Milk
Race on 24 May. Since
being re-established in the
sporting calendar two years
ago by The Dairy Council,
The Milk Race has become
the UK’s biggest single-day
elite race, with more than
90,000 spectators turning
out to watch in 2014.
The editor apologises for
the headline error that was
made on the article written
by Jenny Deeprose in the
April issue. She was judging
cheese at the annual Paris
Agricultural Show (Salon
International d’Agriculture)
in February. Her article
was wrongly titled as SIAL
(Salon International Alimentaire), which takes place in
Paris every two years.
Enzymes jointly
MCD and DSM have further
expanded their partnership
for food enzymes. The new
cooperation includes the
Benelux, France, Germany,
Italy, Poland, South Africa,
SEE, Nordics, Turkey and
UK and Ireland.
PGI for Ayrshire Dunlop cheese
Traditional Scottish Ayrshire
Dunlop Cheese has been
granted Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
status under the EU protected food names scheme,
according to Scottish food
secretary Richard Lochhead. The move means
that consumers are guaranteed they are buying the
genuine, premium product, which can now only be
made in the area around
Dunlop, Scotland, with milk
from Ayrshire cows, using
the same traditional methods, he says.
Lochhead says, “In Scotland we have an abundance
of delicious, high quality
food and drink, enjoyed at
home and around the globe.
Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop
Cheese is a fantastic
example of this and
I am delighted that,
government support,
it will now benefit
from protected status. Protected status
lets consumers know
they’re buying the
genuine article. It is
great news that we now have
14 Scottish products benefiting from that and I hope more
will follow.”
Ann Dorward, who produces Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop cheese at West Clerkland
Farm in Stewarton, concurs,
adding, “I am delighted that
Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop
is going to receive PGI status. We have been working
towards this for almost two
Photo courtesy Dunlop Dairy
For b
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years and it’s wonderful to
hear that we will be officially
“Traditional Ayrshire Dunlop differs from other types
of Dunlop cheeses due to
the traditional production
method, the rich creamy
milk from Ayrshire cows, the
weather in this part of the
country, and the techniques
that can be traced back to
the 17th century.”
Europe to increase dairy output by 2020
The top 14 milk producing
countries in Europe will increase production by 6.8 to
23.2 billion litres per annum
by 2020 after the end of the
milk quota regime, according
to research analysts Promar
“Although milk quotas have
been a feature of the EU dairy
landscape since 1984, their
impact on the industry in the
last five to 10 years has been
limited in many countries,”
says Promar senior consultant Andrew McLay, the
report’s author. “However,
many countries are taking the
cessation of the scheme as a
signal to increase production,
with the biggest increases
likely to be seen in France,
Germany, Ireland, Poland,
the UK and the Netherlands.”
McLay estimates output
growth of five to 17% over the
EU’s (28 countries) 2013 production of around 140 billion
litres. With low-level demand
6 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
growth for many dairy products in Europe, it is inevitable
that almost all additional milk
produced will have to be exported. This means growth
of EU milk production will be
heavily influenced by global
dairy prices and driven mainly
by external factors, including
weather, supply and demand
shocks and input prices.
“Although the Russian import ban and slow down in
Chinese demand may temper
production growth in 2015,
and even 2016, a return to
more favourable external
factors in subsequent years
will see a return to strong milk
growth in Europe,” he notes.
The report forecasts continued change in the dairy
farm sector. European dairy
farm numbers across most
countries have declined in
recent years. McLay predicts
farm numbers will continue to
decrease, but in parallel with
increasing herd size.
Countries that have been
most constrained by EU quotas should show the greatest increases, but European
herds will still be relatively
small compared to those in
export competitor countries,
such as the Western US, NZ
and Australia. The report considers how each of the major
EU milk producing countries
will respond to quota removal.
“Although we also see the
removal of European Union
quotas as causing change
and pain for many producers,
overall, the changes will be
positive and lead to a more
productive and competitive
European dairy industry,”
McLay continues. “A freer
milk market paves the way
for the EU to lead the world in
developing a truly sustainable
dairy industry, with significant
improvements in animal welfare, environmental impact
and profitability for the farmer
as well.”
World News - Europe
Austria and China reach
import agreement
Austrian companies may now
provide more cheese and
dairy products to China than
in the past, due to a recent
agreement in Beijing between
Austrian agriculture minister
Andrae Rupprechter and Zhi
Shuping, Chinese minister for
quality supervision, inspection and quarantine.
Export of dairy products
from Austria to China was
previously possible, but only
for a chosen few companies.
According to Shuping, export
certificates for milk products
will now be issued by the
Chinese authorities to 24
Austrian companies. “These
certificates also affect the
supply of cheese,” says the
Chinese minister.
Rupprechter notes, “The
demand for cheese is rising
steadily in China. This is a
great opportunity for our domestic dairy industry, so soon
after the expiry of the milk
quota on 1 April. More and
more consumers in China
attach importance to quality
and safe food. Now we have
to grab this opportunity as
soon as possible.”
Rupprechter has also had
talks with the Chinese agricultural minister Han Changfu, where the issues of food
safety and food control were
focused on. This emphasised
China's interest in Austrian
systems for quality assurance and control. As a result,
the two ministers have also
agreed to establish a joint
working group.
Austria records
export increases
Austria's dairy industry exported milk and milk products
to the tune of €1.185 billion
in 2014, up 5.4% compared
to 2013. This is a new record
and represents an export
ratio of 48.7%. "This shows
the high performance of the
domestic dairy industry impressively," Helmut Petschar,
director of the association of
Austrian dairies (VÖM), says.
However, last year there
was also a 12.1% increase
in imports of milk and milk
products into Austria of €738
million, adding up to an import ratio of 30.4%. This gives
Austria a positive trade balance of €447 million.
Austria‘s main export and
import market in 2014 was
Germany, followed by Italy.
The most important trade
product for Austrian dairy is
cheese. Last year 125,000
tons (+6.9%) was exported,
which resulted in a turnover of
€526 million (+ 9.6%) – a new
record – and export prices improving by 2.7%.
According to VÖM this
shows that the Austrian dairies continue to focus on export quality, which is having a
particular effect on the retail
entry price level. "For Austria’s dairy industry, foreign
trade is increasingly important, and competitiveness
is a key factor. Austria offers
high quality. Dairy processors
have intensively prepared
for the post-quota scenario
for the best use of domestic
milk,” says Petschar.
Tetra Pak reports challenging year
A further softening of global
GDP and rising competition
within the liquid food packaging sector made 2014 a challenging year for Tetra Pak,
the company says. Despite
this, the company achieved
net sales of €10.9 billion, up
1.7% from 2013, with strong
growth in capital equipment
and technical sales helping
to offset a disappointing year
for packaging material.
“Against the backdrop of a
tough year, with slower packaging material growth than
originally expected, we saw
clear evidence that our business strategy is working. Capital equipment sales reached almost €2 billion
and technical sales topped €1 billion
for the first time in the company’s history. Our processing business closed the
year with a record high order backlog,
up 20% compared with the end of 2013.
And we saw a significant increase in
sales of our advanced packing formats:
7.1 billion more packs reached the
shelves in 2014 than in 2013, offering
customers optimal functionality and differentiation,” Tetra
Pak president and CEO
Dennis Jönsson says.
The company’s packaging solutions business
reported net sales of €9.4
billion, which was 0.9%
higher than in 2013. Packaging material volumes
touched 180 billion packs,
slightly ahead of the 178
billion packs sold in 2013,
while capital equipment saw
revenues rise 6.4% year on
year and technical sales
climbed nearly 11%. Almost
30% of technical sales now
come from service contracts.
Rising demand for products in the
company’s advanced format came
mainly from the family pack segment,
where Tetra Brik Aseptic Slim and Tetra
Brik Aseptic Edge, each with new openings, saw annual sales climb by 42%
and 55% respectively. In portion packs,
Tetra Prisma Aseptic continued to set
the pace, with year-on-year growth of
more than 38%, or 2.1 billion packages.
Processing solutions had another
year of good growth for Tetra Pak, with
particularly strong demand in the milk
powder and cheese processing sectors. Net sales increased by almost 7%
year-on-year, driven by double-digit
improvements in South Asia, East Asia
& Oceania and in Greater China, and
buoyed by Tetra Pak’s first quarter acquisition of Switzerland-based Miteco,
a leader in production solutions for carbonated soft drinks.
The company also reaped benefit
from the 2013 acquisition of Danish
filtration technology specialist DSS
Silkesborg, whose expertise and reputation played a key role in securing the
largest processing order in Tetra Pak’s
history, a dairy and whey powder plant
in Germany.
The year 2014 saw the launch of a
range of new processing and packaging
products. One of the highlights was the
introduction of Tetra Rex Bio-based, the
world’s first carton package made entirely from plant-based materials, combining paperboard with plastics derived
from sugar cane, rather than oil or gas,
the company says.
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international
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World News - Europe
Swiss ABCs
perform under
Susca reappointed at
Ice Cream Alliance
The Ice Cream Alliance, the
trade association for the
UK's ice cream industry, has
named Angelo Susca as
president for a second term.
Susca has more than 45
years experience in the ice
cream industry, having started selling from a trailer as a
young boy before working his
way up the ladder to owning
his own successful business.
He is the owner of the TAS
Group, a consultancy and
supplier of ice cream products and ingredients.
"The ice cream sector has
faced a number of challenges in recent years but has
been buoyed by excellent summer over the
last two years which
has seen a welcome increase in sales," Susca
says. "The outlook for
2015 continues to be
positive and I am looking forward to using my
experience and knowledge to continue to help
our members to build
and maintain high quality and successful businesses.”
More information on
The Ice Cream Alliance
can be found at www.
Angelo Susca
Creating Savoury Flavours returns
UK food industry consultant
Werner Wheelock’s popular
Creating Savoury Flavours
course is returning for its
eighth year to the UK. The
five-day intensive training
course from will run this October. Flavour specialists Dr
David Baines and Richard
Seal will tutor the course.
The course is the only specialist lab-based course in the
UK that concentrates solely
on the science, application
and creation of savoury flavours, the company says. It is
useful for anyone responsible
for developing and enhancing
dairy flavours, and includes
the use of enzyme modified
cheese flavours, as well as
flavoured sauces, seasonings, snack products and
ready meals. It offers a high
practical content, which allows flavourists to go back to
basics and focus on the components and construction of
a savoury flavour. Throughout the course the emphasis
will be on stimulating creativity and developing new
flavours for commercial use
and delegates will leave with
a savoury flavours tool kit of
knowledge and techniques.
Creating Savoury Flavours
runs 26-30 October 2015 in
Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK.
For more information please
Emmi increases share in Kaiku
Swiss dairy group Emmi has
increased its share capital
in Spanish dairy company
Kaiku Corporación Alimentaria in San Sebastián to €10
At the same time, the
Basque investment company Ekarpen increased its
holdings with €6 million in
Kaiku. This has had the effect
of reducing the participation
8 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
of Emmi by 2.6% to 73.5% in
the firm. Emmi says it wants
to confirm its commitment to
Kaiku, which has strong market positions in Spain, Chile
and Tunisia.
Kaiku is the Spanish market leader in lactose-free
dairy products and cold coffee drinks. The group's 2014
revenue amounted to approximately €375 million.
BO Milch, the dairy branch
organisation of Switzerland
says the segmentation of the
Swiss milk market into A, B
and C milk types has proven
itself despite the pressure the
present market is under. The
executive board of BO Milch
has therefore decided to
maintain the existing segmentation system unchanged.
In the beginning of 2013 BO
Milch introduced the current
system, which has increased
the value of all market players
in the Swiss dairy market, it
Elaborate controls ensure
that all milk traded as B and
C milk is used solely for their
designated markets. Transparency of the segmentation
has been good, but has been
not implemented 100% by
some market players, the organisation says.
For example, there has
been room for interpretation
in the C milk category, but
this can be stopped by a strict
interpretation of the regulations. The BO Milch board has
therefore decided to implement a stricter interpretation
in the future.
The Swiss segmentation regulations require that
when milk money is paid to
the farmer, each of the three
milk segments is declared
with quantity and farmgate
price. BO Milch has conducted a comprehensive control survey of the 22 largest
milk buyers (members and
non-members) in December
The result of the controls in
Switzerland has shown a very
high degree of transparency.
In 18 organisations representing an estimated 94% of the
purchased milk, the amounts
of milk and money for each
segment were declared.
World News - Europe
Kohler worries about
Swiss market
The Swiss dairy sector noticed that
2014 EU milk production was extremely high and prices were dropping, but
it does not expect increased pressure
on prices due to the abolition of the EU
quota in the short and medium term,
according to Stefan Kohler, managing
director of the Swiss milk branch organisation BO Milch (pictured right). However, he expects free production in the
EU to have an impact on Switzerland in
the longer term.
From 2016, milk production will increase in the areas of Northern France,
Belgium, Netherlands, Northern Germany, Denmark, Ireland and southern
England. An expansion in these areas
could also put pressure on the price of
milk in Switzerland.
Kohler points out that, in particular,
the now stronger Swiss franc has affected Swiss dairy export products.
This has pressed the exporters of dairy
products to lower the price (a fifth of
the Swiss milk production is exported
– especially as cheese). A value loss
of CHF100-150 million (€95.8-143.7m)
per year is feared.
Quota end has also put pressure on
the domestic market, as there is free
trade with the EU in the cheese sector.
Swiss dealers and processors often
buy no-name, industrial cheeses when
the price of domestic suppliers is not
competitive. "Where cheese is used in
processed products such as pizza toppings or sandwiches ‘Swissness’ plays
almost no role. Here everything is about
the price,” says Kohler.
He also fears if the Swiss cheese
abroad is much cheaper than in Switzerland, consumers would react, and
shopping tourism would become even
bigger than currently. Swiss consumers will travel to nearby cities abroad,
because there Swiss cheese will
be cheaper to buy. And it could also
cause Swiss cheese dealers to reimport the cheaper exported Swiss
cheese, in order to benefit from lower
Euronext launches dairy futures
Euronext trading platform in Amsterdam has introduced futures dairy
contracts on skimmed milk powder,
unsalted lactic butter and sweet whey
food grade powder as of 13 April. The
dairy complex responds to the potential high volatility of European dairy
prices, helping the industry to manage
risk and protect margins, the company
These futures were planned back
in the autumn of 2014 for implementing after the expiry of the EU quota
system, and due to the increased
volatility of the sector, according to
Euronext. The new contracts provide
a response to the high volatility in the
dairy sector. They offer the dairy industry a way to manage risk and protect margins across the entire dairy
complex. Developed with the dairy
community, the new futures and options contracts have been designed to
meet the needs of market professionals who want to use appropriate price
hedging tools, according to Euronext.
EDA Annual Congress
in Edinburgh
The European Dairy Association’s
annual congress is due to be held
in Edinburgh, UK from 15-16 October. It will consist of sustainability
and economic breakout sessions,
along with the general assembly
and World Dairy Forum.
For further information,
please visit
or email
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international
World News
Milk production
up in US
Recent production numbers
from the US Department of
Agriculture showed that milk
production in 23 US states
increased by 1.7% from February 2014, according to the
USDA’s National Agricultural
Statistics Service. Milk cows
on farms amounted to 8.622
million head, 106,000 more
than the previous year.
US cheese champion
Guggisberg Cheese of Ohio,
US, won the top award at
the biennial Championship
Cheese contest in Wisconsin, US, for its Swiss wheel,
marking the first time a
cheese company from Ohio
has captured the top spot.
Chinese buyers
Chinese milk powder imports in the first two months
of 2015 were the highest
volumes seen for over six
months, according to data
from Eucolait. This does not
mean the Chinese are yet
fully back in the game, warns
China has high levels of
storage capacity meaning
the country is able to take
advantage of low global
commodity prices. Therefore, Chinese stock levels
could be crucial over the
coming months to the rate of
recovery in wholesale prices. If global supply signals
begin to ease further, it could
trigger an increase in activity
from key buyers.
New Zealand
production drops
Milk production in New Zealand fell 6% in February
2015, compared to the previous year. Drought has been
impacting on the country's
grazing conditions as milk
production moves towards
the seasonal trough. The
Global Dairy Trade auction
has seen prices fluctuate on
the back of these developments by increasing nearly 20% in February before
falling by a similar margin in
Make way for donkey cheese
Camel chymosin coagulant Far-M has the
ability to clot donkey milk, according to Chr
Hansen. Far-M, in addition to bovine milk
use, is the only known option for coagulating
camel milk, due to its high milk clotting specificity and reduced proteolytic activity. Chr
Hansen says this opens up new business
opportunities for cheese producers. It has
previously been impossible to make donkey
milk coagulate, since the level of kappa casein has been detected at very low levels or
completely absent.
Research on Far-M and donkey milk
was initiated by Dr Giuseppe Iannella, Chr
Hansen food technologist. Dr Iannella says:
“The idea to produce cheese came to me
through an Italian owner of a farm breeding
donkeys and who wanted to explore the employability of donkey milk. Through my research, I discovered that the casein micelle
present in this milk is efficiently coagulated with Far-M. This has resulted in the first
cheese produced with donkey milk using rennet coagulation. The yield is limited due to the
low levels of fat and protein in donkey milk,
but the result is a good and tasty cheese”.
Fresh donkey milk cheese has a very mild
taste and its texture is semi-rigid. After just a
few weeks of ripening, the cheese develops
a more distinct, piquant flavour and an aftertaste characteristic of donkey milk. The texture becomes very hard, and as Dr. Iannella
notes, “breaks like parmesan.”
Donkey milk cheese making is similar to
that of cheese made from cows’ milk. However, due to the composition of donkey milk, the
yield is much lower, at around 3%, dosage is
higher and the milk should not be thermally
stressed, as it impairs enzymatic reactions.
Michael Fooken Jensen, global marketing
manager cheese at Chr Hansen, says: “This
research confirms that Far-M is a unique
product for coagulation of milk.”
Facts about donkey milk
and fat, but is rich in lactose. It is similar to
human milk, and can be used as an alternative for infant nutrition
a particularly high whey protein content,
which confers anti-microbial properties to
the milk
‡7KHKLJKFRQWHQWRIODFWRVHLVUHVSRQVLble for the good palatability and for optimising the intestinal absorption of calcium
that is essential for bone mineralisation in
Source: Chr Hansen
Global dairy ingredients to 2020
A report from Persistence
Market Research predicts
that the rising population, urbanisation and increasing
demand for dairy products
in food consumption are expected to increase the overall
demand for dairy ingredients
Also, the rising popularity of protein-enriched foods
and beverages has led to increasing awareness among
consumers to become more
conscious of health benefits
related to a dairy-rich diet.
Increasing innovations in the
industry are helping to drive
down the cost of production
and incorporate additional
10 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
benefits to the products.
This is also acting as an important driver for the dairy ingredient market, the analysts
point out.
The Asia-Pacific region is
the largest dairy ingredients
market followed by Europe
and North America. Milk powder holds the largest share in
the global diary ingredients
Milk protein concentrates
and milk protein isolates have
high growth prospects due to
increasing sports activities
globally as they have high
usage as sports supplements.
Consumers are increasingly becoming more active
on maintaining good health
and are conscious to include
various nutraceuticals food
products (including dairy ingredients) in their regular diet.
Additionally, the increasing
demand from an ageing population is expected to drive
the global dairy ingredients
According to The United
Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ (UNDESA) population division,
there were 841 million people
aged 60 years and above in
2013, compared to 205 million in 1950. It is projected to
reach over two billion by the
year 2050.
World News
Costa Rica
Middle East aims for Irish dairy
Bord Bia, the Irish food board, is predicting that exports to the Arabian Gulf
could increase by 50% over the next five
years. Exports from Ireland to the region
increased by 28% last year to €247 million,
according to the board. Irish dairy products
such as Kerrygold butter and cheeses are
also being seen on Middle Eastern shelves,
it notes.
Meanwhile, 18 Irish food and drink
companies will join a new Bord Bia and
Compass Group Ireland programme that
seeks to help small and medium-sized Irish
companies get their product ranges listed in
the foodservice market. The inaugural Bord
Bia/Compass Group Ireland ‘Food Heroes’
programme is aimed at providing participants with tailored support and guidance to
assist them to secure, grow and maintain
business with Compass Group Ireland at
home and overseas.
US ice cream growth planned
The ice cream market in the US is
expected to grow
at a compound
rate of 2.09% in
revenue, and rise
by 1.46% in volume
terms through 2018, according to
a report from TechNavio.
The report offers analysis of the ice
cream industry in the country, which
consists of take home, impulse and arti-
sanal segments. In the year 2013, the
American ice cream market was mainly
driven by the take home segment, which
accounted for a market share of 63.68%.
Currently, the market is being driven by
rising disposable incomes, introduction of
new flavours, increasing impulse purchasing, and huge demand for ice cream products among consumers.
That being said, the market is expected
to witness decelerating growth during the
forecast period because of the mature
nature of the market.
Tetra Rex rolls out worldwide
Following its introduction with Finnish dairy
Valio, the world’s first fully renewable pack,
Tetra Rex Bio-based, is now being rolled out
to Tetra Pak customers worldwide. Valio has
been selling its Valio Eila brand of lactose
free semi-skimmed milk drink in Tetra Rex
Bio-based for the past three months and now
plans to use the fully renewable package for
some other products in its range. At the same
time, the company has also decided to use
Tetra Pak’s 100% bio-based closures for all its
gable-top packages.
“After all of the hard work and significant
investment that has gone into bringing this
package to market, it is hugely rewarding to
get such a positive response from both Valio
and their consumers,” says Charles Brand,
executive vice president of product management & commercial operations for Tetra Pak.
Tetra Rex Bio-based is now available in
a range of sizes, from 250ml to 2000ml, for
all chilled milk specifications. The package
will soon be deployed
by more customers in
Europe, and the company is already having discussions about
launching it with dairy
companies in other
parts of the world.
Tetra Rex Bio-based
is manufactured solely
from a combination of
plastics derived from
sugar cane and paperboard. It won a gold
award at the Pro2Pac
Excellence Awards in the
UK for being the world’s first
carton made entirely from plant-based, renewable packaging materials.
Costa Rican authorities upheld a decision to limit the
use of the world “Provolone”
to only Italian-made cheeses,
as a result of the geographical indication agreement in
its free trade agreement with
the EU. Shawna Morris, senior director of the Consortium
for Common Food Names,
warns that the EU is “wielding
the leverage of its free trade
agreements or GI list swaps
with countries in order to
push the interests of many to
the side and give advantages
to select EU producers.”
exec returns
to Danone
Fonterra Co-operative has
announced the resignation of
Pascal De Petrini, managing
director of the Co-operative’s
Asia Pacific, Middle East and
Africa (APMEA) business
unit, and member of Fonterra’s management team.
Petrini has decided to return
to France to accept a role with
his former company, Danone,
as executive vice president
strategic resource cycles, in
mid-June this year.
Fonterra chief executive
Theo Spierings says, “Since
joining Fonterra in October
2013, Pascal has strengthened our consumer and foodservice business. We respect
his decision to accept a new
challenge and thank him for
his leadership of our APMEA
business during his time with
the Co-operative.
“We have started the process to recruit Pascal’s successor and our aim is to have
a final structure in place by 1
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international
+ ''22%
+ +.'
Introducing Dairytech
A new show for the dairy industry launches in Milan 19-23 May
airytech is the first edition of the
exhibition specialising in technology and solutions for the dairy
industry, and is organised by Ipack-Ima.
From milk collection and storage to
processing of finished products, down
to packaging and pre-sale preservation,
Dairytech at Fiera Milano offers an overview of the supply chain and processing developments for the dairy industry,
according to the organisers.
Main exporter
Dairy is one of the most important sectors of Italy’s food industry, which is
facing increasingly complex challenges
resulting from globalisation, on-going
innovation, evolution in consumer preferences and the increasingly important
role of sustainability. Italy is the world’s
first exporter of technology for the dairy
industry: in 2013 it sold machinery on
foreign markets for a total value of €65.8
million, with a growth of 27 per cent,
which more than made up for the drop
suffered in 2012. Over half of exports
are shipped to the European continent;
over the last few years, the export share
bound for Asia (particularly Malaysia,
Bangladesh, Thailand and India) has also
increased. An interesting development
area is Central and Latin America, while
the North American export share is not
as relevant. A comparison with other
main countries exporting machinery for
the daily industry worldwide emphasises Italy’s leading role over the last five
years: it was the first exporting country in
2010, 2011 and 2013 and the second one
in 2009 and 2012. In particular, in 2013
13 per cent of all exported machinery
was made in Italy.” The latest data available on the first semester 2014 confirms
Italy’s leadership. Other countries include
Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
Cheese stable
On the technology user front, the Italian
dairy market shows a substantially stable performance in terms of value and a
slight decrease in terms of quantity for
butter and milk, while cheese remains
stable, since 2007. Domestic production
and imports also show no major changes
(essentially equal for milk, with Italianproduced butter and cheese exceeding
60 per cent). As shown by the qualitative
data of the Ipack-Ima observatory, this
market area closed the first half of the
year with positive results, particularly
in terms of exports. The positive trend
expected by companies should continue
through the last six months of 2014; only
employment is expected to remain completely stable.
The upcoming show Dairytech will be
part of an event together with Ipack-Ima,
Meat-Tech, Fruit Innovation, Converflex
and Intralogistica Italia. It will serve as
a springboard for the industry with 2,500
exhibiting companies and 80,000 expected visitors, and the conjunction with the
Expo 2015, whose theme is “Feed the
planet. Energy for life.” After 2015, the
exhibitions will continue taking place
every three years.
More than 100 events including international conferences, round tables
and workshops top off the offer at
Dairytech, IPACK-IMA, Meat-Tech,
Fruit Innovation, Intralogistica Italia and
Converflex. Visitors will not just benefit
from an unparalleled product and service
display spanning from packaging and
processing technology, to package printing, to the complete fruit and vegetable
chain through to consumer products and
logistics, but also from the opportunity to
take part in meetings and discussions held
at the Rho exhibition complex between
the Stella Polare Congress centre, dedicated areas inside the exhibition halls and
the “Innovation Corners” for innovation
and exhibitor presentations. In addition
to conferences, the event calendar also
includes institutional meetings with several national and international associations, which chose Ipack-Ima and its
related exhibitions as the top trade event
in 2015.
Among events is the International
Conference “Designing a resilient future:
food, technology and sustainable development” organised by Ipack-Ima in partnership with the United Nations Industrial
Development Organisation (Unido) in
cooperation with the Expo, promoted by
the Ministry of Economic Development,
ICE – the Italian agency for foreign
trade, Anima and Assofoodtec and sponsored by Conai. Speakers, including The
Culinary Institute of America, Google
Food, Barilla and Unido, will share their
vision of the future of food between technology and sustainability.
The new railway station for high-speed
trains to and from Italy and Europe serving the Fieramilano exhibition centre is
now operational with the new designation
"Rho Fiera Expo Milano 2015”.
This is an advantage for incoming
exhibitors, professional visitors and global buyers attending the events. The rail
service and a station located just a few
hundred metres away from the entrance
to Fiera Milano will enable exhibitors
and visitors to access the fairgrounds
very easily, even from locations far from
Milan. Dii
For further information, please visit
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 13
SEPTEMBER 20-24, 2015
New Product News
Arla goes
Icelandic in UK
Arla Foods is reaching for
the Skyr with the launch of
Iceland-style yogurt in the
British market. Skyr is a fat
free, reduced sugar and high
protein Icelandic style yogurt
containing 30% less sugar
compared with similar products in the market place. Arla
Skyr is available in 450g pots
in three flavours: simply natural, mixed with strawberry or
mixed with honey and in 150g
pots in five flavour variants:
simply natural, layered with
Nordic sour cherry, layered
with strawberry, layered with
apple and lingonberry and
layered with Nordic mixed
The 150g
pots are
while 450g
pots retail
(€2.32) at retail outlets.
Müller Rice
gets a remix
Remixing a traditional rizogalo recipe, Müller Rice Remix:
Greek Inspired introduces
a sprinkling of cinnamon to
dairy rice, teaming it with a
side of apple or strawberry
compote in a twin-pot. The
UK launch is being supported
by a TV ad and digital campaign, all featuring Müller’s
rapping bear Tasty B. The
variants are sold in singles,
four-packs and six-packs,
with RRPs of £0.69 (€0.95),
£2.69 (€3.70) and £3.89
(€5.35) respectively.
Vinamilk's Ozela beverage
for 'tweens'
Vinamilk, Vietnam's leading
dairy products manufacturer,
has launched drinking yogurt
under the brand name Ozela,
designed to meet the needs
of preteen children, and is
packaged in combibloc Mini
200ml packs from SIG Combibloc. The yogurts, available
in strawberry, orange and
kiwi/apple, provide an extra
portion of B vitamins. The
launch of Ozela is supported
by TV commercials, supermarket promotions, activities
in schools and the distribution
of free samples.
Aimia adds Milfresh Professional
Aimia Foods has added a
new line to its Milfresh range
in the UK. Milfresh Professional has been developed
as a cost-effective alternative for vending operators
with high footfall sites and
heavy milk usage, such as
Milfresh Professional is
a high-density, granulated
milk supplied in a 1kg bag,
which delivers more product
to each canister, reducing
the number and frequency
of operator visits in order to
refill machines.
It allows any machine to
produce fat free, authentic,
coffee shop standard drinks
with the same high quality
proteins and amino acids
as fresh products, which
are preserved through the
Milfresh drying process.
Pudding in
Zen Monkey
the corner for breakfast
Müller UK has launched
Müller Püd Corner, a dairy
dessert with over 75%
skimmed milk and crunchy
Müller Corner’s dessert
twin pots feature three combinations: chocolate dairy
dessert with milk and white
balls, toffee flavour dessert
with milk chocolate digestive
pieces, and chocolate dairy
dessert with crunchy, white,
chocolate-coated flakes.
The variants are available
in four-packs with a RRP of
£2.49 (€3.42) per pack and
are on shelf in British supermarkets.
Zen Monkey of the US has
introduced a product that
combines apple juice-infused
rolled oats, diced fruit and
Greek yogurt in a pre-mixed,
ready-to-eat cup.
The non-fat yogurt comes
in five flavours: apple cinnamon, blueberry, peach,
pineapple coconut and strawberry. Each 5.3oz cup carries the tagline of “breakfast
Drinkpur from Emmi
Swiss dairy Emmi has introduced three new varieties in the 250ml Drinkpur
yogurt drinks range: strawberry, raspberry and tropical (mango, pineapple and
passion fruit). Two seasonal varieties have also been
launched: banana-kiwi and
Butter with sea salt
Panos Brands in the US,
marketer of the Andrew &
Everett cheeses and butter, has tweaked its butter
formula to now be made
with sea salt and to be “free
from” consumer-unfriendly
ingredients. The sea salt
butter is made only from
milk sourced from smaller,
family-owned farms.
Müller world editions
German dairy Müller has
launched the Joghurt mit
der Ecke World Edition line
with four flavours: Bora Bora
(pineapple and coconut),
Mumbai (mango-papaya),
Sevilla (orange and chocolate balls) and Venezia (pistachio and mini Amarettinis).
RRP is €0.59 for a 140g cup.
Tropical tastes
The Fructus Brasil range of
100% natural ice creams
features exotic tropical flavours such as cupuaçu,
graviola, caja, brazil nut
and acai, which are sourced
from trees growing in the
Amazon rain forest. The
range is available in the UK
from Portuguese and Brazilian food and wine importer,
Spanish orange quark
German dairy Weihenstephan has developed
a fruit quark, Spanish Orange. The addition of mild
yogurt makes the fruit curd
especially creamy and it is
free from preservatives and
gelatine. RRP is €1.89 for
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 15
Functional Focus
Arla UK’s strategy
chokes on Gulp
xpect to fail if you don’t differentiate. That’s the lesson that most
business people learn – usually
fairly early on in their careers. Oddly, the
marketing team at Arla Foods UK – part
of European dairy giant Arla – didn’t
seem to know this when they launched a
dairy drink called Gulp.
And so, like First World War generals
ordering a head-on attack on the enemy
machine-guns, they decided to launch,
into a category that was already dominated by two big, popular brands, a product
that was not differentiated in any respect:
The UK has a £100 million
(€136.8m) category of flavoured drinking milks, mostly
consumed by teenage males
and “tweens”. It is growing
steadily – increasing in value
by 20 per cent between 2011
and 2014. It is dominated by
just two brands – Friesland
Campina’s Yazoo with 45
per cent share and Dairy
Crest’s Frijj with 55 per
cent. Frijj was the brand
that gave birth to the category.
In April 2013, Arla
Foods UK made a bid for
a share of this market,
launching Gulp into mainstream supermarkets. In a
media interview given at
the time the creative director of the advertising agency supporting the launch,
W+K London, said, “Gulp
is a milkshake launching
into a category over-ex-
16 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Lack of differentiation failed Arla’s Gulp milkshake
in the British market
By Julian Mellentin
hausted with products featuring
big, gloopy bubble writing on the
pack. To disrupt this, what we
needed was an ownable idea.
With the style and tone of what
we’ve ended up with, we hope
Gulp can do just that.”
Except that the tone of
Gulp’s packaging design
was little different from the
existing brands. And far from
threatening to “disrupt” –
now a seriously over-used
word – Gulp was a straight
me-too of the leading brands,
with zero point of difference.
There was no “ownable
idea,” there was no point of
difference, just a me-too.
‘Charge!’ is not a
Whether your company is
large or small, the fact is
that most food and beverage markets are mature and
well guarded and competing
Market leading brand Frijj,
made by Dairy Crest, has created a new point of difference
in the flavoured drinking milk
category with the launch in
January 2015 of a new range
of reduced sugar milkshakes.
The new line of Frijj milkshake
has 40% less sugar and is
available in 471ml bottles in
two flavour variants: chocolate and strawberry. Regular
Frijj has only 10.8g of sugar
per 100g.
The move is a response to
growing consumer concerns
about sugar. Dairy Crest says
that consumer insights work
found that sugar content is a
barrier to category purchase
for some 30 per cent of shoppers, while others limit their
consumption of dairy drinks
due to concerns over sugar
The company says that by
providing product with 40 per
cent less sugar more
people can give
themselves permission to buy it. The
hope is that the
new Frijj line will
recruit over half
a million new
households into
the category and
encourage existing consumers
to indulge more
Functional Focus
in them is tough, possibly tougher than
any other consumer market.
Had Arla UK’s marketing executives read Harvard Business Review
they might have found an article that
has become a classic in helping you
think about strategy. Titled “Strategies to
crack well-guarded markets,” it provides
some useful insights for dairy companies
faced with tough markets. The authors,
Professors Bryce and Dyer, studied the
strategies and the results of hundreds of
companies that had tried to break into
established markets.
One of the salient conclusions
will be familiar to anyone who
has ever had any military training or studied military history:
you should never make a frontal
assault. The authors describe it as
the key lesson to be taken from
millennia of warfare.
Successful entrants, say Bryce
and Dyer, “don’t engage in frontal attacks, because market leaders will stop them in their tracks
with price wars, ad blitzes and
other retaliatory tactics.” One of
the examples they give is a comparison of the performance of Red
Bull with Virgin Cola.
The latter staged a head-on
assault on the US cola market,
a stronghold held by Coke and
Pepsi, with ad blitzes and comparable pricing but never got more
than one per cent of that market.
Red Bull, on the other hand,
entered the US with a niche product, in innovative and entirely
new packaging, and distributed
(at first) only through bars and
convenience stores. Having seized
leadership, Red Bull has been able
to hold its own against over 150
me-too brands.
Asked how he had defeated the
the Battle of Waterloo in 1815,
the British General, the Duke of
Wellington, replied: “The French
attacked us in the usual way – and
we saw them off in the usual way.”
Gulp made its frontal assault
on a well-guarded category, and
within 18 months the product was
withdrawn owing to disappointing
sales. Dii
Don’t engage in frontal attacks, because
market leaders will stop these in their tracks
with price wars, ad blitzes and other
retaliatory tactics
Strategies to Crack Well-Guarded
Markets, Bryce and Dyer, Harvard
Business Review, May 2007. You can
read the article via this link: https://
Julian Mellentin is director of the
Centre for Food & Health Studies,
a London think tank.
E-mail him via suzanne@
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May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 17
European Union
Europeans lose
quota fetters
xporters of liquid milk and associated products to the European
Union (EU) may have to work
harder to secure sales in future, with the
EU scrapping production quotas. They
may also have to fend off tough new
competition from EU exporters in their
domestic markets.
Bosnia and Herzegovina was the top
country of origin for imported milk into
the EU in 2013, according to European
Commission data. The value of Bosnian
milk imported into the EU in 2013, the
last year for which data is publicly available, was €9.6 million. Switzerland came
in second, with imported milk into the
EU valued at €5.8 million, followed by
Norway with €2.8 million and Serbia at
€1.4 million.
European dairy farmers were already
producing sufficient milk, butter and
cheese for the EU market before the
end of the milk quotas, warns Alexander
Anton, the secretary general of the
European Dairy Association (EDA). He
tells Dairy Industries International: “We
have production of 108 to 110 per cent
already; we are competitive and we don’t
Phil Hogan
imports,” he explains. Indeed, he
18 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Protests at EMB’s EU Faironika. Photo courtesy of the European Milk Board
The outlook for dairy exporters both within and
outside the EU is uncertain as the chains come off
for a post-quota world, reports Carmen Paun and
in Novi Sad, Serbia; Gerard O’Dwyer in Helsinki;
and Raghavendra Verma in New Delhi
claims dairy “imports into the EU have
been decreasing over the past 10 years,”
with only certain segments, such as New
Zealand butter and Swiss Emmental
cheese holding their own.
Even there, Swiss producers face a
double fear; that of being squeezed by
increased production resulting from an
end to the milk quotas, as well as the
effects of the Swiss franc rising against
the currently weak Euro.
The exchange rate doesn’t help the
situation of Swiss dairy manufacturers,
says Sandra Helfenstein, spokeswoman
for the Swiss Farmers’ Union. “The Swiss
milk producers had big economic problems and no solution in sight before the
new EU situation,” she says, adding that
exporters will keep pressing for overseas
sales of their most successful product:
cheese. Producers continue to seek export
expansion in the US, China, Japan and
Russia, she says, “but it is not so easy,
because our products are expensive and
the worldwide competition hard.”
This sentiment is shared by the Swiss
dairy association Swiss Milk. “It won't
be easy, but our exports will try to be
maintained,” Heinz Minder says, who
also concedes that the Euro-Swiss franc
(CHF) exchange rate “has changed disadvantageously” of late. This time in 2014,
one Euro bought CHF 1.22. Now the
currencies are largely at parity.
“We have observed that the current
weakness of the Euro concerns the
Swiss dairy industry relatively strongly.
Decisions in milk price cuts have already
European Union
been made, the processors and exporters
in turn must accept margin losses,” Jurg
Jordi, spokesman for the Swiss Federal
Office of Agriculture (FOAG) says.
There are similar concerns in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, where dairy producers are
especially worried about increased EU
milk exports. “Domestic dairies already
have purchased domestic milk surpluses
that cannot be placed on the EU market,”
warns Tijana Slagalo, secretary for agriculture and the food processing industry,
at the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
9HGDG6DNLþRIWKHGHSDUWPHQWRIDQLmal breeding and husbandry at Sarajevo
University agrees. “Milk, imported from
the EU, will end up here and shake the
already bad situation in the Bosnia and
Herzegovina dairy industry,” he notes.
“No agricultural production in our country can be competitive to EU production.”
He says problems include Bosnian dairy
producers being paid lower subsidies than
those paid in the EU, the Bosnian government neglecting the sector domestically,
farmers struggling to adopt commercial
methods, and foreign-owned shopping
centres favouring EU brands.
In neighboring Serbia, Ljubiša
Association of Milk Producers, says his
industry will have to raise its game to
compete with unfettered EU production:
“We are aware that we will have to
improve the quality of milk in the coming
period, but it cannot be done overnight.”
In the short term, this could mean market intervention and storage. “The longterm solution is certainly to invest in this
sector, through grants and premiums, and
to train farmers in order to raise awareness about the importance of high quality
Alexander Anton, secretary general of the
European Dairy Association (EDA)
The Federation of Norwegian
Agricultural Co-operatives (Norsk
Landbrukssamvirke) expects more competition from lower cost EU-made dairy
products in Norway. “The quota change
comes at a time when per litre milk prices
in the EU are now less than half that of
per litre prices in Norway. The low EU
price will result in large amounts of dairy
products, leading to tougher competition
from imports for milk producers and the
food industry generally in Norway,” says
Arne Ivar Sletnes, the federation’s head of
international affairs.
That said, European exporters may
still find Norway a difficult market, Jens
Tjentland, a senior adviser at the state
agri-agency Landbruksdirektoratet says.
“High milk prices are part of Norway’s
agriculture policy. If price differences
between Norway and the EU rise, we
raise the level of compensation,” he says.
Effect on trade
Further afield, India’s US$530 million
dairy product exports (April 2013-March
2014 to all countries, as per APEDA,
India’s Agricultural & Processed Food
Products Export Development Authority
figures) may fall following the end of EU
quotas, notably skimmed milk powder
(SMP). “It is bad news for Indian dairy
producers as exports were already dropping due to falling Chinese demand,”
says Anil Burman, an executive member
of the Indian Dairy Association. “We are
not price competitive and do not have a
reputation of producing very good quality milk products.” Burman says the cost
of producing SMP per kg is $2.25 and
export price is $2.90. “Domestic prices
are always higher and companies export
to get tax benefits,” he says.
What might make things even worse
for these exporters to the EU is that
quota abolition is partly designed to
give Europe’s dairy sector more milk to
increase exports, maybe to countries from
whom Europe has been importing. The
EDA has released a statement predicting
that global dairy markets will see growing
demand, especially from Asia and Africa.
Milk quota abolition is supposed to
give the EU's milk producers more flexibility to respond, the European Parliament
said in a statement on 1 April. “Even with
quotas, EU dairy exports have increased
Romuald Schaber, European Milk Board
president and vice president Sieta van Keimpema
in value by 95 per cent over the past five
years,” it adds, noting that exports of
dairy products to South Korea alone more
than doubled between 2010 and 2014.
The end of milk quotas mark an important step towards market orientation of
the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP), Anton says, noting that EU dairy
is prepared. Moreover, they will see their
administrative burden decrease, he adds.
But not all dairy farmers in Europe
agree with him. The European Milk
Board (EMB), the European umbrella
of national dairy farmers’ associations,
says that the end of milk quotas could
push many small milk producers out of
business because of competition from
large dairy multinationals. “Politicians
are pushed by the industry, who just
want to push exports, and also by the big
farmers’ organisations, who are working
in favour of the industry,” EMB president
Romuald Schaber says, speaking during
an EMB protest in front of the European
parliament in Brussels.
“The chances that we will have from
now on to get cost-covering prices from
the market is even lower than before,” he
adds. Milk prices have already dropped in
some EU countries below €0.30 per litre,
while a recent EMB study on production
costs shows that they range between
€0.40-€0.50. He is also worried that the
prices will continue to drop even more,
which will create a crisis for many milk
farmers in Europe.
This is due to stepped up production
from larger dairy farmers, who will not
have to worry about quota caps. The
EMB calls for a market responsibility
programme to be introduced “to oblige
dairy farmers to act responsibly in line
with the market in times of crisis,” it
says. This would provide bonuses to
those farmers who produce less milk in
times of surplus. Dii
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 19
European Dairy Association
Look ahead,
airy has suffered a fair amount
over the last year or so, due to the
persistent drag of low farmgate
prices on the industry. This has made
meetings interesting, and the more than
220 dairy experts who attended and
exchanged views at the EDA Dairy
Policy for the 21st Century conference
in Brussels showed that dairy policy after
the quotas end is not a homogenous topic.
That being said, there was a lot of
optimism around. EDA president Michel
Nalet opened by telling the audience, “It
is hard to find a sector with more promising prospects in the future than dairy,”
quoting EU agriculture commissioner
Phil Hogan.
MEP from Ireland Jim Nicholson
joined the EDA president in underlining
the importance of the dairy sector for the
sustained development of European agriculture. Nicholson confirms that the prospects for dairy are and remain favourable,
and he also insists on a further improvement of the Milk Market Observatory
(MMO), which collates information from
member states on the dairy industries in
the various countries.
He notes that some players have introduced A and B pricing structures for milk,
which may provide more certainty in
20 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Europe’s strength lies in unity in a post-quota world –
perhaps. Suzanne Christiansen reports from Brussels
pricing relations going forward. “We’re
seen the green shoots of recovery, but the
prices remain too low for a sustainable
future,” Nicholson says. “We need to put
a floor into the market.”
He also says the Russian ban had shown
the weakness in becoming too reliant on
one country as an export market. “We
have to explore all export opportunities.”
Nicholson further states, “We have to
resist sliding back into the past, and start
looking to the future. We’ve known about
the end of quotas for a long, long time, so
it’s not all doom and gloom. The medium
and long-term prospects look good as the
sector undergoes a period of restructuring. We have an opportunity to build a
more confident dairy sector. We shouldn’t
wait for New Zealand and the US to tell
us what the price of milk is going to be,
let us tell them. Let’s become global leaders, not global followers.”
Tom Tynan, member of the cabinet of
EU Commissioner Hogan, says the MMO
will be enhanced through improved
reporting from countries, for improved
relevance to the market. While focusing
on the need for further investments and
the exploration of new markets, Tynan
adds that Europe is ready for major
expansion into the global markets based
on its huge potential for milk and dairy
Tynan points out that Ireland is getting
ready for post-quota and has recently seen
the opening of the Glanbia €185 million
facility. “It has been 50 or 60 years since
such an investment of any sort has taken
place in Ireland.” He also observes that
New Zealand’s growth has been exponential and outstripped Ireland’s in the same
time, due to Ireland being constrained by
quotas. This difference will disappear in
the future, he states. “With the increase in
milk supply, the dairy industry has been
and will be a dynamo that has helped lift
Ireland out of a very dire recession.”
Tynan quotes Dr Richard Haass, former
US envoy to Northern Ireland, who says
that raising the profile of food and agriculture and implementing it into social
and foreign policy will provide stability
European Dairy Association
in regions such as Asia and Africa. Africa
alone is expected to have one billion middle class consumers by mid-century. By
2019, Chinese dairy demand is expected
to growth by 43 per cent. Thus the budget
for promotions and redirecting products
to overseas markets needs to increase.
European exports perform extremely well
in international perception surveys, he
points out.
Other new markets for dairy, such
as sports nutrition, are also expanding
worldwide. “There is a huge focus on
sports nutrition, and the modern consumer now has knowledge of the effects of
food,” he states.
He also says environmental legislation
can have a major impact on the development and growth of the dairy supply
chain. Around 44 per cent of water use
in the European Union is used in agriculture, he points out. “We have to work on
building alliances to support agriculture.
Farmers, processors and retailers all need
each other.”
That being said, he notes that the EU
superlevy for the last year of quotas will
be the highest ever – €750 million in
total, for countries such as Ireland, Poland
and Germany. “However, the financial
blow will be softened by allowing these
countries to pay in installments over the
next few years,” Tynan adds.
Other new instruments, such as contracts and establishing new producer
organisations, have been put in place
to help the industry as it transitions.
“Certainty can never be guaranteed and
price volatility is here to stay,” he notes.
“Dairy farmers remain vulnerable to price
fluctuations, but it’s about how to manage
Mansel Raymond of COPA asked for
some support, and wondered if the last
year of superlevies might not be ringfenced for helping struggling dairy farmers. The money will go into the general
budget, Tynan says. Nicholson points
out that the problems could be alleviated
by greater cooperation for the benefit of
all, rather than it being processors versus
farmers, as it too often is: “Volatility is
here to stay and we don’t see an end to it.”
PM report
The podium discussion, moderated by
EDA vice chair and executive vice president of Arla Foods Jais Valeur, focused
on how to manage the development of
the dairy farming and processing industry
in the post-quota era. He also updated
the audience on how well the Danish
industry has been doing, over the last 10
years. The national herd has halved, and
90 per cent of the farmers have left the
industry through retirement or attrition,
but the same amount of milk is being produced in Denmark. Arla’s 13,500 farmers
have also told the board that they will be
producing one billion more kilograms of
milk next year in the country. Valais also
exhorted the EU to be a leader rather than
a follower.
Professor Holger Thiele from the
Universty of Kiel in Germany started the
debate by not only stating the need for
more competitiveness, but also by asking
for a moderate increase of the existing
safety net. He also seeks more risk management with the possibility of introducing a market-based insurance system in
the long run. Finally, he believes Europe
should foresee specific support for the
dairy producers in specific areas such as
mountain regions.
MEP Eric Andrieu shared his view
that increased price and cost volatility
in the future will need to be managed.
According to Andrieu, enhanced market
transparency will help all participants in
the dairy sector to take the right business
decisions. Dairy markets will need efficient tools in the future. Any form of supply management is the appropriate tool
to balance out demand and supply and to
limit volatility.
Commenting on the contributions of
both Thiele and Andrieu, Jens Schaps,
director at DG Agri, says the US model
for milk margin insurance would not be
an option for Europe as the margins guaranteed in the US are usually way too high.
He also confirms that the medium and
long-term prospects for the EU dairy sector are profoundly favourable. The dairy
markets will be driven by an increasing
global demand, especially from Asia and
Africa. The EU Commission is focusing
on support for broader market access in
third countries for EU dairy products.
In the Q&A following, Francis Reid of
Fonterra stood up and said, “Our view of
Europe is that it has a competitive dairy
sector. New Zealand’s output is increasingly constrained due to environmental issues. What would you recommend
Europe should do to meet the future nine
billion consumers’ demand?” And Valeur
replied, “Fonterra is investing in Europe,
and we think we’re in a crisis!”
The afternoon ended with Valeur noting, “The end of the quota regime is a
huge progress in terms of CAP simplification – one of the core requests of all agricultural stakeholders and politicians.” Dii
Tom Tynan, EU Commission
EDA president Michel Nalet
MEP Eric Andrieu
Dr Holger Thiele, University of Kiel
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 21
he world of human nutrition is
undergoing a seismic change, and
the idea that saturated fats are ruinous to human health has now been disproved, after decades of erroneous nutritional advice. “The Saturated Fat, Dairy
and Cardiovascular Disease” conference,
held by the Dairy Council and DairyCo in
three cities in the UK – Cardiff, Glasgow
and London wound up not offering definitive answers, but showed that dairy is no
longer a dietary demon.
Dr Anne Mullen, director of nutrition
for The Dairy Council, opened proceedings by noting, “Milk and milk products
are very integral to the UK diet for all age
groups. They provide significant quantities of energy – very nutritious. Saturated
fats are why we’re here today.” She says
that there is a lot of “diversity in the saturated fats family. Not all saturated fatty
acids are created equal.”
But there is a lot of confusion out with
the public, she notes. “Scientific studies
have been misinterpreted by the media,”
Mullen says. Hence the conference,
“which looked at the role of saturated fats
in cardio metabolic disease, the association between, milk, dairy foods and cardio metabolic disease, and untangling the
matrix and getting perspective for public
health about nutrients and foods.” It was
a tall order.
Dr Ailsa Welch, the chair for Norwich
Medical School at the University of East
Anglia in the UK, set the scene – coronary heart disease (CHD) is the UK’s
single biggest killer, with one in six men
and one in 10 women set to die from
CHD. That being said, there have been
dramatic changes in CHD mortality over
the last 40 years, with the rates declining.
Unfortunately the UK still has one of the
higher rats of mortality from CHD in the
European Union.
Meanwhile, the rate of type 2 diabetes
is increasing, which is a risk factor for
CHD. It is estimated that the NHS spends
£14 billion a year treating avoidable diabetes complications, and more than 2.7
million people in England will suffer
from it. Lack of physical activity is a
contributor. There was some good news.
as the intake of fruits and vegetables is
also increasing, with an average of 4.1
of the recommended five per day now
being eaten.
Dr Scott Harding, a lecturer in nutrition
science at King’s College in London, UK,
asked what the fat facts were. “Fat is gen22 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Cardio 101
What are the fat facts about saturated fats? A Dairy
Council conference in three British cities investigated.
Suzanne Christiansen reports
erally associated as a negative nutrient
and is not considered healthy to store,” he
states. “But as we know, fat gives things
flavour, and fats can help metabolise certain essential vitamins in our body.”
Lifestyle and diets is the main driver behind the decline in cardiovascular
disease (CVD) rates in the UK, but it
remains a substantial killer, with one in
three dying from CVD. As saturated fatty
acids are complex, it makes it complex to
translate to the general public.
Studies over the years have shown
there is no direct link between cholesterol
eaten in the diet and cholesterol levels in
the bloodstream. However, past recommendations restricted high cholesterol
Photo courtesy of Milk Life
foods such as eggs from the American
diet. “We have to look more holistically
at the dietary patterns,” he notes.
Professor Philippe Legrand of the
L’Institut National de la Recherché
Agronomique, asked whether saturated
fatty acids were friends or foes. “Saturated
fats are nutrients, not poisons,” he states.
“The only good questions is, which dose
is optimal for human health?”
What people don’t realise is that we
not only eat saturated fats, but the body
also produces them, Legrand says. “We
need saturated fats for things such as
membrane structures and anti-viral roles.
Some saturated fatty acids can even lower
cholesterol.” The problem is that these
saturated fats have been linked to CVD,
but the link is one of amount, not by
structure. “There is no reason to consider
saturated fatty acids en bloc any more,”
he states. “The up-to-date recommendation is to split up the fatty acids group.”
However, consumers should eat less
processed meat and avoid too much processed food and palm oil, Legrand notes.
“You have to consider the origins of the
saturated fatty acids.”
Dr Marianne Geleijnse, of Wageningen
University in the Netherlands, Glanbia
about meta-analyses of dairy consumption and cardiovascular disease. She notes
that many minerals can affect blood pressure, and that CVD covers many kinds of
heart-related diseases. “As much as 90
per cent of CVD can be prevented by diet
and exercise, so it’s important to focus
on diet and lifestyle.” Different measurements are related to different health issues
– for example, LDL cholesterol levels are
more related to myocardial infarctions
than stroke, while blood pressure is linked
to stroke risk.
Meta-analysis of studies showed the
following: there is a seven per cent lower
risk of getting a heart attack with 200 millilitres of milk consumed per day. There
was also a lower risk of stroke in people
who drink milk. Meanwhile, dairy fat
consumption was not typically associated
with an increased risk of weight gain,
according to another study. The difference
between low and higher fat intake in dairy
showed no difference in bioavailability of
Catching the wave
Professor Ian Givens from the University
of Reading looked at the interaction
between dairy and cardio metabolic health. He notes that the cases of
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease have
risen sharply, as obesity in the population
expands. He also notes that the Caerphilly
study, which is a long-standing study of
a male Welsh population set, has shown
that blood pressure lowers with the consumption of more dairy in that cohort.
Givens states that the calcium in dairy
is doing something to reduce fatty acids
in the gut, by increasing saponification
in the faeces. He also observes that there
is a matrix effect where the saturated
fatty acids in dairy products are being
prevented from absorption by the body.
The MESA, or The Multi-Ethnic Study of
Atherosclerosis (MESA), has also shown
that meat fat increases the risk of CVD,
while dairy reduces the risk. These studies have also seen a more than 10mm
mercury decrease in people with the highest dairy intakes.
Givens also explained arterial stiffness, which is an independent predictor
of cardiovascular events. This is where
the aorta gets stiffer in particular as people age, suffer renal disease, diabetes or
hypertension, or smoke. There is a pulse
wave velocity that is a measurement of
the speed of the pulse that occurs after
contraction, which is lower with more
dairy products eaten. “The more dairy, the
better the pulse wave velocity,” he says.
Another item of interest was the impact
of whey and casein on blood pressure and
vascular stiffness. Casein did not have
an effect, but whey did make a positive
difference in vascular stiffness.
Looking at dairy products and type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM), low fat milk
showed a reduction in this type, while
whole milk did not. Study is now continuing on the effects of fermented milk
products on T2DM.
Cheese please
Change has come about over the years in
beverage purchases, Givens notes. UK
dairy beverage purchases have decreased
from 1975 to 2007, and sugar-rich
beverages have replaced dairy. These
sucrose-sweetened beverages increase fat
storage in the liver. Meanwhile, milk
decreases fat storage in the liver.
Overall, there has been little change
in the actual weight of people, but a big
Professor Madeline Geleijnse discusses the meta-analyses of
studies of dairy consumption and cardiovascular disease
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 23
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24 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
What we gain from dairy
The dairy industry says it is committed to robust scientific expertise
to shed new light on the issue of
saturated fat. The Dairy Council and
DairyCo have joined forces to implement a strategic initiative to examine
the effects of saturated fat on health
from dairy consumption.
Dr Anne Mullen, director of nutrition
at The Dairy Council, says, “The
dairy industry has a key role to play
in ensuring that health professionals and nutritionists have the most
robust scientific expertise at their
“We are pleased to be working with
DairyCo to drive forward the industry’s work in this field, which goes
to the heart of the integrity of dairy
products. Saturated fat is an umbrella
term and there is growing evidence
that fatty acids do not all behave in
the same way when it comes to cardiovascular disease and diabetes in
Dr Mullen adds: “Current guidelines
on saturated fat are not conclusive.
In recent decades science has progressed from when the guidelines
were first instituted and therefore our
understanding of saturated fat needs
to move on too.”
Key points highlighted include:
vascular risk and type 2 diabetes
coronary heart disease or stoke
weight and body fat loss and lean
mass gain
is unique and has an effect on the
translation between nutrient content
and health
health may be blunted by a ‘mem
brane’ around milk globules.
change in where the fat is stored on a person. An interesting side effect was shown
to be that cheese consumption may moderate the effect of the soft drinks intake.
In conclusion, Givens says that milk
is not associated with increased CVD or
mortality, and is linked to lower blood
pressure. “You have to look at the overall benefit to cardiovascular health, and
judgements should be at the diet and
total food level, versus just looking at
nutrients,” he says. In response to a
question about recommending one type
of dairy over another, he replied, “I don’t
think we can say but we should consume
more cheese. Overall there is not really
evidence that dairy products are a risk for
CVD. The tendency is towards the other
direction in its effect on blood pressure.
For fermented products, we need more
Nutritional powerhouse
Professor Arne Astrup from the University
of Copenhagen was the final speaker,
even though he was not present, having
been previously recorded live in Cardiff.
He notes that the saturated fatty acids
in cheese are actually beneficial, while
yogurt and whole milk seem to produce
more weight loss. Cheese is a nutritional
powerhouse, with a protein content five
times that of milk, while yogurt offers six
times more calcium than regular drinking
milk. “It makes sense, as they are concentrated forms of milk,” Astrup points out.
A study where 800 obese families had
a “supermarket” set up for them to select
products for new diets showed that protein
gives people more satiety, and thus they
tend to eat less. “Dairy is a very valuable
tool for increasing protein, and this has an
effect on feelings of satiety.” He surmised
it was the hormones that were responsible
for this effect. Overall, dairy was promoting fat loss, and cheese was coming up
with beneficial effects. “There is something special about cheese,” Astrup says.
“Increased cheese consumption reduces
triglycerides and increases fat secretion.”
However, he warns against relying on it
for weight loss – “Not for weight loss,
but maybe for weight maintenance.” If
a person eats saturated fat, more faecal fat is excreted. Overall, cheese has
been wronged, he believes. “Cheese and
dairy are important nutrient-dense foods
that can contribute to weight control and
improvement in cardio metabolic risk.”
Legrand notes that the real risk for
consumers is the excess of new behaviour
in eating: “We are taught that things are
black and white, good or bad, but actually
things are complicated. There is no bad
food or bad nutrient, there are just bad
consumers.” Geleijnse adds the problem
becomes one of choice: “If there are so
many forbidden foods, I’ll just eat what I
want.” Mullen sums up by saying, “What
we’ve seen is a demonstration of the total
food versus just nutrients. We have some
really good news items. Saturated fatty
acids are not one entity, and we need to
differentiate.” Dii
Cheese consumption reduces triglycerides and increases fat secretion.
Photo courtesy of Godminster Cheese
Dr Mullen says: “It is in the interests
of the dairy industry to continue to
build on the excellent scientific and
academic input into our initiative
which will underpin the very strong
and positive message about the nutritional benefits of dairy products.”
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 25
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Keeping it real
Paul Collins, managing director of GNT UK, explains how consumers want natural
ingredients in their food and how colouring foods can help
he consumer is increasingly concerned with how natural a food
product is, and nowhere is that
more apparent than in dairy, which
already has a natural, wholesome image.
Paul Collins, managing director of GNT
UK, details how colouring foods are
helping processors keep a clean label. and
how changes in European guidelineswill
impact the market overall.
ness. However, the concept of colouring
food with food has a very long-standing
tradition. For example, we have been
developing this method since our foundation in 1978. With such expertise, we can
advise food and beverage manufacturers
on switching from colourants to colouring
foods and thus help them benefit from the
trend as well.
Q. What do you hope that the
new combined R&D and
innovation departments will
be doing for the market?
Consumers around the world are increasingly looking for natural ingredients in
their food. According to a recent global
survey that was conducted by market
research institute TNS on behalf of GNT,
the fact that a food product is coloured naturally significantly influences the
purchasing decision of every second
consumer. Consequently, the market for
colouring foods has grown significantly in the past years, and GNT benefits
from the global trend towards natural-
GNT has always placed great value
on finding natural colour solutions for
every application. The development of
Spirulina-based concentrates back in the
1990s, the use of black carrot as a new
raw material parallel to that or the launch
of oil dispersible colouring foods in 2013
are just a few examples.
Today, food and beverage manufacturers face a very complex environment.
Consumers do not only look for natural products or comply with kosher
Q. How does dairy differ from
other products when it comes to
The consumer expectations towards dairy
products are particularly high. In preparation for the quantitative global food survey, TNS and GNT conducted qualitative
research with focus groups of consumers
in seven different countries all around the
One of the results was that consumers perceive dairy products as healthy
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 27
Q. How has the trend for natural
colours impacted companies
such as GNT?
and halal nutrition, but there are also a
growing number of people who opt for a
vegetarian or vegan diet. Moreover, the
legal framework has changed, as the new
European guidance notes for the classification of food extracts with colouring
properties come into effect (for products
on the market) in November 2015. With
the restructuring and consolidation of our
innovation and R&D team, we can meet
the requirements of clients in the food and
beverage industry and support them with
choices for their nutrition and expect
them to be free from artificial additives.
Thus, it is very important for dairy
manufacturers to use natural ingredients
like colouring foods to develop futureproof formulations.
Q. What issues are becoming
more important for colours?
One major issue that will concern the
colour industry in 2015 are the new
European guidance notes. These are coming into effect on 29 November 2015 and,
beyond this date, products already on the
market have to comply. In the past, food
colouring products based on selective
extraction were not necessarily defined as
food additives. This did not only result in
uncertainties for the industry but was also
misleading for consumers.
Under these new rules, a wide number
of colours that have not been designated
as a colourant in the past will fall under
the category of ‘additive food colours’
and have to be declared as such or in
some cases be replaced. This will lead
to more transparency and consistency in
the food and beverage industry and will
help health conscious consumers to find
the natural products they demand. At the
same time, the guidance notes also put
pressure on manufacturers to review their
labels and formulations and look for alternative, natural solutions.
Q. What trends do you foresee
with colours from consumers?
Naturalness is and will be a major industry trend. However, consumers do realise
that they are led by colours when shopping for foods, as research by TNS has
They want appealing products and at
the same time to be sure that they do not
compromise their health with synthetic
additives. Therefore, it can be expected
that consumers will demand the use of
natural ingredients more and more actively in the near future. Dii
Natural colourant foods – some types
Annatto: A carotenoid, it is extracted from the orange
coloured outer coat surrounding the seeds of the shrub
Bixa orellana. This plant is native to South America,
India, East Africa, the Caribbean and Philippines.
Annatto, when initially extracted, is known as Bixin.
Bixin is the oil soluble form of annatto, the primary
ingredient surrounding the seeds in the fruit of the plant.
It can be turned into Norbixin, which is truly water soluble – reducing the need for emulsifiers or gums. This
is a unique attribute of annatto within the carotenoid
family. Annatto extracts are available as water soluble,
emulsions or oil soluble. Annatto blends with turmeric or
paprika oleoresin expand the possibilities of the yellow
to reddish-orange range.
Anthocyanidins: Pigment compounds responsible for
red, purple and blue colours in many fruits and vegetables. Within each plant source, anthocyanins vary in
concentration, proportions and chemical structure, all of
which influence use in a food or beverage. The pH causes a bathochromatic shift typically from red to purple to
blue, from low to high pH respectively, while heat and
light degrade the pigments.
These include black/purple carrot, chokeberry, elderberry, grapeskin, grape juice, purple sweet potato, red
radish and red cabbage.
28 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Betacyanins/betanins/betalains: Betanin is the main
colouring compound present in red beetroot juice colour.
Historically, it has imparted additional colour to wines.
The colourings responsible for the red hue of red beet
juice are a group of molecules called betalains. This
group of pigments contains the red and yellow pigments
known as betacyanins and betaxanthins, respectively.
Red beetroot hues vary further depending on the betalains extracted. Betacyanins are magenta pigments,
while betaxanthins are yellow pigments. The distribution of extracted pigments varies due to factors such
as beetroot cultivar and extraction method. A common
extraction method involves a series of size reduction
processes followed by hydraulic filtering and condensation. Manufacturers control the extraction parameters
to protect the colouring compounds from heat, light, pH
and enzymes.
Carotenoids: The compounds responsible for yellow,
orange and red colours in many fruit, vegetable and
algal sources. Within each source, carotenoids vary in
concentration, proportions and chemical structure, all of
which influence how it can be used in a food product.
Food colouring carotenoids include annatto, paprika,
beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, carrot oil and saffron.
Each contains different types and ratios of carotenoids.
Source: DDW
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IFE 2015
eaweed in cheese? Why not?
Causeway Cheese, a division of
Fivemiletown Creamery, thinks
it’s a good idea, and has incorporated
Northern Irish dulse, or seaweed, into its
mature cheddar. It goes to show that the
world of super foods and antioxidants is
compatible with more traditional foodstuffs such as cheese.
This is unsurprising, as the health and
wellbeing section sold out at the show.
The organiser Fresh Montgomery says
the section has grown 25 per cent in size
from the previous edition of IFE and
had 65 exhibitors displaying a variety of
products ranging from health drinks and
free from to nutritional snacks. “We’ve
been able to grow thanks to the growing
demand for healthy and free-from products, and also in part to our introduction
of a small producer village that include
companies producing anything from super
food chocolate to healthy ice creams,”
Lewis Price, sales executive, health and
wellbeing at IFE says. The gluten-free
sector alone is forecast to grow by 46 per
cent to £561 million (€771m) by 2017.
In general, with consumers now growing
ever health conscious
about which food
choices they make,
this has allowed the
section to grow to its
largest yet, Price notes.
As a result, there was
a lot of seaweed at IFE,
along with coconut and
all its variants. On the
other hand, there were a
lot of pork products available. Crackling or pork
scratchings were on offer
in many different variants,
as was popcorn in a myriad of flavours. Interestingly, the usual
countries such as Cyprus were exhibiting,
along with lesser-seen nations such as
Saudi Arabia. The former was displaying
cheese and honey, the latter tea. As people’s tastes get more diverse, the export
market is expanding as well, it seems.
In cheese, an extruded wax-covered
truckle was on display on more than one
stand, and inclusions were rife. However,
on the whole they seemed to work.
Abergavenny Fine Foods was celebrating
its new Welsh dairy facility opening, and
offered two goat cheeses with horseradish
and wholegrain mustard. The company
also provides bespoke ready meals and
Bringing home
the dulse
From indulgent treats to super foods, this year’s International
Food & Drink Event (IFE) at ExCel in London
spanned the range of options
meal accompaniments
made with dairy and other
Over on another stand,
Andris Arajums, export
manager for Latvian cheese
maker Jaunpils, says that the
company has opened a new
production line, and is now
looking for larger distributors in the UK and Europe.
The company produces
cheese such as Imperators, a
black mushroom-infused, mature semihard cheese. Its Olimps cheese offers
walnut flavour. Its dairy products, which
include sour creams, are sold in eastern
European markets in the UK.
Godminster Cheese of the UK had its
organic brie with black pepper and brie
with garlic and chives on offer, as well
as a display of its attractive heart-shaped
organic cheddars. Oak smoked versions
of the cheddars were available as well.
In other dairy, FrieslandCampina
UK was showcasing its Yazoo yogurt
smoothie in 330ml on-the-go packs. The
smoothies combine yogurt, fruit juice and
oats. They retail for £1.49-1.69 at British
supermarkets, and feature extended shelf
life packaging.
Snowflake Luxury Gelato’s stand was
busy, with visitors queuing up to try a
range of gelato treats, ranging from its
2014 Great Taste Awards supreme champion flavour raspberry sorbet, to its two
gold star winning extra dark chocolate.
It tied into the coconut trend with its
Snowflake flavour, which incorporated
the popular nut. The company also plans
to introduce hazelnut, salted caramel,
vanilla, raspberry and dark chocolate in
500ml and 120ml sizes.
Jersey Dairy launched a frozen yogurt
mix at the show, for sale to foodservice,
catering and hospitality outlets. Following
substantial growth in its share of the UK
soft ice cream market, Jersey Dairy developed the yogurt product, which offers a
nine-month shelf life, is easy to dispense,
is low fat (less than two per cent), and
has a great yogurt taste, according to the
Packaging and waste
On the Pro2Pac side, Elopak was celebrating its silver excellence award win
for its greenest Pure-Pak carton ever. The
carton is made with renewable polyethylene, produced from biomass sources. The
firm also had its Pure-Pak Sense carton on
display, which features easy to fold lines
on the carton, so that consumers can fold
and squeeze out more product, as well as
fold it for disposal.
Waste-Works Live was new for this
year and featured over 20 resource and
waste experts from the food industry covering predictions for the waste industry,
maximising the value from waste and
implementing sustainable changes. There
were sessions with case studies from
Tesco, 2 Sisters Food Group and Raynor
Foods on waste prevention and reduction
as well as best practice. Dii
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 31
Anuga FoodTec Review
From pump
to package
roducts in the fast moving consumer goods sector are evolving
rapidly, and taking the equipment
manufacturers along with them. Nowhere
was this more evident than at Anuga
FoodTec, held in Cologne, Germany,
24-27 March. The emphasis was on greater automation, greater cleanliness and less
work for the food manufacturer.
New dairy products have made inroads
into the equipment sector, according to
equipment manufacturers. The need to
treat products carefully is key for product
development where fewer ingredients are
used. For example, gentler handling of
products is possible with the Hyghspin
twin-screw pump from Jung Process
Systems. It can handle highly viscous,
sticky products such as molten cheeses,
according to the company.
Meanwhile, over at Fristam, the company now has more than 2,000 pumps
out in the field, with Europe and North
America being major markets, according
to the firm. It is the biggest independent pump manufacturer for the hygiene
GEA Niro
32 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Anuga FoodTec’s many halls highlighted
waste minimisation and efficiency.
Suzanne Christiansen reports from Cologne
For SPX, Anuga was a chance
to showcase its theme of four
gates, which reflected the four key
end markets for the equipment
maker. Bent Oestergaard, director
of global marketing, food & beverage at SPX, notes that the company
is making equipment for new areas such
as nutritional beverages. Infustion technology is being used to produce products
for the health and wellness areas, which
are seeing growth globally. There is a
high focus on resource efficiency for the
production of these new breakthrough
technologies, he notes. In fact there is
very strong pressure from dairy farmer
owners of cooperatives to deliver, to get
more out of milk and increased pressure
in the marketplace. Thus, there are higher
expectations from equipment manufacturers as a result.
GEA for its part was emphasising its
three prizes won for innovations at the
show, along with its continued movement
under the one GEA umbrella, in order to
make it easier for customers to interact
with the firm. The stand tour was extensive, covering everything from bakery to
ice making, with fully automated slicing
and packaging lines, the DairySmart separator on a skid and spiral freezers along
the way. The skid offers features such as
complete self-containment of fluid, and
is useful for niche producers of cheese
and whey.
On other equipment, there are tweaks to
items such as decanter, with the gearbox
being outside the production area, thus
offering no opportunity for contamination
from the engine. Ralph Vennewald says
the engineers went through the existing
decanter to optimise the
cleaning in place process for
One new participant was GEA de
Klokslag, which presented its cheese
making expertise at the show. With the
acquisition of the company in October last
year, GEA filled the gap in in its scope of
supply allowing the global organization
to supply turnkey cheese plants from a
single source. GEA de Klokslag is a leader in the supply of large-scale equipment
for the manufacture of hard and semihard cheese.
On the packaging side, Sealpac offered an
A7 traysealer with a sustainable packaging system, suitable for packaging a wide
range of products in varying quantities.
It processes all sealable materials while
achieving outputs up to 100 trays per
minute using servo technology.
The process begins with the use of
special EasyLid trays, produced by Naber
Plastics. These trays have a common
sealing edge as well as an additional ring.
A peelable seal is applied to the regular sealing edge whereas the additional
ring is hermetically sealed in the same
process. When opening the tray for the
Anuga FoodTec Rreview
first time, the lid function is automatically created and thus allows for multiple
EasyLid can be applied both for hot
and cold filling, as well as for packaging
under modified atmosphere (MAP).
Ilapak exhibited cheese industry products such as high-speed Lux 24, for
stand-up Doy bags containing grated,
cubed or multi-packs of cheese as well as
the cheese specification Vegatronic 6000
and Weightronic, multi-head weighing
and bagging equipment for all grades of
grated cheese.
Also, due to a special seal jaw pattern
that prevents contamination of gusseting,
liquid cheeses such as cream cheese can
be packed in block bottom bags on either
the company’s VT 6000 or VT 2000, for
an eye-catching presentation.
“Ordinarily, cream cheese would just
fill up the gusset and prevent formation
of a flat bag bottom. Our jaw design prevents this from happening,” according to
Andrea Boccolini, Ilapak VFFS product
Mozzarella balls are another application that few FFS equipment manufacturers have mastered, owing to the
complication of a liquid bath. “Packing
individual mozzarella balls requires synchronisation of the product and liquid
feeding systems at very high speeds,”
explains Boccolini.
Ilapak has developed integrated solutions, including multiple lane feeding
systems and a patented forming tube
design for high-speed liquid injection in
the bag. On Ilapak’s VT series, high pressure sealing coupled with special sealing
jaw profiles guarantee the barrier properties required by this
Ecolean was also
on hand to showcase
its transparent aseptic
package and the more
efficient EL4+ aseptic
filling system under the
theme, “A lighter world.”
Ecolean’s system, an
updated version of the
EL4 system, was running
continuously in Ecolean’s
stand throughout the exhibition and producing more
than 80,000 packages
per day. The machine
offers a 33 per cent faster aseptic line, with less
water consumption and less
energy used. It also features
improved user friendliness,
the company notes.
In the 400 square metre
stand, the visitor could enjoy
a juice frink from the firm’s
latest innovation, the Ecolean
Air Aseptic Clear package,
and also experience the full
range of lightweight packages in various sizes for chilled
and ambient distribution. The
reclosing device SnapQuick,
with its 0.5g weight, takes
lightweight packaging and
reclosing to a completely new
level, the company states.
“Our new Ecolean Air Aseptic Clear
has rapidly gained interest from producers and customers all over the world,”
says Anna Annerås, marketing director
at Ecolean. China, for example, is a
big market on the chilled side, and the
firm has recently opened up an office in
Meanwhile, the DLG (German
Agricultural Society) awarded Krones
two gold International FoodTec awards:
one of them directly and one with a customer from the energy utility sector. The
first was for its VarioSpin pressure deaerator. This solution is for product
deaeration, ensuring high product
and process quality in beverage
plants. The VarioSpin’s swirl inlet,
together with the geometry of the
vacuum tank and the type-specific
process control capabilities, result
in both an improvement in quality
and an enhanced level of operational dependability.
For the first time,
Krones was sharing a triple stand
with its two subsidiaries
Evoguard and HST. The
array of exhibits covered all the technologies
involved in producing sensitive beverages, beginning
with the valves and pumps
from Evoguard, then on to
the latest homogeniser from
HST, all the way through to
the process technologies from
Maschinenbau focused on
curd preparation on its stand:
with its coagulator and bassine system,
Alpma’s solutions can be adapted to suit
the requirements and spatial conditions
of both small and large-scale cheese
making companies. Further highlights at
the Alpma stand were the Formatic semihard cheese portioning and the MultiSan
packaging machines. Additionally, representatives from all Alpma business divisions and international agencies were
present on stand – including the French
subsidiary Servi Doryl, a manufacturer of
micro-perforated cheese moulds.
The manufacturers of food products are
often confronted with the need to satisfy opposing requirements, according
to Klüber Lubrication. For food safety, efficient production and failure-proof
machine operation, speciality lubricants
for the food industry are playing a part.
Klüber Lubrication exhibited its newly
developed, speciality lubricants for the
food-processing industry.
ExxonMobil, meanwhile, showcased
its range of energy-efficient lubricants,
along with its new working collaboration
with Energy Consultant Allgaü. Dii
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 33
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34 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
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Photo courtesy of Palsgaard
A spreading business
Grand View Research has released a report on the global food emulsifiers market to 2020
he global food emulsifiers market
is expected to reach US$3.18 billion (€2.9bn) by 2020, according
to a new study by Grand View Research.
Growing consumption of food emulsifiers primarily in premium breads, low-fat
spreads, chilled dairy products and chocolates are anticipated to augment market
growth. The Asia Pacific region is expected to show growth over the forecast
period as a result of increasing demand
for convenience products, consumer preferences for high-quality products, along
with strengthening government food regulations in the region. Furthermore, rapid
increase of functional foods is expected
to serve as growth opportunities for the
market over the next six years.
Emulsifiers, including mono, di-glycerides and derivatives, lecithin, stearoyl
lactylates and sorbitan esters, are expected to witness significant growth over the
next six years on account of the expanding food and beverage industry, along
with rising demand for convenience and
packaged foods. Increasing use of emulsifiers in bakery and confectionery products is expected to drive market growth
in particular. Mounting consumption of
emulsifiers is also seen in salad dressings,
chocolate, margarine and frozen desserts,
and this is anticipated to propel demand
over the forecast period.
Rising disposable income along with
changing lifestyles of consumers due to
rapid urbanisation is expected to have
a positive influence on the market.
Increasing consumer demand for low fat
foods is expected to supplement market
growth over the next six years. Ongoing
product innovation, rising consumer preferences for high-quality products along
with strengthening government food regulations is further expected to aid market
growth. Robust demand for processed
foods due to technological developments
for food processing and preservation
including cold storage, climate control
storage and pasteurisation, is expected to
fuel demand over the forecast period.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to
show above average growth on account
of increasing processed foods production
and innovation in segments including
bakery, confectionery and dairy. Rising
demand for convenience foods as a result
of growing population along with rapid
urbanisation in Middle East is expected
to drive market growth. Latin America
is anticipated to spur market growth on
account of increasing demand for bakery
products in the region. However, the entry
of low priced enzymes is expected to
restrain market growth over the next six
years. Furthermore, rapid growth of the
functional foods market is expected to
open new avenues for emulsifiers.
Food emulsifiers are segmented on the
basis of products that include mono,
di-glycerides and derivatives; lecithin;
stearoyl lactylates; sorbitan esters; and
others including sucrose esters, polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR), polyglycerol
esters of fatty acids (PGE). Increasing
usage of mono, di-glycerides and derivatives in margarines, convenience foods,
processed foods and frozen desserts is
expected to fuel demand over the next six
years. US Food & Drug Administration
approved stearoyl lactylates are anticipated to show rapid growth as a result
of increasing use in bread and ice cream.
The increasing demand for convenience foods is expected to drive the food
emulsifiers market and the segment is
anticipated to witness the fastest growth
over the forecast period on account of
globalisation, increasing consumer disposable income and a growing middle age
population over the next six years. A shift
in consumer preferences towards readyto-cook meals is expected to remain a key
driving factor for market growth.
Largest market
Europe was the largest market for food
emulsifiers in 2013, accounting for over
25 per cent of the global market and is
expected to witness lucrative growth as a
result of expansion of the food processing
industry in the region. The Asia Pacific
region is expected to supplement demand
growth on account of rapid economic
development in China, India, Indonesia
and Vietnam.
Furthermore, Asia Pacific is expected
to drive demand as a result of rising per
capita income and food processing industry in the region. South Africa and Brazil
are expected to witness significant growth
as a result of increasing consumption of
frozen food products. Dii
For further information:
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 35
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36 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Society of Dairy Technology
he first issue in 2015 of the
International Journal of Dairy
Technology (volume 68) leads with
a review of the practical consequences of calcium addition to and removal
from milk and milk products. This is of
immense importance to the dairy industry
since, apart from the nutritive value of this
rich source, ionic calcium plays a key role
in the manufacture of most dairy products, from coagulation of milk in cheese
making to thermal stability. A second
review covers the applications of nanoliposomes in cheese technology, from
acceleration of ripening to fortification
with micronutrients and the potential to
increase the shelf life of cheese products.
as an icon
Thanks to the micellar structure,
casein concentrates can be prepared
from skimmed milk by microfiltration.
Processing at low temperature increased
ß-casein losses to create a low ß-casein
concentrate while higher temperatures
gave a high ß-casein concentrate with
better foam stability and gel strength.
Seasonal variation is an age-old problem
in milk product manufacture. Improved
stability in nine per cent reconstituted
skimmed milk powder from summer and
autumn milks was related to the protein
content and inversely to the fat content
of the raw milks. Whipping properties
of creams did not exhibit any significant
seasonal variation other than between
buffering capacity of the raw milk (largely
protein related) and whipping time.
A separate report on the development of
a small-volume heat stability test for use
in recombined concentrated milks was
described, employing a microfluidiser to
prepare the emulsion then immersion in
an oil bath at 121°C before cooling and
examination of viscosity and particle size
Kappa-casein (K-CN) is a vital component in the stabilisation of casein micelles
in milk. A study of polymorphism of
K-CN genes in Nili-ravi buffalo, Achai
and Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan showed
that the buffalo carried only the BB gene
while Achai cattle carried three genes
(AA, AB and BB) and Sahiwal carried
AA and AB only. BB is absent in most
cattle breeds.
Colostrum is essential for the survival
of the neonate. An examination of the
What happens when calcium is removed from milk products
is the subject of the latest issue of the International Journal
of Dairy Technology. Andrew Wilbey reports
physicochemical properties of colostrum
from Murciano-Granadina goats indicated that postpartum time was a major factor in its quality, with season having only
a minor effect.
It has been suggested that camel
milk consumption can aid control of
type 2 diabetes mellitus. A feeding study
employing streptozotocin-induced, diabetic rats demonstrated reduced hyperglycaemia, blocked fibrinogen consumption and restored platelet aggregation.
Fortification of mixed bovine and buffalo
milks with calcium and vitamin D had
no effect on sensory scores but sensory scores, viscosity and other values
increased with fat content.
were harder than the low variants, with
decreased flow rates. Residual lactose
levels had no effect on these properties.
Smoking cheese runs the risk of accumulating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the product. A study with smoked
mozzarella indicated that the process
strongly influenced the level of contamination. The use of liquid smoke carried
the least risk, while the pattern of hydrocarbons reflected the different techniques
and could be used to detect the use of
unauthorised procedures.
Comparison of protein and carbohydrate-based fat replacers in production of
a low fat Turkish Beyaz cheese favoured
the protein-based replacer.
Whey proteins
Four batches of cheddar cheese curd were
produced with high and low calcium +
phosphorous (Ca+P) and high and low
residual lactose. Each batch was salted
at two levels, to give eight cheeses in
all. These cheeses were subsequently
converted into processed cheese. High
Ca+P and high salt-in-moisture cheeses
Sweetened apple juice beverages were
fortified with whey protein isolate (WPI)
or a whey protein hydrolysate (WPH).
While viscosity could be more effectively
increased by WPI addition, the sensory
scores decreased with increasing WPI
or WPH. Acidity control was critical in
avoiding sedimentation. Dii
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 37
Cheese Production
Monitoring of the cheese ageing process is key to the
finished product, according to Neville McNaughton
of Sanitary Design Industries
ne of the key phases of cheese
production is the ageing room
where environmental conditions
are critical to the quality of the final
product. Close monitoring and control of
temperature and humidity are required to
provide stable, steady state conditions for
the cheese. It is in the monitoring of these
tightly controlled ageing environments
where the cheese maker can profit.
Cheese producers have traditionally
relied on inexpensive kit that is inaccurate and may require numerous manual
checks, making it often difficult to know
what is happening inside their ageing
rooms from a temperature and humidity
perspective. Without proper measurement
producers can’t see or react to fluctuations in conditions – a real problem in
maintaining a genuine steady state environment. Steady state measurement is key
in cheese production.
38 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Founded in 2001, CheezSorce and
Sanitary Design Industries (SDI) provide
a range of consultancy and environmental
control systems for cheese makers and
dairy processors across North America.
Under the management of cheese consultant Neville McNaughton, the company
assists new entrants, midsize and micro
dairy businesses in the growing market
of high quality artisan cheese production.
“I am always surprised by the number
of cheese makers who are okay ‘not knowing’. Knowing when you have dysfunctional gauges isn’t necessarily knowing
much, but I can’t accept the ‘if the cheese
looks good then it must OK’ gauge,” says
Neville McNaughton, president, CheezSorce and SDI.
Higher accuracy
Following a recommendation, SDI trialled
Lascar’s USB temperature and humidity
data loggers in its consultancy work and
started to achieve greater accuracy in the
recording of temperature and humidity, as
well as 24 hour monitoring.
Completely separated from any existing temperature control system that a
customer might have in place, the units
also allowed SDI to bring independence
to a customer’s existing environmental
monitoring system – validating the efficacy and accuracy of any control schemes
put in to action.
CheezSorce/SDI has been using the
Easy Log devices since late 2013 and
has now set up over 30 customers with
control systems enabled by the Lascar
Cheese Production
“Temperature and humidity are fundamentally hard to visualise and the Lascar
devices are useful in helping us to educate our customers and ourselves. For
instance, we have seen clearly from the
data that we have collected that dew
point is a far more important metric than
anyone previously thought, and that by
contrast, relative humidity is less important than was assumed. These insights are
already helping our customers develop
better products,” McNaughton notes.
More cheese
As a result, one farmer that CheezSorce/
SDI has advised reported that in 2014,
despite processing the same volume of
milk as in 2013, he was able to sell 300500lb more cheese than in the previous
year. The farmer attributes that success
to the SDI-enabled control. It has enabled
the farmer to invest in a new evaporator
that will help achieve even better results
in future. It was the Lascar data logger
that was able to show the before and after
performance of the room.
The greater education of customers
enabled by the Lascar data loggers has
also provided SDI with new opportunities
to sell more services. With greater under-
standing of dew points inside ageing
rooms, now customers are increasingly
asking about the impact of dew points
outside of the ageing room, proper sealing of rooms, vapour barriers, air changes
and how to allow for general weather
conditions outside.
The insights gained from the devices
have also led SDI to develop a new control
product. For the first time, CheezSorce
is offering a control that does not rely
on a fixed temperature coil. Instead the
company has developed a system that
constantly modulates the temperature in
ageing rooms in order to deliver the real
stability that the cheese needs. Not only
does it give better stability, but it also
calls for less use of humidifiers and other
such equipment, thus lowering the energy
demands of ageing rooms. The Lascar
data loggers are providing the validation
that the new control is doing what it
is meant to be.
“These ‘cool tools’ have enabled me to have real conversations with my customers about
conditions in their ageing room
that have just not been possible
before,” McNaughton says. “I recommend their capacitance type sensor,
the EL-USB-2-LCD+, but we are also
now making use of WiFi enabled devices.
This enables you to store information
on the cloud for access to your room’s
statistics 24/7 from wherever you are. It
even sends warnings so you can call the
service guy before the cheese is lost.” Dii
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 39
DairyTech 2015
International Dairy Show
Date: 15-18 September
Location: Chicago, US
Contact: IDFA
Date: 19-23 May
Location: Milan, Italy
Contact: Ipack-Ima
Date: 20-24 September
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Contact: FIL-IDF
World Dairy Summit 2015
Royal Bath & West Show
Date: 27-30 May
Location: Shepton Mallet, UK
Contact: The Royal Bath & West Society
Date: 28-30 September
Location: Las Vegas, US
Contact: PPMI
European Label Forum
Date: 11-13 June
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: FINAT
International Cheese
Awards at Nantwich
Date: 28-29 July
Location: Nantwich, UK
Contact: Adrian Lawrence
Anutec Brazil
Date: 2-4 August
Location: Curitiba, Brazil
Contact: Koelnmesse
Global Cheese Awards
Date: 10-11 September
Location: Frome, UK
Contact: Brenda Scott
Pack Expo Las Vegas
Date: 29 September - 1 October
Location: Birmingham, UK
Contact: PPMA
The Dairy Show
Date: 7 October
Location: Shepton Mallet, UK
Contact: The Royal Bath & West Society
European Dairy Association
Annual Congress
Date: 15-16 October
Location: Edinburgh, UK
Contact: Dairy UK,
Food Ingredients Europe
Date: 1-3 December
Location: Paris, France
Contact: UBM
Dairy Universe India
Date: 14-16 September
Location: New Delhi, India
40 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Have a diary item you'd like to share with our readers?
You can upload your event and logo to our website or send to
UK AD & Biogas 2015
t’s no secret that there are real challenges in the dairy market. The number
of dairy farmers in the UK has halved
over the last decade to fewer than 10,000.
Diversification is becoming ever more
important to survive, and renewable energy remains an attractive option, tapping
into readily available on-farm resources to generate green energy as well as
other valuable benefits. Despite growth in
recent years, there is still huge potential:
British farmers could potentially power
an additional 1.3 million homes by diversifying into the renewable energy market.
Of all the many diversification options
available, anaerobic digestion (AD) is
particularly attractive to dairy farms. By
generating renewable energy and biofertiliser from existing farm wastes (such as
manure and slurries) either on their own
or in combination with crop material, AD
enables farmers to diversify their revenue
streams and reduce input costs. Farmers
benefit from government incentives for
green energy, which are guaranteed for
20 years and linked to inflation, while the
biofertiliser, known as digestate, can be
used in place of chemical-based alternatives. WRAP estimates that the nutrient
value of biofertiliser is worth up to £120
(€166.1) per hectare, in addition to other
associated benefits including enhanced
soil quality, increased crop yields, odour
reduction, carbon savings and a greater
availability of nutrients.
While AD may not offer a ‘get rich
quick’ scheme, farmers who are focused
on long-term business resilience will find
AD plants to be integral to an economically and environmentally sustainable
farming model. As an effective technology for managing manures and slurries,
AD remains an ideal fit for farming
businesses, especially where they can use
Spring Farm, Taverham
More bang
for your
The UK AD & Biogas 2015 is to be held at NEC in
Birmingham, UK. Charlotte Morton, chief executive of
the Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association
(ADBA) reports on what to expect
the heat and electricity generated on site.
Ever more farmers are realising the benefits of AD, with the number of agricultural AD plants having doubled to 139 in
the last year. That’s progress, but the NFU
estimates that there could be as many as
1,000 on-farm AD plants by 2020.
This year’s UK AD & Biogas 2015,
which we will be hosting at the NEC in
Birmingham on 1-2 July, will showcase
the latest technology and services from
the agricultural sector to around 3,000
visitors. Smaller-scale (below 100kW)
AD technology is developing all the time,
and exhibitors will be on hand to explain
how their technology fits to a range of different farms. There will also be free sem-
inars and clinics offering practical advice,
and updates on the latest technology. As
AD develops it is offering an ever more
effective manure and slurry management
option for farmers, offering on-site heat
and electricity savings and nutrient-rich
digestate – increasing outputs from the
same area of land while reducing its carbon footprint.
In a British election year, the future of
energy generation and use is a hot topic,
and decentralisation is emerging as the
key to greater energy security and lower
fuel bills. During UK AD & Biogas 2015
the opportunities provided by the shift
away from centralised electricity generation towards community based energy
will be considered, with local sources
fuelling transport, housing and businesses. But whatever happens politically, the
agricultural sector will come under ever
increasing pressure to increase outputs
while reducing its carbon footprint. In
that context, AD has a role to play in
supporting farming and food production.
Meanwhile, ADBA’s independent
Farmers’ Consultancy experts offer farmers free introductory advice, helping tailor
an AD business model to an individual
farm. Dii
For further information please email
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 41
SEPTEMBER 15–18, 2015
Co-located with:
New Equipment
Doosan’s forklift
innovation centre
Doosan Industrial Vehicle
UK’s general manager says
the company’s purpose-built
26,000 square metre global
research and development
centre in Korea will result
in benefits for its UK forklift customers. The R&D
centre features meeting
spaces and ‘idea rooms’
to promote communication among researchers
and aid creativity, as
well as an academy
devoted to the continuous
professional development
of Doosan’s researchers.
The contents of the company’s major patents are also
on permanent display. For
further information
please visit www.
Quatá Alimentos adds
filling lines
Brazilian dairy group Quatá
Alimentos has added six filling machines from SIG Combibloc. This has expanded
the company’s production
capacity. Since August 2012,
two SIG Combibloc filling
machines have been in use
at Quatá’s Campo Belo facility in Minas Gerais, Brazil. In
2014, five SIG Combibloc filling machines were installed
at Quatá, and at the beginning of 2015 an additional
machine started production.
Nine machines are now in
operation at three Quatá production sites. UHT full cream
milk, skimmed and semiskimmed milk, chocolate
milk, cream and sweetened
condensed milk are now
filled in combiblocStandard
and combiblocSmall carton
packs. For further information
please visit
Loma x-ray inspection
Loma Systems has developed a highly functional X-ray
machine with its new X5c
(compact) model. It is aimed
at food manufacturers, processors and packers running
multi-product, retail ready
lines. In line with CFR21 part
11 traceability, the X5c is multilevel password protected for
improved data management,
which means the system can
log events against individual operators. Produced from
brushed stainless steel, it
also offers an ultra-hygienic
design for easy cleaning and
low maintenance. A quick
r e l e a s e
belt can be
without the
need for tools or
the belt tension
can be eased for cleaning.
The X5c also has sloping
surfaces to stop food particles and washdown droplets
accumulating in crevices and
to reduce drying time. It operates at line speeds up to 50
metres per minute and measures just one metre in length.
For further information visit
Sick’s mighty Mini sensors
Sick’s mighty Mini range of
registration sensors is expanding to offer high-speed
contrast, colour and luminescence detection for food
processing environments.
The Sick KTM Prime Inox hygienic sensor offers detection
of contrast marks for a range
of packaging and labels, even
where there are low contrast
levels. With IP 69 stainless
steel housing, the sensor
has a temperature range of
between -30ºC to +75ºC. It
is useful for hygienic food
processing applications with
cold or hot processing conditions or when used with harsh
wash down solutions.
The Mini range also has the
CSM for detection, checking
and sorting of objects according to colour. For information
please visit
High capacity twin
screw pumps
Small doses safely with
Recently introduced in the UK
by Michael Smith Engineers,
3P Pera Prinz twin screw,
high capacity pumps are
available with either oneor
two pairs of screws and in a
choice of food-grade, wetted materials. These positive
displacement pumps are
driven by external gearing so
the screws never come into
contact with each other. This
ensures smooth flows and
suitability for pumping shear
sensitive fluids.
This twin screw ‘non-contact’ design also means high
The Vari-Dos-Asept
aseptic dosing station from GEA TDS
enables users to dose
aseptic liquids in very
small quantities of 0.2
and 0.3 g/litre directly
into the main aseptic
product flow.
The system presents an alternative method for aseptic
dosing that differs from existing systems. During sterile
dosing, 0.3g of sterile lactase
per litre is added to the milk
after the UHT process has
taken place. Hydrolysis oc-
suction lift capability (seven
to 8.5 metres) and less component wear. The pumps are
suited to pumping fluids with
low, medium and very high
viscosities up to 35,000 cSt
and at a wide range of pressures.
For further information please
curs in the carton
pack, and takes
about five days
at room temperature. With this
method, while a
dosing station is
required and the
hydrolysis time is
longer, the enzyme
costs are up to 85% lower
than with the batch method.
Furthermore, the method offers a high level of flexibility in
please visit
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 43
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Introducing UL’s comprehensive
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Bowl Cutters
Mincers & Mixer Grinders
Vacuum Packers & Shrink / dip mc’s
Mixers & Tumblers
Dicers, Flakers, Graters
44 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
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May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 45
To advertise, please contact Samantha Page
+44 1474 532202
Dairy Directory
Aluminium Capping
& Heat Sealing
Cheese Cutting
& Packing
Cheese Making
Equipment for manufacture and handling cheese curd
Soft and speciality cheese
Farmhouse scale to major industrial installations
Cutting and packing lines
Equipment for manufacture and
handling cheese curd
Soft and speciality cheese
Farmhouse scale to major industrial
Cutting and packing lines
1 Devonshire Business Park
Basingstoke RG21 6XN
Tel: +44 (0)1256 467177
Fax: +44 (0)1256 842917
Automation support for
your plant from the dairy
automation experts
1 Devonshire Business Park
Basingstoke RG21 6XN
Tel: +44 (0)1256 467177
Fax: +44 (0)1256 842917
GEA Process Engineering Ltd
Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6JF, UK
Tel +44 1925 812650
At-line Analysis
Bag Filling
On-Line and At-Line
Dairy Powder Process
Measurement Solutions
Ŷ Moisture Ŷ Fat Ŷ Protein
For optimal product quality
and process efficiency
Cheese Making
projects for powder packaging
We pride ourselves on supplying innovative
solutions for process problems within the
cheese & dairy industry.
Cheese Treatment
Working closely with you the customers we can
establish and achieve your requirements to the
standard you expect on time and within budget.
Food & Dairy
advice Advice
Road, Retford,
Retford, Nottinghamshire
DN22 7SN
DN22 7SN
Tel: +44
Fax: +44
46 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
Milling Curd – to specific sizes
Blending – salt and starches with cheese and curd
Cutting – Portions and Blocks
Complete Grating Lines – up to 2.5 tons per hour
Block and Portion Forming
Curd transfer/Whey Collecting
CIP Units
Mini Dairies
Site Services and Maintenance
FM 530395
T: 01332 366228
Address: Unit 6, Empire Business
Park, Parcel Terrace, Derby DE1 1LY
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To advertise, please contact Samantha Page
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Dairy Engineering &
Filling Machines
Dairy Directory
Homogeniser Service
B&Y Engineering
Dairy & Food Industry
01458 270004
We Design,
Maintain, Repair,
Install Hygienic
Systems & Services
Weld & Fabricate
Sole UK Applicator
Unit C3, Taylor Business Park, Risley,
Warrington, Cheshire WA3 6BL. UK.
Tel: 01925 763045 Fax: 01925 763381
Heat Exchangers
Spares & service of GEA
Niro Soavi, APV, & Tetra
Pak Homogenisers
To advertise please
call: Samantha Page
+44 (0) 1474 532202
Next Day delivery & 24/7
emergency breakdown
T: 0800 666 397
Dairy Equipment
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Dairy Directory
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Samantha Page
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To Advertise
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‘Flavours created by experts’
Natural Colours, Extracts &
Blends for Food & Drink
Tel: ++44 (0) 1438 742242
Fax: ++44 (0) 1438 742311
Plate Heat Exchangers
Ice Cream Machinery
‡Plate Heat Exchanger
‡ Plate Heat Exchanger
Integrity Testing
‡ Genuine OEM Plates
& Gaskets
Moody Direct Ltd,
West Carr Road,
Retford, Notts,
Freephone: 0800 666 397
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 47
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Dairy Directory
Membrane Filtrations
Induction Sealing
Online Measurement
Plain & Printed Dairy
Pots, Diaphragms
Hygienic stainless steel
membrane systems
Process & Packaging
Axium Process Ltd
Tel: + 44 (0) 1792 883 882
Packaging Machinery
Process Plant
Membrane Filtrations
Maple Court Wormbridge House
Wormbridge Hereford HR2 9DH
Tel: 01981 570611 Fax: 01981 570599
Natural Colours
To advertise
please contact:
Samantha Page
‘Colours drawn from nature’
Natural Colours, Extracts &
Blends for Food & Drink
Tel: ++44 (0) 1438 742242
Fax: ++44 (0) 1438 742311
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Process Plant
Shrink Wrapping
Dairy Directory
Used Equipment
Used Equipment
Spare Parts
Extensive range including
APV, Tetra Pak and
Tuchenhagen. OEM and
Moody Parts for Pumps and
Valves, Homogenisers,
Tanks and Fillers, Separators,
Heat Exchangers.
West Carr Road, Retford,
Nottinghamshire DN22 7SN
Tel: +44 (0) 1777 701141
Fax: +44 (0) 1777 709086
Spares & Service
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Service Cover
Qualified Engineers. Contract
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Service - 24/7. Extensive
Range of Spare Parts. All
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West Carr Road, Retford,
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Tel: +44 (0) 1777 701141
Fax: +44 (0) 1777 709086
Spares & Service
Stainless Steel Hygenic
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Dairy Machinery
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Exports Worldwide
The Netherlands
Tel: (0031) 348 558080
Fax: (0031) 348 554894
See for our stock list on:
Texture Analysis
To advertise
please contact:
Samantha Page
+44 (0) 1474 532202
New & Used Tanks,
Heat Exchangers,
Pumps, Valves,
We can also purchase your
surplus dairy equipment.
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Samantha Page
+44 (0) 1474 532202
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Telephone: +44 (0)161 627 4479
May 2015 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international 49
A working day...
Caroline Bell, director of Acorn Dairy
What in your background prepared you for your
current role?
Having left Newcastle University, I joined the sales team of a
small property company in the city. It was good experience
but very different life from that of 24/7 dairy farming and the
milk industry. I joined my brother Graham in 2005 in the
business, with responsibility for milk sales and distribution as
demand for local organic milk grew across our region. I found
that being a consumer and customer of others was very good
training for being director of the dairy. Focusing on our end
milk consumer is key.
Why did you decide to take part in the Business
is Great Britain campaign?
I was delighted to be asked. I am proud of what my family
and I have achieved with Acorn Dairy and pleased to get the
brand some publicity. We have benefited from a lot of advice
over the years, and I believe that sharing and accessing
advice are crucial to a small business’ success. The importance of time management was something I learned from
a course run at Yorkshire Agricultural Centre for new rural
business leaders in 2006. It was a very useful investment
for someone without management experience coming into
a small family business. It has stuck with me and been very
useful. You can see a fantastic selection of advice from my
fellow small business owners by taking a look at the Great
way to grow guide on the Business is Great website.
What do you think is the biggest issue in the
British dairy industry right now and why?
The undervaluing of good food, especially milk. Buying at
the cheapest price is not something to be proud of, as it is
likely that someone or something else is paying the price. For
example, the environment or the cows may suffer due to a
lack of investment in animal welfare.
What do you consider your greatest challenge?
Greatest achievement?
When I talk about our farm and cows to children in schools
or have groups to the farm I notice that for the average child,
who will go on to become a consumer making their own
purchasing decisions, there is a gap between the farmer and
the cows, they don’t see the connection. Closing this gap is
important, and this is the greatest challenge we face.
Our achievement has been one for our whole family, not
just me. To move from being a production-focused dairy farming business to one retailing to the consumer end has been
a huge change in mind-set and skills. It has not been easy.
However our business now employs 34 people and we have
4,000 direct customers of different business type and size,
which is something to be proud of.
How has the business changed since you became
Acorn Dairy has a strong customer connection in its local
region. To maintain that connection we communicate with
our customers constantly through our social media channels
by sharing as much of farm life as we can. Social media is
becoming steadily more important for small businesses nowadays. Being a student in Newcastle has certainly helped with
logistics planning in that region. We have some wonderful
cities in the northern counties. I have also contracted in a few
companies – for example, employment law advisors, to free
up time for milk matters.
What do you foresee happening in organic dairy
over the next few years and why?
I would like to see organic milk given better shelf positioning
by retailers. Consumers give themselves very little time to
make decisions in the dairy aisles and fridges. Let’s get more
organic milk, centre fridge, at eye level. Will this happen? I
do not know. I do think there will be more information and
research published proving benefits of organic milk to the
environment and consumer.
What does a typical day look like for you?
As a family business, we are 24/7. With nighttime doorstep
milk deliveries and daytime wholesale deliveries, we are likely
to get calls at all hours of the day. Visiting schools, customer
newsletters, a vehicle fleet to maintain and customer visits
keep every day different, and can also make for some long
days. As with all farming businesses though, the line between
life and work is very blurred.
Outside of work, what are your hobbies/interests?
Teaching my son to swim is a current favourite interest.
Caroline Bell is a supporter of the Business is Great campaign. To find out more, visit
50 DAIRY INDUSTRIES international May 2015
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