First Nations Soccer Association
First Nations Soccer Association
F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] AFFILIATION: The FNSA works in conjunction with the National and Provincial Soccer Associations to regulate and govern the soccer disciplines of the First Nations recognized by the FNSA. FNSA membership is open to any First Nations soccer organization that wants to become part of the First Nations Soccer governing body. Please keep in mind that FNSA is based on sporting opportunities and business principles. There will be no political influences involved with any FNSA programs. WHY BECOME AN FNSA AFFILIATE? There are five regions in British Columbia that have the opportunity to affiliate with FNSA: o Interior: 55 Bands, 9 Tribal Councils o Fraser: 32 Bands, 4 Tribal Councils o Vancouver Coastal: 14 Bands, 5 Tribal Councils o Vancouver Island: 40 Bands, 4 Tribal Councils o Northern: 54 Bands • By becoming a FNSA Affiliate, member Bands will have the right to host local tournaments sanctioned by BC Soccer and FNSA. The local events will be hosted according to FNSA statutes, general regulations, and sport rules. • Affiliates will have the opportunity to participate in FNSA's development programs that are designed to achieve optimal levels in all categories. World-class coaches will conduct professional development training. • Recognition granted by the BC Soccer Association, Canadian Soccer Association, and FIFA, as an accredited First Nations Soccer Association affiliate • The recruitment of First Nation coaches (training and certification) or enhancing the skills of existing coaches, trainers, and referees. May be recognized and certified, ranging from recreational to possibly international levels. • Enhancement from the FNSA developmental programs, to prepare candidates for the Provincial, National, and North American Indigenous Games to play as a First Nations Team • Accreditation for First Nations teams to play overseas under the auspices of FNSA as an affiliate of BC Soccer, Canada Soccer Association, and FIFA • Participation in cross cultural games as a First Nations team Society #: S-0060087 Business #: 807519905BC0001 5564 School Road, PO Box 41, Harrison Mills, BC CANADA, V0M 1L0 F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] WHY BECOME AN FNSA AFFILIATE? Cont’d • Consideration of sport and educational scholarships • Promotion and coordination of the development and the activities of soccer as a sport within the First Nations group • Affiliated members can apply for development assistance through the FNSA Liaison Office HOW TO APPLY FOR FNSA MEMBERSHIP: Any First Nations organizations may file an application with the FNSA, demonstrating that the applicant can fulfill all conditions for FNSA affiliation. The application process will include the following steps: Step 1 – Opening the Affiliation Process • Complete the FNSA registration form and the FNSA support endorsement document. The applicant sends an application to the FNSA Liaison Office with the affiliation fees: $30 per player Step 2 – Verification • Review of information received by the FNSA. May include a request for additional or complementary information/adjustments Step 3 – Decision Process • Granting of affiliation by the FNSA board • If the affiliation process is rejected, a letter will be sent to the applicant with the reasons for rejecting the application Step 4 – Welcome to the FNSA • The Welcome package to the FNSA includes: o Rules, statutes, FNSA flag o FNSA certificate of affiliation signed by the FNSA President o FNSA's support through development programs information Step 5 – Yearly renewal of the registration • Affiliation to FNSA is on a yearly basis and needs to be renewed annually For additional information, please contact the FNSA Liaison Office at Society #: S-0060087 Business #: 807519905BC0001 5564 School Road, PO Box 41, Harrison Mills, BC CANADA, V0M 1L0