FNSA Travel Claim Pkg - First Nations Soccer Association
FNSA Travel Claim Pkg - First Nations Soccer Association
F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] FNSA Travel Claim First Nations Soccer Association programs require athletes to travel to FNSA Selection Camps, FNSA Training Camps, FNSA Competitions and other camps/competitions approved by FNSA. Participants may have to travel from one of the six regions in BC to attend an FNSA camp. FNSA recognizes that travel can be a barrier for some families/athletes/communities to support their son/daughter as he/she seeks competitive opportunities. To assist athletes, FNSA has developed a Travel Program to provide travel support in way of a travel allowance. The goal of the program is to support as many athletes as possible. Based on priorities and demand, some applications may only be approved for partial funding (i.e. a request for a round trip may be approved for a one-way trip). Travel Eligibility Eligible applicants may be approved to be awarded up to $100 depending on the distance, to support travel expenses to an FNSA camp. Applications may only include travel to only one (1) camp. If athletes are required to travel to additional camps, applications must be submitted for each. Applicants must be in good standing and follow FNSA respect protocol. • • • Applications may include requests to fund vehicles traveling with athletes, but subsidizing athlete fares is the priority of the program. Coaches and managers traveling with athletes are eligible to be included in applications, but funding athletes is the priority of the program. Claims may also be used by coaches or officials traveling to a recognized certification or professional development opportunity. Mileage • To calculate mileage use www.google.ca/maps which calculates the distance in kilometres. Rates are as follows: o o o o o Under 100km 101km – 150km 151km – 200km 201km – 350km 351km + 5564 School Road PO Box 41 $0 $25 $50 $75 $100 Harrison Mills, BC V0M 1L0 Email: fnsa@hotmail.ca F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] Accommodation • Accommodation will be organized and provided for participants who are travelling more than 200km to attend a camp. • FNSA will organize billeting in local communities for athletes and families • Participants travelling greater than 300 kilometres one way will be set up for a two night’s stay • Accommodations that require hotel accommodations, reservations will be made by FNSA at an FNSA hotel sponsor for group rates Meals Host communities may provide snacks, water, and one meal per day to participants at an FNSA camp. Other meal costs will be the responsibility of the individual. Flights For those participants where travel to a session by car is unaffordable, please discuss alternative travel options. Application Selection Due to overwhelming demand, FNSA may not be able to approve all applications and requests. Priority will be given to: • Supporting athletes aged 18 years and younger traveling to: Selection Camps, Training Camps, FNSA Competitions Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria: • Submitted by an eligible applicant • Submitted a minimum of 10 business days before travel date • FNSA will notify every applicant of the status of their application. • Applicants will be notified of their application status well in advance of travel day as outlined in the application. • If successful, applicants will be notified of the amount approved to attend the FNSA camp Application Selection Travel claims will be handed out at the FNSA Registration Table at the camp applied and approved for • Upon registration the athlete will receive a travel allowance to be used to assist with travel expenses • If the athlete is under the age of 18, the travel claim will be given to the parent/guardian or adult in charge • Feedback is important to the success of the Travel Claim Program and applicants will be asked to give feedback on the outcomes of the camp and trip. • The Feedback Form will be distributed to successful applicants by email after travel has concluded. It is the player’s responsibility to complete and submit the Feedback Form. F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] FNSA TRAVEL CLAIM FORM Athlete Name: ____________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________ Payable to: ______________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone: _________________________ City, Postal Code: _____________________________ Camp Dates: ____________________ Camp Location: _______________________________ Type of Camp: (ID Selection, Competition, Provincial, National): ________________________________ Distance in kilometers to venue: (www.google.ca/maps): ______ Total distance in km. (return) Number/s in vehicle: ______ # athletes’ ______ # coaching staff ______ # chaperones FNSA Mileage Rates Under 100 km $0.00 101 km – 150 km $25.00 151 km – 200 km $50.00 201 km – 350 km $75.00 351 km + $100.00 "I hereby certify that this is a true statement of travel to an FNSA training camp as detailed above and that I have not been and will not be reimbursed for these expenses by any other party." _________________________ Signature of Claimant _______________ Date _________________________ Authorized Signatory _______________ Date Office Use Only: Total km (return) Payable to: Amount approved Cheque # Date Acct. Code F. N. S. A. [FIRST NATIONS SOCCER ASSOCIATION] FNSA TRAVEL FEEDBACK FORM Please give us your feedback: Your feedback is very important to the FNSA Travel Claim Program. Please tell us how the program assisted you to be a part of the FNSA soccer experience. Completed forms can be emailed to: cherylcharlie12@gmail.com Athlete Name: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________ Camp Dates: ____________________ Camp Location: _______________________________ Type of Camp: (ID Selection, Competition, Provincial, National): ________________________________ Amount Received through FNSA Travel Claim Program: $________________ Briefly describe how this funding enabled you to participate in the FNSA camp. 1 Tell us about your experience at the camp/competition. 2 What could be done to improve the FNSA Travel Claim Program? 3 Other Comments: 4 PLEASE NOTE: Applicants must complete and return the FNSA Feedback Form within 30 days of the event, in order to be eligible for further funding. _________________________ Applicant Signature _______________ Date