WyldLife Rockbridge Camp 2015 - Greater Forsyth County Young Life


WyldLife Rockbridge Camp 2015 - Greater Forsyth County Young Life
Greater Forsyth County
Who’s Going?
You and 500 friends!
We are taking 60 middle school students from
Forsyth County and there will be middle
school students from all over the US there
with us at camp!!
When? August 14-18, 2015!
What will we do?
We will spend a
week in the beautiful mountains of Virginia
having the greatest adventure of our lives! !
We will jump off the blob, go down the slide,
race down the Zipline, swim in the pool,
scream going down the Screamer swing,
play basketball, volleyball and frisbee golf,
relax in the hot tub, eat the best food you’ve
ever had! We’ll play lots of games, sing lots
of songs and have the best week of our lives! !
What is the cost?
The Cost is $550!
This includes food, lodging, transportation a
sweet t-shirt and a week full of memories!!
How do I sign up?
Fill out the form
on the back of this sheet with a $100 deposit
to the YL office (851 W. 5th St.) !
You can also sign up and pay online at our
Deposits will not be refunded after April 1st.
Summer Camp- August 14-18, 2015
Rockbridge WyldLife Camp Registration
August 14-18, 2015
Please Print:!
Name: __________________________________________________________!
School:____________________________Grade:________________ Sex:_____________!
T-Shirt Size (Adult sizes):!
XL! !
Parent/Guardian Name(s)____________________________________________________!
City:____________________________________ State:__________ Zip:_______________!
Parent Email:______________________________________________________________!
Parent Phone:_________________________Parent Phone#2:________________________!
**We will be communicating about pre camp meetings and specifics closer to the camp date**!
Payment Information:!
Total: $550!
Deposit: $100 !
Amt. Paid:_______________ Check #________________ Cash!
Please make checks payable to Young Life!
Young Life, 851 W. 5th St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101!
For more information please contact Crystie Beroth at the YL Office 336.725.1750 or