FO SOP-W06 - UCF Facilities Operations
FO SOP-W06 - UCF Facilities Operations
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders FO SOP-W06 Page: 1 of 5 Last Modified: 4/7/2015 Approved: 4/8/15 PROCEDURE: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Facilities & Safety personnel involved with submitting, processing and completing Life Safety and State Fire Marshal work orders. The purpose of this SOP is to standardize the procedure when submitting, processing and completing Life Safety and State Fire Marshal work orders. PURPOSE: 1. Definitions: WCC Work Control Center EH&S Environment Health & Safety LS Life Safety SFM State Fire Marshal PM Preventive Maintenance PMR Preventive Maintenance Repair NOTE: ALL STATE FIRE MARSHAL WORK ORDERS WILL BE GIVEN THE JOB PRIORITY OF LIFE SAFETY NO SFM/LIFE SAFETY WORK ORDERS WILL BE CANCELLED. AUTHORITY IS GRANTED TO EH&S DIRECTOR, EH&S ASSISTANT/ ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS AND THE LIFE SAFETY PLANNER ONLY. 2. EH&S Actions: a. Submitting LS and SFM Customer Requests: i. EH&S: ii. When submitting LS and SFM customer requests in AiM follow FO SOP-13 Creating a new Customer Request, ensuring the request description starts with LS and/or SFM. iii. Other than EH&S: iv. All Customer requests that come in as LS and/or SFM must be reviewed by EH&S before processing the work. Forward the request via email to EH&S at 3. WCC Actions: i. Processing LS and SFM Customer Requests: ii. In the Customer Request Approval screen in AiM click on the transaction number that is LS or SFM request. UCF FO SOP version 1, Jun. 1, 14 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders FO SOP-W06 Page: 2 of 5 Last Modified: 4/7/2015 Approved: 4/8/15 iii. At the Customer Request Approval screen click on the edit icon iv. In edit ensure the description is in the proper format as outlined in FO SOP-1: Standardized Work Order/Phase description If this is a LS or SFM request the description must start with LS and/or SFM LS/SFM, BXXXXX, RXXXX - ASSET - Problem, NOTE: ALL LS AND SFM WORK ORDERS MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS. v. Before approving the Customer Request there is one additional step for LS and SFM requests. In the Job Priority field select LIFESAFETY. UCF FO SOP version 1, Jun. 1, 14 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders FO SOP-W06 Last Modified: 4/7/2015 Approved: 4/8/15 vi. You can now approve the customer request. vii. Click on the Work Order number to access the work order. viii. Click on Phase 001 to access the phase. UCF FO SOP version 1, Jun. 1, 14 Page: 3 of 5 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders FO SOP-W06 Page: 4 of 5 Last Modified: 4/7/2015 Approved: 4/8/15 ix. If this Work order falls in the Priority of 1or 3 the phase status will be dispatched. All others leave as NEW 4. Planners actions: NOTE: ENSURE THE WORK ORDER IS PLANNED AND SCHEDULED WITH ENOUGH TIME TO ALLOW THE MAINTENANCE TEAM TO COMPLETE WITHIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE DATE CREATED. IF WORK CANNOT BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 CALENDAR DAYS DETAILED JUSTIFICATION MUST BE ENTERED IN THE NOTES LOG ON THE PHASE. (Examples: material lead time, access, contractor availability…) a. Check “New” Life / Safety query daily b. Process / Evaluate new work orders as follows: i. Work orders requiring clarification or require particular code requirements to be specified, submit email request to EH&S Director or Assistant Directors. Place work order phase in “Hold” status, note reason for hold. ie… Awaiting clarification and / or information from EH&S to proceed. ii. Work order is not complicated, Planner & Supervisor communicate to determine if status will be changed to Awaiting Supervisor Planning, or Awaiting Planning. Decision should be made within 1 business day. Refer to process guide 2.0 “PrioritIze Work order level 2”. iii. Work order is complicated, refer to Process Guide 3.10 level 3 5. Scheduler Actions: a. Check “Awaiting Scheduling” Life / Safety query daily b. Prioritize scheduling based on facilitating earliest possible completion date. All effort should be made to schedule Life /Safety phases within 3 business days from receiving phase in “Awaiting Scheduling” status. Refer to Process Guide 4.0 “Scheduling Level 2”. UCF FO SOP version 1, Jun. 1, 14 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA FACILITIES OPERATIONS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Subject: Processing and Completing Life Safety Work Orders FO SOP-W06 Page: 5 of 5 Last Modified: 4/7/2015 Approved: 4/8/15 c. Communicate with Supervisor to determine if work will need to be pulled in to current week’s schedule to meet the 30 day compliance date. 6. Team Supervisor Actions: a. Ensure the work order is scheduled and completed within 30 calendar days from its date created. b. If this is a repair needed resulting from a Life Safety PM the Team Supervisor will initiate a PMR ensuring step 3.d is followed NO SFM/LIFE SAFETY WORK ORDERS WILL BE CANCELLED. AUTHORITY IS GRANTED TO EH&S DIRECTOR, ASSISTANT DIRECTORS AND THEIR DESIGNATED DELIGATES. NOTE: FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE MAY RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION UP TO AND INCLUDING TERMINATION FOR INSUBORDINATION. <<<<End of Procedure>>>> UCF FO SOP version 1, Jun. 1, 14