Women In The Wilds - Friends Of Mount Pisgah State Park


Women In The Wilds - Friends Of Mount Pisgah State Park
We are trying to “green” our event!
Do you love the outdoors, but can’t
find time to enjoy it?
Your WITW registration includes:
Join 250 women at our annual
Women in the Wilds Event!
Choice of 4 Women in the Wilds
From compostable plates, cups, napkins,
and locally-sourced food, we need to do
our part to save the Earth! Please be
sure to bring a reusable hot and cold
Women in the Wilds t-shirt
cup to drink your beverages from!
This is your opportunity to try
Mmmm! Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
Did you know that 26 billion water
something new and exciting amongst
Chance at door prizes
bottles get dumped in the trash in
other women...bring a friend,
Use of all equipment
the U.S. annually, with less than
neighbor or family member to
Program materials and instruction
15% being recycled?
(re)discover new hobbies and
Please help us be green...and bring your
own drinking cups!
Join us at Mt. Pisgah State Park in a
beautiful, non-competitive, friendly,
outdoor atmosphere!
Space is limited to the first 250
registrants, so please register early!
For more information
During the WITW event,
we’ll have a
Silent Auction & Raffles,
(cash & checks will be accepted)
To benefit the Friends of Mt. Pisgah &
the 2016 Women in the Wilds Event
“This is the most fun I’ve had
since grade school! “
- 2009 participant
August 8, 2015
7:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
During lunch, don’t forget to
Nicole Harris, Environmental Education Specialist
Mt. Pisgah State Park
Mt. Pisgah State Park
28 Entrance Road
Troy, PA
Troy, PA 16947
(Bradford County)
Phone 570/297-2734
Email mtpisgahee@pa.gov
To Benefit:
All women, ages 14 & up, are invited to attend our
16th annual Women in the Wilds event
sponsored by the
Register by July 4th, $60.00 After July 5th, $70.00
Choose from the following courses and indicate your
preference on the attached registration form.
*Animal Calling: Identify predators and prey by their
sounds and their vocabulary. Listen and learn to speak
their language! Meet and learn from our new local WCOs
for the PA Game Commission in this session.
*Archery & Crossbow: Discover how to fit and select
archery equipment, with basic shooting instruction and
target practice. Treestand safety will also be discussed.
Women who have equipment may bring it! Up in Arms
Shooting Supplies Staff in East Smithfield, PA will instruct.
*Barn Quilts: Paint an outdoor-themed barn quilt to
decorate a building of your choice! Join Ralph Wilston, a
local contractor to design, draw and paint a work of art!
*Flyfishing: Can you make a tied fly act like a bug? Practice
the techniques and skills of flyfishing then hone your skills
on Stephen Foster Lake. Instructor Pete Lawrence owns
Black Lab Flies near Mansfield, PA.
Gem Trees: Create a gem tree using wire and tumbledpolished stones. Gem trees are a replicas of trees made
from wire—using gem stones for leaves. Instructor Inga
Wells is a WITW committee member and the Vice President of the Che-Hanna Rock & Mineral Club.
GMOs & Glyphosate: Join Susan Beal, a holistic DVM
who offers common sense advice and counsel with the goal
of health from the ground up—to explore the whole story
on GMOs and glyphosate. The conversation will include
history and mechanisms of both—and how they affect the
health of women, children, and animals. Discover how to
minimize exposure and explore solutions for remediation.
*GPS: Find some geocaches while learning the ins and
outs of a GPS, including how it could save you from an uncomfortable situation in the wild. Join members of the
Towanda Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla for this session.
Camp Cooking: Ever smelled good food slowly cooking
over an open fire? Discover some recipes sure to make
your mouth water, and sample along the way! Garry Calkins, a retired Scoutmaster, will be cooking it up a notch!
Grapevine Balls: Create a decorative grapevine ball to
enhance your flower bed. Participants will learn the technique that can be adapted to any size ball using grapevines
cultivated or grown in the wild. Instructor Beverly Hunter
is a WITW committee member.
Canning & Freezing: Everyone needs to learn how to
preserve the food they grow. Discover the basics of freezing and canning so you can enjoy the fruits of your summer
labor year-round! Danette Bixler-George and her husband, Greg, have been presenting at WITW for years!
Lyme Disease: It is estimated by the CDC that there are
300,000 new cases of Lyme disease every year. Do not
become part of that statistic! Join A Hope 4 Lyme to learn
about tick-borne diseases and how to prevent getting bitten. Ask questions and make a tick tube in this session!
*Canoe/Kayak/Paddleboards: After you learn about
the types and styles of equipment used, you’ll enjoy practicing paddle stroke techniques and the implementation of
safety procedures as you head out on Stephen Foster Lake.
Endless Mountains Outfitters from Sugar Run, PA will
*Self-Defense: One in four individuals will be involved in a
violent crime during their life...don’t be the next! Discover
effective self defense tactics designed to neutralize an attacker. A basic overview of the most effective martial art
on the planet, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu will be covered! Instructor
Rob Smith owns Contact Club Sports in Blossburg, PA.
Essential Oils 101: Discover the basics of essential oils
from history to cultivation and their individual uses. Explore the science behind essential oils and be able to observe the electro-magnetic fields that mirror in your own
bodies. Tiffany Repsher is a licensed massage therapist,
DoTerra wellness advocate of DoTerra products, and
owns Leraysville Naturopathic Wellness Center.
*Shooting Events: Shotguns, .22 rifles, black powder &
handguns all together! Learn about the different types of
sporting arms, ammunition, and proper gun fit from experts. Shoot at targets and clay birds on our shooting
range! Our NRA certified instructors will demonstrate
proper safety techniques.
*Sustainable Farming: Join Cliff & Margarita Bruszewski of
Running Bear Farm to tour their Certified Naturally Grown
high tunnel. Discover methods of growing produce yearround. This workshop will require driving 2 miles from the park to
visit their neighboring farm.
WITW 2015 Registration Form
Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
*Wild About Tea: There is nothing more wild than picking a
plant and brewing it for medicine! Identify the medicinal plants
commonly called weeds, gather them with respect to nature
and learn how to prepare them. Join Denise DeLosa, Dirt
Road Herbals—an aspiring herbalist to get closer to nature!
City _____________________State_____Zip____________
Wine & Design: Sip “sparkling” wine and design a scenic
painting of Mt. Pisgah State Park from bare canvas to a masterpiece that will adorn the walls of your home. Cecilia Danza of
Williamsport Wine & Design will be leading this session!
*Confirmations will be emailed if address is given above!
Wisdom of the Wilds: Nature provides numerous signs for
personal reflection. Strengthen your connection with nature by
exploring myths, legends, and folklore associated with the wisdom found in the Pennsylvania Wilds. Come explore the wisdom in Mt. Pisgah State Park and consider ways to record your
observations while minimizing your impact on our environment. Suzann Schiemer is a teacher during the school day, and
a nature lover the rest of the year!
Yoga: Yoga is a way to find inner peace through breathing and
stretching. Join this session for hands-on instruction and to
enjoy Mt. Pisgah State Park in a very natural way! Katie Seeley
is a certified yoga instructor from the Troy area who has been
practicing yoga for over a decade!
*Many of these workshops do require walking, driving or hitchhiking between Lakeside/Hilltop areas!
Please make checks payable to —
Friends of Mt. Pisgah State Park/PPFF & mail to:
Phone __________________________________________
Date of Birth ______________________________________
E-mail Address ____________________________________
Emergency Contact /Phone __________________________
Course Offerings: Please rank in order of preference, 1 through 6 with 1
being your first choice and 6 being your last choice.
_____Animal Calling
_____Grapevine Balls
_____Barn Quilts
_____Lyme Diisease
_____Camp Cooking
_____Self Defense
_____Shooting Events
_____Sustainable Farming
_____Essential Oils
_____Wild About Tea
_____Wine & Design
_____Gem Trees
_____Wisdom of Wilds
If you are planning on attending with another woman and would
like to share the exact same classes, please write her name
Nicole Harris, Mt. Pisgah State Park
The WITW giveaway item this year is a t-shirt,
28 Entrance Road, Troy, PA 16947
Phone (570) 297-2734, Fax (570) 297-4644
Email: mtpisgahee@pa.gov
please circle your size here:
Confirmation / Cancellation
Workshops will be filled according to when your registration is
received. A confirmation letter with directions to Mt. Pisgah
State Park will be mailed/emailed to you upon receipt of your
registration form & workshop fee.
The cancellation deadline is July 18, 2015. If you cancel after
the deadline, you will be responsible for the full program fee.
Payment Method (cash, checks, or money order)
$________Registration Fee
$60(early bird, postmarked by July 4)
$70 (postmarked after July 4)
Ages 14-17 must attend with a parent or legal guardian.