April - Mount Pisgah Church


April - Mount Pisgah Church
APRIL 2016
Worship Partners
Altar Guild: 8:30—Julie Gordon and Jo Lawrence; 11:00—Hilda Evans.
Bereavement Team: Margaret Lewis. Prayer Chain: Call Pat Schaaf,
497-4919 or LuAnn Christy, 288-3321.
April 3
Greeters: 8:30—Cindy Martin and Bob Muhl; 11:00—Walt and Gina York.
Nursery: 11:00—2 ½ - 4 Years: Sarah Reed. Ushers: 8:30— Spencer
Ferguson, Pat Manahan, Dennis Scheer and Bob Johnson; 11:00—Mac
McNairy, Mark Nolte, Ann Tanner, Gene Tanner.
April 10
Greeters: 8:30—Chuck and Becky Ernest; 11:00—Jim and Ronda Foster.
Nursery: 11:00—2 ½ - 4 Years: Sina Pipkin. Ushers: 8:30— Spencer
Ferguson, Pat Manahan, Dennis Scheer and Bob Johnson; 11:00—Randy
Auman, Rick King, Charles Moon, Leo Schaaf.
April 17 – Lay Renewal Service
Greeters: 10:00—Keith and Glenda Smith and Rebecca Hansley. Nursery:
10:00—2 ½ - 4 Years: TBA. Ushers: 10:00—Pat Manahan, Sharon and Sean
Debnam, Christy and Tim Stream and Brent Holmes.
April 24
Greeters: 8:30—Challice Parsons; 11:00—Bill and Stacy Thomson. Nursery:
11:00—2 ½ - 4 Years: Amy Miller. Ushers: 8:30— Spencer Ferguson, Pat
Manahan, Dennis Scheer and Bob Johnson; 11:00—Bill Apple, Gaye Clifton,
Ken Clifton, Wallace Wilson.
If you would like to greet at the 8:30am service, please contact Betty Collins at
282-1085. If you would like to greet at the 11:00am service, please contact
Rebecca Hansley at 545-7519 or rhansley@triad.rr.com.
Church Events
Apr. 3 — ELP Luncheon
Apr. 11 – XYZs Trip
Apr. 11-14 — Lay Renewal
Prayer Vigil
Apr. 15-17 — Lay Renewal
Apr. 19-30 — Pictorial
May 1 — Spaghetti Supper
Prayer List
Philippians 4:6
Names will remain on the prayer list for up to 4 weeks. To update the prayer list,
call or email LuAnn Christy at lchristympumc@bellsouth.net or 288-3321. All prayer
requests for the bulletin and/or email/phone tree must be submitted by the person
of concern, a family member or minister (due to HIPAA regulation). Please
remember in prayer: Lindsay Jackson (granddaughter) of Crystle McKinnon),
Connie Hamby (friend of the Holmquists), Diana Tursky, Dave Robertson, Cindy
Roughgarden, Leo Schaaf, Donna Tyner, Wilma Latta (sister-in-law of Dee Earl's sister),
Bill Transou (father of Stamps Transou), Freddie Allen (cousin of Carolyn Grimes), Jill
Jarrell, Samie Henegar, Kathy White, Ron Longe, Bobby Pickens (brother of Bill Pickens),
Mel Patterline (friend of Jerry and Jo Ann Snyder).
“Do not be anxious
about anything, But
in everything, By
prayer and petition,
With thanksgiving,
Present your
requests to God.”
We extend our love and sympathy to Jo Ann Snyder and family upon the death of
her sister, Vivian Knight, on February 19 in Washington; to Greg Light and family upon
the death of his brother-in-law, Otto Geist, on March 8 in Peoria, IL; and to Lee Booth,
Rob and John Booth and family upon the death of their mother and grandmother, Shirley
Booth, on March 14 in Greensboro.
In memory of Sue Fox: APDO Postal 63-4417, Gilbert
and Peggy Wyrick, Jerry and Sandra Joyner, Tom and
Agnes Shelton, Ron and Kay Bettini, Blair Miller, John and
Ginny Magnotta, Irene Miller and Dan Dupert, Roger and
Sherri Miller, Leonard and Lori Miller.
In memory of Henry Maiden: Dorothy Gammon.
Mt. Pisgah UMC/Ernestine L. Penry Scholarship Fund
In memory of Sue Fox and Vivian Knight: Jay and
Toni Snyder.
In memory of Vivian Knight: Guilford Grange, Inc.
In memory of Vivian Knight: Ann Schwabeland.
Capital Improvement Fund
In memory Ken Eckles: Ray and Cathy Reagan.
Website Links
The April Anniversaries and Birthdays will be
posted on the church’s website at
The Calendar will also now be posted on the
church’s website at
New To Our Family
New Members
On February 28 at our 11:00am worship service, it
was with great joy that we baptized Case Gentry
Miller. Case is the newborn son of Stuart and Haley
Miller. Stuart and Haley also have two additional
sons, Holt and Beau. Stuart and Haley became new
members as well and they came by Letter of
Transfer from Center United Methodist Church of
Greensboro, NC. Welcome to the Mt. Pisgah Family!
Also on February 28 at our 11:00am worship service,
we welcomed new members Richard and Sandra
Furr, who came to us by Letter of Transfer from
McMannen United Methodist Church of Durham, NC;
Denise Jones, who came to us by Letter of Transfer
from Hines Chapel in McLeansville, NC and Bill and
Libby Selby, who came to us by Letter of Transfer
from First United Methodist Church of Charlotte, NC.
Welcome to the Mt. Pisgah Family!
On March 13 at our 11:00 am worship service, we
welcomed into membership Chad and Stephanie
Rund, and their son Shrader. We also baptized
Stephanie and Shrader. Chad came to us by
Profession of Faith.
Congratulations to two of our young church
members, Evan Stream, son of Christy and Tim
Stream and Stephen Roberts, son of Stephanie
Roberts and grandson of Ellen Underwood. These
boys, along with ten other boys, earned the Arrow of
Light, the highest award in Cub Scouts on March 15,
2016 and have bridged over to Mt. Pisgah’s Boy
Scout Troop 316.
OWL Kids
Jr Whobodies will meet
on Sunday, 4/10 from
4:30-6:30pm. Bring $3 for
dinner. All current 6th
grade students are
encouraged to attend.
There will be a parent
meeting for Whobodies
following dinner.
UMKids and Jr Whos are
invited to go to the
movies together to see
Jungle Book rated PG
on Sunday 4/24. The
movie times and location
will be announced in the
weekly bulletin closer to
the date.
VBS registration opens
on Sunday, 4/10. Follow
the registration link on the
church website to register
all 4 year olds through
rising 5th grade students
and as a VBS volunteer.
Created by God (retreat
for 4th-6th graders) on
Friday 4/29 and Sat.
4/30. Children have to be
registered by Friday, April
15. This event will be held
at Guilford College United
Methodist Church.
Spaghetti supper is on
Sunday, May 1 from 57pm. Donations for the
meal go to the Whobody
summer mission trip. The
children’s choir will
perform at 6:00pm.
VBS All Volunteer
Meeting-Thursday, May
26 at 7:00pm in the Page
classroom. This is for all
adults and youth who are
planning to volunteer at
VBS. We need many
volunteers to have a
successful program, if you
are able we would love
your help!
Vacation Bible School is
June 14-17. The set-up/
decorating time will be on
Sunday, June 12 from 36pm. The VBS theme this
year is Cave Quest:
Following Jesus the Light
of the World.
Day Camp is the week of
July 11-14. Our rising
first through rising-fourth
graders enjoy learning
about God’s wonderful
creation at Camp
GuilRock, the Methodist
District Camp.
WHO News
Sunday April 3
The Whobodies will meet for Sunday School, 9:45am class in room 203; 11:00am class in Whobody room (4/3) Youth
Meeting/Supper, 4pm-6:30pm (bring $3 for dinner), (4/6) Singing at Abbotswood and ice cream 6:30pm-8pm drop off
at Abbotswood and pick up at church.
Sunday April 10
The Whobodies will meet for Sunday School, 9:45am class in room 203; 11:00am class in Whobody room (4/10)
Current 6th graders rising party and Whobody parent meeting and Supper, (4/13) Lay Renewal Set up 5pm-7pm
drop off and pick up at Church (4/15) Lay Renewal 7-9pm pick up and drop off at the church (dinner provided)(4/16)
9:30-Noon pick up and drop off at the Church (bring $5 for breakfast) we will be playing at Country Park (4/16) Lay
Renewal 7-9pm (dinner provided)
Sunday April 17
No Whobody Sunday School (lay renewal), (4/17) No Youth Meeting/Supper (4/20) Serving Out of the Garden
5:45pm-7:45pm drop off and pick up at church.
Sunday April 24
The Whobodies will meet for Sunday School, 9:45am class in room 203; 11:00am class in Whobody room, (4/24)
Youth Meeting/Supper, 4pm-6:30pm (bring $3 for dinner) (4/27) Serving Setup for Spaghetti Dinner 5-7pm drop off
and pick up at church.
Easter Lilies
In Memory of:
Tommy Nelson
By: Jodie Nelson
Ken Eckles
By: His Children & Grandchildren
Ann Eckles
By: Her Children & Grandchildren
Dick White, Jr.
By: Kathy White & Family
Sue Yates
By: Fred, Caroline & Kimberly Yates
Roy T. Paylor, Jr.
By: Lillian Paylor
Ed Daniel
By: His Family
Rudy & Susie Shouse
By: Doug & Dianna Hinton
Marie Holman
By: Doug & Dianna Hinton
Blanche Hinton
By: Doug & Dianna Hinton
Chris Boland
By: Vernon & Lib Boland
In Honor of:
Amberly Johnston (our daughter)
By: Frank & Kathy Foulkrod
Charlcie Fraley
By: Will & Kristy Eubank
Doris Stanback (Happy Birthday – March 29)
By: Tyqual Stanback
James & Rosa Cooper
By: Zella Cooper
Janet & Mac (Grams & Granddaddy)
By: Will & Max Bugden, Abigail & Harper Styron
Bobby Horton
By: Joy Horton
Our Mt. Pisgah Family
By: Janet Bugden & Rowena Styron
Harold Statler (my father)
By: Crystle McKinnon
John & Anita Beard
By: Your Kiddos & Grandkiddos
Pansy Statler (my mother)
By: Crystle McKinnon
Rev. Dorothy & Rev. Mark Klass
By: Wentworth & Betty Stone
Jim Elias
By: The Elias Family: Linda, Jim & Becky, Gina &
Evelyn Cummings
By: Wentworth & Betty Stone
Jim Yow
By: Peggy M. Yow
Keith Radford (Anita’s father)
By: John, Peachy, Johnny & Virginia Beard
Sugar Beard (John’s mother)
By: John Peachy, Johnny & Virginia Beard
Ruth M. Jensen
By: Wentworth & Betty Stone
Ron Belton
By: Pat Belton
Taylor Anne Bolton Transou
By: Pat Belton
Madison Dragoo
By: Pat Belton
Ken J. Smith
By: Betty Smith
Ted & Lynda Troutman
By: Anonymous
Peggy Yow
By: Doug & Dianna Hinton
Nancy Gryder
By: Doug & Dianna Hinton
Larry & Sherry Proctor
By: Will & Kristy Eubank
Sarah Fraley
By: Will & Kristy Eubank
United Methodist Men
Plan now to attend our April 25th meeting. Dr. Karl
Stonecipher will be our speaker.
Thank you to the congregation for supporting our
Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 12th. We had
a great turn out and we appreciate it.
United Methodist Women
Calling all Mt. Pisgah ladies: The UMW is hosting a
membership tea drive for members and nonmembers at 11am on May 7 in the Fellowship Hall.
Lunch will be served. Please come and find out what
the UMW and each circle is all about and enjoy
fellowship with us as we celebrate Mother’s Day
weekend. A sign-up sheet is on the UMW bulletin
board. We will also be honoring Lynda Troutman as
our special guest. Please come and let her know how
special she has been to us all.
Night Shelter
The Seekers class is in charge of the Night Shelter
on Friday, April 8.
A New Pictorial Directory!
Plans are under way for the publication of a new
pictorial directory! We would like every member &
regularly attending guest of Mt Pisgah UMC to have
a professional Lifetouch portrait included in our new
directory. An up-to-date pictorial directory will be the
best gift we can give to our new pastor! We ask that
you please take the opportunity to be part of this
important connectional tool for our new pastor and for
our church.
Photographs will be taken on the following dates and
Columbarium Update
Tuesday April 19th 2:00-8:40
Wednesday April 20th 2:00-8:40
Thursday April 21st 2:00-8:40
Friday April 22nd 2:00-8:40
Saturday April 23rd 10:00-4:00
Tuesday April 26th 2:00-8:40
Wednesday April 27th 2:00-8:40
Thursday April 28th 2:00-8:40
Friday April 29th 2:00-8:40
Saturday April 30th 10:00-4:00
You may sign up for an appointment immediately by
visiting the church website at www.mtpisgahumc.org
and clicking the portrait sign up link. For those of you
who prefer to sign up in person, you may sign up
after services on Sunday, April 3 and April 10.
Every family photographed will receive a
complimentary 8x10 portrait and a directory. You will
also have the opportunity to purchase additional
portraits at the same time. Lifetouch encourages you
to be creative with your portraits. You may bring
props if you would like (musical instruments, family
Bible, sports equipment, etc. Pets will not be pictured
in the directory but are welcome to join you in other
poses). You will also have an opportunity to have
generational portraits taken. If you plan to have
generational portraits taken, please schedule your
families at consecutive times.
***Special Note: Lifetouch, a company with a
passion for mission work is partnering with our
church to help meet the needs of local food
pantries. Bring any non-perishable food item with
you to your photography appointment and
receive $5 off your portrait order.
Currently twelve families have committed and purchased niches in our newly planned Columbarium. Just ten more
commitments would assure us that construction could begin in late Spring or early Summer. Discuss this with your
family and contact the church office or Ann Jones now so you don’t miss out on the pre-construction pricing.
NEW for 2016: The background for the directory
pose will be a caramel color and our family portraits
will be in landscape orientation this year. Blue and
black backgrounds will be available for additional
The XYZs Trip
The XYZs (anyone 55 years of age or older) are
taking another trip on April 11th. The church van will
leave the parking lot at 10:15AM and we will head to
the Saxapahaw General Store for a fresh and
delicious meal (Our State Magazine, January 2015).
After lunch, we'll continue on to Raleigh to visit the
Videri Chocolate Factory where we will take a selfguided tour, enjoy the fragrance of freshly roasting
cacao beans and munch on some freshly-made
artisan chocolate! (Our State Magazine, February
2015) Yum! The cost for the trip is only $8 which
covers transportation in the church van. Lunch and
chocolate is at your own expense. Contact Brenda
Rose (336/288-3321 work, 336/344-5288 or email at
brose@mtpisgahgreensboro.org) as soon as
possible to reserve your seat on this fun excursion
Women’s Fall Retreat
Make plans to attend the "Beautiful Feet" Fall
Women's Retreat in beautiful Blowing Rock, NC,
September 9-11th. Informational registration forms
are available in the volunteer’s office.
Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!
For more info, contact Kim Longe, 907.0195 or
“Operation Christmas Child” Update
It's time to start collecting shoebox items at Mt.
Pisgah again in the Volunteer's office. Below are
some of the items we need. Don't forget the afterEaster sales also for your own shoeboxes.
April's Items of the Month:
30--Flashlights with Batteries
35--Games (checkers, cards, dice,
Samaritan's Purse (OCC) collected 8,765,637 giftfilled shoeboxes in the USA, and more from other
countries. Mt. Pisgah as a collection site distributed
over 1,500 boxes. Here are some
countries that receive them-Jamaica, Kenya, Peru, Ecuador,
Columbia, and USA (Native
Any questions? Contact Kathy Sharp
(danielsmom7808@aol.com or 4509996) or Gina York
(gdovel116@aol.com or 314-012).
Lay Renewal Prayer Vigil
Our Lay Renewal Celebration is coming up soon, and
we need your help! Please sign up to pray during
one of the evenings from April 11th-14th. Time slots
are available from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and you
can come to the sanctuary or just pray wherever you
are. We want our church to come together to pray
that the weekend of April 15th-17th is a renewing
time for us to draw closer to God and closer to each
other. Join us!
Newsletter and Bulletin Deadlines
The deadline for our May newsletter is Wednesday, April 13 at 10am. The newsletter will be sent out around April 27. Do not submit articles for
events occurring before April 27. Don’t forget to include clip art and pictures to go along with your articles. The deadline for our weekly bulletin is
Monday mornings at 10:00am.
You may email your articles for the bulletin, newsletter, website or Sunday morning screen announcements to LuAnn Christy at
lchristympumc@bellsouth.net or by going to our website, http://www.mtpisgahumc.org/about-us/newsletter-and-submissions. (Please submit all
articles in Arial, 11 pitch.)
Good News/Bad News
The good news for Mt. Pisgah Church is that we continue to grow and are reaching more people. The bad news (it’s not really that bad) is that
we are running out of parking space. We ask anyone who can to park in the Lewis Center lot behind the church.
Missives from Mt. Pisgah
Ted is now sending messages weekly (at least) over email. These messages (missives) deal with practical and theological matters which are of
interest to our community. If you are not receiving the missives, please email LuAnn Christy (lchristympumc@bellsouth.net), and she will put you
on the list.
Announcements by Email or Phone Tree
Are you receiving the announcements from the church office concerning deaths, births and special events? If not, contact LuAnn Christy at
lchristympumc@bellsouth.net or 288-3321. Be sure to give your name, email address and phone number (home, cell or work).
Newsletter by Email
You may be signed up to receive the announcements by email from the church office (which happens frequently) but the newsletter is mailed out
separately once a month. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email, go to the church’s website, http://www.mtpisgahumc.org/about-us/
Used Christian Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. Needed
As you do your spring cleaning the Chaplain’s office
at Salisbury prison could use your used Christian
books, CD’s, DVD’s, dictionaries, concordances etc.
This is the unit where we do Disciple Bible Study on
Monday and Tuesday each week. They have over
1000 men in this unit who use this small Christian
library. They have no access to a computer and
make good use of the materials in this library.
A great need is a CD player with headphones if you
have one you will be discarding. Also anything in
Spanish is appreciated. Monetary donations are also
Call Jerry Riffey for more information, 336-707-7191.
Branson Show Extravaganza Trip Postponed to
September 18-24, 2016
This exciting 7 day/6 night trip will be the highlight of
your year! Come join us as we see 7 fabulous shows
including a three-course meal and show on the
Showboat Branson Belle for the incredibly lost cost of
$589 (double occupancy)! Reserve your seat now on
the motorcoach by contacting Brenda Rose 336/2883321 or brose@mtpisgahgreensboro.org. See you
Mt. Pisgah UMC/ELP News
We are pleased to share the following short bio
from one of our curent scholarship recipients,
Hillary Taylor. We hope you will come and meet
Hillary on ELP Sunday, April 3rd.
Hillary Taylor is in her first year of her Masters of
Divinity program at Candler School of Theology
(Emory University). She currently interns as a
chaplain at Lee Arrendale State Prison, ministering
with inmates in solitary confinement. She serves as an
executive officer of the Candler Social Concerns Network,
which helps raise awareness of different social issues
surrounding the seminary (e.g., farmworker justice, justice
system reform, etc.). A graduate of Furman University (c/
o 2012), she worked as a young adult missionary with the
United Methodist Church before attending Candler. From
2012-2014, she worked at Seth Mokitmi Methodist
Seminary in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, helping
seminary students volunteer with community
organizations for their degree requirements. From 20142015, she worked in Miami, FL as a Financial Coach
helping people make budgets, get jobs, build credit, pay
off debts, and file their taxes. Originally from Columbia,
SC, she enjoys hunting, hiking, camping, filing taxes,
reading the theological writings of Walter Brueggemann,
and having dinner/movie nights with friends.
Hillary Taylor
Lay Renewal Weekend – April 15th-17th we will have
small groups, music by the Whobodies , Saturday
morning coffees, and a combined worship service on
Sunday that you do not want to miss with music by the
choir and praise band. See the following schedule and
don’t forget to sign up.
To Everyone at Mt. Pisgah UMC,
Thank you so much for the love and prayers you all have
said for me during this last illness. This is why I’m still
here. Food poisoning is the worst sickness you can get.
This is a wonderful church and the ministers and all you
are just so helpful and all your prayers are why I’m still
God bless you all,
Shirleyann Cruse
After what the chancel choir believes to be twenty years… we’re getting
We need your help to reach our $7,000 goal.
On Sunday, May 15th, we’ll be singing our hearts out in a Variety Show/Silent Auction at
4pm in the Fellowship Hall. Drinks and birthday cake (in honor of Pentecost) will be served.
You’ll not want to miss this fun event! Donations and proceeds from the silent auction will
be put toward the choir robe campaign.
You may also donate in memory or honor of a loved one. Each robe costs approximately
Please turn in the following form to Dee Earl:
In Memory of ____________________ amount $______
In Memory of ____________________ amount $______
In Honor of ______________________ amount $______
In Honor of ______________________ amount $______