ORGANISED BY: University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” – SILISTRA BRANCH ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Chair: Assoc Prof. Temenushka Bogdanova, PhD – DIRECTOR of Silistra Branch Scientific Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Diana Zhelezova, PhD – ERASMUS Coordinator of Silistra Branch Secretaries in charge: Pr. Assist. Prof. Galina Lecheva, PhD Assist. Prof. Stanimir Stanev 70 years Traditions and Innovations MAY RESEARCH CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS May, 15th, 2015 Silistra, 1, Albena str., POB 103 University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” – Silistra Branch See the sample paper on Members of the Organizing committee: THEMATIC FIELDS: Pr. Assist. Prof. Evgeniya Deneva, PhD Pr. Assist. Prof. Valentin Manev, PhD Senior lecturer Viliyana Raycheva Senior lecturer Tsvetanka Pavlova Linguistics; Theory of Literature and History; Contemporary Foreign Language Teaching; Didactics, Pedagogy and Psychology; Professional Education; Contact person: Pr. Assist. Prof. Galina Lecheva, PhD Energy Effectiveness; Natural Sciences; Technical Sciences Mathematics and Informatics; Contact person: Assist. Prof. Stanimir Stanev PAPER SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Font - Arial (Word XP or higher) Page Setup - Top: 20 mm, Bottom: 10 mm, Left: 20 mm, Right: 20 mm Paper Size - A4 Line spacing: Single Paragraph: First Line, By: 1 cm Header – see the sample paper on One blank line on the first page below Header Font Size 14 Title - Font Size 14, Centred, Bold One blank line Author's name and surname - Font Size 12, centred One blank line Abstract – in English, Font Size 10, Italic, 5-6 lines Keywords – in English, Font Size 10, Italic, 1-2 lines One blank line Paper layout - Font Size 12 Text after References: Author(s) names, scientific degree, place of work, phone and e-mail Figures must be in a widespread PC format, integrated in the text, with reference numbers and captions centred below Tables must have reference numbers and captions above, aligned to the right. Equations must be numbered in brackets aligned to the right. Literature references are marked with figures in square brackets. Literature references are in alphabetic order of the first author surnames and follow the bibliographic IEEE standards of journals. Pages should not be numbered. Footer – see the sample paper on Number of pages – up to 5, incl. the abstract The original of the paper should be send by e-mail in DOC and PDF form. PUBLISHING All papers accepted for presentation and meeting the format requirements will be included in the Proceedings of the University of Ruse that will be published on paper, electronic storage media and the conference website PARTICIPATION FEE: For Bulgarian participants – 30 lv. for one paper and 15 lv. for the next one; For foreign participants – 30 EURO For non - UR PhD students – 25 lv. The fee is payable as follows: In advance - by bank transfer (30 lv.): SG „Expressbank” - Silistra IBAN: BG62ТТВВ94003105016121 BIC: ТТВВВG 22 University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” – Silistra Branch Participation fee for the May Reserch Conference, Silistra 2015 Section:…….. Full name:…… at registration (on site) – in cash (40 lv./40EURO). A copy of the pay-in slip (receipt) verifying the transaction and all the relevant data for issuing an invoice – organization name, address, BULSTAT, MOL, etc., incl. sender’s address, should be sent by e-mail to the contact persons (no later than two business days after the bank transfer). Bulgarian; Russian; English; French; Romanian. VENUE: Silistra Branch If a company or organization wishes to participate in the Conference, a notification is to be sent to the Organizing Committee by 30.04.2015 DEADLINES by 30.04.2015 – resume of papers sent by email to the contact person of the relevant thematic field; by 10.05.2015 – final version of the papers sent to the contact persons – paper and electronic version. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME: 09,00 ,110 hall – registration; 10,00, 116 hall – opening, plenary session; 11,30 – cultural programme; coffee-break; 12,30 – sessions in sections. PARTICIPATION OF COMPANIES: After paying the fee ranging from 50 to 150 Euros without VAT, the company is entitled to a presentation by a paper, a poster or an exhibition. It can also include advertising materials in the programme and the Conference Proceedings. SCHEDULE: DATE: 15.05.2015 WORKING LANGUAGES: CONTACT ADDRESS: 7500 Silistra, 1, Albena str., POB 103 University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” – Silistra Branch and (G. Lecheva) (G. Lecheva) (St. Stanev) (St. Stanev)