BARRIE SPRING HIKES 2015 Sunday April 12 (10:30am) EASY


BARRIE SPRING HIKES 2015 Sunday April 12 (10:30am) EASY
Sunday April 12 (10:30am) <EASY>
Hike in the Barrie area at Ardagh Bluffs - easy pace for 2 ½ -3 hours & some short hills.
Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire, Bayfield Street at 10:30am or Holly Community
Centre at 11am Contact: Bob Murrell 705-456-3163
Sunday April 19 (10am) EASY/MODERATE>
Hike in the Midhurst area for approx. 4 – 4 ½ hours. Attractive treed area on good trails.
Leaving Midhurst Community Centre at 10am Contact Jeff Haglund 705-726-7189
Sunday April 26 (8:30am) MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in Osler Bluffs area for approx. 4 ½ - 5 hours. Lovely area of Bruce Trail with long climb
for first hour. Leaving from rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 8:30am or
Stayner Beer Store at 9:05am. Contact: Dale Hannah 705-730-6879
Sunday April 26 (10:30am) <EASY>
Hike on established bush trails near Simcoe County offices on Hwy 26 for approx. 2 ½ - 3
hours. Park at the community lot on right after turning onto Hwy 26 from Bayfield Street.
Leaving from parking lot at 10:30am Contact: Norah Stebner 705-726-3163 or Min Pinkney 705797-1989
Sunday May 3 (10am) <MODERATE>
Hike from Rugby Estates at 11th Line North off Old Barrie Road approx. 4 hours with a small
number of hills. Leaving Rugby Estates at 10am Contact Rita Barnett 705-797-0976
Wednesday May 6 (10am) <EASY/MODERATE>
Cycle ride in Midland and on the Tay Trail approx. 4 hours on paved walking and cycle trail.
Leaving Midland town dock parking area at 10am. Contact Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Sunday May 10 (8am) <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Kolapore area of the Bruce Trail for approx. 5 hours. Leaving rear parking lot of
Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 8am or Stayner Beer Store at 8:35am. This is a long hike
with hills. Contact: Carol Haglund 705-726-7189 or Cheryl Hannah 705-730-6879
Sunday May 10 (9:30am) <EASY/MODERATE>
Hike in the Copeland Forest for approx. 2 ½ - 3 hours. Leaving from rear parking lot of
Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 9:30am and 2nd parking lot on Ingram Road at 10am.
Contact: Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Sunday May 17 (9:30am) <EASY/MODERATE>
Hike from Old Second South towards Gill Road and back approx. 4 hours. Lovely area but
some damp areas and a few short steep hills. Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on
Bayfield Street at 9:30am and Old Second South at 10am Contact Jack Barnett 705-797-0976
Sunday May 17 (10am) <EASY/MODERATE>
Hike in the Copeland Forest for approx. 2 ½ - 3 hours. Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian
Tire on Bayfield Street at 10am and 1st parking lot on Ingram Road at 10:30am Contact Norah
Stebner 705-726-3163 or Min Pinkney 705-797-1989
Sunday May 24 (8:30am) <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Hockley Valley area for approx 4 ½ hours. Lots of hills in scenic locale. Leaving
the rear parking of Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 8:30am Contact Jeff Haglund 705-7267189
Wednesday May 27 (10am) <EASY/MODERATE>
Cycle ride Barrie to Hawkestone via rail trail and quiet roads. Leaving parking lot near
“Thunder Bridge” on Shanty Bay Road at 10am Contact Brian Vink 705-728-5718
Sunday May 31 (9am) <MODERATE>
Hike near Mono Centre on part of the Bruce Trail. A few hills in a delightful area on good trails.
Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 9am. Contact Jeff Haglund 705726-7189
Sunday June 7 (10am) <EASY/MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in area of Fort Willow for approx. 2 ½ - 3 hours. Leaving rear parking lot of Canadian Tire
on Bayfield Street at 10am. Contact Tim Broderick 705-739-4634
Carpool meeting points-Peterborough, ON
Portage Place Mall-across the entrance drive from Rexall Drugs (not in front of store)
Crawford Drive Carpool Lot-west of new Visitor’s Centre
Riverview Park & Zoo-north end of Water St
Keene Road Carpool Lot-across from Burnham Gardens (formerly Burnham Mansion)
Wednesday Walks
1½ to 2 hours in length. Call the contact for details at least one day prior.
April 1 <Easy>
Young's Point Conservation Area. Meet at zoo at 9:30am to carpool or 3rd line past 462
South Beach Rd. Explore about 5 km of YPCA trails. Optional coffee/lunch in Young's Point.
Contact: Richard 705-750-1040
April 8 <Easy>
East City. Meet at Auburn and Parkhill Rd. at 10am. Walking on trails and roads along river and
canal. Contact: Linda P. 705-748-2274
April 15 <Easy>
Peterborough North End
Meet at zoo parking lot at 10am. Roads and trails. Contact: Sharleen 705-742-5994
April 22 <Easy>
Earth Day Clean Up at Ont. Fed. Meet at Hunter's and Anglers on Guthrie Drive at 10am. Walk
to Dricoll Cottages picking up road debris. Contact: Marjorie 705-748-0190
April 29 <Easy>
Oatbox Forest Meet at the zoo parking lot at 9:30am to carpool. Explore the beautiful and
historic Oatbox forest on trails. Contact: John Poch 705-743-9447
May 6 <Easy>
Stoney Lake Meet at zoo at 9:15am to carpool to Dummer L. Mainly cottage roads. Contact:
Barb R. 705-304-6264
May 13 <Easy>
Wildlife Bird Sanctuary. Meet at the parking lot on University Road at 10am. Walking on trails.
Contact John B. 705-295-6543
May 20 <Easy>
Peterborough North End Meet at zoo at 10am. Walk along the trail at Cumberland, cross over
Hillard Street and continue on path to Walmart. Coffee at Walmart before returning to Zoo.
Contact: Eleanor 705-743-2160
May 27 <Easy>
East City Meet at Auburn and Parkhill Rd. at 10am. Hike on streets and trail in East City.
Optional coffee stop at Tim Horton's on Hunter Street. Contact: Carole B. 705-295-6543
June 3 <Easy>
Lakefield Hike in memory of Wendy Wallace. Meet at parking lot behind arena at 10am. Walk
for 1 ½ hours around Lakefield. Lunch if wished. Contact: Pat R. 705-657-8056
June 10 <Easy to Moderate>
Norwood Conservation Area Meet at 9:30am at Burnham /Keene Rd. Lot to carpool. Contact:
Tony 705-755-0815
Meet at Armour and Nassau Rd at 10am. Walk over the drumlin through Trent property, across
the dam and back along the Rotary Trail. The walk is 2 hours and it is completely flat except for
the drumlin. Contact: Eveline 705-874-6028
June 24 <Easy>
Buckhorn Meet at zoo at 9:30am to carpool or drive Hwy 36 north to Buckhorn. Turn right on to
Hill Drive, right on to Island Drive then turn left at T intersection. Once you are on the island look
for 75 Island Drive. Karin and Gord will be hosting our end of the season potluck. Bring your
favourite dish, cutlery, plate etc and a lawn chair. We will be walking over to The Gallery on the
Lake. Contact: Karin 705-657-8056
Weekend Hikes
Saturday April 4 9:30am <EASY>
Ganaraska Trail, Kawartha End to End Stage 1 13.7km. Crosswind Rd (0km) to William St.,
Lindsay (13.7km). Meet where the Ganaraska Trail crosses Crosswind Rd at 9:30am or at
Rexall at Portage Place at 9am to carpool.
Contact: Rob 705-639-2206
Sunday April 5 9:30am <EASY>
Ganaraska Trail, Kawartha End to End Stage 2 15km. North end of William St. at Found Ave.
(13.7km) to Wager Rd. (28.7km). Meet at the start of the hike at 9:30 or at Portage Place at
8:45am to carpool. Contact: Rob 705-639-2206
Saturday, April 11 10am <EASY>
TCT, County Roads and Quiet Lanes 14 km. Meet at Keene Rd. carpool lot at 9:30am or at
the intersection of County Rds. 2 & 38 at 10am. Parking just south of County Rd 2. Bring lunch
and water. Contact: Don 705-745-4493
Saturday April 18 9:45am <MODERATE>
Bethany South loop 15 km. Joint hike with Pine Ridge Club. Meet at 9:15am at Crawford
carpool or in Bethany at the intersection of Hwy 7A and County Rd 38 at 9:45am. Bring a lunch
and a drink. Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Saturday April 25 10am <EASY or MODERATE>
Trail Maintenance/Earth Week pick-up and hike. Reblaze trail, trim small branches and
remove litter, north and south of Monck Rd. Will include 6 to 8km hike for most participants.
Meet at Portage Place at 8:30am to carpool. Bring lunch and water. Call to confirm: Rob Pope
Sunday May 3 10am <EASY/MODERATE>
Durham East Cross Forest Conservation Area. 10km. A new hike! Meet at Crawford St.
carpool at 9:15am to drive to Durham East or meet at the conservation area north parking lot at
10am (4560 Devitts Road, 1.3 km west of the Scugog/Manvers town line). Bring lunch and
water and bug spray. Contact: Nick
Saturday May 9 10am <EASY>
Historic Walk in Ashburnham 6km. Meet at Roger’s Cove parking lot for a 1½ to 2 hours
guided walk to look briefly at the history and architecture of several homes in the area. Bring
water. This hike will be planned based on a Club walk from June 1, 2005. Contact: Ken
705-745-9043 or Tony 705-755-0815
Sunday May 10 <EASY/MODERATE>
Mississauga First Nations 6th Annual Water Awareness Walk along the Otanabee River.
Participants can arrange to walk all or a portion of the route. An email will be sent out when
details are available. Contact: Esthel 705-755-1094
Saturday May 16 9:30am <EASY/MODERATE>
Ganaraska Trail, Kawartha End to End Stage 3 16km. Wager Rd.(28.7km) to Somerville 3rd
Concession.(44.7km) Meet at the start of the hike at Wager Rd. 9:30am or at Portage Place at
8:30am to carpool. Contact: Rob 705-639-2206
Sunday May 17 9:30am <DIFFICULT>
Ganaraska Trail, Kawartha End to End Stage 4 17.2km. Somerville 3rd Concession (44.7km)
to Monck Rd. (61.9km). Meet at the start of the hike
at 3 Concession at 9:30am or at Portage Place at 8am to carpool. Contact: Tony 705-7550815
Canoe or Kayak Approx. 15km. Trip details including location, portages, meeting place, and
start time will be emailed out to club members at a later date. Trip leader: Barry 705-7438163
Sunday May 24 9am <MODERATE>
Up a Creek? 10 to 14 km. New Hike! We will follow either Eel’s Creek or Wilmot Creek
upstream. Hike location and carpooling info will be emailed after pre-hikes to choose one
destination. Bring lunch and water. Contact: Ross 705-745-6586
Saturday May 30
Prince Edward County Wine Tour - Cycling
Meet at Vintage Shores Park (17371 Loyalist Parkway), at 8:30am for instructions. Watch for
balloons at meeting location. Leave at 9am, return at 4pm. Visit approximately 10 wineries.
Bring a serviced bike, helmet, drinks and lunch. Call to confirm: Rob Irving 705-772-2545
Saturday May 30 10am <EASY>
TCT - Hastings Area 14km. Joint hike with Pine Ridge. Hike the Trans Canada Trail from
Godolphin Station westward. Meet where the TCT crosses Godolphin Rd. about .7 km south of
County Rd 35 at 10am or at Burnham carpool at 9:15am. Lunch along the Trent River in
Hastings with opportunity to purchase drinks, snacks, etc. Option to end hike at lunch (about
9.5km) if arranged beforehand.
Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Saturday June 6 9am <MODERATE>
Hike from Haultain to McGee Lake and back. 10 to 14km. A new hike in Kawartha Highlands!
Meet at Riverview Park and Zoo at 8:15am to carpool. This is our Club hike for International
Trails Day. Bring lunch and water. Contact: Barb 705-304-6264
Saturday June 13 9am <EASY>
Rotary Trail 11 km. Meet at 8:30am at main parking lot at the Peterborough Zoo. We will
carpool to Free Methodist Church at 450 Lansdowne Street and walk along the Rotary Trail
back to the zoo. The trail is flat and paved. We will have a pit/snack stop at my house, which is
about halfway along the trail. If you want to do
just half the distance you can meet me at my house at 8am and leave your car here. Bring a
snack and water. Call to confirm that you are coming so I can arrange car-pooling. Contact:
Eveline 705-874-6028 or
Sunday June14 10am <DIFFICULT>
Ganaraska Trail, Kawartha End to End Stage 5 14.9km Monck Rd. (61.9km) to Moore Falls
(76.8km). Meet at the start of the hike at Monck Rd. at 9:30am or at Portage Place at 8:30am to
carpool. Contact: Rob 705-639-2206
Saturday June 20 10am <EASY>
Cycle - Rotary Trail to Lakefield & back. Approx. 40km return. Meet at Rogers Cove
at 10am. We will cycle to Lakefield, have lunch and return. There are many lunch spots
available to purchase lunch, or bring a lunch and sit by the lake/canal to eat. This will be a
leisurely cycle to enjoy the lovely countryside, the village of Lakefield and the beach at Rogers
Cove on our return. Contact: Rose 705-639-2431
Sunday July 26 9am <EASY>
Kawartha Club Ramble and Picnic. Visit five interesting, scenic, historic and diverse sites in
the Marmora area. Short trails at all locations: Healy Falls Locks, the Falls itself, Crowe Bridge
CA, Callaghans Rapids CA and the O’Hara Mill and Homestead. It will be Heritage Day at the
Mill. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the edge of the millpond. Meet at Keene Rd. carpool at 8am.
Maps of the route for the day will be available in early July. Contact: Tony 705-755-0815
Midland Hikers have changed their meeting place to ZELLERS Parking Lot on County Road 93.
All scheduled hike times are from this location, unless otherwise specified. Wednesday Hikes
starts at 6 pm between May – September. We do not list destinations, as they are decided at
random. These hikes are moderate and usually 2 hours long. Weekend meeting times vary,
depending on destination. It is always recommended and important to contact the hike leader
for details or changes. Our weekly E Mail will also notify you of our activities, for Pot Luck gettogethers, please don’t forget your plate, cutlery, beverage glass etc.
Recreational Biking Outings. Mondays and Thursdays. Meet at10am. Weather permitting.
Location announced via E-Mail.
Contact: Gord 705-533-9949
Recreational Canoe/Kayak outings. Weather permitting, meet at 10am on Wednesdays at the
Esso Station in Waubaushene on Hwy.12 (The Moose). Contact: Terri 705-835-2823
Wednesday April 1, 1 pm <EASY>
April Fools Hike Contact Marc: 705-527-1967
Saturday April 4, 6 pm <EASY>
Full Moon/Sawlog Bay Green Belt Hike Bonfire. Bring your own wieners, chair, drinks, plates,
etc. Contact Deb. 705-549-1717
Sunday April 12, 9am <MODERATE>
Hike Nottawasaga Bluffs – Singhampton - Key Hole area. Bring lunch.
Contact Frieda: 705-245-1005
Saturday April 18, 10am
Trail Maintenance Day Bring 2” paint brush, and/or loppers, clippers. Bring lunch and water
Contact: Marc: 705-527-1967
Sunday April 19, 1pm <EASY>
Hike Sturgeon River Forest Loop off Rosemount Road Contact Sigi: 705-528-1593
Sunday April 26, 1pm <EASY>
Wymbolwood Area Hike
Contact: Beth 705-361-2644
Sunday May 3, 9am <MODERATE>
Hike Caledon Provincial Park Meet at Zellers/Midland or at 10 am at Applebees on Bayfield
St./Can.Tire. Park fees apply. Bring lunch. All day outing. Contact: Johanna-Emilio: 705-7352583
Saturday May 9, 9:30am. <MODERATE>
Exploring local area old Ruins Bring lunch.
Contact Deb: 705-549-1717
Sunday May 10 <CHALLENGING>
Blue Mountain Bruce Trail End-End – Part 3 Approx. 12 km. Hilly terrain.
(Note: Parts 1 & 2 (Lavender to Devil’s Glen) were completed in previous years)
Pre-register with Frieda Baldwin 705-245-1005 for more details.
Sunday May 17, 9am <MODERATE>
Kolapore Trillium Hike Meet at Zellers/Midland (Collingwood Area) All Day outing. Bring
lunch and water. Contact: Marc 705-527-1967
Saturday May 23, 10am
Trail Maintenance Day Bring 2” paint brush, and/or loppers, clippers. Bring lunch and water.
Contact: Marc: 705-527-1967
Sunday May 24 <CHALLENGING>
Blue Mountain Bruce Trail End-End --Part 4
Approx. 12 km. Hilly terrain. Pre-register with Frieda Baldwin 705-245-1005 for more details.
Sunday May 31 <CHALLENGING>
Blue Mountain Bruce Trail End-End - Part 5 Approx. 12 km. Hilly terrain. Pre-register with
Frieda Baldwin 705-245-1005 for more details.
Sunday May 31, 1pm <EASY>
Hike Tiny Marsh Contact Edda: 705-245-1122
Sunday June 7,10am <EASY>
Spring Water Area Hike. Meet at Zellers/ Midland or 11am behind Educational Centre on
Hwy.#26 in Midhurst Bring lunch Contact: Emilio/Johanna 705-735-2583
Sunday June 14, 1pm <EASY>
Local Mystery Hiking Outing Contact Susan: 705-549-4927
Wednesday June 17 –Saturday June 20
Reservations at Green Acres Motel.
905-278-6910. Biking along the Humber and the Lakeshore Trails Also Centre Island. Contact:
Linda & Dennis -705-322-2612
Sunday June 21,10am
Destination to be decided.
Contact Deb. 705-549-1717
Thursday June 25- Sunday June 28th (3 Nights)
CAMPING TRIP to SIX MILE PROVINCIAL PARK Edda has booked Site # 53 and Marc has site
#49. 3 tents and 6 people per site. Book your camp site early - coordinate who you share the
camp site with.Non campers can join for a hike on Saturday June 27th and stay for pot luck.
Contact Edda: 705-245-1122
Saturday July 4, 9am <MODERATE>
Shoreline hike at Killbear Provincial Park Meet at Zellers or 11 am at the Killbear Prov. Park
Visitor Centre Day Use fees apply. Bring lunch and swimsuit. Contact Frieda: 705-245-1005
Sunday July 12, 1 pm <EASY>
Summer Beach Hike and Swim
Contact Anne R. 705-533-3174
Friday July 17h – Sunday July 19
Camping at Doug and Jean Cottage Place, on the lake (outside Powasson) Fees apply for
outdoor washroom rental. Contact Doug and Jean 705-526-9030
Sunday July 26, 10am
Paddle Day with Kim on Bass Lake Meet at Zellers/Midland or 10:30am at Bryces Corner
Hwy.12/Division Rd. (Orillia Area) bring lunch, swimsuit
Contact Kim: 705-828-2033
Friday August 7 - 9
Safe Haven Cottage Resort Camping (Haliburton Highlands). Johanna and Emilio have
booked their cottage. Anyone wishing to join them, please book your own Cabin. Safe Haven
Contact: Deb and Dave: 705-489-1752
Sunday August 16, 9:30 am <EASY>
Mystery Hike Meet at Zellers/Midland or 10:00am at Tim Horton’s Hwy.12 Westridge. Contact
Kim: 705-828-2033
Sunday August 23 <MODERATE>
Hike on Christian Island Ferry fees apply. Details to follow. Contact Marc: 705-527-1967
Our usual meeting place is Willow Court Plaza. It is located at West St and Highway 12 South.
We meet, car pool and leave cars at the far end beyond The Learning Centre.
TUESDAY EVENING: A short walk leaving from Willow Court at 6:00 pm. Contact Marion at
705-327-5366 or Isobel at 705-325-6578.
The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.
~Jacqueline Schiff THURSDAY: Starting in early to mid June the club will bike (40-45 km). Isabelle will keep you
informed as to meeting place and time. To get on the list contact Isabelle at or 705-326-8082
April and May we will hike with the Barrie Club. Note their information- Jeff 705-726-7189
Saturday April 4, 9am
A short or long hike on the Uhthoff Trail leaving from Division Rd. We will be returning by the
same route... Meet at Willow Court at 9am or the parking lot at Division Rd. at 9:20am.
Contact Georgette at 705-326-1771
Saturday, April 11, 9am
SHORT HIKE: There will be a short (2-3 h) mystery hike. Meet at Willow Court at 9am.
Contact Marion at 705-326-5366
LONG HIKE: Hike in the Riley Lake Region if the snow cooperates and disappears. 4 hour
medium hike. Meet at Willow Court at 9:00 am.
Contact Bob and Mary at 705-835-6470
Saturday, April 18, 9am
SHORT HIKE: A short easy hike at a destination to be announced. Meet at Willow Court
Contact Barb at 705-326-4491
LONGER HIKE: Hike in the 5 Winds Area around Dandy Lake. This will be about 4-5h in
duration at a moderate speed and over medium to difficult terrain. Meet at Willow Court at 8:30
am OR the commuter parking lot off Highway 12 near Coldwater at 8:50 am...
Contact Isobel at 705-325-6578
Saturday, April 25 8am
This will be the First hike of a series of five. We will hike the Blue Mountain Section of the
Bruce Trail. Each hike will be about 15 km and will involve the shuttle of cars. The first three
will be this spring and the last two in the fall. All hikes will require boots, lunch and 4-5 h. hiking
time. Including travel time it will take all day.
Hike #1, Hike from Lavender to 15.7 km (Map 21 Edition 27) Conc 10 south Notawasga Rd.
This is a beautiful hike with hills and a variety of terrain. Meet at Willow Court at 8am or Stayner
Beer Store at 9am.
Contact Isabelle at 705-326-8082 or Wendy at 705-238-7217
Saturday, May 2 9am
Hike on the Ganaraska Trail starting from Rugby Estates and going to the 8th. Return on the
same trail. Meet at Wiillow Court at 9:00am or Con 11 at 9:15 am.
Sunday, May 3
Join the Orillia Club and participate in the MS walk in Orillia. Hope you will walk with us or
donate to one of our hikers.
Contact Isabelle at 705-326-8082
Saturday, May 9, 8am
Hike # 2, Hike from 15.7 km to Devil's Glen Provincial Park (30.2 km Map 22). This is a
medium to difficult hike with varied terrain. Meet at Willow Court at 8am OR Stayner Beer Store
at 9:00 am.Contact Isabelle at 705-326-8082 or Wendy at 705-238-7217
Tuesday, May 12 5:30pm
Hike at Tiny Marsh and see the latest additions to the goose population. Meet at Willow Court
at 5:30 pm or Tiny Marsh at 6:10 pm.
Contact Isobel at 705-325-6578
Saturday, May 16 8am
Hike in the Singhampton Caves area. This will be a 4 hour plus hike, moderate pace through
wild flowers and great scenery. We will stop to admire and photograph and hopefully get into the
caves. Wear boots, bring lunch and bug spray. Meet at Willow Court at 8:00 am or Stayner Beer
Store at 9:00 am.
Contact Carol at 705-325-1065
Saturday, May 23 8am
Hike #3 of the Blue Mountain Section. Hike from Devil's Glen Provincial Park to 45.9 km
(Map 22 & 23). Meet at Willow Court at 8:00am or Stayner Beer Store at 9:00 am.
Contact Isabelle at 705-326-8082 or Wendy at 705 238-7217
Saturday, May 30 8am
Hike on the Bruce Trail between Hogg's Falls and Eugenie Falls (map 26).This is a loop
hike with some overlap- 4-5 hours. This a difficult hike- bring water, lunch etc. Meet at Willow
Court at 8:00 am or Stayner Beer Store at 9:00 am. Contact Heather at 705-329-2403
Saturday June 6 8am
Hike on the Bruce in the Primrose area (Map 20).This combines white and blue trails and is
about 14 km in length. There are lots of hills. Meet at Willow Court at 8:00 am or behind the
Barrie Canadian Tire Store at 8:35 am.
Contact Rosa at 705-300-4132
Saturday June 13 9am
Hike in Awenda Park, Penetang for 4-5 hours on park trails. Fees apply - we will car pool. Meet
at Willow Court at 9:00 am or the commuter parking lot off Highway 12 near Coldwater, at 9:20
Contact Wendy at 705-238-7217
Saturday June 20
Hike or bike to be announced. Contact Isobel at 705-325-6578
Monday March 23, 5: 30pm
Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Supper. Meet at Dalston United Church, 1734
Penetanguishene Rd., just north of the Old Barrie Rd. Bring your own plate, mug and cutlery
and a main course, salad or dessert. Supper at 5:30pm, short meeting at 6:30pm followed by a
short slide presentation on hiking in Ireland by Wayne and Holly Lillico. Contact Bob or Lois
Sunday March 29, 1:30pm
Hike along the Barrie waterfront. Meet at Bob’s No Frills at the corner of Blake and Johnston
Streets. Must contact Wayne 705-835-7018 or Christine 705-733-3825
Monday April 13, 9am <EASY>
Join us on a tour of waterfalls in Grey County. Bring or buy a lunch. Some walking involved.
Meet at Dalston United Church to carpool. Contact Bob 705-728-8985 or
Marjorie 705-722-8732
Sunday April 19, 1:30pm
Hike the Schooner Town Loop Trail in Wasaga Beach, about 6 km. Meet at Dalston United
Church to carpool. Must contact Wayne
705-835-7018 or Janis 705-728-9348
Monday April 27, 9am <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike on the Bruce Trail in Mono Cliffs Provincial Park, hilly terrain, about 10 km. Meet at the
Highway Car Park at Crown Hill to carpool.
Bring a lunch. Must contact Bob 705-728-8985 or Sue 705-722-0395
Sunday May 3, 1:30 pm <MODERATE>
Do a circle hike in the Copeland Forest, hilly terrain, spring flowers. Meet on Oro-Medonte Line
5 across the road from #3675, about 1 km north of Horseshoe Valley Road. Must contact Mary
705-725-6252 or Janis 705-728-8985
Monday May 11, 9am <MODERATE>
Hike in Awenda Provincial Park to see spring flowers, bring a lunch. Meet at Dalston United
Church to carpool. Must contact
Noel 705-527-0620 or Holly 705-835-7018
Sunday May 24, 1:30 pm <EASY>
In the Orillia area, hike the Grant’s Woods Loop Trail (approx. 2 km) followed by the trail in
George Langman Sanctuary on Bass Lake Rd. (approx. 4 km). Meet at Grant’s Woods just
north of Orillia at 1485 Division Street just east of Fairgrounds Rd. Must contact
Wayne 705-835-7018 or June 705-721-0621
Monday June 1, 9am <MODERATE/DIFFICULT>
Hike in the Kolapore area, just west of Collingwood, hilly terrain, approx. 10 km loop. Bring a
lunch. Meet at Dalston United Church to carpool. Must contact Bob 705-728-8985 or Mary 705725-6252
Sunday June 7, 1:30 pm <MODERATE>
Hike a hilly part of the Ganaraska Trail from the Old Second South to Gill Road, about 6 km.
Meet on the Old Second South, just south of Horseshoe Valley Rd; a car shuttle will be
provided. Must contact Noel 705-527-0620 or Holly 705-835-7018
Monday June 16, 9am <MODERATE>
Hike Rattlesnake Point and in the Kelso Conservation Area near Milton, bring a lunch. Meet
at the Highway Car Park at Crown Hill to carpool. Must contact Wayne 705-835-7018 or Sue
NOTE: We use the following ratings for Level of Difficulty (terrain) of our hikes:
EASY – Well-defined trails and/or roads, gentle inclines. Hiking boots not required, but trails may be wet.
MODERATE – Generally on trails and/or roads; may be hilly with some rough spots or obstacles. Boots are
MODERATE PLUS – Generally on trails; rough terrain and/or steep sections and/or long climbs and descents. Boots
are highly recommended.
CHALLENGING – Rough terrain; one or more of extensive bushwhacking, steep sections, long climbs and descents,
beaver dams or other obstacles, or rock scrambling. Boots essential; long pants and sleeves recommended.
1. “Bring a snack” indicates that there will be a break of only 5 to 7 minutes for refreshments. “Bring a lunch” indicates
a longer stop for refreshments.
2. Anyone choosing to leave a hike before the end must be accompanied by another hiker.
3. No dogs are allowed on group hikes.
Wednesday April 1 <EASY> 12 km
Bewdley Area East. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., Port Hope at 9:30am to
carpool or at the Bewdley overflow parking lot on the west side of Rice Lake Drive at Cavan Rd. (approx
0.6 km east of Rhino’s or 0.8 km north of Cty. Rd. 9) at 9:50am. Bring a lunch and a drink. Adjourn to
Rhino’s afterwards. Contact: Phil Mabey 905-377-0485
Saturday April 4 <MODERATE> 12 km
Country roads and tracks north of Garden Hill. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto
Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Paul Archambault 905-885-7139
Sunday April 5 <EASY> 6 km
Hike rural roads west of Canton. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road at 10am to
carpool. Bring a snack and drink. Contact: John LeBlanc 905-885-5214
Wednesday April 8 <EASY> 12.5 km
Morganston area, Cramahe Township. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot at 9:30am or at the Hwy
45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Jim Edwards 905885-7839
Saturday April 11 <MODERATE> 13 km.
Rural roads southeast of Cold Springs. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am
to carpool, or at Cold Springs Memorial Hall parking lot (west side of Hwy 18) at 9:50am. Bring a lunch
and a drink. Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Sunday April 12 <EASY> 5 km
Port Britain area. Flat rural road rectangle. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road at
10am to carpool. Bring a snack and drink.
Contact: John LeBlanc 905-885-5214
Sunday April 12
An Evening of Hike Talks at the Ruth Clarke Centre in Port Hope, with a Pot Luck supper starting at
5:30pm Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Wednesday April 15 <MODERATE PLUS> 12 km
Upland Vistas near Cold Springs. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to
carpool, or at the bottom of Taylor’s Rd. in Camborne (approx. 0.5 km west along Kennedy Rd. from
County Rd. 18) at 9:50am. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Colin Banfield 905-372-7120
Saturday April 18 <MODERATE> 15 km (Joint Pine Ridge Club and Kawartha Club)
Bethany South loop. EARLY START. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9am to
carpool or in Bethany at the intersection of Hwy 7A and Cty. Rd 38 at 9:45am. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bob Short 905-885-1420
Sunday April 19th <MODERATE>
Pat’s and Jack’s Founders’ Hike. The Ganaraska Trail was officially opened on April 21, 1968 with
hikes of 5, 10 or 15 miles. We offer hikes of 8 or 16 kilometres named after our founders. Meet at the
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contacts: Bob
Short 905-885-1420 or John Kurowski 905-885-8776
Wednesday April 22 <EASY>
Observe Earth Day with a litter pick-up along the Trail from downtown Port Hope, along the
Ganaraska River to Sylvan Glen Conservation Area. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd.
at 9:30am to arrange groups and carpool. Bring work gloves and a drink. Coffee and snacks afterwards.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Saturday April 25 <EASY> 7 km
Cobourg-Monk’s Cove. Meet at the front of Victoria Hall in Cobourg at 10am. Bring a snack and a
drink. Contact: Phil Mabey 905-377-0485
Sunday April 26 <MODERATE> 13 km
Orono Forest. Hike in the Forest and finish by hiking into the Town of Orono for a coffee/lunch before
returning to the cars. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road at 9:30am. to carpool or at
the parking lot on Ochonski Rd in Orono at 10am. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Michelle Vibert 905579-3925
Wednesday April 29 <EASY> 10 km.
Bowmanville and area. Trailsand streets in the Historical district (Sir John A. stayed in one house), and
many 'grand' others as well, past the Zoo and Camp 30 (POW officers of W.W. 2). Meet at the Home
Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30 am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Jim Osborne
905- 436-2499
Saturday May 2 <MODERATE> 12 km
Trail hike around Maria’s home. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Road at 9:30am, or
at Hwy 401/45 commuter parking lot at 9:45am, to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Maria Siemiaszko 905-396-4540
Sunday May 3 <EASY> 6 km
Geranium circuit. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am for start of hike. Bring
a snack and a drink. Contact: John LeBlanc 905-885-5214
Wednesday May 6 <MODERATE> 6 km
Port Hope streets and Monkey Mountain. Meet at King’s Field Park, 10am Port Hope (west side of
Victoria St. S. approx 0.2 km south of intersection of Ridout St and Toronto Rd. [Winchester Arms])
Saturday May 9 <EASY> 5 km
Follow the Ganaraska River from the Town Hall to the Conservation Area and return. Meet at the
Port Hope Town Hall at 10am. Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Mary Brinklow 905-372-6298
Sunday May 10, <EASY +> 10 km
Crossen Road area. Hike will start at the home of
Graeme Coxon, 3685 Crossen Road. The route will encompass mostly roads and some concessions as
well as Graeme’s property with a stretch through a
wooded lot. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd., at 9:30am or at the
Highway # 45/401 Car Pool parking lot at 9:45am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Graeme Coxon 905-342-3270
Monday, May 11 to Thursday, May 14th <MODERATE>
Spring Hiking Trip to Perth. Details to follow.
Contacts: Jim Osborne 905- 436-2499 or John Kurowski 905- 885-8776
Wednesday May 13th <EASY>
Mystery Hike. Contact Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Saturday May 16th <MODERATE> 14 km
Dragonfly, Elderberry & Accessible trails in the Northumberland Forest. Meet at the Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30 a.m. to carpool or at the parking lot off Beagle Club Road, approximately
10 km north of Cobourg, at 10am. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: Stan Muldoon 905-885-9310
Sunday May 17 <EASY> 5 km
Racetrack Road area, southeastern Hamilton Township. Rural road route that is almost flat with very
slight inclines. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 10am to carpool or on Racetrack
Rd. at the intersection with Dale Rd, at 10:15am. Bring a snack and a drink. Contact: Rita Zeran 905-8852874
Wednesday May 20 <MODERATE>
ORTA to lead in Long Sault Conservation Area
Contact Bob Short 905-885-1420
Saturday May 23 <MODERATE> 11 km
Baltimore Community Centre Rd. Country roads east of Baltimore. Meet at the Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30 a.m., or at the Hwy 45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45 a.m., to
carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: George Atto 905-377-8363
Sunday May 24 <MODERATE> 6 km
Perrytown area. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a
snack and a drink. Contact: Paul Archambault 905-885-7139
Wednesday May 27 <EASY> 11 km
Waterfront Trail from Bond Head to Wilmot Creek Provincial Fishing Area and return. Meet at the
Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: John
Kurowski 905-885-8776
Saturday May 30 (Joint Kawartha Club and Pine Ridge Club)
Bicycle wine tour in Prince Edward County. Bring a serviced bicycle, helmet, drinks and lunch. Flat
ride. Meet at Vintages Shore Park (17371 Loyalist Parkway); “look for balloons”. Arrive at 8:30am for
instructions; leave at 9am and return at 4pm. Visit approximately 10 wineries. Call Rob Irving
Saturday May 30 (Joint Pine Ridge Club and Kawartha Club) <EASY> 14 km
TCT – Hastings Area. Hike the Trans - Canada Trail from Godolphin Station westward. (EARLY
START.) Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9am, or at the Hwy 45/401 commuter
parking lot at 9:15am to carpool, OR, meet where the TCT crosses Godolphin Rd. (about .7 km south of
County Rd 35) at 10am. Lunch along the Trent River in Hastings with opportunity to purchase drinks,
snacks, etc. Pine Ridge Contact: Bob Short
905-885-1420 Kawartha Contact: Tony
Sunday May 31 <EASY> 5.5 km
Oliver's Lane - Forest Hill area, north of 401 Cobourg. Mix of rural and light residential area with a
couple of hills. Meet at the Hwy 45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:30am.Contact: Colin Banfield
Wednesday June 3 <MODERATE PLUS> 16 km (Joint Pine Ridge Club and ORTA)
Northumberland Forest and adjacent concession roads. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool or at the Northumberland County Forest parking lot, off Beagle Club
Rd. (west of Hwy. 45, approximately 10 km north of Cobourg) at 10am. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bob Short
Saturday June 6 <MODERATE> 12 km
Woodland trails in the Northumberland Forest. Meet at the Home Hardware in Port Hope at 9:30am to
carpool or at the parking lot on the east side of Highway 45, opposite Woodland Road, at 10am. Bring a
lunch and drink. Contact: Stan Muldoon
Sunday June 7 <EASY> 6 km
5th & 6th Lines of Hamilton Twp. Meet at corner of 5th Line and Irving Goheen Rd. at 9:30am. Bring a
snack and a drink. Contact: Phil Mabey 905-377-0485
Wednesday June 10 <EASY> 7 km
Cornish Hollow loop. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool or on
Cornish Hollow Rd. at Dale Rd. at 9:40am. Bring a snack and a drink. Contact: Judy Harris 905-342-3888
Saturday June 13 <MODERATE> 6 km
Hazel Bird Nature Reserve (NCC Property). Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at
9:30am to carpool or at the junction of Burnham St. North and Beaver Meadow Road West at 9.50am.
Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: David Beevis
Sunday June 14 <MODERATE> 12 km
Railway beds and unmaintained roads between the 4th and 7th Lines of Hope Township. Enjoy the
lilacs along the way. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a
lunch and a drink.
Contact: Bruce Williamson 905-753-260
Sunday June 14 <EASY> 2.5 km
Rita Zeran will lead a hike on behalf of the Northumberland Tourism for Travel Media Association of
Canada for approximately 6 members. They will arrive at the 4th Line gate to the GHT at 1:45pm for a 60
min hike one way. Cori Arthur will then have the
transport vehicle waiting at 5th Line for when they come out of the trail onto the roadway. Anyone wishing
to join us would be most welcome.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Wednesday June 17 <EASY> 6 km
Back roads of Grafton. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot Toronto Road at 9:30am or at the
Highway #45/401 carpool parking lot at 9:45am to carpool. Bring a snack and a drink. Contact: George
Saturday June 20 <MODERATE> 13 km
Oak Ridges Trail from McDonald Rd. to Russ Creek Rd. and return. Meet at the Home Hardware
parking lot, Toronto Rd. at 9:30am, or at the Hwy 45/401 commuter parking lot at 9:45am, to carpool.
Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: Jim Edwards 905-885-7839
Sunday June 21 <EASY> 6 km
Lakeshore & TCS property. Meet at Port Hope Town Hall at 10am. Bring a snack and a drink. Contact:
Jim Edwards 905-885-7839
Wednesday June 24 <MODERATE> 12 km
Oak Hills area roads and road allowances. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot, Toronto Rd. at
9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink.
Contact: David Beevis 905-885-7151
Saturday June 27 <MODERATE> 8 km
Ganaraska Trail from Corbett’s Dam in Port Hope to Sylvan Glen Conservation Area and return.
Meet at Corbett’s Dam and fish ladder (Cavan Street and Choate Rd. under Hwy 401 overpass) at 10am.
Bring a snack and a drink.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Sunday June 28 <MODERATE> 12 km
Ganaraska Trail, Monkey Mountain and roads of Port Hope. Meet at the Home Hardware parking lot,
Toronto Rd. at 9:30am to carpool. Bring a lunch and a drink. Contact: John Kurowski 905-885-8776
Wednesday July 1 <EASY>
March with the Pine Ridge Club in the Port Hope Canada Day parade and adjourn to a pot luck
barbecue at the home of John Kurowski. Wear red and white and come with us to show the crowd what
we are all about. Call John LeBlanc 905-885-5214 for meeting place and time.
Wednesday July 8 <EASY> 6 km
Short town hike around Port Hope to view some historic sites. Meet at Port Hope Town Hall at
6:30pm.Contact: Stan Muldoon 905-885-9310
Wednesday July 22 <EASY> 6 km
Circular evening walk mainly through woodland and parkland in Cobourg finishing at Casey's Restaurant
for refreshments on the patio. Meet at the Scotiabank entrance of the Northumberland Mall at 7pm.
Contact: Ron Baylis 905 372 61015
Wednesday August 5 <EASY> 6 km
Short town hike around Port Hope. Meet at Port Hope Town Hall at 6:30pm.
Contact: Rita Zeran 905-885-2874
Wednesday August 19 <EASY> 6 km
Circular evening walk mainly through woodland and parkland in Cobourg finishing at the Oasis
Restaurant for refreshments in their beer garden. Meet at the Cobourg Water Garden, corner of Division
and Ewart (free parking opposite) at 7pm.Contact: Ron Baylis 905 372 6101
WILDERNESS HIKES 2015 Wilderness Section Spring Backpacking Trip
May 1 to 3 Hike Leader: Larry Columbo. Route to be determined. Participation limited to those who
have been approved by the hike leader in advance. Contact Larry at for further
Wilderness Section Season Opener
Saturday April 25 Moore Falls to Devil’s Lake (approx. 19k) Hike Leader David Royston. Meet at Devil’s
Lake parking lot at 9:00 am Contact David at to let him know you will be