Surrounding Our Services Today: Looking Ahead To Next Sunday:


Surrounding Our Services Today: Looking Ahead To Next Sunday:
May 3,
3, 2015
Season of Easter
Order of Service:
Lighting the Christ Candle
Songs of Orientation
Passing the Peace
Prayer of Confession and Assurance of
Songs of Adoration/Renewal
Prayers of the People
We wel
come you
in the name of Christ
Scripture Reading
Offering and Song of Response
Children's Blessing
Community Announcements
7 Seeds of the Kingdom
#3: Cultivating Justice
Sending Song
by Joy Banks in conversation with Erin
Thrift, Kurtis Peters & Debs Munn
Our Services
Looking Ahead To Next
Sermon Series: 7 Seeds of the Kingdom
10:30 Morning
(see ‘Church News’)
Congregation Worship
Sermon: “Biblical Reflection” by Gerry
followed by soup in
peoples’ homes.
10:30 Morning Congregation Worship
1-4 pm Korean
Presbyterian Church
5 pm Evening Congregation
Worship Service
1-4 pm Korean Presbyterian Church
5 pm Evening Congregation Worship
Service followed by soup together in the
lower hall. Please contribute $2 per adult
at the food table if able.
This Week’s ‘Holy Week’ events:
Mon, 7 pm Streams of Justice in room 8 – See ‘Community Bulletin
Board’ for details on Roundtable Discussion
Wed, 6:30
Wed, 9:30
am – 1 pm
Thurs, 5
Morning Prayers at Stillpointe, 1575 Salsbury Drive,
ground level red door
Open Door for Single Mothers and their preschool
Crossroads Community Meal.
Meal All welcome! Doors
open 5pm. Seating to dine 6:30pm. Contact Simeon
Pang for more details 604-518-2676 or
Thurs, 8 Taize Services for Easter – Thursdays, through May 21,
pm Stillpointe Urban Retreat Centre: 1575 Salsbury,
Ground level red door.
Fri-Sun GCBC & Partners Staff Retreat - Staff will be away for
the weekend with Council Members & other ministry
leads overseeing the Sunday services.
Upcoming Church Events
May 20
May 22-24
May 24
June 7
Church Family Meeting – regular Tri-annual meeting
GCBC Art & Poetry Exhibition
Pentecost Sunday
Baptisms at Spanish Banks after the morning service
As part of our commitment to learning together about the history of
aboriginal/settler relations on this land, particularly where the
Christian Church has been involved in perpetuating injustice, we are
beginning each service with words that remind us that the land in
and around Vancouver was taken over, sold, and settled without the
consent of the Coast Salish peoples who have always lived here and
have historic title to it.
Kingdom Education, Spring 2015
During Easter we will be offering courses for our church community.
These courses emerge from our desire to deepen in discipleship,
expressed in our visioning process. This series of courses is a baby
step towards a larger vision for “Kingdom Education” that we would
like to see as part of our church’s life and mission.
Home groups are invited to pause for a season. Four courses are on
offer, running for six weeks. The courses will be held at the church.
Details at
Each course will be held on either Tuesday or Wednesday evening:
April 28-29, May 5-6, May 12-13 (skip May 19-20 for Church
meeting [20th]), May 26-27, June 2-3, June 9-10.
Time Arrive at 6:45 for coffee. Courses start at 7:00 sharp. Finish
1. Unforced rhythms of grace: exploring Sabbath and rest in a
culture of busy (Wed)
2. The Great Restoration: Understanding the Whole Biblical Story
3. Urban Gardening (Tues)
4. Deuteronomy: Communities of Radical gratitude (Wed)
Church News
Easter Sermon Series:
Series During the weeks of Easter and into
Pentecost) (April 12 through June 7), our sermon series will
focus on Seven Seeds of the Kingdom: Creation Care, Shared
Life, Justice, Corporate Worship, Biblical Reflection, Prayer &
Each week will focus on a different ‘seed’, the
germination of which grows the Kingdom of God in our midst,
which we bear witness to, and which is our way of living out
the Vision of GCBC (see below).
We sow and tend these seeds
in each of our lives, while empowering those who have
particular passions to sow particular seeds in our world. In
addition, the shaping of sermons around these familiar themes
at GCBC will be further contextualized given the course
correctives that have come out of the 2014-2015
Regeneration-Visioning Process at GCBC, which are:
discipleship, housing, spiritual practices and rest.
In this integrative sermon series, the pastors appreciate your
understanding as metaphors initially used have shifted (ex. ‘7
currents’ replaced by ‘7 seeds’).
Knowing that the renewal of vision is not up to us, but is up to
the Spirit, we're asking the Spirit of the Risen Christ
to fall afresh on our church as we renew our vision together.
GCBC’s Vision:
“Grandview Calvary Baptist Church is a community of people who receive and
extend the radical welcome of God in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit
for the transformation of ourselves and our neighbourhood.”
**PS: During this sermon series, we welcome the middler children’s
classes to remain with us during the sermons – a new step for many of
them. Our children’s pastor, Melanie Colenutt, will be offering tips on
‘how to listen to a sermon’. Adults, too, are welcome to pick up these
potentially-reinvigorating ¼-page tip sheets from the sanctuary
Easter Sanctuary Art: New Life and Shining Stars
Easter is the season of new life, when we celebrate and live
into the reality that through the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ, death has been defeated and all of creation is
being renewed and restored.
During the season of Lent, the six weeks of getting ready for
the mystery of Easter, children in grades 1-7 explored the
stories of a variety of saints whose lives shine out some of the
light of Christ in the world. They responded to these stories
with a star art project.
You can see the stars that the children created hanging on the
Easter banner at the front of the sanctuary. In this image,
Jesus, the Tree of Life, is holding a multitude of stars that
shine out God’s light and love in the world in their own unique
and particular ways.
Throughout the sanctuary you will also see the colouful prints
that children, youth, and adults gathered to make on
Holy Saturday. As we waited together on this day that falls
between the darkness of Good Friday and the bright light of
Easter morning, we created images of new life and signs of
Christ’s resurrection hope in the world.
Pray for:
-Farzan Mahdavi, undergoing medical tests
-Irene Swift, Fiona Lee’s mother, recovering from a broken leg
-Rhonda Hall’s dad, with cancer (multiple myeloma)
-Wayne Richards, with leukemia
-Rosemary Toye’s dad, Dean Toye, with deteriorating health
from a neurological condition (progressive supranuclear palsy)
- Tim Klauke’s aunt, Betty Bondzio, with Stage 4 cancer in
Staff Away:
-Tim Dickau: April 20 – May 12
-Joy Banks: May 21–June 5
Child Dedications: If you are interested in formally dedicating
your child to God in the company of people of faith, the next
date is May 24 (evening congregation). Speak with one of the
pastors if interested.
GPS (Global Prayer Support) happens Every Second Friday. This
Month, we will be praying for our former Pastor Emmanuel
Ndabarushimana and his new wife Grace and the kids: Jean
David and Peace Esther and the tense political situation in
Burundi on FRIDAY MAY 8th at 7 -9 pm. We pray for our global
workers, special requests in our church community, for
special world places and situations, and for each other. Come
learn to join Jesus' heart for the world in prayer
together. Everyone is welcome to join in. Laura Remy's place:
#301 - 1851 E. Pender St. For info contact: Christina Chiu
778-840-5575 or Please put
"GPS" on the Subject line.
Easter Stories 2015
Our scriptures are full of stories of regular people sharing their
experiences of God. These stories 'bear witness' to the risen
Christ who, not only came and walked among us 2000 years
ago, but whose Spirit is still very much at work among us
today. Sometimes we feel like God is no longer moving or
alive. We need to hear from one another about the places
where Christ is still moving and transforming us and the
world. Would you be willing to share a story about how Jesus
has moved in your life or where you have witnessed the
movement of his Spirit around you? Please let a pastor know if
you would.
Bookkeeper wanted:
wanted: GCBC is looking for a highly motivated,
energetic and professional individual to join our team as a part
time bookkeeper. This position is up to 2 hours/week and an
additional 2 - 3 hours/month or approximately 110
hours/year. A job description is available through the church
office or by contacting the church Treasurer, Bob Parsons
( If you wish to apply for this position or
have qu’s, contact Bob Parsons.
JOB AD: Work with your hands at Grandview
Grandview Calvary!
GCBC is seeking to fill the staff maintenance position with a
self-motivated and resourceful DIY’er.
The position requires 20 hours per month on average and
includes maintenance of the church building and property,
community houses and parking lot property. Skills needed for
the position include communicating with user groups and
contractors, using email, working with hand and power tools,
and being a general handy person (only basic understanding
of plumbing, building and electrical).
Having a license, and means to a vehicle is an asset to the
position (for making trips to the
Hardware store/dump etc.)
To apply for the position, get in touch with the stewardship
committee chair (Geoff Rousseau) to discuss your interest and
any relevant experience you have. The job is available
call or text Geoff: 604-652-1859
Community Bulletin Board
Camping: invite to folks from the evening congregation
Come join us for Group Camping(tenting) on July 1010-12 at
Mount Seymour Provincial Park. There are a maximum of 44
spots, sign up is on a first come first serve basis.
Please to reserve your spot. If
around 40 people signup, the cost will be around $10 per
person. More details and information will be coming soon.
Organized by Brian Lee and Brian Vandegriend.
Earthkeeping at the Chan - Katharine Hayhoe will team up
with A Rocha and Regent College to present Earthkeeping: A
Climate for Change at the Chan Centre, 6265 Crescent Rd,
UBC, Vancouver, May 7, 7-9 pm. The event is sponsored by a
wide range of groups, including the David Suzuki Foundation,
Clean Energy BC and the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.
For tickets and more info, go to:
CityCity-wide worship and prayer -United in Prayer/United in
Mission - Join the church of Metro Vancouver on
Pentecost Sunday May 24th at 6pm on the Global Day of Prayer
to pray for our cities, nation and world. Sponsored by
Missionsfest. Sun, May 24, 6-8 pm, Calvary Worship Centre,
11125 124 St., Surrey
Holy Ground:
Ground: Answering God's Call to Creation Care (May 5-8,
2015) is a conference that will inspire you to incorporate
earth-keeping practices into your personal and congregational
life. We will examine the theology behind creation care, and
look at examples of it in practice. Ultimately, you will walk
away invigorated and equipped with resources and practical
steps that your church can take as a community. Held at
Regent College. Details at:
TALKS: ---2 speakers, 2 topics, 15 minutes each,
Q&A to follow -- a chance to learn from one another as a
community through the sharing of ideas – 1st Wed of every
month. Next one: Wed., May 8, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
pm in the
church Annex (optional dinner at 6 pm). Host: First Christian
Reformed Church - 2670 Victoria Drive, Vancouver (Corner of
11th Ave E. and Victoria Drive). SPEAKERS:
• Steven Berkenpas : Dementia and the Preservation of
-hood - Steven Berkenpas has one year left in
his Masters of Divinity at Regent College. When he is
not in the library, you may find him playing ping
pong, beach volleyball, or sleeping. Despite not being
elderly himself, last fall he took a course for elderly
people called 'Ageing Matters.' For his major paper he
wrote on the changes in the perception of personhood in modernity and how it affects the way we view
the ageing process.
• Caroline Short : Creating Space For and With People
with Disabilities - Caroline Short is very tall. She
likes baking and eating pie. Caroline is interested in
disability advocacy, theology and the church. She has
a younger brother with a developmental disability,
has been a part of the L’Arche Greater Vancouver
community for seven years, studies part time at
Regent College and volunteers with Disability
Concerns – an advocacy ministry of the Christian
Reformed Church.
Need info? Contact Dena
at or 604.928.3094.
Pottery Studio:
Would you like to cultivate community while
making pottery? Experienced and new potters welcome. The
studio is looking for people to be part of the welcoming
community on Thursdays, midday.
Contact Dana Vallee
Support the Kettle Friendship Society:
Society Monday, May 4 –
Drop-in Engagement Event – Kettle/Astorino’s
The City will be hosting an evening drop-in event on the
future of the northwest corner of Commercial and
Venables. This site is currently the subject of a proposal to
expand the Kettle Friendship Centre, integrated with new
market and supportive housing.
As a key component of Grandview-Woodland, thinking
around this part of the neighbourhood has continued to
evolve. The event will report on feedback gathered to date,
and allow community members to provide further input on
urban design principles, building form, and proposed
social amenities.
Registration for this event will not be required. Look for
location details at
"Life on the Margins" Weekend Workshop - On Friday May
22 (6:30-9:30 PM) and Saturday May 23 (10 AM – 4 PM),
Jacob's Well, a para-church community, is offering a workshop
where we explore God’s heart for people living on the margins
of society. We will wrestle with hard questions and draw out
truths from both Old and New Testaments on justice, the
gospel, and friendship across socioeconomic barriers, as well
as sharing our experiences from life in the Downtown Eastside
of Vancouver. We hope that this workshop will spark your
imagination as you live out God’s call to love folks on the
margins of your own neighbourhood, school, church, or
workplace. E-mail to register or
call 604.681.4898. The workshop costs $20 in advance, or
$25 at the door. Saturday lunch is included. For more
information on us, please check out our website:
Engage – Together – GCBC Representatives are needed for the
denominational CBWC-organized ‘Celebration Dinner’ which
explores how faith communities can engage neighbourhoods.
Guest speaker is Rev. Shannon Youell.
Royal Oak Ministry
Centre, 7175 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby, Tues, May 26, 2015, 68:45 pm. RSVP by May 18 at or
778-242-2598. Please let one of the pastors know if you are
Ride to Church Needed for Valerie Fielding from the Main & 1st
area, for evening worship. Call Val at 604-620-8900.
Room for rent for female in house by Garden Park. $550 per
month. Contact Mary Sue for the
Room Available: We are two female housemates seeking a
couple or two singles to fill a master bedroom half a block off
Commercial Drive on Kitchener. Rent is $675 each, or $1350
for the whole room. The house has 3 levels with 3 bedrooms
and 2 bathrooms, a beautiful spacious common area and
modern kitchen with lots of light, and a backyard. Move in
date July 1. Contact Cara Bain for more
details: (Roommates will be finalized
by April 15 so contact us soon!)
**Urgent Housing need** - One of our Open Door families has
lost their home and all of their belongings to a fire. As a result,
they are seeking a 3-4 bedroom rental home for 3 kids and 1
or 2 adults, preferably in Vancouver, Burnaby or New West.
The family's mom would love to find something for $750
monthly, but could afford up to $1200. Please contact Trina
Morin at 778-919-3332 with any possibilities. For more
information or questions, speak with Fiona Lee
Donations: All that it takes to run GCBC and its programs is financed by
Tithing / Donations
members & adherents. Charitable tax receipts are issued once yearly (~Feb.) unless
requested earlier. Donation envelopes are in the pews & sanctuary foyer racks. If
desired, by emailing you can receive a donor number which you
can mark on your donations. This assists both with record keeping and your
confidentiality. For the convenience of arranging direct transfers to GCBC’s Van City
Account, or pre-authorized debit from another financial institution, email to request help to set this up.
Bulletin Posting
Posting: To post news or announcements, please have submissions to Tim
Klauke by Thursday noon (
Use: To minimize building-use conflicts, ensure you contact Tim Klauke for
Building Use
booking church space for church-related or private use.
Listt: To subscribe to the GCBC email list for periodic communication
GCBC Email Lis
updates, contact Tim Klauke (Teak) in the GCBC Office ( or fill in
the prompts on the right sidebars of the webpages.
For the ‘Fine Print’ on our Worship Services, and for
Helpful Info on Church Life, take one of the blue cards
from the sanctuary pew pockets.
Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
1803 E. 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5N 1B2
Tel. 604-255-1411 Fax. 604-255-0414
GCBC Office Hours: 10 am - 2pm, Tues – Thurs