- Grandview Calvary Baptist Church


- Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
April 5,
5, 2015
He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!
“Beyond the Safe House”
John 20: 19-22
By Joy Banks
We welcome you
in the name of Christ.
Surrounding Our
Services Today:
Looking Ahead To
Next Sunday:
9:30 am & 3:45 pm Exploring
from the
Faith & Baptism Class,
Class Rm 1
10:30 Morning Congregation
7:30 Easter Sunrise Service at
1-4 pm Korean Presbyterian
8 am: Celebration Feast
5 pm Evening
Evening Congregation
9 & 11 am:: Resurrection Sunday
Worship Service followed by
with gospel choir!
soup in the lower hall. Please
contribute $2 per adult at the
There will be no 5 pm service.
food table if able.
This Week’s ‘Holy Week’ events:
Mon, 7 pm Streams of Justice in room 8 – See ‘Community
Bulletin Board’ for details on Roundtable Discussion
Wed, 6:30
Wed, 9:30
am – 1 pm
Thurs, 5
Morning Prayers at Stillpointe, 1575 Salsbury Drive,
ground level red door
Open Door for Single Mothers and their preschool
Crossroads Community Meal.
Meal All welcome! Doors
open 5pm. Seating to dine 6:30pm. Contact Simeon
Pang for more details 604-518-2676 or
Fri, 6:45 – Protection Plan Training for those who were not able
9 pm to attend the Sept 13 or Feb 28 Training. If
unavailable, contact Melanie Colenutt asap at
Upcoming Church Events
Apr 25-26 This Bread: The Story of the Eucharist as told by the
Eastside Story Guild - see details in ‘Church News’
May 8-10 GCBC & Partners Staff Retreat
May 20 Church Family Meeting – regular Tri-annual
May 22-24 GCBC
GCBC Art & Poetry Exhibition
May 24 Pentecost Sunday
As part of our commitment to learning together about the history of
aboriginal/settler relations on this land, particularly where the Christian
Church has been involved in perpetuating injustice, we are beginning each
service with words that remind us that the land in and around Vancouver was
taken over, sold, and settled without the consent of the Coast Salish peoples
who have always lived here and have historic title to it.
a celebration of creativity in our community.
A call to all artists.
On the weekend of May 22 – 24 we will be celebrating the creativity
of this community with an art and poetry exhibition in the lower hall.
The weekend will include an opening reception with performances,
an art workshop, and the creation of a collaborative piece of art.
If you are a practicing visual artist, photographer, or poet, we invite
you to submit your work.
Purpose: To create a space for artists at GCBC to display their art and
creative practices. To value the arts in our worshipping community
and in our pursuit of community and justice. To inspire us towards
more community-based creative initiatives.
Submission Guidelines
Guidelines (Deadline April 13)
Visual Art: (Drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture,
installation-based art, etc)
Submit a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 images. All pieces must
be framed or on canvas or panel with hanging wire attached. Pieces
can be no larger than 4 feet wide by 6 feet high. Three-dimensional
work will be accepted if size and setup can be accommodated.
Submit 2 to 3 poems. Poetry will be printed on posters and
displayed. There may be an opportunity to recite poetry at the
opening reception. Please indicate if you would be interested in this.
Art and poetry will be accepted on the basis of how many works our
space can accommodate. This is an inclusive event, so artists of all
levels and backgrounds should feel free to submit. We may display
fewer pieces than are submitted, or may ask artists to submit more
pieces if space permits.
For all visual art and poetry submissions please email pieces to
hello@carabain.ca and include the following information:
• Full Name
• Phone Number
• Email Address
• Artist Profile (250–350 word paragraph including answers to
the following questions) Where are you from? What
medium do you work with and why? What inspires your art?
How does your faith inspire your art or influence your
creative process?
• Either 3 to 5 images of visual art, or 2 to 3 poems
Please email submissions to Cara Bain at hello@carabain.ca or call
Cara at 604-842-3318 to discuss your interest by April 13 at the
latest. If you need help putting together your submission, or have
any questions, feel free to email at least two weeks before the
Church News
Pray for:
- healing and good judgment for Iren Swift, Fiona Lee’s
mother, who broke her leg on Feb 5th.
-Muriel Mortimer, in hospital
-Rhonda Hall’s dad, with cancer (multiple myeloma)
-Wayne Richards, with leukemia
-Rosemary Toye’s dad, Dean Toye, with deteriorating health
from a neurological condition (progressive supranuclear palsy)
Easter Sanctuary Art: New Life and Shining Stars
Easter is the season of new life, when we celebrate and live
into the reality that through the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ, death has been defeated and all of creation is
being renewed and restored.
During the season of Lent, the six weeks of getting ready for
the mystery of Easter, children in grades 1-7 explored the
stories of a variety of saints whose lives shine out some of the
light of Christ in the world. They responded to these stories
with a star art project.
You can see the stars that the children created hanging on the
Easter banner at the front of the sanctuary. In this image,
Jesus, the Tree of Life, is holding a multitude of stars that
shine out God’s light and love in the world in their own unique
and particular ways.
Throughout the sanctuary you will also see the colouful prints
that children, youth, and adults gathered to make on
Holy Saturday. As we waited together on this day that falls
between the darkness of Good Friday and the bright light of
Easter morning, we created images of new life and signs of
Christ’s resurrection hope in the world.
Upcoming ESG Presentation!
Presentation - This Bread: The Story of the
Eucharist as told by the Eastside Story Guild
Full Dress-Rehearsal: Friday, April 24 (4:30)
Stand Alone Matinee: Saturday, April 25 (2:00)
Sunday Performances during worship, April 26 (10:30 & 5:00)
Followed by annual spring fundraisers - Seasonal Fruit
Parfaits ($5) and Raffle/Auction
Easter Stories 2015
Our scriptures are full of stories of regular people sharing their
experiences of God. These stories 'bear witness' to the risen
Christ who, not only came and walked among us 2000 years
ago, but whose Spirit is still very much at work among us
today. Sometimes we feel like God is no longer moving or
alive. We need to hear from one another about the places
where Christ is still moving and transforming us and the
world. Would you be willing to share a story about how Jesus
has moved in your life or where you have witnessed
witnessed the
movement of his Spirit around you? Please let a pastor know if
you would.
Instrumentalists Needed: We have space (that really needs
filling!) for instrument players in both our am and eve worship
teams. Time commitment is generally once a month. The
teams meet for a couple hours before the service to practice.
Lots of joy and highly relational! You may be more qualified
than you think! Email worship@gcbchurch.ca or talk to Joy or
Erin if you'd like more info.
Bookkeeper wanted:
wanted: GCBC is looking for a highly motivated,
energetic and professional individual to join our team as a part
time bookkeeper. This position is up to 2 hours/week and an
additional 2 - 3 hours/month or approximately 110
hours/year. A job description is available through the church
office or by contacting the church Treasurer, Bob Parsons
(van0run@gmail.com). If you wish to apply for this position or
have qu’s, contact Bob Parsons.
member at GCBC, and passed away Dec. 23/2014.
memorial service is on Friday April 10, 2015 at Trinity Baptist
Church, 1460 W. 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC, 1 pm with
reception to follow.
JOB AD: Work with your hands at Grandview Calvary!
GCBC is seeking to fill the staff maintenance position with a
self-motivated and resourceful DIY’er.
The position requires 20 hours per month on average and
includes maintenance of the church building and property,
community houses and parking lot property. Skills needed for
the position include communicating with user groups and
contractors, using email, working with hand and power tools,
and being a general handy person (only basic understanding
of plumbing, building and electrical).
Having a license, and means to a vehicle is an asset to the
position (for making trips to the
Hardware store/dump etc.)
To apply for the position, get in touch with the stewardship
committee chair (Geoff Rousseau) to discuss your interest and
any relevant experience you have. The job is available
email: stewardship@gcbchurch.ca
call or text Geoff: 604-652-1859
Community Bulletin Board
Eat Your Faith - a JudeoJudeo-Christian
Christian exploration of food, health,
sustainability and cultureculture-making
Saturdays 9:30 am to Noon, April 11 - May 2
CityGate Leadership Forum
Suite 301, 291 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver
Cost: $60, includes reader and appetizers
RSVP and inquiries: jonathan@cglf.ca or 778-881-2137
Every bite of food we take has repercussions on our bodies,
our ecosystem, and our culture. This four-week seminar digs
down to the major socioeconomic, medical, ecological, and
spiritual roots of our relationship to food. Drawing on up-todate research and Judeo-Christian heritage, we'll explore the
nature and history of the Western diet, its current
ramifications, and inspiring alternatives to heal the food
system - many or which are emerging right here in Vancouver.
The Bread of Life and the importance of "faith in food"
From eating in paradise to (mis)eating in exile: a
historical sketch of the comodification of our food system
Food, agriculture and the state of the world: socio-
ecological considerations brought to the table
Eating our way towards the City of God: now what?
Instructor: Eduardo Sasso holds a graduate degree in theology
from Regent College and is currently finishing a degree in
sustainability management at UBC. This seminar stems from
his work in Vancouver's social economy since 2011 and his
research internship at A Rocha Canada’s farm in south Surrey.
Emmanuel Ndabarushimana is getting married in Burundi in
Do you like carnitas? Do you want to celebrate Emmanuel
getting married? Do we have a party for you! Keep your eyes
peeled for details on a Celebration Dinner on Saturday May 2,
2015 at 5:30pm.
5:30pm Proceeds will go to an EL GRANDE wedding
gift. (Emmanuel was the pastor of the morning congregation
before Joy Banks).
Upcoming Conference - April 23rd - 25th
Hosted by Canadian Friends of Sabeel, an organization
dedicated to peace, justice and reconciliation in the Holy Land,
the topic of the upcoming conference is Christian Zionism and
will include many notable speakers of different faiths.
Conference Co-Sponsors include: the Anglican Church of
Canada, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA), Presbyterian
Church in Canada, and United Church of Canada. More info
and registration forms can be found on the website http://necefsabeel.ca/ - ad posted by Simeon Pang.
Cat Needs New Home A friend of ours has a cat that she can
no longer afford to take care of - she is looking for a new
home. "Miss Mew" is a feline version of Elle Woods from
Legally Blonde and the ultimate combo of fiercely independent
yet loves a good snuggle. Sleek & small tabby cat. If you are
interested, please contact Rebecca
at 778.829.1707 orrebeccainschool@gmail.com
Ride to Church Needed for Valerie Fielding from the Main & 1st
area, for evening worship. Call Val at 604-620-8900.
Clothing Need & Mattresses Available:
Available Fernando Campos of
the morning congregation is aware of 14 refugee mothers with
babies newly born or ready to be born in need of clothing and
accessories: cribs, baby cloths, carriages, baby carries, etc.
He’s also aware that a non-profit in the DTES is needing to
offload en masse approx. 100 mattresses, used for 6 months,
in all sizes. He is wondering if energy from GCBC would find a
truck and a space to store 100 mattresses while they are
disinfected and delivered to people who need them.
Timeframe for pickup: by April 17.
Contact Fernando at fercam1962@gmail.com / 778-707-0458
if you would like to explore this with Fernando.
Room Available: We are two female housemates seeking a
couple or two singles to fill a master bedroom half a block off
Commercial Drive on Kitchener. Rent is $675 each, or $1350
for the whole room. The house has 3 levels with 3 bedrooms
and 2 bathrooms, a beautiful spacious common area and
modern kitchen with lots of light, and a backyard. Move in
date July 1. Contact Cara Bain for more
details: hello@carabain.ca (Roommates will be finalized
by April 15 so contact us soon!)
GroundGround-level bedroom available in a community house near
Main and King Edward. Join a videographer, childdevelopment worker, biologist, two theologians, and a
delightful 23 month-old child in this dynamic
household. Enjoy the time-saving benefits of shared
household tasks and the "yumm!" of shared dinners! The
room is available as early as April 1st. Contact:
duncan.discepati@gmail.com. Submitted by Carmen Poetschke
Room for sublet Victoria/12th for the month of May. Part of a
Christian community house, and great area. If you know of a
visitor or student who could use this please
contactlindsay.vanderhoek@gmail.com for more info.
$500/month (obo.) including utilities and small amount of
storage space.
Housemate Needed
Needed: Alex and Marlae are looking for third
housemate May 1 to June 30th to share our three bedroom
home. It’s a nice space and we love to host people, hang out,
cook and eat, and garden! Our place is near 23rd and Fraser,
close to the 8 and 25 bus routes. Everything is furnished. Rent
is $600/month, including internet and utilities. Contact Alex
Marshall for more information: 604-7200770 or alexandria.r.marshall@gmail.com.
Housing Available:
Available Duplex at 1768 Kitchener Street. Two
bedrooms plus bathroom on top floor with view of mountains.
Open plan main floor. Large office/bedroom plus bathroom on
lower floor. It opens into the back garden. Large garage with
laundry and storage. New appliances. $2700 a month. Our
neighbours are professional couples and families with young
children. For more information contact Jennifer Hall (778)
990 8580 or jaehall@hotmail.com. Available Jul 1.
Donations: All that it takes to run GCBC and its programs is
Tithing / Donations
financed by members & adherents. Charitable tax receipts are issued once
yearly (~Feb.) unless requested earlier. Donation envelopes are in the pews
& sanctuary foyer racks. If desired, by emailing finance@gcbchurch.ca you
can receive a donor number which you can mark on your donations. This
assists both with record keeping and your confidentiality. For the
convenience of arranging direct transfers to GCBC’s Van City Account, or
pre-authorized debit from another financial institution, email
finance@gcbchurch.ca to request help to set this up.
Bulletin Posting
Posting: To post news or announcements, please have
submissions to Tim Klauke by Thursday noon (teak@gcbchurch.ca).
Use: To minimize building-use conflicts, ensure you contact Tim
Building Use
Klauke for booking church space for church-related or private use.
List: To subscribe to the GCBC email list for periodic
GCBC Email List
communication updates, contact Tim Klauke (Teak) in the GCBC Office
(teak@gcbchurch.ca) or fill in the prompts on the right sidebars of the
gcbchurch.ca webpages.
For the ‘Fine Print’ on our Worship Services, and for
Helpful Info on Church Life, take one of the blue cards
from the sanctuary pew pockets.
Grandview Calvary Baptist Church
1803 E. 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5N 1B2
email: info@gcbchurch.ca www.gcbchurch.ca
Tel. 604-255-1411 Fax. 604-255-0414
GCBC Office Hours: 10 am - 2pm, Tues – Thurs