Call for paper in pdf - Governance of a Complex World 2015


Call for paper in pdf - Governance of a Complex World 2015
4th edition of the international conference
Governance of a Complex World 2015
GCW 2015
1-3 July, 2015
Nice (France)
Eurkind is pleased to announce the 4th edition of the GCW conference in Nice (France), following the
organization of GCW 2014 in Turin (Italy), GCW 2013 in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and GCW 2012
in Nice (France).
Eurkind is research network focusing on how knowledge, innovation, and development should
articulate for a better society in Europe. It brings together reputable scientists in economics and
social sciences, but also in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, environment and life sciences,
belonging to European as well as non-European academic institutions (
Like in previous editions, GCW 2015 welcomes high quality contributions proposing advances in the
field of theory, empirics or policy.
Contributions to GCW 2015 should be related to the general theme of the conference “The
Governance of a Complex World” with the aim of (i) understanding the articulation between
knowledge, innovation and development in Europe, (ii) modelling possible scenarios and collecting
evidence for developing a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Central focus (though not
exclusive) will be directed to the analysis of these knowledge-innovation-development gaps where
disequilibrium, non-linear dynamics, path dependence and self-organization prevail, involving indepth exploration of purposes, intents, expectations, and interactions among actors. Latest
methodologies and protocols of research will be covered, including statistical analysis of the
dynamics of firms’ characteristics and firms’ localization, social networks analysis, dynamics of
replication, simulations on modular systems, patent analysis, etc.
Contributions can also be related to the special tracks of the GCW 2015 conference:
- Making, buying and allying for more sustainable production
- Public procurement for innovation and demand side innovation policies
- Challenges in economics of science: funding, academic teams and careers
- Structural change in the transition towards the green economy
Keynote speakers (confirmed):
Ron Boschma (Circle, Sweden)
Uwe Cantner (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany)
Julia Lane (American Institutes for Research, USA)
Jacques Mairesse (CREST, France)
Klaus Rennings (ZEW Mannheim, Germany)
Submission of abstracts: Submit a 1000 words abstract to
The abstract should clearly mention:
1. title of the paper
2. name of the author(s) and full address of the corresponding author (postal address, phone, fax and
3. submission to the general theme of the conference, or to one of the special tracks
4. aim of the study and methodology
5. (expected) results and/or conclusion
The 2015 conference is organized by CNRS GREDEG, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Organization leads:
Jackie Krafft (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)
Michele Pezzoni (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)
Francesco Quatraro (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)
Information contact:
Venue: University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Campus Saint Jean d’Angély, 24 avenue des Diables Bleus,
06357 Nice Cedex 04, France
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: April 20, 2015
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2015
Payment of Registration Fees and Conference Dinner: May 20, 2015
Full paper submission: May 31, 2015
Scientific Committee: Cristiano Antonelli (University of Turin, Italy), Alexander Coad (SPRU Brighton,
UK), Alessandra Colombelli (Politecnico of Torino; GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Davide Consoli
(Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, UK; INGENIO-CSIC, University of Valencia, Spain),
Alexander Ebner (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Werner Hoelzl (WIFO, University
of Vienna, Austria), Albert Jolink (RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Jackie Krafft
(GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara, Italy), Eva Niesten
(Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Michele Pezzoni (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Francesco
Quatraro (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Jacques Ravix (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Andreas
Reinstaller (WIFO, University of Vienna, Austria), Paolo Saviotti (INRA GAEL, University Pierre Mendes
France, France), Marco Vivarelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy).
Conference fees:
Registration fees: 250 euros (access to the Conference, Conference lunches, Conference breaks)
Conference dinner: 50 euros
Fees can be paid only by credit card and online.
Website of the conference: For all information and updates: