Northeastern District Great Commission Women


Northeastern District Great Commission Women
March 2016
Northeastern District
Great Commission Women
Inside this issue:
Resurrection Blessings!
Greetings NED Women!
Spring is officially arriving
this week and we are seeing crocuses, daffodils and
all the other spring flowers
beginning to blossom, birds
chirping, new life taking
place. For some of you
around the NED, you got
snow this weekend, but I’m
sure this is short-lived.
This time of the year brings
new life in many ways and
Easter is a time of celebrating resurrection— Christ
arose after paying the supreme sacrifice for me and
you. Hallelujah! He is risen….risen indeed! May we
all reflect on Jesus and his
Father’s love when he sent
his son as a babe for the
purpose of dying on the
cross for all mankind.
One of my favorite and
“relaxing-in-Jesus” things I
love to do is worship
through music during my
quiet time with my Lord. I
have listened to the following song many times during
my lent devotions and it is
one of my favorites. Take
time to click on the link at
the end of the lyrics, listen,
sing along — worship HIM!
My Redeemer Lives
Who taught the sun
Where to stand in the
And who taught the ocean
You can only come this far
And who showed the moon
Where to hide till evening
Whose words alone can
Catch a falling star
Well I know my Redeemer
I know my Redeemer lives
All of creation testifies
This life within me cries
I know my Redeemer lives
(Because He lives I can
face tomorrow)
He lives, I know, I know, I
He lives
(I spoke with Him this
He lives.
(The tomb is empty)
He lives.
(I've gotta tell everybody)
The very same God
That spins things in orbit
Runs to the weary
The worn and the weak
And the same gentle hands
That hold me when I'm
They conquer death to bring
me victory
Now I know my Redeemer
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer
We are a blessed people
and I trust you will speak
with HIM every morning
and tell everybody that
your Redeemer lives!
He lives to take away my
And He lives forever I'll
That the payment for my sin
Was the precious life He
But now He's alive and
there's an empty grave
And I know my Redeemer,
He lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer
I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
I know that, I know that, I
know that, I know that, I
I know my Redeemer lives
Spring Refresh 2016
God’s Positioning System
National Project Up-toDate Giving
EXCITING Happenings—
The Lighthouse, Delta
Nominating Committee
Upcoming Event Dates
Published 2013—all rights for
the music belong to Nicole C.
CCLI License #2970747
Easter blessings to all.
NED GCW Officers
Serving My Redeemer
with JOY!
 Director: Daisy B. Wallace
451 Hornbrook Road
Ithaca NY 14850
 Asst. Director: Terri Groh
PO Box 224
New Haven NY 13121
 Treasurer: Barbara Moleski
4487 Wilderness Way
Syracuse NY 13215
 Secretary: Darlene Mason
4277 Tannery Road
Campbell NY 14821
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EARLYBIRD REGISTRATIONS DUE THIS WEEK — POSTMARKED no later than Tuesday, March 22nd! Save $10 and
send in your registrations now. FINAL registration and hotel reservations April 11! ABSOLUTELY NO registrations or
hotel rooms will be available after April 11th. Feel free to come a day early to fellowship with your ladies!
MORE SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS — Diaspora Moments with Elvie Barner and PJ (creative access), Global Connection
with Rebecca Jo Ceria and Envision video with Heather Watson, Auburn Alliance. Worship team from Plattsburgh North
Country Alliance. Longer breakout time for teens with Jessica Sears—Friday evening fun and Saturday morning breakout.
Don’t forget—bring a sweater or jacket (Ballroom can be cool), your swimsuit (indoor pool), a Bible, money for shopping in
the book/gift store and our two offerings (Fri. p.m. and Sat. afternoon) and a great spirit to take in spiritual refreshment and
fellowship with other Northeastern District women. Looking forward to seeing all of you!
For Refresh info, go to, click “ministries”, “Great Commission Women” and “Spring Refresh—all info is
there. ATTN: Women in leadership and pastor’s wives, financial assistance is available for those who cannot attend due to
financial issues. Please contact Barb Moleski at 315-488-7691 or
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by Terri Groh
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UPDATE on The Lighthouse, Delta
Bathroom renovations have begun! Rick Barnard has turned off the electric and made it safe for
superwoman Barb Linn to start taking that room apart. When bathroom fixtures, wallboard and the
floor was removed, the realization of how important it is that we are renovating—mold and mildew
filled the inner walls and floor of the bathroom. It’s all nice and open now, drying and airing out and we
are told it already smells better and one can actually breathe.
We have received $1,797.00 (59.9%) of our $3,000 goal towards this huge renovation project. EVERYTHING needs to be replaced—wallboard, floor including new joists, shower, toilet, vanity & sink….let’s
get it done. Won’t you consider sending in donations to help with this important project so our International Workers, NED Pastors and others can have a healthy place to come and rest? We thank all of
you who have helped make it happen. (NOTE the items below found behind the shower.)
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2016 Northeastern District Great Commission Women
Nominating Committee Report
The nominating committee of the Northeastern District (NED) Great Commission Women (GCW) has met and
presents Jill Gregory for the nomination as GCW Treasurer for the term of three years (one year of the four-year
term has been filled by Barbara Moleski). The name of Terri Groh has been submitted to the NE District Nominating Committee for consideration for the position of GCW Director to a four-year term.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ramsay, Chair
Committee members include:
Judy Ramsay—Northeastern District GCW Executive Leadership Team, Valleyview Alliance, Vestal
Jill Gregory—Northeastern District GCW Leadership Team, Pineview Community Church, Albany
Peg Kelwaski—Northeastern District GCW Leadership Team, Dewittville Alliance
Karen Gioia—Constituent, New Beginnings, Poughkeepsie
Holly Whiting—Constituent, New Haven Community Alliance
Jill Gregory is member of Pineview Community Church in Albany, the Local Director of Great Commission
Women and serves as Capital East Regional Coach on the Northeastern District GCW. She works part-time at a
lawyer’s office as well as at the Pineview Community Church office. She and her husband, Rance. have a daughter and son and three grandsons and one granddaughter.
Terri Groh is a pastor’s wife at New Haven Community Alliance and she and her husband, Dan, have two sons
and a daughter. Their second son is a student at Nyack College. Terri has served as Secretary and is now Assistant Director of the Northeastern District GCW. She is a graduate of Nyack College, an author, writes a blog,
loves all kinds of crafts and is an accomplished seamstress.
Election of NED GCW Treasurer will take place at the mandated business meeting at Spring Refresh, Saturday,
April 23, Auburn Holiday Inn. NED GCW Director election will take place at NED District & Prayer
Conference, Syracuse Alliance Church, May 2-4.
T&N L (Creative Access Workers) have been asked to leave by the country they were serving and
are now stateside. Please be praying for peace during this transition as well as wisdom for future
Former NED IWs Randy and Karen Board who returned to the states due to their son, Jonathan’s
health needs, need a real miracle for him. He is currently in the hospital undergoing testing to figure
out the cause of severe seizures that control his body. When he is not having seizures, he is listless, has no appetite and rarely smiles — he hasn’t laughed in weeks. He has 3-5 seizures/day.
When he has them, he has a look of horror in his eyes and he shrieks several times. The doctors
have not been able to figure out the problem. Boards are in the midst of an intense spiritual battle
and are asking for prayer for the blood of Jesus to cover them and heal Jonathan.
Pray for Jeff and Rebecca Jo Ceria and their four children as they prepare to return to Ukraine.
They have been on home assignment and having a lot of counseling and trusting to return healthy
and strong. Pray they will be ready in all ways to return this coming summer.
Pray for the safety of all our International Workers around the world during this time of upheaval,
war, terrorist attacks and unrest.
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Summer Renew Celebration
Sunday, July 3, 3:00 p.m.—during
Family Bible Camp, Delta
IW speakers Trish Eggleton
Kathy Eikost
Heather Wallace
2016-17 GCW Theme and materials
for purchase
Fall Refocus on Missions Retreat
September 23-24
at Delta
IW Speakers TBA this summer
Breakout Sessions
Worship in music
and more
We would love to see many of you
at these events!