June 12th - Holy Redeemer Parish
June 12th - Holy Redeemer Parish
HOLY REDEEMER PARISH PO Box 40 Pier Postal Station Sydney, Nova Scotia B1N 3B1 Website: holyredeemer.iparish.ca WEEKEND MASSES HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 11:00AM OFFICE HOURS Mon/Wed/Fri: 10:00-12:00 1:00-4:00 Office Administrator: Paul Tynski Telephone: 902-564-4355 E-mail: holyredeemer@live.ca WEEKDAY MASSES HOLY REDEEMER CONVENT Tuesday 4:00PM Wed/Thurs/Fri 8:45AM 11th Sunday - Ordinary Time June 12th, 2016 Parish Priest Rev. Paul K. Murphy PARISH COUNCIL President: Jean Murphy Finance: Carmella MacDonald Religious Education Coordinator Marie MacIntyre: 902-270-6535 This weekend our parish is hosting the 68th Nova Scotia Provincial Convention of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. May your patroness, Our Lady Of Good Counsel, guide you with her wisdom and humility. Schedule for June 18/19, 2016 MASS TIMES ALTAR SERVERS MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday - 4:00PM Paul Tynski Ray Doucet Marie MacIntyre Jean Murphy Sunday - 11:00AM Michael McCarthy Grace McCarthy Ryan Burt John Murphy Dorothy Murphy Pat Bisson LECTORS Marie Aucoin Regina Gillis Holy Redeemer would like to welcome Parish Council Representatives, Diocesan Executive Members, Life and Honourary Life Members, Provincial Executive Members, Spiritual Advisors and Invited Guests to our parish. This is a special 68th Nova Scotia Provincial Convention for us at Holy Redeemer as one of our own, Peggy MacNeil, will become Provincial President. We are very proud of Peggy for her dedication to the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. This weekend will be one of celebration as we pray together, worship together and celebrate our accomplishments. Conventions are a reminder of just how important our work is at the parish, diocesan, provincial and national levels as well as beyond our borders. Patricia Murphy, President, Holy Redeemer CWL The painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel can be found in a centuries old church in Genazzano, Italy, about 50km from Rome. Restoration/rebuilding of the old church occurred in the 15th century largely thanks to the support of a wealthy widow named Petruccia. According to legend, in 1467, townspeople heard beautiful music and saw a white cloud descend on the church. As the cloud dissipated, the painting of Our Lady was revealed. It was widely believed that the beautiful fresco had come from the walls of a church in Scutari, Albania. Two bishops sent by Pope Paul II reported that over 170 miracles occurred in the ensuing months. They also reported that an empty space was found on the wall of a church in Scutari. In 1753, Pope Benedict XIV established the Pious Union of Our Lady of Good Counsel to promote devotion to Mary under this title. The Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel is April 26. *The CWL Annual Retreat will be June 18, at Our Lady of Grace Monastery from 9am-3pm. Registration and tea, coffee and muffins from 9-10am. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Brian Dunn at 11am. A collection at Mass will be offered to the Sisters for their generous hospitality. Tickets will be sold on a beautiful spa basket, $2ea or 3/$5 with proceeds as part of our donation. Lunch is a choice of chicken pot pie or lasagna. Cost: $15 (paid on arrival). Registration deadline: June 14. If you plan to attend, call Paula: 902-567-0794 The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. The CWL of Canada approved the formation of the Nova Scotia Provincial Council in February of 1948 and today there are over 4000 members across the two dioceses of Antigonish and Halifax-Yarmouth. The Holy Redeemer CW L was established in 1922. The principal objective of the CWL when formed was to raise money to supplement parish funds. The main sources of revenue for the group were the weekly card games and the Annual Fall Fair held at the old Imperial Hall. Since its inception, the Holy Redeemer CWL has contributed to numerous causes including the former Little Flower Orphanage, the former St. Rita’s Hospital Fund, Brownies, Girl Guides and Mass for Shut-Ins... to name a few. During World War II, our CWL provided cigarettes and magazines for parishioners fighting overseas. Of particular note: Holy Redeemer Church’s Stations of the Cross were donated in 1929 by our CWL. They are also involved in the care and cleaning of the sanctuary as well as catering various parish functions and funerals. In addition, our CWL makes a generous donation to our Building Fund each year in memory of deceased members. Holy Redeemer Parish owes a debt of gratitude to our CWL for nearly 95 years of faithful service to our parish. Thank you ladies!!! COLLECTION - JUNE 5, 2016 5,845.00 Envelopes & Loose Building Fund Cemetery Oil Cemetery Candles Total 4,742.00 821.00 100.00 52.00 130.00 $5,845.00 Assisted Dying: You will find another excellent letter written by Cardinal Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec, on our parish website. His letter is entitled: “Assisted Dying: No Dying without Dignity”. Please take a moment to read this article and know your Catholic faith regarding human life. Come on Home! Our Parish of Holy Redeemer makes this its own invitation to all our Catholic brothers and sisters who, for whatever reason, have ceased the regular practice of their faith — “Come on Home.” A parish is like a family: it is composed of many people with different personalities and natures. Every person has their strengths and weaknesses, gifts and fears. Yet, we all come to Mass to worship God and we all come before Him as equals — sinners who are made for Him and are loved by Him. We all know of family members and friends who have ceased the practice of their faith. Why not invite them back? We want them back; indeed, the family is incomplete without them. Assure them that they need not be hesitant about returning as they will be fully welcomed here at Holy Redeemer. On behalf of our parish I extend a very sincere invitation: “Come on Home — please.” Father Paul Murphy Cemetery Memorial Candles are once again available for purchase at the back of the church for those wishing to place one in remembrance at the graveside of a loved one. Cost is $10. All proceeds go to the Building Fund to support much needed work to the outside of the church this summer. **You may also purchase these candles through the week during office hours at 80 James Street ** Cursillo News — The monthly Mass and Ultreya will be celebrated downstairs at Our Lady of Fatima Church on Thursday, June 16 at 7:30pm. Enjoy an evening of friendship with Eucharist and a personal witness of living with the love and joy of Christ in our lives. For more information, contact Rick: 902-849-0963 MEMORIAL DONATIONS BUILDING FUND Imo From Imo From Imo From Imo From Imo From Melda Delessa Delorenzo Brenda Tomie Helen & Mike Kolchetski Ella & Michael Kolchetski Desmond Pendergast The Pendergast Family Jim & Tracy Bartlett Mike, Agnes & Brenda Costigan B. Lorraine Bartlett Edward Hawco Darlene Hawco MEMORIAL DONATIONS CEMETERY FUND Imo From Deceased Family Members Connie Pittman *St. Leonard Parish in New Waterford will celebrate a Memorial Mass June 22 in remembrance of New Waterford native Father Art MacKinnon who was assassinated in the Dominican Republic 51 years ago. Everyone is invited to attend. Even split tickets are available at the back of the church: $2 ea. or 3/$5.00 – Next Draw: June 26 Seniors Storytelling — There will be a A Shopping Affair will be held at St. Theresa’s Hall on Sunday, June 12 from 1-4pm. Admission is free. A New Beginnings Weekend for people who are divorced, separated or have lost a spouse through bereavement will be held October 14-16 at the Retreat Centre in Mabou. For more information, please call Ron: 902-564-0788 Diocesan Pastoral Centre & Bookstore Open House You are invited to our new Membertou locale at 200 Churchill Drive for an open house and blessing with Bishop Brian Dunn and the Pastoral Centre staff on Monday, June 13. Blessing: 1:30pm Open House: 2-5pm free storytelling session at the Whitney Pier Historical Museum on June 15 from 7-9pm. Come to hear stories from others, or better still, come share your own. Everyone is welcome!! Presented by: The Cape Breton Regional Library with support from New Horizons for Seniors. The cornerstone at the front of the church is inscribed with 2 dates, 1919 and 1947. They refer to the year the original stone was laid (1919) and the year the new ste e p le was erected (1947). The orig ina l cornerstone beneath contains a steel box. Inside are letters from heads of g ove rn m e n t/re lig io us leaders, the date the stone was laid, the pastor’s name, coins and copies of the The Record, the Sydney Post, Labour Leader and the Antigonish Casket. William J. Laurie Funeral Director Tel: 902-270-1092 Online Condolences: www.pierfuneralhome.com — Caring for Our Com m unity — JOAN’S WHITNEY PIER MARKET 880 Victoria Road Monday - Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 10am-5pm PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Call before 1pm and your order will be delivered that afternoon. Try our in-store bakery. Baked fresh each day Bread, homemade pizza, squares, cookies, loaves, turnovers, doughnuts and much more. Cakes for all occasions by request - 24 hours notice **Meat trays and sweet trays** STOP BY FOR A VISIT! 902-564-4440 KofC COUNCIL 1060 Oldest Council in Nova Scotia W aterford Home Hardware Wilson’s Home Hardware 3610 Ellsworth Ave. New Waterford, NS B1H 2H1 902-862-7191 467 Prince St. Sydney, NS B1P 5L6 902-562-6020 KofC Bingo Wednesday @7pm St. Theresa’s Hall 285 St. Peter’s Road Your Local Hardware Store MCCARTHY Investments Building housing for seniors in Whitney Pier — Holy Redeemer Parish gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our bulletin sponsors —
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PO Box 40
Pier Postal Station
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1N 3B1
Website: holyredeemer.iparish.ca