January 2015 - Church of the Redeemer


January 2015 - Church of the Redeemer
Redeemer News
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January 2015
No. 1
A monthly
publication of the
Church of the
Chestnut Hill,
From the Rector’s Desk:
The Rev. Michael B. Dangelo
Can We Be Relevant?
I don’t know about you, but I am always trying to catch up on my reading. (At any given time I am
working on at least five books that range from science fiction to historical-critical gospel studies to
the life of Nelson Mandela.) And, “reading” does not mean reading in the same way that it used to.
Thanks to the growing popularity of audio books, some of my “reading” is being done with headphones on walks with one of the dogs. Podcasts count!
One genre of literature that I re-engaged over the Christmas-New Year’s break was the growing body
of literature looking at the state of the Christian Church in the West. For the last 1700 years the
Church has occupied a place of privilege in the West be it an established church (united to a government), an immensely powerful social phenomenon, or both. Contemporary scholars both Christian
and non-Christian alike agree that the West is entering the Post-Christian era. Christianity is in decline. Just ask the bloggers, academicians and podcasters. They will tell you that the Christian world
is no longer as Christian as it once was.
The literature that is being written to both explain and confront the challenge of our Post-Christian
moment is cacophonous and disorienting. Some believe our buildings, music, pulpits and altars are
irrelevant to the challenge of the moment. These priests, pastors and pundits would renovate the
worship experience of the church to resemble a TED talk or town meeting. Others would see the
work of parishes and their people be solely dedicated to eliciting political change that would usher in
the Reign of God. What all of these divergent voices seem to agree on is that church is broken at the
local or national levels. Call me a contrarian, but I respectfully disagree with both diagnosis and remedy.
The one saving grace of my reading was a little book entitled The Church According to Paul: Rediscovering
the Community Conformed to Christ by Dr. James Thompson. In this wonderful little book, Thompson
critically engages the divergent voices of the Western Church through the lens of St. Paul. Thompson
finds remarkable cultural parity between Paul’s Pre-Christian world and our Post-Christian moment
focusing the reader on the radical theological presuppositions of Paul: God loves humankind, God
expressed that love in Christ, and God calls God’s beloved people from across the dividing boundaries of class, sex, race and social condition into a faithful community of love, faith and hope. For
Thompson, this was Paul’s founding message for the Church in a Pre-Christian world and the PostChristian Church would do well to consider it.
Thompson’s book was a remarkable “fresh air” amidst my reading. So many non-Church folk continuContinued on next page
Redeemer News
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January 2015
Are We Relevant? Continued from page 1
ally ask me about the relevance of the Church for this new generation, and I find myself reflexively moving toward
the technical solutions of programs and curricula to answer their questions of Church relevance. Thompson’s work
caught me up short. St. Paul never worries about programs or relevance in his letters. Whether the community was
at Ephesus or Rome, the Good News of God’s love for the world, God’s sending of Jesus, and God’s radically egalitarian call across dividing lines of human making were inescapably and transformationally relevant. The communities
formed out of Paul’s Gospel were challenged by the ramifications of this Good News. (Paul spilled a great deal of ink
reigning them in from time to time too! ) But, Paul believed that a community comprised of God’s beloved children
continually seeking to love and serve one another in Christ’s name having shed the burdens of human division could
participate in God’s call to all creation. What a vision for the Church to regain!
And so, I spent my vacation thinking and praying for those of us who call the Redeemer our spiritual home. We are
not immune to the tectonic social changes of our world. We too must consider the question of relevance and our
Post-Christian age. But let us not begin our conversation by defaulting to programmatic or technical fixes. Let us not
begin by trying to fix a “broken” Church. Instead, let us be moved by the Holy Spirit to more fully embody St. Paul’s
vision for the Church. Let us move to become the Church more fully. For 2000 years it has thrived on account of
God’s love, I don’t think God’s done with us yet.
Sunday Morning Bible Study with Mike
What is the Church?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? Amidst the
hustle and bustle of Sunday mornings with wrestling kids into the
car, filling out a pledge card, or committing to a committee, have
you ever stopped to ask the question, "What is the Church?"
For the new year, the Sunday morning Bible Study will wrestle with that question through the lens of
St. Paul's letters. Starting with the earliest Christian text, 1 Thessalonians, we will look at what the
early church thought itself to be. We'll see if there are contemporary parallels for us to consider.
Come join us for learning and fellowship!
9:00 am in the Old Parish House - Sundays
Redeemer News
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January 2015
The Assistant Rector’s Corner
Epiphany is here. I am always relieved and strangely encouraged when I remember that there is a special liturgical season
that comes after Christmas, because no matter how thoroughly wonderful or occasionally disappointing my actual celebration of
Christmas may be in a given year, it is never enough. The house empties out, the recycling truck has departed, the poinsettias
have been removed from the altar and in Massachusetts it is still going to be winter for a long while. There needs to be something
that answers “and then what?”
This year I came across a very striking painting by a French artist named Luc Oliver Merson. The painting depicts Mary
Joseph and Jesus resting during their flight into Egypt. The Gospel of Matthew tells us that when the wise men did not return to
inform Herod about the whereabouts of the newly born, “king of the Jews” the paranoid king decreed that all the male children
under the age of two should be killed in the area around Bethlehem. Joseph was warned about this in a dream and so he and
Mary and Jesus went into Egypt until Herod died.
There are several arresting features of the painting. The family is in the desert, a barren almost lifeless place. There are
a few brownish twigs along the bottom. It is dark, no stars. There is a very small fire, just a tiny blaze that will go out before
dawn. There is absolutely nothing hospitable in this desolate place except, strangely for the stone sphinx in whose gigantic arms
the virgin is slumped asleep holding her radiant son. The sphinx becomes an unexpected sheltering place for exhausted Mary and
her baby. In fact, the sphinx’s chiseled face is tilted toward the heavens expectantly.
I suppose there can be many ways to understand this painting. You can see it for yourself at the MFA. For me it speaks
to the fact that all creation has a longing for the love made known in Jesus Christ. The wisdom and power of the sphinx ultimately was pointing toward this extraordinary moment when God would dwell among us, full of grace and truth.
Luc Oliver Merson, French, 1846-1920. Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Redeemer News
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January 2015
From the Wardens
Steve Mead and Nina Moriarty
Fellow Parishioners,
This year’s Advent Season brought to a close a very eventful year in the life of the Church of the Redeemer. As 2015
begins, 100 years after the consecration of our church building, the Redeemer’s future is full of hope. The Redeemer
continues to be a welcoming community dedicated to its Mission Statement penned at a Vestry retreat 25 year ago.
“A parish of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the Redeemer exists to bring people to Christ, and to bring Christ to all people,
through worship, fellowship, education and service.”
At the December Vestry meeting, the 2015 operating budget was approved. The Finance Policy and Personal Committee began the budget process in October and provided regular updates to Vestry throughout the fall. All staff agreements
are being reviewed and brought up to date. The Vestry approved Margery’s and Elton’s revised agreements in December. The Nominating Committee presented the Vestry with the slate of lay leaders to be presented at the February 8 th
2015 annual meeting.
The 2015 budget of $1,062,000 is up less than 1% from 2014. It meets the objectives of allocating resources to areas of
growth, reducing dependence on the endowment, and providing well-deserved increases in compensation (including
retirement and health benefits) to individual staff members. The budget provides for the eventual hiring of a full time
Church School Director following Sarah Allen’s stepping down at the end of this program year. Under Sarah’s care and
leadership the Redeemer’s Sunday School has expanded so that a full -time director is needed to run and develop our
In 2015, 27% of the budget or $288,000 will come from the draw from the endowment. This is a decrease from
$333,000 or 31% of the budget in 2014. This improvement is a function of the projected increase in stewardship by
$50,000 to $700,000, which covers 66% of the budget versus 61% in 2014. As of early December 2015 stewardship
stood at $668,700 from 196 pledges with a further 25 to 30 pledges expected over the next month or two. Although
this news moves our revenue for operating expenses in the right direction, reducing the portion of the budget provided
for by the endowment to a financially sustainable 20% will require more pledges. The endowment draw covers both the
gap in the operating budget and a $50,000 capital budget. It had exceeded the 4% guideline during the interim period
but is projected as 4% in 2015. Aligning the financial resources with the greater purpose of bringing more people into a
life centered on Christ is a challenged for all churches.
Britt Lee reported that both attendance at the Christmas Market and the total funds raised through the Silent and Live
Auctions and commissions from the venders were higher than last year. The Redeemer’s operating budget includes no
funds for Mission and Outreach apart from the Diocesan Assessment ($122,000) and the Christmas and Easter offerings.
The Church Service League through the Christmas Market and Angels for Outreach raises $70,000 annually to fund to
our Mission Partners.
We extend our best wishes for the New Year and remain your servants in Christ.
Adm. Legal & Audit
Youth/Family Ministry
Dioc. Ass. & Outreach
Endowment Draw
Plate & Other
Rental Income
% of Total
Property and Utilities
% of Total
Operating Needs
% of Total
% of Total
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Church of the Redeemer Summary
Redeemer News
Budget Summary
January 2015
Redeemer News
Annual Meeting
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January 2015
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Parish of the
Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts will be held
in the church on February 8, 2015 at 11:15 A.M.
This meeting is called in accordance with the requirements of the
Amended Constitution and By-Laws, for the purpose of
(a) Receiving and acting upon the report of the Nominating
(b) Receiving the reports of the Rector, Treasurer, Parish
Organizations and Committees; and any other matters which
may properly come before the meeting.
George Raine
Vestry Nominations
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January 2015
Report from the Nominating Committee
Each year, the three Vestry members rotating off after their four year terms are asked to form a committee to select their successors, along
with proposed candidates for leadership positions opening in the church. This year, Michael Aylward, Megan Sampson and Leslie Williams
together with lay members Lisa Farber, Ed Maynard, Brady Millican and Steve Mead met throughout November and early December to
identify appropriate candidates. We were aided in this process by submissions that dozens of parishioners provided to us, along with input
that we received from our Clergy and Wardens.
In preparing the following slate, we sought candidates who reflect the growing diversity of our church but who also had in common a deep
commitment to Redeemer and to their faith as Christians. The following candidates have given their time and devotion to our church and
we are confident that they will provide the leadership that Redeemer needs in the years to come:
Junior Warden
Diocesan Delegates Diocesan Alternative Deanery Representatives
Nina Moriarty
Logan Chandler
Catherine Brigham
Pam Awtrey
Karine Alexander
Laura Hindermann
Greer Candler
Candy Haydock
Judy Ouland
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Carolyn Thayer Ross
Nina Moriarty
Junior Warden, 4 year term
Nina Moriarty has been a member of the parish of the Church of the Redeemer since moving to
Chestnut Hill from Cambridge in 1977.
She has served and chaired the Sunday School Committee and the Church Service League and co-chaired the Christmas
Market. Nina has taught several Sunday school classes, including the Confirmation class. She served on the Search Committee and has been a Diocesan Delegate. A member of the Altar Guild since 1993, she was its treasurer from 2000 to
2012. By profession, Nina teaches Art History. Her research comprises later medieval manuscript illumination and she
has a special interest in Christian art. Nina is a trustee of the College of the Atlantic, a governor of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and an avid visitor to the Department of Prints and Drawings at the Museum of Fine Arts. She has been
a trustee of the Boston Theological Institute, the National Cathedral Association of the Washington National Cathedral,
Concord Academy and the Park School.
Nina is married to Marshall Moriarty, a retired partner of the law firm Ropes and Gray. Their greatest pleasure is time
spent with their children and grandchildren. In addition, Nina enjoys gardening, reading and cooking.
Signed Committee Reports for the Annual Meeting are due January 16, 2015.
Redeemer News
Vestry Nominations
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January 2015
Logan Chandler
Vestry, 4 year term
Logan Chandler, a member of the parish since 2009, has taught in the Sunday School and served on the
most recent rector search committee. Logan is a partner at Schaffer Consulting, where he specializes
in working with organizations to develop and execute strategic growth plans. He has a BA in American
Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, a JD from Northwestern University School of Law and an
MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is married to Nanette, who has been active in the
Christmas Market. Together they are the parents of Emerson (15), who was confirmed last year and Juliette (13) who is in
this year’s confirmation class. Logan and Nanette are grateful for being part of the Redeemer community.
Laura Hindermann
Vestry, 4 year term
Laura and her family have been attending the Redeemer for more than 7 years. She has been a Sunday
School teacher has assisted with the Christmas Pageant for the past several years, as her children Grace
and Curtis have come up through the Sunday School program. Laura is an elementary school teacher at
Newman Elementary School in Needham and serves on the Board of the Needham Education Foundation. Before her earning her Master of Arts in Teaching from Simmons College in 2008 and entering the
field of education, Laura worked in public relations and corporate communications. A Russian Studies major from Hamilton
College, she also has worked as a consultant for international trade companies and still enjoys using her Russian language skills
when the opportunity arises. Laura, her husband Tyler, and two children live in West Roxbury. Laura appreciates the spiritual enrichment the Redeemer has given her family through worship, music, and acolyte service, and looks forward to serving on the Vestry.
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Vestry, 4 year term
Raised in Chappaqua, N.Y., I have lived in New Haven, Chapel Hill and Washington, DC. The Church
of the Redeemer became my church in 1974 where my children attended Sunday school and youth activities. One granddaughter, Dariana Post, was baptized here in 2005. As an active leader of the singles’
group, the outreach committee, movie night, pastoral care and the elderly group and a member of the
altar guild, I wish to continue welcoming new visitors to our fellowship in the church and am particularly interested in future programs for our children. Interests include reading, antiquing for tea caddies
and skyping with my three grandchildren.
Redeemer News
Vestry Nominations
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January 2015
Carolyn Thayer Ross
Vestry, 4 year term
Carolyn, her husband, Bill Codinha and their two daughters, Cotton and Sasha joined the Redeemer
about 20 years ago, when they moved from Beacon Hill and Trinity Church to their old farm house in
Brookline. Their daughter Sasha introduced them to the Redeemer through the Sunday School. Both
daughters now reside in New York City but return to the Redeemer for Easter and Christmas.
Carolyn’s first volunteer involvement at the Redeemer was with the Altar Guild. She has been the
Chair (and served on the Vestry Ex Officio) and for the past few years, has been the Altar Guild Treasurer. Among other volunteer stints at the Redeemer, Carolyn co-taught confirmation class for three years and during two of those years, ran Redeemer yard sales to raise funds for mission trips. She has chaperoned a mission trip to Cuba with Redeemer, St. Stephens
and St. John’s of Hingham teens. She volunteers at the Blackstone School Library through a program set up by St. Stephens.
Carolyn has chaired the Redeemer Nominating Committee. She has co-chaired the Redeemer Stewardship campaigns for
the past two years with Chuck Farber and Dan McCarthy. Carolyn graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Boston College Law School. She was a litigator and then general counsel to a public company. She has retired from the practice
of law but continues to serve on several non-profit boards, including the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals. She is involved with the Chestnut Hill Garden Club, the Brookline Garden Club, and the Beacon Hill Circle for
Charity, plays lots of tennis and some not very good golf.
Catherine Brigham
Diocesan Delegate, 1 year term
I am a native of the Netherlands and my late husband Day and I have been members of the Redeemer
since 1968. We had three sons who all grew up in the church and served as acolytes and servers. At present I am a member of the Altar Guild and an occasional usher. I grew up in the Dutch Reformed church
and my husband was a Congregationalist but since we lived across from the Church we decided to become Episcopalians. It has been a wonderful and rewarding association. Professionally I was a French/
Spanish teacher at Natick High School trekking out early in the morning for 25 years.( I got an MA from Boston College after I saw the students go by my house to their classes and decided to join them.) My hobbies are tennis, gardening and sewing. I also have a new puppy which keeps me on my toes. I am very excited to serve as a delegate at the Convention, I may
learn more than I ever would want to know!
Greer Candler
Diocesan Delegate, 1 year term
Greer Candler has been a member of the Church of the Redeemer since 2011 when Dorsey officiated at
the marriage of her daughter. In 2009 she moved to Boston from Grand Rapids, MI where she served
on the Vestry and the Endowment Fund Committee at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Greer is a partner
and portfolio manager at the Boston Family Office. She is a graduate of Trinity College, Hartford CT
and is a CFA charterholder. She serves as Treasurer of the Beacon Hill Circle for Charity. Her daughter
and son-in-law, Claire and Jesse Minneman live in Marion, MA and herson Reed Lerchen is a recent graduate of Le Cordon
Bleu in Paris. She lives in Beacon Hill with two black labs, Eloise and Aspen.
Vestry Nomination
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Pam Awtrey
Diocesan Alternate Delegate, 1 year term
Pam Awtrey has been a member of the Church of the Redeemer for thirty-one years. She is a member of
the Altar Guild and the Pastoral care Committee. She also serves with the Church Service League where
among things, she volunteers annually with the Christmas Market.
Candy Haydock
Diocesan Alternate Delegate, 1 year term
Candy Haydock has been a member of the parish for nearly 30 years. Her four children, now ages 31,
29, 26 and 24 were all confirmed at the Church of the Redeemer. Candy has been a member of the
Church Service League, a Sunday School teacher and a Christmas Market Volunteer. She keeps busy
now with golf, gardening, yoga, Chinese brush painting and her Welsh Terrier, Max. She also enjoys
serving as a member of the Corporation at the Perkins School for the Blind.
Karine Alexander
Deanery Representative, 1 year term
Karine has been with the Redeemer since 2001 when she moved into the area with her husband Erik
and children Lukas and Caroline, both now teenagers. Karine was born and raised a Roman Catholic, joined the Presbyterian church as a young adult, when she married into a Lutheran family at a
Methodist church, and has found a home here in the Episcopal church. This background sets the
tone for an open mind to many ideas about the church, religion, and the faithful in the churches
touched by the Charles River Deanery.
Judy Ouland
Deanery Representative, 1 year term
This is Judy's 50th year of teaching high school, and she still can't think of anything she would rather
do and so she doesn’t retire. Judy began her career teaching history, English & Bible in East Africa.
After 7 years, she left Kenya to teach at The Stony Brook School in NY where she was a boarding
school administrator and teacher for 34 years. Currently, she teaches Humanities 9 and AP European
History at Boston Trinity Academy. Judy loves to travel especially with teenagers, and she has been to
41 countries. For the past 4 summers, she has brought students to Nepal to work at a school for disabled children. an orphanage, and a widows’ school for basic literacy. When she is not teaching or traveling, Judy enjoys reading, cooking, and playing trains with Findlay Peteet, her grand nephew. She has been attending the Redeemer since moving
to Boston 5 years ago.
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January 2015
Sunday School News
From the Sunday School Director
January News 2015
Sarah Allen
We celebrated the Epiphany during Sunday school on January 4th. As the Frankincense/Myrrh incense was wafting through the air, we were delighted to see a full crèche on the
Chapel altar as the wise men finally found their way to the stable after 6 weeks of travelling from
the farthest point in the Old Parish House. We sang We Three Kings and each class enjoyed a
King’s Cake with a hidden baby Jesus inside.
January Calendar:
25 10:00
Sunday School
Sunday School
All Parish Eucharist
Here are a few pictures of the beautiful Pageant! We need to thank all who participated in this
joyful gift of Song and Story. The readers spoke so well from the pulpit and the memorized lines
of the players were delivered with resounding confidence. The angels proclaimed the glory with
smiles and grace; the shepherds shouted with glee on their way to Bethlehem taking care of their
fuzzy lambs; the donkey stayed close to Mary’s side; a cow became a beaming Joseph during the
chaotic rehearsal only to be assured that he could still be a cow next year!! A beautiful new star
was proudly held high and the camel… the fabulous brotherly camel sashayed down the aisle as
never before… It was an honour and a blessing to be once again a part of this cherished event.
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January 2015
Confirmation Class
Confirmation Class resumes Sunday, January 11th at
5:00 pm with the interesting topic, What do Christians Believe: the Creed.
Beyond Sunday Morning
Fellowship and Bible Study with Redeemer Parishioners
Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets Wednesday mornings from 7-8 am in the Parish Hall for
fellowship and Bible study. Please come and invite others to join us. We have embarked upon a study of
John's Gospel. Although we will be working through this wonderful Gospel together over the couple of
months, please come even if you cannot join each week - each session will stand on its own as well as form
part of a deeper study. Richard Kennelly: rbkennelly@comcast.net or 978-500-3992. Our next Bible
Study is Wednesday, January 14th at 7 am.
Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study, 9:30 am in the OPH, led by the Rev. Margery Kennelly. All
are welcome. Our next Bible Study is Thursday, January 15th at 9:30 am.
Downtown Bible Study Group meets from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm over lunch on the first Monday of each
month) at Cambridge Associates, 125 High Street (Oliver Tower), Boston, 02110. Sessions are split between
fellowship and discussion. Currently the group discusses one of the readings for the following Sunday. All are
welcome, with no Bible literacy required. Graeme Mills at 617-457-1888
or gmills@cambridgeassociates.com.
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January 2015
Come to
The Table
Comfortable, Authentic, Faithful
A come-as-you-are service of Holy Communion
January 25th at 5pm
Seeking Baptism?
The next Baptismal feast
is January 11, 2015
office@redeemerchestnuthill.org 617-566-7679
Redeemer News
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January 2015
Mihail Jojatu
Wayman Chin
4:00 PM
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), transcribed by Gregor Piatigorsky (1903-1976)
Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)
Tickets in Advance $20;Tickets at the Door $25; Students $10
We wish to thank the Sponsors of this Concert Series,
without whose generous support this concert would not be possible.
Redeemer News
Page 15 January 2015
Our own Keisuke Wakao, oboist for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, is arranging for four concerts to be held at the
Church of the Redeemer again next year. These will be with a variety of professional musicians of the highest caliber and each concert will be followed by a reception.
Please consider being a Sponsor, Patron, Benefactor, Angel or Archangel to help underwrite the costs of these events. For a
minimum donation of $150, Sponsors will receive two tickets to a concert of their choice as well as an invitation for two to a special
cocktail party with Keisuke where he will be accessible for conversation and will play the oboe in a mini-performance. Patrons, for a
donation of $250, will receive two tickets to two concerts of their choice in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail party.
Benefactors, for a donation of $500, will receive two tickets to three concerts in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail party.
Angels, for a donation of $750, will receive two tickets to each of the four concerts in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail
party. Archangels, for a donation of $1000, will receive a total of ten concert tickets in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail party. Names of Sponsors, Patrons, Benefactors, Angels, and Archangels will be listed in the programs if so desired.
Additional advanced tickets for each concert are available at $20 each. Tickets at the door will be $25.
I/We would like
____To be an Archangel of the 2014-2015 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $1000
____To be an Angel of the 2014-2015 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $750
____To be a Benefactor of the 2014-2015 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $500
____To be a Patron of the 2014-2015 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $250
____To be a Sponsor of the 2014-2015 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $150
____To reserve ___________ additional tickets @ $20 each. (Tickets at the door will be $25 each)
All tickets will be held at the door. You may choose the concert you would like to attend at any time (617-566-7679 or
concerts@redeemerchestnuthill.org ).
Telephone_____________________________ E-mail_______________________________
Please list my name in the programs as follows:
Enclosed please find a check for _____________ made payable to the Church of the Redeemer.
Please submit the completed form to Suzy Westcott, at concerts@redeemerchestnuthill.org or via mail, to Suzy Westcott, Church of the Redeemer, 379
Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Redeemer News
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January 2015
Christmas Market Thanks
Happy New Year, Friends!
Your Church Service League President, Britt Lee, and Christmas Market co-chairs,
Starr Peteet and Lisa Farber, would like to thank everyone who generously contributed to the 2014 Christmas Market and Live Auction Dinner. This would be impossible
to orchestrate without all of you, and we are so grateful for your help. Drafting this
list each year feels like a love letter to our Church community, as we recognize nearly
100 parishioners who donated their time and talents to the success of the weekend.
We know leaving someone off of this great list is inevitable and apologize if we badgered you to weave wreathes, lift trees, sell sandwiches, or hang garland, then failed to
acknowledge you here.
Special Thanks
Father Michael Dangelo: for enthusiastic support of his first Christmas Market
Margery Kennelly: for her love, her prayers, and her generosity
Suzy Westcott: for all of her behind-the-scenes phone calls and form-filling and
organizational efforts
Barbara MacDonald: for her mastery of the Xerox machine and stalwart tolerance
of our invasion of the Parish Office
Elton Matos: This weekend would be impossible without the good-natured brawn
and competence of our beloved Elton. One thousand thank-you’s wouldn’t equal
the number of requests and questions and emails and texts he answered.
Redeemer News
Page 17 January 2015
Greens Workshop
Zibby Pyle
Judy Bullitt
Nancy Shaw
Christina Baker
Karine Alexander
Catherine Hill
Pam Awtrey
Rosemary Foy
Laurel Britt-Web
Carol Post
Tish Mead
Louisa Smith
Faye Dangelo
Lori Boehl
Susan Ritter
Anne Grandin
Martha Gangemi
Lyn Taylor
Nanette Chandler
Judy Reece
Peggy Reiser
Marcia Weber
Lauren Thill
Wendy Murphy
Sandy Dick
Leslie Williams
Gretchen Evans
Teresa Chope
Britt Lee
Lisa Farber
Juliane Paschka
Lloyd Dahmen
Tim Allen
Heads and Tails
Mary Crown
Faye and Susannah
Juliette Chandler
Diane Schmalensee
Britt Lee
Barbara MacDonald
Greens Table
Carolyn Ross
Marcia Weber
Gina Cummings
Peggy Reiser
Nina Moriarty
Mary Nickerson
Deborah Tamulis
Arthur Pfaelzer
Cathy Marenghi
Faye and Suzannah Dangelo
Admissions Table
Mieko van Haeren
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Lois McMullin
Jody Castello
Velura Perry
Lucinda Doran Johnson
Barbara Kennard
Debby Aylward
Ginny Pescosolido
Mason Smith and Phoebe Green
Meredith Dunn
Susan Ritter
Silent Auction
Lisa Farber
Pam Awtrey
Wendy Murphy
Suzy Westcott
Hors d'oeuvres
Kathy Zinger
Lucinda Doran Johnson
Teresa Chope
Cathy Connolly
Tanya Contos
Market Clean-Up
Wayne Johnson
Sally Hurlbut
Michael Aylward
Russ Pyle
Judy Bullitt
Redeemer Café
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Debby Hunter Mills
Kay Onan
Cathy Marenghi
Linda Conway
Mary Nickerson
Diana Hansen
Laura Marenghi
Charlotte Kline
Pam Awtrey
Lyn Taylor
Lois McMullin
Judy Oulund
Auction Dinner & Cocktails
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Dick Tucker
Logan Chandler
Michael Aylward
Sally Hurlbut
Judy Bland
Lois McMullen
Cindy Chambliss
Diana Tsomides
Taki Tsomides
Nanette Chandler
Auction Spotters
Duncan McEachern
Mary Crown
Vendor Dinner
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Lida and Frank Lloyd
Faye and Susannah Dangelo
Suzy Westcott
Angels Making Angels
Anne Grandin
Sarah Allen and the Sunday School Children
Live Auction Committee
Starr Peteet
Lloyd Dahmen
Lisa Farber
Anne Grandin
Auction Booklet & Invitation
Lisa Farber
Starr Peteet
Mary Crown
Faye Dangelo
Barbara MacDonald
Christmas Trees
Douglas Chope
Chuck Farber
Mike Dangelo
Simon Dolan
Matt Cooney
Lloyd Dahmen
Dick Tucker
William Ellis
Josh and Findlay Peteet
John Grandin
Lee Fisher
Charlie Kline
Graeme Mills
Zack Mills
Steve Mead
Sven Emilsson
Walker Jones
Preston McSwain
Aaron Dunn
Michael Aylward
Jim Taylor
Ryan O’Meara
Pam Awtrey
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Technical Support
Starr Peteet
William Ellis
Creche and Wrapping Paper
Jim Karg
Redeemer News
Page 18 January 2015
January Movie Night
Friday, January 30th at 7 pm in the OPH
The Hundred Foot Journey
Starring Helen Mirren, Charlotte Le Bon and Om Puri
Producers Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey
This uplifting story bursts with flavor, passion and heart. When the chilly chef proprietress of a Michelin-starred French restaurant in southern France(Mirren) gets wind of
a culinary immigrant opening an Indian restaurant just 100 feet from her own, her icy
protests escalate to all-out war between the two establishments.
Join us for Church Ladies’ Night Out
Thursday, January 15th at 7 pm
Barcelona Tapas Bar and Restaurant
1700 Beacon Street, Brookline
The Bleak Midwinter Brewers
January 31st at 9 am
The Ewing's - 41 Middlesex Road in Chestnut Hill
Freezing cold getting you down? Looking for something fun and fellowship-y
for the midwinter blues? Join our new homebrewing fellowship The Bleak Midwinter Brewers! Beginning on the morning of January 31st at parishioner Alex Ewing's home at 9:00am whether you are a
professional brewer, interested potential hobbyist or someone who's not even sure they like beer you are
invited! Learn about beer, drink a beer, and watch a batch get made. It will be alot of winter fun.
Redeemer News
Page 19
January 2015
Church Service League Meeting
The February CSL meeting will take place on Monday, February 2nd at
9 am in the Tripp Room.
You can update your information or contribute online by logging on to
the Redeemer ACS database
By creating a unique and secure logon to the parish database you can easily change or update personal information, view
the parish directory, or sign up for events.
AccessACS will also allow you to enter your pledge, view the payments you have made towards the fulfillment of your
pledge, and make online contributions to the Redeemer by donating via ACH or credit cards. You can make your annual
gift to the Redeemer and get those miles, too!
Below you will find a link to their site. By entering your name and the email address that you have on file with the Redeemer, you will be able to set up your secure account. If for some reason you are unable to create an account, please
contact the office and we will be happy to help you!
Please follow this link: https://secure.accessacs.com/access/memberlogin.aspx?sn=91822
Once you are on the site, you will see:
Need a login? Click here
Click to set your login.
(Please note that any changes you make to your personal data may not show up in your record for approximately 48 hours
while it is being processed by both the Redeemer's office and ACS.)
For Those in Need of Prayer:
Katie Bushmiaer, Doris Garrett, Jim Irvine (Lucinda Doran Johnson’s
brother), Kathy McDaniel, Linda Pope (Tina Rowley's sister-in-law),
Thelma Pope, Betsey Shay and her family, Rob and Katie Shay, Judy
Simons, Cora, Helen, Jim, Laurie, Leo, Marilyn, Nathaniel, Phoebe,
Redeemer News
Page 20 January 2015
The Poinsettias On The High Altar Are Given
In Glorious Celebration of the Advent
In Celebration Of
The Rev. Michael Dangelo’s call to the Redeemer
Maryjane S. and Harry S. Irvine, Jr.
Bill Johnson
Katherine and Chester H. Johnson
Katie and Molly Weed
In Honor of
Mary Lou S. Crown
Anne Grandin and the spirit of Angels for Outreach
Thomas, David and Jamie McMullin
In Thanksgiving for
Charlotte C. Acer
Laura, Charlotte and Clara
Margery Kennelly and Women’s Bible Study
Our Grandchildren Bennett, Abby, Gavin And Judith
Our Many Blessings
In Loving memory of
Elizabeth Acer
Oscar W. Acer, Jr.
Margaret and Robert Aylward
Howard Begg
Katherine Clasby Begg
H. Day Brigham
John H. Burgin
Eugenia Caponetti
Joanne Begg Chope Corsiglia
Wilbert Earl Chope
Joseph S.E. Crown
Sallie Wilkerson Dick
Anne and John Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Fisher
Alpha Roosevelt Ford
Dollie Mae Lawrence Ford
Pansy Rebecca Ford
Marjorie C. Johnson
Ruth Hillard Laporte
William Frederick Laporte
Francis Cabot Lowell
Hannah Jackson Lowell
Dr. Bucknam McPeek
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Pfaelzer
Catherine Post
Teresa and Franklin Reece
Edmund Underwood Ritter
Donald G. Ross
Myra Vandersall Siegenthaler
Beatrice and William Strohmeier
Jean Heard Surkamp
John F. Travers
Redeemer News
Page 21 January 2015
Altar Guild Schedule
Captain Debby Hunter Mills
Nancy Avery
Catherine Brigham
Betty Swinton
Captain Gina Cummings
HE II - Baptism Mieko Van Haeren
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Nancy Avery
Co-Captains Anne Abercrombie/Megan Sampson
Andy Lawson
Alexandra McPeek
Mary Nickerson
Captain Nina Moriarty
Betty Swinton
Lois McMullin
Diane Schmalensee
December Altar Flowers are given to the
Glory of God and…
December 7th:
 in loving memory of Lewis Hamilton Clark by his
 in loving memory of José Matos by the Matos family
December 14th:
 in loving memory of H. Day Brigham, Jr. by his
 in loving memory of Michele Talbot from her
 in thanksgiving for the marriage of Christina Croll
and Field Failing.
Redeemer News
Page 22 January 2015
January Service Assistants
Suzy Westcott
Dorothy Dolan
Tim Allen
Jody Castello
Louis Bailey*
Eleanor Raine
Suzy Westcott
Lloyd Dahmen
Dick Tucker
Sally Hurlbut
Velura Perry
Suzy Westcott
HE II - Baptism
Colin Baker
Tim Allen
Brady Millican
Randy Hawthorne*
Teddy Pyle
Elliot Davis
Sam Mills
Greer Candler
Louis Bailey
Aaron Dunn
Zack Mills
Jessica Rossi
Michael Aylward*
Eleanor Raine
Graeme Mills
Taki Tsomides
Graeme Mills
John de Jong
Suzy Westcott
Grace Hindermann
Lucinda Doran
Eleanor Raine
Debby Mills
Youth TBD
Duncan McEachern*
Dick Tucker
John Marenghi
Michael Aylward
Service Assistant
Availability Reminder
February 1—May 17, 2014
For those of you still needing to fill in your Service Assistant availability dates, please send them to Barbara
(office@redeemerchestnuthill.org). Thank you to those who’ve sent them in already!
NAME: _________________________________POSITION(S):_________________
Please check the days you are available. (All services are at 10:00 am unless noted.)
Feb. 1
Palm Sunday
March 29
Sunday (MP)
Feb. 8
Maundy Thursday
April 2
Feb. 15
Good Friday
April 3
12:00 pm
Ash Wednesday
Feb.18 (12:00)
Easter Sun. Family
April 5
9:00 am
Ash Wednesday
Feb 18 (7:00 pm)
Easter Sunday Festal
April 5
11:00 am
Sunday (APE)
Feb 22
Sunday (MP)
April 12
Feb 22 (Evensong)
April 19
March 1
Sunday (APE)
April 26
March 8
May 3
March 15
May 10
March 22
Sunday (MP)
May 17
March 25
May 17
5:00 pm
Redeemer News
Page 23
From the Archives
“...we will take heart for the future
Remembering the past.” — T.S. Eliot
January 2015
When this church community began in 1885 the
five officers met on the second Monday after their
first service in December 1885. They voted that
“on the third Sunday of each month an [offering
be taken] to such charitable or religious purpose
as the Rector should appoint”.
One of those five men was Robert Hallowell Gardiner who served at the Redeemer, the Massachusetts Diocese, the Federal Council of Churches,
the World Council of Churches until his death in
1924. Vestry Minutes record that Gardiner “made
faith in a spiritual purpose the very breath of human existence.” Gardiner also served St. Stephen’s in the South End which gave him “an experiential meaning and input…to reshape the fiber
of his faith”. So our mission statement, while
written in 1998, reflects Redeemer’s work over
130 years.
In our early years responsibilities for Mission were done through the Church Service League, through
sub-committees, and in 1950 through the Christmas Market. The Outreach Committee was added in
1980. Some activities are done jointly. In 2001 the Church of the Redeemer “evolved a formal partnering relationship with St. Stephen’s and representatives from Redeemer attended its St. Stephens
Partnership Service on April 23, 2001.
St. Stephen’s is an urban mission and receives both grants and programs from its partnership. Under
the Rev. Tim Crellin, a former Curate here, St. Stephen’s has grown in strength in the past fifteen
years. In the 70’s and 80’s the weekly service leaflets at St. Stephen’s were designed by the artist, Allan Rohan Crite. Another design he did, 200 years of Missions, was done for the book, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 1784-1984. That design is on this page and will be posted in the Parish Hall.
Redeemer News
Send address changes to:
Redeemer News
Church of the Redeemer
379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Mailed monthly September to June
Contact us:
Office: 8:30-4:30
Rector, The Rev. Michael B. Dangelo
(617) 566-7679 ext. 11, rector@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Assistant Rector The Rev. Margery Kennelly
(617) 566-7679 ext. 13, assistantrector@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Organist and Choirmaster, Michael S. Murray
(617) 566-7679 ext. 17, music@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Parish Administrator, Barbara S. MacDonald
(617) 566-7679 ext. 10, office@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Director of Sunday School, Sarah Allen
(617) 566-7679 ext. 16, sundayschool@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Financial Administrator, Sharon Gillespie
(617) 566-7679 ext. 12, finance@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Facilities Manager, Elton Matos
(617) 566-7679 ext. 14, facilities@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Verger, Suzy Westcott
(617) 566-7679 ext. 15, verger@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Parish Historian, Jody Castello, (617) 325-3409
“A parish of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the
Redeemer exists to bring people to Christ, and to bring Christ to
all people, through worship, fellowship, education and service.”
Steve Mead, Senior Warden
Nina Moriarty, Junior Warden
George Raine, Clerk
Preston McSwain, Treasurer
Aaron Dunn, Assistant Treasurer
Michael Aylward
Hallie DeLorey
Marilyn Emilsson
Jim Huston
Liza Jones
Gina Cummings, ex officio
Dan McCarthy
Megan Sampson
Taki Tsomides
Jesse Tumblin
Leslie Williams
Chris Wilmerding
Britt Lee ex officio
The Rev. John H. Finley IV, Head of Epiphany School
The Rev. Judith L. Stuart,
Episcopal Chaplain to Boston College and Northeastern University