The Church of the Redeemer
The Church of the Redeemer
The Church of the Redeemer The Pelican Volume 19, Number 11 June 2015 From the Rector’s Desk Dear People of God, "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ." For many years leaders of the parish have known of our need to have more space in order to fulfill the mission to which God has called us. The greatest evidence of this need is seen on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, when our programming is at our facility's maximum usage. Space is simply not available to provide the kind of programming which is necessary for a large and growing parish. Likewise, an adequate way to deal both with liturgies that call for a more intimate setting as well as overflow crowds for our larger services is not available. Additionally, on a daily basis, a growing staff has had to make do with office space that was designed many years ago for a much smaller staff. Our last two strategic plans, the first of which was developed in 2008, placed the need for expanding our facility at the top of the list of priorities. The challenge has been in deciding where to put new space on our relatively small plot of land. One answer has been to put a two-story structure on our existing "footprint" on the Ringling Boulevard side of our property. After much prayerful consideration, that possibility has been abandoned for several reasons. It would probably destroy the two beautiful gardens as well as the large beautiful trees in that area. Possible zon- ing restrictions on Palm Avenue, requiring us to erect retail space on Palm, is another reason to abandon that idea. The good news is that the Vestry has decided to move forward with a plan to put a new administrative and classroom building where the staff parking lot is located, with a new chapel for smaller services, potential new services, and overflow crowds by the bell tower. We have contracted with Studio Suarez, the firm that designed our terrace addition on Palm Avenue in 2011, to develop a detailed plan for this expansion. The plan will not only give us a firm idea of what the new buildings will look like and include, but also will tell us what these structures will cost. The plan will be based on what various groups and individuals in the parish who use our facility regularly have said their needs are, and also on what we project our needs will be in the future. At the same time, the Vestry has asked our Strawberry Hill Committee, under the leadership of Andy Dorr, to find the best and highest use for our Strawberry Hill property. Strawberry Hill is the property owned by the parish on the opposite corner of Palm and Ringling. That committee should have a plan for that property by the end of the year. The Vestry is now dealing with this plan in one way or another at most meetings. Therefore, I wanted you all to know where things are in our planning process. I am excited that we are as far along as we are at this point, and I hope you are, too! We should be able to show drawings of the plans in the near future. If you have any specific questions, ask any member of the Vestry or the clergy, and we will be happy to answer them, or if we don’t know the answer, to find the answer for you. See you in church! Faithfully yours, PAGE 2 THE PELICAN VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 Adult Education Offerings SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10 AM to 10:40 AM 7 June TBA 14 June Faith Talk 21 June Summer Sunday Special 28 June Summer Sunday Special TUESDAY LECTIONARY STUDY This class will not meet during the months of June, July, and August. It will resume in September. Investing in Redeemer: Giving Changes Lives Investing in the mission and ministry of the Church of the Redeemer changes your life and thousands of lives around you. But don’t take our word for it; take it from those who invest year after year in the work of the parish: “We give because we love the church, we are confident the resources will be put to good use, and because it’s our duty.” – Mr. Phil Pasho “We invest in Redeemer because Redeemer has invested so much in us; our clergy and leaders tirelessly minister the Good News to us and to our family, and we are richly blessed. We give out of thankfulness for all that God has done for us through Redeemer!” – Anonymous “I give because the Church of the Redeemer has encouraged and inspired me to be spiritually engaged through sermons, the Eucharist, hymns, classes, and fellowship; to truly follow the Word of our Lord. When I follow the teachings that I have been taught, I am truly blessed.” – Mrs. Pat Mudgett You, too, can join more than 1,000 people who invest in the work of the parish by visiting or by mailing a check to: Church of the Redeemer 222 South Palm Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34236 If you have questions or would like more information about stewardship and giving, please contact The Rev. Charleston D. Wilson, Priest Associate for Evangelism and Parish Development, by calling 941.955.4263 or emailing VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 PAGE 3 THE PELICAN Heart to Heart Book Club 2015-16 Selections The Church of the Redeemer Heart-to-Heart Book Club is a group of women who gather monthly to discuss a literary selection. Books are chosen to be diverse and thought-provoking while expanding our views on the issues of the world, as well as to enrich our lives and have relevance to our faith journeys. As a friendly and welcoming Christian community, we enjoy fellowship with one another and with parish members’ guests. The Church of the Redeemer Heart to Heart Book Club is ready to begin another year. We meet each month on the first Monday in Gillespie Hall. Our meetings begin at 9:00 AM with coffee and refreshments and usually end around 11:00. Please join us for an exciting book club year! You may contact Linda Robinson [914.2688] if you would like to be a part of the book club. Heart to Heart Book Club is sponsoring its 5th All-Parish Book Club Dinner Meeting for Redeemer members and their friends. This evening meeting in January for men and women will begin with a dinner, and a 1 hour book discussion will follow. Here are the selections we will read during 2015-2016 and the meeting dates: 2015 14 SEPTEMBER * TRUTH—STRANGER THAN FICTION? THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS: THE EPIC STORY OF AMERICA’S GREAT MIGRATION ISABEL WILKERSON “The Warmth of Other Suns is a brilliant and stirring epic, the first book to cover the full half-century of the Great Migration… Wilkerson combines impressive research…with great narrative and literary power. Ms. Wilkerson does for the Great Migration what John Steinbeck did for the Okies in his fiction masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath; she humanizes history, giving it emotional and psychological depth.”—John Stauffer, Wall Street Journal 5 OCTOBER THE DAY THE WORLD CAME TO TOWN: 9/11 IN GANDER, NEWFOUNDLAND JIM DeFEDE “Journalist Defede calls our attention to a sidelight of the events of September 11, when the town of Gander (pop. 10,000) was overwhelmed by more than 6,500 air travelers grounded when U.S. airspace was shut down.”— Publishers weekly 2 NOVEMBER THE MOCKINGBIRD NEXT DOOR: LIFE WITH HARPER LEE MARJA MILLS “In 2001, Chicago Tribune journalist Marja Mills traveled to Monroeville, Alabama, in search of something that no other journalist had been able to land: an interview with the reclusive Harper Lee. Instead, she got an interview with her older sister, Alice…”—Chris Schluep 7 DECEMBER WHERE THE WIND LEADS: A REFUGEE FAMILY’S MIRACULOUS STORY OF LOSS, RESCUE, AND REDEMPTION VINH CHUNG “The account of Dr. Chung and his family will inspire you to believe in second chances and miracles and the God who gives them both.”—Max Lucado, New York Times best-selling author PAGE 4 VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 THE PELICAN 2016 4 JANUARY THE 13TH GIFT: A TRUE STORY OF A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE JOANNE HUIST SMITH “THE 13TH GIFT is the kind of Christmas book whose message is much bigger than the holiday. This memoir is written from the heart and for the heart.” --Jason Wright, New York Times bestselling author of Christmas Jars 14 JANUARY EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON: QUANAH PARKER AND THE RISE AND FALL OF THE COMANCHES, THE MOST POWERFUL INDIAN TRIBE IN AMERICAN HISTORY [All-Parish Book Discussion with Dinner beginning at 6:30 PM] S. C. GWYNNE "In Empire of the Summer Moon, Sam Gwynne has given us a rich, vividly detailed rendering of an important era in our history and of two great men, Quanah Parker and Ranald Slidel Mackenzie, whose struggles did much to define it.”-Larry McMurtry 1 FEBRUARY THE GIRLS OF ATOMIC CITY: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE DENISE KIERNAN WOMEN WHO HELPED WIN WORLD WAR II “A fresh take on the secret city built in the mountains of Tennessee as part of the Manhattan Project during World War II… An inspiring account of how people can respond with their best when called upon.”— Kirkus Reviews 7 MARCH SKIRTING HERESY: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF MARGERY KEMPE ELIZABETH MacDONALD "Elizabeth MacDonald vividly brings to life both the world of medieval England and even more impressively, the heroic Margery Kempe, whose insights and courage speak to the modern world. This book will absorb and enlighten you." — Steve Forbes, editor, Forbes magazine 4 APRIL THE DESTINY OF THE REPUBLIC: A TALE OF MADNESS, MEDICINE, AND THE MURDER OF A PRESIDENT CANDICE MILLARD "Fascinating. . . . Gripping. . . . Stunning. . . . The haunting tale of how a man who never meant to seek the presidency found himself swept into the White House. . . . Millard shows the Garfield legacy to be much more important than most of her readers knew it to be." —The New York Times 2 MAY THE APPRENTICE: MY LIFE IN THE KITCHEN JACQUES PEPIN “In this fast-moving and often touching memoir, Pepin recounts his journey from the kitchen of his mother's humble restaurant in rural France after World War II to his current position as author of 21 cookbooks, star of 13 PBS cooking shows and dean of special programs at the French Culinary Institute in New York City.”—Publishers Weekly SUMMER SELECTION--for the 12 September, 2016** meeting TO BE ANNOUNCED * Monday, 7 September 2015 is Labor Day **Monday, 5 September 2016 is Labor Day All quoted material is taken from WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE 2015-16 BOOK CLUB YEAR! CONSIDER INVITING A FRIEND TO JOIN YOU. Your book club leadership team: Kathleen Carmichael; Doreen Dziepak; Linda Robinson, chair; Caroline Ryan; and Jane Swartzentruber VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 Worship Services Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Holy Eucharist (Rite I) Holy Eucharist (Rite II) Holy Eucharist (Rite I) Spanish Mass Monday 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:15 PM Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer Tuesday 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:15 PM Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer Wednesday 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:15 PM Holy Eucharist Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer Thursday 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer Holy Eucharist Friday 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 5:15 PM Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist and Healing Service Evening Prayer JUNE CALENDAR Wednesday, 3 June 8:00 AM Staff Meeting (office closes at 4:00 PM) Friday, 5 June Sr. EYC Mission Trip through 12 June Sunday, 7 June Bloodmobile here Saturday, 13 June 2:30 PM Quinceañera Thursday, 18 June 7:00 PM Diabetes Revolution Sunday, 21 June Jr. EYC Mission Trip through 27 June 10:15 AM Summer Sunday Special Monday, 22 June 10:00 AM Daughters of the King Tuesday, 23 June 7:15 PM Books & Beyond Thursday, 25 June 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church (through 3 July) 10:00 AM Alzheimer’s group Sunday, 28 June 10:15 AM Summer Sunday Special Saturday 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist and Anointing Confessions Contemporary Mass Weekly Schedule Sunday 2:00 PM Spanish Bible Study Thursday 10:00 AM Needlepoint Group Friday 7:15 AM 9:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast Healing Class Saturday 7:30 AM Men’s Prayer Group PAGE 5 THE PELICAN JULY HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, 1 July August Pelican deadline 8:00 AM Staff Meeting (office closes at 4:00 PM) Friday, 3 July Office closed Saturday, 4 July 5:30 PM Contemporary Mass followed by Fourth of July Celebration Sunday, 5 July 10:15 AM Summer Sunday Special Sunday, 12 July 10:15 AM Summer Sunday Special Sunday, 19 July 10:15 AM Summer Sunday Special Thursday, 23 July 9:00 AM Pelican mailing crew 10:00 AM Alzheimer’s group Monday, 27 July 10:00 AM Daughters of the King FROM THE PARISH REGISTER Joining the Parish Family: Susan Lawrence 555 South Gulfstream Avenue Unit 1203 Sarasota, FL 34236-6709 Petronila Fermin 3742 Ballantrae Drive Sarasota, FL 34238 Michael and Jaime Bressan 2735 Jefferson Circle Sarasota, FL 34239 Mary (Becky) Thornhill 3256 Pine Valley Drive Sarasota, FL 34239 Richard (Dick) and Rosemary Hough 12417 Thornhill Court Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202-7948 Chad and Janice Belcher 5325 Kelly Drive #4 Sarasota, FL 34233-3724 Henry and Sarah Paul Malcolm 6348 Ravenwood Way Sarasota, FL 34243-5228 Transferring out: Wendy Marshall and Laura Marmorale to St. Boniface, Sarasota, FL Restore Active: Sarah Cartwright Confirmations: Carmen Adcock, Robert Dale Adcock, Hui (Elis) Mei Lui, Theresa Diane Sykes, Phyllis Wilson Wilhelm, Isabella Delaney Brush, Elizabeth Ann Fitzgerald, Malcolm Blaise Freeman, Merrill Elizabeth Garlington, Carson Charles Jones, Ivy Lynn Morton, Aidan Ryan Sepanski Receptions: Donna Jean Dooley, William Amborn Dooley, Michele Ann Fain, James Clayton Nichols, Michael Robert Smith, Joan Catherine Walker Marriage: “Those whom God has joined together…” Nicholas Bobrinskoy Shepherd and Elizabeth Margaret Lindsay 2 May 2015 Death: “Rest eternal grant unto them…” Maaike Van Hartogh PAGE 6 VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 THE PELICAN June Birthdays 15 Paul LeClair, Hiu (Elis) Lui, Jean Reagle 16 Maria Benavides 3 Peter & Jennifer Weber 4 Champ & Mary Stopher 5 Russell & Carolyn Daniel, Frank & Cheryl Herbold, Andrei & Lisa Malaev, PJ & Kimberly Strom 6 Adam & Sue Armbruster, Frank & Marilyn Glandorf 17 Judy Altier, Cathy Brush, Donna Dennis, Maureik Robison 18 Stephanie Cabrera, Carole Caldwell, Bill Chocallo, Elizabeth Devitt, Lydia McIntire, Jennie Whidden 19 Philip Ames, Carole Clipperton 1 2 3 4 Kelsey Burroughs, Joe Kles, Joe McSpadden, Tyler Rasmussen, Haley Reid Stuart Erlich, Price Hartenstine, Alex Nimz, Michelle Porcelli, Stuart Prall, Eliza Radford, Morgan Rivers Blanca Diego, Ellie Fitzgerald, Cinzia Forbes, Richard Goddard, Fred Powell, Pam Reynolds, Richard Ross, Jay Skipper, Megan Trefry, Monica Van Buskirk Kasandra Cruz, Kendall Hicks, Samantha Hunihan, Suzanne Jones, Brett Lawler, Bill Marshall, Austin McClung, Mitch Mitacchione, Sabrina Rivero 5 Dick Diedrich, Edwin Giron, June Moore, Benjamin Tindal 6 Davis Dunlap, Geomar Perez, Phil Segerstrom 7 Alex Dorr, Marilyn Glandorf 8 Jake Altier, Bonny Connell, Jo Ann McKinney, Ella Menke 9 Torin Culp, Elinor Garlington, Ralph Major, Chuck Miller, Vincent Riva, Rita Roehr, Caroline Shoemaker 10 Barbara Bulkeley, Victoria Chapman, Barbara Haskins, Bob Hulvat, Gretchen Lum, Niki Newall, Deanne Spoor 20 Evelyn Barco, Ben James, Janet Kerschner, Tim Ryan, Pat Silecchia, Mike Smith 21 Carl Curtiss, Penny Engels, James Hunt, Barney Salmon, Henry Shoemaker 22 Fr. David Bumsted, Donald Maynard, Charleen Sessions 23 Stacey Dailey, Bill Engel, Lorraine Murphy, Bert Schweigaard-Olsen, Doug Spangler 24 Duncan Cooper, David Ezell, Jan Gillett, Grace Hamlin, John Haupt, John Powers, Joe Suriol 25 Phil Conover, Charles Riegle, Ona Thomas 26 Blake Flint, Tim Gilliland, Davian Reyna, Charles Sanders, Tammy Jo Schieb, Mathew Shaffer, David Svenson 27 Laura Dierks, Curtis Hamlin, Kaylee Morales, Evan Platt, Richard Scantlebury 28 Deedie Meetze 29 Pilar Faraone, Ann Fletcher, Tony McQueen 30 Darlene Abney, Patrick Brown, Eleanor Eastwood, Jenny Holt, Vivienne Lambrecht, Joyce Molinari, Gay Swain 11 James Lombard, Avery Marx, Pat Morris, Tyler Pedrero, Larry Shedden June Wedding Anniversaries 14 Bill & Bonny Connell, Dale & Christine Mattern, David & Gay Swain 15 Christopher & Patricia Caswell, Werner & Karen Hartenberger 16 Robert & Jan Carson, Bryan & Sarah Wietzke 17 Pat & Susan Di Bernardo, Bob & Gussie Haeffner, Bob & Ricki Lind say, Eric & Nancy Unsworth 18 Patrick & Christina Cunningham, David & Lauren Hunihan, John & Judy Kendall 19 Scott & Flo Ames, Jack & Barbara Petrecca 20 Forrest & Nan Bogart, Richard & Amy Buck, Terry & Karen Fugate 21 Colin & Amanda Lyden, Wells & Marsha Purmort, Frank & Eleanor Roxby 22 Stan & Alma Abshier, Dick & Marion Almy, Von & Samantha Cook, Fr. Fred & Linda Robinson 23 Fr. George & Joy Busler, Ted & Elizabeth Huter 24 Nick & Sara Ferguson, Lorin & Harriet Stieff 26 Chip & Patty Bettle, Aaron & Karen Strand 27 Jimmy & Joyce Jewell, Alan & Leslie Jones, Ron & Mary Skweres 28 Jim & Martha Goebel, Dick & Joan Kingsbury, John & Arysol Niffenegger 29 Gil & Martha Heitman, Dave & Sue Matuszak, Chris & Valerie Montgomery, Ty & Terryann Reed, Bob & Ingrid Roylance 12 Daniel Aresery, David Calahan, Sara King, Morgan Marchiony, Eddy Phillips, Bruce Powell, Johan Reyna 30 Tuck & Jean Gay, Neil & Beverley Georgi, Mark & Carol Lilly, Roy & Jossie Nichols 13 Christopher Anderson, Karen Mathis, Val Pankey, Jim Powers, Yesica Sanchez, Amy Sullivan, Fr. Orley Swartzentruber, Andrew White 14 Alisyn Abney, David Couch, Kelly Gilliland, Steve Hunt, Sebastian Ramirez, Milt Rauch 11 Eric & Beth Bobb 1 Jim & Elsye Daugherty, Mitch & Esther Mitacchione 2 Barney & Gayle Salmon VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 THE PELICAN PAGE 7 What's Happening in Redeemer's Hispanic Ministry? There's a new sense of excitement these days in the Hispanic Ministry department. What's it all about? Much of the growth is due to Fr. Mario’s faithful and tireless pastoral calls and work. There are also some other important reasons for our new enthusiasm. Here are some. One,, attendance and enthusiasm are up. Palm and Easter Sunday’s were great with lots of people. Mother’s Day One was also a large and wonderful success! On Palm Sunday, Fr. Robinson was the Principal Celebrant and as always he was great. After Mass, Gillespie Hall was filled with tables and people at Brunch and excited parishioners: young and middle and old alike. Easter was a joyous occasion with many First Communicants and newly Baptized members from the Saturday Easter Eve Service, all honored as one in the Eucharist Service and then in Gillespie Hall. The Clergy and Eucharistic Ministers continue working hard in the Mass. Both Padre Mario+ and Padre Dick+ make regular pastoral calls to maintain and grow our Sunday attendance and enthusiasm. Two, Redeemer's Hispanic Ministry is unique in The Diocese in that it has: (1) An extraordinary Musical Group (headed up for years by Jack and Jane Thompson) and now perhaps the best that it has ever been, professionally and musically. We are blessed to have in this group both professional and life-long Church singers. (2) The Sunday School is directed by Fred and Juanita Erazo, Mrs. Molly Ann Lampert, and Marcia and Monica Miller ("The Twins"). We are also working on bringing in two new Hispanic Young People’s Group leaders. Together, as a team, they bring almost one hundred years of teaching experience and love which they freely give out week after week to all the children, youth, and congregation. Three,, we have recently renewed and revitalized "The Hispanic Commission." This group is the real Leadership Three Group (“The Engine”) for our entire ministry. In addition to regular ongoing activities, 4 Major goals are set for the next eight months of 2015: (A) On Saturday, October 3rd, REDEEMER’S 1st FAMILY LATINO FESTIVAL including Musical events, classes and instructions; Dance classes and presentations; Art displays and classes with hands on activities; Food; Events, Contests and Games for all. These activities will be directed and hosted by many professional members and Priests of the Redeemer Latino Congregation; (B) An Adult Adult--Youth Youth--Children Children--Family Spiritual Retreat (Friday night-Sunday Noon at DaySpring or some other selected site) as was successfully held in years past; (C) Continued food distribution program on a monthly basis; (D) One more popular and successful Saturday Bingo Day Party in June. Commission Members are: are María Carolina Albán, María Elena Benavides, Myrna Correa, Alicia Cruz, Antonia Cruz, Reinaldo Enchausteguia, Edwin Girón, Luis y Cecilia Guzmán, Mireya Juarez, Daniela Lopez, Antonio Leal Olmedo, Guadalupe Pozas, Angeles Radford, Padre Mario Castro+, Padre Richard Lampert+, Enith Marin (At Large). This is the strongest group of Latino Leaders that Re- deemer has ever had. Other Noteworthy News: Graduating High School Seniors include: Victor Galarza at Bayshore High, Mirka Gonzalez at Booker High School, and Olga Correa graduating #7 in her class with high honors at Sarasota High. The Second Diocese of Southwest Florida Hispanic Cursillo had:14 had: Redeemer leaders and participants (the largest group of any Parish). What's Happening in Redeemer’s Hispanic Ministry program? A great, great deal! THANKS BE TO GOD! PAGE 8 THE PELICAN VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 What’s happening in June for… Redeemer’s Families with Children (5th grade and younger) Summer Siesta Key Beach Runs Begin 9 June The en/re parish family loves the Summer Beach Runs, each Tuesday night, 6:30 PM, Siesta Key Public Beach. With plenty of new parking, it will be easier than ever to par/cipate this year. To meet the Redeemer family, head straight out towards the water from the public beach pavilion, just a li8le south of the race start line. Runs con/nue through 11 August. “Take Your Place” on a Redeemer Teaching Team in 2015-16! There is a place for you on one of our twelve Sunday School teaching teams. If you feel called to this vital ministry, contact Jacki Boedecker, for more informa/on. “Seussical the Musical” Returns to Redeemer Members of our Canterbury Choir and friends will present “Seussical the Musical.” Directed by Ann StephensonMoe, the story features all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters. Performance dates are 20-21 August. Coming up on Sundays in June 6/7 Children’s Chapel 6/14 Children’s Chapel 6/21 Children’s Chapel, Summer Sunday Specials (Summer Sunday School) begins—Art and Music) 6/21 Children’s Chapel, Summer Sunday Specials 6/28 Children’s Chapel, Summer Sunday Specials End of a Great Sunday School Year May marked the end of our Sunday School classes for 2014-15 year, and Summer Sunday Specials—mul/-age Sunday ac/vi/es for children and youth—will start 21 June. Our thanks to all our dedicated Sunday School teachers: 2 & 3 Year Olds: Marsha Devi8, Stephanie Kempton; & Meredith Piazza, Pre-K: Freda Harris, Marion Almy, Carrie Lee Major, Pat Mudge8, LeAnn Yow, Carol Lilly, Isabelle Bermudez; Kindergarten: Jacki Boedecker, Melissa & Steve Young, Margaret Barnes; 1st Grade: Shirley Fieber, Donna Hess, Valerie Montgomery; 2nd Grade: Mary Brown, Marla Leung; 3rd Grade: Melanie Dieckman, Kellie Menke, Mary Pat Radford, Kristen & Todd Morton; 4th Grade: Jody & John Maxwell, Ka/e & Rod Hollingsworth; 5th Grade: Rachelle Bethel, Carolyn & Don Peet, Lisa Gialdini; 6th Grade: Kimberly & P.J. Strom, Janet & Jeff Trefry; 7th Grade: Melissa Dunlap, Alison Elizalde, Mary Page Hill, Daniel Montgomery; 8th Grade: Anne Garlington, Mary Jo Heider, Mimi Hernandez, Chris/ne Lindsay; High School: Rebekah & Fr. David Bumsted, Mike & Mary Jane Hartens/ne, Gloria & Kraig Koach, Dana & Russ Vega; Sunday School Angel: Elsye Daugherty; Nursery Commi8ee Chair Malacy Wilson; Nursery Volunteers: Barbara Donnelly; Bridge to the Word: Frank Dieckman Class for Parents (and others!) offered this summer "Lord, Teach Us to Pray: The Basics of Prayer and Chris/an Spirituality" Are you looking for a richer prayer life that works for you? Par/cipants in this 5 week interac/ve primer will explore Chris/an prayer and spirituality, both modern and ancient, and discover with Fr. Wilson more effec/ve ways to pray and experience a deeper rela/onship with God. Nurseries will be open, and “Summer Sunday Specials” for children will run concurrently. Beginning 21 June. Register online for VBS & LOGOS! VBS 2015’s theme, ”Celebrate,” focuses on the Chris/an meaning of five major holidays: Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, Pentecost, All Saints’ Day, and Thanksgiving. Dates: 17-21 August, 9AM—noon, for those entering K-5th grade. LOGOS 2015-16 begins 2 September. VOLUME 19, 18, NUMBER 11 8 7 THEPELICAN PELICAN THE PAGE 9 PPAGE A G E11 9 The Goods on… THE CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER GIFT & BOOK SHOPPE Summer Shop hours: Wednesday 10:00 AM -12:30 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM -11:30 AM All profits benefit the Rector’s Discretionary Fund DALE TIEMAN PRIEPRIE-DIEUX NOW ON SALE IN REDEEMER’S BOOK & GIFT SHOPPE! “A prieprie-dieu (French: literally, "pray [to] God", plural prie-dieux) is a type of prayer desk primarily intended for private devotional use, but may also be found in churches. It is a small, ornamental wooden desk furnished with a thin, sloping shelf for books or hands, and a kneeler. This…is useful for devotions, such as the Rosary…, or for private, non-liturgical prayer.”—quoted from Wikipedia Your Book & Gift Shoppe has in stock four beautiful, hand-crafted prie-dieux created in the wood-working shop of the late Dale Tieman of Wausaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. Tieman once supplied prie-dieux to be sold from Nashotah House’s Mission Bookstore. It was in the store that we became acquainted with his work. Each prie-dieu is unique and is constructed of solid hardwood. The kneeling cushion is covered with needlepoint lovingly stitched by Redeemer’s needlepoint committee. The prie-dieu adjusts both vertically and horizontally to fit you comfortably. These are the hardwoods used by Mr. Tieman and the stain finishes he applied: Maple wood with cherry stain Ash with chestnut stain Oak with natural stain Walnut with chestnut stain Come into the gift shop to see one of these exquisite kneelers. It will be a spiritually-enriching addition to your home and a one-of-a-kind work of art. Our online stationery shoppe at was created to be the hot spot online destination for trendy and vibrant stationery and photo cards. We know that stationery creates a very special memory for those personal celebrations, and that's why our website has top of the line designers to pair with quality printing methods. For more information contact All proceeds from the sales go to the Rector’s Benevolence Fund, which supports local missions. Susie Shugg & Linda Robinson, Shoppe Managers Malacy Wilson, Stationery Shop Manager 222 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, Florida - 34236 * 941.955.4263 THE PELICAN PAGE 10 VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 MOR - Men of Redeemer Redeemer Women Mission: “Encouraging men, through relationships, to seek ChristChrist-centered living.” “to love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ” IMPORTANT DATES: 1 August: Day of Hope: Charly and Susie Shugg and Don Longueuil WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES: Friday Men’s Prayer Breakfast Fridays in the Eva Pope Room from 7:15 to 8:30 AM. Contacts: Carl Stockton at 378.8098 or Chuck Miller at 927.4843. Saturday Men’s Prayer Group Saturdays in the Eva Pope Room from 7:30 to 8:30 AM. Contacts: Ed Weber at 941.320.4074 or Ron Rayevich at 952.1793. Accountability Groups For help joining an Accountability Group that meets your schedule, please call Jason Hughes at 416.1381. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Redeemer Chapter of Daughters of The King, a religious order, will meet during the summer (June, July, and August) on the last Monday of the month beginning with the 10:00 AM mass. EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW) The Diocese of Southwest Florida has monthly meetings and workshops held at various Churches from September through March. Contacts: Gay Swain at 923.2939, or Mary Hills at 343.3806. Dates to remember - 2015 (More information will be in the weekly Bulletin). 12 October - Fall Leadership Meeting, Manasota at Nativity, Sarasota 14 November - ECW Diocesan Annual Meeting at DaySpring Around and About the Parish HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP Our high school missioners need your help! For their mission to the Dominican Republic, 5-12 June, they are collecting gently used T-shirts bearing Redeemer’s name—from VBS, mission trips, bridge runs—as well as personalsized toiletries that will be distributed to children in the area. Leave contributions in two boxes in Gillespie Hall, one for personal-sized items and one for Redeemer Tshirts. We especially need T-shirts in youth sizes. Our high school missioners thank you! FOURTH OF JULY AT REDEEMER July will be here before you know it! We would like to begin planning for our annual 4th of July celebration. Anyone who has ideas and interest, please contact Tom Younkman, 351.2858, or, and let him know how you can be a part of this family affair. DAY OF HOPE Day Of Hope 2015 is 1 August. Last year we invited 150 guests. This year we will invite 250 guests. Please pray about your involvement, and contact Charly or Susie Shugg at 955.5713, Don Longueuil, at, or visit the DOH webpage at for more information. DAILY OFFICE OFFICIANTS NEEDED Daily Office Officiants are needed. Prayer is an important part of the spiritual vitality within our Redeemer family. Each day a faithful team of readers gathers at 8:30 AM and 5:15 PM to pray for members of our parish, asking God's blessing on us generally and praying for specific parishioners' needs. We invite you to become part of this extraordinary ministry. Your commitment would be for one Morning or Evening Prayer weekly. Training will be arranged at a time convenient for you. If you feel you would like to participate in this rewarding ministry, please call Father Marsden, 955.4263, or Traci Reed, 792.1571. Parish Family Prayer Chain To request prayers, please contact Don Peet at 954.1740. We M our Pelican Crew! Barbara & Jack Petrecca: Chairpersons Ronelle Ashby, Noel & Mary Belcourt, Sue Bissell, Ruth & Frank Braden, Charlotte Evans, Nancy Goltz, Alice Holds, Peggy Huber, Mary Lindamood, Mae Miller, Helen Rayevich, Jane & Sam Skogstad, and Regina Smith. VOLUME 19, NUMBER 11 PAGE 11 THE PELICAN Men’s Book Group, “Books and Beyond” The Church of the Redeemer 222 South Palm Avenue Sarasota, Florida 3423634236-6799 On Tuesday evening, 23 June, the book group of the Men of Redeemer, “Books and Beyond,” will meet to discuss Ronald C. White, Jr.’s recent biography of Lincoln, entitled simply A. Lincoln: A Biography Biography. James McPherson, author of Battle Cry of Freedom, mentions two unique strengths of White’s biography: its focus on the persuasive power of Lincoln’s speeches and writings, and his “analysis of Lincoln’s evolving religious convictions, which shaped the core of his effective leadership, his moral integrity.” The book has been described as “an instant [Lincoln] classic for the twenty-first century.” The meeting to discuss it will take place in Gillespie Hall, at 7:15 PM. Looking ahead, May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. Over the summer break in July and August, the reading selection for the group reflects that milestone, in the choice of Michael Dobbs’ riveting account of the period spanning the final months of World War II -- Six Months in 1945: From World War to Cold War. That period saw the increasing strains in the relationships of the Allies as the War ground to an end in Europe, the dawn of the nuclear age, and the beginning of the Cold War. Dobbs chronicles the critical events between the Yalta Conference in February 1945 and the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, which set the stage for a division of the European continent that lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The book has been acclaimed as “a vividly rendered story of individual and national interests in fierce competition at a seminal moment in history.” The meeting to discuss it will take place at a date in September to be announced. The Bishop The Rt. Rev. Dr. Dabney T. Smith The Rector The Very Rev. Fredrick A. Robinson Associate Rector The Rev. Richard C. Marsden Associate Priest/Youth Ministry The Rev. David S. Bumsted Associate Priest/Hispanic Ministry The Rev. Mario Castro Associate Priest/Evangelism, Parish Development The Rev. Charleston D. Wilson Adjunct Priests (retired) The Rev. Reinaldo Ayerbe The Rev. George Busler The Rev. A. Milton Cheney The Rev. C. Read Heydt The Rev. Richard B. Lampert The Rev. Clayton Knapp The Rev. Ralph W. Strohm The Rev. Robert E. Sullivan Director of Children’s Christian Formation Jacki Boedecker Organist/Choirmaster Dr. Ann Stephenson-Moe Associate Choirmaster/ Director of Contemporary Music Daniel Cartlidge Organist in Residence Margaret Harris Smith Scholar in Residence The Rev. Dr. Orley Swartzentruber Address/Phone Change Don’t forget to let the Parish Office know when you change your address and/or phone number. Help us keep our records up to date! Call Cheryl at 955.4263 or e-mail her at Be sure to visit our website at The Parish Staff Cheryl Brodbeck - Parish Registrar Mary Catherine Coolidge - Communications Lachen Demlak - Sexton Rafael Gonzalez - Sexton Kristina Grade - Publications Elaine Hedrick - Parish Nurse Carolyn Peet - Admin. Asst. to the Rector Angela Ward Saoud - Parish Secretary Carol Ward Trudeau - Secretary John Walsworth - Business Manager The Vestry Brigham Clegg - Senior Warden Dora Thomas - Junior Warden Hector Antezana William Brush Raul Elizalde Scott Ferguson Augusta Haeffner George Mims Kristin Morton Rita Roehr William Segraves E. Douglas Spangler John Mercurio - Treasurer Carolyn Peet - Clerk The Pelican is published monthly except July. Deadline for the August Pelican is Wednesday, 1 July. E-mail your articles to, Articles may also be mailed or delivered to the parish office (Attention: Publications), 222 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236, or faxed to 941.365.1379. Please be sure your name and phone number are included. Submissions may be edited. THE CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER REDEEMER 222 South Palm Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34236-6799 Phone: 941.955.4263 Fax: 941.365.1379 E-mail: Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 971 Manasota, Florida Where Jesus Christ is known, worshipped, and obeyed. Annual Fourth of July Event This year we’ll once again celebrate the 4th of July at our Annual Parish Picnic. Join all your fellow parishioners for a “bang“bang-up” night!