Good News – June 2012


Good News – June 2012
Good News
From St. Peter U.C.C.
“Reaching Out With New Hope”
Volume XXXI . . .6
June, 2012
Cody Matthew Lowe — Grandson of Kathy
Forth — Carlyle High School on May 19.
Michael Martin — Grandson of Kathy Forth —
Benbrook High School, Benbrook, Texas in June.
Melinda Graham has been coming for awhile
and even singing with the choir and as special artist.
Now we welcomed her as a member of the
congregation on April 29.
It is time to celebrate with people with
connections to St. Peter — Centralia that have come
to special milestones in their lives.
Paige Brinkmann — Daughter of Larry &
Diana Brinkmann — Western Illinois University
in Macomb on May 12. Paige received Bachelors’
degrees in both English and Spanish Education. She
will be teaching both English and Spanish at Carlyle
High School starting this fall. She sends her thanks
for all the support the church has given during her
Jennifer Smith — Daughter of Steve &
Charlene Smith — McKendree University on May
12. After having gotten her RN training at
Kaskaskia previously and now working in a local
doctor’s office she went to McKendree part time.
She actually got her Bachelors’ Degree in Nursing in
December. However, the ceremony for graduation
was held outdoors at McKendree on May 12.
Katy Wolenhaupt — Daughter of Brad & Lisa
Wolenhaupt and granddaughter of Bernice
Wolenhaupt — Centralia Jr. High on May 29.
Lane Liggett — Son of Stacey Little —
Centralia High School on May 20.
Rachel Wilbur — Daughter of Ki & Matt
Wilbur and granddaughter of Barbara Hill —
Menchville High School, Newport News, VA. We
were given an address of #39 Island View Dr., New
Port News, VA 23602 for those that want to send
their own congratulations.
Ryan Freels — Son of Todd Freels and
grandson of Connie Freels — Kaskaskia College on
May 11. Ryan is planning on attending Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale.
To Jessica Feig who was one of the Freshman
May Fete attendants. She is the daughter of Chris &
Tracie Feig, the granddaughter of Clete & Laura
Feig, and the great granddaughter of Jack & Cleo
Prayer, Stewardship Corners, Thank You
Pastor’s Column
DuBois, Region 6, Council, Workcamp
Pastoral Search, Bear Ministry
Joy Divine, Mother-Daughter Banquet
Remember your Church in your will.
A Gift that will last for generations
Debbie Arning
Rev. Rich Brzowsky
Ray Castellari
Robin Cimera
Laura Feig
Paul Kluthe
Gracie Niermann
Paula Sears
Betty Telford
Curtis White
Harvey Bell
Ileen Castellari
Gary Chwascinski
Vivian Cohlmeyer
Rev. Lisa Hart
Charles Luer
Carter Rankin
Don Storck
Pauline Tibbs
*In accordance with HIPPA (It’s real name is
Heath Insurance Portability Privacy Act.)
requirements, the persons on the St. Peter prayer list
have requested, or given permission, for their names
to be included and published in the prayer list.
Names will appear for 30 days unless the individuals
or their immediate family request that they be
maintained on the prayer list for another thirty days.
Giving Totals for Apr. 22 - May 20, 2012
General Offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,066.00
Special Offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00
Tables & chairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00
Old tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00
Interest from Regions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.80
Blankets +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289.00
Strengthen the Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00
Parsonage bath repair donations. . . . .
TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,312.80
(01/01/12 THROUGH 5/20/12)
Amount received. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 28,423.97
Our Servicemen
Matthew Bratthauar
David Harper
Chris Lyday
Corey Schlau
Nathan Storck
Cole Vehrs
Jared Vehrs
Anna Walls
In Care Centers
Roberta Kleine
Marjorie Nehrt
Henrietta Schmitz
If you know of someone who needs to be added or
taken off, please contact the church secretary, Judy
Reichenbacher, at the office 532-7124, and if no one
is available, please leave a message.
Our thanks
to Lowell Jeffries for
presentation about his trip to Back Bay Mission that
he gave on April 29.
As you know, our church was responsible to lead
the devotional services at Fireside House during the
month of April, we acknowledged the faithful
June, 2012 “Good News” Page 2
servants who helped on the first three Sundays in the
May newsletter. The following persons assisted me
with the services/greeting residents on the last 2
Sundays in April, and I am most grateful:
April 22nd — Rev. Lisa Hart (pianist), Judy
Fehrmann (Free Methodist), and Candice Kindred
(Zion UCC)
April 29th — Jeanette Storck (pianist), Jane
Edmonson, Judy Fehrmann (Free Methodist), and
Helen Niekrenz
Also, special thanks to Jim White and Candice
Kindred for perusing their musical files in order to
secure a specific older hymn as requested by a
resident and then making a copy of such for me to
duplicate as part of “singing favorites”.
THANK YOU to all whom represented our
church/guests during these April services at
Fireside House.
Norma Borgmann, Worship Leader
St. Peter UCC Church is scheduled to lead the
worship services on Sunday afternoons in August.
Special THANKS to ALL of YOU who donated
coins since May of 2011 for “The Least Coin
Offering” (multi-striped take-out box on library table
in narthex). The box is also usually passed around at
E.R.M. meetings. The 2012 total from our church
was $30.00 and dedicated along with the other
Centralia churches’ designated offering at the May
5th meeting of the Church Women United and then
forwarded to such headquarters for specific missions
around the world.
I want to recognize Marjorie Abrams, who is
not able to get out as much as in the past, collected
527 pennies throughout the past year (I’m thankful
for the bank having an automatic counter). Thus, that
$5.27 amount was 19% of our total amount of
collected least coins. Your willingness to share will
truly be significant for others in need of food, shelter,
clothing, education, and work.
Therefore, we have already started saving for the
2013 dedication in the same box, same spot.
Norma Borgmann, C.W.U.
“Key Woman”
with the Stewardship Team’s
“Change for Change” emphasis on the 3rd Sunday, a
collection of $35.68 was dropped into the containers
on May 20th. We are appreciative of ALL you
contributors willing to give extra beyond your
usual envelope amount that is deposited into the
General Fund (to avoid a deficit at the end of the
year). THANK YOU for your support.
Dave Stedelin, Verna Steinkamp,
and Norma Borgmann (Members of
the Stewardship Team)
Susan and I want to thank everyone for their
support of our Biscuits, Gravy and Crosswords. We
will be taking a break due to busy schedules,
vacations, travel plans, etc. effective June 1, 2012.
Jim White
Thank you to the Congregational Care Team for
sponsoring the gifts (plants) to the women in
attendance on Mother’s Day.
A thank you letter was received from Susan M.
Sanders, the One Great Hour of Sharing
Administrator, for the $230.00 we sent in April to
support the Severe Storms Fund for Harrisburg.
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy.” I am
writing this in the midst of a series of beautiful days
where the sun shines and a cool breeze wafts in the
window. Gershwin’s song echoes in my head. “The
fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high. Summer time,
sweet summertime.” There are days when it’s easy
to drink in the song and the attitude. Even if you
can’t see any fish or cotton, if you have some leisure
time, sit in a lawn chair, doze a bit, feel the breeze,
and listen to the birds sing. Take advantage, even if
it’s just for a few minutes, of that summertime when
the livin’ is easy. At times like that it’s easy to
remember and join in the response to “God is good”
by saying “All the time.”
The Psalmist who wrote Psalm 136 had that same
attitude, but said it a little differently. O give thanks
to the Lord for God is good. God’s steadfast love
endures forever. God does great wonders who by
June, 2012 “Good News” Page 3
understanding made the heavens, who spreads out
the earth on the waters, who made the great lights,
the sun to rule over the day and the moon and stars to
rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures
Yes, I realize we can appreciate and praise the
heavens and all creation even in the winter, but it’s
just easier in the summertime when it’s nice outside
and everything is in full leaf and bloom. “God is
good” . . . “All the time.”
Unfortunately, even in the summer, even on
beautiful days, people continue to suffer, whether
from hunger, war, sickness, or loneliness. The good
news is that even in the summer, God does not take a
vacation. God is still walking beside us, suffering
with us, offering us strength, hope, forgiveness, love
and peace. So the challenge I am offering all of us
here is twofold: take some time off and appreciate
just a little of that easy summertime livin’. But
remember that wherever you go, no matter what time
of year it is, God does not take a vacation. The bible
says: The God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.”
So in the good times and in the bad times, we can join
the chorus:
“God is good” . . . “All the time.”
Reporter: Norma Borgmann
St. Peter — Centralia was represented by three
ladies (Jane Brink, Sandy Zinschlag, and Norma
Borgmann) at the May 20th Spring Meeting of the
DuBois Center Auxiliary-Boosters after a Sunday
Dinner there. The meeting was held on the covered
patio overlooking the lake—a beautiful setting, nice
weather and great fellowship of being with other A-B
churches represented, and host pastor Rev. Bill
Causer gave the opening prayer. Announcements
were made regarding needs and volunteers for
DuBois Camp which will soon open. More campers
are also needed. Cindy Dippold reported for the
conference recruitment committee stating there
were still some openings and most urgent was the
need for a convener for Region 6. There are also 8
spots still open for the Carlyle sponsored trip to Back
Bay Mission in Biloxi, MS June 10-16. A
presentation was given by Cory Hartz, who had
just graduated from Eden Seminary two days prior, of
his trip to the Holy Land in January. He spent three
weeks walking in the footsteps of Jesus and received
credit hours for same. The meeting concluded with
a prayer from the Illinois South Conference Book of
Prayer. The next meeting will be the annual indoor
potluck picnic at St. Peter UCC, Centralia, Sunday,
August 19 beginning at 4:30 p.m. with a presentation
on H.I.S. Ministries.
HELD 5-21-12
Reporter: Norma Borgmann
The next Council meeting will be held on
Monday, July 9th (instead of 16th) due to VBS as
several members and Rev. Hart plan to be involved
in such.
Council Highlights are posted (1st bulletin board)
on the first Sunday after a meeting — thus, they will
be seen next on May 27th.
Wurstmart is now set for Sunday, October 21st (as
I contracted the fryer last night). More details later.
Our church will be 150 years old in 2013 — a
steering committee is being formed now. If you are
interested in serving on such, please see Council
President Nicholaus Luer or Secretary Norma
Borgmann. An announcement will be made
officially on Sunday, May 27th.
Reporter: Verna Steinkamp, Region Convener
The quarterly Region 6 meeting was held at
Friedens UCC in Farina Monday afternoon, May 21.
The host church invited the group for luncheon which
was beautifully done and enjoyed. St. Peter UCC
was represented by Verna Steinkamp, Norma
Borgmann, and Rev. Lisa Hart. Convener Verna
Steinkamp welcomed the group from the five
July 22-28, 2012
Reporter: Rev. Lisa Hart
Centralia Group Workcamp is a powerful
demonstration of “Love Thy Neighbor”. It is not one
church or one individual, but a community wide
June, 2012 “Good News” Page 4
effort to spread the love of Christ in our community.
Sponsored by First Christian Church of Centralia, it
brings 450 individuals from around the country who
will spend a week in our community performing
hands-on home repair projects for elderly, lowincome, and disabled families. The work is done at
no expense to the homeowner, and each youth
coming to the camp pays $450 for the privilege of
working here!
First Christian Church is asking 2 main things
from us. First set aside June 12th through July 22nd
for 40 days of prayer. Pray for the safety of the
campers, the relationships that will begin, and that
God’s Spirit will open up the hearts of all involved.
Secondly, the average cost of each worksite is
$500 and homeowners are not required to pay for any
of it. So each church, particularly those who have
congregants who will benefit from being selected as
a worksite, is asked to take up a special offering. On
Father’s Day, June 17th, St. Peter UCC will take up
a special offering to offset those costs. It would be
great if we raised $500, but any amount will be
appreciated. If you won’t be in church that day, you
can mail an offering to St. Peter earmarked for
“Centralia Group Workcamp.”
Everyone is invited to a kick-off program for the
camp July 23rd at 8 am and to say goodbye July 27th at
7:30 pm at the Centralia High School Gym. If you
would like to volunteer to help the camp in some
other way, please contact Rev. Thomas Henegar at
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) or call
Reporter: Jim W hite, Committee Chairman
The search committee has completed all
preliminary requirements. The search committee
currently has no profiles from ministerial candidates
interested in serving at St. Peter UCC, Centralia, IL.
Reporter: Verna Steinkamp, Article & Photo
While attending Sunday services you may have
observed bears in our worship. This was a suggestion
of our pastor who purchased the pattern and
challenged the Congregational Care Team to make a
dozen bears. Jeanette Storck and Verna Steinkamp
accepted the challenge and cut, sewed and stuffed the
12 bears which are made of varying colorful
materials. They were placed on a table in the front of
the sanctuary and dedicated to the ministry of our
church. They then occupied the front row pew of the
church for one Sunday and now are scattered
throughout the church in pews to soak up the praise,
prayers and Word. Hanging from a ribbon around
their neck is a laminated tag which reads as follows:
This little bear has spent time in the midst of our
congregation. It has heard the Scriptures read,
sermons preached, prayers prayed, and songs
of praise sung. It knows both the joys and
heartaches of our people, and has been
surrounded by the love so freely shared by
our community of faith. It comes to offer
you comfort and peace, with all the
blessings of worship and love.
On the back is the name and address of our
church. These are not toys for the children’s
entertainment during worship so please honor the
bears’ presence and say a special prayer for them to
take the love of God and the caring of our
congregation to those in need. Those who will
receive the bears will be determined by the
Congregational Care Team and delivered to those
with grave illness or in need of special care.
June, 2012 “Good News” Page 5
Reporter: Verna Steinkamp
On Sunday afternoon, April 29 a conference
celebration entitled “Joy Divine” was held at Zion
UCC in New Baden. Representing St. Peter UCC
were Rev. Lisa Hart and husband Walt and Verna
Steinkamp. It was a manner suggested at our annual
meeting to get more people in our Illinois South
Conference to become acquainted. There were three
of these celebrations held with the others being in
Marion and Alhambra. The song leader was
Rosemary Captain with Rev. Dr. Nancy Livingston
on the piano. To illustrate one form of joy was a
songfest with those gathered choosing the hymns to
be sung. Intermittently presentations were given by
Shirley Asmussen, Director of Outdoor Ministries,
Scott Kuether, Visioning Committee, Shirley
Bergmann, Member of Wider Mission Task Force
and a testimony on the Region 7 Food Pantry in
Irvington given by Julie Riechman and Donna
Rabenort. The event concluded with the host church
providing a catered meal of three kinds of soup, salad,
bread, and cookies.
Not only did he take us on an all season tour of
their place but provided irises that were given as
door prizes! Other prizes were potted plants.
Reporter: Jane Brink, Article & Photos
May 9 was the Mother-Daughter Banquet filled
with flowers; thus the “Garden” part of our “Party”.
Norma Borgmann welcomed the crowd.
The winners of the prizes were selected by
drawing from the tickets that those attending were
asked to sign and deposit in a basket.
Which was then well fed from a buffet table of
mostly salads.
The program that followed was presented by
Ernie Henson and featured a slide show of what he
and his wife grow on their farm in the Kell area.
June, 2012 “Good News” Page 6
(618) 532-7124
. . . where God is still speaking,
Sunday Schedule: Church School 9:30 am; Worship 10:45 am
Rev. Lisa Hart, Interim Pastor
Jane Brink, Newsletter Editor