January 2013 - Church of the Redeemer


January 2013 - Church of the Redeemer
Redeemer News
January 2013
No. 1
A monthly
publication of the
Church of the
Chestnut Hill,
God’s Grandeur
From the Interim Rector’s Desk:
The Rev. Cathy Hagstrom George
God’s Grandeur
By Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)
THE WORLD is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?
Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man’s smudge and shares man’s smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod.
Dear Friends,
The bright wings of this poem by G. M. Hopkins
heralds the new year. In embrace of the Holy Spirit,
we begin a new year and enter the season of Epiphany.
Epiphany is when things come to light. In the
story of the astrologer kings, they follow a star and
when they arrive what is made known, what is made
manifest is that it led them through the dark night to
a newborn child, whose life opens a path to God. As
we walk through Epiphany one event after another
happens in the story of Jesus that makes it clearer to
And for all this, nature is never spent;
us just who he is. He is baptized by John in the JorThere lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
dan, and the sky opens up and he is declared beloved
And though the last lights off the black West went
by God. He is found in the temple, having left his
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs—
parents searching for him, while he talks to the rabBecause the Holy Ghost over the bent
bis and priest. He changes water into wine at a wedWorld broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.
ding. All the events of his life begin to bring him to
light, they offer those “aha” moments to show us
who this person is, come from God to reveal and bring near the nature of God
as one of us, one with us.
Top: © istock 11-29-12 @ Mandrixta
Above: © istock 01-27-05 @ t-lorien
My prayer for this Epiphany season is that something will dawn on each of
us, something will become clear, something will be made known to us that we
had not understood or seen or heard before. I pray that the light of Christ will
shine in the darkness of winter and that it will flame in our hearts, and cause
our faith and trust in God to come alive in each of us in a way it has never been
known to us before.
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My husband Michael and I will be traveling in early
January to visit our daughter. She is teaching this year in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and we are meeting her in Istanbul for a week. We will visit Ephesus, the sight of Paul’s
letter to the Ephesians, as well as tour the sights of Istanbul.
January 2013
at 10:30 am when Margery will be ordained to the
priesthood at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
God’s peace,
I look forward to returning to Chestnut Hill to share
what I have seen, and to rejoice with you on January 12
A Time to Shine!
Curate’s Corner:
The Rev. Margery Kennelly
From Advent, a season
characterized by Mary’s
intimate pondering these
things in her heart, we
have moved through
Christmastide to Epiphany
the season that literally
translates make evident,
reveal, make known. If
Advent were tailor-made
for introverts, then Epiphany is surely a season for extroverts. Three kings, or magi come from all the corners of the ancient world to demonstrate publically that
Jesus is Lord. They are hosted by Herod at his palace;
they come in exotic garb with gifts that make a statement. Epiphany is about displaying in living color the
fact that now we “share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity.”
With this in mind, I am so glad to be able to share
with you one way that Redeemer is revealing God’s love
that is with us. Maisie Pollard decided that it would be a
good thing to gather last year’s Confimands and any
other interested youth to serve those in need. She
wanted for these young people who have recently prom-
ised, “To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving
your neighbor as yourself” to actually be able to live out
that promise in the context of their faith community
here at Redeemer. To that end, Maisie searched for a
place where our youth could have a face-to-face relationship, where they would not only serve in the name
of Christ, but they would also be transformed by the
Christ who awaited them in those they came to help.
So far she has organized several trips to Pine Street
Inn in Dorchester. The only difficulty Maisie encountered has been the great numbers of families who want
participate! Maisie, Zach and I are discussing new venues for face- to- face service and what our Youth Group
will look like next year.
I wish you a blessed Epiphany. May your light so
shine before others that they may see your good works
and glorify your father in heaven (Matt 5:16).
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January 2013
Everyone in the Redeemer parish is invited to witness and celebrate Margery’s
ordination to the priesthood on January 12th.
We will be holding a special celebratory Coffee Hour in honor of Margery’s ordination at the
Redeemer on Sunday, January 13th after the 10:00 am worship service.
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January 2013
From the Wardens
Steve Mead and Nina Moriarty
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the
members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with
Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—
Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one
Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many.
I Corinthians 12:12-14
December serves as one great example of how life at
the Redeemer embodies this message delivered by Paul to
the Church in Corinth. The Christmas Market, Christmas services, the pageant, and the uninterrupted “Work
of the Church” involve hundreds and filled the December
Vestry Meeting Agenda.
Christmas Market
Christmas Market 2012 was a
tremendous success. Lisa Farber,
Chair of the Church Service
League, reported that the Parish
Hall on Friday night was full to
capacity and the live and silent
auctions raised record amounts.
The Christmas Market funds the
Church Service League budget, the
majority of which goes to Mission and Outreach and the
Redeemer’s Pastoral Care. Funding for the Technology
Lab at St. Stephen’s, this year’s Fund-a-Need recipient,
was fully subscribed. Co-chairs Britt Lee and Andrea
Ambroze were acknowledged for their hard work and for
making the event so enjoyable.
Rector Search Committee
Leslie Williams, Vestry Liaison to the Search Committee reviewed a draft of the Parish Profile which had been
made available to the parish. The final version will have
been submitted to the Diocese and available for potential
candidates by the first of the year. Drawing from the observations of the many parishioners who participated in
the discernment meetings held in October and November, and numerous specific and helpful editorial comments provided by parishioners, the Profile describes the
Redeemer today and what the parish seeks in its new
Rector. It is truly a profile, authored by the whole parish.
The committee will begin to receive names in January.
Nominating Committee
Retiring Vestry member Mary Crown, who headed
this year’s Nominating Committee which included retiring Vestry members Karla Todd, Judy Bullitt, and the
Junior Warden Nina Moriarty, reported that the slate of
new officers to be elected at the February 10th Annual
Meeting will include: Britt Lee, Jim Huston and Dan
McCarthy for Vestry, Arthur Pfaelzer, and Christina
Baker, Rosemary Foy and Greer Candler for Diocesan
Delegates and Alternates, and Erik Britt-Webb and Sally
Sveda for Deanery Representatives. See Page 9 of the Redeemer News for nominees’ photos and biographies. Steve
Mead will stand for re-election as Senior Warden.
Treasurer and Finance Policy and Personal Committee Chair Jeff Hawkins presented a comprehensive review
of 2012 financial results, a history of the Endowment
Draw for operating and capital
needs, and the proposed 2013
Operating Budget. The Vestry
approved the 2013 Operating
Budget as presented. The 2013
Budget incorporates a 2% salary
increase for permanent clergy
and staff and includes $34,000
for onetime expenses for the
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Search Process and hiring a new Rector, a $9,769 increase in the Diocesan Assessment and $10,000 to support Zach Brooks who recently was approved for the
process of priesthood by Bishop Tom Shaw. The 2013
$1,035,234 Operating Budget is $34,535 or 3.5%
greater than the 2012 Budget. Stewardship, 68% of operating budget, is projected to remain flat at $700,000.
The resulting 2013 Endowment Draw which covers the
gap between Stewardship, other sources (weekly plate
and rental income) and operating expenses is budgeted at
$267,300. The operating draw is just below the allowed
4% draw of the average of the last four years year-end
Endowment balance.
From 2005 through 2011 the Endowment Draw for
operating purposes and moderate capital needs has ranged
from 1.0% to 2.7% except in 2008 and 2011 when one
time capital draws were approved by the Vestry to cover
the cost of an upgrade to the church’s HVAC in 2008 and
repair to the exterior stone work in 2011. The Endowment has grown from $6,100,000 at year end 2005 to
$7,200,000 as of 11/30/12, as its use has been judicious.
The Redeemer has not required a capital campaign since
1998. Stewardship though has not kept pace with the
growth in the Redeemer’s operating budget as its worship and programs require a full complement of clergy
and staff. The dependence on the Endowment which is
budgeted at 26% of operating expenses is now at an unsustainable level and provides little for capital needs. The
Redeemer maintains a long-term goal of growing Stewardship to a level where it covers the operating needs of
the Parish. This will allow the Endowment to cover capital needs which periodically can approach $500,000.
More normal annual capital needs range from $50,000 to
$75,000. The Finance Policy and Personal Committee
will be addressing 2013 capital needs and will present its
recommendation at the January Vestry meeting.
A brief summary of the Redeemer budget in 2012 and
2013 is included on the following page of the Redeemer
Capital Demands
The Vestry in a response to a report prepared by Michael Murray, Organist and Choirmaster, approved the
January 2013
formation of a Sub-Committee to
address the structural deterioration of the current organ and to
review options that will best
meet the long-term organ needs
of the parish. The committee
will in begin its work right after
the end of the year.
Organist and Choirmaster
Michael S. Murray in front of
the Noack Organ.
Diocesan Comprehensive Campaign
“Together Now”
In support of the $20,000,000 Diocesan Comprehensive Campaign “Together Now”, the Redeemer will be
conducting an “In-Pew Campaign” in January and February. The Redeemer, because of the transition of leadership, had not yet participated in the campaign which to
date has raised over $18,800,000 from over 135 of the
185 parishes in the Diocese. Redeemer events will include a January 16th reception hosted by Bishop Shaw
and a January 20th visit by lay campaign chair Warren
McFarlan (former member of the Redeemer). The Reverend Sam Rodman (former Redeemer Assistant Rector),
who has had various campaign responsibilities since its
formation, will preach on February 3rd . This will mark
the culmination of the campaign as signified by the presentation of commitment pledges to be collected “In-Pew”
that day. (See the following page of the Redeemer News for
a copy of the cocktail invitation.)
As the busy life at the Redeemer continues, recalling
the words of Paul that were read on the third Sunday of
Advent and repeated by Cathy in her sermon, we are reminded of the power of prayer:
Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made
known to God.
Philippians 4: 5
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January 2013
Redeemer News
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January 2013
News from the Rector Search Committee
Heavenly Father,
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, and guide our search for a new rector.
Open our ears to your words and our hearts to your love.
Help us to listen to each other and honor all voices,
And please keep watch over the person that you are preparing to answer our call.
All this we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Rector Search Committee has now completed Phase One of the process of identifying a new Rector.
Following the interviews and self-study forums that we conducted in October and November, the Committee prepared a draft Parish Profile that was circulated to the parish in early December and discussed at an Open Forum following the Sunday service on December 16. In light of parishioner comments at the Open Forum, the committee
subsequently finalized the profile and has submitted it to the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. The profile is on
our website and will be accessible to all interested candidates.
The next task of the Rector Search Committee will be to complete an Office for Transition Ministry (OTM)
Worshipping Community Portfolio, which will include information on our compensation and benefits as well as answers to questions that will assist candidates in discerning if our position would be attractive or suitable for them.
The Episcopal national computer program, which became active in 2010, is designed primarily to facilitate potential
matches between ordained professionals and parishes seeking new leadership by matching our Worshipping Community Portfolio with the clergy’s Individual Portfolios. From these matches, the Search Committee will begin to receive names of possible candidates. We also encourage our parishioners to submit names of possible clergy candidates to the committee.
The Search Committee will review all applications with an eye towards narrowing this group down to a
smaller number of individuals whose qualifications and backgrounds we will investigate carefully, together with personal interviews and visits. While we are still hopeful that this process may be completed in time to have a new Rector in place by Labor Day, we are committed to searching until we find the right person for the position.
As always, we invite you to communicate your views to our committee in person (Michael Aylward, Logan
Chandler, Lucinda Doran, Chris Jones, Steve Mead, Nina Moriarty, Fernande Raine, Dick Tucker, Suzy Westcott
and Leslie Williams) or through our email address: rectorsearch@redeemerchestnuthill.org.
Michael Aylward
Suzy Westcott
Signed Committee Reports for
Annual Meeting are due to the office
January 10, 2013
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January 2013
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Parish of
the Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts will be
held in the church on February 10, 2013 at 11:15 A.M.
This meeting is called in accordance with the requirements of the
Amended Constitution and By-Laws, for the purpose of
(a) Receiving and acting upon the report of the Nominating
(b) Receiving the reports of the Rector, Treasurer, Parish
Organizations and Committees; and any other matters which
may properly come before the meeting.
Amy Mullen Luster
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January 2013
Report of the Nominating Committee
The Nominating committee submits the following slate of nominees for the election of lay
leadership at the Annual Meeting on February 10, 2013:
Dan McCarthy
4-year Vestry term
Dan McCarthy has been a member of the parish of the Church of the Redeemer since the McCarthy family moved to Chestnut Hill from Boston in 1999.
He recently had the honor to serve with several other Redeemer parishioners on
the Discernment Panel for the Postulancy of Zach Brooks for the Episcopal priesthood. He also has been an active supporter of activities involving the Confirmation
classes of his two sons.
Dan currently manages the Institutional effort for Columbia Management in
the Midwest US, and has over twenty-five years of experience in the Institutional
Investments arena with exposure to investment research, trading, and portfolio
strategies across multiple asset classes at firms such as Goldman Sachs, Credit
Suisse, State Street, and Eaton Vance. Dan graduated from Harvard College with
a B.A. in Government and received his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
He currently serves as the Chairman of the Massachusetts Council on Economic
Education (MCEE), an organization dedicated to training Massachusetts teachers
and students in Economics and Financial Literacy. He has organized multiple charity fundraisers for the educational needs of Boston schoolchildren and the homeless. He also has served on the Boards of the Boston Latin School Association and
the Visiting Committee of Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill.
Dan lives with his wife Stacey and their two teenage sons, Drew (15) and Colin
(13) in Chestnut Hill, MA, and their lives are filled with sports and school activities. Dan is an avid basketball coach/fan/former player, and also a self-taught artist who has designed logos for several organizations and businesses, including Harpoon in Boston.
Britt Lee
4-year Vestry term
Britt Lee found The Church of the Redeemer in 2008 when The Lee Family
was looking for intelligent, poignant, and witty sermons (and the option to enjoy
them without the children). Smitten with the Rector and Sunday School, Britt
found herself joining every committee listed in the Announcements. She has enjoyed being a member of the Sunday School Committee, co-chairing the Christmas Market, and being both a part of and a grateful recipient of the Pastoral Care
Committee. She has a whole bunch of science degrees, but is lucky to ignore them
and stay home quizzing small boys to be better than yours at math. When she isn't
blogging about Breast Cancer, she's buying new plants that refuse to grow in her
shade garden. She has pom pom wielding enthusiasm for our Church and is
thrilled to join another Redeemer group where fellowship and love bring joy to
any work done in His name.
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Jim Huston
4-year Vestry term
January 2013
Jim settled in Boston in 1983 to join a biotechnology startup, relinquishing his faculty
position and lab in biochemistry and neurobiology to pursue antibody and protein engineering, new fields that were to have enormous medical impact. He met Kristy Lee the
following year, when he signed up for a trek that she had organized in the southern highlands of Peru. She had grown up in Chestnut Hill, attending the Church of the Redeemer from her earliest days. We were married at the Redeemer in 1986 and our family soon included Wren, born in 1989, and Mathea, in 1993.
Jim belonged to the Outreach Committee from 1990 - 2005, being Co-Chair with
Laura Patton for several years at the end. He also taught Mathea’s first and second grade
Sunday School classes. Besides general participation in Redeemer activities, he has enjoyed attending a Small Group and the Men’s Bible Study programs. Jim looks forward
to joining the Vestry during the next four years, as the Church of the Redeemer navigates
an exciting period of growth.
Arthur Pfaelzer
Diocesan Delegate
Once again Arthur is pleased to be selected as a Diocesan Delegate in 2013. He
served as a Delegate in 2012, 2011, 2010, and as a substitute Delegate in 2009.
Arthur is retired and lives with his wife Carol in a “This Old House” renovated
barn on Beacon Street near Newton Centre. It is also home to their three Dachshunds who are taken for daily walks by Arthur in the abutting 25-acre park.
He wants to better understand the role of the Diocese which will enable him to
bring a closer relationship with the Diocese to our Parish.
Having tried to learn both the violin and cello, he is now learning to play a
renovated saxophone which belonged to Carol’s father in the 1920s. He continues
to audit courses at Boston University in History and Economics.
Christina Baker
Diocesan Delegate
Christina first learned about the Redeemer from Dick Downes. He was the chaplain at
St. Albans in Washington D.C. where her husband, Malcolm, went to high school, and
he married Christina and Malcolm in 1995.
After Christina and Malcolm settled in Newton with their two children, they wanted
to join a local church community, and the Redeemer was the obvious choice because of
all the wonderful things they had heard about the parish.
Christina and her family began attending the Redeemer regularly in 2005. Christina's
two children, Eloise and Colin, quickly became involved with both Sunday School and
Children's Choir. Christina was quickly involved in helping support the choir program in
any way possible. She subsequently served on the Church School Committee and has volunteered and chaired committees for the Christmas Market.
For two summers, Christina helped coordinate the Redeemer's week of supporting
the B-SAFE summer camp program. Christina is a clinical psychologist, specializing in
the treatment of eating and weight disorders, and in her (rare!) free time, she loves to
run, do yoga, hike, take photographs and spend time with family and friends.
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January 2013
Rosemary Foy
Alternate Delegate
Biography unavailable at time of printing.
Greer Candler
Alternate Delegate
Biography unavailable at time of printing.
Photo unavailable.
Sally Sveda
Deanery Delegate
Photo unavailable.
It is an honor to be nominated for the position of Deanery Rep. The Redeemer
is such a vibrant and spiritual congregation. It would be very interesting to learn
how we fit into the larger church community.
I began to attend the Redeemer regularly about 15 years ago after meeting
with Rev. Downes. He was so approachable and sensitive abut how to include me
and my newly adopted daughter, Bina, into Redeemer life that this church
seemed the place for us. In no time, Bina was in her first Christmas pageant.
I work as a psychiatrist. Bina is a young adult, leaving me with more free
time. Being the Deanery Rep. would be a nice opportunity to become more involved in Redeemer activities. Thank you for considering me.
Erik Britt-Webb
Deanery Delegate
Photo unavailable.
Biography unavailable at time of printing.
Letters & Fellowship
Redeemer News
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January 2013
January Movie Night Featuring Saving Grace
will be held Friday, January 18th at 7:00 pm
Tom Conti plays Pope Leo XIV getting locked out of theVatican garden with no
ID, and ends up in a small village where he learns about friendship.
Questions? Contact Movie Night Coordinator Carol Post-Pfaelzer
at carolpostpfaelzer@mac.com 617-964-0636
Important Parking Information
Our alderman, Lisle Baker, wishes to bring to our attention the importance
of parking on roads surrounding the church in a safe and lawful way, particularly being aware of leaving enough room for emergency vehicles to get by
when cars are parked on both sides of the street.
Among other things, parking ordinances in the City of Newton require that cars not be parked:
More than 12 inches from the curb or road edge;
Opposite another vehicle if the result will not leave a clear and unobstructed lane at least ten
feet wide for passing traffic;
Within ten feet of a fire hydrant;
Within five feet of any private road or driveway;
Upon a sidewalk, crosswalk, or in an intersection.
Please be especially alert to adhering to these guidelines when roads are already narrowed by snow. Even
in good weather, the width of some cars, such as large SUVs, make roads too narrow when they are
parked opposite each other.
Many thanks for your attention to these concerns.
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January 2013
The Redeemer Community is happy
to announce that
Zachary Brooks was accepted as a postulant
for Holy Orders
in the Diocese of Massachusetts
by the Commission on Ministry.
The Church of the Redeemer
sponsored a discernment committee for Zachary
last spring and will continue to sponsor him going forward.
The office will be closed on Tuesday, December 25th
and will reopen on Wednesday, January 2nd.
All 7th-Graders
Pre-Confirmation Class
Sunday, January 13th
5:15 – 6:30 PM
Porter Room
Please contact either:
Judy Bullitt (617) 734-8841 judybullitt@yahoo.com
Marilyn Emilsson (617) 527-6565 marilyncreamer@gmail.com
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January 2013
Christmas Market Thanks
The Church Service League, and especially your Christmas Market co-chairs, Andrea and Britt, would like to thank everyone who generously devoted their time
and skills to the roaring success of the Market and Live Auction Dinner.This annual event would be impossible to orchestrate without all of you, and we are so
grateful for your help.There is a fellowship aspect to pulling this weekend together and we hope you enjoyed that as much as we did (… at least enough to
volunteer again next year)! We know leaving someone off of this great list is inevitable and apologize if we badgered you to weave wreathes, lift trees, and sell
sandwiches then failed to acknowledge you. Merry Christmas, friends.
Greens Table
Carolyn Ross
Marcia Weber
Peggy Reiser
Mary Nickerson
Jim Karg
Arthur Pfaelzer
Barbara Kennard
Martha King
Gina Cummings
Lloyd Dahmen
Spencer Merz
Deborah Tamulis
Admission Table
Mieko Van Haeren
Debby Hunter Mills
Jody Castello
Meredith Dunn
Mason Smith
Bunny Bianchi
Karen Stockton
Hooker Talcott
Jane Talcott
Charlotte Kline
Redeemer Café
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Lovey Cercone
Susan Fischoeder
Diana Hansen
Lois McMullen
Nina Pforr
Mary Nickerson
Kay Onan
Judy Oulund
Pam Awtrey
Charlotte Kline
Wendy Murphy
Lucia Dolan
Neil Diver
Cameron Pforr
Judy Reece
Suzy Westcott
Jeff Orrell
Greens Workshop
Tish Mead
Louisa Smith
Zibby Pyle
Sara Shelton
Judy Bullitt
Alice Lee
Mary Crown
Marcia Weber
Andy Lawson
Judy Reece
Anne Grandin
Karen Stockton
Mary McKee
Marcia Weber
Kate Hearne
Teresa Chope
Lisa Farber
Catherine Hill
Abby Coffin
Candy Haydock
Robin Ellis
Peggy Reiser
Sandy Dick
Nancy Shaw
Lisa Walker
Judy Bland
Nanette Chandler
Charlotte Kline
Silent Auction
Lisa Farber
Pam Awtrey
Auction Spotters
Michael Murray
Gene Dahmen
Amy Weed
Tim and Jamie Szal
Sara Shelton
Kate Hearne
Hors d'ouerves
Maisie Pollard
Nanette Chandler
Amy Luster
Teresa Chope
Helen Marston
Lisa Farber
Mary McKee
Christmas Trees
Dick Tucker
Lloyd Dahmen
Douglas Chope
Preston McSwain
Aaron Dunn
Glenn Murphy
Richard Aylward
Michael Aylward
John Grandin
Matt & Bennett Cooney
Brendan Cooney
Gordon Cromwell
Walker Jones
William Ellis
Cameron Pforr
Chuck Farber
Zach Brooks
Chris Wilmerding
Redeemer News
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Erik Britt-Webb
Duncan McEachern
Chip Pollard
Zibby Pyle
Davis Rowley
Davis Fulkerson
Elton Matos
Steve Mead
Jim Taylor
Jim Thomson
Craig Keating
Tony Awtrey
Tommy Cummings
David Soulet
J. Emilsson
Sven–Olof Emilsson
Bake Sale Table
Mary Nickerson
Nanette Chandler
Susan McSwain
Amy Luster
Jesi Dunaway
Esmerelda Swartz
Britt Lee
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Pam Awtrey
Nanette Chandler
Lisa Tucker
Lucinda Doran
Auction Booklet
Andrea Ambroze
Mary Crown
Katie McEachern
Berneda Meeks
Mary Johnson
Auction Dinner and
Judy Bland
Lovey Cercone
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Alexandra McPeek
Cindy Chambliss
Sally Hurlbut
Lloyd Dahmen
Lois McMullen
Spencer Merz
Dick Tucker
Chip Pollard
Michael Aylward
John Marenghi
Diana and Taki Tsomides
Cindy Chambliss
William Ellis
Starr Peteet
Michael Murray
Susan McSwain
Jim Napier
Church Lewis
Heads and Tails
Gene Dahmen
Jamie Szal
Creche and Wrapping
Paper Sales
Sarah Allen
Sara Shelton
Live Auction
Berneda Meeks
Meredith Dunn
Anne Grandin
Mia Halfman
Mary Johnson
Charlotte Kline
Line Lewis
Helen Marston
Peggy Reiser
Diane Schmalensee
Lisa Walker
Vicky Whitney
January 2013
Consignor Dinner
Susan McSwain
Lida and Frank Lloyd
Carolyn Ross
Lisa Walker
Lucinda Doran
Pam Awtrey
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Britt Lee
Mary Crown
Julia Woodard
Laine Walters Young
Tish Mead
Special Thanks
for support of the
Market effort
Cathy George
Margery Kennelly
Suzy Westcott
Laine Walters Young
Elton Matos
Jonathan Hincapie
The Church Service League
will meet Monday, January 7th
at 9:00 am in the Tripp Room.
Please join us. Men and women are welcome.
Questions? Contact CSL President Lisa Farber at farmince@aol.com or 617-738-1477.
Redeemer News
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January 2013
Mission and Outreach December 2012 Activity Update
By Spencer Merz, Mission and Outreach Co-Chair
St. Stephen’s Church partnership
The St. Stephen’s facility at St. Augustine & St. Martin on Lenox St. in Lower Roxbury is the recipient of
the “Fund A Need – 2012.” St. Stephen’s Development
and Communications Director Janet Boswell outlined
the compelling need for a computer lab at this St.
Stephen’s satellite site in three-page letter to the Redeemer Mission and Outreach Chairs Chris Wilmerding
and Spencer Merz that spoke to how much of a difference a computer lab will make in the lives of the children who attend this after school program.
Lucia Dolan has again purchased books for the annual
St. Stephen’s Christmas Party. 60 books have been purchased, wrapped, and tagged for distribution on December 21st in Boston’s South End. Titles were selected by
teachers at St. Stephen’s for grades K-5 and consist of
books by Dr. Seuss, Maurice Sendak, John Scieszka, and
Roald Dahl. Book sale and wrapping took place at Redeemer coffee hour on December 9th and 16th. Distribution of these books at the annual Christmas party is a
high point of this event typically attended by 150 youngsters and which is run by Redeemer volunteers.
The detailed “Wish List” of computer components
submitted by Vicar Tim Crellin will be largely filled by
the generous financial support of Redeemerites at our
Christmas Market and Auction organized and conducted
by the Church Service League. Twelve computer workstations will be set up in a dedicated, freshly painted,
decorated, and HVAC-treated room at the Lenox St.
site. The computer lab will shelter youth from the danger that exists on inner city streets and will provide crucial workforce training, two key components in combating poverty and violence in Boston.
Programs for the Hungry
Velura Perry is the Redeemer liaison with three area
food pantries. As part of her food pantry work, she
oversaw the collection of over 50 Shaw’s market food
cards prior to Thanksgiving which enabled pantry families to buy frozen turkeys, providing a Thanksgiving turkey for many who otherwise would be deprived of this
classic Thanksgiving staple. Velura serves on the board
of Centre St. Food Pantry which was established in January of 2011 and which has distributed 56,000 pounds of
food this year. Centre St. has a roster of 300 families
which increases by about10/month. She reports that the
area food pantries have clientele requests that exceed
their monetary resources.
Places of Shelter
Sara Shelton has been laying groundwork in this area,
as in the past there has been no one with this liaisonship
as a primary task. Sara constructed a large cardboard
replica of a home to help Redeemer youngsters appreciate the fact that not everyone has a “home”, and words
like “privacy”, “space”, as well as a full refrigerator and
full kitchen shelves are by no means had by all.
Sara has worked with Margery and various Redeemer
adults to contact the five area places of shelter receiving
grants from Redeemer. Reestablishing more than just a
financial partnership with these partners has been timeintensive – contacts must be established at each end in
each case and schedules create difficulties as can be imagined. Several site visits have been made but relationships
which will endure require time and patience.
Our Outreach Grants policy of choosing small beneficiaries so that our relatively modest contributions make
a difference dictates that Redeemer will never be seen as
a major contributor but more as a consistent source of
support. Sara has created a homelessness presentation to
summarize her work as of late November, and this can
be forwarded to any who would like to receive this comprehensive work.
All dates except March 24, March 31, and April 8, are available.
Please note that if you wish to give on Lenten
Sundays (between February 17 – March 17, 2013), the altar
arrangements will be greens only.
in thanksgiving for
Please circle one: High Altar
Morning Chapel
in celebration of ...a birthday... a marriage…an anniversary… a graduation
Phone: _________________________________
Please make checks payable to Church of the Redeemer Flower Fund. Forms and checks can be mailed to:
Mrs. J. Brooks Reece, Church of the Redeemer, 379 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.
Page 17
I would like to make an undesignated gift to the flower fund of $ ________________.
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Donor Name: ______________________________________________________________
Donor Name(s) to be listed: ___________________________________________________________________ or Anonymous (please circle)
Name(s) of person(s) being honored: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Or other __________________________________________________
Please circle one: in loving memory of
Designation date: _____________________________________
Flowers may be sponsored on the High Altar for a suggested contribution of $70 per Sunday and in the Morning Chapel for a suggested contribution of $35 per Sunday.
If you have any questions, please call Judy Reece at 617-277-1176.
Any number of people may sign up for the same Sunday.
If you don’t have a particular Sunday in mind or your dates are
flexible, you can sign up for any Sunday in a particular month or
any Sunday in the year (to be assigned at the discretion of the
Altar Guild).
 Parishioners may sign up for as many Sundays as they wish.
 Flowers may be given either in memory of, in thanksgiving for, n
celebration of a birthday, anniversary, etc.
 In general, the Altar Guild will order and arrange the flowers.
However, we will try to accommodate special requests.
Flower Fund contributions are a wonderful way to remember and honor all your loved ones while enhancing the beauty of our altars. If you would
like to donate flowers for the coming year, please fill out the attached form and either mail it in or leave it in the Altar Guild mailbox in the office.
Redeemer News
January 2013
Redeemer News
Page 18
January 2013
Our hearts go out to the families of the recently deceased:
Beverly McEachern (Duncan McEachern’s mother)
Brad Liska
Nell Hedrick (Leslie Williams’ grandmother)
December Altar Flowers
were given to the Glory of God and...
December 2nd — in loving memory of John Remensnyder by his loving
family; in loving memory of Jose Matos by Elton Matos
December 9th — loving memory of Lewis H. Clark by his family
December 16th — in loving memory of H. Day Brigham by his family; in
loving memory of Frances Fogg; in thanksgiving for our children Kit and Biz
by Cotty and Andrea Peabody
Our Next Baptism Service
will be on
Sunday, January 13th at 10:00 am
Feast of the Baptism of our Lord
Please contact a member of our clergy or Parish Administrator
Laine Walters Young at office@redeemerchestnuthill.org to register your
child or yourself as a candidate for this baptismal service.
Redeemer News
Page 19
January 2013
Sunday, January 6th
Morning Prayer
10:00 am
Server: S. Westcott
Acolytes: E. Baker, S. Reynders
Lectors: E. Davis, L. Horst
Ushers: S. Merz (Head Usher), T. Tsomides, F. Lloyd, W. Jones
Altar Guild: A. Abercrombie (Captain), A. Lawson, G. Cummings,
A. McPeek, M . Nickerson
Sunday, January 13th
Holy Eucharist & Baptism
10:00 am
Server: S. Mills
Acolytes: S. Westcott, G. Hindermann
Lectors: G. Mills, Chris Jones
LEMs: T. Allen, K. Muphy
Ushers: J. Grandin (Head Usher), A. Dunn, H. Talcott, G. Candler
Altar Guild: N. Moriarty (Captain), P. Awtrey, M. Pollard,
D. Schmalensee
Sunday, January 20th
Holy Eucharist
10:00 am
Server: Z. Brooks
Acolytes: R. Miller, E. Hawkins
Lectors: N. Moriarty, J. Castello
LEMs: L. Doran, C. Jones
Ushers: E. Britt-Webb (Head Usher), M. Aylward, S. Hurlbut, S. Hearne
Altar Guild: C. Ross (Captain), G. Dahmen, T. Chope, A. Grandin,
E. Maraneli
Sunday, January 27th
All-Parish Eucharist
10:00 am
Server: B. Mills
Acolytes: G. Hindermann, M. Britt-Webb
Lectors: S. Mills
LEMs: C. Jones, D. Hunter Mills
Ushers: D. Tucker (Head Usher), V. Perry, F. Lloyd, G. Mills
Altar Guild: L. Forse (Captain), D. Aylward, J. Bland, J. Reece
Redeemer News
Page 20
January 2013
Kids' Table Volunteers Needed
Sundays through May 19th, 2013
Do your kids love coffee hour snacks? We need just a few parents who are willing to stand at
the kid's table (a 20 minute job) to help little ones choose a cookie, and keep the older ones
from gobbling up all of the cake before the acolytes can get there!
Our wonderful Lovey prepares the treats, but your homemade goodies are always welcome additions, too. Please sign
up at the desk in the office hallway to staff the table for just one Sunday in the New Year!
A belated congratulations to
those who were baptized in
Seeking New
Anina Rose Buck-Thompson
Emmett William Buck-Thompson
If you would like to read, usher, acolyte or serve
in the New Year, please contact the office the
first week of January.
Sophia Copeland Lyons
Claire Anne Von Kohorn
office@redeemerchestnuthill.org 617-566-7679
Save the Date!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 12th
5:00 pm-6:30 pm
There may be a puppet appearance.
Questions? Contact Fellowship Chair Meredith Dunn
at meredithgdunn@gmail.com or 617- 943-4391
Redeemer News
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January 2013
Redeemer News
Page 22
From the Archives
“...we will take heart for the future
Remembering the past.” T.S. Eliot
Following the busy Christmas season, January is also full of special
celebrations. It is a gift-giving time on January 6 for many cultures –
celebrating the Gifts of the Magi. Then after the first Sunday after
Epiphany comes the Baptism of our Lord, a time when we celebrate
the baptism of some of the children of our Redeemer family.
This month we also celebrate the ordination of our Curate, the
Rev. Margery Kennelly, from the Diaconate to the Priesthood.
Margery is our 21st Curate since 1949. She is also the ninth Deacon
who came to the Church of the Redeemer as Curate shortly to be ordained to the Priesthood. Five of those 9 Curates were ordained here
at the Redeemer and celebrated their first Eucharist here within a
month. Most recent was the Rev. Tom Crellin at St. Stephen’s
Church which we support through our Mission and Outreach program. The other Deacons were ordained at the cathedral or Trinity
Church where the Rev. Marc Eames was ordained in 2008.
Curates are involved in the full range of parish ministries and usually have primary responsibility for youth ministry. Our first five Curates were based at the Church of the Redeemer as part of a missionary opportunity at Hancock Village sponsored by the Massachusetts
Council of Churches and our Diocese and partially supported by the
In the Redeemer News of December 2000 the Rev. Dick Downes
wrote: “The priestly ordination…requires a cooperative effort between God and the People of God, us. Ordination, like the Church
itself, requires both divine and human effort to make it work.”
On January 12, 2013, the Rev. Margery Kennelly will be ordained
to the Sacred Order of Priests. We will celebrate her ordination.
January 2013
Stephen V. Bowman, 1949-1950
Robert W. Beggs, 1951-1952
Owen C. Thomas, 1952-1954
John W. G. Schaefer, 1954-1957
Robert P. Patterson, 1957-1959
Crawford Coombes, 1959-1961
Clifford Chadwick, 1961-1962
Donald P. Hart, 1962-1964
Ernest W. Cockrell, 1964-1967
William C. Lowe, 1969-1971
E. Francis (Mike) Morgan,
Linda C. Strahan, 1979-1983
Bruce A. Stevens, 1983-1984
Stephen V. Smith, 1984-1989
Samuel S. Rodman, 1989-1994
Cricket Cooper Warner, 1995
Timothy E. Crellin, 1996-1998
Craig R. Swan, 2000-2003
Judith L. Stuart, 2003-2006
Marc G. Eames, 2007-2011
Margery Kennelly 2012—
-Jody Castello
Redeemer News
Page 23
January 2013
January 2013
New Year's Day--Office
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women's Bible Study
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Support Group Rental
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women's Bible Study
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Margery Kennelly’s
Ordination to the Priesthood
12:00 pm –10:30 pm
7:00 pm9:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Childcare Provided
9:00 am - 9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal
9:10 am - 9:45 am Children's Choir Rehearsal
9:15 am - 9:50 am Youth & Adult Bible Study
9:45 am - 11:15 am Children's Chapel and Sunday School
10:00 am - 11:15 am Morning Prayer
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal
4:45 pm– 5:15 pm Spiritus Rehearsal
Baptism of Our Lord
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Childcare Provided
9:00 am - 9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal
9:10 am - 9:45 am Children's Choir Rehearsal
9:15 am - 9:50 am Youth & Adult Bible Study
9:45 am - 11:15 am Children's Chapel and Sunday School
10:00 am - 11:15 am Holy Eucharist
10:00 am - 11:15 am Holy Eucharist with Baptisms
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal
4:45 pm– 5:15 pm Spiritus Rehearsal
5:15 pm—7:15 pm 7th-Grade Pre-Confirmation Class
5:15 pm—7:15 pm Confirmation Class
9:00 am 10:00 am
Church Service
1:00 pm –2:30 pm
Eldercare Planning Meeting
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Vestry Meeting
9:00 am-10:00 am
Sunday School Committee
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Staff Meeting
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Mission and Outreach
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women's Bible Study
The Confession of St. Peter
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Childcare Provided
9:00 am - 9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal
9:10 am - 9:45 am Children's Choir Rehearsal
9:15 am - 9:50 am Youth & Adult Bible Study
9:45 am - 11:15 am Children's Chapel and Sunday School
10:00 am - 11:15 am Holy Eucharist
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal
11:30 am—12:30 pm Presentation on the
Diocesan Capital Campaign
4:45 pm– 5:15 pm Spiritus Rehearsal
The Conversion of St. Paul
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Childcare Provided
9:00 am - 9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal
9:10 am - 9:45 am Children's Choir Rehearsal
9:15 am - 9:50 am Youth & Adult Bible Study
10:00 am - 11:15 am All-Parish Eucharist
10:00 am - 11:15 am No Sunday SchoolChildren join parents in Church
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal
4:00 pm Redeemer Concert Series
4:45 pm– 5:15 pm Spiritus Rehearsal
5:15 pm—7:15 pm Confirmation Class
Office Closed
7:30 pm-9:00 pm
Small Group Planning Meeting
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women's Bible Study
6:00 pm –7:30 pm
Investment Policy
7:00 am - 8:30 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women's Bible Study
11:30 am-1:30 pm
Holy Eucharist and Luncheon
at Fox Hill
6:00 pm–
9:00 pm
6:00 am– 5:00 pm
Contact us
Interim Rector, The Rev. Cathy Hagstrom George
(617) 566-7679 ext. 11, cathygeorge@ymail.com
Curate, The Rev. Margery Kennelly
(Cell: 978-500-3993), mkennelly@comcast.net
“A parish of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the
Redeemer exists to bring people to Christ, and to bring Christ to
all people, through worship, fellowship, education and service.”
Organist and Choirmaster, Michael S. Murray
(617) 566-7679 ext. 17, mmurray@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Parish Administrator, Laine Walters Young
(617) 566-7679 ext. 10, office@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Director of Sunday School, Sarah Allen
(617) 566-7679 ext. 16, scaa59@gmail.com
Director of the Children’s Choir, Mary Reynders
(617) 566-7679 ext. 18, mrscello@mindspring.com
Financial Administrator, Sharon Gillespie
(617) 566-7679 ext. 12, finance@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Facilities Manager, Elton Matos
(617) 566-7679 ext. 14, ematos@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Verger, Suzy Westcott
(617) 566-7679 ext. 15, suzywestcott@hotmail.com
CSL Assistant, Lovey Cercone, (617) 769-1334
Steve Mead, Senior Warden
Nina Moriarty, Junior Warden
Amy Mullen Luster, Clerk
Jeff Hawkins, Treasurer
Charles Farber, Assistant Treasurer
Michael Aylward
Judy Bullitt
Gordon Cromwell
Mary Crown
Marilyn Emilsson
Martha Gangemi
Lisa Farber, ex officio
Katie McEachern
Megan Sampson
Karla Todd
Taki Tsomides
Leslie Williams
Chris Wilmerding
Alyson Lee, ex officio
The Rev. Judith L. Stuart, Episcopal Chaplain to Boston College and Northeastern University
The Rev. John H. Finley IV, Head of Epiphany School
Parish Historian, Jody Castello, (617) 325-3409
Redeemer News
Second Class Postage paid at Boston MA.
Send address changes to:
Redeemer News
Church of the Redeemer
379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Mailed monthly Sept. to June, Except Bi-monthly July-August