July 2015 - Church of the Redeemer
July 2015 - Church of the Redeemer
Good News Volume XL Number 1 July 2015 804-746-4911 Inside this issue: Thank You 2 Save the Date: Haiti Yard Sale September 19, 2015! Important Haiti Yard Sale Reminders for those Donating Items If you are considering a donation to our Haiti Yard Sale in September, we thank you and ask you to please note the following: Parish Council 3 CANNOT ACCEPT the following baby items due to safety guidelines: BABY CRIBS -- ALL INFANT or CHILD CAR SEATS -- RUBBER BATH TOYS -- PLASTIC BOOKS -- BABY EQUIPMENT WITH SUCTION CUPS (BATH RINGS, TABLE SEATS, ETC) -- BABY WALKERS WITH BASE OF LESS THAN 36 INCHES Parish Picnic 5 CANNOT ACCEPT: TV Consoles or Large Old-style TV sets or old desktop computer monitors CAN ACCEPT: Clean, gently used Adult and Children’s clothing Name that Ministry 6 IMPORTANT NOTICE for Donors Needing Transport Assistance for Large Heavy Items: 1. The CUT-OFF DATE to call for a yard sale pick up is Sunday, September 6. REQUESTS FOR PICK-UP CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER SUNDAY, SEP 6. Schedules Anniversaries Birthdays 12-17 2. Call Ben or Sheryl Burrell (757-566-8091) or Diane Atkins at church (7464911) before Labor Day so we can put you on the pick-up schedule! 3. To prevent injury to our transporters or possible damage to homes, furniture must be in an accessible area (no stairways) with clear access to the outside. Transporters cannot take more than originally requested. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 2 Mountains of Fun! Thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, and volunteered during our “Everest” Vacation Bible School. We had 120 children, 75+ volunteers, and countless others who donated items, funds and time to make the week a success. At “Everest,” climbers discovered that God’s awesome power is enough to overcome any “mountain” or problem in their lives. Our week was truly an adventure! Decorating was under the direction of Jenny Godlewski, who led the transformation of our meeting spaces with loads of icy creations, including an igloo! Michelle Carr and Rachel Collins led our adventure - planning, organizing and directing. Each morning the Bears, Geese, Mountain Goats, Snow Leopards, and Jak’s Preschool gathered with their crew leaders and the day began with the Base Camp Sing & Play sing-along led by Crescent Apostolides, LeRoy Orie and Erin Woods. Then the preschoolers departed for Preschool Peak overseen by Carey O’Brien and Kelly Pace, while the other groups headed out for the first stop on their adventure. Each group made five stops that focused on the day’s Bible story and memory verse. Jamie Eavey and Michelle Tuomey led Glacier Games connected to the daily Bible point. At Mountaintop Treats, Kate Chittum and Christy Crow offered tasty treats. Heather Lyle, Laura Bode and Janet East organized scientific experiments and crafts at Imagination Station. In Bible Expeditions Melissa Haskins, Christina Robertson, and the drama crew made each day’s Bible story come alive. Each day KidVid Cinema presented the story of an actual child experiencing the Bible point. Genevieve Biondi and Jillian Shirey documented it all in photos for the slide show for the closing program. Numerous adult and youth helpers served as crew guides and assisted at each station. After making their five stops the groups returned for a Summit Celebration closing program. Throughout the week our children collected supplies for the MCEF food pantry and donations for earthquake relief in Nepal – the home of the real Mt. Everest. The Coffee Ministry would like to thank Austin Marshall for the new tables and stools in the coffee corner! Austin purchased materials, raised funds and enlisted hands to help him assemble tables, sand and varnish the stools for his Eagle Scout project. Please stop by after mass to have a cup of coffee, enjoy the fellowship and see how nice it looks! Good News Published for the people of Church of the Redeemer Thank you to the many parishioners who contribute to the contents of this publication. Editor: Kate Chittum We welcome your input. Please submit articles to GoodNews@churchredeemer.org and ministry schedules to Schedules@churchredeemer.org by the 10th of each month. You may also drop either off at the Parish Office or mail to: Good News Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Road GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 3 . MEET THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Over the next 12 months, the Good News will be featuring a member of the Redeemer Parish Pastoral Council. This is a welcome opportunity to introduce our newest members and to re-introduce current council members to the parish. Council members will be sharing their faith experience, why they are called to the Catholic Church, and their hopes and visions for our parish. Meet Tad Stillwell, Chairman of Pastoral Council for 2015-2016 Hi, my name is Tad Stillwell, and I am the son of a Lutheran pastor. My parents hoped that I would be a pastor someday, but as I considered where I would go to college, ministry wasn't on my mind. I married Chris, a cradle catholic, but I continued to be Lutheran until we were relocated to the Richmond metropolitan area. As our second child was being baptized, I realized that I had already become spiritually catholic. So my conversion was merely a process. Having been relocated to the Richmond area, we chose Mechanicsville as home. As fate would have it, we were one block away from Redeemer. We have been members here for 30 years and I intend to be buried in this parish. I love our people. I think we have vibrant worship. The sacraments are meaningful and we are becoming multicultural - a true reflection of the face of Jesus. I have been nominated for Pastoral Council many times, but felt I had did not have the time to give the duties my full attention. My children are adults now; and some of my time has been freed up. It was much easier to accept nomination two years ago because I felt I could give the position my full attention. It is my hope that this parish will lead our diocese into the New Evangelization. All Christian denominations, including Judaism, are losing participation. Yet, 78% of Americans claim to be Christian. So, the Church must try to reconnect with their members. Pope Francis has a vision for us, and we should embrace that vision so that the Church remains integral to the catholic family. FAITH: THE NEXT GENERATION Boldly go where many have gone before and help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! Our children and young people, preschool through grade 12, will come to us to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. They need catechists willing to share their love of God and their knowledge of our faith. (We provide you with training, materials, and support.) With sessions offered during Mass, Sunday mornings and evenings, Monday afternoons and Monday evenings, you are almost sure to find a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well. As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” Programs begin in mid-September. If you are interested in accepting this challenge, or would like more information, please contact Terry Colville - 746-4911 x2214, TColville@ChurchRedeemer.org GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 4 CATHOLIC DAUGHTER SCHOLARSHIP How will my relationship with God help to make our world a better place? This was the essay question that twelve outstanding students from Redeemer answered for the Catholic Daughters Scholarship contest. The recipients of the $500 scholarships are: Betsy Cornelius (Radford) , Aaron Kulinowski (Rose-Hulman), Emily Payne (Longwood), and Erin Swierzewski (James Madison). The judges did not know the identity of the twelve participants. They were aware of their academic records, extracurricular activities, service accomplishments and their personal essays. Catholic Daughters strive to “embrace the principle of faith, working through love, in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and dignity for all.” Because of this, service to others and the personal essay, account or the highest scoring points. Academics is the least important part, even though the twelve contestants average over a 4.0 GPA. Thanks go out to the three unidentified judges that worked hard to choose the recipients of the scholarships. Also, thanks to Leroy Orie and Terry Colville who offer our youth so many opportunities to serve our church. Kudos to our CDA members who provided the food for the dinner and party, Father Jay and our Deacons for their attendance and blessings at the dinner at a very busy time for them. And, thanks also to all of you who supported us in our fund-raising efforts. Finally, please encourage our vocational students to apply for these scholarships, since we must remember that Jesus was a carpenter before he became a builder of Men. ANOINTING OF THE SICK We will be celebrating the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick at all the liturgies on the weekend of July 18/19. If you have a family member in need of the sacrament, or if you would like to be anointed yourself, you are invited to receive God’s grace, healing and the support of the community in a special way at these liturgies. CALLING NEW ALTAR SERVERS We are recruiting new Altar Servers! All children and youth who have received first Holy Communion are eligible. Serving at the Altar during Mass is a great way to grow in their faith and provide a wonderful service to the Church. We know that many families with children and youth have challenging schedules. The Altar Server Ministry works with parents with scheduling and each family in the ministry works with one another if the need arises. Each new server will be paired with an experienced Altar Server who will serve with them until they become comfortable serving on their own. If you are interested please call or text Ellen Spain at 804-357-2890. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 5 GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 6 NAME THAT MINISTRY Whether you recently joined our parish or have been part of the Redeemer community for decades, there probably are ministries you do not know about. The Stewardship Council would like to help change that through a monthly Good News feature, Name That Ministry. To start us off, let’s see what you may already know about our ministries in general: How many active ministries does Redeemer have? A. 41 B. 54 C. 72 D. 99 If you said D you are right. Redeemer has 99 active ministries! So many chances to put into action the example Jesus gave us at the Last Supper, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you.” The list of all 99 ministries can be picked up from the Stewardship kiosk at the middle front door to the worship commons. With so many ministries to choose from, how can you learn more about ministries at Redeemer? Check out the Redeemer website (www.churchredeemer.org); click on “Stewardship” and then “Stewardship Ministry Listing” A. Contact the ministry coordinator B. Call the church office and ask for more information C. Take the “Can You Name that Ministry?” challenge each month in the Good News D. All of the above Of course the answer is – All of the above. Ministry coordinator contact information can be found from the website Ministry Listing page – just click on the Ministry Link. The link also provides a way for you to send an e-mail to the ministry coordinator to get more information. Starting with the August Good News, Name That Ministry will feature 2 to 3 ministries each month. CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION In accordance with the diocesan guidelines for Confirmation preparation, this process is open to any youth who are at least 15 years of age and entering at least the 10th grade. These youth must attend the regular Youth R.E. program, the family-centered program, or Catholic school, as well as additional Confirmation sessions (approximately 6) and a retreat. The Confirmation process begins with an “Inquiry” phase to assist candidates and parents in discerning their readiness for sacramental preparation. Several orientation sessions have already been held. Any rising 10th-12th graders who have not been confirmed and are interested in an orientation session are asked to contact Terry Colville for information - 746-4911 x2214, TColville@ChurchRedeemer.org. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 7 We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our parishioner that joined our church recently. Patricia Adler Robert & Page Bethke Carol Bousselaire Doug Brewster Charles & Nancy Bryant Joe & Jamie Cafarella Danielle Grieshaber Sean Hackney & Marnie Harte Sonny & Connie Hill David Johnston Kelley Kendricks Collin & Jackie McKernin Manh & Trinh Nguyen Courtney Pare Frank & Cecilia Picone Chris Russo Mark & Mary Segal Laura Skeith Anne Smith Chris & Stephanie Steinbacher John & Janice Swierczewski Suzanne Thibault HAVE YOU REGISTERED? Registration is underway for next year’s preschool, elementary and youth classes! Next year’s sessions will be: Preschool & K - During the 10:00 am weekend Mass 1st - 5th Grade - Mondays – 4:00-5:15 PM and 6:00-7:15 PM Middle & High School - Sundays - 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM and 6:00 - 8:00 PM Confirmation - Sundays - 11:15 AM - 2:00 PM on separate weekends from Youth RE Registration packets were mailed to all registered families with school-age children in May. Additional forms are available on the RE table in the commons next to the office door. Enrollment in each session will be limited to the available space and catechists, so it is important to register early to ensure your choice of day and time. In order to be complete, registration must include the parent response form and either fee payment or a request for a fee waiver. Registration will be closed September 1st - September 30th while class rolls are being finalized. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 8 THE MINISTRY OF CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD “Every time I take my turn to lead Children’s Liturgy of the Word, I always feel refreshed and blessed after each session. The children are so ready to receive God’s word. In Luke chapter 18, verse 17, Jesus says, “Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Children have such wonderful, simple, yet profound explanations of God’s teachings. It gives my week a good beginning! Please consider this ministry. I feel so rewarded for participating!” “I believe that anyone who enjoys being around children should definitely consider helping with Children's Liturgy! It's a great thing to be a part of and I know I thoroughly enjoy it. It's inspiring to hear what the kids think about God. When asked a question about the Lord, the kids’ answers are always simple, yet meaningful and truthful. It makes you think "I never thought of God like that, but that's very true!" or "I never realized that is what that part of the story meant!" It's amazing to watch these kids learn about God and grow stronger in their faith and something I encourage everyone to do!” These comments are from two of our Children’s Liturgy ministers, sharing the joy and inspiration they receive from this ministry. Won’t you consider joining them? We are seeking additional ministers in order to continue offering this opportunity at all Masses. Please prayerfully consider volunteering to help with this important ministry. (Many thanks to all of you who have already committed to this ministry for the coming year!) For information about the details of this ministry, please contact Terry Colville - 746-4911 TColville@ChurchRedeemer.org. A sign-up sheet is available on the R.E. table outside the office. BUDGET PRESENTATION The budget for the upcoming fiscal year, July 2015-June 2016, has been prepared by the Finance Council, presented to and approved by the Pastoral Council and sent to Bishop DiLorenzo. We will not be taking up a quarterly collection for Parishioners In Need this coming year. Because of your generosity we have more than enough money set aside to fund this ministry without collecting additional funds. We will still have a quarterly collection for the Poor and Needy fund. Diane has further information in a separate article (pg. 10 ) regarding this change. If the current income for the building fund does not change, we should be able to pay off our debt within the upcoming fiscal year. What a great thing to celebrate! The funds the diocese receives from each of the parishes to help sustain the catholic Grade Schools has increased an additional $8,000 for our parish for a total of $50,585. the funds to support this assessment come from our regular offertory. (Continued on page 9) GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 9 The additional diocesan assessment is for the Bishop’s tax (9.5% of our offertory -$78,981); Catholic Virginia(1.35% of offertory-$13,650);Self Insurance ($11,224); Payroll Fees ($1,380.50); and insurance for the Nuns at Madonna House ($300). If you have any questions regarding the budget, please call Sharon Phillips in the office or speak to one of the members of the Finance Council. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 10 Searching for safe harbor… Do I have enough gas to make it to work… will Goodwill have any pants the right size for my growing teenager…constantly dodging bill collectors on the phone… worried sick about the very real possibility of losing my home…no electricity for more than two weeks … what if they repossess my car…no money for a co‐pay at the doctor…searching for a way out… searching for help…a safe place… These are all real needs of our Redeemer family. Many families in our parish and our community are struggling. Through your generosity, Redeemer can help. Thank you for giving to the “Parishioner in Need ‐ PIN” Second Collection. Because of the overwhelming response to these second collections, we have an abundance of funds in this account for those Redeemer families in need…and will not take up a second collection for PIN this year. Through your gift, Redeemer can save someone in the pew next to you from foreclosure or spending yet another night in a home without electricity. Through your gift, we can help a struggling father working two jobs and still not having enough, to put food on the table for his children. Through your gift, we can help Redeemer families in need. Your gift matters. Thank you for making God’s love for those in need visible. Thank you for helping those searching ‐ find a safe harbor. Everybody Eats, Right?(Take Two!) It was about 2 years ago that we embarked on an effort to raise the awareness of the grocery and gift cards to help raise more money for Youth Ministry at Redeemer. “Everybody Eats, Right?” was successful and our community rose to the challenge. However, beyond our control, Kroger changed the game and we were faced with a different playing field. Once again, our community has risen to the challenge. Thanks to many of you, we have raised nearly $10,000 this year with one more quarter left. Although we offer many other cards, the bulk of what we raise is from you using your Kroger Plus card when you shop. Those of you who have registered your Plus Card for Redeemer, you have helped us to raise this amount of money. For that, THANK YOU, because you have provided financial help for many of our youth in ministry. From bibles to conference fees to support for work camps, your efforts have given the greatest opportunity for many of our youth to enjoy. Thank you again and please continue to use your Kroger Plus Card. Also, please remember that we have many other gift cards available for purchase after Mass or in the office during the week. For a complete list of these cards, a list can be found on the Youth Table or the Redeemer web site. Peace of Christ to everyone! GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 11 GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Mass Lectors July 11 5:30 pm 1. Monica Tino 2. Jesse Lopez 1. Celie Thomas 2. Mark Borysewicz 1. James Kasper 2. Pat Austin 1. Shirley Husz 2. June Quisenberry 1. Vicki Beahm 2. Chip Free 1. Tom Grasberger 2. Mary Beth Brault 1. Mary Atkinson 2. Julia Greene 1. Randy Ferrance 2. Tim Cook 1. Mike Petrizzi 2. Paula Otto 1. Christy Evanko 2. Eileen Dumansky 1. Alex Kulinowski 2. Rick Gillespie 1. Carolyn McCombs 2. Emmanuel Eugenio July 12 8:00 am 10:00 am July 18 5:30 pm Ushers Bill Michie* David Dehetre Jake Dehetre (y) Karin Latimer Tim Cook* Mike Bonelli Nick Reisenweaver (y) Derek Reisenweaver (y) Mary Sue McLaughlin* Ed Schmidt Allan Draper Brandon Cary Nancy Ashworth* Rob Ashworth Corinne Hall Steven Hall Page 12 Cross Bearers Altar Servers Jesse Lopez Maria Ryan Chuck Toombs Emma Burch Bryan Fraim Emily Maxson Parish PicnicNo coffee Ella Evanko Marcy Cason Dan DelVecchio Linen Coffee Carter Berry Lee McLoughlin Fran Burch July 19 8:00 am 10:00 am July 25 5:30 pm July 26 8:00 am 10:00 am August 1 5:30 pm August 2 8:00 am 10:00 am David Allen* Randy Ferrance Charles Toombs Mark Borysewicz Charlie Burch David Jackson* Dave Worland Jacob Cooney (y) Emily Jackson (y) Dave Worland Will Thompson Tina Kadas Richard Prezioso* Robert Rezioso Jack Hayek Kay Berlin Jack Hayek Brooke Puleo Marie Irmen Kyle Martin* Larry Seymour George Squires Steve Donohue Dennis Fiore Cameron Bradley Connor McNulty Jack McGann Don Hart* Tom Franco Jacob Franco Pat Quisenberry Al Kusmin Victoria Klapper Rick Gillespie* Ray Santucci Robert Kemmler Michael Stank Chip Free Gabriel Worthington Robert Crawford* Wes Keck Mary Crawford (y) Caroline Hare (y) Bryan Fraim Morgan Harris Dan Burke* Michael Foley Noah Scheiber (y) Ryan Godlewski NEED A VOLUNTEER Barbara Kim Ramey Flournoy Barbara Norey Reger Gerloff Rich Rhoades Frances Pohida Ellen Schmidt Kathy DolanMarshall Amy Swierczewski GOOD NEWS Mas s July 11 Jun e 12 July 18 July 19 www.churchredeemer.org Gift Card Sellers 5:30 pm Suzy Aunspach* Mary Rider Glads Seymour 8:00 am Cheryl Toombs* Volunteers Needed Julie Myers 10:00 am Dave Crowl* Pam Dougherty Mary Covey Robin Carroll Wanda DelVecchio* Dan DelVecchio Sherrill Hefele Shirley Husz 5:30 pm 8:00 am Money Counters Jean Whiteside Cathy Durvin Ed Lucas Jimmy Bunger Ursula Gebhardt Angelika Mader July 25 July 26 10:00 am Nina Henry* Nancy Sheliga Betsy/Mark Staver Josephine Jones 5:30 pm Pam Phipps* Roberta Hunt Robert Hunt Mary Deaner Brad Mason Frank DeGaetani Any Kusmin 8:00 am Fran Burch* Barbara Flournoy Cheryl Toombs Stan Pruemer Dennis Fiore 10:00 am Ellen/Ed Schmidt* Dave/Teresa Worland Jennifer Schrecengost Donald Berberich Rose Marie Berberich Aug 1 5:30 pm Barbara Hayek* Cathy Rawls Sue Heim Carol Iacone 8:00 am Susan Darling* Eileen White Judith Layton 10:00 am LuAnn Orie* Susan Blunt Mary Glotzl Norma Guenther Aug 2 All Children’s Liturgy Paula Hill Paula Beecher Lisa Ford Cindy Lockemy Judy Nelson Diane Byrnes Mary Deaner Mary Kemmler* Maureen Uerz Page 13 Terry DelVecchio Norm Graham Peggy Graham Patty Lung Joanne Diana Greg Chew Christina Bonjoc There will not be any Children’s Liturgy of the Word in July. We are in need of additional volunteers for this ministry before we can complete a monthly schedule. Please see the R.E. table or contact Terry Colville for information. GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 14 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion July 11/12 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Stephen Evanko Barbara Gross Gerald Hefele Joe Heim Sue Heim Shirley Husz Vera Irmen Bob Jennings BJ Jennings DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Donna Proffitt Christina Robertson Gary Hall David Hopper Alex Kulinowski Julia Pillis JoeMarie Stank Mike Stank Peggy Thinnes DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Monica Radakovich Ellen Schmidt Ellen Spain Mark Staver Janelynn Testerman Travis Wyllie Bernie Chudoba Dot Chudoba Christina Colville DEACON July 18/19 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Karin Latimer Patricia Lawlor Alex Kusmin Amy Kusmin Barbara Lucas Ed Lucas Frances Pohida John Pohida Patrick Quisenberry Sally Riddell B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Cathy Durvin Theresa Ferrance Cheryl Toombs Carolyn Brand Charles Burch Robin Chandler Mason Courter Susan Darling Rosemarie Davis Linda French B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Nina Henry Susan Hunrath Robert Crawford Richard Godlewski Ryan Godlewski Ann Herbert Todd Kitten Dennis McLaughlin April McNulty Robert McNulty July 25/26 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Gladys Seymour Gayle Spradlin Judy Saunders James Spradlin Duane Taylor Margaret Twomey Daniel Ward Jerrilyn Ward Wendy Whitaker DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister JoMarie Stank Peggy Thinnes Mike Stank Gary Hall David Hopper Alex Kulinowski Julia Pillis Donna Proffitt Christina Robertson DEACON B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Paula Otto David Jackson Monica Radakovich Ellen Schmidt Ellen Spain Mark Staver Janelynn Testerman Travis Wyllie Robert Crawford DEACON Aug 1/2 B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Robert Ashworth Nancy Ashworth Mary Ashby Michael Ashby Susan Ashby Rick Blair Mary Deaner Tom Deaner Terry DelVecchio Stephen Evanko B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Susan Darling Rosemarie Davis Cheryl Toombs Caroln Brand Charles Burch Robin Chandler Mason Courter Cathy Durvin Theresa Ferrance Linda French B B B C C C C C C C C Prayer Minister Richard Godlewski Nina Henry Bernie Chudoba Dot Chudoba Christina Colville Ryan Godlewski Todd Kitten Ann Herbert Susan Hunrath Dennis McLaughlin GOOD NEWS www.churchredeemer.org Page 15 July Anniversaries 1 Robert & Kathleen Davis—1972 Rey & Cristina Bonjoc— 1989 Graham & Deborah Sherrod—2000 Steven & Andrea Nattrass—2006 Dennis & Loretta Beeman—1975 5 6 Richard & Joann Ritz— 1958 Robert & Julia Pillis—1974 Michael & Kathy Larue—1980 Jay & Cynthia Riley—1985 Todd & Libbey Kitten— 1986 William & Betsy Davis— Brian & Allison 2001 Letourneau—2008 Greg & Heidi Chew— Bruce & Tina Klapper— 2002 2001 William & Janelynn Testerman—1997 2 3 4 Todd & Becky Rogers—1988 Jed & Danette Fulk— 1988 Canova & Pat Peterson—1985 Scott & Sarah Morrison—2004 7 8 9 10 Robert & Roberta Hunt—1973 Jayme & Erica Lidwell— 2000 David & Martha Nigrelli—1982 Albert & Diana Ciarochi—1993 Gregory & Laura Woodle—1990 Thomas & Amy McIntyre—1995 Frank & Sue Previs—1977 11 James & Sara Dillman—1987 Frank & Janet Vicario—1981 Isaac & Arlene Gonzalez—1996 Jeff & Kim Ramey— 1992 12 13 14 15 16 17 Joseph & Frances Wilbur & Andrea Coyle— Weigl –1956 1978 John & Patricia Willie & Katherine Jason & Katie Olson— Jeff & Maria Harris—1994 Adams—1966 Upshaw—1999 2001 Michael & Diane Curt & Shari Vincent— Williams—1978 Karl & Mary Glotzl— Joseph & Susan 2001 Scott & Zenia Leduc— 1966 Elrod—1999 Doug & Diane Purvis— 1989 1996 Scott & Nicolle Currie— Verlan & Cory Alex & Amy Kusmin— William & Kathy 2000 Hall—1988 1982 Tornatore—1984 David & Terri Previs— James & Jennifer 2000 Ebert—1990 Stephen & Michele Tuomey—1995 Dennis & Cecilia Thomas—1975 David & Laura Mechuta— 1991 James & Kathi Ice— 2005 Raulin & Elvira Angulo— 1968 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Juanito & Flordeliza Campos—1975 Rosemarie & Charles Davis—1991 Jeffrey & Maureen Uerz—1979 John & Sue Adams— 1978 John & Pam Dougherty—1983 Rick and Sandy Balducci—1981 Stephen & Elyse Gefell— 1985 James & Debra Shaffer—2006 Larry & Colleen Coningsby—1978 David & Terry Worland—2011 John & Maggie Bachand— 2002 Timothy & Madison Ayres—2007 Chris & Cathy Easter— 1989 Joe & Kathy Massino—1976 Thomas & Mollie Anderson—1982 Peter & Michele Holleran—1982 Kevin & Noelle Price— 2004 Jeff & Jessica Worthington—2010 28 29 30 31 Dennis & Ann Balducci—1990 Clint & Rebecca Norris— 1989 Richard & Deborah Gillespie—1977 Grady & Christie Goodman—1999 Stephen & Barbara Gerloff—1989 Leonard & Theresa Dupuis—1977 Frank & Michele Gilhooly—2004 John & Kathy Billups— 1989 Fernando Gowland & Keven Sandy— 1995 Victor & Eileen Eltora— 1968 26 27 Hunter&Cathy Durvin—1979 Robert&Susan Hunrath— Lawrence & Mary 1985 Fabiszak—1975 James & Julia Rossi— Owen&Melissa Matthews— 1991 2003 John&Francesca Failla— Jeffrey & Maggie 1994 Hoder—2003 Robert&Alicia Borghi—1996 Chris & Tina Jason&Jeanne Dunham— Johnson—2003 2001 Glen & Marla Payton— Benjamin & Kylie 2004 Turnauer—2002 Charles&Anne-Marie Colfax—2007 18 Bernard & Patricia Lawlor—1974 Martin & Susan Bland—1987 Michael & Maureen Vayette—1992 Drew & Ellen Spain—1998 Robert & Brooke Jones—2007 Anthony & Dawn Iyoob—1999 Michael & Beth Keely—1998 Church of the Redeemer 8275 Meadowbridge Rd Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Non-Profit Organization U.S. postage Paid Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Permit No. 37 Church of the Redeemer Good News www.churchredeemer.org World Meeting of Families, September 21-27, 2015: Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. Anyone interested should contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life at the diocese.
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