January - Redeemer Church


January - Redeemer Church
Redeemer Church - Following the Son
The Happening
A Publication of Redeemer Church • Hamilton, Ohio
Dear Friends In Christ,
Consider this passage
from 2nd Corinthians:
“17 Therefore, if anyone
is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has
gone, the new has
come!” [2 Cor. 5:17 NIV]
Rev. Dr. Kim L.
Senior Pastor
Bill Crowder, over a year
ago, wrote a Daily Devotional for the Our Daily
Bread devotional series on this passage from 2nd
He began by
talking about
an old cartoon
series that I used
to watch – Tom Terrific. Do you remember?
Tom would have a problem and he and his sidekick, Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog, would
work through the problem. Almost all the time,
the problem centered around something his
nemesis – Crabby Appleton – had done.
January always comes with
mixed emotions. On the down
side, SNOW, need I say more?
I enjoy snow, in small portions, but really don't like having to deal with it. January
also means another year has
Tim Tilney
passed. This means the kids I
Children’s Pastor
have been teaching will be
getting another year older and my opportunities
to reach them and influence them become less
and less.
On the up side, January is always a good time for
Do you remember how this arch enemy was
described? “Crabby Appleton, rotten to the
If we understand the message of scripture, we
know that apart from Jesus Christ, we are all
“Crabby Appletons” – we are all rotten to the
core. Psalm 51:5 says this: “Surely I was sinful
at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” [Ps. 51:5 NIV]
As we begin this New Year we need, however, to
focus on the passage
from 2nd Corinthians. As believers
in Jesus Christ
as Lord and
Savior, we
are no
longer “Crabby
Appletons.” We
are a “new creation” in
Christ Jesus. Because of Jesus Christ, we too
can carry the title “Terrific.” In 2013, let’s live
that way – serving our Lord and Savior with all
that we are and have.
God Bless You,
Pastor Kim
fresh starts. Back on the exercise program,
reading program, a more
disciplined life-style. It's
also a time for planning
and looking forward to
things to come in this new
Things on the immediate horizon include the
♦ Roller Skating Party
sponsored by the
Youth and Family Ministry Team (YFMT) on
Pastors’ Letters
Page 1
President’s Letter
Page 2
Head Deacon
Page 3
Youth Ministry
Page 4
Healing Ministry
Page 4
Ladies Christmas
Party Pictures
Page 6
Got PowerPoint?
Page 7
What’s Happening
Page 8
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
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(Continued from page 1 - Pastor Tim)
Do you understand that if
some people would eat the
same way they study God’s
Word, they’d starve to death?
~ Pastor Kim
Oh, the joys of those who do
not follow evil men's advice,
who do not hang around
with sinners, scoffing at the
things of God. But they
delight in doing everything
God wants them to, and day
and night are always
meditating on his laws and
thinking about ways to
follow him more closely.
~ Psalms 1:1-2 (TLB)
Sunday, January 20th from 4:30 p.m.
to 6:30 p.m. at Skating On Main on the
west side of Hamilton. Admission is
free, although donations to help offset
the cost are gladly accepted. Skate
rental, if needed, will cost a nominal
fee. This is a great event to invite
friends and family to.
♦ Prayer Partner Breakfast comes
around again on February 9th. At this
event we'll talk with the adults and the
kids about the importance of prayer and
re-assign prayer
partners for the
2013-14 year. If
you've been a part
of this program in the past, you know
what a blessing this is to both pray for
the kids and know that they are praying
for you.
♦ Dare 2 Share is an event held on February 22 and 23 that several of our youth
will be attending in Columbus, Ohio. Our
kids always come back fired up and
ready to share their faith after meeting
with 10,000 other kids all being trained
to take the Gospel back to their
neighborhood and schools.
♦ The Bunny Brunch on March 23rd is another annual favorite, and another great
opportunity to invite your friends and
family to Redeemer. We have many activities lined up as well as an opportunity
to meet the Easter Bunny himself and
have your picture taken with him.
By the end of March, spring is just around the
corner and any snow we have will just be a
distant memory! And then it is on to the planning for the summer season.
Pastor Tim
Did you hear about the
The wife breathlessly responded, 'Yes, I do
New Year’s resolution of
remember that my love.'
the long time married
Husband: 'Well, I'm in the doughnut shop
couple? They resolved to
next to that jewelry store’.
spend more time together
And such goes the way of many a New
and to try to become betYear’s resolution. I think that in my entire
ter at showing their love
life, I may have actually kept just one resoDuane Cantrell for each other.
lution. It’s based on a quote I once read
One day shortly after
that simply stated, “If you’re going to do it
January 1st, the couple was out doing their
inevitably, do it imshopping together. Sudmediately”. I usually
denly the wife realized
“I must tell you that the stories try to get things off
that her husband had
of God’s intervention and
of my “to do” list
"disappeared". Someaccording to that
involvement with our church
what concerned she
statement of priority.
family are remarkable and
called her husband's
Of course, as a huscell phone and asked,
band I reserve the
'Where are you?'
right to apply it seHer husband replied: 'Darling, do you remember that little jewelry store where you
saw that beautiful diamond necklace and
totally fell in love with it but I didn't have
the money at that time and I said "Darling
it'll be yours one day."'
lectively so don’t bother asking Claudia how
quickly I get to the things that she places
on my “to do” list.
This year, I’m going to add another item to
the short list of resolutions that I have man(Continued on page 3)
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 3
(Continued from page 2)
aged to keep. It involves volunteering at
Serve City. I have always told myself that
preparing meals for Serve City is something that I wanted to do but somehow
have never actually turned that thought
into action. By the time you read this, I will
have contacted Linda Hoover and signed
up to prepare a meal at Serve City.
I must confess though that my motives
are not completely altruistic. It has been a
bit of an eye opener for me to discover
that the more I am involved in church, the
more I get out of it. For instance, as a result of my participation in Consistory, I am
becoming friends with people who were
previously “acquaintances”. I find these
stories to be the absolute best assurance
that God is real, that He exists here in this
world and that He cares about me. Wow,
what a great feeling!
If you have considered participating more
deeply in the life of Redeemer, allow me
to offer encouragement by saying that you
We as a church family had
many opportunities to do
good in 2012. It is wonderful to be part of a body of
believers who care so
much about others. Thank
you to all who responded to
Our Brothers Keeper offerLinda Hoover
and to our food pantry
Head Deacon
needs. Thank you to all
who bought gifts for our adopted families at
Christmas time. Thank you to all who support our many ministries through tithes and
Psalm 37 tells us to “Trust in the Lord and
do good…Commit your way to the Lord; trust
will not be disappointed. That doesn’t just
mean volunteering for some activity or event.
It could mean taking that next step in your
faith walk and participating in a small study
group once a week. I can’t tell you how much
fun (yes, I said fun) it is to participate in the
Men’s Bible Study on Tuesday nights twice a
month and how much Claudia enjoys the
Tuesday afternoon Women’s Bible Study. The
Women’s Bible Study will start up a new session in Jan. if anyone is interested.
I recently had a conversation with my mother,
who lives in Florida and receives a copy of
our newsletter. She mentioned to me that
she enjoys receiving and reading “The Happening”. When I asked her why, she replied
by saying “You can tell that your church is a
working church.” I can’t think of greater
praise for a church.
~ Genesis 4:6-7 (TEV)
We can’t have a working church without
workers. Resolve (sorry… couldn’t resist) to
be one of the workers.
in Him and He will do this: He will make
your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday
sun.” I pray
that we will
continue to
follow God’s
leading in
2013 – that
we as a
church family will see what needs to be
done and that we will do it in Jesus’
name. We will be blessed as we follow
our Lord in the coming year.
When shunning a trial , we are seeking to
avoid a blessing.
Then the LORD said to Cain,
“. . . If you had done the
right thing, you would be
smiling; but because you
have done evil, sin is
crouching at your door. It
wants to rule you, but you
must overcome it.”
~ Charles Spurgeon
Remain faithful even when
facing death and I will give
you the crown of life – an
unending, glorious future.
~ Revelation 2:10 (TLB)
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 4
Those who are right with me
will live by faith. But if they
turn back with fear, I will
not be pleased with them.
~ Hebrews 10:38 (NCV)
Some amazing things are
taking place with the
youth at Redeemer
Church! The youth restarted meeting every
week at the beginning of
Fall and God has begun
Elijah Balsbaugh His mighty
Youth Leader movement in
the lives of each and every one. The
focus of the youth ministry at Redeemer Church is finding who
you are and where you belong
in Christ and then looking
outward to others in our lives and community and how we can be the literal hands
and feet of Jesus Christ in our hurting world.
This focus is being acted upon this February
when the youth will travel to Columbus for
the “Follow Me Tour”, a weekend of worship
and evangelism.
We have prayed countless hours for His
will to be first in our lives and the lives of
those around us. I believe God is answering these prayers in His specific time and
in His specific way.
The youth of Redeemer Church are the
church, not only of tomorrow but of today.
I want to take this opportunity to thank
each and every one of you who have
had an impact in the lives of
the youth. Whether you realize it or not, and whether
intentional or not, every
time you come in contact
with the youth you are being an example
of who Christ is.
I can see the seeds each of you have
planted becoming thriving creations in
the lives of the youth of Redeemer
Church. Praise be to God!
Emily and I love being part of what God is
doing in the lives of the youth of Redeemer.
I do not enjoy seeing sinners
die. I would rather see them
stop sinning and live.
~ Ezekiel 33:11 (TEV)
Our Mission at Redeemer is to “Know the
Son, Follow the Son, and Share the Son.”
There are many was to do this. One key way
to Share the Son is to
the spiritual gifts
each one of us has
as a means to helping the entire church.
Paul talks about the
Spiritual Gifts in 1
Corinthians Chapter
12. Verses 4-10 talk
specifically about these spiritual gifts including the gifts of prayer and healing.
Now, we at Redeemer have been practicing
the gift of prayer and healing for some time.
For example. every Sunday at each service
we bring forth prayer requests from the con-
gregation which most often deals with
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
healing. These requests are administered by the Intercessory Prayer Ministry.
In addition, requests for prayer and healing are honored through Redeemer
Family FaceBook page,
Go Getters, and other
personal avenues. Our
spiritual gifts of prayer
and healing are being
utilized, praise God. The question came,
can we do even better? Yes!
To better serve the Body of Christ a formal Healing Ministry was established
here at Redeemer to coordinate prayer
and healing efforts and on October 14,
(Continued on page 5)
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(Continued from page 4)
2012, a Healing Team was commissioned
and the Redeemer Healing Ministry activated. To start, healing prayer is offered by
the Healing Ministry Team after the first and
second services on the second and fourth
Sunday of each month. We
hope to offer this weekly in
The future direction and outreach of the Healing Ministry
includes ministries that support the mission of Redeemer
Church. This includes Hospital, Nursing home, shut-in visitations, and other
home visitations after surgery, etc. Communion distribution and Prayer and Anointing
during visitations and special events will
also be introduced.
Our goal is to coordinate Healing Prayer and
outreach at Redeemer Church. We are looking at pulling together all existing outreach
to enhance the work of the Holy Spirit, including a “One call prayer chain”, and revision of the existing prayer request card formalizing outreach to include shut-ins, nursing homes, hospital patients, those that will
be having or recovering from surgery, and
other special requests.
As we move forward, adding additional
prayer warriors to the Healing Ministry
Team outreach is crucial. The
Healing Ministry Team is open to
all congregants. Have you been
“Called”, do you have the gift of
prayer and healing? We invite you to join
us in prayer and healing outreach, especially as we pray on Healing Ministry Sundays, and begin outreach to hospitals, nursing homes and shut-ins. As we add a “One
Call Prayer Chain”, many more will be
needed and added. If you are interested or
have questions, please see Dan Woodring.
You are not your own; you
were bought at a price.
~ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Reading the Bible With Children
As infants, my sons received children’s Bibles. The short stories and bright pictures
were perfect for their
early introduction to the
Christian faith. Soon
they started reading the
stories back to us. But
as their comprehension
improved, children’s
Bibles became “too
young” for them, while
the regular Bible wording was still beyond
their grasp.
Then I tried reading from a modern-language
paraphrase. I chose The Message, but others
will work, too. No need to worry about a lack
of pictures; kids are adept at imagining
events. Not sure what passages to read?
Consult the scripture references accompanying the
stories in a children’s Bible.
Read the story yourself
first, to know where to stop
and to avoid less childfriendly passages.
However you share God’s
Word with youngsters,
there are no sweeter words to a Christian
adult than “Mom [Dad, Grandma,
Auntie… ], let’s read the Bible!”
~ Heidi Mann
Satan watches for those vessels that sail without a
~ George Swinnock
God … makes another
promise: “Once again I will
shake not only the earth but
the heavens also.” This
means that all of creation
will be shaken and removed,
so that only unshakable
things will remain.
~ Hebrews 12:26-27 (NLT)
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
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God himself does not tempt
~ James 1:13 (NCV)
You will never succeed in
life if you try to hide your
sins. Confess them and give
them up; then God will show
mercy to you.
~ Proverbs 28:13 (TEV)
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 7
Got PowerPoint?
Recent Sunday morning bulletins have listed opportunities
for serving our church and community. Here’s a special ministry opportunity to serve if you know Microsoft
You will work with Pastor Kim to produce a
visual presentation of his morning message.
He appreciates creativity and originality to
capture the spirit of his message. And the
same is true in creating new presentations
for hymns in the Heritage Service and praise
songs in the Praise Service working with the
choir director and the praise team.
And use your creative talents for the announcement PowerPoint presentations in
For The New Year
each service and in the lobby with information provided by Traci Rodulfo, our
church secretary. You
would take
a turn for
one month,
every four
to five months and there
will always be someone to fill in for you
if necessary.
God answered their prayers
because they trusted him.
~ 1 Chronicles 5:20
Is God leading you to serve in this way?
Then contact any member of the PowerPoint team: Tim Myers, Sam Lohrer,
Duane Cantrell or Gary Shuppert.
~ Gus Nichols
H old fast to your faith (Hebrews 4:14)
A ssemble with the saints (Hebrews 10:25)
P ray earnestly every day (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)
P ray for great blessings (Malachi 3:10)
Y ield not to temptation (1 Thessalonians 5:22)
N eglect not your talents and opportunities (Galatians 6:10)
E xamine yourself daily (2 Corinthians 13:5)
W ork diligently for the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Y ield your members to righteousness (Romans 6:11, 16)
E xercise yourself in godliness (1 Timothy 4:7)
A im for a perfect, mature faith (Hebrews 6:1)
R edeem the time (Ephesians 5:15-16)
A cheerful disposition is
good for your health.
Despite a brain tumor that took her voice for
two years, Pranitha Timothy has led more
than 50 rescue operations to save slaves in
India. As director of aftercare for International Justice Mission,
Timothy works to give “a
voice to the voiceless.”
She credits God for protecting her during the dangerous missions,
which have included run-ins with slave own-
ers. “God goes before us into the places
of darkness and makes the paths straight
for us to bring rescue,” she
Although Timothy’s
voice returned feebly, she
says it’s powerful in God’s
hands. Most importantly,
she says, God has transformed her heart
and filled her with compassion.
~ Proverbs 17:22
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 8
Come and bring your friends to
enjoy a movie at our next Family
Movie Night on Saturday night,
January 5th., 6:30pm. Drinks and
popcorn are provided.
Teach me how to live to
please you, because you're
my God.
~ Psalms 143:10 (MSG)
Jan 21
Martin Luther King Jr Day
 Jan 6
Cantrell family
Jan 20
Schumm family
Jan 1
New Years Day
Jan 5
Family movie night
Jan 6
Jan 12
Un-hanging of the greens
Jan 20
Skating Party
Deepest sympathy is extended to family and
friends: The Grammel family as Carol Grammel entered her Heavenly
father’s eternal kingdom. Hiatt & McIntire
families as Jesus received Teresa Hiatt.
Thank You
To the Go-Getters and all our friends at Redeemer, thank you so much for the
beautiful flowers and for all the
prayers, cards and calls. We love
our Redeemer family!
Bob, DeWayne, Sharon, Ellen
& Matthew Grammel
Present yourselves as
building stones for the
construction of a sanctuary
vibrant with life…
~ 1 Peter 2:5 (MSG)
To Redeemer Church,
All my church family…thank you for everything. Teresa was a very special person and
a very special daughter. Words can’t thank
you enough for what you have done for us.
We just don’t know what to say. God
bless you all and I know Teresa is in
heaven looking down on us and is in no
pain and happy at last.
Thank You, Diana & Mike McIntire
Sharon and I would like to thank all you
for your kindness and good wishes during the past Christmas season. We
so appreciate your love and support.
I would also like to thank the best
church staff and volunteer leaders
anyone could ask for. What the staff
and leaders of this church do to make my
ministry easier is astounding. Thank you
so much.
Pastor Kim
Our flower calendar for 2013 is on
display in the hallway. Sign up for
fresh flowers on our altar in memory of a loved one or for a special
occasion. You can also call the
office to order flowers.
Jan 6
still available
Jan 13 still available
Jan 20 still available
Jan 27 still available
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 9
R E M E M B E R O U R S H U T -I N S
Redeemer Church has a number of members
who are either confined to their homes or
residing in Care Centers. Please remember
them with a card or call. Remember, if you
send a card please be sure to add
“Redeemer Church” after your name!
If I were you, I would turn
to God and present my case
to him. We cannot
understand the great things
he does, and to his miracles
there is no end.
Gladys Tobias
     
  
Evelyn Warner
~ Job 5:8-9 (TEV)
 
Mrs. Amy Dreger
 
Charles Caldwell
  
 
Herb Lindsay
   
 
Phyllis Unger
Ruth Frazee
 
  
(Phyllis is at Bridgeway Pointe but please
send cards to the home address.)
Jan 6
Jan 13
Jan 20
Jan 27
Prayer Intercessors
Rose Marie Stiehl
Karl Oakley
Stephanie Tillman
Dave Chalk
Jan 6
Jan 13
Jan 20
Jan 27
Joan Riley & Carol Dawson
Mary Van Lieu & Jean Scarborough
Nancy Henry & Carol Moore
Doris Hall & Carrie DeFevers
Heritage Service - 9:45 a.m.
Jan 6
Jim & Mary Van Lieu, Dan & Bev Childs
Jan 13
Kyle, Janie, Tyler, Jennifer Schuppie
Jan 20
Carol Dawson, Gail Anderson, Ed & Kathy Swope
Jan 27
Richard & Joan Riley, Jim & Pam Miller
Praise Service - 11:00 a.m.
Jan 6
Jan 13
Jan 20
Jan 27
Brian & Becky Taylor
Alison Shah, Barb Robinette
Duane & Claudia Cantrell
Mike & Diana McIntire
The righteous
will live by
their faith.
~ Habakkuk
2:4 (NLT)
“Faith never knows where it is being led, or it would not be
faith. True faith is content to travel under sealed orders.”
~ J. Oswald Sanders
…no one is able to say,
“Jesus is Lord,” except by
the Holy Spirit.
~ 1 Corinthians 12:3
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 1 0
The main object of religion
is not to get a man into
heaven, but to get heaven
into him.
~ Thomas Hardy
January 2
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 4
January 6
January 7
January 8
January 9
January 11
January 12
January 13
January 13
January 16
January 16
January 18
January 19
January 21
January 22
January 22
January 23
January 24
January 25
January 25
January 26
January 26
January 27
January 28
January 28
January 29
January 29
January 31
Betty Waltner
Jim Van Lieu
Jeff Roberts
DeWayne Grammel
Tim Tilney
Dan Byrd
Bill Dermen
Lisa Bowersox
Jeffrey Roberts
Zelma Miller
Dave Henry
Charlotte Gillespie
Mary Van Lieu
Tom Mobley
Kristin Hyatt
James Wolpert
Connor Price
Shelby Shuppert
Gloria Spurlock
Savannah Price
Dana Winans
Gladys Tobias
Megan Bowersox
Matthew Grammel
LaVelle Burlew
Kathy Hopkins
Joan Coffey
Beth Gerner
Ian Bowling
Sharon Katterheinrich
Kelly Price
Bob Wendt
Was your name omitted or
incorrect? Our apologies!
Please notify the church office
at 863-3323.
Redeemer Church has been approved as a Nonprofit Organization in the new Kroger
Community Rewards Program. Please visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com to
register your Kroger Plus card. Redeemer’s NPO # is 80053.
Don’t forget!! We are still selling Bob Evans certificates between the
two worship services.
We are the Bibles the
world is reading.
~ Billy Graham
The Bob Evans cards may
be purchased for $5, $10 or $20 and
make great gifts. Redeemer makes a 10%
Please see Faye Muddell to make your purchase or call the church office at 863-3323
for more information.
What is the Hebrew meaning of the word Amen?
A. So be it.
B. We praise you.
C. Thank you.
D. Please, God!
6:30 PM Tigers Cub
Scouts - Susan Miiller
7:00 PM Bear Cubs - M.
6:30 PM Deacon's Meeting
6:30 PM Elder's Meeting
6:30 PM Pack 984 Planning Meeting
Martin L. King, Jr. Day
7:00 PM Bear Cubs - M.
7:00 PM Consistory
6:30 PM Tigers Cub
Scouts - Susan Miiller
7:00 PM Bear Cubs - M.
CiCi Pizza's Day
9:45 AM Heritage Service
11:00 AM Children's Worship
11:00 AM Praise Service
11:00 AM Youth Service
6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study
7:00 PM Movement
Healing Ministry Sunday
9:45 AM Heritage Service
11:00 AM Children's Worship
11:00 AM Praise Service
11:00 AM Youth Service
6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study
7:00 PM Movement
9:45 AM Heritage Service
11:00 AM Children's Worship
11:00 AM Praise Service
11:00 AM Youth Service
4:30 PM Skating On Main
6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study
7:00 PM Movement
Healing Ministry Sunday
9:45 AM Heritage Service
11:00 AM Children's Worship
11:00 AM Praise Service
11:00 AM Youth Service
6:30 PM Prayer & Bible Study
7:00 PM Movement
 Get maps of events away from the church
 Get details and locations of events
 For up-to-the-minute additions and changes,
visit the web calendar on the church web
site: www.Redeemer-Church.org
9:00 AM Sew & Sowers
1:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30 PM WEBELOS 2 (5th)
Samantha S.
7:00 PM WEBELOS 1 (5th)
Mike O.
7:00 PM Wolf Den 1 - Brad
9:00 AM Sew & Sowers
1:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30 PM WEBELOS 2 (5th)
Samantha S.
7:00 PM Men's Bible Study
7:00 PM WEBELOS 1 (5th)
Mike O.
9:00 AM Sew & Sowers
1:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30 PM Pack Meeting
9:00 AM Sew & Sowers
1:30 PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30 PM WEBELOS 2 (5th)
Samantha S.
7:00 PM Men's Bible Study
7:00 PM WEBELOS 1 (5th)
Mike O.
7:00 PM Wolf Den 1 - Brad
New Year's Day
Office closed
6:30 PM Family Fellowship
~ Adult Bible study; AWANA
6:30 PM Youth Group
6:30 PM Family Fellowship
~ Adult Bible study; AWANA
6:30 PM Youth Group
6:30 PM Family Fellowship
~ Adult Bible study; AWANA
6:30 PM Youth Group
6:30 PM Family Fellowship
~ Adult Bible study; AWANA
6:30 PM Youth Group
6:30 PM Family Fellowship
~ Adult Bible study; AWANA
6:30 PM Youth Group
9:00 AM Senior Men's Basketball
11:00 AM Go Getters
6:45 PM Boy Scouts Troop
7:30 PM Bear Den 2 - Jim A.
9:00 AM Senior Men's Basketball
6:45 PM Boy Scouts Troop
7:30 PM Bear Den 2 - Jim A.
9:00 AM Senior Men's Basketball
5:00 PM Confetti Club
6:45 PM Boy Scouts Troop
7:30 PM Bear Den 2 - Jim A.
9:00 AM Senior Men's Basketball
6:45 PM Boy Scouts Troop
7:30 PM Bear Den 2 - Jim A.
9:00 AM Senior Men's Basketball
6:30 PM ARC Board Meeting
6:45 PM Boy Scouts Troop
7:30 PM Bear Den 2 - Jim A.
J AN U ARY 201 3
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9:00 AM "Removing the
9:00 AM Breakfast Club
8:00 AM Men's Prayer
6:30 PM Family Movie Night
Th e H a p pe n in g - J a n u a r y 20 1 3
P ag e 1 1
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Redeemer Church
3431 Hamilton-Middletown Rd
Hamilton, OH 45011
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Worship & Small Groups‡
Adult Sunday School ......................... 8:45 am
Heritage Service (child care) ................ 9:45 am
Children’s Worship ............................ 9:45 am
Adult Sunday School (child care) ........ 10:00 am
Praise Service (child care) ................. 11:00 am
Youth Service ................................. 11:00 am
Children’s Worship .......................... 11:00 am
Serve at Chosen ............................... 5:45 pm
Phone: 513-863-3323
Fax: 513-863-4111
E-mail: office@Redeemer-Church.org
Website: www.Redeemer-Church.org
Rev. Dr. Kim L. Katterheinrich, Senior Pastor
Tim Tilney, Children’s Pastor
Sew & Sowers .................................. 9:00 am
Women’s Bible Study......................... 1:30 pm
Adult Bible Study (child care) ............... 6:30 pm
AWANA ........................................... 6:30 pm
See more Small Groups at the church website
Rt. 4 Bypass
An Evangelical
Covenant Church
Contact Us
Rt. 129
Turn at Butler Tech’s entrance
on Rourte 4, then turn right