Aug 28B - Holy Redeemer Parish


Aug 28B - Holy Redeemer Parish
Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
Address: 44 Rothesay Drive, Kanata, K2L 2X1
Telephone: 613-836-1764 Fax: 613-836-5973
Pastor: Rev. James Raphel C.M.F.
Associate Pastor: Rev. Matthew Chojna
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Paul Coderre
Summer Bulletin August 2016
Sunday Mass Times
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m.,
11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Weekday Masses
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
First Saturday 9:00 a.m.
Sunday :
Contact Us
Parish Mission Statement
The Holy Redeemer Parish Community lives the Way,
the Truth and the Life
by reaching out with the Good News
to Welcome, to Serve and to Care.
Pastoral Assistant
Deacon Paul Coderre
Coordinator of Temporal Works
Mary Jane McAuley
Youth Office
Cathy Koss
Maureen Brannan
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Bequests and Planned Giving
In your kindness, please remember Holy Redeemer Parish in your bequests.
Please contact the office 613-836-1764 to make arrangements.
PARISH REGISTRATION: If you are new to our Parish Community, please fill out this form and put it in
the collection basket.
Address:____________________________________________________________Postal Code:___________
Phone Number 613-_______________________
Envelopes ____Yes/No ?______
Fr. James Raphel C.M.F.
Our New Pastor
Pope Francis’
Intentions for August 2016
Universal: Sports. That
sports may be an opportunity
for friendly encounters
between peoples and may
contribute to peace in the
Evangelization: Living the
Gospel. That
Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to
faith, honesty, and love of neighbour.
First Reconciliation and
First Communions
Please see the Parish website for important information
concerning the preparation of Grade 2 and above
children for their sacraments.
Fr. James Raphel hails from the Southern
State of Kerala, in India. Though Catholics are very much a
minority in India (1.55%) the Catholic
Church in Kerala, India dates back to AD 52, due to the Missionary Apostolate of St. Thomas, the Apostle. Fr. James joined the
Claretian Congregation (Religious Order founded by St. Anthony
Claret, Spain) at the age of fifteen and after thirteen years of formation in the various parts of India, ordained as a priest in 1993.
As a priest, one of his unique experiences was that he served
among the patients with leprosy (Bangalore, India) for six years.
Though very challenging it was indeed a rewarding missionary
experience for him. In the year 2000, he was sent to Canada to
join the Claretian Community here. Upon arrival in Montreal he
spent one year learning French and the Canadian way of life. He
served in the Archdiocese of Toronto for one year before moved
to Ottawa in 2002. Upon arrival in Ottawa, he was first appointed as the Administrator of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and in
2004 as Pastor of Holy Cross Parish. Thus after twelve years of
service at Holy Cross, he is moving to Holy Redeemer Parish and
is looking forward to serve the community here. Fr. James comes
from a “small” family of eleven children and his mother is now 94
years old. He holds a post graduate Degree in Psychiatric Social
Work and his hobbies are watching cricket, soccer and cooking
(mostly Indian food). Currently Fr. James is in the transitional
stage of joining the Archdiocese of Ottawa through incardination.
Anything interest you? Do you want to know more? Have
any questions? ……….
Come out and get involved!
Cathy Koss at
or 613.836.1764
“dear young people, do not be afraid
to be holy”
- St. Pope John Paul II
Come join an awesome group of high school and university
students who serve and lead The Rock (grades 6-8) every Friday
If you are in Grades 9 or above and are interested in volunteering
for the 2016-2017 school year then please pick up an application
form in the vestibule on the Youth Corner of the Bulletin Board.
Training will begin the end of August or early September!
What’s Happening This Week?
“I.T. Volunteer Needed”
Week of Aug 29th to Sept 4th 2016
8:00 p.m. Christian Meditation
10:00 a.m. Italian Prayer Group
9:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Cenacle
6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary Meeting
7:00 p.m. Praise and Worship Evening
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. Sandwich Makers
6:00 Alpha Hosts Training
7:30 p.m. Summer Trio-Choir
5:30 a.m. Early Bird Mass, Men of the
Eucharist Divine Mercy Cenacle
9:00 a.m. First Saturday Mass
4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Mass
Sunday: September 4th 2016 - The 23rd Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Masses at 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and
7:00 p.m.
For more information and to listen to the latest
Homilies and to read our current Bulletin, please see
our Parish Website:
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and
Benediction are held each weekday one hour
before the start of Mass, and every Thursday
from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The Parish is always in need of volunteers.
In addition to such ministries as Pastoral
Care and those who serve at Mass like the Ushers,
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion and Lectors, we
also need people to help in non-liturgical ways. For
example, we need someone with expertise in Information
Technology to help in the maintenance and up-grading of
our Parish Computer System. If you can spare an hour or
so a couple of times a month to help, it would be greatly
appreciated. Please contact Deacon Paul or Mary Jane, in
the Office, if you feel called to help, 613-836-1764.
“Alpha Hosts & Helpers
The Alpha Course which starts on
Tuesday evening September 13th,
2016 needs your help. Each evening
of the course the participants and
leaders sit down to a home cooked supper. Alpha Helpers
are needed to assist in the preparation, and serving, of
these meals and Alpha Hosts are needed to lead the
discussions which are held following the viewing of a
video. Alpha Helpers are assigned to a particular table
and participate in the discussions following the meal.
Both Alpha Hosts and Helpers will be given training and
materials to help in their respective roles. Please let
Deacon Paul know if you are willing to help out as either
an Alpha Host or Alpha Helper.
“Catechism - Pillar II: The Sacraments”
The new Pastoral Year is approaching along with the new
School Year. As we have in the past, the Parish will
conduct an in-depth study of our Catholic Faith led by
Deacon Paul Delmas. This Fall the study group will
look at the Second Pillar of our Catholic Faith, namely,
the Sacraments. The sessions will feature a video lecture
by Dr. Jeff Cavins. The course will be held on
Wednesday evenings following the 7:00 p.m. Mass
starting Sept14th, 2016 and again on Friday afternoons at
1:00 p.m. starting on Sept16th. The cost is $40 per
individual or $25 each for a couple sharing the study
materials. These funds pay for the cost of the DVD
series used and the Study Binders provided. To register
contact Maureen in the Church Office 613-836-1764.
“The Alpha Course is
The Alpha Course is coming to Holy
Redeemer. The course will be run on Tuesday
evenings from September 13th to December 6th, 2016.
Each evening will start with supper served at 6:00 p.m.
and will end by 8:30 p.m. The Alpha Retreat which is part
of the Course will be held on Saturday October 29th,
2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Alpha Course is
aimed at re-awakening our faith and re-introducing
ourselves to Jesus. Registration Forms are available in
the Vestibule and the Office.
Celebrations and Intentions
Aug 27 5:00 p.m. Joe McAuley† by Mary Jane and Melissa
Mary and Gerald Willan† by The Tkackik Family
Doug Anderson† by Jim and Madeleine Riordan
Thanksgiving to St. Jude by Bonnie Switzer
Anniversary Blessings for Thom and Alicia
Moloney by The Family
Aug 28 8:00 a.m. Margaret Maheral† by Clarence Maheral
9:30 a.m. Parish Community
11:00 a.m. Rejeanne Bast† by Edmund Bast
Mariamma James† by Reji James Thekkeveettil
Roland Altfuldisch† by Florian Altfuldisch
Wedding Blessings for Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy
Eckert by Rosemary Logan
Birthday Blessings for Anna Maria Cervo by
Franca and Family
Birthday Blessings for Brian and Theresa by Ted
and Nancy Penton
7:00 p.m. Special Intentions for Anika Dilawri by Friends
and Family
Aug 29 9:00 a.m. Edgardo Cortez† by The Ringuette Family
Special Intentions Joe, Betty and Family by The
Aug 30 9:00 a.m. Special Intentions for Shannon McGruer by a
Aug 23 7:00 p.m. Edward Czuj† by Shannon and Steve Rodney and
Sep 1 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Claude Joseph† by the Dilawri Family
Sep 2 9:00 a.m. Deceased Members of The Tate Family† by The
Sep 3
Sep 4
9:00 a.m. (unannounced)
5:00 p.m. Ann Scott† by Ann Cooper
Most Abandoned Souls in Purgatory by Catharine
Domenico Bortolotti† by The Bortolotti Family
Delbert (Red) Coogan† by The Murray Family
8:00 a.m. Parish Community
9:30 a.m. Luis de Amorim† by The Family
11:00 a.m. Debbie Atkinson† by Gord and Elaine Atkinson
Lawrence Burns† by The Carter Family
Emily and Aloysius Thomas and Children† by
Veda Rodrigues
7:00 p.m. Rose Wijesekera† by Rohan and Family
“Feel the Burn”
Feel the burn! If it doesn’t hurt, you are not
working hard enough. Push yourself! Give
110%. These are the terms used by fitness
instructors and coaches, when they are trying
to get people to improve physically, or to be
more successful as a team. Teachers and professors urge
their students to study harder, to do their homework, to
research, to write papers, and to read books. These are the
things that are supposed to improve the mind, and to help
prepare students for life. But when we consider our
spiritual health in the light of the Gospel, Jesus tells his
listeners to “weep and mourn,” and “you will have pain.”
It makes you wonder whether or not Jesus and his followers
were pessimists or maybe even masochists. But in truth,
Jesus was actually more of a realist. He knew, and he was
telling others, that the way to joy and happiness is through
the Cross. Sin must be brought to the Cross of Jesus Christ,
and evil can only be overcome by the power of God’s
redeeming love. Jesus acting as our spiritual fitness
instructor was showing us the way to exercise for spiritual
health. So Jesus told his disciples that it was more blessed
to mourn for sin, because if you do, it will yield the fruit of
peace, joy and righteousness. Yes, Jesus knew that the
Cross would be a stumbling block for those who refused to
believe in him. But, like a fitness instructor, he knew that
unless people pushed themselves spiritually, they would not
be able to improve their spiritual life – to improve their
personal relationship with God. You see, the Cross for
Jesus was not defeat, but victory – victory over sin – victory
over the forces of evil in the world – victory over the Devil
himself. Through his death on the Cross, Jesus won for all
of us a new life of freedom from the power of death, sin and
despair. It is the Easter victory of Jesus that teaches us true
courage in the face of suffering and death. Without the
Cross there would have been no Resurrection, and it is in
the Resurrection of Christ, that our fears are laid to rest. His
Resurrection is the total, final triumph which leads directly
to peace and joy at the end. Yes, we will have troubles in
this life. But if we look at life through the eyes of faith, we
will be able to see the final reward – complete victory over
sin, suffering, and death through Jesus Christ.
Deacon Paul Coderre
Prayers for the Sick. Please pray for the
sick among our families and friends, especially,
Tracy Larocque, Jim Riordan, Karyn Myhill,
Henry Struble, Emmett Shields, Carol Braun,
Remi Viel, Celine Planthara, Jean Sehn, Bonnie
Waterhouse, Michael Butler, Evelyn Raine,
Jacques Rivet, Brenda Corr and
Lane Bourbonniere.
The names will be kept on the list for one month. If
you wish someone to remain in prayers after this
time please contact the Church Office.
Prayers for the Deceased. Please pray for
Claude Adams, Alice MacDonald and all the
deceased members of our