January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS WELCOME TO ST MAX PARISH! Welcome to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish community! If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a packet in the gathering space and return the registration form. Once registered, you will receive our monthly newsletter and emails. Please know our staff and parish leaders are here to be of service to you. Additional information about our parish can be found on our website, www.saint-max.org. Sunday, January 3 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8:00 AM † Vincent Bao Nguyen 10:00 AM* People of the Parish & † Kristin Renneker NOON* For the intentions of our Pastoral Council & Finance Council members Monday, January 4 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious 8:30 AM † Members of the DeRoussel family Tuesday, January 5 Saint John Neumann, Bishop 8:30 AM † Ranzie Gambill Wednesday, January 6 8:30 AM † Jim McCarthy Thursday, January 7 8:30 AM † James Redden Friday, January 8 8:30 AM † Robert Thomas Saturday, January 9 8:30 AM David Hall 4:30 PM † Lillian Wake Sunday, January 10 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00 AM † Bob Rouster 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Charles Ryan NOON Members of the Michael Bifulco family † Deceased Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY * Incense will be used THIS WEEK’S READINGS Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,10-13 Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Matthew 2:1-12 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Your healing prayers are requested for Mark Barrett, Bob Bruns, Jerri Bottoms, Louise Bowling, Mary Broermann, Eleanor Budek, Jennifer Calangi, Ann Corkhill, Esther Danielson, Angelique Debets, Henry DeNicola, John Dunn, Bill Ebben, Jack Finke, Timmy Fischer, Mary Fritz, Karen Gross, Richard Gross, Sol Gross, Sandra Giuliano, Joseph Hahn, Gary Hampton, Annie Hart, Brian Haverland, Steve Hazlebeck, Al Higgins, Jill Holt, Maureen Imfeld, Dennis Karas, Ralph Kitts, Don Klinkhammer, Hank Kluznick, Joey Lakeberg, Michael Lancaster, Pat Langdon, Pam Lawson, Barb Listermann, Beverly Listermann, Steve Lutz, Tom Lutz, Lyla McGlinchey, Andrew Meister, Jacob Meister, Beryl Michael, Judy Michael, Daniel R. Miller, Theresa Munafo, Trevor Vincent Munafo, Mary Patricia Nadzam, Gene Neltner, Victor Nguyen, Jack O’Verbey, Aaron Peters, Fr. John Porter, Agnes Rahman, Larry Richardson, Michele Risola, Evelyn Robinson, Joseph Romer, Helen Romes, John Roth Laura Russell, Julia Sanders, Hans Schade, James Schaeper, Julie Schrock, Rose Seibert, Rod Simpson, Phillip Spotts, Donald Charles Sturmer, Daniel Thiergartner, Tari Torbeck, Lori Vehr, George Vesper, Gloria Vesper, Stanley Wadella, Vito Weeda, Charlie Wiedenmann, Jennifer Wiesmann and Christine Zampese. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11 Psalm 104: 1-4, 24-25 , 27-30 Titus 2:11-14, 3:4-7 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 DEVOTIONS (all in chapel) Perpetual Adoration - Our chapel is open continuously Exposition - The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays after Mass, a Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM Rosary - One half hour before all Masses Divine Mercy Chaplet - After all Masses Our Sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially: Please pray for Scott Archuleta, Daniel Armstrong, Patrick Black, Ben Brink, Nicholas Calangi, Ashley Cannon-Borromeo, Rich Borromeo, Philip DeNicola, Donald Gilbert, David Giuliano, Joseph Hamann, Michael Hazlebeck, Tyler Hollenkamp, Derrick Kamphaus, Stephen Kelczewski, Matthew Koop, Jon Laurin, Derek Morris, Ryan Nikzad, Don Mollis, Jr., Daniel Moore, Alexander J. Pater, Chad Richman, Christopher Richman, Matthew Risola and Cedric Whitlock. Almighty God, we stand before You in supplication, asking Your Divine mercy and protection to envelop with Your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies, both spiritual and physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. HOMEBOUND, HOSPITALIZED AND NURSING HOMES To make arrangements to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Victoria Stoltz, daughter of Tim and Joan Stoltz and sister of Anointing of the Sick, Penance and/or visits to the hospitalized or seriously ill parishioners, please call Holly Moran, 777-4322, Brett, Alyssa and Andrei Stoltz ext. 116. Please note that if you are in the hospital, privacy Bob Baker, father of Tim Baker regulations prohibit hospital personnel from contacting your parish. Therefore, you or your family members should let us know Jane Smith, aunt of Marilyn Cravenor directly by calling the parish office. Pacifico Amaro, grandfather of Georgette Wilson, Gigi Carroll and Gina Staudigel JUBILEE OF MERCY Epiphany is Manifestation Day It is the day for sharing. It is another day for gifts. It is the “twelfth” day of Christmas. The gift, clearly, is Christ Jesus the Lord. The gift, clearly, is given not just to me, not just to “us,” but also to “them.” How can I be like God today and manifest some goodness and grace to both “us” and “them”? A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR My dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, A continued blessed Christmastide and Happy New Year of 2016 to one and all! The story of the Magi as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel exemplifies one of the inspirations for the giving gifts at Christmas (many cultures still exchange presents on Epiphany, the “twelfth day” of Christmas, traditionally celebrated on January 6.) Some even focus on the Magi’s gifts as examples of stewardship. However, as is often the case, there is a deeper and more meaningful message found here. When they found the child Jesus, they opened their treasures and they gave “Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” They did not present the gifts to His parents; they presented them directly to Him. The baby Jesus had no real need for these gifts, and we assume that Mary and Joseph used them on Christ’s behalf, to support Him. That is what we do when we give to the Church. Although our gifts need to be viewed by us as gifts to God, we also must have a trust, which includes the understanding that those who will use the gifts will use them wisely and justly. The Magi trusted that their gifts would be used in a way that was beneficial. We need to have that same kind of trust. Most of all, we need to understand the importance of giving, of being good stewards. The traditional blessing of the New Year is often celebrated today because of its association with the coming of the Magi. Over one or more doors throughout the household is inscribed 20 + C + M + B + 16 invoking the intercession of the Magi. The letters C, M and B are not only the first letters of the names traditionally given to the Magi, i.e. Caspar, Melchoir and Balthazar, but also form an acronym for the Latin blessing prayer, “Christus mansionem benedicat,” translated “May Christ bless this house.” If your family has not observed this tradition in the past, perhaps this year might be an opportunity to start this pious practice of blessing the home. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has given a special designation to this coming week – National Migration Week with the theme, A Stranger and You Welcomed Me. In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells His disciples, "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." The call to welcome the stranger plays an important role in the lives of faithful Christians and has a particularly central place for those of us who work in the migration field. The migrant, who moves from one country to another is truly a stranger in the midst. Often unfamiliar with the local tongue of the new country, not to mention its customs, migrants need the support of local communities so that they can better adjust to their new surroundings. National Migration Week 2016 picks up on the theme of welcome and, in doing so, calls on each of us to welcome the stranger among us. All are encouraged to check out the homepage of the Office of Migration and Refugee Services on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (www.usccb.org). Click on “National Migration Week” on the left side bar for wonderful information and resources. Even though the Christmas season continues until next Sunday, let us not forget to say THANK YOU and acknowledge all of our liturgical ministers – greeters, altar servers, sacristans, ushers, choristers, instrumentalists, handbell ringers, cantors, sound technicians, lectors, gift-bearers, children’s Liturgy of the Word leaders and assistants, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, art and environment team members (I hope I did not forget anyone!) – all of whom have made our Christmas season celebrations so grand and so glorious! Obviously, the several hundred parishioners and their ministry leaders who are involved in our liturgical ministries deserve our appreciation week after week year round! Yet it always seems they “out due” themselves each and every year during our most solemn seasons and celebrations. So, again, THANK YOU to all our liturgical ministers. That’s all for now – God bless one and all! Fr. Geoff THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 WORSHIP Novena of Holy Hours for Life - VII Thursday, January 7, 7:00-8:00 PM for those struggling with infertility and awaiting adoptions MASS 101: MAKING THE MOST OF MASS Friday, January 15 10:15 AM - NOON Bring the whole family – all ages – to this interactive presentation, a walk-through Mass. Explore the historical, biblical, and traditional foundations of the Eucharistic liturgy. Dig more deeply into WHY we do WHAT we do each Sunday. Contact Jeremy in the parish office with any questions, jhelmes@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 ext.103 OUTREACH DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE GOING THROUGH A DIFFICULT TIME? Do you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative who has been struggling with the loss of a loved one, loneliness, cancer, a layoff, relocation, divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation, single parenthood, or any of countless other life challenges? Our Stephen Ministers can provide them with the focused care, encouragement, and support they need to make it through the crisis. If you know of someone who is hurting tell them about Stephen Ministry and suggest they call the Holly Moran, 513-777-4322 or email, stephenministry@saint-max.org. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care! THE CATHOLIC'S DIVORCE HEALING PROGRAM BEGINS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2016 This program covers topics of shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the courts, the kids, the ex-spouse, annulment, dating, sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single, and much more! Whether you got divorced ten days ago or ten years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone. This group starts Wednesday, January 6, 2016 and will meet on Wednesdays until mid-April from 6:30-8:30 PM. For more information or to register, call Dominic Iannarino at 513-259-9440, divorcesurvival@saint-max.org or Holly Moran at 513-777-4322. For a sneak preview go to www.CatholicsDivorce.com Upcoming Blood Drive hosted by St. Maximilian Kolbe Knights of Columbus Friday, January 8, 2016 12:30-2:45 PM and 4:00-6:30 PM drive will be held in the large conference room to schedule an appointment email: blooddrive@saint-max.org OR call 513-443-4755 TRANSITIONAL LIVING WREATH Please take a tag from the Transitional Living Wreath in the gathering space today after Mass. Transitional Living is located in Hamilton, and provides competent, caring rehabilitative services to adults with mental disabilities, helping them live independently. Thank you for your generosity. OUTREACH SAVE THE DATE – NATIONAL DAY OF PENANCE—JANUARY 22 Friday, January 22 is a day of prayer and fasting as all the dioceses in the United States commemorate the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. Please save the date to participate with us here at St. Max. Activities will begin on Thursday, January 21 with the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 6:00-6:45 PM. From 7:00-8:00 PM there will be a Holy Hour for Life, followed by all night Exposition in the Chapel. The day will continue on January 22 with Exposition in the Church and end with Benediction at 4:00 PM. We hope you will be able to join us! EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS THE GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES (Matthew 2:1-2) Did you know that in many cultures, the Epiphany is also a gift-giving day? You might save one Christmas gift (for each family member) to open on this day. Think of the giver. If the giver is present, tell the person what he or she means to you. If the giver is far away, call or write a letter to express your thanks and love. Adults Life Question: What experience have you had of working with people of other religions on a common cause? Gospel Question: What does the visit of the Magi tell us about Jesus? Older Teens Life Question: What in your experience most convinces you that God exists and cares for you? Gospel Question: Where do you seek God? Younger Teens Life Question: What is the longest journey you have ever made? What was good about it? Gospel Question: What does the star tell us about who Jesus is? Grades 4-6 Life Question: What is the best gift you have ever received and why? Gospel Question: Why do the Magi bring gifts to Jesus? Grades 1-3 Life Question: When have you made a long trip? Gospel Question: Why do the Magi make such a long journey to find Jesus? Preschool-Kindergarten Life Question: Who brings you gifts? Gospel Question: What is a gift you want to give to Jesus? EARLY CHILDHOOD RFY NEWS Happy New Year and welcome to winter! With the potential for inclement weather in upcoming weeks, we would like to remind everyone about our weather/emergency class cancellation policy: Since our classes meet during Mass, we stick to the general rule: If there is Mass, there is class. If weather takes a turn for the worse, you can visit our website www.saintmax.org for building closure or activity cancellations, or check with local television and radio stations. However, please use your best judgment whenever you are traveling on the roadways. It’s better to be safe than sorry. RFY GRADES 1—8 NEWS Happy New Year and welcome to winter! With the potential for inclement weather in upcoming weeks, we would like to remind everyone about the RFY evening program weather/emergency class cancellation policy: In the event of inclement weather, please visit the Saint Max website to check on building closure and/or activity cancellations. Closure and cancellation information will also be broadcast on local television and radio stations. If the local public schools are closed, please do not assume religion class will be cancelled that evening. Road conditions often improve over the course of the day. However, please use your best judgment whenever you are traveling on the roadways. It’s better to be safe than sorry. MIGHTY MAX It’s time to register for our Mighty Max Early Childhood (ages 18 mos-preK, with caregiver) weekday program! New child registrations for our “Winter Session” for all classes, are being accepted now. The Winter Session will run the weeks of January 11-March 17. Cost is $50. Class options include Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Join the fun! Check out the Mighty Max page on the parish website for forms and program information. Contact Charlotte Flanagan in the office with any questions, 513-777-4322 ext. 129, cflanagan@saint-max.org. THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS ALL 6TH, 7TH AND 8TH GRADERS ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR MONTHLY JR. HIGH 1X1 EVENTS Junior High 1 x 1 meets next Saturday, January 9 from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Never been before? We’d love to have you join us! Youth can join us for Mass or attend Mass with their families. You can even join us at 5:30 PM after Mass. If you have a bible of your own, bring it along or we’ll provide one for you. After Mass we’ll make-our-own mini subs with chips, drinks and dessert, watch a video clip and discuss what it might mean to “Be A Rebel,” have a fast-paced library scavenger hunt to explore new teen books and “Be Resolved” for the New Year! Questions? Contact Robin Burbrink, rburbrink@saint-max.org or at 777-4322 ext. 120. 6th and 7th grade Theology of the Body registrations are due! Contact Robin Burbrink, rburbrink@saint-max.org or at 777-4322 ext. 120. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY HomeLife meets tonight Sunday, January 3. Check with your leader to make sure you are still meeting. FRESH Youth Group meets next Sunday, January 10 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the lounge & gym. All are welcome! Time again for our annual ski trip! This is for beginners AND pros; lessons are available. Ski, snow-board, or tube for 6 hours straight! When you get chilly, come to our table in the lodge for some hot drinks and play cards or other games. Bring all your friends for a fun night of winter sports! Look for the flyer on the High School Youth Ministry webpage . Steubenville registration has been extended until January 18. Register now! For any questions regarding HS Youth Ministry contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS YOUNG ADULT CATHOLICS HANGING TOGETHER ~ YACHT January 7 - Adoration & Applebee’s - Join us for the last hour of adoration (Holy Hour) at St. Max in the Chapel @ 7:00 PM. Afterwards meet up at Applebee’s at Union Center for some food & socializing January 13 - Reason for the Season - Christ is born! But what happened next? Join us in the St. John's Chapel from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM as we take a closer look at the early years of Jesus' life. For any questions regarding young adult events, contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 TAKE THE CHALLENGE! 1.10.16 Save the Date! High School Youth Ministry Summer Conference Fundraiser Flower Sale Place your order after Masses on 1/30 & 1/31 and 2/6 & 2/7 www.saint-max.org/takethechallenge SISTERS IN FAITH It’s New Year’s Resolution time. But, instead of starting the year with some big challenge, consider this… Take some time to create your own personal definition of ‘mercy’. Do this over the span of a week. Then, write out your personal definition (or create a colorful, multi-font filled page in Word!) and post it somewhere you will see it daily during this Year of Mercy. A Marriage Moment The 3 Magi (kings or wise men) recognized power in the unlikely person of a baby. Indeed it is wisdom that helps us see the godliness within the ordinary people in our lives. Our beloved may seem pretty ordinary today. Look for the godliness within. By Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net PARISH LIFE FINANCIAL SUMMARY Due to the bulletin printing schedule for the Christmas season, the financial summary will not be updated until January 10, 2016. Additional Christmas flower donations made in honor/memory of: Edward Roehm Sr Themla Wantola Walter Wantola Parents and Grandparents of The Zacher & Erbs Families Joseph & Ruth Recker YOUNG AT HEART Monday, January 11: Our regular monthly meeting. We will have a guest speaker, Jackie Eckles, talking about what is happening at the new Liberty Center . Saturday, January 16: Dinner at Mimi's in Mason at 6:00 PM. Sign up at the January meeting or call Pat at 513-646-0162 for reservations. Monday, February 8: our regular meeting. This will be Karaoke Night. Bring your voices! Young at Heart is a social group for parishioners ages 50 and over. Anyone is welcome, single or couples, widow or widower. Contact Ann (330-6545) or youngatheart@saintmax.org if you are interested in attending a meeting or joining. THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD January 3, 2016 EVENTS OF THE PARISH THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2015 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance Include Me! Mass 9:30 AM Rms 8 & 10 Consoling The Heart of Jesus Baptism Sunday 9:30 AM Chapel Exposition of the Blessed St. Max Boosters Sacrament RFY Grades 4-8 9:30 AM Nursery Mothers Rosary HomeLife Open Lounge 5:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters Praise & Worship 6:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance Boy Scouts Adult Meeting 6:30 PM Gym Boy Scouts High School Youth HomeLife 6:30 PM Rm 6 RCIA Dinner Follow-up Men’s Basketball 6:45 PM Church Handbell Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Chapel Holy Hour/Vespers Mothers Rosary 7:00 PM Youth Room RCIA Religious Formation for Youth 7:00 PM Rms 9 & 11 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Religious Prayer Service 7:00 PM Rm 7 Welcome Ministry Meeting Family Promise Planning Team 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters Religious Formation for Youth FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 2016 Religious Prayer Service 9:15 AM Office Conf Rm Stephen Ministry Leaders Adoration Team Meeting 12:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Hoxworth Blood Drive Ancora 5:00 PM Complex Cub Scout #944 Pinewood Derby set up Bible Study SATURDAY, JANURARY 9, 2016 Young at Heart Board 8:00 AM Complex Cub Scout #944 Pinewood St Max Boosters Derby Children's Choir Rehearsal 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance Facilities Commitee 9:15 AM Rm 4 St. Benedict Bible Study Knights of Columbus 3:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance St Max Boosters 4:00 PM Gym & Kitchen Jr. High Social beginning with Cub Scouts Pack 945-Tiger Mass Den 1 5:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Welcome Orientation 7:00 PM Youth Room Ladies Fellowship Network SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 , 2016 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Surviving After the Death of 8:00 AM Complex Early Childhood Classes during Suicide the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Include Me! Mass WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015 1:00 PM Church Art & Environment Return to 9:30 AM Complex Faith Lessons for Moms Ordinary Time 9:30 AM Lg Conf Rm Faith Lessons for Women 1:30 PM Gym St. Max Boosters-GCCYS Games 9:30 AM Rm 6 Prayer Shawl 5:00 PM Lounge Peer Minister Meeting 5:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters 6:00 PM Complex RFY Grades 4-8 5:15 PM Church Cherub Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Stephen Ministry Facilitators 6:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Catholic Divorce Survival Guide 7:00 PM Gym FRESH - HS Youth Ministry 6:30 PM Gym St Max Boosters 7:30 PM Rms 2 & 3 Men's CRHP Group 6:45 PM Church Music Ministry Rehearsal 7:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Stephen Ministry Supervision 7:00 PM Rm 6 Light Weigh 9:00 PM Gym Men's Basketball 7:00 PM Youth Room Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 PM Rms 12 & 14 RCIA Mystagogia 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 2016 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm 1:30 PM Church 1:30 PM Gym 6:00 PM Complex 7:00 PM Lounge 7:00 PM Church 7:30 PM Rm 5 7:30 PM Complex 7:30 PM Gym MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 9:30 AM Nursery 5:15 PM Complex 5:15 PM Church 6:30 PM Hospitality Rm 6:45 PM Complex 6:45 PM Church 7:00 PM Rm 17 7:00 PM Lounge TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2015 9:30 AM Rms 2 & 3 1:00 PM Rms 2 & 3 5:00 PM Gym 5:15 PM Church 6:30 PM Off Conf Room 6:30 PM Lounge 6:30 PM Gym 7:00 PM Rms 9 & 11 Contact Information (for a complete list, visit www.saint-max.org) 513-777-4322 Pastor Fr. Geoffrey D. Drew, Ext.102 gdrew@saint-max.org Parochial Vicar Fr. Marc Soellner, Ext. 114 msoellner@saint-max.org Permanent Deacons John Paul Back, 226-3428 jback@saint-max.org Mike Hinger, 779-1586 mhinger@saint-max.org Mike Lippman, 252-4898 mlippman@saint-max.org Seminarian Intern Craig Best, Ext. 127 cbest@saint-max.org Pastoral Associates Lakmé Kodros, Parish Life & Stewardship Ext.105, lkodros@saint-max.org Jeremy Helmes, Worship Ext. 103, jhelmes@saint-max.org Carol Heuser, Christian Initiation Ext. 104, cheuser@saint-max.org Larry Witsken, Facilities & Maintenance Ext.110, lwitsken@saint-max.org Holly Moran, Outreach Ext. 116, hmoran@saint-max.org Zack Hinger, Evangelization & Catechesis Ext. 107, zhinger@saint-max.org Sarah Merkel, Communications Ext. 121, smerkel@saint-max.org Councils Darrell Maddox, Pastoral 515-3723, pastoralcouncil@saint-max.org Rich Tereba, Finance 887-8482, financecouncil@saint-max.org Commissions Lisa Schafer, Outreach 219-916-0130, outreach@saint-max.org Scott Teets, Parish Life & Stewardship 659-1730, stewardship@saint-max.org Steve Szczap, Worship 779-3324, worship@saint-max.org Chuck Ciccia, Evangelization & Catechesis 708-3545, e&ccommission@saint-max.org
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