January 10, 2016
January 10, 2016
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016 MASS TIMES, INTENTIONS AND PRAYER REQUESTS WELCOME TO ST MAX PARISH! Welcome to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish community! If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a packet in the gathering space and return the registration form. Once registered, you will receive our monthly newsletter and emails. Please know our staff and parish leaders are here to be of service to you. Additional information about our parish can be found on our website, www.saint-max.org. Sunday, January 10 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 8:00 AM † Bob Rouster 10:00 AM People of the Parish & † Charles Ryan NOON Members of the Michael Bifulco family Monday, January 11 8:30 AM † Pat Romer, † Barb Romer & † Mike Liette Tuesday, January 12 8:30 AM † Lillian Wake Wednesday, January 13 8:30 AM † Poor Souls Thursday, January 14 8:30 AM † Bertie Currens Friday, January 15 8:30 AM † Rodger Quinn Saturday, January 16 8:30 AM † Don Frey & Grief Support 4:30 PM † Charles Ryan Sunday, January 17 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 AM † Vincent Bao Nguyen & † Long D. Nguyen 10:00 AM People of the Parish & the Raymond & Lucy Soh family NOON †Robert Trischler † Deceased * Incense will be used THIS WEEK’S READINGS Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11 Psalm 104: 1-4, 24-25 , 27-30 Titus 2:11-14, 3:4-7 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Your healing prayers are requested for Mark Barrett, Bob Bruns, Jerri Bottoms, Louise Bowling, Eleanor Budek, Jennifer Calangi, Ann Corkhill, Esther Danielson, Angelique Debets, Henry DeNicola, John Dunn, Bill Ebben, Jack Finke, Timmy Fischer, Mary Fritz, Karen Gross, Richard Gross, Sol Gross, Sandra Giuliano, Joseph Hahn, Gary Hampton, Annie Hart, Brian Haverland, Steve Hazlebeck, Al Higgins, Jill Holt, Maureen Imfeld, Dennis Karas, Ralph Kitts, Don Klinkhammer, Hank Kluznick, Joey Lakeberg, Michael Lancaster, Pat Langdon, Pam Lawson, Barb Listermann, Beverly Listermann, Steve Lutz, Tom Lutz, Lyla McGlinchey, Andrew Meister, Jacob Meister, Beryl Michael, Judy Michael, Daniel R. Miller, Theresa Munafo, Trevor Vincent Munafo, Mary Patricia Nadzam, Gene Neltner, Victor Nguyen, Jack O’Verbey, Aaron Peters, Fr. John Porter, Agnes Rahman, Larry Richardson, Michele Risola, Evelyn Robinson, Joseph Romer, Helen Romes, John Roth Laura Russell, Julia Sanders, Hans Schade, James Schaeper, Julie Schrock, Rose Seibert, Rod Simpson, Phillip Spotts, Donald Charles Sturmer, Daniel Thiergartner, Tari Torbeck, Lori Vehr, George Vesper, Gloria Vesper, Stanley Wadella, Vito Weeda, Charlie Wiedenmann, Jennifer Wiesmann and Christine Zampese. Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servants to health again. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. PRAYERS FOR THE MILITARY NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 96:1-3, 7-10 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11 DEVOTIONS (all in chapel) Perpetual Adoration - Our chapel is open continuously Exposition - The Blessed Sacrament is exposed on Thursdays after Mass, a Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM Rosary - One half hour before all Masses Divine Mercy Chaplet - After all Masses Our Sympathy for the families of all those who have died, especially: Martha Carlson, aunt of Pat Tobergte Please pray for Scott Archuleta, Daniel Armstrong, Patrick Black, Ben Brink, Nicholas Calangi, Ashley Cannon-Borromeo, Rich Borromeo, Philip DeNicola, Donald Gilbert, David Giuliano, Joseph Hamann, Michael Hazlebeck, Tyler Hollenkamp, Derrick Kamphaus, Stephen Kelczewski, Matthew Koop, Jon Laurin, Derek Morris, Ryan Nikzad, Don Mollis, Jr., Daniel Moore, Alexander J. Pater, Chad Richman, Christopher Richman, Matthew Risola and Cedric Whitlock. Almighty God, we stand before You in supplication, asking Your Divine mercy and protection to envelop with Your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies, both spiritual and physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. HOMEBOUND, HOSPITALIZED AND NURSING HOMES To make arrangements to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Penance and/or visits to the hospitalized or seriously ill parishioners, please call Holly Moran, 777-4322, ext. 116. Please note that if you are in the hospital, privacy regulations prohibit hospital personnel from contacting your parish. Therefore, you or your family members should let us know directly by calling the parish office. JUBILEE OF MERCY Baptism Starts Things Off After His baptism in the Jordon, Jesus became very public. So, too, for each us. We are saved, surely, in b baptism, but we are also sent. The clarity we have today is that we are sent to be missionary disciples – sent to proclaim mercy, sent to be justice. Sent. Maybe sent to my family or neighborhood, maybe sent to where I work, maybe sent to my school, maybe sent to.... • How will I behave this week as one who is both saved and sent? A LETTER FROM THE PASTOR My dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, A continued blessed Christmastide and Happy New Year of 2016 to one and all! Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the official liturgical end of the Christmas season. In the preVatican II calendar this feast was always on January 13, the octave day of the Epiphany which was always celebrated on the twelfth day of Christmas, January 6. Thus, this feast is rightfully celebrated as a second Epiphany, a second “manifestation.” In fact, in the Eastern Church this feast is called the Theophany because God appears in three persons – Jesus the Son is baptized as the Holy Spirit descends upon Him as the Father declares, “You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.” Today is an appropriate day to recall our own baptism. How many of us even remember the day of our baptism or commemorate it each year? It should be “right up there” with birthdays and anniversaries. My baptism was on Sunday, February 11, 1962 in what was the baptistery, and is now a closet, at Our Lady of Lourdes School on the west side of Cincinnati! Christ’s baptism represents in many ways what occurred at our own baptisms. At Christ’s baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and at our baptism the Trinity occupies our being – we become children of God, brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus and dwelling places of the Holy Spirit. Christ was declared the beloved Son and at our baptisms we, too, become beloved of God. At Jesus’ baptism the heavens were opened, and at our baptisms heaven was opened to us. So what does it mean to be baptized? It is a call to live and love on this earth, a call to seek holiness, a call to actively be disciples of Christ. And one way we can live our baptismal call is to be more purposefully and intimately connected to Sacred Scripture. Thus, the 1% Challenge! As I stated in my homily, the Word of God is unchanging and transforming – and every time we read Sacred Scripture and we bring our lived experiences to it, God’s Word has something unique and important to say to us. God’s Word is our nourishment when we hunger, our opportunities when perplexed, our solace when challenged and our joy when thankful! In God’s Word we constantly find our strength! Be fed! Be led! Withstand and be glad! Take the challenge! That’s all for now – God bless one and all! Fr. Geoff Novena of Holy Hours for Life - VIII Thursday, January 14, 7:00-8:00 PM For the conversion of those who promote or participate in euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, assisted suicide and human trafficking. 2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA) Next weekend, the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal will kick off throughout the archdiocese. The CMA is our opportunity each year to support the work of six vital ministries and their many programs, all of which operate right here in our archdiocese. Also, if we exceed our parish goal for the CMA, 50% of our overage comes back to the parish to be used toward parish outreach ministries. Please prayerfully consider supporting this year’s CMA. For more information, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016 WORSHIP MASS 101: MAKING THE MOST OF MASS Bring the whole family – all ages – to this interactive presentation, a walk-through Mass, on Friday, January 15 from 10:15 AM –Noon. Explore the historical, biblical, and traditional foundations of the Eucharistic liturgy. Dig more deeply into WHY we do WHAT we do each Sunday. Contact Jeremy in the parish office with any questions, jhelmes@saint-max.org, 513-777-4322 ext.103 OUTREACH CHRIST CARING FOR PEOPLE THROUGH PEOPLE That’s the motto of Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Minister’s role is to bring God’s love into the lives of people who are going through a difficult time or experiencing a crisis. What do Stephen Ministers do? They listen, care, support, encourage, and pray with and for a person who is hurting. And in the midst of this confidential, one-to-one, caring relationship, God’s healing love comes pouring through. If someone you know is facing a crisis—large or small—and could benefit from the caring presence of a Stephen Minister, tell them about Stephen Ministry and suggest they call Holly Moran, 513-777-4322 or e-mail stephenministry@saint-max.org. It’s a great way for you to show how much you care! ROSARY FOR LIFE Join others from St. Max and other parishes in praying the rosary in front of the abortion clinic in Sharonville at 11250 Lebanon Road. St. Max leads the rosary the third Saturday of every month at 9:15 AM. Bring your families. The abortion clinic is closed on Saturdays and this is a good opportunity to be a witness to the gospel of life and pray for the unborn and the closing of the abortion clinic. For more information, contact Mary Jo Suer at respectlife@saint-max.org. THE CATHOLIC’S DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE @ RUAH WOODS Catholic’s Divorce Healing Program – 12 Mondays, 7:00-9:00 PM, beginning January 25, 2016. Ruah Woods offers an exciting new ministry to men and women who have suffered from divorce. The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide is a twelve-week program featuring thirty-minute DVD sessions each week that cover topics of shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the courts, the kids, the ex-spouse, annulment, dating, sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single, and much more. Whether you got divorced ten days ago or ten years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone. Call Donna or Lynn at 513-407-8672, lynnhammersmith@ruahwoods.org, or go to www.ruahwoods.org. EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS THE GOSPEL FOR ALL AGES (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22) The story of Jesus’ baptism invites us to remember our own baptisms. This week, connect the gospel to the baptism stories of your family members. Pull out baptismal pictures, videos and mementos, and retell the stories. Talk about what our baptism means by reflecting on the questions below. Adults Life Question: What leadership do you offer in your faith community? Do you tend to lead more through prayer and solidarity or through work for charity and justice? Gospel Question: What are ways we can live out our baptism faithfully? Older Teens Life Question: What makes belonging to communities and groups so important? Gospel Question: To what communities does Jesus belong? Younger Teens Life Question: What makes belonging to the Christian community important to you? Gospel Question: How does John the Baptist help Jesus begin His work? Grades 4-6 Life Question: What kind of social justice work inspires you? Gospel Question: How do the Father and Spirit bless Jesus at His baptism? Grades 1-3 Life Question: What happens at baptism? Gospel Question: Who does this Gospel show will be with Jesus in His work? Preschool-Kindergarten Life Question: What happens at baptism? Gospel Question: Who belongs to Jesus’ family? EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS EARLY CHILDHOOD RFY NEWS Upcoming program news: we will have a Valentines exchange at all grade levels on February 7… a reminder note will be sent home on January 31 with details. NO CLASSES on February 14 due to Presidents Day Weekend. RFY GRADES 1—8 NEWS Evening Prayer on Jan. 24/25 during regular RFY class time – join us for Evening Prayer followed by family learning and activities. This event will focus on the conversion of St. Paul. Parents, please come to the church at the beginning of RFY class with your children. We will be in the church together for the entire class time. This will be similar to the format we followed last year. Summer Home Study families are invited to join us during any session (Sun. 1/24 @ 6:00-7:15 PM or Mon. 1/25 @ 5:15-6:30 PM or 6:45-8:00 PM.) ACRE ASSESSMENT The ACRE assessment will be given here at St. Max on Sunday, January 31 from 6:00-7:15 PM and Monday, February 1 from 5:15-6:30 and 6:45-8:00 PM. This assessment is required for all youth who attend religious education classes in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Classroom students will be taking the assessment during regular class time, no need to sign up. Parents of Summer Home Study 5th graders, please register by visiting the Signup Genius Link that was sent to you by email. You will also find this link on the RFY Grade 1-8 webpage. HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY FRESH Youth group meets tonight, Sunday, January 10 from 7:00-9:00 PM in the lounge & gym. All are welcome! HomeLife meets next Sunday, January 17. Check with your leader for details. Time again for our annual ski trip! Join us on January 16 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM at Perfect North Slopes. This is for beginners AND pros; lessons are available. Ski, snow-board, or tube for 6 hours straight! When you get chilly, come to our table in the lodge for some hot drinks and play cards or other games. Bring all your friends for a fun night of winter sports! Look for the flyer on the High School Youth Ministry webpage. We will be leaving from St. Max at 8:00 AM. KAIROS Retreat for high school seniors: February 13-15 at Jesuit Retreat Center in Milford. Registration deadline is February 1. Contact Zack for more details. Steubenville registration has been extended until January 18. Register now! For any questions regarding HS Youth Ministry contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 Save the Date! High School Youth Ministry Summer Conference Fundraiser Flower Sale Place your order after Masses on 1/30 & 1/31 and 2/6 & 2/7 YOUNG ADULT CATHOLICS HANGING TOGETHER ~ YACHT January 13 - Reason for the Season - Christ is born! But what happened next? Join us in the St. John's Chapel from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM as we take a closer look at the early years of Jesus' life. January 29th - Ice Skating - Join us for a fun evening of ice skating, from 8:00 PM -10:00 PM at Northland Ice Center (10400 Reading Road). Cost is $9 per person, skate rental included. For any questions regarding young adult events, contact Zack Hinger, zhinger@saint-max.org or 513-777-4322 ext. 107 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016 EVANGELIZATION & CATECHESIS SISTERS IN FAITH Women’s adult faith idea for this week – make time for a 20 minute walk and pray a rosary. Ten fingers make it easy to walk and count Rosary prayers. Don’t worry about the beginning or the ending if you are unfamiliar with those prayers. Tell our Lord your intentions and start right in with an Our Father followed by 10 Hail Mary’s, repeat 4 more times! A Marriage Moment I'm very neat. My wife is messy. I cured myself from my annoyance with her by imagining that she had died and then asked myself, "If you could bring her back to life but she'd still be messy, would you still want her back? “Yes, for sure!” It cured me. Whenever I get annoyed with her mess, I rerun the script. (Sam Bradley) This could work with many annoyances. By Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net 1% OF YOUR DAY is 14 minutes and 24 seconds. JUST 1% OF YOUR DAY given to God in focused prayer will change your life. We would like to challenge you to spend just 1% (let’s round it up to 15 min) OF YOUR DAY EVERYDAY PRAYING With scripture through a Catholic tradition called Lectio Divina. TAKE THE CHALLENGE www.saint-max.org/takethechallenge PARISH LIFE FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1. Sunday & Holy Day Offerings December 6 December 11-Faith Direct EFT December 13 December 20 December 27 Total December to date December budget Sundays 26,845.07 53,491.00 26,018.81 30,247.00 21,473.47 158,075.35 150,000.00 2. Sunday & Holy Day Year-to-Date Actual 942,590.26 Budget 955,000.00 Difference (12,409.74) Special December Offerings Ash Wednesday 10.00 Campaign for Human Development 70.00 Catholic Tuition Assistance 1,238.00 Charitable Impact 3,694.00 Drive Down the Debt 20,277.78 Fund for Religious Retirement 8,803.00 St. Vincent de Paul 3,237.00 Holy Days 259.00 4,885.00 2,219.00 1,071.00 52,330.16 60,764.16 56,000.00 67,910.16 61,500.00 6,410.00 STEWARDSHIP POINT “I have observed 100,000 families over my years of investment counseling. I always saw greater prosperity and happiness among those families who tithed than among those who didn't.” ~Sir John Templeton, chairman of Templeton Funds YOUNG AT HEART Monday, January 11: Our regular monthly meeting. We will have a guest speaker, Jackie Eckles, talking about what is happening at the new Liberty Center. Saturday, January 16: Dinner at Mimi's in Mason at 6:00 PM. Sign up at the January meeting or call Pat at 513-646 -0162 for reservations. Monday, February 8: Our regular meeting. This will be Karaoke Night. Bring your voices! Young at Heart is a social group for parishioners ages 50 and over. Anyone is welcome, single or couples, widow or widower. Contact Ann (330-6545) or youngatheart@saintmax.org if you are interested in attending a meeting or joining. The Lord will open the windows of heaven according to our need, and not according to our greed. The January financial summary will be updated on January 17. Men’s Night Out Men’s Social - A night of fellowship & fun Friday, January 29th 7:30 PM – Midnight Fr. John Porter Family Life Complex Cost: $25 (includes 2 drink tickets and unlimited food!) Note: $30 at the door * Must be 21 Variety of games to amuse everyone Corn hole, Euchre and poker tournaments Beat the Dealer, raffles, split the pot & more Hole in One Putting Contest Did I mention fabulous food! Event Sponsorship available - contact Paul Groh For more information or to register contact Paul Groh, 513-324-2937 ,mensnightout@saint-max.org or register online at www.saint-max.org. All proceeds benefit St. Vincent de Paul-St. Max Chapter THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 10, 2016 EVENTS OF THE PARISH 6:30 PM 6:30 PM THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 9:30 AM Rms 8 & 10 Consoling The Heart of Jesus 9:30 AM Chapel Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30 AM Nursery Mothers Rosary 10:00 AM Gym Mighty Max Moves and Grooves 5:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters 6:00 PM Church Sacrament of Penance 6:30 PM Gym Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Rms 8 & 10 Cub Scout Pack 944-Den 1 6:30 PM Complex Mending Hearts for Grieving Children 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Answer the Call Men's Faith Sharing 7:00 PM Chapel Holy Hour/Vespers 7:00 PM Rm 4 Marriage Enrichment Team 7:00 PM Rm 6 Prayer Shawl 7:00 PM Church RCIA 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 9:00 AM Lg Conf Rm Home School 9:00 AM Hospitality Rm Stephen Ministry Reflection Days 9:15 AM Off Conf Room Stephen Ministry Leaders Meeting 10:00 AM Gym Faith Lessons for Moms 10:15 AM Church Mass 101 6:00 PM Gym St. Max Boosters-GCCYS Games SATURDAY, JANURARY 16, 2016 7:30 AM Gym & Kitchen Theology of the Body for Jr. High 8:00 AM Off Site Youth Ministry Ski Trip 9:15 AM Gathering Space Memorial Reception following Mass 9:15 AM Rm 16 Men's Retreat Planning 9:15 AM Church Sacrament of Penance 9:15 AM Hospitality Rm St. Benedict Bible Study 7:00 PM Gym & Kitchen Claire Zink AHG Stars & Stripes Court of Honor SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 , 2016 8:00 AM Complex Early Childhood Classes during the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses 8:00 AM Gym Catholic Elementary School Fair 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Include Me! Mass Complex Faith Lessons for Moms 2:30 PM Gym St. Max Boosters-GCCYS Games Lg Conf Rm Faith Lessons for Women 6:00 PM Complex RFY Grades 4-8 Gym St Max Boosters 7:00 PM Lounge HomeLife Open Lounge Church Cherub Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Church Praise & Worship Lg ConfRm Catholic Divorce Survival 7:15 PM Rms 8 & 10 Boy Scouts Committee Meeting Guide 7:30 PM Various High School Youth HomeLife Gym St Max Boosters 7:30 PM Gym Men’s Basketball Hospitality Rm Young Widowed Grief Support 7:30 PM Rms 2 & 3 Boosters Monthly Meeting 6:45 PM 7:00 PM Church Youth Room 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Rm 6 Gym SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 , 2016 8:00 AM Complex Early Childhood Classes during the 8:00 and 10:00 Masses 12:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Include Me! Mass 1:00 PM Church Art & Environment Return to Ordinary Time 1:30 PM Gym St. Max Boosters-GCCYS Games 5:00 PM Lounge Peer Minister Meeting 6:00 PM Complex RFY Grades 4-8 6:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Stephen Ministry Facilitators 7:00 PM Gym FRESH - HS Youth Ministry 7:30 PM Rms 2 & 3 Men's CRHP Group 7:30 PM Lg Conf Rm Stephen Ministry Supervision 9:00 PM Gym Men's Basketball MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016 9:30 AM Nursery Mothers Rosary 9:45 AM Youth Room Mighty Max 10:45 AM Youth Room Mighty Max Parent's Morning In 5:15 PM Complex Religious Formation for Youth 5:15 PM Church Religious Prayer Service 6:45 PM Complex Religious Formation for Youth 6:45 PM Church Religious Prayer Service 7:00 PM Lounge Ancora Planning Team 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Steubenville Parent Info Night 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm Young at Heart Monthly Meeting TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 9:30 AM Rms 2 & 3 Bible Study 9:45 AM Youth Room Mighty Max at 9:45 and 10:45 1:00 PM Church Homeschool Mass Practice 4:45 PM Church Homeschool Mass Practice 5:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters 5:15 PM Church Children's Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM Complex American Heritage Girls #2513 6:30 PM Gym KOC Free Throw Competition 6:30 PM Church Penance Prep Parent Meeting 7:00 PM Hospitality Rm Open Grief Group 7:00 PM Lg Conf Rm PC Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Rm 18 Stephen Ministry Supervision 8:00 PM Gym St Max Boosters WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 6:30 PM Group Music Ministry Rehearsal Evangelization & Catechesis Commission Meeting Light Weigh St Max Boosters Contact Information (for a complete list, visit www.saint-max.org) 513-777-4322 Pastor Fr. Geoffrey D. Drew, Ext.102 gdrew@saint-max.org Parochial Vicar Fr. Marc Soellner, Ext. 114 msoellner@saint-max.org Permanent Deacons John Paul Back, 226-3428 jback@saint-max.org Mike Hinger, 779-1586 mhinger@saint-max.org Mike Lippman, 252-4898 mlippman@saint-max.org Seminarian Intern Craig Best, Ext. 127 cbest@saint-max.org Pastoral Associates Lakmé Kodros, Parish Life & Stewardship Ext.105, lkodros@saint-max.org Jeremy Helmes, Worship Ext. 103, jhelmes@saint-max.org Carol Heuser, Christian Initiation Ext. 104, cheuser@saint-max.org Larry Witsken, Facilities & Maintenance Ext.110, lwitsken@saint-max.org Holly Moran, Outreach Ext. 116, hmoran@saint-max.org Zack Hinger, Evangelization & Catechesis Ext. 107, zhinger@saint-max.org Sarah Merkel, Communications Ext. 121, smerkel@saint-max.org Councils Darrell Maddox, Pastoral 515-3723, pastoralcouncil@saint-max.org Rich Tereba, Finance 887-8482, financecouncil@saint-max.org Commissions Lisa Schafer, Outreach 219-916-0130, outreach@saint-max.org Scott Teets, Parish Life & Stewardship 659-1730, stewardship@saint-max.org Steve Szczap, Worship 779-3324, worship@saint-max.org Chuck Ciccia, Evangelization & Catechesis 708-3545, e&ccommission@saint-max.org
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