Sunday, January 11th, 2015, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 • Fax: 310-670-5052 Website: E-mail: Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... Baptism of Our Lord - Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The U.S. bishops pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and all that is in it — especially themselves — to the Lord of all.” Dear Parishioners, On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we conclude the Christmas season with another celebration of the manifestation of the powerful presence of God. Notice in the Gospel how all three persons of the Blessed Trinity are manifest as Jesus is Baptized in the River Jordan by John. This solemn inauguration prepares us as well to go forth into the world, charged with the mission as witnesses to the powerful presence of God in our lives and in the beauty of creation. This feast calls us to celebrate our mission, first begun in our own baptism, when all three persons of the same Trinity were invoked upon us. Do not be afraid. Embrace your mission. Be witness of the powerful presence of God. Devotedly yours in Christ, Father Gabe LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER ~ For those who are ill, and those in need of our prayers… Angie Alvarado Barbara Steed Beatrice Vasek Bill Corrigan Bob Harris Brandi Hines Carmen Pereira Charles Guerra Deanna Marie Messier Diana Guerra Doris Dempsey Elizabeth Hauser Frances Wilkerson Israel, and family Jazzmine Peluchette Janet Erike Joanna Musacchio Jose A. Anaya Julian Moran Lori Caldwell Lysa Dennehy Martha Keglevich Mary Ann Kwinn Mary Lanzner Mary Ratkovic Melvin Peluchette Michelle Anaya Michlene “Mimi” Hébert Norma Aaron Nuria Lavilla Brau Peggy Keelaghan Potenciana Suner Rebeca Acuna Renee Harrangue Richard Mendenhall Ron & Louise Wasilewski Ruth Smith Sr. Eileen Marie (Marleen) Corrigan Stephane Lempire Sue McLaughlin Victoria Mitsakos Virginia Lorraine Robinson Yolanda Wygal ***Please note that this list will be updated monthly. Family members should please contact the Parish Office to add names or to let us know about the condition of those for whom we pray. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK SUN. 1/11 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 7:30 PM SPECIAL INTENTIONS DOROTHY MOORMAN ♦ IVAN SIROTIC WILLIAM HARSEMAN II ♥ THE PEOPLE OF ST. ANASTASIA MON. 1/12 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SPECIAL INTENTIONS ♥ ROSA GRANO TUES. 1/13 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SHIRLEY D. VESCERA NIURKA HERRERA WED. 1/14 6:30 AM 8:00 AM JANELLE R. KIRVUCK SR. TERESITA, PETRA, & ESPIE THUR. 1/15 6:30 AM 8:00 AM KEITH HEBERT DEANNA MARIE MESSIER ♦ FRI. 1/916 6:30 AM 8:00 AM SHIRLEY CRANTON SPECIAL INTENTIONS SAT. 1/17 8:00 AM 5:30 PM KAMILA M. DRISSI CAROLYN GONDRAN Birthday Anniversary ♥ Memorial Support ♦ Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... This Week: Saturday, January 10th/Sunday, January 11th Feast of The Baptism of the Lord Reflections on Today’s Readings Focus: The fullness of God’s Spirit was upon Jesus. The Spirit of God moved and worked in the lives of prophets and saints. But the fullness of God’s Spirit rested upon His Son, Jesus. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Jesus. When we open our lives to Jesus, we receive the same Spirit that strengthened and sustained Jesus during His life and ministry. Liturgy of the Word: Isaiah prophesies that God will send His servant, the one whom God’s Spirit will rest. In our reading from the Acts of Apostles, Peter confirms that God’s Spirit was upon Jesus at His Baptism. A voice from heaven declared that Jesus was God’s beloved Son, in whom He was well pleased. Celebrating Our Faith Next Week ~ Saturday, January 17th/Sunday, January 18th Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses: Sat: 5:30 p.m. Sun: 7:30 a.m. Sun: 9:00 a.m. Sun: 10:30 a.m. Sun: 12:00 NN. Sun: 7:30 p.m. Celebrants: Msgr. Gonzales Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Gonzales Fr. Tom Msgr. Vadakin Msgr. Cox Saturday Confessions 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to 8 p.m. Msgr. Gonzales The Family Visitation Ministry offers spiritual support to those in need. Please call Sr. Teresita at 310-216-2001, or the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. To Receive Holy Communion (For those who are sick, hospitalized, or home bound) Please call Gloria Bowen, Eucharistic Minister to the sick at 310-670-5971. It’s a great new year! Make sure that your contact information with the parish is up-to date and send an email to with your contact information updates. New to the parish? Request a New Parishioner registration form today to join the St. Anastasia family! Welcome! WE ENCOURAGE ALL TO READ AND REFLECT ON THE BIBLICAL PASSAGES THAT WILL BE PROCLAIMED AT ALL MASSES NEXT WEEK. First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ; glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20). Gospel — The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying and they stayed with him (John 1:35-42). You are invited to join Fr. Joseph Parathanal of Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, on Catholic Pilgrimages to: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE & COLONIAL MEXICO - May 2015 and THE HOLY LAND October 2015. Contact Bernadette at or call 323-344-1548 or 323547-6618 for more information. St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church will resume its contemplative prayer group for 2015: What: Holy Silence Contemplative Prayer Group and Book Study Where: St Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church, 538 Concord St. El Segundo Dates: Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. January 12th Silence; January 26th Book Study on the Desert Fathers Time: 7:30-9:00 RSVP: 310-322-1892 Ministry Equips us to deepen our love for God and share our faith… Join OneLife LA, the first-ever large-scale event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death in Downtown LA! OneLife LA invites all people to join us in declaring a commitment to valuing and protecting all human life, particularly the most vulnerable in our community. The event will begin with a walk up Temple Street, across Grand Avenue and down 1st Street, Marycrest Manor culminating in a family-friendly picnic with music, Skilled Nursing Facility entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from 10664 St. James Dr. community organizations. Culver City, CA 90230 Date: January 17, 2015 (310) 838-2778 ext. 212 Time: 9:30am - Doors Open at La Placita Olvera 10:00am – Welcome and Walk begins 12:00pm – Program begins with speakers SOCIAL CLUB NEWS and music at Grand Park 3:00pm – Event concludes Let’s start the New Year with a casino Location: Starts at La Placita Olvera, Downtown LA. trip to Pauma Casino on Thursday, View the video “OneLife LA - Embracing the beauty February 12 (9 AM to 6 PM)!! The cost and dignity of all human life” is only $8, gratuities included, and you will receive $10 in here at free play on your Rewards Card. We will have a raffle and and visit the OneLife website at for more information! water on the bus. Payment must be made by January 26, Opportunities for Seniors At the service of the family for life! The Carmelite Sisters offer short-term and long-term care for seniors, with a unique blend of social, recreational, educational and religious activities in a caring, tranquil, and home-like environment. Call for further information, a tour or an application. but will probably sell out long before then, so call Laurette at 310-670-2488. Fact of Life January 22 will mark the 41st anniversary of legalized abortion in the United States. Did you know that Norma McCorvey, the pregnant woman represented in this case actually had her baby? Did you know that she now is a convert to our faith and is actively working to end abortion? Did you know that Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who performed thousands of abortions, also came to work tirelessly for the unborn right to life? Dr. Nathanson admitted that the proabortion activists lied in their statistics about “back alley abortions”, using whatever figures they thought would promote their cause. Did you know that we have lost generations of children? The Catholic Church is a pro-life Church. Let us all pray this month and always for an end to abortion. To help stop the anti-life push around the world, the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This is done by praying that the one particular unknown child’s life be spared abortion and be allowed to live. To accomplish this, we can say the following daily prayer for nine months. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” Your prayers CAN make a difference. Our prayers can also be spiritual support for the parents. Please share the love of life given you by the Lord of all life. Join in spiritually adopting a baby. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Life, Justice, and Peace, Knights of Columbus, Right to Life League of Southern California, Diocese of Orange, Diocese of San Diego, Diocese of San Bernardino, Diocese of Fresno. Pornography Consuming Our Children The largest consumers of Internet pornography are children between the ages of 12-17. More than half of boys and a third of girls have seen pornography before their teenage years. Thirty-five percent of young teenage boys (13-14 years old) say that they have seen pornography "more times than I can count." By the age of 18, more than nine out of 10 boys, and six out of 10 girls have seen pornography online. The best defense against allowing pornography to reach our children is to stop it before it begins or to address it immediately. For complete VIRTUS® article with tips for parents and caring adults email: Ministry in Community… The Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Bundle Sunday will be next Sunday, January 18th here at St. Anastasia’s. Their truck will here from 8 am to 1:30 pm. They need your support!! Please bring any useable items that will help needy individuals. For large items including furniture, large appliances, and vehicles, please phone 323.224.6280 or 800.974.3571 for home pickups. Las Posadas 2014 was a beautiful community celebration for all of us here at St. Anastasia!! We have so many people to thank! Our Priests, for their support and blessing; Our parishioners for their total and absolute SUPPORT; And our Committee (and families) for their countless hours of laboring with total enthusiasm and dedication. We also had tremendous support from our neighboring friends, sponsoring the Raffle; which goes on our second year; and it was a success!!! Lots of happy faces went home with small (big packets of contentment) Gracias, Grazie, Merci, Thanks!!!!!!!! Very soon you will be hearing from us again! Enjoy a visit from the TRAVELING HOLY FAMILY this New Year! Have a statue of Jesus, Mary & Joseph join you for a week (or more!) and share God’s wonderful love with you as we start 2015! Sign up for this wonderful St. A’s tradition at http:// or call Regina at 310-670-2243. This Month’s Host Family 1/4-1/17 St. A’s Parish Family Confirmation Corner Don’t forget about these upcoming 2015 Confirmation events! Contact for more information! TODAY, January 11 Year 2 confirmation at 10 am. January 31-February 1 Year 2 Confirmation Retreat Weekend May God bless you all with a peaceful and joy filled 2015. Important Reminders: Don’t forget that Bulletin announcements should be submitted 2 weeks prior to the requested publication date! ♥ TODAY Sunday, January 11th —Nurses Ministry, Blood Pressure readings in Diamond Courtyard after the 10:30 am and 12 Noon Masses. ♥ Next Sunday, January 18th —The St. Joseph Center Collection takes place after all Masses. This collection benefits the poorest and needy of the Westside area. Your generous donations of cash/non -perishable food are greatly appreciated. COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS This section is provided on space-available basis: placement, duration and wording are not guaranteed. The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network ®, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area! Let providers know you want to see this channel on their lineup by visiting to easily petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are unable to access the internet please consider sending a postcard or letter to your provider. St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-670-2243 Office 310-670-5052 Fax Website: Email: PASTORAL TEAM PASTOR Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Priest in Residence Msgr. Gregory A. Cox Pastors Emeriti Rev. Thomas F. King Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, P.A. St. Anastasia Catholic School 8631 S. Stanmoor Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-645-8816 Office Website: Email: PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES Bereavement …………….....670-2243 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Young Adult Ministry MASSES Nancy Albin ......................... 927-8891 Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor WEEKDAYS Prayer Group—English Sacramental Recorder Mon-Fri: 6:30 AM & 8 AM Lori Mountain ...................... 502-9105 Aleida Rodriguez First Friday: 6:30 AM, 8 AM, Rosary Ministry 11 AM (during the School year) Director of Religious Education Rose De Leonardis………...645-7175 Saturday: 8 AM Jonette Mauch Ben Oakley………………….670-2771 Confirmation Coordinator WEEKENDS Respect Life ..........………….670-2243 Gabriel Reyes Saturday (Vigil): 5:30 PM Safe Guard the Children Director of Adult Faith Formation Sunday: 7:30, 9, 10:30 AM, 12 & 7:30 PM Rose Healy-Fissinger .......... 670-2243 and Stewardship Karen Diaz .......................... 670-2243 HOLY DAYS Holy Day Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM St. Joseph Center. Director of Music Ministry Holy Day: 6:30 AM, 8 AM, 11 AM (during Jayne Cram……….. .............. 645-1140 Greg Koppenhaver the School year) & 7 PM Homeless Weekend Program/ School Principal St. Robert’s Center SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Michael Muir Bob & Lori Caldwell ............. 823-7417 Saturday: 3:30 - 5 PM & 7:30 - 8 PM School Office Manager, Bookkeeper DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena, St. Margaret’s Center Louise Lance Rosary and Benediction - Monday, following the Mary Agnes Erlandson ........ 672-2208 School Office Assistant 8 AM Mass. Catholic Charities Linda Schmidt EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Saturday of Cindy Begazo………………..306-9390 the month from 8:30 - 9:30 AM Consultative School Board ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Sacrament for the Adopt-A-Family Olivier Chaine Sick is celebrated upon request of family Rose and Matt Fissinger ..... 645-8285 PTO Parent Teacher Organization Bundles for Babies and Diaper Drive Denise Gustafson BAPTISMS: Parents and Godparents are Teressa Syta ....................... 670-0285 Shawna Wiseman required to participate in a preparation program. Nurses Ministry Contact the Rectory Office 310-670-2243 or ADESTE (After School Program) Nancy Reilly .........…….424-228-4767 Fred & Esmeralda Balsz @ 679-9119. Elizabeth Soriano MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact the Maintenance Pen Pal Project - Prison Ministry Rectory no later than 6 months before their………..670-2243 Javier Antunes proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office Ministry for Married Couples 310-670-2243. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Jon & Suzette Sornborger ... 670-2243 R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; Men’s Spirituality Becoming Catholics - Please call the Rectory. FUNERALS: Contact the Pastor by calling the and SRE (Sunday School) Joe Berberich ...................... 745-7009 Rectory Office, 310-670-2243. Shad Meshad ...................... 568-1065 Jonette Mauch ..... .............. 670-2243 Confirmation Men’s Morning Hour ..……..670-2243 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Catrina Grove-Reyes ........... 670-2243 MOMS Ministry Infant Baptism Ministers of the Eucharist Jayne Cram………………….645-1140 Fred & Esmeralda Balsz .... 679-9119 Gloria Bowen-to the Sick.. .. 670-5971 Bible Study Jan & Herb Masi... .............. 641-2819 Carolyn Godlewski .............. 670-2243 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Ministers of the Word ......... Social Ministry Parish Finance Council Carl Pentis ........... .............. 649-4238 Laurette Bibeau……………..670-2488 Jim Healy ............. .............. 410-1206 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Pastor Advisory Council Family Visitation Ministry Evelio Leon .......... .............. 670-1298 ………………………………..670-2243 Sr. Teresita………………….216-2001 Courtyard Hospitality Site Committee Chronic Pain Support Ministry Stefan Politz ........ .............. 337-9534 Sr. Teresita…………………. 216-2001 Patrick Doherty…………….650-0274 Men’s Club Altar Care Chris Turkmany .... .............. 642-6646 Dolores Saenz ..... .............. 337-7213 Knights of Columbus ………821-2324 Liturgy Committee Arts and Education Richard Arias ....... .............. 641-4194 INTERESTED IN BECOMING A Jayne Cram .......... .............. 645-1140 Altar Server Committee: PRIEST OR IN RELIGIOUS LIFE? Stewardship ………......…….670-2243 Herb Masi …………………… 641-2819 Call the Office for Vocations Patrick Doherty …………….. 650-0274 213-637-7248 Maura Reznik .......………….. 645-6845 J.S.Paluch - Wendy Schatan, Bulletin Ads (Back cover) - 310-200-5597
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