

Beatitudes of Our Lord - 099700
13013 S. Santa Gertrudes Ave.
La Mirada, CA 90638
Phone: 562-943-1521
Contact: Nancy Arbogast
Email: beatitudeschurch@ca.rr.com
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Date of Transmission: August 27, 2013
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Special Instructions:
13013 S. Santa Gertrudes Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 am and 12:00 pm
Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 pm
Holy Days: 8:30 am and 7:00 pm
Weekdays: 8:30 am (Monday thru Friday)
Sacrament of Baptism
Call Rectory for pre-baptism appointment
Attendance at baptism class necessary
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Call the Rectory
Eucharistic Adoration
1st Monday of each month
9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
Wednesday, 7:45 am in Children’s Chapel
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday, 4:00 - 4:45 pm
Sacrament of Marriage
Contact the Wedding Coordinator
At least six months prior to marriage
Communion to the homebound
Call the Rectory
Funeral and Vigil Services
Call the Rectory for Assistance
And Counseling
Fr. Anthony Page, Pastor
Deacon Mike Hidalgo
Office Hours: Monday to Friday - 9:00 am to 12:30 pm; 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Rectory (562) 943-1521 Fax (562) 902-7627
School (562) 943-3218 Religious Education (562) 943-5678
Website: www.beatitudesofourlord.org
13013 S. Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Nancy Arbogast, Parish Business Manager
Church Office………………………………………...(562) 943-1521
Fax #.............................................................................(562) 902-7627
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM & 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Maria Watson, Principal
13021 S. Santa Gertrudes Ave…………………….….(562) 943-3218
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: ....................(562) 943-5678
Sandra Rehder, Director of Religious Education
Becky Bradbury, Administration
Preschool (ages 3, 4 & 5) Sunday 10:30 AM
Lisa McCoy, Preschool Coordinator
Elementary (Grades 1 - 4) Saturday 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Lisa McCoy, Elementary Coordinator
Junior High (Grades 5 - 8) Tuesday 7:15 - 8:30 PM
Becky Bradbury, Junior High Coordinator
Confirmation (High School) Monday 7:15 - 8:30 PM
Cecilia Maldonado, Confirmation Coordinator
Liturgy of the Word with Children
Desiree Beyea, Coordinator
Meetings 4th Tuesday of each month in the Church 6:30 PM
Carl and Eva Sandstrom ………...………...………….(562) 902-8376
Baptisms: 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM by APPOINTMENT
Pre-Baptismal Preparation Meeting with Parish Priest Required.
Call Rectory for Appointment…….…………………...(562) 943-1521
Call Rectory………………………….………………...(562)943-1521
Mary Jo Harbaugh…………………….…...…………. (562) 943-9981
Friday evenings.Doors open at 5:00 PM,Early Bird 6:15, Regular 7:00
Marron Hall (Bingo) Friday evening…....…….……….(562) 943-0884
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, O.C. Council………(714)546-4990
Ralph Pennella ............................................................. (714)401-6203
E-Mail at:...…….…………………….Pack803Beatitudes@gmail.com
Rena Vilamil……………………………….…………..(562)569-2460
Tony Viele.................................................................... (562) 943-9984
Carol Majernik………….………………..……..….. …(714)752-6084
Gregg Sasis………………..….………….…….……….(714)739-1431
Frank Marrone……………..………………………...…(562)947-7307
Melanie DelCarmen ...................................... ………….(714)670-7699
Every Thursday, 4:30 to 5:30 PM in Marron Hall.
Carmen Rawson............................................................ (562) 941-0340
Edith Weber…..……………..……………………..…...(562)944-3131
Carol Emmerling……………..………………………...(562)946-0150
Rose Sanchez…………………..……………………….(714)739-0776
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in the Ministry Center
Rudy Weber…………………………………………….(562)944-3131
Kate & Randy Abad ...................................................... (562)943-3508
Meets every Wednesday in the Ministry Center at 7:00 PM
Christine Merchak ........................................................ (562) 943-9935
Tony Viele ................................................................... (562) 943-9984
Frank and Becky Marrone ............................................ (562) 947-7307
Michelle Voss ............................................................... (949) 510-3809
Gene Gleason……………………………………….....(562) 947-.9020
E-mail at:………………………………. ...Pastoralcouncil@ca.rr.com
Doris Royston (Meets Mondays)……………………..(714) 523-5612
Rosemary Lozano…………..………….……………....(562)943-0318
Call Rectory…………………………..………..………(562) 943-1521
Call Rectory .................................................................. (562) 943-1521
Michael Codian………………..………..………...…...(562) 947-3903
Dottie Luther ................................................................ (562) 943-5142
WELCOME HOME (Welcoming Returning Catholics)
Carol Meglio………………………..………………….(714)521-1994
If you are new, welcome to our parish. We invite both new and longtime residents to register in the parish. Also, if
you are moving or changing your address, please fill in the following and drop it in the collection basket, mail it or
deliver to Rectory Office.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s reading from Sirach celebrates what
will become the theme of today’s Gospel: humility. Pride
causes us to demand from others an exalted estimate of
our status, but humility allows us
to see things more clearly. It allows us a broader perspective.
Humility promises us the favor of
God and the love of those who
know us.
The second reading is a
study in contrasts: the giving of
the Law on Mount Sinai and the
giving of salvation on Mount
Zion. The Law’s appearance is
greeted with solemnity, mystery, even fear. But Christians are not to be afraid. Coming to God’s mountain
with Jesus, “the mediator of a new covenant,” is a happy,
exuberant experience.
The parable in today’s Gospel concerns the danger of pride and the necessity of humility. The banquet
setting, often used by Jesus, is a symbol of heaven’s
abundance and of the fulfillment of God’s promise. The
parable is not simply good advice on how to avoid embarrassment; it is about salvation. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
September 1, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
8:00 AM – St. Michael the Archangel
Maria Inez Vallejo 
10:00 AM - Parishioners
12:00 PM - Jerry & Mary Borman, Happy 50th Anniversary
Monday, September 2, 2013
8:30AM - Consuelo Mendoza  
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
8:30 AM – Irene Madrid 
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
8:30 AM – Mark & Doris Royston, Happy 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Thursday, September 5, 2013
8:30 AM – Edna laurena 
Matilda Buenaventura 
Friday, September 6, 2013
8:30 AM - Fr. Jim Williams 
Ernesto Jose 
Socorro Co 
Eugenio Co 
Saturday, September 7, 2013
5:30 PM - Regina Fernando 
Church Support
Jazzlyn Jorge
August 25, 2013……….$9,522.54
Lawrence Sy Chu
Kristi M. Faulkner
God Bless you for your continued
support of our parish.
In Our Prayers
Prayers for our brothers and sisters in their time of
suf- fering and need…ChrisƟne Ackerman, Paul Alexander,
Maudie & Ed Alfabeto, Margaret Alvarez, Simfrosa
Bernarte, Deanna Bintner, Gerald Bourassa, William
Buck, Dale & Penny Bumcrot, Bill BunƟng, Jim Byrne,
Dionisio Canuel, Carmen Chavez, Donna Cockrella,
Audry CorbaƩ, Mary Joan & Roger Curry, Mercy Dauz, Rob
Ennis, LeaAnne Ferreira, Corey Fisheli, Ralph Fisheli, Gary
Frank G., Robert Fulton, Darlene Gonzales, Erin Gardner, ME&RA Gardia, Cassie Gardia, Catherine Giltzow, George Hamchuk, Irma Haydon,
Judy Hecker, Xavier J. Hernandez, Brenda Hood, Helen Jew, Maria
Jimenez, Areli Jimenez, Joshua Kappel, Patrick & Karla Leek, Joseph
Llushca, BerƟbeth Louis, Becky Marrone, Petra MarƟnez, Ronald
Meade, Art Mena, Roni Miyakawa, Armando Moreno, Elayna Morreale, Veronica Mummery, Don & Carmen Nichols, Kimberly Nii, MarƟn
Olivas, Rosie Olivas, Janice Ortez, Elizabeth OƩers, Mary Elizabeth
Parker, Marge Peckham, Mackenzie Perales, Roberta Perchuk, Laura
Perkins, Burr PrenƟce, Gary Quan, Joseph Ramirez, Yvonne Ratner,
Lynn Redden, Luz Rodriguez, Bessie Samonte, Teresa Sahyoun, Tillie
Texiera, Tony Tocco, Dora Torres, Annabel Viveros, Andrew Voss, Carol
Voss, Thomas Witczak, John Zorger, Paul Zorger . If you would like to
add or delete a name on the list, please call the Rectory 562-9431521.
Readings for the Week
1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13;
Lk 4:16-30
1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
Lk 4:31-37
Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44
Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11
Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 5:33-39
Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5
Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-6, 12-17;
Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33
Question of the Week
Reading I Sirach 3:17–18, 20, 28–29 (humility)
Reading II Hebrews 12:18–19, 22–24a
(God the judge; Jesus the mediator)
Gospel Luke 14:1, 7–14
(a lesson in humility)
Key Passage: Jesus said, “But when you give
a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the
lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed,
because they cannot repay you, for you will be
repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
(Luke 14:13–14)
Adult: Has the hunger for status and influence in
the world around you endangered your life as a
Child: Does it make you a better person to be chosen first for a team or some other honor? Why or
why not?
At Beatitudes of Our Lord
Monday 9/2 Labor Day, Rectory Office Closed
Tuesday 9/3
7:45 AM 1st Day of School Continental Breakfast - MH
7:00 PM -8:30 PM Legion of Mary - Children’s Chapel
Wednesday 9/4
8:30 AM School Mass - CH
6:00 PM -9:00 PM RCIA Class - SH/YR
7:00 PM -9:00 PM Baptism Class - MH
Thursday 9/5
4:30 PM -5:30 PM Good Sam Pantry - MH
6:00 PM -9:00 PM Music Rehearsals - CH
7:00 PM -8:00 PM Cub Scout Troop 803 - SH
Friday 9/6
5:00 PM -10:30 PM Bingo - MH
6:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal - CH
7:00 PM -9:00 PM Cancervive Ministry - Children’s Chapel
Saturday 9/7
1:30 PM Wedding - CH
Sunday 9/8
7:00 AM -12:00 PM Community Together - MH
10:00 AM Children's Liturgy - CH
The workers are the saviors of society, the redeemers
of the race. —Eugene V. Debs
You have approached Mount Zion
and the city of the living God.
— Hebrews 12:22a
Safeguard the Children
Always keep an up-to-date photo of your child
One of the most important tools for law enforcement to use
in the case of a missing child is an up-todate, good-quality photograph. The photograph should be a recent, head-andshoulders color photograph of the child in
which the face is clearly seen. It should be of
“school-portrait” quality, and the background should be plain or solid so it does not
distract from the subject. When possible, the photograph
should be in a digitized form, and available on a compact
disk (CD), as opposed to just a hard copy. This minimizes
the time necessary to scan, resize, and make color corrects
before disseminating it to law enforcement. The photograph
should be updated at least every six months for children 6
years of age or younger and then once a year, or when a
child's appearance changes.
Treasures from our Tradition
Principal #7
Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians share a
love for the Byzantine liturgy because it is during the Eucharist that the Church is most true to its identity, expresses its integrity, and discovers its vocation. Eastern Catholic
and Orthodox Christians celebrate essentially the identical
liturgy, with only very slight variations. It is a fairly complex
ritual weaving together three separate layers of prayers: a
liturgy prayed in the sanctuary by priests, often hidden by
a curtain or screen; a liturgy sung by the assembly and led
by a deacon in front of a screen formed of painted icons;
and a third layer of private prayer by the priest, who prays
in support of the deacon and the faithful. It is an eyes-wide
-open experience, gorgeous in visuals, and filled with the
sound of God’s people singing prayer. The energy of the
worship centers on the presence of Christ, largely through
an awareness of heaven touching earth when the Church
gathers to celebrate.
In the late twentieth century, Latin Rite Catholics
were encouraged to embrace a style of worship that was
“full, conscious, and active,” a value that has never been
lost in the East. The liturgy has great impact in its beauty,
in its poetry and contemplation, and by the actions of
bowing, signing with the cross, and chanting that are required of the assembly. Contact with the Eastern Church
reveals some key values that have been obscured in our
own Church and are slowly being recovered.
—James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Parish News
Cancervive Ministry will resume monthly
meetings .every first Friday of the month from
7 p.m. - 9 p.m. in the church children’s chapel
commencing September 06, 2013.Come and
join us.
50th Anniversary Directory
Parishioners who were not able to have their picture taken for the parish directory:
♦ may submit a picture to the church office and photos
must be your own snapshot or have written permission to use photo taken by professional (photos sent
should be a headshot at shoulders not full length)
Scanned picture should be saved at 300 dpi
♦ ONLY if you did not have a picture appointment the
fee for directory is $7. with your submitted photo. If
you do not want a directory you may just submit
your photo.
♦ Those who came to appointment will receive the
directory at no charge.
♦ You may email your photos to:
beattudeschurch@ca.rr.com and mail your $7 to
church office. Checks payable to Beatitudes
Questions? Call 562-943-1521 deadline is
December 30th, 2013. Thank you
"As iron sharpens iron,
so man sharpens his fellow man"
Proverbs 27:17
Catholic Men's Fellowship is coming
Religious Education News
Religious Education is now accepting registration for 2013 - 2014 school year. Forms
can be found on the church website at:
www.beatitudesofourlord.org. Please fill
out forms and return your payment and
forms to either the Religious Education office or mail to: Beatitudes Church, 13013 Santa Gertrudes
Ave., La Mirada, CA 90638 with attention to: REO.
(Please include your child’s baptism certificate). Any
questions please call 562-943-5678.
If you are a Catholic and have not yet
received Communion or Confirmation or
would like to have a better understanding
of your faith. If you are not yet baptized
and would like to receive this great gift from God. If you
are not Catholic and would like to join the Church or
simply study the Catholic faith. Please consider joining
the RCIA.
Classes will soon be starting in mid-September. If you
are interested please contact: Tony Viele 562-943-9984.
Outreach News
Schools out and many hungry children are
home all day. The Pantry could use macaroni
and cheese, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, Kool-Aid or any other snacks that an
active child would enjoy. We also need diapers in medium and large sizes. If you would like to make a
monetary contribution, please make your check payable to “The Good Sam Pantry.” Your donation may
be placed in the collection baskets or brought to the
Rectory Office. The long, hot summer is upon us and
the Pantry doesn’t take a vacation. Anything you can
contribute will be greatly appreciated- God Bless!!
Outreach News (cont)
Neighboring News
Whittier Life Center
Diaconate Formation Office: Informational Meeting
for Men Interested in the Permanent Diaconate,
Sunday Oct 27, in Glendale
The Diaconate Formation Office will be hosting an informational meeting for all men who are interested in finding out
more about becoming a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members of the Archdiocesan Diaconate Formation Office will be present to explain the role of
the deacon in the Church, to explain the Diaconate Formation Program, and to answer any questions that participants might have. Men must be between the ages of 30 and
60 years to enter the formation program. It is important for
men who are married to attend with their wives. The next
information meeting will be held on Sunday October 27,
from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at Incarnation Community Center located at 214 West Fairview Ave. Glendale, CA 91202.
For further information, please contact Mrs. Claudia A. Ortiz
in the Diaconate Formation Office at (213) 637-7383 or at:
mailto: CAOrtiz@la-archdiocese.org
Why are we standing by and allowing over 55,000,000 plus
babies to die through surgical abortions every
year? Are we thinking that someone else will stop
the problem? We must all do our part to end
abortion. All that is needed for evil to succeed is
for good people to do nothing! Please help save unborn babies by volunteering at WLC new satellite center. We need
four volunteers per day. We're looking for help...Mon.
Tues.& Sat. 11am- 2pm. Call 237-4754.
Neighboring News
Mary & Joseph Retreat Center
5300 Crest Road, Rancho Palos Verdes,
90275. ~Call Irma Manley at (310) 377-4867
Ext. 234 for reservations or general information.—Desert Spirituality: An Alternative
Path to Christian Living in the 21st Century
Carmen Maldonado, MA Saturday, August
31 9:30am to 3:30pm Come and explore with
me some elements from the desert tradition that
can serve as an alternative to contemporary life.
Bring a notebook and an open heart.
Cost: $45 ($40 if paid in full by August 23)
Centering Prayer: An Introduction and An
Experience — Herb Kaighan Saturday, September 28 1:00pm to 5:00pm Is Prayer and
Meditation important to you ? Come learn & experience this way of improving your relationship
with God and fostering your spiritual life.
Cost: $45 ($40 if paid in full by September 20)
"Rise up in splendor!" ~ Isaiah 60.1
Pat Crowley, SSCC— Weekend Retreat
From: 7:00 pm October 4 to 1:30 pm October
6 This retreat will focus on the compassionate
love of God expressed in the Heart of Jesus. It
will be a time of prayer, healing and reconciliation. Cost: per person/shared $215 ($200 if
paid before September 13) single room $310
($295 if paid before September 13)
St. Angela Merici Catholic Church,
585 S. Walnut Brea, CA 92821.
“CHRIST’S HEALING PRESENCE” is the them Fr. George
Reynolds will address at the Healing Eucharist he will
celebrate Monday August 26, 2013 at 7:15 at
September 23, 2013 by Fr. Charles Lueras
October 28th, 2013 by Fr. Mike Sears
November 18, 2013 by Fr. Mike Barry
All those in suffering physically, emotionally, spiritually,
psychologically, or know others who are, are encouraged
to come. For more information please call Jan 714-5292277.
Reflecting on God’s Word
The story is told of a priest who was a brilliant scholar and an
extraordinary lecturer. His one concern in life was the position
he would hold at God’s eternal banquet. One night, in a dream,
an angel revealed that he should expect to be seated next to the
butcher from Regenberg. The priest was aghast. Surely a mistake, he thought. He decided to set out for Regenberg to see the
man who would be his companion for eternity. As he traveled,
he thought to himself that perhaps this butcher was really a man
of great distinction who had fallen on hard times and was temporarily forced to cut meat for a living. With that thought, he
tried to console himself.
In Regenberg, the priest found the butcher working quietly at
his trade. He asked him if he had been a butcher all his life. The
butcher replied, “Yes, I have, my good man, but I’m a secondrate butcher. You see, I have not had much time to devote to
my trade. I have two elderly parents and they are very helpless
in the daily tasks of life. As a result, much of my time is consumed in their care. Every day I must bathe them, clothe them,
and feed them. And there’s the cleaning and washing of
The priest, with tears in his eyes, knelt down, kissed the rough
hands of the butcher, and thanked God for giving him a place in
heaven next to a man of such great distinction. —Rev. Richard
Zajac Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All
rights reserved.