St. Anastasia Catholic Church
St. Anastasia Catholic Church October 28th, 2012 ♦ Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7390 W. Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Phone: 310-670-2243 Fax: 310-670-5052 Website: E-mail: Parish established in 1953 in honor of James Francis Cardinal McIntyre Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary time: The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. —Psalm 126:3 Dear Parishioners, We have a wonderful week upon us. In addition to Halloween, we of course celebrate two great traditionally Catholic days—All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation, and All Souls Day. Below, you will notice the schedule of Masses for the Holy Day. It’s a day to give thanks to God for calling us to holiness and to the life of Heaven. On All Souls Day, we remember our beloved dead. It’s an important day in many cultures, a day to pray for our deceased relative, a day to visit the cemetery. Holy Cross Cemetery will have a Mass at 10 AM. We have a beautiful tradition here at our parish of placing the names of our beloved dead on the altar during the month of November. Please use the envelopes provided for this purpose. We are especially grateful for your financial gifts to the parish. All the donations are used for the ministries of our parish. Having this Year Of Faith, we especially pray that God will bless us with the hope of heaven —to be in our Father’s House and to be always close to Jesus. Devotedly, Father Gabe We are called to act with justice. We are called to love tenderly. We are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER … For those who are ill, and those in need of our prayers … Please let us know about the condition of those for whom we pray. We’ll keep/remove their name(s) as requested, after the first few weeks. Danny Welchhance Alfredo Casillas Diana Guerra Jessica Schaffhausen Brenda Rooney Vicki Garcia Barbara DeVico Juan J. Morales Juan J. Morales, Jr. Johann Hudson Lisa Dennehy Lorraine Crothers Agnes Mocsny Gerry Oakley Maggie Kohly Carla Roberts Peter Heredia Jack Muñoz Michael Jones Fran Wilkerson John Swanson George Rader Roy Sheraden Sam Solter Larry Lovett Ursula Lovett Jorden Aponte Tom Tyrrell Shareen Hakim Antonia Gonzales Maxine & Stuart Liebman Matthew Salvo Sherry Stevens Bernice Cubie George Galip Ethel Curry Kim Calimlim Mary Witteman Jose Gutierrez Ed Kwinn Benita Bicarme Donna House Jeff Bristol Lucille Burk Delgado Randy Huartson Martha Keglevich Jody Bruno Bertha Marcinkus Jeanne Ahern Derek Comes Luanne Sinski Peggy Keelaghan Helen Grisby John “Jack” Ehret Steven Appleldorn Pauline Runyan Thomas Gavelda Sgt. Shawn Dorton Catherine Fleming Silvana Shinsato Nicole Shinsato Delphine Gonzalez Bob Sapien Brittany Gunnell Bruce Randall Angelo Aparicio Jocelyn Cotlon Alan Boljesic Michelle Anaya Julietta Anaya Jude Keith Hebert Anthony Curtis & Channing Pourchot and their baby-to-be MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUN, 10/28 MON., 10/29 TUE., 10/30 WED., 10/31 7:30 AM THE PRIESTS OF ST. ANASTASIA ♦ 9:00 AM CHARLES BLOMER 10:30 AM MAGDALENA SCHERER 12:00 PM REGINA AARON 7:30 PM JOSEPH ANTHONY RATKOVIC, SR. 6:30 AM MARIA MARKOVIC 8:00 AM ROBERT PERPIGNAND 6:30 AM HOLY SOULS 8:00 AM RUTH OBERTO 6:30 AM ROSARIO LLINAS 8:00 AM CARLOS CASTELLANOS DONALD LALLY 5:30 PM VIGIL MASS THURS., 11/01 6:30 AM DAN CATHCART 8:00 AM. MITCHEL YOSHITAKE 11:00 AM EVELYN MARY BELLUZ 7:00 PM BOB HOFFMAN 6:30 AM. MARY & ANTHONY MELUSKEY FRI., 11/02 8:00 AM. ALL SOULS NOVENA SAT., 11/03 8:00 AM. MARCELLA DIZON 5:30 PM. ALL SOULS NOVENA Birthday — Anniversary ♥ — Memorial — Support ♦ Ministry gathers us and makes us a faith family... Reflection on Today’s Readings: FOCUS: We need to see Jesus working in our lives more clearly. Being a follower of Jesus means that we are not alone on our life’s journey. We are given guidance, direction, and support as we face the challenges of our human life. God’s love and compassion surround us as we seek to see the right path and avoid being blinded by selfishness and sin. Liturgy of the Word: In the first reading, we are given assurance that God will guide our ways into the security of his heart. The second reading identifies Jesus as a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. In the Gospel, the blind beggar Bartimaeus is persistent as he cries out to Jesus. Because of his faith, Jesus restores his sight. Next Week - Celebrating Our Faith Sat. Nov. 3rd & Sun., Nov. 4th, 2012 Masses: Sat: 5:30 pm. Sun: 7:30 am. Sun: 9:00 am. Sun: 10:30 am. Sun: 12:00 Noon Sun: 7:30 pm. Celebrants: Msgr. Cox Fr. Tom Msgr. Gonzales Msgr. Gonzales Msgr. Cox Msgr. Vadakin To Receive Holy Communion (For those who are sick, hospitalized, or home bound) Please call Gloria Bowen, 310-670-5971, Eucharistic Minister to the sick. To have the name(s) included in our prayers, please call the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. All Souls Names’s Remembrance! Anita Amendola Henry Cortez Edward J. Clites Eric Pinger Jason Sinroll Jack (John) Dougherty. Robert Lopez Michael J. Cusack Julia E. Cox Joseph Ratkovic Angelina M. Rodriguez Bruce H. Barnard Patricia M. Markun Kathryn L. Jackels Ruth G. Oberto William A. Randall Henry (Jack) Moore Betty Frelinger Megan Boken Kathi Glaser May they rest in peace We encourage all to read and reflect on the Biblical passages that will be proclaimed at all Masses next Reading 2 Gospel: Sunday: Reading 1 Dt 6:2-6 Heb 7:23-28 Mk 12:28b-34 CONFESSIONS: 3:30 - 5 pm & 7:30 - 8 pm **Msgr. Cox** The Family Visitation Ministry Offers spiritual support to those in need. Please call Sr. Teresita at 310-216-2001, or call the Rectory Office at 310-670-2243. Traveling Holy Family - Family 1 Nina and Daniel Galanti 10/28/12 Bertha & Adolfo Garber 11/04/12 Traveling Holy Family - Family 2 Randie and Oli Chaine 10/28/12 Bridgette & Rick Obel 11/04/12 HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF BECOMING A PRIEST? Visit: The All Souls Novena Begins November 2nd and continues throughout the month of November. Envelopes are placed at the side doors of the Church and in the vestibule. Return the envelopes with the names of your loved ones to the Rectory Office or drop them in the collection basket. Diaper Drive for Women who Chose Life On your next trip to the store, help support women who chose life for their babies even though they were pregnant in difficult circumstances. Please pick up some diapers or wipes and then place them in a crib in the church by October 31. They will be delivered to local Pregnancy Counseling Centers. If you have any questions contact Eileen Oldham (310) 670-1564. Ministry in Community … Reporting Child Abuse Priests, deacons, school faculty and administrators and other staff members in our parishes and schools have been designated as mandated reporters under California law. When one of these persons receives information leading to a “reasonable suspicion” that a child is being abused or neglected, he or she must make a report to the appropriate child protection or law enforcement agency. For Information on responding to an allegation of suspected child abuse, please visit the Archdiocese’s Safeguard the Children webpage: particular help, call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650. The Monthly Wedding Anniversary Blessing All couples married during the month of October are welcome to receive the blessing. The blessing takes place after 12 Noon Mass. There will be a training class for new Eucharistic Ministers in the Church on Monday, November 5th at 7:30P.M. Please call Jan and Herb Masi at (310) 641-2819 for more information. Fall Film/Book Study Three Journeys of Faith FACT OF LIFE: Church Teaching on the Death Penalty 2266 The efforts of the state to curb the spread of behavior harmful to people's rights and to the basic rules of civil sociTo celebrate our 20th year, we will view portions of ety correspond to the requirement of safeguarding the comthree films on Thursday evenings at 7:30 – 9:00 PM mon good. Legitimate public authority has the right and duty in the school basement. to inflict punishment proportionate to the gravity of the offense. Punishment has the primary aim of redressing the disorder introduced by the offense. When it is willingly acNovember 1 – Sunset Limited – an HBO special cepted by the guilty party, it assumes the value of expiation. written by Cormac McCarthy starring Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones as two polar oppoPunishment then, in addition to defending public order and sites thrown together for a night of discovery that is protecting people's safety, has a medicinal purpose: as far as both a test of and a search for faith. possible, it must contribute to the correction of the guilty party. November 8 – Invictus – a Clint Eastwood film featuring 2267 Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsiMorgan Freeman and Matt Damon in a dissection of faith bility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of and self-determination set against the background of Nelson Mandela’s election as president of South Africa. the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, There is no need for you to preview the films, although you if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human are certainly welcome to do so. For more info, please call lives against the unjust aggressor. Mark or Shelley Calde at 310-641-1157. If, however, non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect people's safety from the aggressor, authority will limit itself to such means, as these are more in keeping with BUNDLES FOR BABIES the concrete conditions of the common good and more in TODAY! conformity to the dignity of the human person. Today, in fact, as a consequence of the possibilities which OCT. 28th, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. the state has for effectively preventing crime, by rendering Back again! Cribs, strollers, maternity clothes, & more one who has committed an offense incapable of doing harm are needed for new mothers of several local pregnancy without definitely taking away from him the possibility of centers. Help these centers bring hope and material redeeming himself - the cases in which the execution of the assistance to women pregnant in difficult circumoffender is an absolute necessity "are very rare, if not practistances. Bring your clean gently used items to the parking lot. Monetary donations are also greatly appre- cally nonexistent." (John Paul II, Gospel of Life #56) From the Catechism of the Catholic Church ciated. Contact Teressa Syta with questions at 310-670-0285. Save the date! Westchester Mental Health Guild 30th Annual Holiday Home Tour. November 4, 2012 For more information call 310-641-7850 or go online to Volunteers Needed! St. Margaret’s Center has several positions open for adult volunteers---including food pantry workers, drivers to pick-up food, and tutors for adults or youth. Hours vary depending on the task. The Center hours are M-F: 8:30 to 5:00, and the address is 10217 Inglewood Ave., Lennox 90304. Please call Mary Agnes at 310-672-2208 for more info, or email Ministry Equips us to deepen our love for God and share our faith… Bake Sale! The Altar Care Society will be hosting a Bake Sale on November 18th after all Sunday morning Masses. Stock up for your Thanksgiving Feasts! Upcoming events! Wedding Anniversary Blessing: October 28th Following Noon Mass All Saints Day, November 1st, –School’s Mass is at 11 a.m. (No First Friday Mass on Fri day, November 2nd) First Eucharistic Adoration Saturday November 3rd, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. A Celebration of Christmas Join St. Anastasia Men’s Morning Hour, November 7th, 6:30 a.m. Mass followed by reflection in the Rectory Social Club on Sunday, December 9th ( 12:45-7:45), as Mom’s Ministry, Thursday November 8th, we travel to the Norris Center for Performing Arts to see a 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, in the Rectory Community Room production of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas. The show is brimming with such hits as “Blue Skies,” “How Deep is Film and Book Study! Thursday, November 1st the Ocean?” and, of course, the unforgettable title song. 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the school basement You will be entertained with lots of dancing, laughter and great Berlin hits. After the show, we will stop at HomeNext Confirmation Meeting, Sunday November 18th, at 2:15 p.m. in the Church ! town Buffet for dinner. The price for the show, dinner, bus, and gratuities is only $45! Call Laurette Bibeau now for reservations. 310-670-2488. Payment must be received by November 11th, but don’t wait, as this event will definitely be a sell-out! Living Faith for Kids WOMEN'S FAITH SHARING! Ladies, you are invited to join our monthly women's faith sharing group. In order to help us come to a I wll gather them… clearer understanding of our beautiful Catholic faith I will console them and guide them; I will lead them… For I and straighten out popular misunderstandings and am a father to Israel, Ephraim is my first-born. misinformation about the Catholic Church, we will be Jeremiah 31:8-9 using the recently released book, The Seven Big Myths ________________________________________________________________ about the Catholic Church: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction about Catholicism by Dr. Christopher Fathers do all sorts of things. Many work to provide for their families. Some fix things around the house or main- Kaczor. This book has been heartily endorsed by Archbishop Gomez and numerous other Catholic tain the yard. Others drive in carpools or coach a sports team. But father also teach, discipline and lead by exam- leaders. Email Susan Senia for more details at ple. God is the best father we could ask for. He created or call 310 670-2243. us, blessed us and saved us. Heavenly Father, I praise and thank all that you are. Bless my father figures on earth. ______________________________________________ OUR BOYS SCOUTS WILL BE TAKING Jeremiah 31: 7-9 Psalm 126:1-6 ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS WREATHS Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10: 46-52 THIS WEEKEND! St. Anastasia Catholic Church 7390 W. Manchester Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-670-2243 Office 310-670-5052 Fax Website: Email: SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASSES WEEKDAYS Mon-Fri: 6:30AM & 8:00AM First Friday: 6:30AM, 8AM, 11AM (School in session) Saturday: 8:00AM WEEKENDS Saturday (Vigil): 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM, 12 & 7:30PM HOLY DAYS Holy Day Vigil Mass: 5:30PM Holy Day: 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 11AM (during the School year) & 7:00PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30PM-5:00PM & 7:30-8:00PM DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal Novena, Rosary and Benediction - Monday, following the 8AM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Saturday of the month from 8:30AM- 9:30AM ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Sacrament for the Sick is celebrated upon request of family BAPTISM: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in preparation program. Contact the Rectory Office 310-670-2243 or Fred & Esmeralda Balsz @ 679-9119. MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact the Rectory no later that 6 months before their proposed wedding date. Call the Rectory Office 310-670-2243. R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Becoming Catholics - Please call the Rectory. Funerals: Contact the Pastor by calling the Rectory Office, 310-670-2243. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Ministers of the Eucharist Gloria Bowen-to the Sick.. .. 670-5971 Jan & Herb Masi... .............. 641-2819 Ministers of the Word ......... Carl Pentis ........... .............. 649-4238 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) Evelio Leon .......... .............. 670-1298 Pat Hendon .......... .............. 337-9191 Courtyard Hospitality Sr. Teresita…………………. 216-2001 Altar Care Dolores Saenz ..... .............. 337-7213 Altar Servers Ed Charette .......... .............. 823-3118 Liturgy Committee Richard Arias ....... .............. 641-4194 PASTORAL TEAM PASTOR Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Priest in Residence Msgr. Gregory A. Cox Pastors Emeriti Rev. Thomas F. King Msgr. Royale M. Vadakin, P.A. Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Sacramental Recorder Aleida Rodriguez Director of Religious Education Jonette Mauch Confirmation Coordinator Director of Adult Faith Formation and Stewardship Director of Music Ministry Greg Koppenhaver School Principal Michael Muir School Office Manager, Bookkeeper Louise Lance Office Assistant Linda Schmidt Consultative School Board Karl Altergott PTO-Parent Teacher Organization Betsy Sichi ADESTE (After School Program) Elizabeth Soriano Maintenance Javier Antunes St. Anastasia Catholic School 8631 S. Stanmoor Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-645-8816 Office Website: Email: PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES Bereavement Laure Healy………………….410-1206 Young Adult Ministry Nancy Albin ......................... 927-8891 Prayer Group—English Lori Mountain ...................... 502-9105 Rosary Ministry Rose De Leonardis………...645-7175 Ben Oakley………………….670-2771 Social Justice Elizabeth O’Neill……….213-595-1533 Respect Life Jim & Nancy Taylor ............. 645-7671 Safe Guard the Children Rose Healy-Fissinger .......... 670-2243 Karen Diaz .......................... 670-2243 St. Joseph Center. Jayne Cram ........................... 645-1140 Homeless Weekend Program/ St. Robert’s Center Bob & Lori Caldwell ............. 823-7417 Holy Helpers Tiffany Warner………………422-8619 Will Haas……………….818.419-5817 St. Margaret’s Center Mary Agnes Erlandson ........ 672-2208 Catholic Charities Cindy Begazo ...................... 306-9390 Adopt-A-Family Rose and Matt Fissinger ..... 645-8285 Bundles for Babies and Diaper Drive Teressa Syta ....................... 670-0285 Nurses Ministry Nancy Reilly .........…….424-228-4767 SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults; Pen Pal Project - Prison Ministry Suzette Sornborger……….. 670-2243 and SRE (Sunday School) ………………. Jonette Mauch ..... .............. 670-2243 Ministry for Married Couples Confirmation Jon & Suzette Sornborger ... 670-2243 ............. ............... .............. 670-2243 Women’s Faith Sharing Infant Baptism Suzette Sornborger………...670-2243 Fred & Esmeralda Balsz .... 679-9119 Men’s Spirituality Joe Berberich ...................... 745-7009 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Shad Meshad ...................... 568-1065 Parish Finance Council Men’s Morning Hour Jim Healy ............. .............. 410-1206 Suzette Sornborger………..670-2243 Pastor Advisory Council MOMS Ministry ………………………………..670-2243 Jayne Cram………………….645-1140 Site Committee Natural Family Planning Stefan Politz ........ .............. 337-9534 Phyllis Jones………………...670-3505 Men’s Club Bible Study Chris Turkmany .... .............. 642-6646 Susan Senia ........................ 822-6511 Knights of Columbus Social Ministry Arts and Education Laurette Bibeau……………..670-2488 Jayne Cram .......... .............. 645-1140 Family Visitation Ministry Stewardship Sr. Teresita………………….216-2001 Suzette Sornborger.....…….670-2243
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