St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street


St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church 21 East Ninth Street
Welcome to our Parish Community
¡ Bienvenidos a nuestra Comunidad!
St. Hugh of Lincoln
Roman Catholic
21 East Ninth Street
Huntington Station, New York 11746
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Granata, Pastor
Rev. Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez, Associate
Rev. Khoa T. Le, In Residence
Rev. Francis Gasparik, OFM. Cap, Sunday Assistant
Rev. Paul Dolan, Sunday Assistant
Dr. Edward Billia, Deacon
Mr. Thomas Reilly, Deacon
Mr. Vito Taranto, Deacon
Mr. Luis Giraldo, Deacon
Mr. Richard Bilella, Deacon
The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed November 2nd, 2014
(Rectory) 427-0638;
Mrs. Gene-Louise Poller, Director
(Rectory) 427-0638;
Mr. Daniel Diviney, Director
(Center) 271-8986;
Mrs. Fran Leek, Director
(Rectory) 427-0638;
Mr. Pete Shepherd, Manager
(Center) 271-6081;
Mrs. Helen Schramm, Director
1025 Fifth Avenue, E. Northport, NY 11731
Miss Jeanne Morcone, Principal
Rectory 631-427-0638
Fax: 631-427-1319
Monday, Weekday 11/03
Phil 2: 1—4 / Lk 14: 12-14
8:00 am Virginia & James Reilly
Tuesday, St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop 11/04
Phil 2:5-11 / Lk 14:15-24
8:00 am Kathryn Corgan
Wednesday, Weekday 11/05
Phil 2:12-18 / Lk 14:25-33
8:00 am Barbara Sandmier
Thursday, Weekday 10/30
Phil 3:3-8a / Lk 15:1-10
8:00 am Albert Freise
Friday, Weekday 10/31
Phil 3:17-4:1 / Lk 16:1-8
8:00 am Marguerite Paulson
November 8th- Saturday Memorial Mass, 8:30 am
Phil 4:10-19, Lk 16:9-15
November 9 Sunday
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 / 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/ Jn 2:13-22
5:00 pm:
Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn. Ed
Intention: Audrey Streb
7:00 am:
Celebrant: Fr. Joe & Dcn Rich
Intention: People of the Parish
Celebrant: Fr. Gonzalo & Dcn. Luis
10:00 am:
Celebrant: Fr. Mike M. & Dcn Vito
Intention: Parish Mass for all Souls
11:30 am:
Celebrant: Fr. Paul
Intention: Margaret Corcoran & her grandchildren
Stewardship in Action:
That as joy-filled stewards, we continually acknowledge God as the Source of all that we are
and all that we have, we pray to the Lord…
Stewardship Reflection:
We fulfill the commandment to love our
neighbor when we exercise good stewardship—
joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities and
resources to meet our neighbor’s need.
Living Stewardship:
We are grateful this week for all stewards in
our parish whose outlook is challenged and
changed as a result of embracing Stewardship as
the heart of Christian discipleship, leading to a
new way of life!
Stewardship of Collections:
Our thanks and gratitude for your sacrificial
giving each week. Last weeks collection was
$14,195 which includes faith direct
Petitions of Prayers
We pray that those who suffer loneliness of
any kind would experience your closeness,
Lord & encounter the support of their
friends & family (Pope Francis universal
prayer petition for November 2014).
We pray for those who mentor men &
women to seminary and religious life. May
young seminarian & religious find wise &
well-uniformed mentors (Pope Francis missionary prayer petition for November 2014).
We pray for all souls departed that they may
share in God’s promise of eternal life.
We pray for the church that we may be inflamed that Christ, our life may also appear
to us & share in his glory as all the Saints
have done.
We pray that we gracefully share our talents
with those in need especially the sick.
We pray that we restore all things to Jesus
Christ, King of the universe.
We pray that we thank Jesus Christ for all
he has done, especially during this time of
October went out with a bang this year. Over the last week or so, a large number of our young people received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the hands of Bishop Nelson Perez, 10 of our Catechists in the Religious Education Program
received awards for their years of service to our children and Sam and Anne Crocco received the Diocesan Saint Agnes
Medal from Bishop Murphy for their many years of service to the parish of Saint Hugh of Lincoln. What a week!!!
November begins with some important events as well. Today begins our Special Novena of Masses for those of our
loved ones who have died, a time to remember grandparents, parents, children, friends and others who have returned to
the Lord. All those who are enrolled in the Novena will be prayed for each day for nine days. You can still enroll your
loved ones by placing their names on the envelopes you received and putting it in the basket. Extra envelopes are at the
doors. This Tuesday is Election Day and as good citizens it is important to vote according to our gospel values. All pastors in the diocese received this letter from the Bishop. I share it with you because I think it is important:
“Dear Father,
The October issue of The Long Island Catholic magazine has a column I wrote urging all of us to vote in this
midterm election next month. I write to you now to ask that you make my message yours through your bulletins and
from your pulpits these next two weeks prior to the election.
Would you please stress the importance of these elections for the Catholic Church’s ability to continue to profess
her faith freely in a secular society and her capacity to continue to fulfill her apostolic mission especially in the areas of
health care, education and ministry to the poor and immigrants.
It would be good to remind people that the state elections, especially for the State Senate, are even more crucial
for us as Church. At the state level, we face the danger of an attempt to make abortion on demand part of the State Constitution through point ten of the “Women’s’ Equality Act”. The bishops of New York are completely and unambiguously opposed to this additional protection of abortion on demand the Governor and others are promoting. The Education Tax Credit Bill was the victim last year of political maneuvering despite being given public support by many senators and state assemblypersons here and across the state. The annual threat of the “Markey Bill” that seeks to penalize
only the Catholic Church for past crimes of child sex abuse must also be recognized for what it is. Those who support
that should be opposed by those of us who know how effectively and permanently the Church has remedied that horrific
scourge of the last decade. Catholic Charities’ ability to care for the migrants, the poor and the elderly also run risks at
both the state and federal levels where different kinds of ideologies either question our role in society or withhold funds
needed for us to continue to witness Christ’s love for the poor and the vulnerable.
In short, urge everyone to vote and urge them just as forcefully to know the positions of the candidates so that
their choices might be guided by issues, not personalities, and by the common good and not by partisan politics.
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Bishop William Murphy”
Please get out and vote this week!
Fr. Joe
OUTREACH 631-271-8986
Open: 10 am-11:50am and 1-3:00pm
Outreach is in need of:
Fruit, Juice, Cereal, Tuna, Canned Meals, Beans, Peas, Corn, as well as Carrots.
The following items are not covered by the Snap/Food Stamps program:
Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, Feminine Hygiene Products, Soap, Toothpaste, Detergent, Deodorant,
Shampoo & Conditioner.
This year we will attempt to sign up some families for the Holidays. Yes, it is that time of again when we at outreach start
to plan for Christmas. As in the past we will be asking for Gift Certificates to help our families. This year more than ever our need
has increased dramatically, so please remember us when you are shopping. As in the past in order for us to distribute your donations
equally to all the families, we ask that you purchased the gift certificates in denominations of $10, $20, and $25. We will also accept
certificates to local supermarkets and monetary donations to assist families with fuel and utility bills. For your convenience donations may be put in envelopes marked OUTREACH CHRISTMAS and placed in the Sunday collection basket of dropped at the
Rectory of the Outreach office during working hours. Once again the certificates should be from K-Mart or Old Navy. We will also
accept supermarket gift cards. We wish to Thank everyone for all of your support throughout the year. Please have the certificates
back to us by the week of December 7th.
On Tuesday, October 28th, eight of our catechists were among those recognized by Bishop Brennan at St. Agnes Cathedral for their
outstanding volunteer service in the Catechetical ministry. The St. Pius X. medal (for 10 years of service) was awarded to
Christine Eaches, Bridget Groeger, Veronica Melgar and Solange Rich. Sister Mary Nolan was presented the Elizabeth Ann Seton
award (at least 20 years of service). For at least 25 years of service, Rita O’Malley Murphy received Pope John XXIII award and the
Bishop John R. McGann award (for at least 30 years of service) was given to Linda Connors and Diane Mahon.
I thank all my catechists for their never-failing commitment and dedication to our ministry and Congratulations to the award recipients!!
Adult Spiritual Formation
St. Hugh’s Soul Searching Cinema
Come & See--presents…
Gerard Depardieu stars in
Enjoy light refreshments-Stay for discussion
When: Monday November 17th
Superb Performances....
Time: 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Emotional Radiance....
Where: St. John Fisher Room
Enchanting love story...
A big Thanks to all who participated in the bake sale last week
by either making them or buying them!
Todos los primeros Viernes del mes a las 7am tendremos hora Santa en ingles y
en español a las 7 de la noche, tendremos misa y hora Santa.
Padre Gonzalo
CITIZEN RESPONSIBILITY – This year, NY voters choose a governor, members of House of Representatives, other state & local officials, & judges in our courts. As citizens & Catholics we
have a precious right & moral responsibility to help form our nation's conscience - the same
right & responsibility - which every citizens has. If we do not speak for ourselves & our values, no one will speak for us. If we do not speak those values, who will voice them?
Several years ago, in Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics, the Bishops
of the U.S. set the issue before us in un-mistakably clear terms:
"American Catholics have long sought to assimilate into U.S. cultural life...We have been
changed by our culture too much, & we have not changed it enough"
"Every voice matters...Every vote counts. Every act of responsible citizenship is an exercise
of significant power. We must exercise this power..."
TOUGH WORDS! When election officials are glad that a "high" voter turnout is perhaps one-third
or two-fifths of eligible voters, something is wrong. Find out who the candidates are & what
their stance is on pressing issues which confront us such as: protection of all human life & religious freedom. Take the time to cast your ballot on Tuesday, November 4th.
Right to Life
Your spiritually adopted baby has been quite active over the past month. Already your baby
is 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Your baby has developed the foundation of his/
her brains, spinal cord, and nervous system by the 20th day. His/her heart began to beat on
the 21st day. His/her heart is pumping blood through its own circulatory system and the
blood type can be different from his/her mother's. Your baby is most vulnerable during the
next month of being aborted. Pray that the Lord of Life might move the heart of his/her
mother to give him/her the most precious gift of all -- THE GIFT OF LIFE.
Dear Jesus, child of Mary, I love you and thank you for your unconditional love. I plead
with you to save the life of the unborn child whom I have spiritually adopted and whose life
is threatened by abortion. May this child be allowed to grow in wisdom, age and strength in
Your presence and in the sight of all.
OUR PRAYER CORNER - Please remember the sick & suffering in your prayers, so they may receive healing & comfort:
Dom Ciccone
Caroline Chapman
Lisa Stovall
Noah Matsumoto
Marshal May
Mary Wilson
Georgeann Green
Christopher Sorensen
Fred Brynes
Gerard F. Saggese
Anita Meza
Guillermo Zelaya
Josephine Jeannette
Fernando Palacio
Joseph Pires
Isidro Orona
Robert Leonardi
Phil Paul
Frank Polcer
Joan Racis
Theresa Kelsch
William Herold
John Mulrooney
Carol O’Brien
Mary Lusardi
John Michta
Carolyn Lukralle
James Cozzette
Andrew Harvey
Lucy Zgrablic
Gerry Staiman
John Constantino
Joseph Labarbera
Mark Dineen
Lorraine Bachman
Luis Cruz
James Biggin
Doris Dawson
Gaile Cassar
Jacqueline Drexel
Helen Ketcham
Gerry Brannigan
Yuriko Duggan
Mary Lou Lasala
Rachel Metz
Bob Bohner
Violet Michta
Mollie Stiene
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Joseph Sansotta
Russell Hayward
Thomas Guido
Kathy Agiesta
Erin O’Donnell
Mark Wahl
Joseph Liotta
Charles Parento III
Steve McVetty
Steven Mueller
Laura Grzan
Dennis Wilk
Bill Mathews
Charles Naidi
Robert Zimardo
Kathy Sorensen
Baby Gianna Pantina Francyn Caiozzo
and those in the military, and the abused.
The Ursuline Sisters Annual Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, November 8, 2014
St Ursula Center, 186 Middle Rd, Blue Point,
NY 11715
631-363-2422 (x2060)
Homemade crafts, delicious baked goods, raffle baskets,
gift items, 50/50 raffle and more.
All proceeds support the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk.
You won’t go home empty handed!
Donations of new items are greatly
Coping With The Holidays for the Divorced or
A seminar designed to give practical suggestions to the
divorced or separated for dealing with the holiday season.
Saturday, Nov 8, 2014, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm St Sylvester's Parish Center Worship Room, Medford
When: Veterans Day: Tuesday, 11/11/14
Where: St. Hugh’s Cafeteria
(in the Parish Center)
1450 New York Ave., Huntington Station
Time: 11:00 a.m.
RSVP: Patti: 631-549-1696 or
We are bringing back the Veterans Day Brunch, which
was started by Lorraine Boccio at Waldbaums, to honor
our local Veterans. Space is limited so please respond
Women of Beauty Catholic Women’s Conference
Saturday, November 8, 2014, 9 am-4 pm
St. Joseph Parish, 39 N. Carll Ave, Babylon, NY
Keynote Speaker: Pat Gohn Author of “Blessed, Beautiful
and Bodacious-Celebrating the Gift of Catholic Womanhood”
Testimonies by Long Islanders – Peggy Clores, Angela Rizzo
and Bridget McCormack
To purchase tickets on line
Questions or for more information contact Marianne
(516) 678-5800 x615 or
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday:
9:00 AM to Noon, and
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Closed Sundays.
Sunday and Weekday
Eucharist Schedules
appear on page 2 of this
Sacrament of
4:00 - 4:45 Saturday afternoon,
or by appointment.
Sacrament of
Baptisms are celebrated on
the 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm.
Please call the rectory for
information on Baptism
Sacrament of
Couples should meet (by
appointment) with a priest or
deacon on our staff before making social arrangements. Preparation requires at least six
month’s time. Pre-Cana instruction is required. Music is
provided by parish liturgical
World Wide Marriage
Skip & Fran DeBlasio
Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing is celebrated each
Sunday at the end of the 11:30
AM Mass.
Call the rectory in an emergency or for visitation of the
Parish Membership
We welcome new
Please register at the rectory as
soon as possible. Also, please
give changes of address and
phone number to the rectory
when you move.
Padre Jose Granata: 427-0638
Padre Gonzalo Oajaca Lopez:
Diacono Luis Giraldo:
Lectores/Conselo Pastoral:
Rossie Louzara - 428-2253
Carlos y Rosa Zegar - 427-4677
Grupo Juvenil:
Carlos Perez
Carlos Rivas 631.830-2567
Min. de Eucaristia y Ujieres:
Marta Smith: 549-3966
Jose D’Amico—516-497-1344
Grupo de Oración Renovación
Elvia Lopez 631-920-2890
Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154
Jose Ramirez 631-897-1154
Sacramentos & Ceremonias
Bautismos Requisitos:
•EI niño no debe tener mas de
6 años de edad.
•Traer el certificado de
nacimiento del nino y una
•Deben recibir las dos charlas
prebautismales para padres y padrinos, las cuales se realizan; el
Segundo y tercer domingo de
cada mes, a las 9:30 de la mañana, en el salon St. Clare. Los padrinos deben tomar la 2da charla
el 3er domingo. Para mas información pueden llamar a
Ministerio del Rosario:
Felix Gonzalez 516-658-7854
Apostolado de la Divina
Necesita Oracion:
llame 631.745-5762 escriba
Bodas: Por favor hacer una cita
con el sacerdote O diacono 6 meses antes de la fecha.
Quinceañeras: Por favor de
llamar a la Rectoria 427-0638.
Misas: Martes 7:30pm en
La capilla y Domingo 8:15 am.