Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church P S


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church P S
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
1900 Meadowbrook Road + Feasterville, PA 19053 + 215-357-1221
A Bible/Faith Sharing Group meets on Wednesday
mornings at 9:15 in Mary’s Chapel (Sept. through May).
The Charismatic Prayer and Praise Group meets on
Monday evenings at 8:00 in the rectory office. All are
welcome to praise the Lord with prayer, song and Sacred Scripture.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated
Tues. from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Mary’s Chapel.
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Monday– Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days:
6:30 a.m., 10:00a.m. & 7:00p.m.
9:00 a.m.
4:00 to 4:30p.m.
Reverend William F. McGeown, Pastor
Reverend Daniel P. Devine, Pastor Emeritus
Deacon Robert J. Stewart, Permanent Deacon
Deacon Eric M. Umile, Permanent Deacon
Sister Diane M. Wolf, S.S.J., Pastoral Assistant
Mrs. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Director of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Susanne Brooks, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mrs. Dot Vogel, Parish Secretary
Mr. Fred Perazzelli, Business Manager
St Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic
Principal: Ms. Laura A. Clark, 215-357-4720
Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of
each month at 12:15 p.m. Preparations for your child’s
Baptism should begin prior to the baby’s birth. Call the
rectory to register for Baptism
Please make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of
Marriage by calling for an appointment with the parish
priest at least six months before the wedding date.
Please contact the rectory if someone is sick, in the hospital, or wishes to receive the Holy Eucharist or the
Anointing of the sick.
Facebook Feasterville
Janice Bauer
James Brennan
Steve Dwyer
Matthew Hastings
Sharon Kobo
Ann M. Baldassarre
Stephen J. Clark
Bernie Frederick
Jack James
Fr. William McGeown
Deacon Bob Stewart
Robert Watson
Sr. Diane Wolf, SSJ
Henry Carroll
Kathleen Farrell
Joseph Gnias
James Lomanno
Kevin Leonard
Kevin Shire
Edward Shannon
Diane Steele
Robert Watson
New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged
to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving
into the parish. Please call the rectory for an appointment.
DRE Office: 215-357-3445
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary,
We are called to discipleship through worship and service.
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
A Message from Deacon Bob
Since the 12th century, November 9th has been celebrated as the anniversary of the Lateran Basilica,
reputedly the first church built in the city of Rome by
the Emperor Constantine in the fourth century (the site
of the church was the palace of the Laterani, a noble
Roman family). Several structures have been built on
the site over the centuries; the present church was
built in 1646. As the cathedral church of the Diocese
of Rome (the Pope’s cathedral), it is considered the
mother church of every church in Christendom.
Today’s feast is a celebration of unity for the entire
church. In the waters of baptism flowing from every
church’s font, we become brothers and sisters in Christ
to every man, woman and child. At the Eucharistic
table in every church, we are one family in our breaking of the one bread and the sharing of the one cup.
The word “church” comes from the Greek word
ekklesia, which means “to be called out of.” Being
baptized into the church of the Risen Christ is “to be
called out of” - to be called out of our own agendas and
comfort zones to bring the compassion and the forgiveness of God into the bigger and more complex
world we all share. This feast is an invitation to consider again what it means to be part of this ekklesia, this
church and parish of disciples of this Jesus who “calls
us out of’ ourselves and our own interests, our own
fears and heartaches, to the ministries and vocations
of spouses, parents, friends and neighbors.
St. Paul (in the second reading) reminds us today:
“You are God’s building . You are the temple of God .
The Spirit of God dwells in you.”
Let us be church together!
Deacon Bob
A Celebration of the Golden Jubilee
Of the Holy Spirit Sisters
will be held in Tanzania on Monday, December
15th. Sister Catherine and I shall participate in
the celebration. As a token of appreciation for
our Sisters, I shall present a gift to the Sisters in
Tanzania. If you wish to make an offering,
please make a check out to Assumption BVM
and place it in the Sunday collection on or before November 30th. Please write Holy Spirit
Sisters on the memo line on your check.
Thank you,
Father Bill.
Feasterville Area Ministerium
Thanksgiving Service
TUESDAY, (change of day)
November 25th—7:30 PM
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
Street Road. below Bustleton Pike
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
Memorial For Loved Ones for the Holidays
Assumption BVM Bereavement Support Group will
hold a Memorial Service at 10 AM on Saturday,
December 6, 2014 in the rectory meeting room for
ALL in the parish coping with the loss of a loved one
through the holidays. Grief information will also be
provided. Please call Barbara Wutzer 215-355-8897
to register.
Tuesday Adoration
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve at 4 PM (family mass), 8 PM and
Christmas Day at 8 AM and 11 AM. I am sorry that
there will not be a Midnight Mass. I hope you understand that I shall celebrate the four Masses and a fifth
is not necessary.
Sunday Missal for 2014-2015 is available for $5.00
after Mass. Why not spread the Good News by buying
one for family and friends.
We have need for more participants in Tuesday
adoration, especially 2 PM—3 PM. Please call
the rectory if you can volunteer (even if its every
other week).
Please pray for all the deceased of our parish, especially: Msgr. James Howard, Joe Lorenz
If you know of a family ( or if you are a family)
that needs hep for Thanksgiving and/or
Christmas, plelase contact Susanne Brooks at
the rectory, 215-357-1221. Please check with
the family first before giving us their name.
Please be assured, confidentially is maintained.
If you are able to donate a turkey/turkey
breast for Thanksgiving please drop it off at
the rectory on Friday or Saturday, Nov. 2122 only. Thank you.
Knights of Columbus News
Chance of a Lifetime Tickets—COAL tickets are
still available! Buy a chance for one of 16 great prizes. Benefits K of C. scholarships. Tickets are $1.00
each or a book of 8 for $6.00. Tickets are available
in the rectory or by contacting Bob Watson at 215353-7636.
Church Organist/Accompanist
St. Bede the Venerable Church in Holland, PA seeks
parish organist and choir accompanist. Position includes playing for one Mass per Sunday in addition to
Holy Day Masses and special liturgies. Adult Choir
rehearsals are one night per week September through
June. Two manual organ and electric piano; experience necessary. Pay commensurate with experience
and skills. Resume (references included) may be sent
to: Msgr. Marine, C/O St. Bede the Venerable Church,
1071 Holland Rd., Holland, PA 18966 or call 215-3575720 for more information.
Father Judge Mothers’ Association
Will be hosting A Holiday Shopping Vendor Day on
Sunday, Nov. 16th in the school cafeteria. The
event will begin at 11 AM and end at 3 PM. Refreshments will be available. Chances will be on sale for
a variety of baskets and gift packs. A Precious
Metal Buyer will be there so feel free to bring your
old jewelry to exchange for cash as well as old cell
phones. The school store will be open for your holiday shopping convenience. For more information
contact Dawn Berner at
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
Parents of Level and Grade 2 students in PREP and St.
Katharine Drexel Regional School are reminded of our Sacrament Kickoff Meeting for parents and children on Monday,
November 10th. A letter with details was mailed home.
The deadline for choosing a preference for your child’s
Celebration of First Eucharist was October 20th.
During the month of November, PREP students are asked to
donate their change to Archbishop Chaput’s “Kids Helping
Kids” project. The money donated will help provide a Christmas party and gifts for 400 underprivileged children. We
will also be collecting non-perishable food items for the
Thanksgiving baskets that will be distributed here in the parish If any PREP family is in need of assistance during the
coming holiday season, please contact Mrs. Boag or the
At all the Masses next weekend November 15-16, students
preparing for the sacraments of Eucharist and
Confirmation, along with their parents, will receive a special
blessing. Letters have been sent home with details for the
parents. The children will make prayer cards so that members of the parish family can select a card and pray for that
child during the period of preparation .
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is the process by which persons enter the Catholic
Church. It is for those who have never been baptized, for
those who were baptized in another faith tradition, and for
those who were baptized Roman Catholic but never completed their sacraments of initiation.
It’s not too late to begin RCIA! Anyone interested in learning more about the RCIA process is invited to call Joyce
Boag at 215-357-3445.
Fabulous 55 Plus Club
Our next meeting will be held on November 14th at
1 PM in the church hall. Reminder: final payment for
those going on our trip to Hunterdon Hills is due at
that time. We will also be signing up for the December 12th Christmas Luncheon at the Buck Hotel.
Lunch is $18 for members and $22 for nonmembers.
If you have any questions regarding the trip or the
luncheon , contact Gerry Maialetti, 215-355-7461.
Please Note
Early Transmission of the Bulletin
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, all information to be
published in this bulletin on Sunday, Nov. 30th MUST
be in the rectory office by 9 AM on Thursday, Nov.
20th. Thanks for your help.
St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School
Principal’s Corner
It was so nice to see our parents last week at our first
Parent Association Meeting. We thank Mr. Greg
Geruson, Vice President of the Healey Education
Foundation, who spoke to our parents. Mr. Geruson
discussed the partnership that our school shares with
the Healey Education Foundation. We are grateful to
Mr. Geruson and the Healey Education Foundation for
selecting our school and investing in the sustainability
and growth of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia. We have already started embracing the
unique business model provided by Healey to achieve
our own long-tem success.
As always, I am grateful to our dedicated Parent Association Board for planning so many important events
for our school. These meetings and events always
prove to be a valuable strategy for communication and
tips for supporting our children and creating an important relationship between home and school.
During this month of November, let us be awakened
each day to gratitude for all that we so easily take for
granted. We are so grateful for our school, our hard
working students, our dedicated faculty our supportive
parents, and you, our faith– filled parishioners!
Youth in Action
Have you joined us yet? All 7th and 8th graders
from any school are invited to come to our next
meeting on Monday, November 4th in the church
lobby 6:10 PM to 7:45 PM.
We will be planning our Christmas activities.
Hope to see you then.
Assumption BVM Sick List
Please pray for all the sick of our parish, and all who
care for them: Louis DeSiato, Nancy Finnegan, ,
Marie Bontempo, Dot & Joe Oschell, Debbie Kohn,
Tom King, Jr., Pat Bassett, John Sullivan, Kailie
Nagel, Michelle Tobin, Milissa Franco, Dennis
McDonald, Jeannetta Takita.
Archbishop Wood H.S.
Open House
November 13th
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Announced Masses for the week of November 9, 2014
5 PM
8:00 AM
11:00 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
5 PM
8:00 AM
11:00 AM
Helen Kilbride, 3rd Annniv.
Jerry Gallagher
James Kelly
Joan Widdop
Mass for Parishioners
Daniel Milillo
Mass for Parishioners
Esequiel & Ramona Maias
Mark Miller
John Heilig, 3rd Anniv.
Frank T. Mancuso, Sr., 16th Anniv.
Assumption B.V.M. Church hall on Friday, November
14th. Doors open at 6:00 PM. For information call
Joan Corcoran at 215-953-7711.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia presents
The Healing Power of Jesus
Catholic Author Robert Abe
When: Sat., November 15th.
Time: 9 AM—12 PM
Optional liturgy 8 AM Celebrant Fr. Bob Hilz,
Where: Our Lady of Fatima Church, 2913 Street
Rd., Bensalem.
All Tickets $15.00
Register on line at or call 215315-7008 or email: info @
Seating limited—only 400 tickets for this event.
Join us for a special morning of healing and surrender to the Divine Physician, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer teams will be available to pray for you and
your needs.
Archbishop Wood H.S
Eighth Grade Visitation
November 13th
8:30 AM—2:00 PM
Nativity of Our Lord Health Care Ministry
Living with a Loved One who Suffers from
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014 at 7 PM in their parish hall
(next door to Archbishop Wood) 605 West Street
Rd., Warminster, PA 18974. Staff from the Penn
Foundation will be with us to offer resources and
support to families trying to help a loved one who is
struggling with addiction. To R.S.V.P. call