Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church P S


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church P S
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
1900 Meadowbrook Road + Feasterville, PA 19053 + 215-357-1221
A Bible/Faith Sharing Group meets on Wednesday
mornings at 9:15 in Mary’s Chapel (Sept. through May).
The Charismatic Prayer and Praise Group meets on
Monday evenings at 8:00 in the rectory office. All are
welcome to praise the Lord with prayer, song and Sacred Scripture.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated
Tues. from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Mary’s Chapel.
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Monday– Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Holy Days:
6:30 a.m., 10:00a.m. & 7:00p.m.
9:00 a.m.
4:00 to 4:30p.m.
Reverend William F. McGeown, Pastor
Reverend Daniel P. Devine, Pastor Emeritus
Deacon Robert J. Stewart, Permanent Deacon
Deacon Eric M. Umile, Permanent Deacon
Sister Diane M. Wolf, S.S.J., Pastoral Assistant
Mrs. Joyce Boag, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Kathleen McLaughlin, Director of Liturgical Music
Mrs. Susanne Brooks, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mrs. Dot Vogel, Parish Secretary
Mr. Fred Perazzelli, Business Manager
St Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic
Principal: Ms. Laura A. Clark, 215-357-4720
Baptisms are scheduled for the first and third Sundays of
each month at 12:15 p.m. Preparations for your child’s
Baptism should begin prior to the baby’s birth. Call the
rectory to register for Baptism
Please make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of
Marriage by calling for an appointment with the parish
priest at least six months before the wedding date.
Please contact the rectory if someone is sick, in the hospital, or wishes to receive the Holy Eucharist or the
Anointing of the sick.
Facebook Feasterville
Janice Bauer
James Brennan
Steve Dwyer
Matthew Hastings
Sharon Koob
Ann M. Baldassarre
Stephen J. Clark
Bernie Frederick
Jack James
Fr. William McGeown
Deacon Bob Stewart
Robert Watson
Sr. Diane Wolf, SSJ
Henry Carroll
Kathleen Farrell
Joseph Gnias
James Lomanno
Kevin Leonard
Kevin Shire
Edward Shannon
Diane Steele
Robert Watson
New parishioners are most welcome and are encouraged
to register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving
into the parish. Please call the rectory for an appointment.
DRE Office: 215-357-3445
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
As a parish community united in Jesus and dedicated to Mary,
We are called to discipleship through worship and service.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
A Message from Sister Diane
Ex. 22: 20-26; Ps. 18; 1 Thes. 1:5c-10; Matt 22: 34-40
Since the Jewish Law had 613 commandments, it is no
wonder the Pharisee in today’s Gospel thought he
could stump Jesus and unsettle Jesus’ followers by
asking ‘which commandment is the greatest?’ The
trick question backfired! OK, so we know the answer.
In short form: Love God above all things and your
neighbor as yourself. Jesus follows with, “The whole
law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” There is no need for ‘Do not take the name of
the Lord in vain’ if we love God above all things. Cursing using the holy name of God would be out of the
question. Who would have to tell a child to ‘honor their
father and mother’ if love was the guiding principle in
our homes. Perhaps we cut corners in loving God.
We want God to be a part of every day but is it only
when I have time? I pray myself or discuss my faith
with my child (young or grown) if it’s not time for my
‘must watch’ show. I do get to mass but never on time
and blame it on the parking lot but I know if love for
God motivated me, I could arrive at 10:40 and not only
get a good spot, but I could also have quiet time to listen to the Lord and review the week’s challenges with
Fr. Matt Traiies said during 40 Hours, “A situation will
not change with the decision to change but it will send
us in the right direction.” Let each of us look at where
‘loving God above all things’ is lacking in our day to
day lives, make a decision and then Do something
about it.
Lord, we love you.
Sister Diane
Please pray for all the sick of our parish, and all who
care for them: Louis DeSiato, Joe Lorenz, Nancy
Finnegan, Marge Burke, Marie Bontempo, Dot & Joe
Oschell, Debbie Kohn, Tom King, Jr., Pat Bassett,
John Sullivan, Kailie Nagel, Lucas Snyder, Anne King,
Michelle Tobin, Milissa Franco, Dennis McDonald,
Sara Harvey, Ray Kashow, Bill Sifer, Jeannetta
Treasure Sunday
Thank you for your support to this Annual Appeal.
The parish relies on this collection to help us with our
extraordinary expenses like property and liability insurance ($38,000.00), school subsidy ($161,000.00),
snow removal etc.
Fr. Bill
Feasterville Area Ministerium
Thanksgiving Service
TUESDAY, (change of day)
November 25th—7:30 PM
St. Stephen Lutheran Church
Street Rd. Below Bustleton Pike
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
Please pray for all the deceased of our parish, especially: Rev. John E. Fitzgerald, Bob Diehl, Claire
All Souls Day, November 2, 2014
This year, our remembrance of our loved ones who
died within the last year, will be held during the 11
AM Mass on Sunday, Nov. 2nd. We already have
the names of those who were buried from Assumption Parish in the last year. If you have a loved one
who was buried from another parish and you would
like his/her name announced from the altar, please
call Assumption parish and give us their name by
Tuesday 4 PM.
St. Joseph Villa Chances
$1 dollar a chance, a book of 6 chances for $5.00.
Benefits the retired sisters of St. Joseph. See Sr. Diane to buy a chance. Chances sold until November
10th. Thank you for your support.
Early Transmission of the bulletin
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, all information to be
published in this bulletin on Sunday, November 30th
MUST be in the rectory office by 9 AM on Thursday,
November 20th. Thanks for you help.
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
Teen Youth Group News
Congratulations to our High School teens who
“rocked” the competition and came in First Place at
the Bucks County Teen Field Day last Sunday. It
was a fun day for all. Great Job, teens!
Thanksgiving Pie Sale
Once again our teens will be selling delicious pies
from Otieri’s bakery. Order form will be in next
week’s bulletin. Please support our teen youth
When Less is More…..
Many of you may know the experience of a vibrant
group who gives service and then someone moves
away, others get sick or need to care for someone
else and the smaller group gets overwhelmed. Well,
let me introduce you to our terrific church cleaners
who dust, shine, vacuum, wash the glass doors and
more. Several of the group have had to give up the
blessing of cleaning the Lord’s house in the past
year. Hence, less people means more work for the
few! The need for help at this time is Fridays after
the 8:30 AM Mass. Whether you can help every
Friday or some Fridays, please call Elaine Yurgel at
267-922-2142 or or just show
up! And everyone can help by leaving the pews
orderly every Sunday.
Knights of Columbus News
Chance of a Lifetime Tickets—COAL tickets are
still available! Buy a chance for one of 16 great
prizes. Benefits Knights of Columbus scholarships.
Tickets are $1.00 or a book of 8 for $6.00. Tickets
are available in the rectory or by contacting Bob Watson at 215-353-7636.
Knights of Columbus information—Interested in
learning about the largest fraternal Catholic organization in the world? Please contact Grand Knight,
Michael Arment at 215-470-2050. Information is also
available in the Parish information center in the back
of church or the Knights of Columbus website:
PREP classes began on September 7 and 8. If you have a
child who has entered First grade in public school in September, or a child in a private school who will celebrate sacraments in the parish, please contact the PREP office ASAP
at 215-357-3445.
Parents of Level and Grade 2 students in PREP and St.
Katharine Drexel Regional School are reminded of our Sacrament Kickoff Meeting for parents and children on Monday,
November 10th. A letter with details was mailed home.
The deadline for choosing a preference for your child’s
Celebration of First Eucharist was October 20th.
During the rest of October and the month of November,
PREP students are asked to donate their change to Archbishop Chaput’s “Kids Helping Kids” project. The money
donated will help provide a Christmas party and gifts for 400
underprivileged children.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is the process by which persons enter the Catholic
Church. It is for those who have never been baptized, for
those who were baptized in another faith tradition, and for
those who were baptized Roman Catholic but never completed their sacraments of initiation.
It’s not too late to begin RCIA! Anyone interested in learning more about the RCIA process is invited to call Joyce
Boag at 215-357-3445.
Fabulous 55 Plus Club News
The Fabulous 55+ will be making a trip on December
17th to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in New Jersey for a
festive holiday musical review. Cost of the trip will be
$100 and is on a first come basis. A deposit of $50 is
due by October 20th, balance due by November 14th.
To sign up contact Gerry Maialetti — 215-355-7461.
News From the Pews
The staff of the parish newsletter is working on a special
year-end project and we could use everyone’s help.
We are looking for pictures from last fall until
Do you have any photos from your parish organization’s
activities — like Boy Scouts, Knights Pancake Breakfast,
Haunted Hallway, Craft Fair, CYO events, 4th of July
parade, Sister Diane’s celebration, etc?
Please submit all pictures and questions to:
St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School
Principal’s Corner
Our teachers are constantly seeking innovative ways to
make learning fun and meaningful for their students in order
to reach each student’s level and adapt to each child’s learning style. We know how very special your children are, and
they are eager to learn and grow together. Here are some of
our latest happenings:
Our Annual Golf Outing was a huge success last weekend when 144 golfers participated. We are so grateful
to all of our donors, supporters, players, and volunteers.
Many thanks to Chuck Goodwin for coordinating this big
event for our school!
Our students continue to be recognized for their efforts
and kindness. Some ways we acknowledge our students include: Random Acts of Kindness, Catholic
Leader Award, Math Challenge, Xtra Math Practice, and
our Principal’s Pride Bulletin Board. We are proud of
our students and their accomplishments.
Our National Junior Honors Society is coordinating
some school events which included and SKD “Pink Out
Day” last week where the students added pink to their
uniform and the entire student body created a pink ribbon to show support for Breast cancer Awareness.
Please take the time to spred the good news about our
school! Together, let us thank God for the determination,
effort, support, and talents that we possess that make Saint
Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School the best that it
can be!
Ms. Laura Clark, Principal
Announced Masses for the week of Oct. 26, 2014
5:00 PM
Margaret Whitman
8:00 AM
Robert Regel, 3rd Anniv.
8:30 AM
Florence Hejnar
8:30 AM
Robert Schuler
8:30 AM
Mass for Parishioners
8:30 AM
Joanne McCann
8:30 AM
Ed, Rick and Phyllis Yannuzzi
9:00 AM
Feast of All Saints
5:00 PM
Charlotte Abramiuk, 3rd Anniv.
8:00 AM
Mass for Parishioners
11:00 AM
Geri Bortz
Also during this Mass the list of names of those deceased
during the last year will be read from the altar.
Expectant and New Parents
If you are expecting a baby or have a child to be baptized, please call the rectory to register for your child’s
Baptism. Following your call, you will be mailed information to be discussed at the Baptism interview,
which you may schedule as soon as you receive the
letter. ALL parents who have not attended class recently at Assumption may also need to attend class.
This will be discussed at the interview. It is best to
call at least one month prior to the class you plan to
Tuesday, November 11th 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in
the rectory meeting room.
Craft Fair
Assumption BVM Parish
Saturday, November 8, 2014—9:00 AM to 2 PM
Vendors Needed
For information call Patsy Medaglia 215-364-2435.
St. Katharine Drexel
Regional Catholic School
Sunday, November 2, 2014
12:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Monday, November 3, 2014
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Witness For Life
On Wednesday, October 29th from 7 AM to 7 PM,
parishioners from Assumption Parish will pray and witness to the gift of life as we pray outside of Planned
Parenthood on Louis Drive in Warminster. Come and
live your belief that all life should be valued as we pray
for those making plans or actually arriving to have an
abortion. We do not protest but rather give proof by
our presence and prayer that life is a gift of God. Plan
to sign up next weekend after all the Masses.
Archbishop Ryan Elementary Music Program
Archbishop Ryan Music Department is organizing a Saturday
morning instrumental music program for students in grades 4
through 8. Students will have the opportunity to receive lessons on any one of the following instruments: flute, clarinet,
sax, trumpet, trombone, percussion. For those in need of an
instrument, special arrangements have been made with Music
& Arts to aid in obtaining an instrument on a rental plan. For
more information and to register, contact Mr. Gene Ciccimaro,
Music Director 215-637-1800 ext. 242.
Catholic Author Robert Abel
Presents “The Healing Power of Jesus” Saturday, Nov. 15th
at Our Lady of Fatima church. 2913 Street Rd., Bensalem.
Time: 9 AM—12 Noon. Optional Liturgy—8 AM. Main Celebrant: Fr. Bob Hilz, T.O.R. All tickets $15.00. Seating limited—only 400 tickets for this event. Join us for a special day
of healing and surrender to the Divine Physician, Our Lord
Jesus Christ. Prayer teams will be available to pray for you
and your needs.