Parish Social Ministry - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs


Parish Social Ministry - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Our Lady
Queen of Martyrs
53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721
November 2, 2014
Father John D. Gilmartin
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan
John Rieger
Pastoral Associate
Sister Eileen Corcoran
Children’s Faith Formation
Ninette Euler, Director
Parish Social Ministry
Kevin Blum, Director
Administrator: Mary Martin
Assistant: Judy Smith
Youth Minister: Bill Leone
Parish Facilities Director
Alexei Korenevski
Music Coordinator
Deirdre Kupka
Weekend Assistant
Fr. Dowling, Fordham University
Daily Masses
Monday-Thursday at 12pm
Saturday at 9am
Weekend Masses
Saturday at 5pm
Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm
Special Needs Masses
Saturday, November 15th at 5:00pm
Holy Days
7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast
and 9am on Holy Day
Second Saturday of each month at 1pm
Preparation class required.
Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm
Anytime upon request.
Contact rectory to make necessary preparations.
Anointing of the Sick
1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call
the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound.
Additional information on our website.
Faith Formation
Our program serves children pre-school through high school (youth group).
Adult Faith Formation
Our adult faith formation has a primary focus of promoting spiritual growth and maturity
of faith in our parish community.
Parish Social Ministry
The Church community calls us to respond to the needs of one another, locally as well as
in Nicaragua, with compassion and care, respecting the dignity of each individual.
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities.
Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all masses. Hearing devices available.
~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~
Congratulations to Liz McDermott
our 2014 recipient of the
Saint Agnes Medal of Service Award
Liz is a very active member of our parish family.
She always has a smile and a kind word for everyone she meets. Liz
attends Mass daily and is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. She also brings the Eucharist to patients in the hospital and is
a regular visitor to the homebound. Liz has taught religion classes
since her own children were young and has continued to teach her
grandchildren. She has served as a catechist for more than 25 years.
Last year she received the Pope John XXII Award for many years of
Catechetical Service here at OLQM. Congratulations Liz!
Congratulations to the following parishioners who were also honored last
week for their years of service in the Catechetical Ministry. Thank you!
Denise Bonifazio, Ellen Hammond, Lisa Mastrantonio, Christine Walsh, Donna Stein,
Kathleen Coyle-Melia, Michele Lamerson, Bridget Widmeier, Linda Dluginsky,
Karen Larsson, Stacy Sullivan, Michele Hudson, Veronica Searing, Sheila McMahon
Children in our Respite Program enjoy a special Saturday morning.
~ All Are Welcome ~
All are welcome to join the
Please call the rectory at 757-8184
to add your name to our list.
Training will be scheduled to begin this month.
We are in need of parents interested in assisting with the
preparation of altar servers. These parent volunteers would have
various responsibilites including the training of new servers,
scheduling, planning events and maintaining cassocks.
Please contact Father John if you are available to assist him with
this very important ministry.
A special thank you
to the members of the
Golf and Tennis Committee
for all their hard work
and dedication to the
Msgr. Joseph F. Colligan Outing.
Joseph Carillo
Grace D’Amato
Nina Doherty
Jim Kaufman
Michael Moran
Jack Stewart
Robert Tirrito
Jean Clark
Michael DePirro
Michael Gold
Louise Kelly
John Rieger
Nicholas Sudano
Our 32nd Outing was another success.
Over $75,000 was raised to support the many
ministries of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs.
Thank You!
The Environment Ministry
Committee is looking for parishioners that enjoy
working with flowers and plants or just love
decorating for the holidays. Please join our group
that beautifies OLQM Parish for weekend mass,
liturgical events and special holidays.
** Most of the Environment Ministry Committee members spend less than 1 hour per week volunteering.
For more information, please contact:
Ellen Ilardi, phone: 631-757-0963
2 0 1 4 Project N icaragua Pie & B read Fundraiser ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY:
Saturday 11-15-2014
Order Form & Payment Drop In Box Located in Church Foyer
Pick up is Tuesday, November 25 from 4:00 to 7:30
In the OLQM Community Room
Phone Home:
Checks made out to “Project Nicaragua” or Cash accepted
Questions-Allison Simkins 261-1415 or
~ Youth Ministry ~
Thursday, November 13th -- 7:00pm
Monday, November 24th -- 7:00pm
Meeting are held in the Community Room.
Bring a friend and come join us!
Contact Bill Leone at
Mark your calendars
and save the date for our next
Youth Ministry
in the Community Room.
Friday, December 5th @ 6pm
Saturday, December 6th @ 3pm.
Please e-mail Bill Leone at
to register and reserve your spot. Permission forms will be e-mailed.
Contact Bill Leone
Did you remember to turn your
clocks back this weekend?
Parish Social
Social Ministry
Ministry ~~
Illness Support Group
Our next Illness Support Group
meeting will be
Monday November 3rd
Following the noon Mass
Lunch will be served
Mother Nature may have surprised us
recently with an Indian Summer, but don’t
be fooled. Soon, the leaves will be falling in
abundance, and it will once again be time
for the OLQM Youth Ministry’s Leaf Brigade
to offer their volunteer assistance with
fall cleanup. The teenage volunteers, with
adult supervision, will be available to assist
seniors during the month of November on the
following days:
8th, 15th and 22nd and 29th.
There are two teams available each day
Please contact Parish Social Ministry to
reserve a clean up team.
If you would like to join us or
know of someone who would
call us!
Our Food Pantry Needs
This Week:
Laundry & Dish Detergent
Bar Soap, Tissues,
Mouthwash, Sanitary Napkins
Any and all donations are appreciated.
Thank You!
Caregiver Support Group
Join a support group of people who are faced with caring for loved ones or friends with long-term illnesses.
This group is facilitated by a licensed social worker with
home care experience. The support group offers opportunities to raise your concerns, to discuss problems and
issues and to find solutions with the help of others who
are faced with similar challenges. Learn techniques for
care of self as you care for another.
Always Provides”
~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~
~Parish Social Ministry ~
Could you Help the Homebound?
We are in need of volunteers to help the homebound parishioners
which includes appointments and recreational activities
You can make a difference in someones life!
The Giving Season
Parish Social Ministry is
arranging Thanksgiving meals
and items to be delivered to
those less fortunate. Perhaps
you would like to donate items
for this drive still or assist
with setting up the bags,give Parish Social Ministry a
More hands make lighter work and
are able to touch more lives...
Thanks to the generosity of our community
leaders and our parishioners, we continue
to provide assistance and comfort in various
ways. We annonymously match individuals
and groups from our faith community with
families in need. For many of these families,
your assistance during the “Giving Season”
provides them with the understanding that
they are part of a community that cares.
Contact Parish Social Ministry to find out
more about this program.
Bag Sunday
The Mission of this program is to ensure that the homeless
men in our area have a night’s respite during the coldest
winter months.
We have several volunteer opportunitites for adults and
For additional information please contact
Ken Nostro at
or Parish Social Ministries
November 16th and 17th
be sure to mark your calendars and pick up a
BAG in the vestibule of the church the weekend
of November 16th & 17th. The bags will have
an itemized list of the most needed pantry
Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initive
Your help can make a tremendous difference.
~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ ~
Catechetical Service Awards
at St. Agnes Cathedral
And Congratulations to all of our 9th graders who
Received the Sacrament of Confirmation
Ryan Ackerman
Jack Albertson
Jakob Anderson
Chloe Anduiza
Noelle Anselmi
Lauren Anton
Caroline Axelsen
Zachary Bachar
Alissa Barber
Peter Barbera
Evan Barnes
Juliette Bell
Jennifer Bonifazio
Martin Buckholtz
Gavin Buda
Matthew Caccamo
Elizabeth Caccavale
Gabriel Cagnazzi
Nicholas Campana
Christopher Carney
Sigrid Cassell
Gabriella Catherines
Julianna Cavallaro
Kyle Christensen
Philip J. Clementi
Victoria Colatosti
Deanna Confessore
Grace Connell
Liam Cordero
Catherine Costello
Timothy Coventry
Andrew Crofts
Mikaela Davis
Michael DeGaetano
Cassidy DeMilt
Alessandra DeMinico
Andrew Derasmo
James DeSantis
John DeSantis
Thomas DeVito
Angelina DiCarlo
Matthew DiDomenico
Thomas Dillon
Christopher Dluginsky
Douglas Drenick
Jake Dyer
Olivia Espinoza
Angelina Falino
Eric Ferrigno
Nichole Ferro
Michael Fleming
Molly Flood
Patrick Franco
Isabelle French
Jessica Gallen
Anthony Gallo
Mikayla Gaspar
Olivia Gatto
Dana Glackin
Dulaney Glen
Faith Godfrey
Allison Grandy
Brenna Greene
Gabrielle Gregor
Matthew Grover
Katelyn Haas
Christopher Haddock
Molly Hahm
Añdrea Harvey
Patrick Healy
Michael Hughes
Samuel Iglesias
Rebecca Interdonati
Ashleigh Katigbak
Ryan Kelapire
Colin Kline
Lucas Kollmer
Tara Krumenacker
Olia Lantier
Ciara Lavin
Audrey Lenahan
Nicholas Lenio
Joseph Liebler
Timothy Luft
Ryan Lupo
Brady Lyons
Amelia Maggio
Carly Malico
Kyle Mansbart
Madeline Markowski
Donald Mastroianni
Nikolai Mazut
Paige McCarthy
Brian McDonagh
Erin McDonagh
Jillian McGuire
Dylan McKenna
Luke McLaughlin
Justin Minerva
Patrick Mittelman
Robert Moisan
John Mule
Ashley Mullan
Brielle Neumann
Matthew Noonan
Allison O'Shea
Morgan Oh
Reagan Overeem
Robert Panettieri
Kristen Paradine
Connor Parrish
Michael Pasquaretta
Andrew Patane
John Pawluk
Daniel Polay
Katherine Quinn
Bryan Ramme
Mia Raspanti
Kerryann Reynolds
Michaela Ridini
Kevin Ries
Ryan Riglietti
Toniann Rizzuto
Kerry Ann Root
Chris Savaglio
Nicole Schirripa
Edward Serwan
Matthew Shlisky
Jennifer Smith
Kaitlyn Smith
Hope Staib
Bridgette Starr
Andrew Stefanac
Brendan Strein
Erin Tesoriero
Ryan Topolovec
Alex Triolo
Jon Triscari
Erin Tucker
Lauren Umbach
Kailey Uresk
Jack Valentino
Alexandra Vallejos
Luke Verdon
Bryan Vogt
Jack Wallace
Natalie Wend
Adelaide Whisler
James White
Kimberley Wilkes
Kira Williams
James Worden
Erik Zetterstrom
Bryce Zuccoli
Once again, Autumn keeps us mindful of changes that take place around us in our daily lives…
As nature welcomes the season of change, the Church Year also helps us to focus on our hope for the
fulfillment of God’s reign and God’s “harvest time” of gathering all into the mystery of God’s life.
During the month of November, we gather to remember members of our parish family who have died
during the year and all of our loved ones. We commend them to God’s loving care, praying for the
healing and consolation of all who mourn them, and asking for their prayers that we may continue to be
faithful to our part in the mission of Jesus.
The names of our parishioners will be recorded in our Book of Remembrance, which will be displayed
during the month of November, near the baptismal font in the church.
Maureen McKee
Grace Sherwood
John H. Waters
Joan Lawless
Harold J. McCormick
Mary Buck
Clifford Beierle
Margaret Lomangino
Alexander Kiewra
Robert McDonald
Floyd Thompson
Mario Rincon
Robert Hilsky
James H. Buck, Sr.
Rudolph Lukacovic
Robert Wesley Kinney
Louis Caiola
Joseph Carillo
Geraldine J. Kress
Urmas Oissar
Rita Kenny Dolan
Barbara Ann Larson
Mary (Mae) Winkle
Eleanor M. Dieringer
Robert Brady
Theodore Lambrigger
Lillian Mankiewicz
Marie Lupton
Charles La Mar
Craig P. Wolff
Anthony J. Eff
Catherine Broggini
Marie Colby
Thomas J. Launi
Christianna Renee Rice
Edward Ceglia
April Chung
Anne Fascetta
Marjorie Careccia
Florence Gerardi
Katherine Leone
Christopher Hardie
John J. Tully
Rosemarie Taylor
Virginia Elkins
Francine Moore
Virginia Rita Kavanagh
Bernard Peyton
Millie Scala
Cheryl Baruccheri
Mary Rizzuti
James Kelly
Muriel Stanton-Dickson
Marie Di Palma
John J. Gilmartin
Francis Mankiewicz
Constant is my hope in you, O God.
Psalm 71:6
How do I begin to express thoughts and feelings about last night’s Midnight Run? I will
start with the facts: We had 3 cars with 16 people driving to the City. In the cars were 16
bins of clothing and bundles of coats and blankets–sized and separated for easy
distribution; 75 packages of toiletries were also packed thanks to S. Eileen’s volunteers.
Each food package had a turkey & cheese sandwich packed with mustard and mayo
(prepared by student volunteers), a piece of fruit, packages of cookies and chips.
Additionally packed were a box of cheese sandwiches, 80 juice boxes and water bottles,
and one container of hot coffee, and two containers of black bean soup. After loading the
vehicles, we reviewed our directions for the evening and S. Eileen led us in the Prayer of
Archbishop Oscar Romero: A Step Along the Way, and then blessed us. We then departed,
as Frank said, the hardest part of the trip was the caravan - and getting out of Greenlawn .
(631) 896-1141
Huntington, NY
for their generous
donations of
products. Please
support those who
support us.
Parishioners who
assisted on the day
with collected
clothing; who
packed the
supplies & tagged
the clothing.
Students who
prepared the
All those who
packed the cars and
distributed the food
and clothing.
As we pulled up to our first stop at 43rd & 2nd, the cars were greeted by the people waiting
for us. They offered to help us unload but we needed to have them step aside so we
could gather our thoughts and our bins. We were expecting 10 to 15 people but the
headcount was 30+. Once we were ready, the people came forward and they knew what
to do. It was difficult to say “please take just one” when you have so much in front of you
but, we knew we had additional stops. There was one woman at this stop – which I am
mentioning only because we weren’t expecting too many.
Our next stop was 40th and 5th. Since we were now experienced Runners, we were able to
set up quickly and get started. There were 16 people here and 3 were women.
The third stop was at 41st & 9th (Port Authority). There were 5 people here. This area was
darker – meaning the lighting was not as bright – and not as clean as the other areas we
had been working. I am still stunned by a story I heard, but did not see, that one of our
students saw a shoeless man and offered him the shoes on his feet. The man declined to
take his shoes but I keep thinking of the compassion of this young man.
Our final stop was at 31st between 6th & 7th by St. Francis Church. We had 16+ people
arriving. Ken said it was hard to keep count because people were coming from both
directions. There were 3 women at this stop. One woman said how happy she was that
we had women’s clothing, because most don’t bring clothing for them. This stop was the
most difficult. As stated by Gerry, this was a true boxtown. The street was lined with
people sitting together talking or in their boxes sleeping – it was about 1:00 am. Ken and
Joe walked up and down the street distributing the remaining sandwiches and waters. I
mentioned the 7 women because we didn’t expect any, no less 7. On past trips that some
have taken, there had been a total of 2 women. Seven in one night - that is a statement as
to the rise of the homeless in the City.
We left there all very tired and humbled. As we drove home I updated my FaceBook
status – because that is what everyone does on their way home from Midnight Run,
right? I said and still feel, “What do you say when you know that you are going home to a
warm bed” leaving people sleeping in boxes. I am grateful for each person involved in this
process because no matter how minimal they feel their participation was, it still mattered.
We all do what we can and that is the best part of a project like this one – we can all
contribute with what we have to offer. As I mentioned earlier, before we left we said the
Prayer of Archbishop Oscar Romero: A Step Along the Way. I will finish with the end of
the prayer “We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a
beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the
rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master
builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own.”
Additional THANKS
to the people in
our parish who
graciously gave
supplies. Our
success would not
have been possible
without you and:
Students of
Kevin Blum
Dolan Family
Rieger Family
Dworjanyn Family
A. Zorhorsky DDS
Petriano Book Club
Small Christian
Bill Ayres shares his reflections on the scripture readings.
November 2, 2014
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
A reading from the BOOK OF Wisdom
The Book of Wisdom is one of the latest writings in the Hebrew Scriptures and one of the few places that
talk of life after death. This reading is often read at the Mass of the Resurrection for a diseased person
and is filled with hope for a new life after death. Do you believe in heaven, in life after death or are you
a doubter?
The text reads “Those who trust in him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with him in
love.” Jesus is very clear about His resurrection and ours as well. Without his resurrection and ours, Saint
Paul tells us that “our faith would be in vain” and Christianity would be just another system of beliefs and
A reading from the letter of saint paul to the Romans
Years ago, I remember someone saying that you had to earn heaven. Throughout history, millions of
people got that one wrong and still do today. We cannot earn heaven. We cannot save our souls. Jesus
did that for us and we need only accept that great gift and live in humble thankfulness. Paul tells us in
this reading. “Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” Imagine that, almost two thousand years ago this
troubled little man who thought the world was going to end in his lifetime or soon after, got it exactly
right in believing that God’s salvation continues with us into the next life. He put his total trust in Jesus
in this life and forever.
Today, many people do not believe in an afterlife, others want to believe but are skeptical and still others
say they may as well believe, what is there to lose. It strikes me that each of those positions is joyless and
the promise of Jesus for eternal life is filled with joy. There are so many things in our lives that threaten
to take joy from us. This need not be another one. The promise of eternal life is not something you can,
as they say, take to the bank but you can take it to heaven.
REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to john
Jesus says “I will not reject anyone who comes to me.” His actions matched his words when he was on
earth. He welcomed sinners, whether prostitutes or tax collectors who were seen as the dregs of society
and ordinary people who were not the great believers as the Pharisees were considered to be. He said
“everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him up on the last
day.” There you have it. If you believe in Jesus then you can be assured of eternal life even if you do not
believe you are worthy. Jesus believes in us when we may have strayed far and he seeks us out. His Spirit
lives in us even in our darkest times when we may think of ourselves as failures or unworthy. Jesus never
considers us that way. He embraces us and calls us home. Our death is not the end but rather a transition
to another life on our journey into the Mystery of God’s love.
Today we pray for all of our loved ones who have passed into new life and for all they have left behind.
We thank them for all they have shared with us and hopefully forgive them for all they did wrong as Jesus
has forgiven them.
~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~
With the busy times of
Thanksgiving and Advent
season right around the
corner, enrolling in Faith
Direct today is a great way
to ensure your gifts of
treasure to Our Lady Queen
of Martyrs are received even if you may be out
of town. Please pick up an enrollment form
from the parish office today or enroll online
at - our Church Code is
Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to add
your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions
to your account this fall.
Thank you in advance for your support and
for using Faith Direct!
Current Previous
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
October 26, 2014 October 27, 2013
Collection Collection Budget Envelopes
Faith Direct
Cumulative To Date
Sunday Collections Budget $18,547
$ 145,894
$ 139,600
Thank you for your continued support.
Poor Box
last week
November 2—Thirty-First Sunday in
Ordinary Time:
In the Gospel today, we hear the good
news that when we keep our focus on
God and serve one another, God exalts us!
As you place your gift in the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, please say a
special prayer for the poor who have no one to
pray for them.
PAID TO DATE: $129,839
Thank you for your support
of the 2014
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Saturday, November 8th Sunday, November 9th
5:00 pm Father John 8:00 am
Father John
10:00 am
Father John
12:00 pm
Msgr. Ryan
~Praying for and Supporting One Another~
Mass intentions
5:00 PM 11/1
8:00 AM
10:00 AM 12:00 PM 11/3 12:00 PM
Thomas Launi
12:00 PM
Mr. & Mrs. Alf Coppelman
12:00 PM
Frank Terillo
12:00 PM
Tim O’Lear
Robert Kinney
et us especially remember those who
have asked for our prayers.
Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Barbara Bardak
Larry Coppelman
Edna & Vincent Cositore
Charles Lohlein
Marie Vitale
No Mass on Fridays
Glenn Crisafi
Donald Kuntz
Colette Rielly
Alice Shatzle
Jim Hartnett
Jacqueline Rousseau
Concetta Daurio
Alicia Bunyan
Karen Larson
William Clarke
Armand Qualliotine
Rita Liotta Allison Kerr Betty Brennen Joseph Finneran Jamie Wrede
Alice Gabrielle
Matthew Ingrassia
Patrick Enright
Evelyn Darby
Tom Corbett
Lina Gallo
Fr. Edward Dowling
Mark Borstelman
Tom Smith
Rita Deluise Jane Schiano-Wigutow
Thomas Mulhern
Dolores Reichle
Brenda McCusker
Deacon Rodger Miller
Franklin LaBarbara
Nancy Naughton
Maria King
Brian Dowling
Patricia Zvokel
Neil King
11/8 9:00 AM
Patrick Dooley
Rosanna Lodato
Pray for the peaceful rest of all our beloved
5:00 PM Janet Pavlica
parishioners and friends.
8:00 AM
Catherine Arena
May all those who
have gone before us
10:00 AM Cheryl Baruccheri
share the joys of
Frances Flynn Keegan
eternal life .
James Grant and Peter Mitchell
Marie DiPalma
Courtney and O’Brien Families
12:00 PM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Living God’s Word
“The greatest among you must be your servant,” Jesus says. His followers are as resistant to it now as they
were then. But the faithful follower is not about titles, or posturing in self-importance.
Discipleship in the kingdom that Jesus came preaching is about being brothers and sisters who gather
around Jesus Christ, the one Master, who humbled himself and waited for God to exalt him.
May the same goal be ours.
~ In the Community ~
Archbishop of Dublin to present St. Agnes Lecture
at the Seminary in Huntington
His excellency Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, will present the annual St.
Agnes Lecture on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 3pm at the Seminary of the Immaculate
Conception in Huntington. The title of Archbishop Martin’s talk is
“The Church in Ireland and the Future.”
An informal reception and Evening Prayer will follow the lecture. Admission is free; advance registration is
recommendeed. Seminary Development Office 423-0483 x102 or
O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from
conception until death. Help us to cherish our children
and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share
in creation. May all people live and die in dignity
and love. Bless all those who defend the rights of the
unborn, the handicapped and the aged. Enlighten
and be merciful toward those who fail to love,
and give them peace. Let freedom be tempered by
responsibility, integrity and morality.
Open House
November16, 2014
Molloy College in Rockville Centre
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Eternal rest
grant unto them,
O Lord, and let
perpetual light
shine upon them.
October 18 – October 23 2014
Sean P. Neal 19 Riverside CA
Christopher E Kalafut 49 Oceanside CA
2252 Total US Fatalities
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
“We are living in a time of many wars;
the call for peace must be shouted.”
Pope Francis, July 2014