May 22, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church


May 22, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
May 22, 2016
The Most Holy Trinity
Our Vision
Through our
Baptism and Eucharist,
we are called to love
as Christ loves and
serve as Christ serves.
Our Mission
In Jesus Christ, we will grow
and flourish through
Engaging, welcoming and
building community
Lifelong faith formation
Social justice and service
to others in need
Engaging and
understanding the energy
and interests of our youth
Prayer and worship that
deepens our spiritual life
Accountability in using
our resources wisely
Euchre Nights have been a great success again this year, providing a fun social
experience for parishioners. Please join us in September for a relaxing evening
of card-playing and friend-making.
so that we
may live life
St. Joseph Catholic Church—Libertyville, Illinois
With Gratitude
Our St. Joseph Family Will Celebrate the Work That God Has Accomplished
through Fr. Matt’s Faithful and Loving Service to Our Parish Community
Saturday, June 11, 2016
At the 5:00 p.m. Mass
Followed by a Reception
in the Koenig Center—6:00 until 8:00 p.m.
Please Join Us in Offering Farewell and Abundant Blessings to
Fr. Matthew Bozovsky
“Teach us to give and not count the cost.” -St. Ignatius of Loyola
If you would like to help with the reception, please go to or contact Julie Love at
Upcoming Events at St.
Joseph Catholic Church
May 26 Holy Hour & Adoration for
Vocations, Church. 3:00 p.m.
May 29 Corpus Christi Holy Hour &
Procession, p. 7
June 3 Medjugorje program, p. 8
June 11 Knights of Columbus 5K, p. 10
June 11 5:00 Mass & Reception for Fr.
Matt Bozovsky
June 25-26 Men’s Summer Weekend,
see bottom of page
More information at
–—––––——————––——––Faith Formation
Lay Leadership
St. Joseph’s Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Legacy Workshop
Men’s Summer Weekend
Jack’s works include:
“This event will be unforgettable.”8&</#
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Interested in learning
more about your faith
and the role of the
Laity in 2016? Two
of our parishioners
have recently graduated from the Lay Leadership Program
described below (congratulations to
Kathy Andrews & Charlene Swanson).
For additional information regarding the program, you may contact the
Institute for Lay Formation at http://
or Catherine Sims at 847-837-4552,
The Institute for Lay Formation offers a certificate program in lay leadership which seeks to help active parish
volunteers who demonstrate leadership potential to deepen their personal
spirituality and engage in theological
reflection; to study Church doctrine,
Scripture, Sacramental Theology and
Church History; and to refine their
communication and leadership skills.
Graduates of the certificate program
are prepared to assume many roles of
volunteer leadership in the parishes
and agencies of the Archdiocese of
Chicago. The program is also used by
a few religious orders to broaden the
formation of their novices.
Faith Formation—————————————
Pray for Vocations
The Archdiocese recommends that parishes provide for a holy hour to pray for priestly vocations. In support of
this, the St. Joseph Vocation Committee and our Spiritual Formation Committee has scheduled a holy hour,
with Eucharistic Adoration, to be held every Thursday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the church to offer prayers for
priestly vocations. Thursdays have been chosen as an ideal day for having the prayer hour as it coincides with
Holy Thursday and the institution of the priesthood at the Last Supper. If you are looking for a special action this year, what
better way than a short visit on Thursday to pray for an increase in priestly vocations? If you are unable to join us, please keep
vocations in your prayers.
Jubilee Year of Mercy
To witness is to give testimony based on your
own personal and immediate knowledge. By our
speech and our actions we must attest to the truth
of the Gospel. “Everyone who acknowledges me before others
I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” (Matthew 10:32).
“Share the Light”/Women’s Council
Marriage Tip of the Week:
“A cord of three strands is not quickly
broken.” (Ecc. 4:12) Invite God into your
Sponsored by the St. Joseph Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Celebrating your 50th Anniversary?
Sign up by June 10 for special Mass at Cathedral—
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, at 2:45 p.m. at Holy Name
Cathedral, 735 North State Street in Chicago. Couples married in 1966 interested in attending this celebration
should contact their parish office by early June to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries
Office at 312-534-8351 or visit:
Join us as we grab our flashlights to head on a Cave Quest for Vacation Bible School at St. Joseph Parish. This year we will ground kids in the ROCK SOLID foundation of God’s LOVE, a LOVE that takes
us through life’s dark times.
June 20 through June 24
Children entering 3-year old preschool through 5th grade are invited to attend. Your children will be reminded how Jesus
gives us hope, courage, direction, love and power through bible stories and songs, games, crafts, and even in their daily snack.
For more information go to If you have any questions, contact Karen Graham at or Nancy Lothspeich at
HELP WANTED: Adult and youth volunteers (entering 6th – high school) are needed to make this year another successful
year at Vacation Bible School. It will be a week you will never forget. Please prayerfully consider joining us as a crew leader,
station volunteer or station leader. All help welcome!
–—––––——————––——––Faith Formation
Register Now for Totus Tuus – “Totally Yours”
June 27 - July 1
9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A Camp at Church? Absolutely! Register now for
the best week of the summer! Kids have fun learning and living our Catholic faith in this week-long
“Catholic Camp” for kids
entering the 2nd through 8th grade. Totus Tuus is taught
by college students and seminarians who were trained in
teaching and passing on their excitement about Catholicism. Last summer, kids unanimously gave a thumbs-up to
the games, skits, and active way to grow in faith. Camp will
focus on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and Prayer
this summer.
Not convinced? Read what parents from our parish said
last summer:
faith-building activities that were fun, and I loved that she
went to mass daily.”
singing the songs after they got home. They were eager to
attend every day.”
relaxed learnings (vs. more serious classroom style lessons); daily string bracelets great reminder of lessons.”
program for the week was a
tough sell to my 3rd grade
daughter, but she ended up
LOVING the camp!”
And what did the campers
say about Totus Tuus last
brother do religion camp with me next year?"
(seminarian) is awesome.”
Amazing counselors - Mr. Aaron was awesome!”
Totus Tuus registration fee is $60.00 each for the 1st and
2nd child in a family, and $20 for each subsequent child. The
price includes a t-shirt.
Totus Tuus is an engaging way to inspire children while
instructing them the basic beliefs of the Catholic faith. It’s fun
to be Catholic! Register at http://www.stjoseph-libertyville.
Visit our Give Central page at to secure your spot. Please email Eileen Glynn-Tucker eglynntucker@ to volunteer or for more information.
Religious Education & Family Faith Weaving
tIn June, all Faith Weaving families will attend a joint closing session on June 5 at 6:00 p.m. This is a BYOP
(Bring Your Own Picnic). There will be no Faith Weaving sessions on June 5 at 2:00 p.m. or June 10 at 6:30
p.m. Looking forward to seeing all Faith Weaving families there!
are available online and in the Parish Office. You may register electronically or with traditional paper forms that are
downloadable from our website. Please take advantage of the best dates and times for your children by registering early.
Late fees are not assessed until after May 31.
Help Wanted: Catechists for 2016-2017
Catechists are volunteers who encourage children in their faith, while growing in their own. They are
people just like you who don’t have answers to everything, but are willing to take the time to engage
others in discovering who we are as Catholic people. During the course of the catechetical year, these
teachers reap several benefits, including:
Would you like to be a catechist? Please call the Religious Education office for more information, 847-990-1263.
Faith Formation—————————————
St. Joseph School Hosts
Annual Science Fair
The 7th grade students of St. Joseph School hosted the annual Science Fair
on May 12. After creating hypotheses, months of research, testing and retesting, the students presented the results of their experiments to a panel
of 25 judges. The following students took home awards: Program Cover
Contest - Ashley P.; Class Favorite - Foods for Feathered Friends, Erin B.
& Sela G.; Third Place (tied) - Better Baseball with Better Batting, Conner
L. & Really Radical Respiration, Ashley P.; Second Place - Briskly Breeding
Bacteria, Fernanda V.; First Place - Crazy Copper Corrosion, Allison H.
Congratulations to all of the seventh graders and thanks to all of the faculty
and judges for sharing their time and expertise!
Prayer & Worship——––––—–—–—————–
Please Pray for the Sick
Mass Intentions
May 23
Dennis Hastert, well-being
Eleanor Lasecki
Rita Gorman
Marguerite Burkhardt
May 24
Well-being of the Ministers
of Care
Leo H. Eigner, Jr.
Walter Doroba
Karen Jaeger, well-being
Wednesday May 25
Patrick Steiner
Rita Gorman
Margaret Mary Sprague
Leo Boris
Thursday May 26
Leo H. Eigner, Jr.
Mae Gurtkowski, 106th
Birthday Blessings
Living & Deceased Members
of the Hackett Family
Holy Souls in Purgatory
May 27
Bob & Jean Mitchell
Mass of Thanksgiving
Peggy Ames, well-being
Ken Grenier
May 28
Jim Rogers
Edward Krol
All parishioners
Ministry of Care
Maybe you or someone you
love is unable to leave their
home because of sickness or
circumstances. If they cannot get out to Mass, let us know. A
Minister of Care will visit, bring Holy
Communion, and pray with them. Our
trained Ministers of Care are ready to
offer comfort and support. Please contact us to make arrangements for this
visit—Parish Office (847-362-2073),
or Arlyss Lasecki (847-778-8023), or
Judy Salzman (847-393-7689).
Sunday Masses 5:00 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday 7:15, 9:00, 10:45 a.m. (10:45 in
Church and in Koenig Center), 12:30,
5:00 p.m. Prearranged Baptisms at 1:45
p.m. Saturday Masses 8:30 a.m. (Second Saturdays-Sacrament of Healing at
Mass) Weekday Masses 6:30 and 8:30
a.m. or as scheduled. Holy Day Masses:
6:30, 8:30 a.m., Noon, 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00
Noon or by appointment.
Rita W. Cappellar
Linda Blazevich
Rosemary Klein
Mary T. Jordan
Sally Petersen
Rita Andracki
Joseph Sicuro
Andy Ertmanis
Nancy Bodner
Mario Lenzini
Maria E. Coton
Brett Becker
Kif Ward
Janet Jacob
Maddy McInerney
Kevin Scanlan
Ann Kent
Cliff Young
Peter Sylvester
Aidan Kirkpatrick
Diane LaCrosse
Bridget Shiel
Micah Peckels Quirk
After 4 weeks, please
notify the parish office if your loved
one is still in need of our prayers.
In Memory
Please pray for the soul of:
Guadalupe Ramirez
——––––—–—–—————–Prayer & Worship
Our Celebration
of the Solemnity of
the Body and Blood
of Christ, Next Week
On Sunday, May 29, our Church
will celebrate the Solemnity of the
Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus
Christi. The feast day was instituted
in the 13th Century in thanksgiving for the gift of the Holy Eucharist.
Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
continued to grow over the centuries.
Eucharistic Processions became a way
in which all walks of life came together
as a community to worship in thanksgiving, to strengthen their faith and
to gain a deeper personal relationship
with Christ.
The St. Joseph parish community
will once again join the world community by hosting an Eucharistic Procession around our parish grounds which
will be followed by Benediction of the
Most Blessed Sacrament. The entire
parish community is invited and encouraged to participate as we worship
and celebrate in thanksgiving the true
and real presence of our Risen Lord,
Jesus Christ, who is in our midst. Representatives from each ministry are invited to carry their banner. First Holy
Communicants are encouraged to wear their First Holy Communion outfits.
The celebration will began at 3:00 p.m. with a Holy Hour with the Exposition of the Most Sacred Eucharist which will
include a prayer service and time for silent meditation. We encourage everyone to come and spend time with Jesus adoring
and offering prayers. If, however, you cannot be present for the Holy Hour but would like your petitions to be remembered,
you can place your prayer petitions in the “Parish Petition” book that is always present at the Narthex.
The 5:00 Holy Mass will occur as always. The Eucharistic Procession will follow at the conclusion of the Holy Mass. If you
are not planning to attend the 5:00 p.m. Holy Mass, please plan on joining the assembly at 5:45 outside the Church. Communicants and those carrying their ministry banners are asked to assemble in the Church following the Mass.
At 6:00 p.m. the Procession will begin. Benediction will follow immediately after the procession. Join us as we go forward
proclaiming what we believe. Join us as we profess our Catholic identity. Join us as we proclaim Jesus our Lord and Savior.
Prayer & Worship——––––—–—–—————–
Thank You to Our Many Music Ministers!
Viola Holeczy, daughter of Nicole (Mazur) and Steven Holeczy
Ella Adele Laube, daughter of Meghan
(Duffy) and Benjamin Laube
Camilla Medina, daughter of Carlen
(NaZal) and Carlos Medina
Charlotte Elena Greskovich, daughter of Nichole (Tonioni) and Charles
I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our music ministers
who have faithfully sung for our Masses since last August. They
will be taking time off in June and July and return to ministry for
our Annual Outdoor Mass, August 20.
I want to encourage all members of our parish to consider
this wonderful parish ministry as either a member of our cantor/song leader ministry for all of our Masses (including the
Family Mass) or as a member of the adult contemporary choir,
adult traditional choir, bell choir, teen choir, children’s choir or
as an instrumentalist. We also welcome music ministers who can
only participate sporadically throughout the year, such as Easter,
Triduum, Christmas and for special days such as Ash Wednesday
and All Souls, to name a few.
If you regularly attend either the 5:00 p.m. Saturday Mass or the 12:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses, we are exploring the possibility of choirs and more instrumentalists for these wonderful weekly liturgies!
Please contact me so that we can meet and discuss your interests in our parish
music ministry. - Ron Vanasdlen, Director of Music, St. Joseph Catholic Church,
Saturday, May 28
Fr. Kartje
Sunday, May 29
Fr. Bozovsky
Deacon Kashmar
Fr. Trout
Deacon Kashmar
Fr. Trout
10:45 KC
Fr. Hennessey
Fr. Le
Fr. Le
Banns of Marriage
Vanessa Tamayo & Giovanni Paparella
Worship Accessibility for
Persons with Disabilities
Accessible Washrooms, west side
of narthex Hearing Loop for persons
with hearing aids Assisted Hearing
Devices in sacristy for persons with difficulty hearing Accessible, Powered Door
at east end of narthex Ramped north
entrances to narthex Accessible Ramp
on east side of sanctuary Pew Accessibility on east front side section
Pew Accessibility on east front of center
section Padded Pew last row, far southeast corner of church
Accessible parking spaces north of
church along Maple Avenue.
The Experience of Medjugorje
Have you ever heard of Medjugorje? Have
you wanted to know more about it? This is
your opportunity to learn about this peaceful, holy and fruitful place located in BosniaHerzegovina, the former Yugoslavia. All are
welcome to attend an informational presentation on Friday evening, June 3. Arlyss and
Bob Lasecki will present information regarding Medjugorje and discuss the unique characteristics of their experiences as they share images of the area. The evening will
include time for questions, door prizes and refreshments. Feel free to bring someone along—a spouse, a friend or a neighbor. It is open to everyone. An RSVP
would be nice, but it is not necessary; RSVP to
What: “The Experience of Medjugorje”
When: Friday, June 3, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Where: Century 21 Building (Lower Level), 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville,
south of St. Joseph Catholic Church at the corner of Hurlburt and Milwaukee Avenues
Social Justice & Service—————————
Word of Life
ElderCARE Needs You
“[M]any assisted reproduction technologies also cause the destruction
of human life. This fact is seldom explained to a couple before the various
procedures begin.”
— “Infertility” (
ElderCARE’s next volunteer training is on Wednesday, June
22 at Christ Episcopal Church, 410 Grand Avenue in Waukegan from 6:00-8:00 p.m. For more information, call the
ElderCARE office at 847-406-4683 or write to Jill at info@ To learn more about services provided, please visit
—————————Social Justice & Service
May 25: The Annunciation + 2 months
A life celebrated…from the moment of conception
Two months ago, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a child and name him Jesus. Gabriel went on to proclaim
that her relative Elizabeth, who was thought too old to bear a child, had also conceived a child and
was now six months pregnant. (Luke 1:26-38, NAB) Mary “traveled to the hill country in haste” to visit
On May 31, the Church marks the Feast of that Visitation. Jesus had developed into fetal form, a tiny
human infant, a bit longer than half an inch, measured from the top of the head to the rump, tiny
legs pulled up against the chest. All of his major body organs and systems had begun to take form.
Luke’s Gospel account (1:39-45, NAB) tells us that Elizabeth’s infant leaped in her womb,
“announcing” the coming of the embryonic Jesus, sheltered in the womb of his mother Mary.
One can feel the joyful anticipation of two lives that will be powerfully intertwined to change
the world. Elizabeth and Zechariah will name their son John. He will be the Baptist who announces the coming of the adult Jesus and the Kingdom of God!
How many fail to honor the promise of the human being two months after conception, the impact he or she might have,
with others, born and yet-to-be-born? Pray that all will embrace the sacredness of life in every individual, particularly our
children, regardless of station and at every stage of development.
Volunteer Opportunities
at Beacon Place This Summer
Beacon Place is a community house which offers
lunch and tutoring to area children ages 4-18 and is
located at 603 S. McAlister in Waukegan. We have
meaningful volunteer opportunities for you, connecting your desire to serve with the needs of our
kids at Beacon Place. Below is a description of what
the volunteers will be doing:
Summer Lunch Program
We offer summer lunch and “day camp” activities from June 13 through
August 8. We are in need of adult, college, or high school volunteers
who can help set up tables, assist the younger kids with their lunches, and help with activities such as arts and crafts, sports, and playing
games. The summer lunch program occurs on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Summer Tutoring
We need adult and college student volunteers who can provide one-onone remedial assistance and academic enrichment in math and reading for elementary and middle school students. Summer tutoring occurs between June 13 and August 9. Elementary School students meet
Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and
Middle School students meet Monday and Thursday from 12:30 to
3:30 p.m.
Interested volunteers can register online at our website:
More information about our organization and programs can be found
at Or contact Mary Causey at 847-990-1213 or
Carolyn Dunn at 847-644-7460 or email for
more information.
Employment Ministry
to Meet June 1
Have you ever thought about becoming a consultant? For some
people this is a very rewarding career option, either as a short-term
“bridge” to your next job or as a
long-term opportunity. Learn more
about consulting at the next meeting of the Employment Ministry, which will begin with a presentation by Libertyville consultant and parishioner Ron Lowell. This talk is entitled Consulting,
an Entrepreneurial Option and will present key
considerations, strategies, and pitfalls to help
you in your planning process. We will meet from
7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Formation Center (112 N.
Milwaukee), Room D. Please enter from the rear
of the building. We look forward to seeing you
there, and all are welcome!
The St. Joseph Employment Ministry assists
the unemployed and under-employed in the
pursuit of personally and professionally fulfilling work. Anyone with a job to fill or an interest
in assisting job-seekers is also invited to attend.
Meetings are normally held on the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of each month and usually feature
topical presentations followed by group networking. If you have questions, please contact John
Jennings at
Employers are invited to post open positions
with us by sending an email to:
Social Justice & Service—————————
Women at the Well
Prison Ministry
The next Women at the Well Prison
Ministry retreat is scheduled for June
2-4 at the Logan Correctional Center in
Lincoln, Illinois. The Women at the Well
Prison Ministry is based on John 4:1126 (where the Samaritan woman takes
Christ’s message to the others) and Matthew 25:36 (where Jesus says, “I was in
prison and you visited me.”) Our mission
is to proclaim the love and forgiveness of
Christ to incarcerated women and to support spiritual healing.
Because of work, family obligations,
health and/or other commitments, not everyone is blessed to be able to go into prisons
and minister as Christ commands. However,
by helping our team to bring God’s light and
love to incarcerated women, you are “visiting
There are three important ways you
can help us: The first is to hold us in prayer!
Not just June 2, 3 and 4, but as we form
our team and prepare for being Christ to
the women of Logan Correctional Center
throughout May. We also ask for prayers
for the chaplain, the prison staff, and the
women that will be attending the retreat.
The second would be to write support
letters to the retreatants. We read these letters at the retreat to show the women that
people on the outside pray for them, encourage them and support them in their
desire be touched by the Holy Spirit at the
retreat, to change their lives and become
good Christian women. Letters can be sent
to the address below or left in the parish
office for us to pick up. We will need your
letter no later than June 1 (we drive to the
prison June 2).
And finally, it costs about $30 to put
on the retreat per retreat attendee. We are
fundraising to help defray the costs associated with providing God’s Word to our 75
invited guests. Any amount you can give in
support of our retreat is appreciated. Please
write your check to “ALL ARE WELCOME
WPM” on the memo line. All donations are
tax deductible. You may mail your donation
to: Women at the Well Prison Ministry, P.O.
Box 694, Libertyville, IL 60048. God Bless
you for all that you do!
To volunteer this summer, visit
5K Run/Walk Dash Around the Lake
On the private grounds at the Mundelein Seminary
Saturday 9am June 13, 2015
June 11, 9:00 a.m.
The goal is to raise funds to support the St. Joseph youth group’s work
Trip this
63 teens
is to raise funds
to support
the summer.
St. JosephWe
work at
the 23
who are
to go
a nice run
Trip. This
we year.
have 80
youth and
that or
week repairing
and provide
for the
these homes
in this
Enjoy an opportunity to run/walk through a beautiful course for all levels.
Competitive run or fun run, walkers and families. Kids 6 and under free/-strollers
allowed at your own discretion. Course USATF measured certified.
Race T-shirt, chip/bib timed, age medal awards.
Go to to register!!
“To Find race-in search field enter: dash around the lake
Or go to actual URL
Questions email:
Organized by Knights of Columbus, Council 3674-St. Joseph’s Libertyville
—————————Social Justice & Service
Father Matt Foley will be celebrating 5:00
Mass on Sunday, June 12
followed by a presentation called
El Nino Rey – A Ministry of Mercy
in the Koenig Center. Light refreshments will
be served. For additional information, please
contact Kathleen O’Connor at 847-528-5873.
Teens’ Game Night This Sunday Evening
All high school teens and confirmed 8th graders are invited to the St. Joseph Youth Ministry
Game Night on Sunday, May 22, following the 5:00 Mass (6:00 p.m.) until 8:00 p.m. in the Teen
Space (formerly “Souled Out”). We will provide a variety of games and snacks, but feel free to
bring your favorite!
Each attendee must have a completed permission form on file with us, or bring a completed
form, which can be found here: RSVP is not necessary, but is appreciated. Please contact Kate at 847-990-1266 or by emailing (kmayertekampe@stjoseph-libertyville.
org) if you plan to attend. We do need adult volunteers, so if you are interested and able to be there, please contact Kate!
We hope you will join us and bring a friend for food, faith, and fun!
——––––—–—–——— Community Building
Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary Update
We are pleased to announce the Executive Board for 2016-2017:
Co-Presidents - Maura Chamberlin and Chris Speranza
Secretary - Mary Galo
Treasurer - Cheryl Craig
Membership - Carol Walsh
Publicity - Carolyn Husnick
Circle Coordinator - Linda Popeck
ACCW Representative - Pat Smuck
Thank you for your continued support of and dedication to our ministry!
Circle News Circles are open to all Guild members. Please join in—we’d love
to see you!
Wednesday, May 25 - St. Louise de Marillac Crafts Circle: 9:30 a.m. in the Formation Center. (Circle leader: Carolyn Husnick,
The Guild of St. Joseph provides many social, spiritual and service opportunities for its members. We will unite the women of the parish in a community of
service and offer each member the opportunity to use her individual talents. The
Guild is divided into groups called Circles. The purpose of Circles is to provide
the opportunity for women to work in smaller groups toward common goals.
Please contact us to join or to learn more:
Senior Corner:
Community & Parish
June 25-26 Men’s Weekend, see article
on page 11 for details.
May 25 – Flower Show
See the Senior Update for details
Cook Memorial Library has afternoon movies on Thursday (Cook) or
Friday (Aspen).
Please join us in welcoming the
following new parish members:
Henry Deters, Meghan
Simonetti, Tyler & Kathryn
Haws, Michael Krantz & Jennifer Soares and Karlo Natonton.
Welcome to our community of faith!
Community Building——––––—–—–———–
Mothers with Young Children
Drop-In Playgroup: Please join us for drop-in playgroup on Tuesday, May 24. See BigTent for details.
May Book Club: Please join us for our May Book Club on Thursday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. We will be
reading Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall. Check BigTent for details.
Looking to become more involved with MYC? Consider joining the MYC Board for the 2016-2017
year! All MYC members are eligible to join! We currently have a few positions left to fill. If interested,
please contact to learn more!
As a reminder, please see BigTent for all MYC event info, RSVP, volunteer and amazing charity/fundraising opportunities! If you or someone you know would like to join MYC, please contact us at Membership
is free and you can be as involved as you like. We’d love to have you!
Enjoy The Convenience Of On-line Giving
Thank you to the many families that have signed up for online giving via electronic funds transfer (EFT). EFT is a
convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation from your bank or credit card. There is no cost to you
and provides many advantages to you and the Church. Getting started is easy—just visit our parish website at http://www. When you participate, your gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account.
You decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. You can set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift to our offertory and special collections, so you’ll be able to give the way you want.
Thank you for considering this giving opportunity. If you have questions, please contact Anna Roeser at 847-362-2073
or via email at
Stewardship of Treasure
Stay Connected with your
St. Joseph Family!
We have options for everyone!
Email Newsletter: sign up here
Sign up to receive occasional emails from
St. Joe’s. We currently send an email out
twice a month.
Weekly Offering for May 1, 2016
Current Year
Last Year
Week Year to Date
Week Year to Date
Weekend Offering
$26,277 $1,056,069 $25,981 $1,110,696
Electronic Giving
$638,944 $25,908
Total Collection
$52,171 $1,695,013 $51,889 $1,743,888
Budget for Collection
$41,000 $1,804,000
St. Joseph Parish is grateful to those who give generously on the weekends and
monthly through our automatic contribution program. Thank you to those who
regularly and generously give of their treasure as well as those who give of their
time and talent to support the work our parish does in the name of Jesus Christ.
Learn more at
Thoughts on Giving
“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth...” (John 16:13) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us
know and live the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to open our hearts to receive this gift before we can give it. Develop
a daily prayer routine to ask the Holy Spirit to help guide our thoughts and actions.
Kindred Life Golf Outing
Join us on Friday, June 10 and tee off for teen parents and their children at our new location, Pine Meadow Golf and Country Club. Registration information is available at Please contact Cheryl Anderson at Info@ or 847-599-8135.
Bulletin Submissions
St. Joseph Catholic Church
121 E. Maple Avenue, Libertyville, Illinois 60048
Phone 847-362-2073
Fax 847-362-6821
Parish Office hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
E-mail Website
Rev. John Trout, Pastor
Rev. Joseph Nhat Le, Associate Pastor
Rev. Matthew Bozovsky, Associate Pastor
Rev. John Hennessey, Pastor Emeritus
Deacons George Kashmar, Dennis Mudd, David Tiemeier
Pastoral Staff
Mrs. Mary Causey - Director of Social Justice and Service
Mrs. Ann Harmon - Parish Office Manager
Mr. Dan Harris, Facilities Manager
Deacon George Kashmar, Pastoral Director of Ministries
Mrs. Chris Keffer, Director of Catechesis
Mrs. Kate Mayer Tekampe, Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Mrs. Kelly McMahon, Director of Technology
Mrs. Anne Phoenix - Principal, St. Joseph School
Mrs. Anna Roeser, Director of Administration
Mr. Ron Vanasdlen, MAM, Director of Music
Parish Pastoral Council
E-mail the PPC at Your questions and suggestions are
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council: Fr. John Trout
Dan Coughlin
Eileen Glynn-Tucker
Michael Knight
Mike Mulligan
Kathleen O’Connor (Chair)
Gerry Salzman
Janine Wilson
Parish Finance Council
Fr. John Trout
Jim Groth
Bob Killackey
Brian Savage
Submit Carpenter articles to Marie Tuohy
( after approval
by your Pastoral Staff Lead. Articles must
be received by Noon on the Monday before
issue date.
New Parishioners
Welcome! Please stop or call the parish office
weekdays from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. or download
registration form on-line at
Announcements at Mass
Due to Anna Roeser by Noon on Mondays, Guideline:
brief 2-3 sentences.
If you have a disability and require special
accommodations at a parish event, please
call the parish office.
Ministry of Care,
Sacrament of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is celebrated at 8:30
a.m. Mass on the 2nd Saturday of each month,
or by arrangement. Contact the parish office
if seriously ill, hospitalized, or homebound.
A Minister of Care is available to bring Communion.
Guide to Funeral Planning
Please call the parish office for assistance
from a Bereavement Minister and a funeral
planning guide.
Stay Connected
Twitter: @sjlibertyville
Congratulations! Please contact the parish
office as soon as you are engaged. 6 months
is usually required for marriage preparation.
Infant Baptism
As an expectant parent, you are invited to the
Pre-Baptismal Session three months prior to
birth; 6:00 p.m. the 2nd Monday of every other
month. Next session: July 11, 2016.
Baptism for School-Aged
Preparation classes for parents and children
begin in September. Call 362-5797 for information and registration.
Sacrament of Penance
Ryan Kasten
Tom Sear (Chair)
Celebrated at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings
or by arrangement.
Office Hours & Evening Access The Parish Office and Ministry Center at 121 E. Maple Avenue is open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday and 8:00 a.m.-Noon on Saturday. The front door of the P.O.M. Center has a keypad for entry into its vestibule area.
Anyone hosting a scheduled meeting in the evening or on a weekend is asked to pick up the key for the space they need before 4:30
p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) or by 12:00 Noon on Saturday (for weekend meetings) if you cannot make it by 4:30 (M-F) or by Noon Saturday,
please call the office, 847-362-2073, before 4:30 (M-F) or Noon Saturday to reserve your key and to get the access code for the vestibule, where the key will be kept. You must return the key immediately after your event by putting it in the same box you obtained
it from, NOT in the slot to the left of the door.
Breaking Open the Word
A Journey to Discipleship Jesus Companions Us Through Scripture
1. Proclaim God’s Word. Choose someone to read the Scripture. After reading, there is silence from the group in reverence.
2. Invite Response. Invite individuals to respond to a word, phrase or passage that strikes them in some way.
3. Praise God. After a period of response, close by leading the group in praise of God by praying together the Glory Be.
Next Sunday’s Gospel — Luke 9: 11b-17
Leader: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John
Jesus spoke to the crowds about the kingdom of God, and he
healed those who needed to be cured. As the day was drawing to a close, the Twelve approached him and said, “Dismiss
the crowd so that they can go to the surrounding villages
and farms and find lodging and provisions; for we are in a
deserted place here.” He said to them, “Give them some food
yourselves.” They replied, “Five loaves and two fish are all we
have, unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people.”
Now the men there numbered about five thousand. Then he
Response: Glory to You, O Lord
said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about
fifty.” They did so and made them all sit down. Then taking
the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven,
he said the blessing over them, broke them, and gave them
to the disciples to set before the crowd. They all ate and were
satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up,
they filled twelve wicker baskets.
The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
The miracle of the loaves and fishes in next Sunday’s Gospel directs our attention to Jesus’ desire and ability to sustain us on
our journey to holiness. However, there is much more to the story than another example of Jesus’ miraculous power. The
opening of this chapter in Luke’s gospel tells us that the miracle takes place just after the disciples had returned from their first
mission, having gone out on their own to proclaim the Kingdom of God. Jesus had sent them forth with “power and authority
over all devils and to cure diseases.” He had directed them to leave everything behind and take not even so much as a second
tunic, which had required an enormous amount of trust and faith that their needs would be met. Upon their return and after
sharing incredulous accounts of their experiences with Jesus, the disciples find that thousands had followed them to a remote
place where there was no means available to feed them. As if to remind the disciples of what they had just recently accomplished through their faith in Him and their willingness to give of themselves, Jesus tells them to feed the crowd themselves.
Once they surrender the small amount of food they have, Jesus demonstrates how much He can do with even the smallest of
gifts when given in complete trust. This lesson is just as true for us today as it was for the disciples. Jesus wants us to believe
in Him, hold nothing back and generously share the gifts we have been given. We can be assured that when we share the gifts
of our time, talent or treasure, He will do great and even miraculous things through us. Our generosity is joined with that of
the others in our community when we come together to share in the celebration of the Eucharist. As we receive Holy Communion, Christ lavishes us with graces to continue to walk in faith and grow in holiness.
For further reflection on Holy Communion, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 1391-1401.
Reflection Questions
1. Jesus reminds us that the Father’s love for us is so strong that all we need to do is trust in Him and our joy will be complete. What keeps me from trusting in God and surrendering to His call to leave everything behind and follow Him? What
can’t I let go of?
2. At the Offertory, our gifts are presented to the Lord to be transformed by Him into His life-giving Body and Blood. What
gift of self am I willing to offer up next time I attend Mass?
3. Jesus directed the Twelve to go out and proclaim the Kingdom of God. How can I better proclaim the Kingdom of God
in my own home? My workplace? My community? What keeps me from doing more?
Readings for the Week
1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c; Mk 10:17-27
1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 10:32-45
1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5; Mk 10:46-52
1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26
Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6; Mk 11:27-33
Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26;+$
Lk 9:11b-17
St. Bede the Venerable; St. Gregory VII;
St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi
St. Philip Neri
St. Augustine of Canterbury