January 2014 - Church of the Redeemer


January 2014 - Church of the Redeemer
Redeemer News
Vol. LXI
January No. 1
A monthly
publication of the
Church of the
Redeemer-Chestnut Hill,
Epiphany, the season for Clarity
From the Interim Rector’s Desk The Rev. Cathy Hagstrom George
Pg 6
Annual Meeting
Pg 7
Pg 8
Pg 12
Pg 16
Pg 18
Pg 23
Pg 24
Pg 31
Epiphany is a season for clarity.
Most of us want more clarity. We would like
to be less conflicted about how we spend our
time, our money, our energy. We wonder
how much of ourselves we should give to
our community, to our church, and to our
family. We try to find the right balance and
often feel that we are not getting it right.
“I like my job, but I travel too much,” or, “I
don’t like my work, but I can’t let go of the
salary” or “ I love being home, raising our
children, but maybe I should do something else?” or “I’d like to travel more in
retirement, but should I leave all my responsibilities to someone else?” Epiphany
is a season to ask for the light of God to shine on us, to ask God to guide us even
in the smallest details of our lives. When you are conflicted, ask God for clarity.
Epiphany is the season of light.The white snow lays across the fields and the winter
sun is strong in the middle of the day. The air is bracing and clear. The night sky is
intensely dark, and the bright stars and fat slice of moon shines bright. Epiphany
will last for the next seven weeks, the season of black ice and wind. An epiphany
is when something hidden comes to light, when something is revealed, or made
clear, when something dawns on us. The season is ushered in when the backseat
birth of a poor boy is brought to light by the visitation of the three astrologers.
The wise men reveal that this baby is someone special, born to give us second
Article continues on the next page.
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January 2014
birth. This is the first revelation of Epiphany; the first light bulb that
goes on, baby Jesus is God incarnate. God come to flesh.
I remember someone saying that life must have been easier for Jesus
to figure out because he knew ahead of time everything that was going
to happen to him. I am not sure this was true for Jesus. Certainly the
four gospel writers who record his life have very different points of
view on what Jesus knew or did not know before it happened. It seems
that Jesus knows something is coming in the Garden of Gethsemane
when he cannot keep the sleepy disciples awake the night before his
execution. He does not want to face the next day all alone but even
that night: does Jesus know all what God has in mind for him? I am not
so sure. Jesus seems to discover moment by moment, and day by day,
what God has in plan for him.
Today is an Epiphany, a moment of clarity in Jesus’ life. It will be in our
lives too if we ask for it.
News From the Rector Search Committee
Heavenly Father,
Pour out your Holy Spirit
upon us, and guide our search
for a new rector.
Open our ears to your words
and our hearts to your love.
Help us to listen to each
other and honor all voices,
And please keep watch over
the person that you are preparing to answer our call.
All this we ask in the name
of your Son, Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
We continue to review written applications from prospective
candidates and have conducted Skype/phone interviews with
several promising candidates sinceThanksgiving. The Redeemer
has attracted significant interest among priests from around
the country and we have been impressed by the qualifications
and spiritual centeredness of many of these candidates. The
challenge, as always, is to find the mix of leader, guide and
pastoral counselor that is right for our parish.
We appreciate the referrals that we have received from
parishioners and ask you to remain vigilant for possible
candidates as you travel and visit other churches in the New
Year. As always, we appreciate your patience and faith and ask
that you continue to keep us in your prayers.
Michael Aylward and Suzy Westcott, Co-Chairs
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January 2014
The Assistant Rector’s Corner
The Rev. Margery Kennelly
When I first came to Church of the Redeemer, I was interested to find out that there had been a mid-week
service which included anointing and prayers for healing. I was interested because just such a mid-week
service had been quite powerful in building up my own faith and in opening me to quite tangible experiences
of God’s love. We read in James 5:14 that one of the ministries of the church is to anoint and pray for those
who are sick.
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them
pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14)
This simple instruction is not at odds with modern medicine, or
the understanding that God’s healing can be worked through skilled
physicians, natural processes or even the power of positive thinking. It
is however something that we are told to do presumably because this
humble and trusting activity of bringing our suffering to God is part
of the Christian life. Why is it part of the Christian life? Somebody
recently asked me about why we put people’s names on church prayer lists. “What are we doing, creating
some kind of pressure group to bend God’s ear?” No, I don’t think so. Rather there is a way in which our
asking is an actual participation in the release of God’s power in this world. There is a saying, “Without God
we cannot. Without us, He will not.” God has given us quite a role to play in the unfolding of his gracious
plan. One part of this role is praying for health and salvation in our lives and in the lives of people around us.
With that in view, I would like to rekindle our mid-week healing service here
at Redeemer. Finding the best time is of course somewhat trial and error. My
preference would be a 12:15pm service on Wednesdays. We would celebrate
the Eucharist using a lovely litany of healing from the Book of Occasional Services
and follow the service with an opportunity for individual prayer for those who
choose to stay. The idea would be to provide a liturgy that fits into people’s lunch
hour. If you would be interested in participating in this service, as a reader or
LEM or by preparing the altar and cleaning up after, please let me know.
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January 2014
From the Wardens
Steve Mead and Nina Moriarty
Vestry conducted its final meeting of 2013 in early
December. The meeting started with a prayer by
Michael Aylward, which closed with the following:
You must know, that God is blowing inside you,
From the very beginning.
And if your heart is on fire and nothing betrays,
Within you He creates.
(Poet Rainer Maria Rilke )
As we pass through this joyous season of Advent, when we
celebrate your gift to us of your son, give us the grace to
understand our mission and the strength to accomplish it.
May our hearts always be on fire with the joy of your holy
spirit in all that we undertake.
The meeting included updates on the Christmas
Market, Mission and Outreach, the recommendation
of the Nominating Committee and final deliberations
and approval of the 2014 Operating Budget.
Once again the Christmas
Market was a wonderful
success and the dedication and
efforts of chairs Britt Lee and
Andrea Ambroze along with
CSL President Lisa Farber and
the numerous volunteers were
noted with sincere gratitude. Parishioners once
again came together in fellowship and service,
growing closer to each other and the Redeemer’s
mission and outreach partners.
Raising awareness and connection to the Redeemer’s
mission and outreach partners began well before
the Christmas Market. Raising funds for our
partners is now done through a combination of the
newly introduced Angels for Outreach, and the
Christmas Market’s Friday evening cocktail hour
and dinner, the silent and live auctions, sale of trees
and greens and a percent of the sales proceeds from
the vendors. Angels for Outreach went on sale
in November and will be
available through February.
This year purchasing Angels
contributing and bidding on
auction items. Initial results
are very encouraging and
Angels are still available for
Educating the parish and Christmas Market
participants about the specific programs and
efforts of our partners has always been a goal.
Mission and Outreach Sunday was instituted and
Reverend Tim Crellin of St. Stephen’s preached
at the morning service. Representatives from our
partners were invited to Mission and Outreach
Sunday strengthening the personal connection with
parishioners. Descriptive posters from each mission
partner now cover the walls in the parish hall.
Katie McEachern, retiring Vestry person and Head
of the Nominating Committee recommended and
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the Vestry approved the slate of officers (Clerk,
Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer), 3 Vestry persons,
Diocesan Delegates and Deanery Representatives
that will be presented to the parish for election at
the Annual Meeting on February 9, 2014. The slate
and further biographical information can be found
in this newsletter as well as posted in the Parish
lobby. Selection of the Redeemer’s leadership is a
very important function and requires a considerable
commitment on the part of the committee. Vestry
expressed its gratitude to the committee and is
confident that the parish will too be very excited
about the slate and what these individuals mean for
the future of the Redeemer.
The 2014 operating budget
was approved. Expenses
of $1,058,000 were held
flat with 2013’s budget
while providing for salary
increases and an over
$23,000 or 13.0% increase
in benefits due to increases
in health care premiums.
Other expenses, including
Administrative, Music, and Property & Utilities
were reduced to achieve overall level spending.
2014 Stewardship is budgeted at $650,000, $40,000
above 2013 projections but $50,000 below the
2013 $700,000 budget. 2013 saw a significant drop
in Stewardship as the number of pledges declined to
220 from 240 and several large pledges from 2012
did not materialize in 2013. 2014 will require an
endowment draw of $337,000. As with 2013 this is
January 2014
above the 4% guideline which based on the last four
years year end Endowment would approximate
$290,000. It is not unusual for a parish in search
for a new rector to experience a decline in giving.
The Endowment draw as a percent of expenses has
risen to an unsustainable 32% and the Vestry will be
addressing this in the new year.
As of December 18, 2014 stewardship stood at
$600,607. 190 pledges have been received, 27 are
new and 59 increased which is ahead of this time
last year. Redeemer’s average pledge is a healthy
$3,160 but 84 pledges showed no change. A
renewed focus on Stewardship will take place in
January as Shepherds will be following up with the
40 parishioners who have not yet pledged for 2014.
Dan McCarthy closed the meeting with a prayer
focused on the gifts of moments:
Please show how to use these moments to help others, to lift
spirits and lives, to do good, and to love mercy. Inspire us to
follow Your lead with caring actions every day.
Help us to remember that these moments are jewels of
time that may eventually dull with neglect….but, once
polished with the memory of Your light and love, will
gleam as brightly as ever to show us the true way to live
our lives –Your way.
Signed Committee reports for the Annual Meeting are due January 10, 2014
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Budget Summary
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January 2014
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Annual Meeting
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January 2014
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Parish of the Church
of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts will be held in the church on
February 9, 2014 at 11:15am.
This meeting is called in accordance with the requirements of the Amended
Constitution and By-Laws, for the purpose of
(a) Receiving and acting upon the report of the Nominating Committee;
(b) Receiving the reports of the Rector, Treasurer, Parish Organizations and
Committees; and any other matters which may properly come before the
Amy Mullen Luster
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Vestry Nominations
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January 2014
Report from the Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee submits the following slate of nominees for the election of lay leadership at the
Annual Meeting on February 9, 2014.
George Raine
Clerk, 3-year term
George Raine has been a member of the parish since 2007, teaches in the
Sunday School, and has served as an alternate diocesan delegate and a shepherd
for the stewardship campaign. George is a partner at the law firm of Ropes
& Gray, where he specializes in securities law and investment management
regulatory matters. He received his undergraduate degree (in history) and
law degree from Yale, as well as a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from the
Humboldt Universitaet in Berlin. He is married to Fernande Raine, who
sings in the choir and serves on the rector search committee. Together they
are doing their best to raise four daughters, Eleanor, Charlotte, Martha, and
Louisa (Lulu), aged ten down to four years. German is the official language of the Raine household, though
often resolve falls short of intention in avoiding the vernacular. In what passes for spare time, George enjoys
(though does not excel in) squash, rowing, cycling, classical clarinet, and recreational philology.
Preston McSwain
Treasurer, 3-year term
Preston is the President and Founder of SJM Fiduciary Advisors. He
has more than 25 years of experience building and growing wealth
management businesses, with particular focus on high net worth and ultra
high net worth markets.Prior to founding SJM, Preston was a Managing
Director at Barclays Wealth and a Managing Director and founder of the
Boston office of Neuberger Berman Private Wealth Management. In the
community, Preston is on the Board of the Pioneer Institute and the Board
of Overseers of the Peabody Essex Museum. In addition, Preston and two
peers organized and founded Boston Preparatory Public Charter School. Preston lives with his wife Susan,
son Jack and daughter Meghan (SJM) a stone’s throw from the Redeemer on Kingsbury Road.
Aaron Dunn
Assistant Treasurer, 3-year term
Aaron moved to Brookline in 2008 from Houston, Texas where he worked for Invesco Asset Management
analyzing and implementing investment strategies around energy and basic commodity equities. He is currently
operating in the same function as Vice President and Senior Equity Analyst for Eaton Vance Management in
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Vestry Nominations
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January 2014
Boston. Aaron earned his MBA from the University of Texas in Austin in 2006 and
his BSBA from the University of Arkansas in 1998. He also earned his CFA charter
in 2002. Aaron is blessed to be married to his childhood friend, Meredith. They
are the parents to three wonderful girls: Mary Scott (6), Frances (4), and Eloise
(2). When not working, Aaron enjoys spending time with his girls the most. He
also enjoys playing golf and teaching his children the joy of landscaping. Aaron
and his family have been members of the Church of the Redeemer since 2009.
He currently sits on the Building Committee and is a member of the Investment
Committee for the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society.
Liza Jones
Vestry, 4 -year term
Liza Jones and her husband Walker Jones came to Church of the Redeemer from
Trinity Church Boston in 2006. Liza is an elementary school teacher and has
been since 1990. (In fact, she held her very first position right across the street
at The Chestnut Hill School.) Liza taught at Fenn School and in the Brookline
Public Schools before landing at Shady Hill School in Cambridge where she has
been since 1999. Currently Liza shares the teaching of a 3rd grade classroom,
which allows her to work also in admission as an admission counselor and
in teacher training as a licensure supervisor. She is married to Walker Jones,
has two children- Bannon (10) and Josiah (8). Liza grew up in the Episcopal
Church, went to an Episcopal high school and is the daughter of a retired Episcopal bishop. She and Walker
are grateful for the Redeemer being in their lives, and especially for it being in the lives of their children.
Hallie DeLorey
Vestry, 4-year term
I was born and raised Episcopalian. My husband David and daughter Ellie have
been coming to the Redeemer for the last 10 years when we moved to Newton.
I have summered my whole life in Hyannis Port, MA. and have been on the
vestry of my summer church St Andrews by the Sea. We love Church of the
Redeemer; our daughter was christened there by Dorsey. I also have loved
teaching Sunday school to the K/1 class for the last 2 years. I was honored
to go to Uganda for our church 2 years ago to help with the drug and alcohol
problem in Uganda and help those affiliated with Beacon of Hope. I have been
a drug and alcohol counselor and interventionist for 25 years and love what I
do. My favorite job though is being a mom. We are grateful to be a part of The
Church of Redeemer community and look forward to the years to come.
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Vestry Nominations
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January 2014
Jesse Tumblin
Vestry, 4-year term
Jesse Tumblin was born and raised in Franklin, Tennessee. After completing a
degree at the University of Tennessee and Trinity College Dublin, he moved
to Boston in 2009 to begin work on a PhD in history at Boston College. He is
currently working on a doctoral dissertation on defense policy in the British
Empire in the early twentieth century and the role of security in the making of
modern states. Jesse enjoys snowboarding and watching all types of football.
He once played drums avidly until apartment life and graduate school sharply
circumscribed his habits. He reads and rereads Tolkien’s corpus regularly. Jesse
and his wife Nicole have been members at the Redeemer since they moved from
Tennessee in 2009. They enjoy parish life and are currently assisting with the 2013-2014 Confirmation class.
Greer Candler
Diocesan Delegate, 1-year term
Greer Candler has been a member of the Church of the Redeemer
since 2011 when Dorsey officiated at the marriage of her daughter. In
2009 she moved to Boston from Grand Rapids, MI where she served
on the Vestry and the Endowment Fund Committee at St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church. Greer is a partner and portfolio manager at the
Boston Family Office. She is a graduate of Trinity College, Hartford
CT and is a CFA charterholder. She serves as Treasurer of the Beacon
Hill Circle for Charity. Her daughter and son-in-law, Claire and Jesse
Minneman live in Marion, MA and her son Reed Lerchen is a recent
graduate of Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. She lives in Beacon Hill with two
black labs, Eloise and Aspen.
Spencer Merz
Diocesan Delegate, 1-year term
Spencer is an engineer by training and temperament. He has been a consultant
for the last 15 years of his active career, and co-founded an excimer laser
company in the US which is now the largest company of its type in this country.
Spencer holds several US patents, has worked for companies ranging from
start-up size to large multi-discipline firms. He is now retired and enjoying his
children and grandchildren. Spencer and Mary were married by Rev. Dorsey
McConnell in Redeemer in December of 2010. He co-chairs the Mission and
Outreach Committee.
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Vestry Nominations
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January 2014
Pam Awtrey
Diocesan Alternate, 1-year term
Pam Awtrey has been a member of the Church of the Redeemer for thirty-one
years. She is a member of the Altar Guild and the Pastoral care Committee. She
also serves with the Church Service League where among things, she volunteers
annually with the Christmas Market.
Nanette Chandler
Diocesan Alternate, 1-year term
Nanette Chandler has been a member of the Church of the Redeemer since 2008.
She has two children, ages 12 and 14 and keeps busy with a full time Interior
Design business. Nanette is an avid gardener and loves cooking. She comes to
Boston by way of NYC from Texas.
Betty Swinton
Deanery Delegate, 1-year term
Elizabeth (Betty) Swinton and her family joined the Church of the Redeemer in
1965 when they moved to Suffolk Road. She is a former girl scout leader, Sunday
School teacher and vestry member. Currently she serves on the Grounds, ElderCare and Pastoral Care Committees. A perpetual student----she finished all the
course work for a Ph.D. in medieval art history before studying Japanese and
earning a doctorate in Japanese art---Betty continues to write one review article
a year for a Japanese art journal, and she is a member of the editorial board of
Impressions. From her work she brings a broad knowledge of world religions
as well as grant writing and managerial skills. Her hobbies include traveling,
reading, cooking and her four children and nine grandchildren.
Dick Schmalensee
Deanery Delegate, 1-year term
Richard (Dick) Schmalensee has been an economist on the MIT Sloan faculty
since 1977 and a parishioner at the Redeemer since the early 1980s. He and
his wife, Diane, lived on Malia Terrace with their two sons, Alex and Nick, until
2006, when they made an empty-nester move to the Back Bay. Dick has been
Stewardship co-chair, has served (briefly) on the Vestry, has served regularly as
a lector and usher, and debuted as an auctioneer at the most recent Christmas
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January 2014
Sunday School News:
From the Sunday School Director
Sarah Allen
Here’s to a Happy and Blessed New Year to All!
Thanks to Laura Hindermann and Mary
Reynders, our annual caroling trip on
December 8th was a huge success- They
led our children and parents to the Sofia
Snow Place where they sang Christmas
Carols and gave out handmade ornaments
to the delight of the residents... The
elderly women of the Sofia Snow Place
truly look forward to our visit every year.
Thanks to all the parents who contributed
to the cost of the bus! During coffee
hour parishioners made advent wreaths to
take home and use with the prayer leaflet
throughout the advent season.
On December 15th, we had our
neighborhood caroling indoors around
in the rug in the Parish Hall! Despite
the icy conditions there was an amazing
turnout of parishioners of all ages.
Mary Reynders played beautifully as
usual and we had so much fun singing
together. We then shared a delicious
lasagna supper provided by our fearless
fellowship trio; Meredith Dunn, Kate
Hearne and Mia Halfman. Margery
and Wesley told stories ‘round the
rug after supper-these singing supper
evenings are just another highpoint
of Advent and such vital addition to
our children’s church life experience!
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January 2014
January Sunday School Calendar
January 5th Sunday School and The Epiphany Celebration
January 12th Sunday School
January 19th Sunday School
January 26th All Parish Eucharist
Thanks to everyone who makes this
happen every year.
The Pageant was fabulous this year with
Laura Hindermann, Maisie Pollard and
Rev. Margery leading the children in
Script and Song. Our community is so
blessed as we share in the delights of
Mary and Joseph, Angels, Shepherds,
Majestic Kings, Expert 6th/7th grade
readers, wooly lambs, swaying cows
and of course the Amazing Camel! It is
wonderful how many people flock in to
witness this beautiful story being told
by our children.
Thanks to one and all who help our
children experience the gifts of
Christmas through giving to others,
singing together, sharing meals and the
reenactment of the Nativity.
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January 2014
Poems for Epiphany
Poet Barbara Kennard will continue the series on poetry for the
season in January. Since the snowy weather kept us from our second
meeting on December 15th, we will have our discussion on the Baptism of our Lord,
January 12th at 9am in the Tripp Room. Prior attendance at the first session is not necessary
to come to the second one. If there is interest, we will also meet on Sunday, January 19th
to continue looking at poems for the season by TS Eliot and WB Yeats. Regular Bible Study
will return after the poetry series concludes.
All are welcome.
Want to dig into the Bible with fellow
Church of the Redeemer has several opportunities for Bible Study. Contact the Rev. Margery
Kennelly if you are interested: mkennelly@comcast.net.
Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Study
7am in the Tripp Room
Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study
7am in the Tripp Room
Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study
9:15am in the OPH.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9am in the Tripp Room
Downtown Bible Study Fourth Friday of each month, 12:30pm-1:45pm
Contact Graeme Mills gmills@cambridgeassociates.com for more information.
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January 2014
Praise Band and Contemporary Eucharist
February 9th at 5pm
Have you heard about the 5pm Eucharist with our very own Praise Band leading worship?
Come and see! February 9th at 5pm in the sanctuary.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation class resumes on January 12 at 5:15 with the
interesting topic: What do Christians believe Jesus did?
Upcoming Youth Group Meet-Up Dates
Jan 12th 5:00-7:00pm Undercroft
Jan 26
3:00-5:00pm Nave-Praise Band Rehearsal
5:00-7:00pm Undercroft
Feb 9
3:00-5:00pm Nave-Praise Band Rehearsal
5:00-6:00pm Praise Band and Contemporary Eucharist
Feb 23
5:00-7:00pm Undercroft
Epiphany (Observed)
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist (Morning Chapel)
9:00 am - 11:15 am Childcare Provided (Sunday School)
9:00 am - 9:50 am Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
9:00 am -9:50 am Adult and Youth Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:45 am - 11:15 am Sunday School (Sunday School, OPH)
10:00 am - 11:15 am Holy Eucharist (Nave)
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour (Parish Hall)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
6 Epiphany
Baptism of Our Lord
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist (Morning Chapel)
9:00 am - 11:15 am Childcare Provided (Sunday School)
9:00 am - 9:50 am Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
9:00 am -9:50 am Adult and Youth Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:45 am - 11:15 am Sunday School (Sunday School, OPH)
10:00 am - 11:15 am Holy Eucharist and Baptisms (Nave)
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour (Parish Hall)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Recording- Mary Gerbi (Nave)
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Youth Group (Undercroft)
5:00 pm– 7:00 pm Confirmation Class (OPH)
Second Sunday after Epiphany
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist (Morning Chapel)
9:00 am - 11:15 am Childcare Provided (Sunday School)
9:00 am - 9:50 am Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
9:00 am -9:50 am Adult and Youth Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:45 am - 11:15 am Sunday School (Sunday School, OPH)
10:00 am - 11:15 am Morning Prayer (Nave)
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour (Parish Hall)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Third Sunday after Epiphany
8:00 am - 9:00 am Holy Eucharist (Morning Chapel)
9:00 am - 11:15 am Childcare Provided (Sunday School)
9:00 am - 9:50 am Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
9:00 am -9:50 am Adult and Youth Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:45 am - 11:15 am No Sunday School - Children join Parents
10:00 am - 11:15 am All Parish Eucharist(Nave)
11:15 am - 11:45 am Coffee Hour- Outreach Presentations (Parish Hall)
11:30 am - 12:00 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Youth Group Praise Band Practice (Undercroft)
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Youth Group (Undercroft)
5:00 pm– 7:00 pm Confirmation Class (OPH)
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Church Service League (Tripp Room)
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Recording (Nave)
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Recording- Mary Gerbi
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Recording- Mary Gerbi
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Recording (Nave)
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Sunday School Committee (Sunday
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Staff Meeting
(Tripp Room)
4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Recording-Mary Gerbi
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Vestry Meeting (Porter Room)
7:00 pm- 8:30 pm
Mission and Outreach Meeting (Tripp
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Recording- Mary Gerbi
New Year’s Day--Office Closed
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Beacon Group AA Meeting
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Beacon Group AA Meeting
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Recording (Nave)
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Beacon Group AA Meeting
Beacon Group AA Meeting
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Beacon Group AA Meeting
7:30 pm- 9:00 pm
Support Group Rental (OPH)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Men’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women’s Bible Study (OPH)
4:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Leadership Development Initiative
(Undercroft, Parish Hall)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Men’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women’s Bible Study (OPH)
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Recording - Mary Gerbi
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Men’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women’s Bible Study (OPH)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Men’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Women’s Bible Study (OPH)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Rehearsal- Mary Gerbi (Nave)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Recording - Mary Gerbi
Redeemer Movie Night (OPH)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
3:00 pm - 9:00pm
Leadership Development Initiative
(Undercroft, Parish Hall)
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study (Tripp Room)
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Redeemer Concert Series III
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Recording - Mary Gerbi
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Leadership Development Initiative
(Undercroft, Parish Hall)
Redeemer News
Page 18
January 2014
The Poinsettias on the High Altar are Given
In Celebration of
The birth of Jackson Dean Lin
The clergy and staff of the Redeemer
Margot Reynolds
Harry McEachern
In Thanksgiving for
My family, Thomas, David and Jamie
Margery Kennelly and Women’s Bible Study
Our parents, Brenda and Chuck O’Brien and John and Glenda Williams
John P. Remensnyder
Blessings, Diana and Taki Tsomides
In Loving Memory of
Eugene V. Amoroso
Robert and Margaret Aylward
Katherine and Ted Beal
H. Day Brigham
Leland C. Brown
Eugenia Caponetti
Wilbert E. Chope
Lewis H. Clark
Joanne Chope Corsiglia
Joseph S.E. Crown
William Cullina
Sallie E. Wilkerson Dick
John and Margaret Dilks
Anne and John Ellis
Michelle Falvey
Alpha Roosevelt Ford
Dollie Mae Lawrence Ford
Pansy Rebecca Ford
John and Susanne Grandin
Maryjane S. and Harry S. Irvine, Jr.
Katherine and Chester H. Johnson
Judy Joy
William Payne Kennard and Carolyn
Bedell Kennard
Ruth Hillard Laporte
William Frederick Laporte
Richard Overton Luster
Ruth Lyon
Jesse Maxwell
Beverly McEachern
George Joseph Mullen, Jr.
Mary E.W. Murphy
Rev. Lidabell Lunt Pollard
Franklin and Teresa Reece
Frank Reynolds
Edmund Underwood Ritter
Donald Ross
Lee and Peggy Shallcross
Myra Vandersall Siegenthaler
Isabel Silva
WIlliam and Beatrice Strohmeier
Frank and Betty Swartz
Thomas Vinette
John Wait
Maud and Bayard Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.P. Whitney
in thanksgiving for
Morning Chapel
in celebration of ...a birthday... a marriage…an anniversary… a graduation
Phone: ______________________________________
Please make checks payable to Church of the Redeemer Altar Guild. Forms and checks can be mailed to:
Mrs. J. Brooks Reece, Church of the Redeemer, 379 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.
I would like to make an undesignated gift to the flower fund of $ ________________.
Page 19
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Donor Name: ______________________________________________________________
Donor Name(s) to be listed: _____________________________________________________________________ or Anonymous (please circle)
Name(s) of person(s) being honored: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Or other __________________________________________________
Please circle one: in loving memory of
Please circle one: High Altar or
Flowers may be sponsored on the High Altar for a suggested contribution of $80 per Sunday and in the Morning Chapel for a suggested contribution of $40 per Sunday.
If you have any questions, please call Judy Reece at 617-277-1176.
Any number of people may sign up for the same Sunday.
All dates except December 29, January 5, April 13, April 20, and
If you don’t have a particular Sunday in mind or your dates are flexible,
April 27 are available. Please note that if you wish to give on
you can sign up for any Sunday in a particular month or any Sunday in the
Lenten Sundays (between March 9– April 6, 2014), the altar aryear (to be assigned at the discretion of the Altar Guild).
rangements will be greens only.
Parishioners may sign up for as many Sundays as they wish.
Flowers may be given either in memory of, in thanksgiving for,
or in celebration of a birthday, anniversary, etc.
In general, the Altar Guild will order and arrange the flowers. However, we will try to accommodate special requests.
Designation date: _____________________________________
Flower Fund contributions are a wonderful way to remember and honor all your loved ones while enhancing the beauty of our altars. If you would like to
donate flowers for the coming year, please fill out the attached form and either mail it in or leave it in the Altar Guild mailbox in the office.
Redeemer News
January 2014
Redeemer News
Page 20
January 2014
December Altar Flowers
are given to the Glory of God
Dec. 8th: • In loving memory of Lewis H. Clark by his family.
Dec. 15th:
• In loving memory of H. Day Brigham, Jr. by his family.
• In thanksgiving for our children, Kit and Biz by Cotty and Andrea Peabody.
January Altar Guild
January 4th & 5th
Gina Cummings (Captain), Megan Sampson, Mieko Van
Haeren, Judy Reece
January 11th & 12th
Anne Abercombie (Captain), Andy Lawson, Alexandra
McPeek, Mary Nickerson
January 18th & 19th
Nina Moriarty (Captain), Pan Awtrey, Diane Schmalensee,
Maisie Pollard
January 25th & 26th
Carolyn Ross (Captain), Gene Dahmen, Anne Grandin,
Tiina Bougas
Redeemer News
Page 21
January 2014
January Service Assistant Schedule
January 5th, Epiphany (Observed)
Holy Eucharist, 10:00am
Server: Emerson Chandler
Acolytes: Caroline Alexander, Matthew Britt-Webb
Lectors: Dick Schamalensee, Brady Millican
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Lucinda Duran Johnson, Margot Finley
Ushers: Dick Schamalensee*, Diane Schmalensee, Erik Britt-Webb, Frank Lloyd
January 12th, Baptism of Our Lord
Holy Eucharist and Baptisms, 10:00am
Server: Suzy Westcott
Acolytes: Bannon Jones, Teddy Pyle
Lectors: Barbara Kennard, Lucinda Doran Johnson
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Tim Allen, Suzy Westcott
Ushers:Walker Jones*, Barabra Kennard, Velura Perry, Taki Tsomides
January 19th, Second Sunday after Epiphany
Morning Prayer, 10:00am
Server: Emerson Chandler
Acolytes: Teddy Pyle, Morgan Britt-Webb
Lectors: Graeme Mills, Erik Britt-Webb
Ushers: Greer Candler*, Graeme Mills, John de Jong, Sally Hurlbut
January 26th, Third Sunday after Epiphany
All-Parish Eucharist, 10:00am
Server: Lukas Alxander
Acolytes: Eleanor Raine, Matthew Britt-Webb
Lectors: Cate Jones, Liza Jones
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Debby Hunter Mills, Lucinda Doran Johnson
Ushers: Aaron Dunn*, Spencer Metz, Dick Tucker, Michale Aylward
*Head usher
Redeemer News
Page 22
January 2014
For Those in Need of Prayer:
Vernon Alden, James Allen (Tim Allen’s father), Matthew Arguin, Charlie Baker, Doris Bartlett (Rick
Weed’s grandmother), Rebecca Barton (Sarah Barton’s mother), 1st Lieutenant Jonathan Bass (Cate
Jones’ brother), Steve Blondy, Lovey Cercone, Ann Cicchiello (Lisa Dibonaventura-Munoz’s friend),
Juliette Cobian, Louise Eltvedt, Lori Feldbergg, Linda Fiore (Autumn Fiore Palm’s mother), Laetitia
Frothingham (Tish Mead’s mother), Doris Garrett, Duncan Graham, Jack Gerstle, Chelsea Gonzales,
Bekah Gregory and Chandler Kennedy, Elliot Lane, Mary Lynn and Judith Harn, Steve Jones, Rod Keating, Charlie Kline, Laura and Cristy Koury, the Kocζowka family, Judith Lidberg, Sachiko Mallach,
Enzo Matos (Elton’s son), Lisa Mayers, Kathy McDaniel, Marie McLaughlin, Kathryn Mouchette,
the Otterbourg family, Charles Ozuruonye, Patricia P., Frank Penny, Minas Ramzi, Grace Rich, Tom
Shaw, Lauren Shevchek, Carol Schermerhorn (Autumn Fiore Palm’s grandmother), Hope Schoedinger, Ronan Scott, the Sheeran family, Caitlin Stansbury (Amy Weed’s cousin), Mieko Van Haeren,
the Villon family, Amy Whalen (Douglas Chope’s cousin), Shona Wilson, Hwi Jin Yang, Andy, Angie,
Barbara, Brenda, Cathy, Charlotte, Chuck, Dabney, Don, Emily and Zach and their son Nicholas, Eileen, Fred, Hilary, Hugh, Jack, James, Jody, John, Joy and Logan and their son, Julia, Kat, Linda, Liz,
Lori, Margaret, Margi and her family, Martha, Sara, Tara, Tim, Tom, William, Zsuzsa
Our hearts go out to the families of the recently deceased:
Alverta Scott Van Dunsen Lewis (Church Lewis’ mother)
Jack McPeek
Our next Baptism date is at the The Baptism of Our
Lord Jesus Christ, January 12th, 2014
Please contact Rachel in the office
(office@redeemerchestnuthill.org or 617-566-7679)
to register yourself or your child for baptism.
Redeemer News
Page 23
January 2014
Interested in joining
Sunday Suppers?
Please look for a sign up sheet outside the
church office or contact Meredith Dunn
or Mia Halfman, Fellowship chairs
Redeemer Movie Night
Friday, January 17th
7:00pm in the Old Parish House
Questions? Contact Carol Post Pfaelzer at
Wed, January 29th at 7:30pm at
Barcelona restaurant.
Please RSVP by Jan 23rd.
Save the Date!
March 4th 2014
5:00pm in the
Parish Hall
Redeemer News
Christmas Market Thanks
Page 24
January 2014
Your Church Service League president, Lisa Farber, and especially your
Christmas Market co-chairs, Andrea and Britt, would like to thank
everyone who generously contributed to our annual Christmas Market
and Live Auction Dinner. This would be impossible to orchestrate
without all of you, and we are so grateful for your help—especially
those who spent a few hours on line becoming “certified bartenders”!
The fellowship aspect to pulling this weekend together makes a lot of
hard work even more meaningful, and we hope you feel this way, too
(… at least enough to volunteer again next year). We know leaving
someone off of this great list is inevitable and apologize if we badgered
you to weave wreathes, lift trees, sell sandwiches, and bake cookies,
then failed to acknowledge you here. Merry Christmas, friends.
Admissions Table
Hallie DeLorey
Mieko van Haeren
Arthur Pfaelzer
Debby Hunter Mills
Sylvia Martin
Lucinda Doran Johnson
Debby Aylward
Vicky Whitney
Mason Smith
Phoebe Green
Bunny Bianchi
Barbara Clark
Suzy Westcott
Jim Notman
Chip Pollard
Dick Tucker
Michael Aylward
Logan Chandler
Suzy Westcott
Karla Todd
Britt Lee
Mary Crown
Lisa Farber
Rachel Stacy
Carolyn Ross
Gina Cummings
Peggy Reiser
Nina Moriarty
Marcia Weber
Sara Shelton
Marilyn Emilsson
Mary Nickerson
Deborah Tamulis
Auction Booklet
and Invitation
Consignor Dinner
Andrea Ambroze
Lisa Farber
Rachel Stacy
Britt Lee
Mary Crown
Amy Weed
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Lida and Frank Lloyd
Suzy Westcott
Technical Support
Starr Peteet
William Ellis
Wendy Murphy
Suzy Westcott
Greens Table
Pam Awtrey
Carol Post Pfaelzer
Church Lewis
Dick Schmalensee
Bake Sale Table
Mary Nickerson
Nanette Chandler
Andrea Ambroze
Britt Lee
Mary Crown
Sylvia Martin
Martha Gangemi
Judy Bullitt
Auction Spotters
Nanette Chandler
Lisa Farber
Andrea Ambroze
Debby Hunter Mills
Helen Marston
Heads and Tails
Sally Sveda
Angie Kekezi
Susan McSwain
Jamie Notman
Lucinda Doran Johnson
Redeemer News
Page 25
Greens Workshop
Zibby Pyle
Tish Mead
Louisa Smith
Nanette Chandler
Candy Haydock
Judy Reece
Judy Bland
Peggy Reiser
Catherine Hill
Marcia Weber
Lauren Thill
Nancy Shaw
Sally Sveda
Mary Crown
Susan McSwain
Robynne Brown
Christa Hawkins
Wendy Murphy
Avery Forman
Sandy Dick
Leslie Williams
Gretchen Evans
Teresa Chope
Nina and Beatrice Pforr
Kristin Lee
Britt Lee
Lisa Farber
Silent Auction
Lisa Farber
Pam Awtrey
Christmas Trees
Douglas Chope
Chuck Farber
Dick Tucker
William Ellis
Jim Thomson
John Grandin
Lee Fisher
Graeme Mills
Zack Mills
Monty Forman
Sven Emilsson
Gordon Cromwell
Preston McSwain
Sanders Hearne
Aaron Dunn
Michael Aylward
Jim Taylor
Live Auction
Andrea Ambroze
Lisa Farber
Nanette Chandler
Anne Grandin
Amy Weed
Hors d’oeurves
Kathy Zinger
Meredith Dunn
Kate Hearne
Deborah Tamulis
Lisa Farber
Jamie Notman
Maisie Pollard
Angie Kekezi
Creche and Wrapping
Paper Sales
Sara Shelton
Sarah Allen
Jim Karg
Redeemer Café
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Amy Weed
Pam Awtrey
Mary Crown
Kate Hearne
Mary Nickerson
Candy Haydock
Susan Fischoeder
Alexandra McPeek
Charlotte Kline
Helen Marston
Velura Perry
Marilyn Emilsson
Special Thanks
January 2014
Auction Dinner
and Cocktails
Debby Notman
Jim Notman
Jamie Notman
Amy Weed
Lida Lloyd
Frank Lloyd
Gray Dalton
Sally Hurlbut
Judy Bland
Angie Kekezi
Lois McMullen
Cindy Chambliss
Diana Tsomides
Taki Tsomides
Angels Making
Anne Grandin
Sarah Allen and the
Sunday School
Sandy Dick
Marilyn Emilsson
Diana Kazmir
Debby Hunter Mills
Nancy Simonds
Nina Moriarty
Cathy George: for her enthusiasm, her support, and her office!
Margery Kennelly: for her love, her prayers, and her generosity
Suzy Westcott: because she belongs on every list above
Rachel Stacy: for helping above and beyond her job description
Jonathan Hincapie: for lifting and carrying anything we ask
Elton: This weekend would be impossible without Elton, who is available constantly with a quick “yes,
I can” to our every need, and whose smile and love remind us that this is all fellowship in support of
wonderful causes.
Redeemer News
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January 2014
Redeemer News
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January 2014
Angels for Outreach !
ANGELS FOR OUTREACH continues until February 2nd!
1. Please look at the Posters in
the Parish Hall and learn about the
organizations the Redeemer is supporting. If you have any questions,
please contact Chris Whilmerding, (Chriswilmerding@gmail.com) or
Spencer Merz (smdinghy@gmail.com) Chairs of the Mission and Outreach
2. If you would like to buy and angel, please contact Anne Grandin
(angrandin@aol.com) or Lisa Farber (FarMince@aol.com) President of
thr Church Service League and we will give you a card with your donated
amount on it. Then, you can pick out an angel, decorate it if you wish and
put it on a wall in the Parish Hall. Angel prices start at $1 and go up to
3. We hope everyone will participate, especially children!
And think about our mission partners who depend on us during this Holiday
Season and all year!
Coffee Hour Help!
The Church Service League needs your help with Coffee Hour.You can help by setting
both the adult table and the children’s table, bringing and putting out food, preparing
lemonade, and cleaning up. If you’re interested, we can send you a set of simple
instructions, which will also be posted in the kitchen. Please contact Lisa Farber at
Redeemer News
Page 28
January 2014
Keisuke Wakao
Etsuko Hirose
Richard Ranti
3:00 PM
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
André Previn (b. 1929)
Tickets in Advance $20; Tickets at the Door $25; Students $10
We wish to thank the Sponsors of this Concert Series,
without whose generous support this concert would not be possible.
Redeemer News
Page 29
 January 2014
Our own Keisuke Wakao, oboist for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, is arranging for four concerts
to be held at the Church of the Redeemer again throughout this year. These will be with a variety of professional musicians of the highest caliber and each concert will be followed by a reception.
Please consider being a Sponsor, Patron, Benefactor, or Angel to help underwrite the costs of these
events. For a minimum donation of $150, Sponsors will receive two tickets to a concert of their choice as
well as an invitation for two to a special cocktail party with Keisuke where he will be accessible for conversation and will play the oboe in a mini-performance. Patrons, for a donation of $250, will receive two tickets to two concerts of their choice in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail party. Benefactors,
for a donation of $500, will receive two tickets to three concerts in addition to an invitation to the special
cocktail party. Angels, for a donation of $750, will receive two tickets to each of the four concerts in addition to an invitation to the special cocktail party. Names of Sponsors, Patrons, Benefactors, and Angels will
be listed in the programs if so desired.
~Additional advanced tickets for each concert are available at $20 each~
~Tickets at the door will be $25~
I/We would like
____To be a Sponsor of the 2013-2014 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $150
____To be a Patron of the 2013-2014 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $250
____To be a Benefactor of the 2013-2014 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $500
____To be an Angel of the 2013-2014 Church of the Redeemer Concert Series @ $750
____To reserve ___________ additional tickets @ $20 each.
All tickets will be held at the door. You may choose the concert you would like to attend at any time (617566-7679 or concerts@redeemerchestnuthill.org ).
Telephone_____________________________ E-mail_______________________________
Please list my name in the programs as follows: _____________________________________
Enclosed please find a check for _____________ made payable to the Church of the Redeemer.
Please submit the completed form to Suzy Westcott, at concerts@redeemerchestnuthill.org or via mail, to
Suzy Westcott, Church of the Redeemer, 379 Hammond Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Redeemer News
Office Notes
Page 30
January 2014
Service Assistants-Please Submit Scheduling Forms ASAP!
NAME: _________________________________POSITION(S):_________________
Please check the days you are available. (All services are at 10:00 am unless noted.)
Sunday (MP)
Sunday (APE)
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
Feb. 16
Feb. 23
Feb 23 5:00pm
March 2
March 5 12:00 pm
March 5 7:30 pm
March 9
March 16
March 23
March 30
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sun. Family
Easter Sunday Festal
April 6
April 9
April 13
April 17
April 18
April 20
April 20
April 27
May 4
May 11
May 18
May 18
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
12:00 pm
9:00 am
11:00 am
5:00 pm
From the Financial Office...
2014 Pledging is underway! If you are donating stock, please let Sharon Gillespie know the name and
number of shares prior to transferring the stock to our Fidelity account so she can properly credit your
account. Stock and checks should be labeled 2014 if you would like to have it credited to next year’s pledge.
Sharon’s email is finance@redeemerchestnuthill.org or you can call her at 617-566-7679 ext.12.
Do you enjoy reading the Redeemer News online?
Not sure you need your paper copy?
Email Rachel in the office and she’ll remove your name from the News mailing
list. This can always be reversed if you ever want the paper copy again.
Redeemer News
From the Archives
Page 31
January 2014
“...we will take heart for the future
Remembering the past.” T.S. Eliot
The Church of the Redeemer has eighteen stained glass windows,
eleven of which were completed by the English firm of Charles
Eamer Kempe. The first of the Kempe windows at Redeemer was
the Consecration of the Family, above the altar (1915) and the last
one was the Transfiguration window (1929) opposite the chancel,
whose apex shows a suggestion of a rose window.
When the Kempe firm closed in 1934 there was a dilemma for the
Vestry to decide on another firm. When Junior Warden George
Baker died in 1937 his wife asked for approval to give a stained glass
window. Vestry Minutes of March 1939 record a vote: “That any
further windows should be in conformity with the present windows”.
The firm chosen by Mrs. Baker and/or the Vestry was Reynolds,
Rhonstalk and Francis Studio. It is the only window they did for us
and it is a beautiful one.
It is called the Nunc Dimittis window and it follows the story,
theme, of the Gloria in Excelsis. The Gloria hails the birth of the
Christ Child and the Epiphany, the Magi bearing gifts. The Nunc
Dimittis window includes the Presentation of the Christ Child to
Simeon, the family’s flight from Herod to Egypt and their return to
Galilee and the city of Nazareth. The Holy Day of February 2nd is now called The Presentation and it used to be
called the Purification of the Virgin Mary, forty days after Jesus’ birth. It has also sometimes been called Candlemas.
Look carefully at the Nunc dimittis window. It tells the story related in Luke 2:22-40 the Gospel of the day. The
center panel shows Simeon holding the Christ child and blesses him and God. Jesus looks to His mother Mary, with
Joseph holding a sacrifice of three turtle doves [the scripture says two, the artist may have shown three to represent
the Trinity]. Below and left shows Joseph wakened by a dream to flee to Egypt. At the right of Simeon is Anna, the
prophetess, who prayed and gave thanks to God. Below her is the Holy family returning to Galilee. Within each
panel are scrolls holding all the words of the Nunc Dimittis.
The Nunc Dimittis canticle is also called the Song of Simeon and will be sung during communion on February
2nd. “Lord, now lettest thy servant [Simeon] depart in peace…for mine eyes have seen thy salvation….”
Contact Us
Interim Rector, The Rev. Cathy Hagstrom George
(617) 566-7679 ext. 11, cathygeorge@ymail.com
Assistant Rector, The Rev. Margery Kennelly
(617) 566-7679 ext. 13, mkennelly@comcast.net
Organist and Choirmaster, Michael S. Murray
(617) 566-7679 ext. 17, mmurray@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Parish Administrator, Rachel Stacy
(617) 566-7679 ext. 10, offices@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Director of Sunday School, Sarah Allen
(617) 566-7679 ext. 16, scaa59@gmail.com
Youth Directors, Cate and Chris Jones
(617) 202-5668, chrisandcatiejones@gmail.com
Financial Administrator, Sharon Gillespie
(617) 566-7679 ext. 12, finance@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Facilities Manager, Elton Matos
(617) 566-7679 ext. 14, ematos@redeemerchestnuthill.org
Verger, Suzy Westcott
(617) 566-7679 ext. 15, suzywestcott@hotmail.com
CSL Assistant, Lovey Cercone, (617) 969-1334
Parish Historian, Jody Castello, (617) 325-3409
“A parish of the Episcopal Church, the Church of the
Redeemer exists to bring people to Christ, and to bring Christ to
all people, through worship, fellowship, education and service.”
Steve Mead, SeniorWarden
Nina Moriarty, JuniorWarden
Amy Mullen Luster, Clerk
Jeff Hawkins, Treasurer
Charles Farber, Assistant Treasurer
Michael AylwardDan McCarthy
Gordon Cromwell
Katie McEachern
Marilyn Emilsson
Megan Sampson
Martha GangemiTaki Tsomides
Jim HustonLeslie Williams
Britt LeeChris Wilmerding
Lisa Farber, ex officio
Gina Cummings ex officio
The Rev. Judith L. Stuart, Episcopal Chaplain to Boston College and Northeastern University
The Rev. John H. Finley IV, Head of Epiphany School
Redeemer News
Second Class Postage paid at Boston MA.
Send address changes to:
Redeemer News
Church of the Redeemer
379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Mailed monthly Sept. to June, Expect Bi-monthly July-August