The Arkansas "Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arkansas "Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
rSSN 0571·0472 The Arkansas "Family Historian Arkansas Genealogical Society Volume 35, Number 1 March,1997 Arkansas Genealogical Society Officers and Directors Margaret Harrison Hubbbard Editor Ed Sanders President Vice President Lynda Childers Suffridge Treasurer Bobbie Jones Mclane Corresp. Sec. Eddie G. Landreth Jan Davenport Record Sec. Historian Ian Eddleman Parliamentarian Herald Mrs. Wensil (Larry P.) Clark Roberta Hollis David Malone Johnita Glover Teresa Harris Margaret Ross Edwin Moss Desmond Walls Allen Russell P. Baker Frankie Y. Holt JocR. Goss Dorathy Boulden Barbara Crowell Rogers Tom Dillard Rhonda S. Norris 1411 Shady Grove Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71901 10 Choctaw Dr., Searcy, AR 72143 3801 Caraway Ct., North Little Rock, AR 72116 222 McMahan Dr., Hot Springs, AR 71913 1510 Jameson Ave., Benton, AR 72015 I Cinnamon Rd, North Little Rock, AR 72120 1807 Sunshine Mine Rd., Hackett, AR 72937 1211 Biscayne Dr., Little Rock, AR 72227 628 Banner, Camden, AR 7170 I PO Box 1048, Fayetteville, AR 72702 4008 Holly, Pine BluftT, AR 71603 943 Ouachita 47, Camden, AR 71701 9 Nob Hill Cove, Little Rock, AR 72205 PO Box 176, Star City, AR 71667 99 Lawrence Landing Rd., Conway, AR 72032 6525 Magnolia, Mabelvale, AR 72103 5 Custer PI., North Little Rock, AR 72120 1025 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032 913 Arkansas, EI Dorado, AR 71730 2717 N.Fillmore, Little Rock, AR 72207 12 Nonnandy Rd., Little Rock, AR 72207 805 East 5th St., Russellville, AR 72801 The Arkansas Family Historian is the official publication of the Arkansas Genealogical Society. It is published quarterly by the society and entered in the mails under Postal Permit 418 at Conway, AR Membership rate is $15.00 per calendar year. Four issues constitute one year's membership. Membership may· be entered by submission of dues and enrollment data to Arkansas Genealogical Society, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908. Neither the Arkansas Genealogical Society, the Board of Directors thereof. nor any individuals or committee assume any responsibility for information or materials included herein. Contributors of material are indicated, and any correspondence should be directed to those persons. Notify the Society of any needed corrections. The Arkansas Family Historian Published Quarterly by Genealogical Society, Inc. PO Box 908, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-0908 Editor Margaret Harrison Hubbard Publication Information The Arkansas Family Historian, the official publication of Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., is published four times a year - March, June, September and December. Commercial advertising is not accepted. SSN 0571·0472 Editorial Policy AGS welcomes contributions of fumily records, public record inscriptions, and other information of interest to those intcrested in family history and genealogy in general, and in Arkansas specifically. Responsibility for the accuracy of infonnation and for opinions, omissions, or factual errors is that of the contributor. Manuscript Submissions Submitters of articles and material for possible publication in The AFH are requested to scnd typewritten or mechanically generated manuscripts on white, 1-112 x II inch paper, double-spaced, one inch margins on all sides, with all pages numbered. The sources from which thc material was obtained, specific statements of fucts, or statistieal information MUST be documented; tbat is, the specific detailed source description must be listed either within the body of the text or as notes. Prcvious publication of the material in any fom1 must bc brought to tbe attention of AGS. AGS encourages submissions on IBM compatible computer disks in WORD or ASCII fomlat accompanied by a hard copy of the materiaL Membership AGS offers individual, institutional sustaining, life and honorary membership classes. Membership is by calendar year and may be entered at any timc of the ycar (late subscribers will receive the year's back issues of The Arkansas Panlll)' His/orian. Individual membership is $ 15.00 pcr ycar. Queries Members of AGS are invited to submit one fifty-word, Arkansas related, query each year. See the Query section for details. Book Reviews Authors and publishers who wish to have reviews Or notices of their works published in The Arkansas Family Historian are invited to submit a copy of the work witb ordering information and price, if applicable. CONTENTS President's Page Treasurer's Report Box 908 (Continued page 2) I 2 3 Arkansas Family Historian President's Page First, let me say "Thanks," to Joe Goss, who preceded me in this office. Joe is a busy man who has the good of family history and this group at heart. My thanks to each of you who voted for me to serve you again. It is a privilege to serve with such an association. When I sat down to write this page, I looked back to the first one I ever wrote, when I was elected President in 1987. If! repeat myself, it is altogether intentional. Serving as President of this organization is a series of thrills because there are such splendid helpers available. Like most service organizations, we could use more volunteers. There are numerous projects which could be undertaken, and which would benefit us all, if someone would give time to them. If you can give some time, let it be known. During 1886, the Sesquicentennial Year of Arkansas, we encouraged someone in every county to make a substitute for the eternally lost 1890 U. S. Census in their county. This is best done in Arkansas from the Personal Property Tax Receipts of the county, because every head of household had to pay a property tax, wi thout regard to whether he owned real estate. There were those who were neither heads of families nor required to assesses taxes, but who still paid a Poll Tax in order to be allowed to vote. Some names were added by this law. The Poll Tax is recorded in the same book in almost every county. The response was very good, though not perfect. Is it ever perfect? Now, II years later, we would like to complete this project. Will YOU please consider being responsible for seeing that such a substitute census is 2 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 completed and published for YOUR county, or another. If you are willing but believe you just don't know how, please contact Wensil Clark, 12I I Biscayne Drive, Little Rock, AR 722275973 (501-225-2452). Wensil wrote the book for White County, Arkansas, and can give you expert guidance. If you have completed the information, but don't know how best to go about publishing it, contact the Editor, Arkansas Genealogical Society. P. O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 (501-262-4513). She will advise you. The Board of Directors may offer to publish the work with your name as compiler. This is part of your responsibility-to make original records available. If you need a list of which counties have not been published, write me and request it. Your suggestions are most welcome at any time. Make them to the President when appropriate, or to the Editor if she is more directly concerned. Our addresses and fax/phone numbers are inside the front cover. Sincerely, Ed Sanders, President Contents (Continued) Certificate of AR Ancestry Report Slave Owners in Randolph County James S. Watson's Ledger Book Martha Childress Moore Adams Notes & Bro.vs.Bro. Pike County Sheriffs Palmer's Chapel Cemetery AR Queries Book Reviews & Notices Index 6 7 13 16 17 18 18 20 28 31 Treasurer's Report Arkansas Genealogical Society - CY 1996 BALANCE (CHECKING ACCOUNT) 12-31-95 $24,607.37 INCOME Interest Earned 20,815.60 517.77 EXPENSES Advertising AFH Quarterly (printing) AGS Conference Dues/Subscriptions Equipment Repair Insufficient Checks Returned Mailing Services (pre-Sort & Postage)l Microfilm/fiche Service (AF'H, Vital Records, etc.) Miscellaneous Postage Printing Miscellanoous Professional Fees Refunds Rental· Editor Rent POBox Royalties Supplies Telephone & FAX 225.00 4,568.00 2,787.02 105.00 84.00 18.00 1,203.00 4,094.82 1233.42 1383.35 458.02 100.00 35.00 2000.00 104.00 435.00 418.04 23733 Total Expenses 19,489.00 BALANCE IN CHECKING ACCOUNT AS OF 12-31-96 $26,451.74 (Net Income for Year) $1,844.37 BALANCE (Certificate of Deposit) 12-31-95 BALANCE (Certificate of Deposit 5.20 % compounded interest Current) $8,280.00 $8,797.77 Total Amount in Treasury, 12-31-96 $35,249.51 Submitted by Bobbie Jones McLane, Treasurer Arkansas Family Historian 3 Box 908 Mrs, Geneva Taylor, 313 Heritage Dr., FI. Gibson, OK 71434 ordered the Civil War pension record of one David Taylor. The one she received was not the one she sought, and she has sent it to AGS to perhaps find an AGS member who is researching this line, This David Taylor was a Private in Company "I", 3rd Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry who was enrolled on the 21st of November, 1863, at Pope Co, for 3 years, He was mustered out with the company on June 30, 1865, This record will be in the office of AGS if a member wishes to claim il. Dobbins family, They are on postcards, probably made in Arkansas as she was a girlhood chum of Lillie Mae (Smith) Mitchell [grandmother of Ms, Harbin whose dau, Lois Mitchell Morris was named for Lois Dobbins). There is a June 1912 picture of Lois, Johnnie, Bernice and baby; later one of Johnnie and unnamed girl who was the baby in 1912; one of Bertha Dobbins mailed Sept. 1915 from AR to her at Chickasha, OK. Ms, Harbin will be happy to send these to any member of this family, Reunions Joan Vickers, 110 Pine Meadows Loop, Hot Springs, AR 7190 I, is searching the Elliott line in Alabama, and received the following notes from a researcher in that state: "Information from Jackson Co, Alabama records, "I, Deed Book D, page 267, Charles Wood alias Wilkinson of Cherokee Nation of Indian Territory of Arkansas, land to James Elliott of the Cherokee Nation in State of Arkansas, Acknowledgement in Washington Co, Arkansas 21 April 1832, "2, Deed Book D, page 199 Deed James Elliott and George Elliott of the Territory of Arkansas to John Cowart of Jackson Co, Alabama, "It is interesting to note the time of these transactions as being during the time of Indian removal to the Arkansas Territory, Jackson Co, was very much IndianTerritory at that time," Dobbins Family Photos Virginia Harbin, 17 S. Johnston, Ada, OK 74820-7633 has four (4) pictures of the Bertha 4 Volume 35, Number 1, Marcil, 1997 The Second Annual USA Phillips Families Genealogy Swap Meet will beheld August 1417,1997, at the Best Western Inn, 2101 South 4th SI., Chickasha, OK 73018. Contact Dale F. and Clara Ann Brees Phillips, 1927 South 7th, Chickasha, Ok 740 I 8 for more details. Hogue Family Reunion wIll be hcld on June 7, 1997 at the VFW Building, City Park, Morrilton, AR, at noon - pot-luck. For more information call Hayes Hogue, Sr., at 501-3543427. Descendants of Parish Gamer Scott will meet on June 14, 1997, at the pavilion at Arkansas Eleetric (Tooter Bro\l'ln) Park. Contact Carol A. Young at 501-794-1750/501-2386, or Bobbie Richards at 501-996-6579 for more mformation. Nichols Family reunion will also be held June 14, 1997 in honor of Samuel Joseph Nichols, 1822-1884, and wife, Sarah Richardson Nichols on, 1824-1896, at Lake Charles State Park, 3705 Hwy, 25, Pohatan, AR 72458, Contact Oretha NicholsTumer, 4 Woodland Dr, Jacksonville, AR 7276-2557 (501-9825331) for details. The 3rd annual Swartz-Webb reunion will be held on June 8, 1997 at Hurst, TX For details, contact Mrs, Helen Crews, 4525 Easy St, Fort Worth, TX 76117 Fourth Annual Reunion of the descendants of Pope County's William Crawford (1787-1852) and Mary "Polly" Webb McAlister (17941881) will be April 18-20, 1997 in Russellville, AR Holiday hm and Dover City Park Pavilion, Contact Mary Webb Hendixson, 44 Wren Circle, Conway, AR 72032 (501-450-3936)for further info, or E-mail to: whendrixson@mail, The annual Reunion of the Elias Deaton fumily will be held May 31, 1997 at the Senior Citizens facility on Highway 67 south side of Arkadelphia, AR beginning at 9:00 a.m,and includes a catered lunch. If you are related to the Deaton family in any way, including descendants of Elias Deaton, Locke Deaton and Goodin Deaton, all Clark County pioneers, you are welcome to attend thiS reunion, each and every year.There are normally some 200 in attendance. Publications Allen, debuted February 2. It appears in the "zone supplements" of the Arkansas DemocratGazette in Cleburne, Conway, Faulkner, Independence, Jackson, Lonoke, Perry, Pulaski, Van Buren, White and Woodruff Counties. In the near future it will also appear in Arkansas, Clark, Cleveland, Dallas, Gluland, Grant, Hot Spring, Jefferson, and Saline Counties. The colunms will cover research methodology, new books, meetings, workshops, seminars, fanlily reunions, local historical society events, and cemetery information. She will feature genealogical problems dealing with the above counties. If you have research problems in those counties, send them to Desmond Walls Allen at PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033, or c-mail her at She can't give a personal response to each inquiry, but will usc the most interesting problems in her colunm. Childers/Childress Family Association Newsletter is now in Issue 35, and is edited by Patricia Spurlmg, 274 Wisley Way, Ringgold, GA 30736. They announce their 1997 annualmeeting to be held in Columbia, SC, on October 10-12, 1997. Write the Editor for more information on this meeting, or on membership dues/subscriptions, Wages Family Newsletter is now publishing Volume 10, and concerns the Wages fum!!y; it is well prepared and covers the allied families welL Contact Wages Family Newsletter, 861 Harding University, Searcy, AR 72149-0001 for further information, A new genealogical newspaper colunm, "Arkansas Ancestors" by Desmond Walls Arkansas Family Historian 5 Arkansas Ancestry Report By Jan Eddleman 1807 Sunshine Mine Rd., Hackett, AR 72937 Pulaski Co., 1829 Ante-bellum Arkansas Genealogical Society offers Certificates of Arkansas Ancestry issued in categories: Territorial - a resident of Arkansas before 14 June 1834; Antebellum - a resident of Arkansas befure 6 May 1861; Nneteenth Century - a resident of Arkansas before 3 I December 1900. Send SASE witb $0.55 postage (2 ounces) to AGS, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 719020908, for an application form for your certificate. Territorial Katbleen Cormackl86 Coker Road Kerrville, TX 78208 Ancestor: William Henry T ulk Crawford Co., 1810 Hartzell Oscar Stepbens 3318 Rosewood Drive Temple, TX 16502-1531 Ancestor: Branch Jones SI. Francis Co., 1832 Margie Byrd Little 20 Brentood Dr. Trinidad, TX 75163-9543 Ancestor: Richard C. Byrd 6 Volume 35. Number I, March, 1997 Sue Mercer Thompson 118 Springwood Mayban!<, TX 75141 Ancestor: Ruben Franklin Ewing Clark Co., 1850 James K. Purcell 4828 Blue Mountain Road Wilseyville, CA 95257 Ancestors: Willis and Barbara Wright Marion Co., 1861 Nineteenth Century Alice riso 129 Samoa Ct. San Ramon, CA 94583-1421 Ancestor: Lizzie Hinnon Jackson Co., 1866 Paulie G. Brown Rt. I ,Box 5635 Stigler, OK 14462 Ancestor: James Mitchell Eddy Scott Co., 1882 Marie Kennan Olson 35 Chadwick Dr. Charleston, SC 29401-1450 Ancestor: lames William Keenan Little River Co., 1896 Slave Owners in Randolph County,Arkansas This information was taken from the original personal tax records for the county by Margaret A. "Peg" A. Barnhart. Peg is the "Peg" of Pegasearch and docs genealogical research in Randolph and the surrounding counties (Sharp, Lawrence, Greene and Clay in Arkansas; Oregon and Ripley in Missouri). She has an extensive library of county, school and funeral home records, as well as obituaries and cemetery listings. Her address is 6020 Blackwell Den Road, Warm Springs, AR 72478·90084. Some of the slave owners brought their slaves with them when they came to Randolph County. There was little on which to spend money in the early days and slaves were an investment. The determining factors for the slaves worth depended on sex, age, and physical condition. A healthy male, betv.-een 20 and 40 years of age, brought the highest prices. 1858 Slave Holders in Randolph County, AR Owners Barnes, W. R Bigger, James N. Black, J. p, Bollinger, Amos Bryant, Rohert Cain, A. N. Cain, Elizabeth Cain, W. R. Cholicr/Collier, Henry Cholier/Collier, W. Crabtree, T. C. Cross, Uriah Crossen, John Davidson, Thomas Douthet, W. W. Duckworth, B. W. Eldridge, F, Hatcher, Charles Hufstedler, Jacob Hunter, W. R. 1m boden, J. H. Ingram, James P. Isaacs, JamesWatson Adm. James, Isaacs L Jarrett, H. C. Jarett, Hannah Number Value I I $ 700 500 1,300 1,000 800 700 5,500 3,000 800 1,000 800 900 400 500 1,200 2,000 800 4,500 700 5,000 3,500 2,000 600 1,000 1,600 2,300 2 I 3 I 8 2 I 2 I 3 2 10 I 8 7 3 1 2 2 5 Arkansas Family Historian 7 Johnston, Gregory Johnston, L. F. Keith, P. Kelly, James Kibler, A. H. Kibler, M. H. Kibler, W. R Kilcrease, F. B. Lindley, William Looney, Absolom Looney, W. D. Luttrell, J. H. Marr, Amy Martin, James Mathews, McCoy, John McLane, Samuel Mitchel, John Mock, R. B. Moore, Frederick Nations, Thomas Oaks, R. A. Payne, B. F. Perkins, Pitman, C. H. Plott, Culpepper Plott, Francis Plott, Guard Elias Poke, William H. Rice, Ezekial Rice, William L. Rich, Dan M. Rusell, James Schmick, Casper Shockley, Gideon Smith, William S. Sparkman, W. C. Stein, Jesse Stubblefield, Fielding Stubblefield, M. L. Thompson, James R. Tobias & Allen Wells,John White, William Whitehead, G. W. Whiteside, Permelia 8 Volume 35. Number I. March, 1997 2 I 4 7 4 4 3 I 2 2 7 17 3 12 2 3 I 3 5 I 2 3 2 I 5 I I 6 3 2 5 1 3 3 I 4 1,200 1,000 2,600 4,000 2,500 2,400 2,000 800 4,000 400 4,500 1,000 500 1,200 3,000 2,200 4,000 800 1,000 1,200 1,500 2,000 500 1,500 2,000 1,000 18,000 2,200 2,000 600 630 2,800 700 400 3,000 2,700 800 875 2,500 400 1,000 1,000 2,400 1,000 275 3,000 600 700 Wilson, James C. Young, William 1859 Slave Holders in Randolph County, Arkansas Abbott, Eli Armstrong, E. L. Barnes, W. R. Bigger, J. N. Black, D. C. Black. John P. Brooks, Joseph, Sr. Bryan, Benjamin Bryan,1. W Bryan Cain, A. N. Cain, J. R .. Cook, William Cross, Sarah Crosson,John Eldridge, R.F. Evans, Elizabeth Fowler, A. M. Helterbrand, Joseph Hufstedler, Jacob Hunter, W. R. Huston, James Imboden, 1. H. Ingram, Joseph W. Jarrett, H. C. Jarrett, Hannah James, Isaac L: Johnson, L. F. Johnson, Gregory Keith, John S.-Gdo. GW. Murphy Keith, Penelope Kelsey, Helen Kibler, A. H. Langford, J. B. Mansker, John Marr, Amy Martin, James Marvin, Charles C. I I 4 2 5 I I 3 8 8 7 3 3 5 2 I 2 2 I 3 4 5 I 7 2 1,000 450 400 500 3,200 21,00 500 800 600 800 700 2,500 1,500 900 450 900 3,000 1,000 500 500 5,300 6,400 5,500 2,000 1,700 2,300 1,000 1,000 1,200 3,200 1,000 2,200 2,800 2,350 700 800 12,200 1,350 Arkansas Family Historian 9 2 McCoy, John McCullough,Susan Mclain, Samuel Mitchell, John C. Mock, F. M. Mock, Louisa Moore, Frederick Nations, Thomas Oaks, R. A. Payne, B. F. Pitman, C. H. Plott, C. P. Plott, Elias Plott, Francis Pope, J. A. Rice, Ezekial Rusell, James L. Schmick, Casper Shockley, Gideon Smith, William S. Stubblefield, Fielding Stubblefield, Michael White, William Whitesides, Pennelia Abott, Eli Barr, Elizabeth Barr, S. 1. Berry, A. Biggers, A. N. Black, D. C. Blaek, John P. Bollinger, Amos Bridges, John T. Brooks, Joseph S. Bryan, Benjamin Bryan, 1. W. Bryan, T. S. Bryant, Robert Cain, W. R. Cravens, S. (Heirs of) Crosson, John Coward, Simpson Crowder, W. H. 12 I 2 3 5 I 3 2 3 6 3 6 5 1861 Slave Owners in Randolph County, Arkansas I 2 2 5 10 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 5 I I 4 2 I I 3 I 3 600 900 6,000 900 800 800 1,200 1,500 2,000 500 2,000 1,000 2,200 800 3,000 600 750 400 3,000 3,000 3,600 1,400 1,000 4,500 1,000 1,400 1,200 2,900 500 2,900 800 600 2,000 100 1,000 600 1,000 300 4,000 1,000 100 400 2,000 Douthit, W. W. Evans, E. 1. Evans, William Fiar, D. B. Ferguson, G. M. Forrester, Robert Fowler, A.W. Franks, Charles Gardner, W.L. Gentry, 1. A. Hanauer, L. Hardin, W. D. Harris, J. E. Hatcher, Macks Heind, Henry Henderson; Samuel Hilderbrand, Joseph Hunter, W. R. Imoden, John N. Ingram, P Jackson, Nathan James, W. B. Jarrett, Hannah Johnston, Gregory Johnston, L. F. Keith, Penelope Kelly, James Kelsey, H. N. Kibler, H. N. Kibler,M. H. Kilcrease, F. B. Langford, J. B. Looney, S. Lumpkins, William Luttrell, May Manning, C. H. Marlet, H. C. Martin, James Marvin, James C. Mathews, E. Q. McCarroll, Nancy McCoy, John McElrath, A. F. McLain, Samuel Mitchell, Hiram Mitchell, J. C. 3 4 I 2 3 I 6 4 2 12 4 3 2 7 II 3 3 2 5 2 I 3 6 3 4 5 5 6 1 2 2 5 17 2 I 5 2 I 13 2 I 2,000 2,000 700 1,200 2,400 600 1,000 800 800 1,000 4,-000 3,400 1,500 9,000 2,400 2,400 1,200 4,900 5,100 2,500 ,500 1,500 2;500 1,500 500 1,500 6,000 759 2,400 . 2,500 4,200 2,500 4,500 1,000 2,000 1,200 3,500 I 1,000 1,300 1,000 2,500 1,600 500 6,500 1,200 850 Arkansas Family Historian 11 Mitchell, James Moore, Frederick Nations, Thomas Norman, J. R. Overton, J. M. Payne, B F. Perkins, J. H. Pitman, H. Plott, C. P. Plott, Elias Price, Ezekiel Russell, James Saxton, Erwin Shephard, Hiram Skinner, W. L. Sloan, H. W. Sloan, J. H. Smith, W. S. Smithwick, J. J. Soples, James Spurlock, 1. A. Stubblefield, Fielding Thompson, F. R. (Est. of) Watson, William {Est. of) Wells, George Wells, Hutchinson Wells, Hugh Wells, Ivy H. Wells, John Whiteside, Pamela wrenfrow, John D. Williams, Thomas Wyatt,] 1. Young, William 12 Volume 35. Number l. March. 1997 3 3 5 3 6 I 5 I 2 4 2 1 6 4 3 I 1 3 9 3 1 I 2 I 9 4 5 4 8 I 6 2,000 500 2,000 2,000 3,000 500 2,500 4,200 300 3,000 600 1,800 4,000 1,800 755 4,500 3,200 ·2,000 300 300 3,500 4,800 1,800 600 800 400 620 8,000 2,800 5,000 2,000 4,000 900 3,000 James S. Watson's Ledger Book Princeton, Dallas Co., AR Submitted by Wanda Baker Prinz, PO Box 303, Wayne, OK 73095 In the 1840s James S. Watson, great great grandfather of the submitter, owned and operated a general store in Princeton, Dallas Co., AR. The pages of the ledger are crumbling and loose, plus many ages had bee used as a "scrap book" and have newspaper glued over them; dates and publication were not legible. The names of the store's customers for 1847-1848 are listed here: Baker, Abel Baker, Nathan Barbee, Christopher Barnum, R., Dr. Barton, G, T. Barton, T. F. Bass, F. W, Bass, Paton M. Bass 7, Willis Baugh, R. Beard, Burrel Berry, L L. Bethel, I. H. Bethel, Peyton S Bethel, R. S. Bethel, S. H. Rev. Bethel, William, Dr. Box, John Breedlove, W. I, Brooks?, Warren Brown, How. Inv. Brown, James Brown, James G. Brown, Quimbly Brown, Rowlin Brown, Samuel G, Brown, William A. Bryant, John Bryant, William Bull, E. M. Bums, Bums, J, Y. Capt. Bums, John F. Bums, W. O. Cain, A. H. Cain, S. M. Carter, I. G. Carter, James Carter, James G. Casey, Aaron P. Chambers, W. P, Chandler, William A. Chandler, William A. Major Clark, Peter, Dr. Clemons, John Coleman, Robert J. Cox, Isaac Davis, James Dawdey, A. Destin!Austin?, John Dickens, James Dickens, Samuel? Dorteh, Alex Dorteh, R. Mrs. Dortch, Rebecca Mrs. Dortch & Co. Alsc. Doty, George B. Doty, George G, Duncan, G. I. Duncan, George T. Eason, Felix Elkins, 1. W. Elkins, Samuel Ellis, William I. Arkansas Family Historian 13 Estes, L. D. Estes,W.L. Fielder?, William Foster, John Garret, William C. Gathir/Gather?,. William Esq. Gaylord, William J. Giles, William B. Gray, Francis Gray,G. Gray, Henry Green, Armstead Guess, Joseph Gustin,William Hale, David C. Hale, Jackson Hall, Jackson Hardeway, L. H. Harris, E. M. Harvey, S., Dr. Hasty, John Hatsell, . P. Haver, S. S. Heard, William H. Heflin, C. D. Higginbotham, Joseph C. Holmes, Benjamin H. Holmes, Samuel H. Holmes, Samuel S. Honeyeut, llhomas Hood, S S. House, John B. Hubbard,James Hubert, James Hubert, Joshua L. Jester, John Johnson, Edward Johnson, S. Ann Jones, Silas Kennedy, David Kennedy, James Kennedy, John Kennedy, Johnson Kirk, G. W. Kuykendall, John C. Lawrance, Bryant R. Light, George W. Light?, G. W Mays, David McCulloek, John V McNarnaraIMcNamee, H. W. Dr. McNamee, William P. Dr. McWberter, Andrew Miller, Isaac Mills, John A. Minvol?, Joseph Morgan, John Nester?, Benjamin Nevillls (?) Nix, Jasper Nutt, Benjamin O'Bryant, Isaac Overman, William Overton, Moses (?) Owens, W. C. Page, Charles Page, Jacob Page, Vincent Parker, William Parnell,John Phillips, Isaa Phillips, John B Phillips, R. J. Phillips, Ralph Porter, Harriet B. Potts, L H. Potts, John H. Phillips, John B. Purnell, John Rains, James Ramsey, A. Ramsey, Alison Ratliff, William Reynolds, Elijah Reynolds, Hiram Richmond, A. W. Richmond, Nat. W Roberson, Joseph Rogers, David F. Rogers, Davis T. Rogers, Henry J. Rogers, Hiram 14 Volume 35, Number 1,..::M:.::a~rc:.::121,..:1::..:99:c7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ross, Andy Ross, Angus Ross, WIlliam Rounsaville, Mary RowniBrown, Robin Roy, L. L. Russel, E. M. Russel, H. F. Rusel, Thomas C. Russell, T. F. Saffell, Eli Samtcrn? , Peters? Samuels, I. L. Scoggin, N,M. Sexton, Benny H. Shadick, Samuel Shadock, Burrel Shall, David C. SheflinlHeflin?, C. 0, Shoemaker, John A. Sight,G, W. Smith, A. M. Smith, Samuel G, Smith, Soloman Smith, William, Dr. Spake?, Samuel Spear, Benjami Spear, Benjamin Sr. Spear, Joseph Spear, Samuel Spear, William Spursen (Spear?), Benjamin Stiles, Nathan Stunly, Benjamin Stunly, Thomas Sutherton, L, B, Taylor, G. W. Taylor, Wm. I. Terry, Comelias Terry, F. Terry, T. Tester?, John Thomas, Green Thomas, P. H, Thomas, P. H. Dr. Thomason, James M. Thomason, James Tinker, E. D. Tombs, Edmund Vickers, Eli Walker, Green H. Wallace, Jonathan Walton, William Watson, B. B. Watts, Presley Wesson, E, B. Wesson, William Whitaker, John F, Willcox, Robert J. Williams, Sterling Wilson, David Wisson, E. B. Woolam, William Yeager, Abner Yeargin?, John? Yeargun?, Balam Arkansas Family Historian 15 Martha Childress Moore Mother of20 Remembers Days of Hardship During Civil War Submitted by Ruth Natale, 900 University Ave" San Jose, CA 95126 An unusual woman has been visiting Arnett recently, One who raised 20 children, 12 of them her own, who saw her futher and brother being taken away to be shot, was driven to town by bushwhackers", washed clothes with a "battling stick," spun her family'S clothing, and who could butcher a two-year-old heifer almost single handed, or drive an Ox team in the field She is Mrs, Martha Moore of Fort Smith. Ark" the great aunt of 1 S, Childers, 140 East First Avenue, at whose home she is making a visit Despite her 90 years, she sees fairly well and declared she doesn't mind making auto trips. When the suggestion was made to go back to Fort Smith by airplane, she replied, "You'll not send me in an airplane. You'll have to tie me in one if you do," Mrs, Moore was born on October, 1849, near Springfield, Mo., and moved several times 'with he fami Iy, settling with them finall y near Dardanelle along the banks of the Big Piney River in Arkansas, They lived there during there during the last two years of the Civil War. The feminine pioneer recalls vividlv many of the names and incidents in her life as a girl d~ring the War. Thrcc of her brothers fought, one of them with the Union Army and the other two with the Confederates. She remembers the occupation of Dardanelle by ShelbY's army and related seeing General Priee in a carriage while his Confederate army was there for a three-day sojourn burning the pontoon bridges across the Big Piney. Family hardships continued throughoutthe War, At the beginning, "bushwhackers", raving raiders and bandits made lire so precarious that clothing and foed were ' hidden in the walls and taken out only when the need arose,. Finally the family was driven to town. During thelf hfe there, the men fought and the women raised what vegetables they could in vacant lots, Occasionally they butchered a pig cached in the woods, 16 Volume 35. Number L Marcil. ! 997 Near the end of the War, the Confederates came along and took her father and brother and shot them because they were believed to haYe been Northern sjmpathizers, Members of the familv were not allowed to go out and look for their bodies, From that time onward and after the Civil War was over, the work of farming, house keeping and manufacturing household supplics fell largely to the women in the fumily, Mrs, Moore said she and her mother "made crops" with their 0"'11 oxen and she had to work like a man to gather firewoed with the lean1. She married Jim Garner and bore six children AT his death, she married again, this time to T F, Moore. Six children were born to the couple and Mrs, Moore said "Besides raising two sets of my own, I raised five of one of mv daughter's and one of another daughter's. At Mr, Gamer's death, she became manager of the farm, the family provider as well as the cradle rocker. Sugar was made from sap drained from maple trees and boiled down to a solid form. Salt came at a premium and many families of Mrs Moore's acquaintances ~ scooped up the dirt frolll the smoke house floors and drained water through it. The resultant liquid was a salty brine that worked as good as sail. Though Mrs, Moore never attended public school, she saw hatall her chi Idren and the grandchildren she raised were trotted off to learn their rcadin', writin' and' rithmctic classes, She remembers as a girl that her mother cooked over a fireplace and each family ground the wheat they grew into flour Clothi;g was homespun and hog meat and bccf were smoked as a means of preservation. Once she, with the help of a Mrs. Fry, tied a heifer to a tree, killed it and carried the meat to the house, When asked if she had any great grandchildren, Mrs, Moore retorted, "Oh, Lord, I reckon I have, half the state of Arkansas," She claims 13 grcat great grandchildren Mrs. Moore saw her first auto in 1904 in Arkansas. She now lives with one of her sons in Fort Smith and roudly asserts that the house is equipped with Panina's date and place of death are unknovm. a gas stove, washing machine, refrigerator, and modem conveniences. "\ think they're all right", she said about the new contrivances. "If I had my life to live over again the way I lived it," she concluded, "I couldn't do it." [This Childers family was listed in the 1860 Pope County census. Mrs Moore's letter was written in 1939) Adams Family Notes Submitted by B. Leona Piland, 714 Jackson, Oregon City, OR 97045 Wilson Adams, b. March 8, 1811, NC and Panina Peal, b. May 16,1817, GA, mDcc. 18, I 832,Harris Co., GA, where all of their children were born: Jolm W. Adams, b. 1833 Mary M. Adams (F. Summerhill), b. 1835, d. Aug 4, 1886, Conway Co., AR Josiah W.P. Adams, b. 1838,. bur. Horatio, AR Eliz. lane Adams (Merritt), b. 1841, d. Aug. 26, 1860, Claiborne Parish, LA Mahala Aubrey Adams (Crow), b. May 9, 1846, d. April 16, 1904, DeQueea, AR Frances C. Adams (McCool), b. 1842 Zackery Taylor Adams (Dora Calaway) b. Oct. I, 1848, d. May 3, 1899, Faulkner Co., AR Joanah Eliz. Adams (1 Summerhill), b. lune 22, 1852, d. Aug. 29, 1929, Lockesburg, AR Trolman Adams, b. 1855 Kadlie Ellen Adams (Benedick), b. 1857 In 1860, the family moved from Rome, GA, to Claiborne Parish, LA, where Josiah W. P. Adams and the husband of Joanna Eliz. Adams Summerhill joined the Confederate Army, where they served until their being wounded and captured. Following the close of the war, Wilson and Panina moved to Green Grove, ConwayfFaulkner Co., AR, wher Wilson d. Aug. 24, 1873. Brother Against Brother From undated, unnamed newspaper clipping sent by Lois Goodell, PO Box 225, Gillett, AR 72055 Even before the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter April 12, 1861, Caleb Brinton had left his famly and the quiet tovm of Vermont to work as a brick maker in Little Rock,Ark. When the Civil War began, he joined the 3rd Arkansas Infantry, Confederate Army. In a gap in Missionary Ridge, in northwest Georgia, there is a valley kno",n as McLemore'sCove and Chickamauga Creek On Sept 19 and 20, 1863, Caleb took part in the battle there. During the battle, he was hit by artillery fire and as a result, los his left arm. Caleb's brother, Ed who had stayed near Vermont, went to Lewistown and then to Peoria and enlisted in the I 03rd Illinois Infantry when the war broke out. When Ed contracted pink eye, he was detached from the 103rd and put in the hospital. When he was well enough to return to active duty, he was transferred to an artillery unit. Military records show that Ed's artillery unit was in the batttle at Chickamauga. Did Ed fire the artillery shot that took his brother Caleb's arm? Some family members think so. One thing is for certain-the brothers faced each other across the battlefield. Whether each knew the other was there is another matter. The classic brother against brother. After the war, both brothers came back to the Vermont area and worked. They are both buried in the Vermont Cemetery--but in different parts of the cemetery. Arkansas Family Historian 17 Pike County Sheriffs-1833-1989 John Hughes Isaac White Henry Brewer Lewis Huddleston William Gilmer 10hn M. Davis B. S. Davis W. 1. Reed A. F. Wilson James P. Copeland W. N. McClure A. W. Gosnel W. P. Parker Owen B. Owens W. N. Klzzia Matthew D. Chaney W. E. Branch 1933-1942 1908-19\2 1912·1916 1916·1921 1921·1925 1925-1933 1933·1934 1935-1938 1943-1946 1947·1950 1951-1954 1959-1962 Luke T. Stevens 1955-1958 1963-1968 Charles Holder 1973·1916 Horace Childers 11969-1972 1979·1982 David H. Baker 1989· George W. Riley 1983·1988 T. B. Rogers 1833-1835 1835·1840 1840-1843 1842·1854 1854-1862 1862-1866 1856·1872 1871·1874 1874·1876 1876·1880 1880·1886 1888-1888 1886-1890 1890·1996 1896·1900 1900·1904 1904·1908 James Ervin Chaney Tom Stewart 1. A. Chancy M. D. Cummings C. G. Bolin Pierce G. Coker L. H. Alford Robert H. Baker Freeland Stewart Palmer's Chapel Cemetery Rock Creek Community, south of Glenwood (Pike Co., AR) This cemetery is in two parts and is located on private land. Most of the headstones have been lost in the eastern part over the past years. The western part with the remaining headstones is in heavy woods. The cemetery's last recorded burial was in 1928. There are many more graves that are not marked. The cemetery takes its name from long gone Palmer's Chapel Methodist Church, organized soon after the Civil War, which was near the site. No records of this church have survived. In the 1880s the property was owned by Dr. A. H. Palmer, from whom the church and cemetery evidently took their name. Many of the early settlers in the area, including the Bakers, Palmers, Richardsons and Thompsons, attended this church. The Valley Grove Baptist Church was organized at Rock Creck about 1872. If it had a separate cemetery, it has long since vanished. Both churches disbanded soon after the development of Glenwood just to the north of Rock Creek. Other Rock Creek pioneers are buried in the following area cemeteries: Amity, County Line, Ebenezer, Bethel, Coker School House, and the old section of the Glenwood Cemetery. Marked graves: Baker, Mary Susan - 25 Dec 1845 2 Nov 1814, 1st wife of P. H. Baker, dau. ofJolm Smith Baker, Stephen Pelzer 11 • 23 Sept 1867 II Apr 1898, son of P. H. and Mary S. Baker Baker, Stephen Pelzer 1 - 14 Nov 1815 13 Sept. 1885, son of Edmund Gaylord, William 1. 18 Volume 1997 Giles, William B. Gray, Francis Gray, G. Gray, Henry Green, Annstead Guess, Joseph Gustin, William Hale, David C. Hale, Jackson Hall, Jackson and Rebecca Baker, father of P. H. Baker Black, Samuel C. - 26 Oct 1883121 Mar 1889, son ofD. S. P. Black Doster, Odessa Lee - 4 Feb 1884'15 July 1885 Good, James W. - 16 May 1873 19 Dec 1897, son ofE. T. and M. A. Good Marshall, George A. R. - 14 May 1859 Aug 1875 McLain, Emily D. -I Oct 1874 19 Sept. 1914, nee Thompson, wife of Silas M.McLain Ralling[Rollinghs], Effie - 26 Jan 1896 23 Nov 1906, dau. of George F. and Sarah E. Rollings 21 Oct 1881, husband of Nancy J. Thompson, James R. - 20 May 1821 Thompson, L. F. - 19 Nov 1848 13 Dec 1928, husband of Alpha 24 Apr 1889, wife ofJames R. Thompson, Nancy J. - 28 Jan 18;25 Known unmarked graves: Richardson, Jesse Clinton - 10 June 1831 Richardson. May 1876, husband of Martha Ann Baker Arkansas Family Historian 19 Arkansas Queries General guidelines for submitting queries: I) 2) 3) 4) Queries are limited to members only Please submit no more than one q uC!)' per year Keep the query to approximately filly words Neatness counts! If pessible, type, double spaced,Otherwise, PRINT legibly, leaving a space between each line Capitalize surnames Remember the 4 Ws: Who - give complete names of interest What - what do you want? Keep it short and to the point Where - locality in ARKANSAS? When - give a time period Since we al ways work with a large backlog of queries, we strive to print them in the order in which theY were received, It may be several months, however, before your query appears, We do use all queries received in a calendar year before the end of thaI year, We continue to receive queries with no name and address included, If the query gets separated from the envelope, we ca nnot use it. It simplifies the work of the all-volunteer staff of this publication iryon send your query with your membership fee to Arkansas Genealogical Society, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 719010908, Moore, Marlow Seek parents of Alfred B, Moore and Luvina Marlow, m, 30 Oct 1839, Rutherford Co" NC; in Marion Co" AR 1860 ccnsus; Mira H" b, 1 Sep 1843 m, James Estes; Mancrva, b, II Dec 1846 m, Jesse M, White; Sarah A., b,Oct 1848 m, Gamaliel A, Pvle; Martha A., b, Mar 1853 m, George Davenport; Leatha A" b, 28 Jan 1855 m, Thomas Nowlin; Catherine, b. 1859 m, John Anglin; and one uuknown child died young, Alfred shot after 1865 and prior to 1870 at his distillery in 20 Volume 35, Number 1, March, 1997 Marion Co, Lavina d, 12 Oct J884, Marion Co, Helen McMindes, 626 W. South Ave" Harrison, AR 72601-5043 Watson Seck info on Wimberly Frederick Watson, b, c1815 NCIALlGA, lived in Union Co" AR before 1840, Wife: Nancy Williams; children: James W" William W" Frederick W, D .. Eliva M, and Mortan 1.; m, 2)Mary Turner, children: Alexander, Margaret E, Mary F., Amanda C, John T. Patsy Livingston, RR 4 Box 26, Atlanta, TX 75551-9402 Wilburn. Dunn James R. Wilburn, b, c1805 NC, m, Sarah Dunn, cl833 AR, possibly Washington Co .. In 1850 they were in Franklin Co, When and where did he die? Sebastian Co,? Rita Wilburn Ackerman, 4055 E. Hartford Ave" Phoenix. AZ 85032-2220 Brinton Interested in any info on Caleb Brinton of Vermont, IL, who came to Little Rock and worked as a brick maker c 1860 or beforc. Joined the 3rd Ark, Int: Confuderate Armvat beginning of Civil War. Lost his left arm in the battle in northwest Georgia in the valley known as McLemore's Cove and Chickamauga Creek on Sept. 19-20, 1863, Lois Goodell, PO Box 225, Gillett, AR 72055-0225 Attaway Want to correspond with any researcher of this surname in AR, AL, GA, TN, E-mail: Oscar G. Russell, 506 Loop Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72120-2216 Blakely Cannot find marriage record of William Blakley and Sarah, 1870-1873; family without William in Pineville, MO 1870, Second marriage Washington Co" AR 1885 to Rachel Evans, 1882 Washington Co, marriage of brother Robert to Cornelia Beaver Elizabeth Ferguson, PO Box 647, Duenweg, M064801 Lishman, Wister Garfield, killed in train accident Dec 15, 1913, near Eudora, AR; have been unable to find info on place of burial, etc.; was working ror Western Union or Telephone Company at time of accident; formerly manager oftelephone company at Dermott; married to former Lottie Bullock of Collins, Walter B.Walker, 5018 Club Rd. No. 106, Little Rock, AR 72207-4750 Brown, Savage Seek info on John S. Brown and wife Elizabeth (Bellazora) Savage, who d, cl890 in Lonoke, AR, Three children and husband moved to TX. Mrs. Hugh C. Brown, 7500 Hwy 26 So •• Valley Springs, CA 952529018 Day, Crosson Looking for Isaac Day, b. MO, d. 1905 OK, m, Elizabeth Croson in Vine Prairie, AR, Need his parents - Reuben Day? Also seek Burcham, and Rich in same or Crawford Co, Janice Marshall, 840 8th Ave., Redwood City, CA 94063-423] Arnold, Davenport, Sinyard, Yeager, Hicks Seek info on following Arnolds in Little River/Ouachita Cos, 1890-1920; Davenport (Champ) Searcy Co,; Sinyard (Siniard) CarrollJSearcy Cos, 1890-1910; Yeager, Ouachita Co, 1800s; Hicks, Ouachita Co, 1800s; Sam and Sarah Watson, St. Joe area 1913, Alten Baumers, Little River Co, 18901920; Sternke ("Willie") 1950s/60s in Hot Springs area, Carol Arnold, PO Box 1618, Winnemucca, NV 89446 Wilkins, Willis K., b, 1813-1821, d, after 1880; m, I) Marthn; m, 2) Sarah L.; Census records: 1850 St. Francis Co,; 1860 Poinsett Co,; 1870 and 1880 Mississippi Co. Need info other than what is on census. Craig Keiffer, 5409 Wehawken Rd., Bethesda, MD 208162036 Cook Seek descendants of William Cook, b,c1783 VA; Franklin Co" TN 1830 census; White Co" AR 1833; d, there c1852; m. Sarah ? (Walker?), d, 1849 White Co" AR, Obit asks "Illinois papers please copy"-why? Children/spouses: Eleanor (Thomas Young); Daniel (Minerva John (Amanda Barton); Walker (Margaret Beeler); Mariah (J Goulding); Sarah (Alexander English Crawford), Sybil F. Crawford, 10548 StoneCanyon Rd. No. 228, Dallas, TX 75230-4408 Trammell Searching for David Trammell, b, 1777 GA, went to So. IL in 1810, then to Clark Co, area of AR mid 18205, m, Lucretia McDonald 1809 in GA; she was his 2nd wife, Mrs. Bill F. Trammell, 11472 W. Whispering Cliffs Dr., Pocatello, ID 83202-5228 Killon/Killion Seek info on James Killon/Killion and wife Jennette Ida Webster, m. Catholic Church, Jackson, MS, 1855-1870, Killion at age 14 left Dublin, Ireland, came to US; Confederate in Navy, ran blockade, Lived Coldwater, MS, 1870, later moved to Wiville?, AR Daugher Julia Anne, b, Aug I 1870, Coldwater, MS, m, 1885, Wiville, AR, to Jonathan Thomas Walker; 2nd hus, G, W, Arkansas Historian 2I Sawyer; 3rd hus. W C. McDougal, d. Sweetbome, AR Oct 14 1946. Jules H. Walker, 6250 Quince Rd., Memphis, TN 38119-7627 Joyce, Langford, CartrettiCartrell Need info on these families of White and Cleburne Counties in AR. John M. Daniel, 10508 Hwy 13 N, Carlisle, AR 72024 Bailey, John D. was listed on 1860 census in Mountain Twp., Van Buren Co., 58 years old, b. SC; son John C.,on Civil War records gave two of his brothers-in-law as Robert Matthews and Thomas Turpin. Dr. Wesley Golden was another. Would like to exchange info with anyone on this family. Fern Poe Davidson, 4536 Purnell Dr.• North Little Rock, AR 72116 Vaught, Thompson Looking for descendants of Mary Jane Vaught, b. 24 Jul 1869, Johnson Co., AR, d. 18 Mar 1952, Mansfield, AR; m. Johnson Co., AR, 24 Dec 1885 Byron A. Thompson, b.2 Feb 1865 IN, d. 24 Apr 1935, Mansfield, AR; both bur. Coop Prairie Cemetery, Scott Co., AR. Ch.: Se\\'ard c.; Mary F.; Vivian B.; Lois R.; Cora E.; Vera Gladys; Wilford Neal and Edna M. Jimmie Dewberry, HC 65 Box 168, (hone, AR 72854 Still Need help to establish John Still of Pittsylvania Co, VA, as a Patriot. Known desc. moved to TN, AL, AR and MO. Was Thomas Still, Methodist Minister, who immigrated to Williamson Co., TN, cl837 a brother or son? Jeannette Swafford, 101008 Seven Oaks Rd., Fort Smith, AR 72908-9333 Green, Ray Searching for parents of Daniel R. Green, b. cl850 AL, m. Susannah Ray, mid 18705, probably TN; son John D. \\'as born TN; a daughter Sally was born AR 1882. Susannah must have died in 1883-84. Daniel m. Nancy Box of Bryant, AR 1885. He was 22 Volume 35, Number I, March. 1997 robbed and killed in 1892 in Saline Co., probably around Bryant, AR. Need parents of both and burial place for both. Oren C. Jones, 2037 Tennessee St., Lawrence, KS 660462967. E-mail: Newman Searching for parents of Jonathan Andrew Newman, b. 29 Aug 1796,believe in Greene Co., TN; was ajudge in Washington Co., AR, for several years, left office c1864. Also need parents of his wife Ann A. Whited. All information appreciated. Dona Ruhler, HC 78 Box 50 C, Deming, NM 88030 Pearson Seek info on Sarah Cathrine Pearson; living in Plumerville [Conway Co.] c1900. She was Indian and had several children: Zadie, Docia, Emily and Dave; canle from sc. M. K. Blevins, 307 Moccasin, Buchanan, MI 491071221 Greer Want to locate children of Joshua Greer, b. 1793 NC, m. 1812 Warren Co., TN, Mary T. Burge; lived Fulton Co., AR, 1870; in 1878. Joshua d. 1880 Melbourne, Izard Co. When did Mary die? Kay Walker Peterson, 813 Mann, Artesia, NM 882102307 Hornaday Seek any info on Isiah Hornaday, b. c1816, and his desc. Isiah settled in what is now Nevada Co., AR, c1850. Will exchange info on Hornaday families of South Central AR. George T. Brewer, 5741 Gage Ln., No. 3010, Naples, FL 34113 Camp Know how the Robert Melton Camp, bur. Chalycate Springs Cemetery in Columbia Co., AR, fits into the Camp family. He was b. <:1821, d. c1904. Third wife, Eliza Gentry, b. cI834,.d. c1914. How docs the Robert Melton Camp, 17 Feb 1875, d. 3 Aug 1943, m. Anny Yaney, b. 3 Aug 1876, d. 26 Dec 1940, bur. Arlington Cem.,Homer, LA, fit into the Camp family picture? Are they father and son? If so, who was mother of Robert Melton Camp bur. Arlington Cern. John P. Frazier, 611 Cypress St., Pittsburg, TX 75686-1107 Crolley, William, father of Samuel Leroy Crolley, b. 29 Mar 1875, Pulaski Co., AR. Need any info on William or his wife. Carolyn Crolley Page, 10497 McVay Ave., San Jose, CA 95127 Lamb 1870 Greene Co., AR, Robert Marshall Lamb and wife Clarinda Elizabeth Dacus, and two ch. were living in household of Jane Jones, widow, age 45, her two daughters and son. Who was Jane Jones? Was she related to the Lamb family? Susan Lamb Griffith, 1510 Belmont St., Jackson, MS 39202-1201 Draper, Lysinby, Killough Wiliam D, Draper, b. 5 Dec 1799 NC, d. 25 Dec 1850, m. 25 Aug 1833 Independence Co., AR, Melissa Lysinby, b. 7 Mar 1818 GA. Issue: Mary Jane, b. 6 Oct 1838, m. John R. Killough; Lydia A., b. 3 Dec 1839; Charity Emiline, b. 20 Jan 1841; Alonzo J., b. 24 Sep 1846; John P., b. 6 Jan 1847; Joseph, b. 28 Sep 1850. What happened to Melissa and otber children? Delores Y. (Buell) Eveland, 13169 Briarwood St., Cerritos, CA 90703-7368 McClure, Eubanks Need burial info of Elizabeth McWhorter McClure, wife of Samuel Dupre McClure; possibly Washington Co., AR, c18702. Need burial of Frances Massey Eubanks, Greene or Randolph Co" AR, cl863 Patty McGinty, 5423 Braeburn Dr., Bellaire, TX 77401 Holman, Knapp Seek parents of Thomas and Levisa (Knapp?) Holman, in SaiineIHot Spring Cos, I 830-40s; Thomas b. cJ800 NC? d, 1844 Hot Spring Co.; Levisa, b. cJ805 KY. Youngest ch.: Joesph, b. 1836 AR, and Thomas, b. 1838 AR; possible dau. Elizabeth Holman (m. James L. Knapp) J. Thomas Holman, II, 5902 Syline Hts Ct., Alexandria, VA 22311. E-mail: Meers Researching Rev. William Meers (1794.1874) and wife Frances Murphy Meers (1800-1885) moved to Johnson Co" AR, c1847; wish to corresp. with desc. of William. Jo Rene Leach, RR 2 Box 293M, Mansfield, AR 72944 Swanson, Boles, Freeman, Deal, Blackstone Henry Swanson, b. Jan II 1856, where? d. Oct 12, 1914, Atkins, Pope Co., AR, m. Mary Francis Boles in 1877, where? Ch.: Lara E. Freeman, Maggie Evalyn Blackstone and Walker; Marvin Henry Swanson; Minnie May Deal, Any info will be apprediated. Russ C. Pritchett. 617 Bloomingfield Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89128-6045 Pearson Seeking location of Pearson Family Bible shows family and parents of Jesse Allen Pearson and Mary Elizabeth Harrison Pearson. Need cast iron proof that Mary E. was dau.of Joseph Harrison and Anthenia Hancock Harrison. Jesse and Mary bur. Goodloe Cemetery, Quitman, AR. Jo Anna Dale, 704 Ponca Dr., Independence, MO 64056-2053 Turner Researching Tilman Pinkney Turner, b. 1836 GA, d. 1894, Violet Hill, AR; son of Hiram and Mary Turner; 1st wife Manerv'Y, b. MO. Ch.: Mary, Edward, Sarah, Samuel, Malinda, Eliz, George. 2nd wife David Ellen Soden, b. 1856 KY. Ch.: Ida, Alice, Liley, Franklin, Harrison, James, Myrtle, Evey. Mary R. Ryan, 1934 Madison 248, Fredericktown, MO 63645- n02 Bunch, Selby, Fry, Heath Searching Bunch and Selby from Overton Co., TN, to Madison Co., AR by 1850; Fry and Heath in Polk Co., AR by 1850, Imogene Sawvell Davis, PO Box 450154, Grove, OK 74345-0154 Berry, Taylor, Oslin, Brazeale Need help with all these lines; most came via NC, SC, to AL, MS, into AR during 1800s through Arkansas Family Historian 23 present, espeeially in Ashley, Drew and Jackson Counties. Jerome Taylor Berry, 12390 Country Club Dr., Rolla, MO 654017145 Byrd/Bird, William, b. c1796 GA, m.J819 Hopkins Co., KY, Charlotte Williams cl809 GA; lived Izard Co., AR 1850. Charlotte was widow in 1850-70-80 Izard Co. census; her brother Thomas, c1795 GA, lived nearby; he d. Mar 1876 Evening Shade, Sharp Co., AR, and he m. Feb 1816 KY Martha "Patsy" Crowley who d. during Civil War; he m.2) Oct 1866 Izard Co. Ruth R. Jones/James, widow of James who d. 1858. Was Crowley's Ridge named for Martha's family? Were all ByrdlBirds of Izard Co. related? Margie Garr, 1505 Mistletoe, Mountain Home, AR 72653. E-mail: Davis Need parents, other lnfu for ( 1) Martin V. Davis, b. 1840 AR, d. before 1910; (2) Martha Elizabeth Rusell, b. 1849; they probably m. Russellville, Pope Co., before 1876. Son James Wiley, b. 1878 Madison Co, AR, m. Clara Annab Davis. Also researching Lankford, Hunsucker, Bryant, Winfrey. Mary Bryant Park, 2204 West 5th, Stillwater, OK 74074-2817 Willis Need help locating gravesite of Nicholas Willis, b. 24 Dec 1786 Caswell Co., NC, d 19 Scp 1861 Dallas Co., AR, buried near Princeton. Nell McKay Todd, 726 Tate St., Camden, AR 71701-6136 Oglesby, Johnson Seaching for ancestors of Sarah (Sallie) Oglesby, b. 28 Dee 1865, Pulaski Co., AR, m. Fountain Aiken Johnson 24 Dee 1884 Ellis Twp., Pulaski Co., d. 28 Jun 1931 Dublin, Erath, TX Kenneth D. Johnson, Sr., 231 County Fair, Houston, TX 770604354 Barnard, Holland Willliam (Willie) Jackson, b. 16 July 1861, Chismville, Scott Co., AR, d. 24 Volume 35, Number 1, March, 1997 7 Jan 1937, Seminole, OK; need info on wife Cora Holland and son William Charles (Charley) Barnard, b. 23 Aug 1892, Covington, Garfield Co., Indian Territory, d. 28 Aug 1963 Wilburton, OK Jackson Lafayette Barnard, father of Willie b. 25 Feb 1836, Henry Co., TN, d. 25 Apr 1900. Myrna (Barnard) Cec.earelli, 3838 N. Channing Way, Fresno, CA 93705 Milbourn John W. and Georgia (?) Milbourn 1880 Ashley Co. census with children: Mary E. (5) and John D. (3), additional child Frank W 1881. 1900 census KY children students/orphanages. What happened to parents? What was maiden name of Georgia? Mrs. George (Margaret) Milbourn, 8262 Whitney Ln., Painesville, OH 44077 Davis Need info on John Davis, b. GA c 1800, m. I) Mary Pevey; m. 2) Margaret, c1812. 1850 Bradley Co., AR, census lists Seldon A., Mike, James, Caroline E., Susan C., Mary J., and Mary A. Dorman. Are these their children? Also lists George W.Davis, John M. Davis and William C. Davis. What relationship are they? John and Mary's youngest son was Selden Mings Davis, b. 1839 Lowndes Co., AL. Is he same as above Selden A.? same as a doctor in Warren in early days. Roddy L. Roper, PO Box 206, Enterprise, UT 84725-0206 Lawhon, Hicks Seek info on Josiah Thomas Lawhon, b. 1823 Moore Co., NC, d. 1865 Union Twp" Pulaski Co. (now Saline), AR, m. Margaret Jane Sowell. Also Henry Hicks, b. 1817 SC, d. 15 Nov 1881, Saline Co., AR, m. Elizabeth? Paul Tyson, 314 Leesville Rd., Clinton, SC 29325 Parker Need info on Thomas A. Parker and Martha Davis Parker arrived in Calhoun Co., AR, before Civil War; from Pike Co., AL. Uriah Parker, minister, and Arthur Parker, Thomas' father, came about same lime. Also interested in Waldrup descendants about same time in Drew Co. Margaret Parker Waldrup, PO Box 148, Hamburg, AR 71646 Smith, Warrord, Ratclirr, Swarrord, Moore, Hall Searching for relatives of Casper Sylvester Smith who m. Lizzie Wafford; Zackariah N. Ratcliff who m. Jane Swafford; James Sanford Moore who m. Julia Hall. Were in Cleveland, Saline, Jefferson and Grant Cos., in AR. M. J. Smith Ellen, , 2717 Carrywood Dr., Bryant, AR 72022 Beard, James Aaron, b. 1822 AR?, parents unknown, lived Ouachita Co., AR, 1850.60 with 2nd wife Molsey Robertson; left and moved to TX where he d. Angelina Co., 1908. Looking for grave of first wife Mahala., and several children. Was Berry Beard, Ouachita Co., his father? Mary Russell Beard, 1235 Keith Rd., Lumberton, TX 77657 Bacon Seek info on Hila (Hilda) Malinda Bacon, b. 1830; need parents and siblings, and where b. Lived Bledsoe Co., TN, m. Nicholas Nail Aug 1846 Madison Co., AR, d. June 1906 Craig Co.,OK. Possible relationship wjth Charles, Martha and Hail Bacon. June Bradford, 1318 Crescent Parkway Ct., Houston, TX 77094-2954 Palmer, Cargile" Edwards, Brown Benjamin Franklin and sons Ben, Jr., Solomon and Jesse Palmer migrated from KY 1800 to TN before coming to Searcy Co., AR c 183040. Cargiles and Ezekiel and Mary E. Brown came from KY to Van Buren Co., AR, e1840. Thomas Edwards, b. c1795 NC and Mary Ann, b. eiKII, and children b. SC. On 1840 census Van Buren Co. Will exchange. Donna Heidrich, 1814 W. Union PI., Collinsville, OK 74021 Cannimore, Chamberlin, Cox, Davis, Gaskin, Gibson, Greyson, Jones, Leach, Louy, Morris, McEwen, Noble(s), Pounds, Boy, Stalcup, Sutfin, Wilson of Craighead, Greene and Poinsett Cos., c 1845 to present. Benjamin Franklin Davis served 1861·65 in 13th Ark Reg. of Inf. Co. E. Doris Cooper Gyannati, 622 South St., Mishawaka, IN 46544-2342 Rettig Did Martin Rettig ever live in and around Saline Co., AR, early 1900s? Or any Rettig? Mildred Northcutt, 2999 Fred Koch Rd., Carlisle, AR 72024-8935 Plair/Player?, _ _, b. c1780, wife Mary'!, b. 1786; sons Samuel b. 1804 GAlSC; William b, 1818 SCINC, moved to Jefferson Co., MS 1818; Plair d. before 1823, GA 1. Mary (?) Plait re·m. Martin Nevels 21 Aug 1823, in Jefferson Co., MS, then moved to AR via LA. Terrance H. Fregly, PO Box 3886, Tallahassee. FL 32315 (l-800-601-6 77 i I Posey, Rainwater, Rogers Need info on Mourning Jane Posey, b. 1845 Bedord Co., TN, dau, of Warren and Sarah Rainwater Posey; m. 27 May 1860, Johnson Co., AR, to Jacob H. Rogers. In 1880 census for Johnson Co., Prairie Twp., AR, Mourning Jane listed as head of household with ch.: Cora Ann b. 1868 and James W.b. 1871. Laurel L. Posey, 12709 Dorina PI., Grnada Hills, CA 91344· 1418 Porter, Garett. Delamar, Thompson Researching these lines in AR. Ann Lowry, 75 Whitewood Cir., Edgemont,AR 72044-9606 Warren, Joseph L. and wjfc Massilla A. lived Wayne Co., TN, 1870 census; ch.: Harriet J., Francis E., William L., Marion D" Mary Ann A., Sarah D. and "Eighter" (Ada?). Need additional info, esp on parents of Joseph, date and place of birth, etc. Garry W.Warren, 832 Olde Mill Trace, Cottondale, AL 35453·9591 Izard County early settlers (pre 1840), espec. Langston family; James Darneal, any family coming through W. KYand S. IL, T. J. Arkansas Family Historian 25 Harper. 2271 Betty Ln., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Knick, Heath, Bowen, Perry, Stiles, Rhoades, Quattlbaum, Strippling, Monk, Shealey, McDuffy, McKnight, Sincoe, Rice, Haase, Bliss Want to find those researching these lines in AR. Nena Reisner, 1020 Eastridge Rd., Sandy, Vt 84094·5660 Burke, Martha A, listed 1860 census Columbia Co., Ala Twp. as wife of R. H. R (Rbesa Hope Hull) Burke. Husband d. 11113/1860. She was second wife. Census included two daughters by previous marriage: Ann Eliza and Mary. What happened to Martha W.? Robert W. Worley, 1208 W. Elm, EI Dorado, AR 71730 Dickerson, Qualls, Wilson Joseph Dickerson on 850 census Carroll Co. Need info prior to arrival in AR. Sara Jane Qualls Whitley m. Wiley Dickerson, son of Joseph, Madison Co. Need info before arrival from TN. lohn Richard Wilson m. Martha Emily Baucom, Sweethome, TX; residents of Logan Co. 18805' 1910 census Need info on lohn prior to marriage. Dee Dickerson, 2225 Ferguson Rd., Winterhaven, CA 92283 Seaborn, Taylor, Williams William Seabomlbum, b. Dec 10, 1833, d. 1905 AR. Mary Taylor, mother of Nancy. What was husband's full name and where "''ere they from, NC? Archibald Williams, b. 1842 CanadalEngland; wife Margaret S. Williams, b. Apr 1853, CanadalEngland. Ch.: Marcie; Flossie (m. Lancaster);Velma Evaline (m. Pendergrass); James (Jim). George Walter Penderrass, b. 1872 MO?, d. MOIOK 1899, m. Velma Evaline who d. 1899 MOIOK Ch. Della, b. 1896 Vinita, OK; Anna, b. 899, Afton, OK Marie Skinner, 1317 N. Opal Way, Mentone, CA 92359 26 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 Clay, Brathers Seek info on Alice Clay, b. 1859, AR, m. Lawson Monree Brathers sister Mary Clay, b. 1850 AR, m.. William Trusly. Mary Burchfield, 1984 Angel Valley Rd., Weed, CA 96094 E-mail: Flud Seek info on a Bert Flud, said to have been b. AR c1905; m. in MO, divoreed and may have moved back to AR. Search of AR census would be helpfuL L. Carey Bankhead, PO Box 179, Jefferson City, MO 65102 Solomon Looking for info on William M. Solomon, M.D. who practieed medicine in Tyronza, Poinsett Co., AR, and Cabot, Lonoke Co., AR. 1885·1910. Also need info on parents of Lola Elizabeth Smith Solomon, b. 11·19·01 Russell, White Co., AR, d. 8·2·77 in Benton. Marvin E. Solomon, 23750 Cold Springs Rd .• Paron, AR 72122 Orr Searching for David Orr, b. c I 800, 'I; Fulton Co., AR, census shows wife Elize P.?, ch.: Elhandon, David, John, Eliza Ann, Catherine, William, Joseph & Rob!. Compiling book on Orr; all descendants welcome to partipate, will answer all letters. Bonnie Orr Muns. 1332 192nd St. SE, Sp, 14, Bothell, WA98012 Chambers, Young, Johnson DrewlAshley Co. Related families headed by William P. Chamhers, lesse T. Young and John W. Johnson moved from MS into Drew and Ashley Cos. c1855. Want to exchange info. Ronald E. Bullock, 1127 Sea Village Dr., Cardiff, CA 92007·1435, E·mail: Smith,Thomas A., b. Sept 1863 AR, m. Emma VI, b. 1874, IL. 1900 residing lohnson Co. Thomas' mother Sarah A. Bennett, b. Oct 1839 MO, living with them. How are they related to Ruth Margaret Smith, b. 1861 MO, m. 1877 Newton Co. Braxton Edgmon Warren') Cecil J. Warren, Jr., 771 S. Fairway Ln., Anaheim, CA 92807.4801 Woodland Dr., Jacksonville, AR 72076-2557 (501-982-5331) Hudgens, King, Carnall Need infu for group sheets on Ambrose Hudgens, b, 1795 SC, son Henry m, Lucy King, dau, of John King, in AR by 1807; Ambrose m, Martha Cannall, dau, of Patrick Cannall; Jemima Wood, wife of John King. Need brother/sister lines, Walta Huard, 39170 Plumbrook Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48331-2911, E-mail: Wagon Train families Seek info on families who traveled on wagon train from Franklin Co" AR to Union or other counties in Oregon in 1872, John B. Nolan, 66 Circle Dr., Springfield, IL 62703-4805 Garis Looking for info on Charles and Mary Garis, m. 31 Jul 1866, Johnson Co" AR; were in 1870 Clark Twp" Johnson Co. (1871 became Logan Co,) census with sons George, Thomas and Claude, Mary widowed 1880 census Pope Co, What became of Charles? Wanda Duval, 91 Luzier Ln., Yerington, NV 89447 Heard, John Holeman and Emily Clement Heard buried Jacksonville, Pulaski Co" cl868 & 1887 respecively; had ch,: William, Sarah Jane and ? Seek any info, Gloria L. Ouvry, 22631 Shorewood Dr., St. Clair Shores, MI 48081-2628 Sheets Researching Susan Elizabeth Sheets, dau, of James Sheets and Mary Walker, wife of William B. Holcomb, An info on these families appreciated, Eric Holcomb, 645 Stockton St. No. 401, San Francisco, CA 94108 Choate family from "Middle Tennessee" family spoke of being "Black Dutch". Where can I find info on Black Dutch? Moved to AR 1880s, Diane Reed, P.O. Box 156, Hashville, AR 71852-0156 Nichols, Isaac M, (Ike), son of Samuel Joseph and Sarah (Richardson) Nichols, m, Sharp Co" AR; 20 Dec 1886, Martha E, Norman, dau, of David W, and Sarah (Gay) Norman, Need info on this couple,Oretha Nichols Turner, 4 Ewing William p, Ewing, b, 1802, m, Sarah? 1811, believe she b, TN; ch.: James H., b 1829 m. Ann Hines, Their sixth ch., John, b. Feb 22 1840, m. Martha Hines, All lived in AR, Who were the Hines? Mrs. Mildred Barker, 1423 Tulip Ln., Odessa, TX 79761-2912 Raines, Fish Need info on Joseph and Martha Raines, lived Walnut Hill area c1853-60, farmed in same area;had son, Henry G. who m. Elisabeth Fish. Want to contact those researching this line, Ron Raines, 2617 Bay St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805-321-0529) Hinkle Seek info on William Hinkle and wife Francis Caroline, living Clark Co" AR, 184969; ch,; Sarah Ann, John William, Jess\; Baills, m, Mary Catherine, Martha Alpha and Eliza Ellen. Sarah Ann Cook, 1817 Smith Ln., Arington, TX 7013-6424 Kesterson Seek parents/ancestors of Emily I(Emaline?) Kesterson who m, John Wesley Ulmer, II Feb 1877, Saline Co" AR; had dau, Martha Della, Also seek info on Wilie Pipkin and wife Mary Couch,L. C. Keathley, 24 Rose Dr., Conway, AR 72032-9429 Guthrie Lost connecting kin Jane Guthrie, b, e 1826-30 Giles Co" TN, dau, of Robert Guthrie, Jr" and Morning Glory "Beal", was given away cl840 Giles Co.; said to have m. 717 Hamilton and lived in AR by 1874, Mrs. Rosalie Guthrie, RR 5, Box 710, Blanchard, OK 73010·9353 Arkansas Family Historian 27 Book Reviews and Notices Bobbie Jones McLane, Russell p, Baker, Jan B. Eddleman, Dorathy Boulden nly the Names Remain, Vol. 6: Tahlequah & Skin Bayou District, Indian Territory, Oklahoma by Sandi Garrett, Cherokee Woman Publishing, PO Box 48, Spavinaw, OK 74366 (918-589-2236), 169 pages + index, soft cover, price $30,00. This little book represents the latest effort in the author's ongoing project to index one of Oklahoma's earliest Cherokee sources, the Drennen Roll of 1851, One longstanding problem for Cherokee researchers bas been the fact that, although their ancestor was living in Cherokee Nation in 1851, he or she was often not identifiable because most Indians had not yet taken ''white'' names, To help with this problem, this series tries to correlate the 1851 names with those Cherokees who are listed on the Guion Miller Rolls of 1910. Thus, one can learn that Ah-No-Lab-Ca-Yah (1851) was the grandfather ofJobn No-Fire (1910). This volume is for Tahlequah and Skin Bayou Districts, several of the counties of the old Cherokee Nation. Shortly after the Drennan rolls were completed, Skin Bayou District became the Sequoyah District. The 1851 list contains about 1,000 individuals; however, less than half were identified with someone on the 1910 list. The every name index makes this work very easy to use. [RPB] Clem, Clemm and Klem, Klemm Family History. by Dee Clem, PO Box 1462, Mountain Home, AR 72653; 2 vols., hard bound, 1200 pages + indexes, references, photographs, illustrations, maps and charts. Write the author for price. This beautiful two volume set contains everything one needs to know about the history of the Clem Family in America. It's vast amount of 28 Volume 35. Number I. March. 1997 information as compiled by the author with the help of family historians from across the nation. It explores Clem roots from Europe during the Middle Ages to America in the 1990s. Volume One is a narrative history of most, if not all, Clem fumilies in this eountry. It is fully indexed and each chapter contains a bibliography of sources. Volume Two contains a list of descendants from 100 separate Clem men and women. It is set up in modified register form with a full name index. Among the larger families listed is that 0 Adam Clem. born in 1765 in GA, many of whose descendants were early pioncersin Arkansas, especially Hot Spring County. The author is to be congratulated in presenting a family history in such an interesting, easy to read, and useful format [RPB) Tax Lists Searcy County Arkansas 1839-J 866 compiled by James 1. Johnston, 2333 East Oaks Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72703,82 pages, soft cover. Searcy County is located in the heart of the Arkansas Ozarks and is home to a remarkable number of Arkansas' early pioneers, especially those from Middle Tennessee. However, because of the destruction of all county records during the Civil War, research into these families has always been difficult. Mr. Johnston, who is the publisher of the Searcy County genealogical and historical "Exchange" ne,,-sletter, seeks to remedy this situation by transcribing all of the early Searcy County tax records in the holdings of the Arkansas History Conunission and State Archives in Little Rock. These records survived Searcy County's "frequent court house burnings" because they were part of the records of the Auditor of State's office in Little Rock. They passed into the possession of the History Conunission in 1911. Until this publication they had only been available on microfilm. Although the original records contain a great deal of information, the author chooses to print only the names of the tax payers and the number of "polls" assessed in each household, i.e., the number of men over the age of 21 and under 65. He, preserved the original order of the names for each year, but chose not to publish an overall index that would have made this little book even more useful than it is. The price is $6.50 postpaid. Arkansas residents, add an additional 23 cents for tax. [RPB) Directory of Family Associations, 3rd. edition, by Elizabeth Petty Bentley, 355 + pages, soft cover, $34.956, plus $3.50 postage. Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 31202-3897, 1800-296-6697. This is an extremely useful reference work for any and all American genealogists. It contains current or semicurrent information on over 6,000 family associations in the United States, most of which are genealogical in nature, together with addresses, telephone numbers and contact persons, as well as publication and newsletter information. The data was recently collected from a variety of sources, including questionnaires and family history journals. One of the most useful features is the elimination of the need for a separate cross-reference name index. Each family name, regardless of whether it is the main entry or an additional exchange surname, is placcd together within the same listing, making it very easy to use. As an example, some of the information listed under "Bates Family" is: The Bates Family of Old Virginia, P. O. Box 9134, Bellevue Station, Richmond, VA 23227, pub. "Bates Booter", bimonthly, $10.00 per year membership. Since information concerning these type of organizations quickly becomes obsolete, this new 1996 edition is a must for the well-stocked genealogical library. [RPB) Looking Back Genealogical Abstracts from "The Carthaginian ", Leake County Mississippi 1872-1900, by Regina Hines Ellison (I993), reprint, 261 pages, map, index, paper back, $24.00, plus $4.00 postage. Order from Heritage Books, 1540 E. Pointer Ridge PI., Suite 300, Bowie, MD 20716. Genealogical reference material about Mississippi has always been welcomed by Arkansas researchers, since many of us have Mississippi roots. This can be said especially for genealogical abstracts from state newspapers. Leake County, situated along the Natchez Trace northeast of Jackson, is a strategic location for early Mississippi families. Carthage is its county seat. The Carrthaginian newspaper began publication in t 872, making it one of the oldest in that area in terms of continuous publication. This excellent book contains abstracts from the files of the newspaper from its beginning until 1900. Besides the usual marriages and obituaries, the author has included births, court proceedings, homestead notices, legal notices, and any other item of historical or genealogical interest that she could find. Entries are grouped by date and the book contains a surname index. However, no references are given as to page and column numbers. [RPB] Marl< Brewster of Hull, Eng/and and Allied Families by Marcus V.Brewster, 16 Wheeler Rd. RD 4, Chester, NJ 07830, 336 pages, hard bound, maps, illustrations, photographs, and two indexes. For price information contact the author. This pleasing little book is a genealogist's dream. It is well put together, contains lots of illustrations, easy to read and understand, and has two full name indexes. It traces the descendants of Jonathan Brewster, who was born about 1760 in Lincolnshire, England. Members of this family were in Illinois by 1854. This is the story of their descendants in America, along with a good discussion of the English roots of the family. Other family names included are: Atkey, Yelf, Hiscock, Fowler, Hewitt, Potter and Carpenter. [RPB] Arkansas Family Historian 29 The Ledgerwood Family Descendants of William Ledgerwood, Sr., Immigamt to Augusta County, V"lrginia, 1738, by Marian C, Ledgerwood, P. PO, Box 8081, Hot Springs, AR 71910-8081, 216+ pages, illustrations, and notes, maps, two full name indexes, one of which contains a complete place index, as well. The cost is $30.00 from the author, This well presented family is a sort of encyclopedia of Ledgerwoods in Scotland and in Virginia, Besides the family of William of the title, the author devoted some space as well to the descendants of John" who lived In Botetourt County, Virginia. Allied families are Mitchell, Moody, Moffett, Peterson, McCoun and Lemon, Most of these families lived in Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. There is also some information on the Ledgerwood families of Ganand, Franklin and Logan counties in Arkansas,[RPB) Notices: Kirshner Kinfolk" voU4,nos. 1-4, 1996, by Kershner Family Association, 1449 Fox Run Dr.. Chanotte, NC 28212-7125, soft bound, This is the "library edition" of the Kershner Family newsletter for 1996, It contains letters to the editor, reunion news, information on the 30 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 descendants of Magdalene Kershner and Rudolph Fenne, and queries. Contact the association at the above address for price information. [RPB) The Descendants of Alexander Kerr of Tyrone County, Northern Ireland: Mid 1700's through 1994, by Hope W. Davis, 728 Klumac Rd, #OlA, Salisbury,NC 28144-364 pages, illustrations, charts, footnotes and full name index, soft cover. Contact the author for price information. This nicely presented work traced the descendants of Alexander Kerr, who died before 1815 in Northern Ireland, through his son, Nathaniel John Jacob Kerr, who died in Iredell County, NC in 1806, up through eleven generations. Other families are: Burton, Davis, Freeze, Garver, Marshall and Houston. [RPB] Oaks Holley Family History by Carolyn Oaks Upsmeyer, RR 1 Box 158, Bigelow, AR 72016, 304 pages, charts, Illustrations, photocopies, no index, soft cover. Write the author for more information. This work traces the author's Oaks, Holley, Dean and Crow families, most of whom came to Arkansas from NC shortly before 1900.[RPB] Index -AAbbott Eli Ackennan Rito Wilburn Adams JohnW, Josiah W, p, Trolrnan Wilson Zackery Taylor Alford LH. Allen Desmond Walls Anglin Jolm Armstrong EL Arnold Carol 9,10 20 17 17 17 17 17 18 5 20 9 21 -BBacon Charles Hail Hila (Hilda) Malinda Martha Bailey Jolm C, JohnD. Baker Abel DavidH, Mary Susan Natban P,H, Rebecca Robert H. Russell p, Stephen Pelzer II StephenPelzer I Bankhead L. Carey Barbee Christopher Barker Mrs.Mildred Barnard 25 25 25 25 22 22 13 18 18 13 18,19 19 18 28 18 18 26 24 Jackson Lafayette William Charles (Charley) 24 Banles W,R 7,9 Barnhart 7 Margaret A "Peg" Barnum R, Dr, 13 Barr 10 Elizabeth S. J, 10 Barton Amanda 21 G. T, n T, F, 13 Bass 13 F.W, PatonM, 13 13 Willi Is Baucom 26 Martha Emily Baugh R,13 Beal Morning Glory Beard Berry BWTel 27 Samuel C. Blackstone Maggie E valyn Blakley Robert Sarah William Blevins M.K, Boles Mary Francis Bolin C,G, Bollinger Amos Boulde" 24 13 Brinton 13 13 13 Ed Mahala 25 Mary Russell 25 R S, Rev, S. H, William, Dr. Bigger Biggers AN Black D.C. D, S.P. J. p, Jolm P. Box Jolm Bradford June Branch W,E, Bralhers Lawson Monroe Bre<.-dlove W. I. Brewer George T. Henry Bre\\o'''Ster Jonathan Marcus V, Bridges Jolm T, 13 25 Beaver Cornelia Beeler Margaret Benedick Kadlie Ellen (Adams) Bennett Sarah A. Bentley Elizabeth Petty Berry AlO Jerome Taylor LL Bethel I, H. James N. DoratllY 25 James Aaron Peyon S. 13 27 J. N. 21 21 17 26 29 Caleb 13 13 Brooks Joseph S, Joseph, Sr. Warren 9 7 10 9, 10 19 7 9,10 19 23 21 21 21 22 23 IR 7, 10 28 13 25 18 26 13 22 18 29 29 10 17,20 17 10 9 13 Bro\llJ1 Arkansas Family Historian-31 Ezekiel How. JamesG. John S. MaryE. Mrs. HughC. Paulie G. Quimbly Rowlin Samuel G. William A. Bryan Benjamin J. W T.S. Bryant John Robert William Bull E.M. Bullock Lottie Ronald E. Burchfield Mary Burge MaryT. Burke Ann Eliza MruthaA. Mary Rhesa Hope Hull Bums Capt. J. Y. John F. W.O. Byrd Richnrd C. ByrdlBird William 25 13 13 21 25 21 6 13 13 13 13 9,10 9,10 10 13 7,10 13 13 21 26 26 22 26 26 26 26 13 13 13 6 24 -cCain A. H. A. N. Elizabeth J. R. S.M. W.R. Calaway Dora Camp Robert Melton CIlfIl1IlU Martha 32 Volume 13 7, 9 7 9 B 7,10 17 22 27 Patrick Carter I. G. James JamesG. Cosey Aaron P. Ceccarelli Myrna (Barnard) Chambers W.P. William P. Chancy J.A. Chandler William A. William A., Major Chaney James Ervin MatthewD. Childers Horace 1. S. Cholier/Collier Henry W Clark Peter, Dr. Wensil Clay Alice Mary Clem Adam Dee Clemons John Coker PierceG. Coleman Robert J. Commack Kathleen Cook Daniel Eleanor John Mariah Minerva Sarah Sarah Ann Thomas Walker William Copeland JamesP. Couch 1997 27 13 13 13 13 27 Mary Coward Simpson COVillrt John Cox Isaac 10 4 13 Crabtree 24 IJ 26 18 IJ 13 18 18 18 16 7 7 13 2 26 26 28 28 T.C. Cravens S.1O Crawford English Sybil F. William Crews Mrs. Helen Crolley Samuel Leroy 7 21 21 5 5 23 William 23 Cross Sarah 9 Uriah 7 Crossen 7 John Crosson Elizabeth 21 John 9,10 Crow Mahnla Aubrey (Adams) 17 Crowder W.H. See Crowley Martha "Patsy" 24 Cummings M.D. 18 13 -D- 18 13 6 21 21 21 21 21 21 27 21 21 9,21 18 Dacus Clarinda Elizabeth Dale 10 Anna 23 23 Daniel John M. Darneal 22 James 25 Davidson FemPoe Thomas Davis B. S. Benjamin Franklin Caroline E. Clara Aanah George W. HopeW. 22 7 18 25 24 24 24 30 Imogene Sawvell James James Wiley Jolm JoImM. Margaret Martin V. MaryJ Mike Selden Mings Seldon A Susan C. William C. Dawedy A.13 Day Isaac Reuben Deal Minnie May Deaton Elias Goodin Locke Destin/Austin? Jame. Dewberry Jimmie Dickedrson Joseph Dickens James Samuel DickC11lO!l Dea Joseph Wiley Dobbin. Bertha Lois Donnan MaryA Dortch Alex Mrs.R. Mrs. Rebecca Dortch & Co. Doster Odessa Lee Doty George B. GeorgeC. Douth.! W.W. Douthit W. W. Draper 23 13,24 24 24 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 21 23 5 5 5 13 22 26 13 13 26 26 26 4 4 24 13 13 !3 13 19 13 13 7 II AlonzoJ Charity Emiline Jolm P. Joseph Lydia A Mary J/lJle WilliamD. Ducl<worth B. W. Duncan G.I. George T. Dunn Sarah Duval Wanda Dveoport George 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 7 13 13 20 27 20 -EEason Felix Eddleman Jan Eddy James Mitchell Edwards Mary Ann Thomas Eldridge F. 7 RF. Elkins J.W. Samuel Ellen M. J. Smith Elliott George James Ellison Regin. Hines Estes L. D. W.L. Eubanks Frances Massey Evans E.;' Elizabeth Rachel William Eveland Delores Y. (Buell) Ewing J"mesH 13 6 6 25 25 Ruben Franklin Sarah William P. 6 27 27 -FFenne 30 Rudolph Ferguson Eli7.abelh Q.M. 21 II Fiar D.B. II Fielder \VilliaHl Fish Elisabdh Flud Bert Forrester Robert Foster 101m Fowler 14 27 26 II 14 9 9 AM A W. Frank:;; II Charles Frazier Jolm P. 23 Freeman 9 l.ara E. Fregly Terrance H. 23 25 i3 13 25 4 4 29 14 14 23 -GGains Ch.rles Claude George Mary Thomas Gardner W.L. Gamer II Jim 16 11 9 GaIT Margie Garret WilliamC. 21 Garret[ II Sandi Oalhir/Oa!her? William Esq. Gaylord William 23 27 27 27 27 27 27 24 14 28 14 14 Arkansas Family Historian-33 William J. Gentry Eliza 1.A. Giles WilliamB. Gilmer William Golden Dr. Wesley Good James W. Goodell 18 22 II 14, 19 18 22 19 17,21 Lois Gosnel 18 A. W. Goss 2 Joe Goulding J. 21 Gray 14,19 Francis G.14,19 Henry Green Annstead Daniel R. Greer Joshua Griffith Susan Lamb Guess Joseph Gustin William 14, 19 22 23 14, 19 27 27 27 25 -HHale David C. Jackson 14, 19 19 Hall Jackson Julia 14, 19 25 Hanauer L.ll HankIe Jesse Baltis Harbin Virginia Hardeway 27 4 14 E.M. 1. E. Harrison Antheni. Hancock Joseph Harvey Dr. S. Hasry John Hatcher Charles A Macks Hatsell p. p. Haver S. S. Heard Emily Clement Sarah Jane William WilliamH. Heflin C.D. Heidrich II 26 14 II 23 23 14 14 Mary Catherine 34 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 William B. Holder Charles Holland Cora 27 27 18 24 Benjamin H Samuel H. 14 14 14 27 27 27 27 14 14 9 Samuel S. Honeycut Thomas 14 Hood S. S. 14 Hornaday Isiah 22 House John B. Huard Walta Hubbard James Huben 14 27 14 James II Hendrixson Francis Caroline Eric 14 Henderson John William Martha Alpha 4 Holcomb 14 7 II II John Martha Hinkle Eliza Ellen 6 23 23 23 23 23 Henry Helterbrand Joseph Hines AIm Hinnon Lizzie Hogue, Sr. Hayes Elizabeth J. Thomas, n Joseph Levisa (Knapp) "Ibomas Holmes 25 Mary Webb Hicks Elizabeth Henry Higginbotham Joseph C. Hilderbrand Joseph 27 27 Holman Donna Heind Samuel Sarah Ann William Harris John Holeman 14, 19 22 14 Guthrie Jane Mrs. Rosalie Robert Jr. Gyannati Doris Cooper L. H. Hardin W.D. Harper T. J. 5 24 24 14 14 14 Joshua L. Huddleston Lewis Hudgens Ambrose Hufstedler Jacob Hughes JoJm II Hunter 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Huston 18 27 7,9 18 W.R. 7,9, II James 9 -1hnheden 1. H. John N. Ingram 7,9 II James P. Joseph W. P. II Isaacs James James L. 7 9 -J- Jester John Johnson Edward Fountain Aiken S.Ann Johnston Gregory James J. L. F. II 24 9 II 7,9 7,9, II 14 24 9 26 24 9 14 8, II 28 8, II Jones Branch Jane DrenC. 6 23 22 14 Silas Jones/James James Ruth R. 24 24 James William Keiffer Craig Keith John S. P.8 Penelope Kelly H.N. James Kelsey 30 30 Magdalene Kesterson Emily I. (Ernaline) Martha Della Kibler A.H. B.N. M. H. W.R. Kilcrease F.B. KillonlKillion James Julia Anne Killough Jolm R. King John Lucy Kirk G.W. Ki7.2ia W.N. Koapp James L. Koox Nancy Kuykendall JolmC. 30 27 27 8, 9 II 8, II 8 8, II 21 21 2J 27 6 21 9 Lamb Robert Marshall Lancaster Flossie (Williams) Langford J. B. Lawhon Josiah Thomas Lawrance Bryant R. 9, II Leach Jo Rene II 8, II Ledgerwood MarianC. William, Sr. Light G.W. George W. Lindley William Lipsmeyer Carolyn Oaks 14 18 23 22 14 23 14 14 8 30 Lislunan Wister Garfield Little Margie Byrd Livingston Patsy Looney Absolom S. II W.D. Lom)' Ann 21 6 20 8 8 25 Lumpkins William Luttrell J. H. May Lysinby II 8 II Melissa 27 27 -L- -KKeathley L. C. Keenan John Johnson Kerr Alexander Nathaniel John Jacob 14 14 14 14 Kershner 14 Gregory John W. Kenneth D., Sr. L. F. 9 James 7 7 Jackson Nathan William (Willie) James Isaac L. W.B. Jarrett H.C. Hannah Helen Kennedy David 23 -MManning C. H. Mansker John Marlet H. C. Marlow Luvina Marr Amy Marshall George A. R. Janice Martin James II 9 II 20 8,9 19 21 8,9, II Marvin 26 9, II Charles C. James C. 9 II Mathews 8 24 Matthews 14 E.Q. Robert Mays II 22 23 David McAlister 14 30 30 Mary "Polly" Webb McCarroll 5 Arkansas Family Hislorian-35 II Nancy McClure 23 Elizabeth McWhorter 23 Samuel Dupre 18 W.N. McCool 17 Frances C. (Adams) McCoy 8, 10, II John McCullook 14 John V. McCullough SUSllIl McDonald Lucretia McDougal W.c. McElrath AF. McGinty Patty McLein Emily D. (Thompson) Samuel Silas McLane Bobbie Jones Samuel McMindes Helen McNamaraIMcNamee RW.,Dr. McNamee William P, Dr. Meers Francis Murphy Rev. William Merritt Eliz. Jane (Adams) Milbown FrankW. Georgia JohnW. MaryE Mrs. George (Margaret) Miller Isaac Mills JohnA. Minvol? Joseph Milchel John Mitchell Hiram J. C. James !O 21 22 11 23 19 10, II 19 John C. Lillie Mae (Smith) Mock F. M. Louisa RB. Moore Alfred B. Catherine F. T. Frederick James Estes James Sanford LeathnA Manerva Martha A MiraR SamhA Morgan John Morris Lois Mitchell Muns BOIUlie Orr Murphy G.W 28 8 20 14 14 Natale Ruth Nations Thomas Nesler 17 24 24 24 24 24 14 14 14 8 11 11 12 Nevills Newman Jonathan Andrew Nichols Isaac M, (Ike) Samuel Joseph Sarah (Richardson) Sarah Richardson Nix Jasper Nolan John B. Noman MarthnE. Norman David W. J. R Saral! (Gay) Northcutt Mildred Nowlin Thomas 36 Volume 35, Number I, March, 1997 Nut! Benjamin 10 8 20 20 16 8, 10,12 20 25 20 20 20 20 20 14 4 26 9 16 8,10,12 14 -0- 10 -N- Benjamin 23 23 10 4 O'Bryant Isaac Oak. R.A RA Oglesby Sarah (Sallie) Olson Marie Kennan Or Eliza Ann Orr Catherine Duvid Elhandon Elize P. John Joseph Robt William Ouvry Gloria L Overman William Overton Moses Norman Owens 22 27 4,27 27 4 14 27 27 27 12 27 25 20 10 8 24 6 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 14 14 12 18 14 Owen. 14 14 14 W.C. -pPage Carolyn Crolley Charles Jacob Vincent Palmer Ben,IL Benjamin Franklin Jesse Solomon Park Mary Bryanl Parker Martha Davis ThomasA Uriah W. P. William B. Parks 23 14 14 14 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 18 14 14 John H. Parnell John Payne B. F. 14 8,10,12 Peal Pearson Dave Docia Emily Jesae Allen Mary Elizabeth Harrison Sarah Calhrine Zadie Pendergrass Anna Della George Waller Velma Evalin. (Williams) Perkins J. H. Peterson Kay Walker Pevey Mary Phillips Clara Ann Brees DeIcE. Isaac JohnB. RJ. Ralph Piland B. Leona C. H. C. H. 17 22 22 22 23 23 22 22 26 26 26 26 S 12 22 24 4 4 14 14 14 14 17 8 10 H.12 PluirlPlaycr Mary Samuel Plott C. P. Culpepper Elias Francis Guard Elias Poke WilliamH. Pope J.A Posey Laurel L. MOluning Jane Sarah Rainwater 25 25 10, 12 8 10,12 8,10 8 8 10 25 25 25 Warren POlls 1. H. Price Ez.hal Prinz Wanda Baker Pritchett RussC. Purcell James K. Purnell John Pyle Gamaliel A 25 14 12 13 23 6 14 20 -RRaines HenryG. Jo",'ph Martha Ron Rains James Ralling/Rollings Effie Ramsey 27 27 27 27 14 19 14 18 14 25 25 14 14 14 14 25 25 18 Cora Ann David F. Davis. T. Henry J. Hiram JacohH. James W. T.B. Rollings George F, 19 Sarah E. Roper Roddy L. Ross Andy Angus William Rounsaville Maey 19 24 15 15 15 15 Ro\.VTl/Browl1 Robin Roy 15 L.L. 15 22 14 Ruhler Dona Rusell 22 Tf 8 15 Russel E.M. 15 AI4 Alisoo Ratcliff Zackariah N. Rathliff William Ray Susannah Reed Diane W.J. Reisner Nena Rettig Martin Reynolds Elijah Hiram Rice Ezekial William L. Rich DanM. Richards Bobbie Richardson Jesse Clinton Martha Ann Baker Richmond A.W. Riley George W. Roberson Joseph Robertson Molsey Rogers 14 25 James 27 18 H. F. IS Thomas C. 15 26 Russell 25 James L. Martha Elizabeth Ryan Mary R. 12 James 14 14 8, 10 10 24 23 -5- 8 Salkll Eli Sm'nlern? Peters? Samuels 15 19 I. L. 15 19 Sanders Ed 2 8 4 15 Arkansas F.n"i1vHistorian·37 Margaret Jane Savage Elizabeth (Bellazora) 21 Saxton Irwin Schmick Casper Scoggin N.M. SeabomlSeabum William 12 8,10 15 26 Sexton Benny H. Shadick 15 Samuel 15 Shadock Burrel Shall DavidC. Sheets James Susan Elizabeth SheflinlHeflin C.D. Shephard Hiram 15 15 27 27 Gideon Soloman ThomasA. W.S. William S. Smithwick J. 1. Solomon Lola Elizabeth Smith MarvinE. William D, M.D Soples James Sowell 24 G. W. Mary 15 Mrs. Geneva 8 Joseph Samuel William Spurling 15 15 15 15 15 Benjamin Stein Jesse 12 8,10 15 IS 12 12 12 15 25 15 26 18 26 15 IS 26 12 8,10 12 26 26 26 12 Stephens Hartzell Oscar 12 'Thomason James lbompson PH 8 18 18 Freeland Tom Stiles Nathan Still John Thomas Stubblefield Fielding M.L. Michael Stunly Benjamin Thomas Summerhill F. 17 J. 17 Joanah Eliz. (Adams) Mary M. (Adams) Sutherton L.B. Swafford Jane JeatUlette Swanson Henry Marvin Henry Walker Edna M. F. R. JamesR. L. F. LoisR, Nancy 1. Neal 15 SewardC. Sue Mercer 22 22 Vera Gladys 8, 10, 12 8 10 15 15 Vivian B. 8 22 22 22 12 8,19 19 22 19 22 22 6 22 22 6 Todd Nell McKay 24 Tombs Mrs. Bill F. Trusly 15 Tulk William Henry 25 22 Tumer Alice William Eliz. Evey Franklin George Harrison Hiram Ida James 4 15 15 17 17 Taylor 15 15 15 Tiso Alice Edmwld 23 23 23 15 Tinker ED Tranunell David -T- 38 Volume 35, Number 1, March, 1997 & Allen Byron A CoraE. 6 18 LukeT. Stewart David John TIlomas Green 15 15 Tester Dr. P.H. Spurlock J.A. Spursen (Spear?) 15 26 4 15 F.15 T. 15 5 Stevens 15 Wm.L Terry Comelias Benjamin Benjamin, Sr. Patricia Shockley Shoemaker John A Sight G.W. Skinner W.L. Sloan H.W. J. H. Smith AM. Casper Sylvester Dr. William EmmaL. John Ruth Margaret Samuel G. Spake Samuel Sparkman W.e. Spear Liley IS 21 21 26 6 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Malinda Manervy Mary Myrtle Oretha Nichols Samuel Sarah Ti1manPinkney Turpin Thomas Tyson Paul 23 23 20,23 23 4,27 23 23 23 22 24 -uUlmer John Wesley 27 William L. Watson Alexander AmandaC. B.B. ElivaM. Frederick W. D. James S. James W John T. MargaretE. Mary F. Mortan 1. William William W. Wimberly Frederick Vaught Mary Jane Vickers Eli Joan GreenH Jonathan Thomas Jules H WalterB. Wallace Jonathan Walton William Warren Braxgton Edgmon Cecil J., Jr. Eighter (Ada?) Francis GarryW. Joseph L. MarionD. Mary AnnA. Massilla A. Sarah D. 13 20 20 20 20 20 12 20 20 15 Webster 22 15 4 -wWafford Jane Waldrup Margaret Parker Walker 20 20 15 20 20 Watts Presley -v- 25 25 25 15 21 22 21 15 15 26 27 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Jennette Ida Wells George Hugh Hutchinson IvyH. John Wesson E. B. William Whitaker John F. While Isaac Jesse M. William Whited AnnA. Whitehead G.W. Whiteside Pamela PenneHa Whitesides Permelia Whitley Sara Jane Qualls WilbWll James R. Wilcox Robert 1. Wiliams Marcie Wilkins 21 Martha Sarah L. Willis K. Wilkinson Charles Williams Archibald Charlotte James (Jim) Margaret S. Nancy Sterling Thomas Willis Nicholas Wilson A. F. David James C. John Richard 21 21 21 4 26 24 26 26 20 15 12 24 18 15 9 26 WiSSOll 12 12 12 12 8,12 15 15 15 18 20 8, 10 E. B. Wood Churles 15 Jeminll.l 27 4 Woolum William Worley Robert W Wrenfrow John D. Wright Barbara Willis Wyatt J. 1. 15 26 12 6 6 12 22 -y- 8 12 8 10 26 20 15 Yancy Anny Yeager Ahner Yeargin Jobn Yeargnn Balam Young Carol A. JesseT. William 22 15 15 15 4 26 9,12 26 Arkansas Family Historian-39 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY INVITES YOU TO REGISTER FOR THE 1997 FALL SEMINAR When? October 3 & 4, 1997 Where? Little Rock, Arkansas at the Holiday Inn - Airport-East, Take 1-440, Exit 3 (Airport Exit) What's Happening? Friday evening, October 3,1997, 6-7 p,m, REGISTRATION & 6 to 9:30 p.m. BOOK FAIR Classes 7 to 9 p,m, Chose ONE (seating is limited): I, African-American Research by Mary Hall 2, Native American Research by Russell p, Baker 3. Using Census Records - For Beginners & Beyond by Jan Eddleman 4. Using Computer Mapping Programs in Tracing Land Records by Bill Hilles Sm.urday, October 4, 1997 8: 15 to 9: 15 9:15 9:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:00 1 LOO to 12.00. 12:00/0 1:30 I :30 to 2:30 2:30 to 3:00 3:00 to 4:00 REGISTRATION & BOOK FAIR Welcome & Speaker Introduction, Christine Rose, e.G., e.G.L., F.A.S.G., nationally prominent speaker will present four lectures: I, Succes~ul Courthouse Research "Breaktime -- browse the book vendors 2, A GoIdmine! "Lunch •• Drawing for Door Prizes, browse the vendors, & ~isit, AGS Board will meet at 1:00, 3, Too Young/or the Revolution, Too Old/or the Civil War· Mill1.ary Records Between these Wars *Breaktime - last chance at the book vendors 4, Using Lillie Known and NegleCf;!d Sources: A Potpourri WHAT DOES IT COST? $35.00 $30.00 $ 5,00 $45,00 $40.00 $10,00 Registering befo,. September 16, 1997 Attendance at a Friday night lecture and all day Saturday (this includes buffet lunch Saturday) Attending Saturday lectures only (includes buffet lunch) Attending Friday night lecture only. Registering after September 26, 1997 Attendance at a Friday night lecture and all day Saturday, (includes bllilet lunch Saturday) Attending Saturday lectures only (includes lunch) Attending Friday night lecture only. ----------~---------------------------.------------------------------.~------------------------------------------- Mall to: AGS FALL SEMINAR, P. O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 Enclosed Is my check In the amount of , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thl.paym.nll.'.... ( )EHTlRECONFERENCE ( ) SATURDAY ONLY { IFRIDAYNIGHTONLY Pleaae reglste' m.lo, Ctua # _ _ f .... F,lday Night. ( l ___ re"- .tamped """"lope encl_ 10' return of receipt f .... reglsll'8llon. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'Phon&# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Add~s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ CltylSlalelZip_ _ _ _ __ ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS: AII ....Ion. will be all"" Holiday Inn·Alrport. 1400 and AlI"pOf'I _.In Uttle Rode: (Ie",. . I""" I"" Uttla Rode: AIrport. Conleranee ...._ .... nla will _ . a _Ial room rat. 01 $49 all"" Holiday Inn .1!JcpreU ond $59 at tbe Holiday Inn. Btl __ It> ADS _/if_king your _tltinll. Call 1·501_1000. Act .oon to be 010 room .1 thla rat•• The S.lurday 8ullet Lunch will Include two m..... an .s.ortment of Yegg'" and aaJada. de••ert and drink. /If"""",, FOR MORE SEMINAR INFORMAnON CONTACT: Lynde SuIfrIdge. S.mlnar Chairman, 3801 Caraway Ct., North Uttl. RocJc, Aft 72116-3575. P _ (501) 771·1012 or FAX (501) 771-0231 BOOK FAIR: Space will be vendoro "1_1_loglcal .oel....... wI.hlng 10 .xhlbll or nil lIen_logle.1 book. Ind .uppl ...... Contact JAN DAVENPORT. 1 CINNAMON RD •• NORTH IJTI1..£ ROCK. AR 72120. Work Phone: 1182_. Spac. I. limited .0 act lOOn. No WIIdor may ....rtlclpat. in thl. lair un..... praregloterad. ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS: Christine Rose, C G" C. GL, FA.$. G, is a resident ofSon Jose, California. She is a full-time professional genealogist with thirty-jive years experience, is a Certified Genealogist, certified Genealogical Lecturer, and Fellow. American Society of Genealogists. She is a lecturer at Samford University's institute of Genealogical and Historical Research in Birmingham, Alabama; at the Nalionalinstllute for Genealogical Research in Washington, D. C: and at numerous national and regional conferences and workshops. Mrs. Rose is a columnist for the Forum and author ~rtwo hooks on the Rose family, one of which won the prestigious Donal Lines Jacobus award in 1987. She is the compiler a/published genealogies, guidebooks, and articles. She is currently serving as Vice-President 0/ the Association 0/ Profossional Genealogists: is posl Director of Ihe Federation of Genealogical Societies; is a member of numerous Societies. Her specialty is on-the-spot courthouse (almost 500 courthouses to date) and archival research throughout the United States. Mary Faye Webb-Hall, was born in North Little Rock, Arkansas, on Septemher 5, 194ito the late Mr, Rudolph C and Mrs. Mable Edwards-Webb, She has been married to George Hall, Sr, for 39 years. They h(1Ve four sons: Michael, George, Jr., Eric, and Mark lioll. MarY is the proud grandmother of8. Mary is a graduate a[Scipio.4. Jones High School afNarlh Lillie Rock, She attended the University ~r.4rkansas at Lillie Rock where she majored in Psychology. She is a retired employee of the Veterans Administration where she was a Requirement Analyst, on officer ofAFGE and the del.eloper ofan African American Employee Relations group. She is currently a Board member ofCRfI & Associates ofPortland, Oregon. Mary's hobbies are Genealogy Research, travel, and reading, She is a member ofEighth Street Baptist Church, Scipio A, Jones High School Alumni Association, and is active in the activilies of Iter graduating class ofJones High School. Russell Baker. archivisl, author, lecturer, and historian, has been employed by the Arkansas Hislory Commission since 1970 where he is assistant to the director. He has a BA in History from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and an U4 in Public History from UALR. ProfeSSional memberships include Society of American Archivists and Ihe Academy ofCerlified Archivists. H,s publications include Marriages and Obituaries from the Tennessee Baptist.1844-l862. Arkansas Township Atlas, From Memdog to Norsk: A Historical Diree10ry of Arkan...,s Post Offices, 1832-1971, and Guide to Microfilmed County Records at the Arkansas History Commission~ He has contributed two articles to Ihe Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, Jan Eddleman. was born in DeSha, independence (ounty, Arkansas, where her ancestors first seltled in Arkansas in Ihe 1850's [also in Stone, izard, & Clebume Counties). She has taughl history for 30 years at Southside High School in Ft. Smith. In 1996 she won the Dale Bumpers Civil War Roundlable Award. She was the first winner oflhe Atkinson Awardfor Excellence in Teaching Arkansas History. Jon has been doing genealogy &family history research for 40 years. She is a Past-Presidenl ofthe Arkansas Genealogical Society and is currently serving as Historian. Jan is also now serving as Regent of the Ft. Smith DAR, She has taught genealogy classes at Carroll Albert Jr, College in Poteau. OK For 15 years, Jan was editor of Frontier Research. She has served as editor of The Journal of the Ft. Smith Historical SOCiety. She has had arlicles published in The Ja/lrna~ The Arkansas Family Historian, Bits & Bark, Frontier Re.fearch and numerous other genealogical and historical publications, William C. Hilles was born in Columbus, Ohio, but grew up in Bethesda. Maryland. He received both his BA and U4 from Duke University. He is Associate Dean for Administration 01 the ,University afArkansas School of Medicine, He joined the UA staffnine years ago, and with his latest aSSignment has served medical education and research enterprisesfar more than thirty-give years -- medical schools at Rutgers (now Robert Wood Johnson), New York Medical, Johns Hopkins. Georgetown. and several years with the Association of American Medical Colleges in Washington, DC Mr, Hilles has enjoyed his genealogical hobby since his college days, This interest has intensijied since the practical application ofcomputers to genealogical research occurred a decade ago. His most recent special interest is land research and the graphic presentation of the outcome of that research in his ownfaml(V's genealogicaljifes. NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES WITH BOOKS FOR SALE: We invite you to sell your books at the ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY FALL SEMINAR 1997 Friday & Saturday, October 3 & 4, 1997 Little Rock Holiday Inn - Airport Please notifY: Mrs. Jan Davenport I Cinnamon Road North Little Rock, AR 72120 Phone: wk (SOl) 682-6900 Email: Book Sellers must be registered for the Seminar. Table sharing is pennitted. For more details about the Seminar, see the attached Registration Fonn. Special Note to Societies: There will be a 'freebie' table at the Seminar and if you would like to send or bring flyers or leaflets about your organization for free distribution, we encourage you to do so. You may mail them in advance to Mrs. Davenport. SEE YOU OCTOBER 3 1 MAlL TO: AGS Seminar Vendors, % Mrs. Jan Davenport 1 Cinnamon Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72120 I would like to reserve tables for tbe Fall 1997 AGS Seminar. Enclosed is my cbeck in tbe amount of $ for tbe Seminar. (Tables will be reserved only if Vendor is registered for the conference) NAME_______________________________________________ ADDRESS._____________________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP_______________________________________ PHONE