RTI in GSHRC - Human Rights Commission
RTI in GSHRC - Human Rights Commission
The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Information Booklet The Right to Information Act, 2005. As on 20-03-2015 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Near Town Hall, Sector-17, Gandhinagar-382017. I PREFACE There are many measures taken by the Government for Administrative Reforms, after adopting free economy policies since 1991. The most important measures for a common man taken were to empower him against the vested groups. These major Administrative Reforms are the enactments of "Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993", the " Right to Information Act, 2005", "Consumer Protection Act,2000", "Employment Guarantee Act, 2005" and empowering the Panchayati Raj institutes and the Competition law, 1998. These measures work for more effective inclusive democratic system as well as empower common man to fight for his rightful role in our democratic governance. The protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 provides protection of the human rights of life, liberty, equality and dignity of fundamental rights for common man against the powerful vested groups, it liberates him from their harassment. The inclusive development and democracy cannot work without investment and empowerment of the common man particularly the weaker sections like women and children, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes physically and mentally disable person, bonded labours and minorities. While Right to Information Act brings the desired level of transparency in the system, the Protection of Human Rights provides him liberty, safety, equality and dignity. There is a long way before we achieve desired level of results. There are many violations of Human Rights of under trials in jails, poor living conditions. Female feticide, dowry, discrimination against minorities, S.Cs, S.Ts and physically and mentally disable persons. Their empowerment is needed mostly to ensure a more secure and dignified life and control on the administrative encouragement to the antisocial elements in society. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission started working since 12-9-2006 to provide public a very transparent system of speedy justice to a common man at a minimal cost. The required literature for public use and transparent functioning will go to a long way to establish a rule of law with human face. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission is the only one office in the whole state at Gandhinagar; it has no independent District or regional office but makes use of the Government machinery of the departments. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission being a quasi judicial authority with a former Chief Justice as its Chairperson to guide, who enjoyed the status of a having powers of court to call any person for fair inquiry. We are working for providing requisite literature for empowerment of common man. If any information is not covered in the booklet a person can seek required information, by payment Rs. 20. We care in this exhaustive information on the work of the Commission. Moreover, we are open for any suggestion and guidance to improve it. The Commission has declared the Section Officer as a Assistant Public Information Officer, Under Secretary as Information Officer, and the Deputy Secretary as a Appellate Officer if his requirement is not satisfied at that stage. In our present working, applicant is immediately acknowledged receiving his application. As per severity and gravity of the situation, the required action is proposed which is approved at the level of the Secretary to the Commission. Many times the views and status reports are called for from the concerned competent authorities. The Commission takes a practical and realistic view after taking all facts of the circumstances of the issue. The formal case is registered after seeing that case is fit for such trial. The Secretary is authorized to take certain routine decision as a CEO of the GHRC. However the guidance of the Commission is always solicited where legal issues are complicate and formal orders are issued. We hope the people will find this information useful and handy for dealing complicated violation of Human Rights. Date : 20-03-2015 Sd/(N.P.Thakar, IAS) Secretary Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Gandhinagar II CONTENTS Manual No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Subject Right to Information. Details, functions and duties of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. Organization of the Commission and Powers and duties of officers and employees Procedure to be followed in decision making process. Norms prescribed for work. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and records for carrying out works. Categories of documents with public organization (State Commission) or the persons under its control). Consultation with the members of public for policy making or arrangement for their representation. Board, Council, Committees and Other Organization Names and Telephone numbers of officers and staff Monthly remuneration of officers and staff Information of details of budget for various activities under various schemes being implemented by the office. Manner of execution of subsidy programme Details of relief, permit or authorization. Information available as electronic, media Details of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information The Names and other particulars of the Public Information Officer Miscellaneous Orders, Circulars relating to public authority Citizen Charter Notification Regarding Human Rights Courts Notifications of GSHRC III Page No. 1 3 6 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 41 43 44 Right to Information 1. Definitions Definition of some important terms and expressions used in the Right to Information Act, 2005 are as under; (A) “appropriate Government” means 1) In relation to a public authority which is established, constituted, owned, controlled or substantially financed by funds provided directly or indirectly 2) By the Central Government or the union territory administration the Central Government. 3) By the State Government, the State Government. (B) “Central Information Commission” means the Central Information Commission constituted under sub-section (1) of section 12; (C) “Central Public Information Commission” means the Central Public Information Officer designated as such under sub-section (2) of section 5; (D) “Chief Information Commissioner” and Information Commissioner” mean the Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioner appointed under subSection(3) of 12; (E) “competent authority” means (i) The Speaker in the case of the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly of (ii) (iii) (iv) a State or Union Territory having such Assembly and the Chairman in the case of the Council of States of a Legislative Council of States; The Chief Justice of India in the case of Supreme Court. The Chief Justice of the High Court in the case of High Court. The President or the Governor, as the case may be, in the case of other authorities Established or constituted by or under the Constitution. The administrator appointed under Article 239 of the Constitution. (v) (F) “Information” means any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, E-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force. (G) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the appropriate Government or the competent authority, as the case may be’ (H) ‘Public authority’ means any authority or body on institution of self Government established or constituted. 1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (ii) (iii) (I) “records” includes (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (J) By or under Constitution. By any other law made by parliament. By any other law made by State Legislative. By notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government, and includes any, Body owned, controlled or substantially financed. Non-Government Organization substantially financed. Directly or indirectly by the appropriate Government. Any documents, manuscript and file. Any micro films, micro fiche and facsimile copy of a document. Any reproduction of image or images embodied in such micro film (whether Enlarged or not); Any other material produced by a computer or any other device. “Right to Information” means the right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Inspection of work, documents, records. Taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records. Taking certified samples of materials Obtaining information in the form of diskettes floppies, tapes, video, cassettes or any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device. (K) “State Information Commissioner” means the State Information Commission constituted under sub-section (1) of section-15. (L) “State Chief Information Commissioner” and “Information Commissioner” means the “State Chief Information Commissioner” and the State Information Commissioner Appointed under sub-section (3) of section-15. (M) “State Public Information Officer” means the State Public Information Officer Designated under sub-section (1) and includes a State Assistant Public Information Commissioner designated as such under sub section (2) of section-5. “Third Party” means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority. 2 Manual No.1 Details, functions, and duties of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Aims/objectives of the State Commission The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has been constituted under the Government Home Department Notification No.GG/52/2006/HRC/1094/ GOI-I (Part- 2) IV Dtd.12/7/2006. As mentioned in section 21(5) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, it require to look into violation of human rights in respect of matters related to only of the entries enumerated in List-II (State List) and List-III (Concurrent List) in the seventh schedule to the article of the Constitution, but the commission shall not inquire into any matter which is pending before a State Commission or any other commission duly constituted under any law for the time being in force [Section-36(1)]. On Constitution of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, the State Commission have started functioning from 12th September, 2006. Functions and powers of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. 1. Functions: The State Commission shall perform all or any of the following functions namely (Section-12). (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Inquire, suo motto or any petition presented to it by a victim or any person on his Behalf or on a direction or order of any court, into complaint of violation of human rights or abetment thereof, or Negligence in the prevention of such violation, by a public servant. Intervene in any proceeding involving any allegation of violation of human rights Pending before a court with the approval of such court. Visit, not withstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in Force, any jail or other institution under the control of the State Government, Where persons are detained or lodged for purposes of treatment reformation or protection for the study of the living conditions of the inmates thereof and make recommendations thereon to the Government. Review the safeguards provided by or under the Constitution or any law for the Time being in force for the protection of human rights and recommended Measures for their effective implementation. Review the factors, including acts of terrorism that inhabit the enjoyment of human rights and recommended appropriate remedial measures. Study treaties and other international instruments on human rights and Make recommendations for effective implementation. Undertake and promote research in the field of human rights. Spread human rights literacy among various sections of society and promote awareness of the safeguards available for the protection of these rights through publications, the media seminars and other available means. Encourage the efforts of non-governmental organizations and institutions working in the field of human rights. Such other functions as it may consider necessary for the protection of human rights. 3 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. Powers related to inquires: The State Commission have the following powers under Section-13. The commission shall, while inquiring into complaints under the Act Have all powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in particular in respect of the following matters, Namely: Summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining Team on oath; Discovery and production of any document; Receiving evidence on affidavits; Requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court or office; issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; any other matter which may be prescribed. The Commission shall have power to require any person, subject to any privilege which may be claimed by that person under any law for the time being in force, to furnish information on such points or matters as, in the opinion of the Commission, may be useful for, or relevant to, the subject matter of the inquiry and any person so required shall be deemed to be legally bound to furnish such information within the meaning of section 176 and section 177 of the Indian Penal Code. The Commission or any other officer, not below the rank of a Gazetted Officer, specially authorized in this behalf by the Commission may enter any building or place where the Commission has reason to believe that any document relating to the subject matter of the inquiry may be found, and any seize any such document or take extracts or copies there from subject to the provisions of section 100 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in so far as it may be applicable. The Commission shall be deemed to be a civil court and when any offence as is described in section 175, section 178, section 179, section 180 or section 228 of the Indian Penal Code is committed in the view or presence of the Commission, the Commission may, after recording the facts constituting the offence and the statement of the accused as provided for in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, forward the case to a Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the same and Magistrate to whom any such case is forwarded shall proceed to hear the complaint against the accused as if the case has been forwarded to him under section 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Every proceeding before the Commission shall be deemed to the a judicial proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228, and for the purposes of section 196 of the Indian Penal Code, and the Commission shall be deemed to be a civil court for all the purposes of section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Where the Commission considers it necessary or expedient so to do, it may by order, transfer any complaint filed or pending before it to the State Commission of the State from which the complaint arises, for disposal in accordance with the provisions of this Act; Provided that no such complaint shall be transferred unless the same is one respecting which the State Commission has jurisdiction to entertain the same. Every complaint transferred under sub-section (6) shall be dealt with and disposed of the State Commission as if it were a complaint initially filed before it. Exception : 36(2) The Commission or the State Commission shall not inquire into any matter after the expiry of one year from the date on which the act constituting of human rights is alleged to have been committed. 4 Mission of the State Commission (foresightedness and definitions) (A) Foresightedness and History. “International Covenants” are made in respect of human rights. Accordingly which include International covenants on civil and political rights and International covenant on economic social and cultural rights adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations on the 16th December, 1966 [(Section 2(1)(F)] of the Act. (B) Definitions : Definitions of the important matters included and words in human rights and some definitions mentioned in section-2 of the Human Rights Act, 1993. (a) “armed forces” means the naval, military and air forces and includes any other armed forces of the Union; (b) “Chairperson” means the chair person of the commission or of the State Commission, as the case may be, (c) “Commission” means the National Human Rights Commission under section 3; (d) “Human Rights” means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution embodied in the International covenants and enforceable by courts in India. (e) “Human Rights Court” means the Human Rights Court specified under section 30; (f) “International Covenants” means the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant of Economic, Social and Culture rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the 16th December, 1966 (and such other Covenant or Convention adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the Central Government may, by notification, specify”); (g) “Member” means a Member of the Commission or of the State Commission as the case may be; (h) “National Commission for Minorities” means the National Commission for Minorities constituted under section 3 of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992; (i) “National Commission for the Scheduled Castes” means the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes referred to in Article 338 of the Constitution. (j) “National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes” means the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes referred to in Article 338 A of the Constitution. (k) “National Commission for Women” means the National Commission for Women constituted under section 3 of the National Commission for Women Act, 1990; (l) "National Commission for Protection of Child Rights" (m) “Notification” means a notification published in the official Gazette; (n) “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (o) “Public Servant” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 21 of the Indian Penal Code; (p) “State Commission” means a State Human Rights Commission constituted under Section-21. (q) Rules and Regulations means the “Rules” and “Regulations” framed by the State Government under section-41 of the Act and should take the meaning of the Regulations framed by the State Commission under section 10(2) of the Act. The interpretation of the terms which are not made in the rules-regulations shall be construed as mentioned in the law or the interpretations that may be purporting thereby. 5 Manual – 2 Organization of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Chairperson Member Member Secretary Registrar (Law) Joint Secretary Law Officer Under Secretary Librarian Section Officer Addl. Director General of Police Deputy Superintendent of Police Police Inspector Account Officer Police Sub Inspector Deputy Section Officers, Accountant/ Dy. Accountant Other Class-III & IV Police Constable Programmes of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission: Besides the work of applicants/complaints, the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission shall perform functions relating to promotion of human rights activities, programmes relating to that, seminar, media publications, popular association services and to take and extend coooperation relating to human rights (NGO) etc. The State Commission shall publish its own reports mentioned in its relevant laws/rules/regulations. The commission shall obtain suggestions complaints within the limits of law, rules and regulations for excellent observance of human rights in the state and shall make efforts/recommendations/action for the solution thereof. Time of the office of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission times will be same as fixed by the Gujarat State officials in Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar as per time declared by the Stat Government at Sachivalaya level. Time of office hours: 10:30 hrs. in the morning. Time of closing hours: 18:10 hrs. in the evening. Recess time will be from 2.00 to 2.30 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has its State level office only at Gandhinagar. It does not have any other independent field office but it operates through the concerned Government Departments/Public Agencies according to the provision of POHR Act, 1993. 6 Powers and Duties of the Officers are as under. 1. Secretary to the State Commission. Part-I : Administrative Powers: 1. The secretary to the State Commission is the Chief Executive Officer of the State Commission. 2. Functions entrusted by the Hon’ble Chairperson and, the State Commission and all administrative powers that may be required for the effective functioning of the commission. 3. The actions on the reports and drafts recommendations made by the State Commission. 4. Annual planning, preparation of budget, new items relating to the office of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. 5. In pursuance of the decisions taken by the State Commission, preparation of the select list with regard to class-I and class-II officers, as the case may be, under the control of the Commission, proposals of rules of departmental examinations, permission to appear in departmental examinations in special case, matters relating to relaxation in rules of departmental examination, cases relating to disciplinary action, cases relating to vigilance commission etc. 6. Cases of leaves, leave travel concession, motor car, house advances and temporary and final withdrawal of funds from the employees general provident fund. No objection certificate for passport, applications for appointment on outside posts, maintenance of seniority list, cases of giving deemed date, making the appointments, pay fixation, making the deriving candidates permanent on the sanctioned posts, permission of crossing efficiency bar in respect of class-I officers and class-II under the control of the State Commission. 7. Subject to the conditions prescribed by State Government, to give permission to air travel to the employees, officers of the State Commission who are not eligible for air travel, to give permission to employees to travel outside of the State for office work. 8. All powers of all kinds of disciplinary actions for relation of disciplinary and of all the employees of the Commission except those who are on deputation from other offices. 9. Change in birth-date resulting from error by the office in service books, change in the native place in respect of staff members of the Commission except there on deputation. 10. Cases relating to review for continuing the gazetted officers under control of the State Commission service at the age of 50-55 years, representations against the adverse remarks in confidential reports. 11. Action regarding the cases of suspension of the officers of the State Commission subject to the existing directions of the General Administrative Department. 12. Proposals of making the posts permanent in the State Commission, proposals of giving compassionate appointment in the State Commission. Part – II : Financial Powers : 1. As per existing orders, financial powers of making recurring expenditure and non recurring expenditure vested in Principal Secretary to Government of Gujarat as Head of Department. 2. To sanction as a special case, part final withdrawal from the provident fund to Class-II officers of the State Commission. 3. To purchase furniture for new office or expansion of the existing office of the State Commission. 7 4. Cases of higher pay scale of the gazetted officers of the department of the State Commission. 5. As per sanction of State Government policy the purchase of new staff car, vehicles for the office of the State Commission. 6. Sanctioning of house building advance to the employees of the office of the State Commission as per State Government policies. Part – III : Powers delegated to Secretary by the Commission. : 1. 2. 3. (1) (2) (3) (4) All matters related to interpretations of Acts, Rules/Regulations, and Circulars which are being administered by the State Commission. The following powers shall be exercised and work shall be carried out subject to the provisions made for the State Commission in the Protection Human Rights Act, 1993. The appointment of Secretary in the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission is made by the Government of Gujarat under Section 27(1)(A) of the of Protection Human Rights Act, 1993. And in this way the Secretary shall, as stated in the Resolution dated 7th September,2010 of the State Commission, undertake functions as the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission and do all work allotted by the State Commission. Moreover Shri P. N. patel, IAS has been appointed as the Secretary under the State Government Notification, General Administration Department dated 6th September, 2010, and these powers are delegated to him. Under Resolution of the State Commission dated 7th September, 2010, other administrative, technical and scientific powers, powers of appointment of establishment of the State Commission are delegated to the Secretary of the commission. On appointment of Secretary to the State Commission under section 27(1) of the Act, the State Commission has delegated the following powers under Resolution No. of the State Commission dated 7th September, 2010 In order that the administrative and financial functions of the State Commission are undertaken easily all administrative and financial powers of the State Commission are delegated to Shri P. N. patel, IAS Secretary as a Head of the Department. Powers under Sections 9, 10,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18 read with sections 29 of the Act, delegated by the Hon’ble Chairperson, as well as the Hon’ble Member of the State Commission if as a civil court. Shri Shri P. N. patel, IAS Secretary is authorized to enter into correspondence on behalf of the State Commission with National Human Rights Commission, Government of India, and Government of Gujarat and with all authorities concerned in connection with the activities and functions of the State Commission. To make efforts for effective implementation and disposal of the cases of violations of Human Rights by the specified District Human Rights Courts in each district u/s 30 and the active role of the Special Public Prosecutor/Advocates appointed u/s 31 of Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 in each District Human Rights Courts. 2. Additional Director General of Police Administrative powers, duties and functions. 1. As per provision of the Protection Human Right Act, 1993, according to Resolution No. of the Gujarat State Human Right Commission dated 7th September, 2010, as per section 27(1)(b) of the Act, under Government Notification, Home Department dated 31-8-2010 8 as Shri S. K. Saikia IPS is appointed as an Additional Director General of Police in the State Commission and he has joined the service of the State Commission from 7th September, 2010, Shri S. K. Saikia has been authorized to exercise powers of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. investigation and to perform functions so that the work may be carried out taking services of the police officers and police establishment appointed in the commission. To do such other ancillary work with the Hon’ble Chairperson and Hon’ble Members and the Secretary of the State Commission. To provide assistance and guidance in the work so that actions are taken in time on omplaints, applications being received in the State Commission and the same are properly disposed of. The Additional Director General of Police of the State Commission is authorized to secure necessary co-operation from the State Police Organization for carrying out the work of investigation of the State Commission as per Resolution No. 15 Notification dated 7th September, 2010 To exercise all powers and perform duties, which are relevant to the function of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission delegated to the Additional Director General of Police in the police organization of the State Government. Necessary investigation, advice, co-operation and guidance required by the State Human Rights Commission in criminal cases of special and serious nature. Necessary co-operation and guidance to administrative and legal wing of the State Commission. To entrust of work and duties to the police establishment allotted to the State Commission for undertaking various functions of the State Commission. Work relating to the judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, Hon’ble High Court, relating to human rights and the work relating to instructions of the National Human Rights Commission. 3. Deputy Secretary to the State Commission Administrative powers and duties: 1. Deputy Secretary is the controlling officer of the office of the State Commission. 2. Establishment matters of all non-gazetted employees, their pension cases higher pay scales he centenaries after securing approval of the Secretary to Commission. 3. He us dealing with the establishment issues such as Promotions, appointments, transfer leaves, efficiency bar, of non-gazetted employees and has power to sanction leaves, charge allowance as per Rules & Requirements of the Commission. 4. Dealing with all Court cases in the matters relating to the Establishment of the State Commission. 5. Disciplinary actions against class-III and class-IV employees. 6. After approval of Secretary for study, to send pension papers, sanction to final withdrawal from the GPF at the time of retirement, seating arrangement of the officers of the State Commission, to send application for service elsewhere. 7. After taking approval of the Secretary on file to give permission to retire on attaining the age of superannuation to officer/employees of the State Commission. 8. After approval of Secretary, re-employment of the employees on the posts of class-IV for one year as per powers given by Government. 9 9. To sanction of telephones at the residence of the officers of the office of the State Commission as per entitlement and incurring expenditure on their maintenance after prior approval of Secretary. 10. Other work that may be entrusted by the Secretary to the State Commission. Financial Powers and Duties: 1. To sanction food grain advance, festival advance, cycle / scooter advance, fan advance and travel advance and to sanction remaining advance after first installment of house building advance. 2. He ensured that commission's budget and accounts are proposed and sent to Government its time after housing got approved from the competent authorities in the commission. 3. After obtaining sanction of the Secretary, subject to the Gujarat Financial Rules, time barred claims of pay and allowances, cases of pay fixation of the employees of the department. 4. To sanction telephone charges as per existing policy directions of the commission. 5. As per the Gujarat Financial Rules and instructions of the commission to sanction recurring expenditure upto Rs.15000/- and non-recurring expenditure upto Rs.25000/- for repairs, maintenance of copier machine, duplicating machine, fax machine, type writers as well as for purchase of stationery, curtains, books, publication, table cloth, crockery etc. for the State Commission. 6. Preparation of the replies of the audit Para, draft Para received from the Accountant General with approved of competent authorities. 7. Other duties and powers that may be entrusted by the Secretary to State Commission, decisions regarding the cases to be submitted to the Additional Director General of Police of the State Commission, matters relating to opinions, advice and guidance to be sent to him. 4. Under Secretary to the State Commission Administrative powers and duties: 1. He handles all establishment issues of the commission and makes order after seeking approved of the competent authorities in the commission including issues such as disciplinary and inquiry matters establishment, records of employees, medical examination, verification of date and scrutiny of forms etc. 2. After approval of Secretary, G.S.H.R.C. cases relating to interpretation of service and pay rules, which are required to be sent to the Finance Department and the General Administration Department. 3. Subject to approved by higher authorities pay fixation of non-gazetted employees, pension, payment of outstanding claims of pay-allowance and other general matters of pay, service books, duplicate service-books, pass books, increment, sanction of special pay as per policy of the commission, travelling allowance advance, to sanction to draw advance for office expenditure upto Rs.5000/-. 4. Subject to approved of lay down terms and conditions of deputation of non-gazetted employees. 10 5. In pursuance of the decision of the State Commission to conduct branch inspection and table inspection as the case may be and to ensure that the same is implemented accordingly. 6. All matter relating to cash and registry branch which are not contrary to rules or procedure. 7. To maintain of Confidential Reports of class-III employee. 8. Disciplinary actions against employees of class-IV employee. 9. Any such work that may be entrusted by the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary to State Commission. Financial Powers and Duties : 1. To send applications of the employees of the State Commission to open accounts of the General Provident Fund and to sanction part final withdrawal from that account and to sanction advance from the account. 2. To provide furniture, stationery and other articles to the offices under the control of State Commission to get printed prescribed form, sale of waste papers. 3. To send to the Finance Department, revised estimates, estimates of standing expenditure, to release grant within the limits of the provisions of non Plan and Plan. 4. Financial proposals of recurring expenditure not exceeding Rs.5000/- and nonrecurring expenditure not exceeding Rs.10000/-, including to hire typewriters, to enter into agreements of computer service. 5. Payments of subscription/bills of magazines, news papers etc. payment of telephone bills. 6. Any other work that may be entrusted by the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary to the State Commission. Other Powers and Duties : 1. To include the names of officer in Appendix-3 and 13 in the manual of printing and stationery to provide stationery materials, articles and forms. 2. Cases in which missing information is essential in policy matters. 3. To prepare information called for by the Legislative Assembly. 4. To sanction food grain advance, festival advance, cycle/scooter advance, fan advance and travelling advance, sanction to remaining instalments subsequent to first instalment of house advance. 5. To send interim replies to the letters received by the State Commission in consistence with policy programmes and directions of the commission. 6. To enclose that seals and confidential papers sent for his custody are kept properly and submit to higher authorities as and when required. 4. Deputy Superintendent of Police of the State Commission Functions and duties. 1. To perform duties and functions that may be entrusted by the Secretary and the Additional Director General of Police of the State Commission. 11 2. All powers and duties which are entrusted to the Deputy Superintendent of Police in the police organization of the State Government, which are relevant to the functions of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. 3. To carry out necessary investigation; to give advice, co-operation and instructions in criminal cases of special and serious nature in the State Human Rights Commission. 4. Necessary advice and co-operation to the administrative and legal wing of the State Commission and action as per instructions. 5. To investigate, co-operation and take action as per instruction so that action may be taken in time and complaints/applications received in the State Commission are disposed of properly. 6. To give necessary advice, co-operation and guidance to the administrative and legal wing of the State Commission. 7. To entrust to the police establishment allotted, the duties for the work of the State Commission to undertake the functions of the State Commission. 8. Important judgments of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and the Hon’ble High Court relating to human rights and the work relating to instructions of the National Human Rights Commission. 5. Section Officer of the State Commission To acknowledge receipt of routine type letters: 1. To send formal and informal reminders, to see that such letters are sent timely. 2. Submit files on all matters on the subject assigned to him as per directions. 3. To provide copies of Government Resolutions, Circulars issued by the State Commission and copies of other orders of the State Commission to State officers and other copies as per approval from higher authorities. 4. To ensure that the work of branch is disposed of speedily and in time and his subordinate staff disposes matters efficiently. 5. To ensure that the statements of weekly, fortnightly and monthly progress is submitted to the Secretary. 6. To exercise vigilance to adhere to the time limit prescribed for disposal by the State Commission and the superior officer. 7. To manage the branch of the State Commission entrusted to him subject to the directions received from the Superior Officers. 8. To ensure that file of select papers, file of standing orders are maintained and proper care for the record is exercised. 9. To undertake the inspection of the individual employees work regularly in his branch prescribed by the State Commission. 10. To attend vigil eye on visitors coming in the branch. 11. Any such other work that may be entrusted by the superior officials of the State Commission. 12. They will work under the guidance of the Secretary and A.D.G.P to the Commission. 13. To collect statistical data from various Government Authorities and other agencies relating to the functions of the Commission and submit analysis data to the Secretary and Commission. 14. To maintain updated data relating to the functions of Commission and submit to the Secretary every month. 12 6. Police Inspector of the State Commission Duties and Functions. 1. Work being entrusted by the higher officials of the State Commission. 2. All services and powers and duties which are entrusted to the Police Inspectors in the Police Organization of the State Government, which are relevant to the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. 3. Advice, co-operation and guidance for action so that action is taken in time on complaints/applications being received in the State Commission and disposed of properly. 4. Necessary investigation, advice and guidance to the State Commission in criminal cases of special and serious nature. 5. To entrust work and duties to the police establishment allotted to him by the State Commission. 7. The Duties and Responsibilities of the Registrar 1. The Registrar is the Officer who primarily assists the Commission's case work. He ensures proper prescribed procedure and documents arrangements for hearing of the Commission and follow up actions. 2. He works under the guidance, supervision and directions of the Commission and Secretary. 3. He is Accountable to the Commission and for discharging his duties and functions. 4. He is to scrutinize the papers and registers the case if it falls within the jurisdiction of Commission under the provisions of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, otherwise rejects it. 5. To impart legal opinion to the Commission as to whether to intervene in any proceedings involving any allegation of violation of Human Rights pending before the Court with the approval of such Courts as per Section 12(b) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. 6. To prepare a brief of referred cases to be put up before the Commission for its consideration. 7. It is his duty to provide Commission with verdicts / judgments of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and Hon'ble High Court and other High Courts of other States of India and various rulings and latest development on the subjects in pursuance of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. 8. To bring out the effective liaison with other Courts designated for Human Rights in the State. 9. He assists the Commission in the hearing of the cases through the Presenting Officers. The duties and responsibilities of the Law Officer of the GSHRC 1. He will work under the guidance, supervision and direction of the Registrar and Secretary to the GSHRC. 2. He will supervise the officials and employees of the Legal branch for scrutiny of the applications. 3. He will assist the Registrar of the Commission to make his work more effective. 13 4. He monitors the litigations of the Commission and will attend the hearing as and when required. 5. He will defend the cases of Commission in the High Court or other Courts. Duties and Responsibilities of Accounts Officer 1. The Accounts Officer is the Chief Manager for accounts. 2. He shall work as a Drawing and dispersing Officer of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. 3. To write and maintain cash book of the accounts of the Commission. 4. He will assist the process of plan and budget of the Commission. 5. To prepare the accounts of the Commission in the formats prescribed under Account Rules of Commission and get audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and to attend draft paras. 6. To observe rules and regulations of GTR and Rule of financial Budget Manual while making expenditure in the Commission. 7. To look after reconciliation work with PO, Gandhinagar and AG (Audit) Rajkot under the supervision, guidance and direction of the Head of Office i.e. Under Secretary as per para 101 of the Budget Manual. 8. To assist for the preparation of pension cases of the Officers / Employees of the Commission. 14 Manual No. 3 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, a procedure to be followed in decision making process. Which method is followed for taking decisions in respect of various points? 1. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission accepts the procedure convenient to the commission under the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 whereas for administrative machinery under the State Commission, subject to the provision of the Act, work is carried out as per powers delegated and the Financial Power Devolution Rules adopted by the Commission Rules. Rules, Regulations, circulars and instructions of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. As stated above, the commission follows its own procedure and requirements Act, Rules and Regulations. Documentary laid Down procedure/prescribed criteria/ rules for taking any special decision for important matters. Arrangement to reach the The commission look into each and every case decision to the public individually as per law and decisions is communicates to the concerned parties. 9.4 9.5 Officers whose views are In pursuance of the rules, regulation and instructions to be taken in decision from time to time. (1) The Secretary, Dy. Secretary and Under making process. Secretary subject to the powers delegated to from the by the State Commission. (2) in case of criminal proceedings Police Inspector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, who is evolved for investigation and the Additional Director General of Police. (3) The State Government of the concerned authorities having powers to along with the issues. (4) Any other competent expert on the subject. Decision making 1. All powers are vested in the State Commission ultimate authority and chair person of the State Commission in judicial matters. 2. All powers are conferred on the Secretary to the Commission in respect of administrative and financial matters. All powers are conferred on the ADGP to the commission for the purpose of investigation into any Criminal matter. 15 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has main branches 1) Legal Branches (1, 2, 3) and Investigation Branch 2) Establishment Branch 3) Accounts Branch. Subject Subjects of all the six branches of the State Commission are as under : 1. Legal & Investigation branch (Section Officer) 2. Legal Work pertaining to the provision under various laws to enforce human reports; 3. Receive complaints/applications under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993; 4. District wise classification of complaints, investigation police inquiry, research team, reports and scrutiny; 5. Progress reports of the complaints; 6. Assign case number, code number and maintain proceedings of hearing of the cases in the commission as per directions 7. Research on the various burning problems of the State. 8. Compilations of various rulings of the Hon. Supreme Court, NHRC or any competent authority to deal with the subject of the reports of expert bodies, Commission. 9. Meetings of the State Commission. 10. Office protocol. 11. Maintenance of work of the State Commission. 12. Co-ordination work of legal branch 13. Planning work to keep the protection of human rights up to date and amendment therein. 14. Publish various publications of the Commission 15. Registry and dispatch 16. Library books- Purchase, maintain and arrange 17. Organizing seminars, training programmes 18. Suo-motto inquiry and inspection work 19. Provide information to NGOs 20. Prepare tour programmes 21. Necessary investigation in criminal cases 2. Establishment branch (Section Officer) 1. Day to day administrative work of the State Commission. 2. Work relating to establishment of the State Commission. 3. Work relating to creation of sorts setup appointment of officer/employees of the State Commission. 4. Work relating to services of the officer/employees of the State Commission. 5. All administrative work relating to vehicles. 6. Work relating to financial power and expenditure. 7. Maintenance and operation of the Fax, Xerox and typing work of the State Commission. 8. Work relating to dead stock, computers and internet, GSWAN, work of telephone arrangement work. 16 9. Leave, pay allowances of the establishment of the State Commission and service books. 10. Personal establishment of the chairperson, members and high officials of the State Commission. 11. Stationery, crockery, dead stock, seating arrangement, office arrangement (O & M) of the State Commission and meetings relating to that. 12. Prepare budget and revised estimates 13. Store of the State Commission. 3. Accounts branch: 1. All work relating to cash/cheque transactions 2. Maintenance of service books 3. Prepare expenditure and accounts statements as per Accounts Rules of the Commission and get audited by the CAG and comply para if any 4. Maintenance cashbook 5. Observe and follow the GTR and Circulars, Regulations there of 6. Reconciliation of accounts with AG and PAO 7. Finalize Pension cases of the staff/officers 8. preserve/safeguarding accounts record as per rules Guideline/ Direction, if any The protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 and rules there under made by the Government of Gujarat and regulations, instructions, circulars etc. issued/adopted by the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission there under. Designation of officers connected with procedure of decision making. As per provisions of the Act and Rules and Resolution their under the State Commission exercise its. However, through the following detaining and officials are workings given below. 17 Manual No. 4 Norms prescribed for work. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has to deal with the problems, complaints/applications arising out of violation of the Human Rights in the State. That is undertaken on the basis of rules, regulation and instructions and circulars from time to time under the protection of Human Rights. At present the circular of the State Commission dtd.22/12/2006 is in force. Functions to be undertaken by officers of various categories of the State Commission are shown in manual-3. Moreover, under 5 (Five) Resolutions of the State Commission dated 7th September, 2010 enclosed herewith as per provisions made in the protection of Human Rights, necessary orders have been made with mention of devolution of powers to high officials and various functions. Copies of notifications are enclosed herewith. 18 Manual No.5 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and records for carrying out works. List of Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and records to be used by the G.S.H.R.C. or the officers and employees under its control. Sr. No. 1 Name of Document Brief writing on document Source of copy Protection of Human Rights, 1993. Notification/Booklet 1. Gujarat State Human Rights Commission/Legal branch. As it is Xerox copy, at the rate of Rs.2/- per page or as per Govt. Notification General Administration Department dtd.5/10/05. Instruction of work to be undertaken for the complaint being received in the State Human Rights Gujarat Commission Circular Gujarat State Human Rights Commission,Gandhinagar As it is Xerox copy at the rate of Rs.2/per page or as per Government Notification General Administration Department dated.5/10/05. Fees to be charged for copy 2 Name of document 3 Brief writing on document Source of copy Fees to be charged for copy 19 Manual No.6 Categories of documents with public organization (State Commission) or the persons under its control). Government Documents: 2. No other information is to be shown except documents mentioned in manual.4. 3. Files of action undertaken on applications being received from applicants/complaints are maintained in the State Commission. Information about actions taken by the State Commission and decisions/recommendations on the said files and library of the State Commission, co-ordination and seminar and publication work and files, establishments, budget of the State Commission and files relating to administrative arrangement can be obtained from the Deputy Secretary to the State Commission (Appellate Authority) and as the information of the cases of suo motto of the State Commission remains with the Secretary to the commission, the same may be obtained from him. 20 Manual No.7 Consultation with the members of public for policy making or arrangement for their representation. As per revised provision under section 21(2)(c) of the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, one representative from public shall be appointed in the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission by the committee appointed by the Government. Sr.No. Subject/Point 1 Constitution of the State Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 Section-21 Is it necessary to ensure the popular Association? Yes 21 Arrangement for getting popular association. There is a provision to appoint one representative as a member from the public in Constitution of the State Commission (Section 21(2) (c). Manual No.6 (Categories of documents with public organization, State Commission or persons under its control) Manual No.8 Board, Council, Committees and Other Organization : 1. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission comprises the following members (Section-21) of the Act, and it is a public authority. (1) Chairperson: Former Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court. (2) Member: Hon’ble Judge of the Gujarat High Court or Judge of the District Judge level having experience of more than 7 (Seven) years. (3) Member: Representative of public working as a representative of the people in the field of Human Rights. The committee constituted under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Chief Minister mentioned in the Act (Section-22) shall recommend the names of members for appointment in the State Commission. 2. The State Government appoints as a Secretary to the Commission under Section-21 of the Act, a high level officer eligible for appointment as a Secretary in the Administrative Department of Sachivalaya of the Government. 3. The State Government makes appointment of a high level officer of the rank of the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) of the state with necessary police force for work of the State Commission. 4. After Constitution of the State Commission, meetings of the commission have to be convened as prescribed in rules, regulation. The State Commission, carrying our adequate investigation of the cases regarding breach of the Human Rights, filing cases undertakes work of recommendation/decision. 22 Manual - 9 Introduction booklet of Officers and staff Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Sr. No. Name Designation 1 Dr. Justice J.N.Bhatt Hon’ble Chairperson 2 Shri Sudhir Sinha Member 3 Shri M.H.Shah Member 4 Shri N.P.Thakar, IAS Secretary 5 Shri Tirthraj, IPS 6 Shri K. J. Seth Registrar 7 Dr. R.G.Joshi Joint Secretary 8 Shri R. H. Dataniya 9 Shri J.R.Hedamba Under Secretary (Incharge) Dy.S.P. 10 Shri M.R.Patel Section Officer(L-1) 11 Shri P.M.Shah Section Officer(L-2) 12 13 Shri R.H.Dataniya Shri G.R.Ahir Section Officer(L-3) Section Officer(Est) (Incharge) 14 Shri A. S. Roy 15 Shri D.P.Chudasma 16 Shri C.V.Darji 17 Shri A G Dave 18 Shri J M Khant 19 Shri F K Zala 20 Shri S B Vasave Additional D.G.P. Police Inspector (Incharge) Accounts Officer P.S. to Hon’ble Chairperson P.S. to Hon’ble Chairperson P.S. to Hon’ble Member P.S. to Hon’ble Member P.S. to Hon’ble Member 23 Office Residence (STD Code:079) (STD Code:079) 232 57546 232 43066 Mobile:9978406347 232 59927 Fax:232 59929 232 57498 26858828 232 57497 Mo. 99784 06198 232 57592 232 13373 232 57634 Mo. 9978407105 9825021465 232 57547 Mo. 9978406469 232 55442 Mo. 9978406281 232 55682 94257 54455 99099 61483 079-26852224 232 57595 23226808 Mo.9978405891 079 232 57629 232 57628 Mo.9427524644 232 57629 Mo.9714515767 232 57627 Mo.9723041150 232 57629 232 57594 Mo. 9879443765 - Mo. 9925148929 - 232 57631 Mo.9328079679 232 57546 Mobile:9427607292 232 57546 - 232 57498 232 57592 232 57592 232 60187 94284 05381 26932863 94275 99842 232 31558 9824499971PP 99138 97138 21 Shri N.T.Moradia 22 23 24 Shri M D Mistri Smt H C Patel Shri D B Patel 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Shri J.S.Dataniya Shri S.R.Shah Smt. H.P.Anand Shri M.K.Solanki Shri O.I.Rathod Shri G.R.Ahir Shri P.N.Pandya Vacant Shri A.S.Roy Shri B.D.Solanki Shri M.V.Patel Shri B.V.Rathod Shri D.K.Suthar Shri A.K.Amin V.P.Khadiya Shri R.D.Hadula Shri N.K.Jadav Shri P.D.Sathavara Shri P.J.Valand Shri J.D.Tadvi Shri B.U.Parmar Shri R.F.Belim Shri M.J.Parmar Shri R.K.Nai P.S. to Secy. P.S. to Secy. P.S. to Addi. DGP P.S. to Ragistrar & Joint Secy. Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Accountant Dy, Accountant Police sub Inspector Police sub Inspector Police sub Inspector Driver Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Peon Peon Peon Peon Peon 24 232 57547 Mobile:9427961747 232 57547 232 57592 232 57627 232 57627 232 57629 232 57630 232 57629 232 57630 23257631 23257631 232 57627 232 57629 232 57629 232 57627 232 57629 232 57629 232 57631 232 57596 232 57596 232 57596 232 57631 232 59926 23257594 23257594 23257594 94284 20905 94267 69671 - - Manual – 10 Monthly Remuneration of Officers and staff Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name 2 Dr. Justice J.N.Bhatt Shri Sudhir Sinha Shri M.H.Shah Shri N.P. Thaker, IAS Shri Tirthraj, IPS Shri K. J. Seth Dr. R.G.Joshi Shri R. H. Dataniya 9 10 11 12 13 Shri J.R.Hedamba Shri M.R.Patel Shri P.M.Shah Shri R.H.Dataniya Shri G.R.Ahir 14 Shri A. S. Roy 15 16 Shri D.P.Chudasma Shri C.V.Darji 17 Shri A G Dave 18 Shri J M Khant 19 Shri F K Zala 20 Shri S B Vasave 21 22 23 24 Shri N.T.Moradia Shri M. D. Mistri Smt H. C. Patel Shri D. B. Patel 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Shri J.S.Dataniya Shri S.R.Shah Smt. H.P.Anand Shri M.K.Solanki Shri O.I.Rathod Shri G.R.Ahir Shri P.N.Pandya Shri A.S.Roy Shri B.D.Solanki Shri M.V.Patel Shri B.V.Rathod Shri D.K.Suthar Designation 3 Hon’ble Chairperson Member Member Secretary Additional D.G.P. Registrar(Law) Joint Secretary Under Secretary (In charge) Dy.S.P. Section Officer(L-1) Section Officer(L-2) Section Officer(L-3) Section Officer(Est) (Incharge) Police Inspector (Incharge) Accounts Officer P.S. to Hon’ble Chairperson P.S. to Hon’ble Chairperson P.S. to Hon’ble Member P.S. to Hon’ble Member P.S. to Hon’ble Member P.S. to Secy. P.S. to Secy. P.S. to Addi. DGP P.S. to Ragistrar & Joint Secy. Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Dy.Section Officer Accountant Police sub Inspector Police sub Inspector Police sub Inspector Driver Police Constable 25 Total Monthly Emoluments 4 213540 126340 152275 159630 176656 112210 109842 55321 66309 60791 62539 55321 57659 48762 56524 16100 17226 8000 19344 55593 12000 69945 54776 70780 53437 57681 52392 43494 52872 57659 48316 48762 37571 13700 32444 22201 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Shri A.K.Amin Shri V.P.Khadiya Shri R.D.Hadula Shri N.K.Jadav Shri P.D.Sathavara Shri P.J.Valand Shri J.D.Tadvi Shri B.U.Parmar Shri R.F.Belim Shri M.J.Parmar Shri R.k.Nai Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Peon Peon Peon Peon Peon 24217 16591 24229 30118 25554 16591 22072 18719 27206 24326 21547 Joint Secretary, Gujarat State Human Right Commission, Gandhinagar. 26 Manual No.11 Information of details of Budget for various activities under various schemes being implemented by the office. 1. There is no scheme under the State Commission and other agency under it. However, the State Government place the required grant at the disposal of the Commission and the Commission incur expenditure for the various functions entrusted under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. 2. The expenditure of the State Commission is audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under Section 35 of the Act. 3. The State Commission shall present annual report before the Legislative Assembly through the State Government. 27 Manual No.12 Manner of execution of subsidy programme. The State Commission has no any subsidized scheme or programme to be implemented. 28 Manual No.13 Details of relief, permit or authorization. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has the responsibility to function according to the provisions of the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. 29 Manual No.14 Information available as electronic, media Name of Department The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission “State Commission” Details of scheme Protection of Human Rights under the protection of Human Rights Act.1993 Name of website Website is as 1. User follows for Name state website. 1.E-mail Commihurc@gujarat.gov.in 2. Web site : http:// ghrc.guj.nic.in 30 Manual No.15 Details of facilities available to citizens for obtaining Information Name of department : Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Notice Board Inspection of records in the office Methods of obtaining copies of Documents Available periodical manual Equipments, methods or facilities adopted for making information available to the people. Citizen charter is prepared and displayed. Arrangement of inspection is made in the respective branch of the State Commission. On making application to the concerned in prescribed form under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The Protection Of Human Rights Act 1993 is available from Government Book Depot and authorized publishers by the Govt. Of India. 31 Manual – 16 The Names the initials and other particulars of the Public Information Officer Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Sr. No. Public Authority Assistant Public Information Officer Public Information Officer Appellate Authority 1 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Near Town Hall, Sector17,Gandhinagar (1) shri P.M.Shah Section Officer (2) shri M.R.Patel Section Officer (3) Shri R.H.Dataniya Section Officer (4) G.R.Ahir Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Shri R.H.Dataniya (Incharge) I/C Under Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Dr. R.G.Joshi Joint Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission 32 Manual No.17 Miscellaneous: 18-1 Application form for obtaining information Prescribed form-A is enclosed (A) Fees As suggested in the Government Notification, General Administration Department No.GS-30-2005.VHS1005-2665-RTI Cell dtd.5/10/05. (B) How to make the application for obtaining information At the time when providing information is refused right of citizen and procedure to prefer an appeal. Tax collection by public authority. Form-A is enclosed with instructions. (C) 18-2 First appeal may be field to the Secretary, the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission within 30 days from the date of refusing to provide Information. ‘Nil’. 33 Manual - 18 (Orders, Circulars relating to public authority) 2. Orders, Circulars relating to public authority. Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. (1) Orders dated 4-1-07, 23-5-2007, 30-5-2009 and 19-11-2010 of the State Commission regarding ‘Public Authority’ and ‘Public Information Officer’ and Appellate Officer are enclosed herewith in the following Appendices. (2) Appendix-1 Details of ‘Public Authority’ and officer concerned. 34 Appendix – 1 ÊDF\SoV[RVFZ;Lq!_Z__&qDC[SD U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU4 8FpGCM,GL AFH]DF\4 ;[S8Zv!*4 UF\WLGUZv#(Z_!* TFP $v!vZ__* SFIF",I VFN[X ov DFlCTL VlWSFZ VlWlGID4 Z__5 VgJI[ U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGF GLR[ H6FJ[ , VlWSFZLVMG[ T[DGF GFD ;FD[ H6FJ[, CM¡F TZLS[ HFC[Z SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P VPG\P VlWSFZLGM CM¡M DFlCTL VlWlGID4 Z__5 VgJI[GM CM¡M ! V[5[,[8 VlWSFZL Z # ;lRJzL4 U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU OMG G\P Z#Z 5*5$* s8F8Ff GFIA ;lRJzL4 U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU OMG G\P Z#Z 5*5)# s8F8Ff p5 ;lRJzL4 U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL OMG G\P Z#Z 5*5)# s8F8Ff sJLP ÒP J6hFZFf p5 ;lRJ U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU UF\WLGUZ 35 Declaring the office of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission as a ‘Public Authority’ and appointment of the Public Information Officer and authority for appeal under the Right to Information Act, 2005. Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Office order No.RTI/2007/HRC/255/Legal, Near Town Hall, Sector-17, Gandhinagar Dt.23/5/2007. Read : 1. The Right to Information Act, 2005 published under Notification, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India dtd.21/5/05. 2. Government letter General Administration Department No.VHS-1005- GOI-15ARTD-2, dt. 12/7/2005 and subsequent letters of even numbers. 3. Government circular, General Administration Department No. VHS-102005-2516ARTD-2, dt. 14/9/2005. 4. Officer order, State Commission No.HRC/102006/Establishments dtd.4/1/2007. 5. Officer order State Commission dtd.27/4/07 of even number. OFFICE ORDER 1. The Right to Information Act, 2005 passed by the Government of India came into force with effect from 12/10/2005 except the State of Jammu & Kashmir. Under this Act, every department has to declare “Public Authority” offices subordinate to it and receiving considerable funds from it. In order that the applicant may get information easily as far as possible from the nearest place, the guidelines have been given under Government circular dated 14-9-05 of General Administration Department to declare as a public authority, offices from department level to taluka level as per administrative set up. Accordingly only one state level office of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission at Gandhinagar is declared as “Public Authority”. 2. Under section 5 (1) (2) of this Act, it has been provided that every authority should make appointment of the Public Information Officer and the Assistant Public Information Officer so as to enable the applicant to obtain information under it. If information not available through the Public Information Officer of the Public Authority or if any objection is found, the guide lines regarding appointment of authority for first appeal to accept appeals about that have been given under section 19(1) of the Act. 3. Accordingly, under section (1) (2) and section 19(1) of the Act, the appointments of the following officers have been made in the office of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. (1) Appointment of Shri V. G. Vanzara, Under Secretary to the State Commission has been made as an Assistant Information Officer. (2) Appointment of Shri A. M. Parmar, Deputy Secretary to the State Commission has been made as a Public Information Officer. (3) Appointment of Shri R. L. Meena (IAS), Secretary to the State Commission has been made as an appellate officer of the State Commission. 36 4. Duties and responsibilities of “the public Authority” are discharged as per the Right to Information Act, 2005, namely. (1) Each Public Authority shall make formal orders about Public Information Officer , Assistant Public Information Officer and the First appellate officer including details of name, address, telephone and display on notice board of the respective office/in citizen charter which can be clearly seen. (2) Shall take necessary action in respect of persons seeking information and shall give reasonable assistance in obtaining information as per provisions of the Act. (3) Public Authority shall publish 17 types of information as mentioned in section-4 of the Act. Compilation, publication and publicity of the separate manual in this behalf shall be made. And for this purpose, periodical information shall be made upto date as necessary for this purpose. Publishing booklets, folders and pamphlets, such information shall be displayed on information counters, internet as well as on notice boards of offices conspicuously and information shall be made easily available. (4) Expenditure involved shall be charged to the Budget Head allotted to ‘the Public Authority’ and debited there under. 5. In case of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission exemption from disclosure of information should be provided taking into account the provisions such as section 8(1) (b), 8(1)(c), 8 (1)(g), 8(1)(h) and 8(1(i). 6. The Public Information Officer and the Assistant Public Information Officer shall discharge their duties and responsibilities under provisions of the Act. By order and in the name of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Sd/Joint Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission 37 DFlCTL sD[/JJFfGM VlWSFZ VlWlGIDvZ__5 V\TU"T U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGL SR[ZLGL DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL T[DH 5|YD V5L, DF8[GF ;¿FlWSFZLGL lGD6}\SDF\ O[ZOFZ SZJF AFATP U]HZFT ;ZSFZ4 U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU4 SFIF",I VFN[X S|DF\S o VFZP8LPVF.PqZ__*qV[RVFZ;LqZ55q,LU, 8FpG CM,GL AFH]DF\4;[S8Zv!*4 UF\WLGUZ TFP#_v5vZ__) J\\RF6[ ,LWMov s!f U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGF TFPZ#q5qZ__*GF ;DFGF\SL SFIF",I VFN[X S|DF\So VFZP8LPVF.PZ__*qV[RVFZ;LqZ55q,LU, SFIF",I VFN[Xov DFlCTL sD[/JJFfGM VlWSFZ VlWlGIDvZ__5GL HF[UJF.VM VgJI[ J\RF6DF\ ,LW[, VFIMUGF TFPZ #q5q_)GF ;DFGF\SL SFIF",I VFN[X VgJI[ VFIMUGL SR[ZLGF DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL VG[ 5|YD V5L, DF8[GF ;¿FlWSFZL TZLS[ VG]S|D[ VFIMUGF p5;lRJzL4 GFIA ;lRJzL VG[ ;lRJ zLGL lGD6}S SZJFDF\ VFJ[, CTLP p5ZMST SFIF",I VFN[XMDF\ O[ZOFZ SZLG[ CJ[ DNNGLX HFC[Z[Z DFlCTL VlWSF ZL TZLS[ zL V[P VFZP UDFZF4 ;[É[ÉXG VlWSFZL4 ,LU, XFBFGL4 HFC[Z[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL TZLS[ p5 ;lRJ zL JLP ÒP J6hFZFGL VG[ 5|Y|YD V5L, DF8[G[GF ;¿FlWSFZL TZLS[ GFIA ;lRJ zL 5LP ALPZF6FGL lGD6}S SZJFDF VFJ[ K[P ;CLqv ;[SXG VlWSFZL4 U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU4 UF\WLGUZP 38 DFlCTL sD[/JJFfGM VlWSFZ VlWlGIDvZ__5 V\TU"T U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGL SR[ZLGL DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL T[DH 5|YD V5L, DF8[GF ;¿FlWSFZLGL lGD6}\SDF\ O[ZOFZ SZJF AFATP J\\RF6[ ,LWMov U]HZFT ;ZSFZ4 U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU4 SFIF",I VFN[X S|DF\S o VFZP8LPVF.PqZ__*qV[RVFZ;LqZ55q,LU, 8FpG CM,GL AFH]DF\4;[S8Zv!*4 UF\WLGUZ TFP!)q!!qZ_!_ !f U]HZFT ZFHI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGF TFP#_q5qZ__)GF ;DFGF\SL SFIF",I VFN[X S|DF\So VFZP8LPVF.PZ__*qV[RVFZ;LqZ55q,LU, SFIF",I VFN[Xov DFlCTL sD[/JJFfGM VlWSFZ VlWlGIDvZ__5GL HF[UJF.VM VgJI[ J\RF6DF\ ,LW[, VFIMUGF TFP# _q5q_)GF ;DFGF\SL SFIF",I VFN[X VgJI[ VFIMUGL SR[ZLGF DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL4 HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL VG[ 5|YD V5L, DF8[GF ;¿FlWSFZL TZLS[ VG]S|D[ VFIMUGF ;[SXG VlWSFZLzL s,LU,P!f4p5;lRJ zL VG[ GFIA ;lRJzLGL lGD6}S SZJFDF\ VFJ[, CTLP p5ZMST SFIF",I VFN[XMDF\ O[ZOFZ SZLG[ CJ[ HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL TZLS[4 p5 ;lRJ zL H[PS[P 58[, VG[ 5|YD V5L, DF8[GF ;¿FlWSFZL TZLS[ GFIA ;lRJ zL JLPÒPJ6hFZFGL lGD6}S SZJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P DNNGLX HFC[Z DFlCTL VlWSFZL TZLS[ zL V[PVFZPUDFZF4 ;[SXG VlWSFZL s,LU,v!f GL lGD6}S IYFJT ZC[X[P ;CLqv ;[SXG VlWSFZL4 U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMU4 UF\WLGUZP 5|lT4 • • • • • • • • • • • • GFDP ZFßI5F,zLGF VU|;lRJzL4 UF\WLGUZs5+ ¹JFZFf DFGP D]bID\+LzLGF VU|;lRJzL4 UF\WLGUZ DFGP lJZMW51FGF G[TFzLGF V\UT ;lRJzL4 U]HZFT lJWFG;EF4 ;lRJF,I4 UF\WLGUZP D]bI ;lRJzLGF p5;lRJzL4 ;lRJF,I4 UF\WLGUZ SlDxGZzL4 DFlCTL VlWSFZ VFIMU4 VY"XF:+qVF\S0FXF:+ aI]ZM4 ;[S8Zv!(4 UF\WLGUZ VlWS D]bI ;lRJzLsSPUPf4 ;FDFgI JCLJ8 lJEFU4 UF\WLGUZ ;lRJzLsJ;]TF5|f4 ;FDFgI JCLJ8 lJEFU4 UF\WLGUZ 5M,L; DCFlGN[XS VG[ D]bI 5M,L; VlWSFZLzL4 UF\WLGUZ GFIA ;lRJzL4 U'C lJEFU4 ;lRJF,I4 UF\WLGUZ U]HZFT ZFßI DFGJ VlWSFZ VFIMUGF TDFD VlWSFZLVMqSD"RFZLVMqXFBFVMP ;L,[S8 OF., GFIA ;[SXG VlWSFZLzLGL ;L,[S8 OF.,P 39 Form – A Form of Application for seeking information (See Rule 6) I.D. No. (For office use only) To The Government Information Officer (Department, Office) 1. Name of Applicant : 2. Address : 3. Information Details : Respective Department : Details of Information : Sought for (1) Annotation of information sought for (2) Period of information sought for (3) Other details 3. I state that the information sought for is not under restrictions laid under section-6 of the Right To Information Act and as per my best knowledge it pertains to your office. 4. Fee of Rs.______ is deposited with the office of the complaint offer vide No.___________ Dt. Place Date Signature of Applicant E-mail address if any T.No.(office) Note: 1. The Government Information Office may render proper help in filling Form-A. 2. Form-A should be filled in all respect and it should be ensured that there should be no ambiguity in providing details of required information. 40 Manual – 19 (Citizen Charter) Immediate No.HRC-2007-130-Legal, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Sector-17,Gandhinagar-382017. Date : 7/4/07. To, The Section Officer, Home Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. Subject : Finalization of citizen charter. In continuation of your letter No.SKL-202005-2440-P Dtd. 5/2/07, citizen charter of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has been prepared, copy of which is enclosed herewith, which is sent for proper action. Sd/Under Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Gandhinagar Copy fwd.to Section Officer (Establishment Branch), Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, Gandhinagar for necessary action. 41 Gujarat State Human Rights Commission Citizen charter March-2007. 1. According of the protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 made applicable by the Central Government. Government of Gujarat has constituted the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission and the State Commission has started functioning from October-2006. 2. Any citizen of India may make representative in respect of violation of Human Rights within the State of Gujarat complaint/application to the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. For which no fee is required to be paid. 3. Deal with the complaints/representation made by any Government office, Police Organization, Authority, Body, Corporation or company or other body functioning under them against violation of human Rights, the State Commission may suo motto deal with the case and take action. 4. Representation/Complaint/Application to this Commission within one year from the date of incident of violation. 5. The State Commission shall perform functions for excellent implementation of Human Rights in the state and with regard to the case of the state Government or respective authority as mentioned in the law and shall work for recommendations, indications to State Government and high court. 6. The State Commission shall plan for publications, training programme, seminar visits regarding the work relating to Human Rights in the State and bring awareness in the field of Human Rights and give incentives to that and encourage such nongovernment organizations and secure their co-operation. 42 Manual – 20 Notification Legal Department Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar dated the 24-5-2002 Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 No. GK/2002/16/SPC/1094/VIP/226/D: In exercise of the powers conferred by section 30 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 (10 of 1994) the Government of Gujarat with the concurrence of the of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Gujarat, hereby specifies all the Courts of Session of the respective districts of the State of Gujarat to be Human Rights Courts for the purpose of providing speedy trial of offences arising out of violence of human rights. By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, . V.M. Nayak Deputy Secretary to the Government 43 Manual – 21 THE GUJARAT STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, TOWN HALL, SECTOR-17. GANDHINAGAR DATED: 7th September, 2010 NOTIFICATON Appointment of Secretary to the State Commission u/s Sections 27(1)(a) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. No. GG/11/2010/SHRC/2010/Consti/Reso/Est: Whereas the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, Section 21(3) provides for a Secretary who shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the State Commission and shall exercise powers and discharge such functions in the State Commission as it may be delegated to him; And whereas the State Government vide General Administration Department Notification No. AIS/35/2010/17/G dated 6th September, 2010 has made available the services of Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) for the functioning as Secretary u/s 27(1)(a) of the aforesaid Act in the State Commission. And whereas the Commission has passed resolution No.11 dated 7th September, 2010 for this purpose. Now, therefore, the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission appoints Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) as Secretary to the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission with effect from 7th September, 2010. By order of Gujarat State Human Rights Commission P. N. Patel Secretary 44 THE GUJARAT STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, TOWN HALL, SECTOR-17. GANDHINAGAR DATED: 7th September, 2010 NOTIFICATON The delegation of different powers to the Secretary as per section 27(2) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, to appoint administrative, technical and scientific staff as per need of the State Commission. No. GG/12/2010/SHRC/2010/Consti/Reso/Est: As Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) has been appointed as Secretary of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission u/s 27(1)(a), vide Resolution No. 11 dated 7th September, 2010. And whereas the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has decide to delegate him the powers given below by the resolution No.12. Therefore the Commission hereby delegates to him the powers under section 27(2) on behalf of the State Commission to appoint such other administrative, technical and scientific staff as per needs of the State Commission. By order of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, P. N. Patel Secretary 45 THE GUJARAT STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, TOWN HALL, SECTOR-17. GANDHINAGAR DATED: 7th September, 2010 NOTIFICATON The general delegation of different powers to Secretary to take action under various Sections of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. No. GG/13/2010/SHRC/2010/Consti/Reso/Est: Whereas Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) has been appointed as Secretary of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission u/s 27(1)(a), and whereas the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has decided to delegate him the powers given below by the resolution No. 13. Therefore the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission hereby delegates the following powers to him. 1. All administrative and financial powers as the Heads of the Department are hereby conferred on Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) , Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission for smooth administrative and financial functioning by the State Commission. 2. To take follow up actions on the cases admitted by the State Commission under section 29 read with provision as per the Sections 9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18 as modified manner applicable to the State Commission and except those powers which are to be exercised by the State Government, the Chairperson, the Members and by the State Commission as a Civil Court. 3. The Commission authorizes Shri P. N. Patel IAS (SCS:Guj:1994) Secretary, Gujarat State Human Rights Commission to take action, to make correspondence etc. on behalf of State Commission with the National Human Rights Commission, Government of India, Government of Gujarat and all concerned authorities in pursuance of the activities of the State Commission. By order of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, P. N. Patel Secretary 46 THE GUJARAT STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, TOWN HALL, SECTOR-17. GANDHINAGAR DATED: 7th September, 2010 NOTIFICATON Appointment of Addl. DGP to the State Commission u/s 27(1)(b) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. No. GG/14/2010/SHRC/2010/Consti/Reso/Est: Whereas the State Government vide Home Department Notification No. IPS/102010/2590/B dated 31-8-2010 has made available the services of Shri S. K. Saikia IPS, (RR:Guj:1977) for functioning as Addl. DGP under Section- 27(1)(b), in the State Commission and whereas the Commission has passed Resolution No.14 dated 7th September, 2010 for this purpose. Therefore, the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission appoints Shri S. K. Saikia IPS, (RR:Guj:1977) as Addl. DGP to the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission with effect from 7th September, 2010. He shall exercise functions of investigations by availing of services of other Police Officials and Police Staff made available to the State Commission for the efficient performance of the State Commission. By order of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, P. N. Patel Secretary 47 THE GUJARAT STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, TOWN HALL, SECTOR-17. GANDHINAGAR DATED: 7th September, 2010 NOTIFICATON The delegation of different powers to the Addl. DGP which may empower him to take help of State investigation machinery. No. GG/15/2010/SHRC/2010/Consti/Reso/Est: Whereas Shri S. K. Saikia IPS, (RR:Guj:1977) has been appointed for the functioning as the Addl. DGP under Section- 27(1)(b), of Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 in the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission and whereas the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission has decided to delegate him the powers given below by the resolution No.15 dated 7th September, 2010. The Gujarat State Human Rights Commission hereby authorizes Shri S. K. Saikia IPS, Addl. DGP with power to seek all necessary assistance form the State Police infrastructure for cases of Gujarat State Human Rights Commission and all concerned authorities in pursuance of the investigation activities of the State Commission. By order of the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission, P. N. Patel Secretary 48 Dry. Sfttdmati n"4 gjfta$sn Jtsnln W-382020- quctlttt o(gr4aruL llt /l /rt It/t ? 1 l,iv Z0lf WARRANT By virtue of powers vested in me by Section2} of the Protection of I, Dr. Shrimati Kamla, the Governor of Gujarat, after obtaining the recommendation of the Committee Human Rights Act, 1993, consisting of (a) the Chief Minister as the Chairperson; (b) Speaker of the Legislative Assembly; and (c) Leader of Opposition in the of the Legislative Assembly; and (d) the Minister in charge of Home, do hereby appoint Shd Sudhir Sinha" IPS(Retd.) as the non-judicial member in the Guiarat State Department Human Rights Commission, for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office. Given at Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar, this the year 2011. 21" day of November in oJ1Rrd ?t?trt tl.tct ur[rtr uttlou, grlr ofe{l.tott.tt ttorufl, [ileu, h1c tns'0 h.rei.s4 urcl qldlul'tsJ[ srqr qr6kr. ui cJlfrld +tlE[?, c1u lQ,otror, su.r -*rtig: GH R/to t t/us z.rre/rtL. +tf{.+tett, ctle{l-tctt . u. . arr'L',,t: tg/tFol? c[qL:-. t. gdtra'tr{H6r1 trrqqres[I{ ar.r't/tt/l.ott { +i1f -"''" +. t{l ui}sqt{ *i+ ng',i ii6;iti{-sd.a) {sa, toos, ar.tefc/loot-tt 4qre't ': ' '|' t.Ys/toos 1 eg}'r l.rtia+t qga teae dt.cltlteex {r'.}sa i. r"o/r.ccy.y. +rl.cr. houcr-u cu.tx/t tltcec ru 5?rqr't[s: qtddilu/toce/rrgo?/c1. q. n[. q. l4etrcr-u ar. lv/s /l.ooy -r.r. atr.r grtlg: urdddu/ toe e /r+eor/c1. 5. tr.q. f{c.uct-tr at.tt/r.r/looc -tr atrqgrtls: urdd{+t/r.o.rooc/rlxerlt/c1..ulsa g. t{I }ri)gu-t'u'l+ 6 t[ - 4:6tr urSurrl4qrsl e04e.*'tis(e) +u{-u t{l ui)gtt ui+ ugrrt lrfad {ra_, tccs, rl,re ''! I ' i.to/tecy.[t rictqrdui Uoq cJ?Rrct ?r%{.n.urt€,rt rtgrrtdl.r ?r?rqqrcts{l.rt dr.?t/ttft,ot r. 'rr qi?-a u*t{ r{I ge{Il Rtlot, h1a IPS 4 [itrs;s, llqt?rd ?r%rr u.-rcr u[4sn urd.r-u nc"r ctr'B se.qr\[ ut{e r}. cqul+trl a{I ge{h Rdot, hlct IPS b1 ot.u/tt/tot t tr r.ir uinrn, uig.t'i +rd [\ta IPS -ft nc*ta{I, U?Rrd lt%q u.-tcr ulQsn uud.r a{l} [itsp qal ilui+l rtcut-oturi ui. u*t rrqe.il uicl4 qrlci ui q'ietlul .tsJ[ srqr-fl 6ur4d {c*uu[ e{l{eu &. s{I gtfil Rtur, urstt-fl Rqttstt Baq ecft. g"tt fQ+trsrA til uu dil.{I rtrci qi q'letlui -0{ urt'r arrq.rrrtl ur{ r). ll.L\l.*{ .tell.ta f{ottct.tt arL.rs{l (t) (t) (e) [\Rqa sr[ 3rr, r0 ge{h Riet, [\14 IPS -ti \otr? rtspdl.ft uqdq-r .tltt Xrt'r ti'rsp +r\Q. "!,'udt+t \-{['t" -tt q'[tgl il*ti.tqar t]<tt.r.utrt[r{I t-qt{ qrg s{Ii,'rsj[ se.qr.ti t]rl. a[ ge{lt Rllut, [\1rt IPS 4 t\*rep-{I 3e.t ilui uiq'i r{c.u4 L arr't"r{I .riq.rd g{I i'r-ft eo .rd-[I6rr gr{1Q'riefl *.rUEi si,t qlti Xt{1.0 rUrl. r{l tiisti at'tlc'[ gRer/Rdvtd{-a url\et r'tttio.+ (x) at.ty/ttlteec, ar.rx/s/iooy, ar.rr/tr/rooc -t[ .+R.{rit/ aft c'urcftrr {.crtilcrt utQsr{i .rur+'.ua el, r,ti qR.ttf geqtqt hcrtUot-tt fefr.{l g*.t'[ U%ot \utc1,\fa tUqJ. tlieti [\1a erct.{Uer{i uer+r t}c<u.rcur 6qr .titt.url"rr{i *rqqrqra r r}rj. .... (.{ruq) ('t) a{l R'ieri 3+tr+t1 ctzg, r'ttqtRA rtq.ttr{La ?.Utl. (s) (e) r{l R..ieri sittqsr 't{ 4r*tu)d der6-+r rurcuqr"r ?0r) -te.t. ht irriaRa ui rjssrri. 3rrlal .t s{rt 1} il qjrel tq B.r+t-1 qcurl ?m €,? S?r tqqtqrzr rUr)- utq il't'0 3ea gr1 ercri ilui ur..r trrj ri?s*ri Sutctr su.{l rBrI r{l R'ieti erat run{ l,[\s ctqi crerr r4-rr c]ru{r ilr,tii Frttit ucu6 rurcu. r}c<r .{cu?i -rC[. k) r{l NeL Rtfa ucrt6 [\.uutrr i. r ?. r'tr ut{et/u 3. qr{ d.)-il q)rel Ftqtt+eu-r,,uttr )etl+i-r-0 )eft +'l-t-0 g lo et .rq.r r.{ ra ghrr {q.r.tL ucr, i. ui*gi i*n r 0 r) . u{ gvrrcr ?t?rq tr-tq uthsn ut,ti.t, ctle{l-tott-tr uoilga .rd 11] .iqt st+rrri. r+-u?, ilr-a/$ s /de r'tl * 5?tcr tt?sr?.s{l-0 rnua -0 uic r.r r 6rt ie{l,Lq.r.rr-f[ r cu.{s/rr/ro{r .ir l'ir u{tiJt ]ql . +r6ct 6qr .r4et ulrrlde{l qeLr .*s.+t.rl, r}. glt?tct-tt Ltt.rqtes{l-tr gSte{I uti i..t-tt -tt{, ** (.r4q .: -tldt ) 1u l{erot q \t.tct ut[trStf ,+t,+iot, otleft_tctt. tgttl, il.sar-l9, r f{+tett, lt{l-totf. Lt. erruu, [ildsa +rde. ] ui oLit{I.tott. crie{I-rort. lg+tr6tl u[Qsr?'[s0, crlt{ltcn. . .i tl% tjftsustt' 'l),t. S ftnhrwti JtnmIrL qsuauut'L o{ qwiuat qutdntus{tsrL. - 382 020 I WARRANT lly vir-tue of powers vested in me by section 22 of the Protection of Human Act, lgg3 I, Dr. Shrimati Kamla, Govemor of Gujarat, after (A)The obtaining the recommendation of the Committee consisting of Chief Minister as the Chairperson; (B) Speaker of the Legislative and Assembly; (C) Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Assembly; Rights (D) -fhe Minister in charge of the Department of Home do hereby appoint Sessions retired Justice Shri Mahendrakumar H. Shah, fbrmer District & of the Guiarat State Human Rights fbr a period of five years or upto the age of 70 years Judge, Navsari as the member Clommission his wfiichever is earlier with eft-ect from the date he assumes the charge of offlce. (iiven at Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar this I't day of April in the year 2013' _ :ryrv\ -- [Dr. Shrimati Kamla] Governor of Gujarat. I r l) I r Ll , tJ HOME DEPARTMENT 'lr ?t ..i r :l , .-) ,1 1 1.:J ,:'.i1. NOTIFICATION t J Sachivaloyd, Gandhinag?r, Dated: 2nd April ;20!3 - uA .F,1 .l ?i111 i eL;ir, l, )t1alf) Re.rd.: .:: 2. li Home DeparLment's Notif ication 1"" No. GGl 52 / 2006 / LO94 / eOt-1 (par.r-II) N, Dared L2'" ,Ju1y ,2006 . Her Excellency Governor of Gujarat , R.aj Bhavan, 1. Govt- Gandhinagar' s Warrant dated f/ 4/20l-3 -]1^PPOINTMENT . OF MEMBER. OF GUJARAT STATE HUI{,A],I RfcHTS COMMISSION. - Govt. of Gujarat has constituted State Human RighLs Commission vide Not.ification dated LzEh Ju1y,2006, under Section 2L of the protection of Humen Rights Act, 1993. Her Excellency, Governor of Gujarat has approved the appointment, of Member of this Commission by Wai:rant dated 1't April ,2O]3 of Hon.Retired. .fustice Mr, principal District Mahertdrakumar H. shah, Former & sessions Judge, Navasari as a Member of the Gujarat state Human Rights commission by vj-rtue of powers, vested in under Section 22 of the Protection of Human Right.s Act, 1,993 for a period of five years or upto the age of attaining 70 years by Justice Mr. Mahendrakumar H. shah whichever is earl-ier with effect from the date he assumes the charqe of iris of f ice. No.GGl20/3HRC/I22o/536050/HR: , By ord.er and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, f) ). /v-' b)=^o-' (Dr .'S . K. NANDA) Additional Chief Secretary to Government Copy to: To: *1. The Secretary to Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar. 2. The Principal Secretary Chief Minister, Secretariat, :: Gandhinagar. ^dcrt w\f"\ .g\\\\3 i .2. . Vidhan Sabha' *3.personal Secretary to the Hon'speaker' SachivaL dYd, Gandhinagar of the opposition Party' 4. Personal Secretary to l'eader VidhanSabha,sactriva}aya,Gandhinagar' Ministers / wtinisters of 5. r)ersonal secretaries t'o allState, Sachivalaya' Gandlrinagar' Speaker' Vidhan Sabha' *6.Personal secretary to the Hon' SachivalaYa, Gandhinagar' Gandhinagar ' 'l . Secretrary, l'egal Department ' SachivaldY& ' Comrnission' *B.The Registrar, Natj-onal Human Rights Del-hi-110 001' New Faridkot House, copernicus Marg, Government of *9.'rhe Secretary , MinisttyJ"t Uoiie Affairs ' India, New De1hi ' *l0.JusticeShriM'H'Shah'Retired'fusticeDistrictJudge ari- 396445, Dist ' Navasari ' iona . AdvocaLe Generar' - bad ervir:e Commission' Ahmedabad ommission, Gandhinagar' arat High Court' Ahmedabad ' 15.'rhe secretary' Gujarat Civil- Se'rvi'ce Tribunal-' -^^L^v .16 General of PoIice' Inspector & General Director 16.The eral of Polj-ce & InsPector ate, Ahrmedabad ' vil flervice Tribunal ' Ahrnedabad' Ahmedabad ' Rajirot/Ahmedabad' 19. The Account General Gujarat' Gandhinagar/etimedabad' 20. Pay & A;;;unts ofticerl of Departn'ents Sachivalaya ' ' i\cs/PS/Secretariat AII 21. te Hum;,n RightS commission', arr - You are requestedoftoGuiar apPtoPrilte Part co Gazette and sr-TPPIY 100 24. Select file ' * By letter. ' . (-, S'v-{'\-l t NO'ilF'tCA-t'tON I lclnre Departnrent Saclr i valaya. Gand lr i nagar. Date:171712014. l'rolccliort No: GJl62l70l4lCllRCl-1220121359/lllt:-ln cxercise of the powers conf'erred ()l' llrnrran scction l{ rglr ts 4,cts. 199J. 1994)" thc Governnrent of Gujarat hereby makes thc I 4l rcad with scction 26 of the Protection of lluman Rights Act. 1993 by ( l0 of following rules, namely;- SIIOR'I' T'l'l-LE AND COMMENCEMENT:- These rules may hre called the Gujarat State l'{uman Rights Commission Chairperson and Members (Salaries. Allowances and other Conditions olService) Rules, 2014. 2, DEF-lNlTlONS ;-( (a) (b) l; in these rules. unless the context otherwise requires:-- "Act" mcans the Prorection of Human Rights Act. !993. ( l0 ot- 1994): of the Commission appointed "Chairpcrson" means the Chairpcrson under section 22 of the Act; (c) "Commission" means the Cujarat State Human Rights Commission constituted under sub section (d) (I) "Member" rneans the Member of section 2l of the Actt of the Commission appointed under section 22 olthe nct. (2) Words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act. 3. SAI".ARY;-Therc shall be paid to:(| ) (i) the Chairperson, the salary and allowances equal to the salary and allowances of the Chief Justice of a High Court as per rhe High Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act. 1954 as amended from time to time; ' (ii) a Membcr, the salary and allowances equal ro the salary and of a High Courl as per the l-ligh Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Acr, !954 as allowances a Judge anrended from time to time: Provided that. if the Chairperson or a Member ar the time of his appointment is in receipt of or eligible to receive any pension and has elected to draw or receive the pension (other than disability or wound pension). in respect of any previous service under the Government of LJnion or of a State, his salary in respect of service as a chairperson or" as the case may be. a Member, shall be reduced: \-' (a) by thc antount ofthat pension; (b) if hc had. belore resurning office. received in lieu of portion of pcnsion due to hirn in respect of such previous servicc. the commutcd varuc (c, thcrcof'by rhe amount of that portion of the pcnsion, and by any other form of retirement,bgn.6,t. bcing drawn or availed of or to be drawn or availed of bv him. LEn VE t-( l) The chairperson or the Member shall be entitled to leave as follows: (i) Earned leave @ thirty days for every compreted calendar year ol'service tlr a part thereo{; (ii) Half pay lcave on medicar ce(ificate or on privare affairs @ rwenty days in respect of in each completed year of service and the leave salary for half pay reave shall be equivalcnt to the half pay leave salary admissible during the earned leave; (iii) Leave on half pay can be commuted to full pay lcave at the discretion of the chairperson or a Member. if it is taken on the Medical ground and is supported by a Medical certificate from rhe competent Medical Authority; (iv) Extraordinary leave without pay and allowances up ro a maximum of one hundred eighty days in one term of office. (2) ' on the cxpiry of his term of office in the State commission, thc Chairperson and a Member shall be entitled to receive cash equivalcnt to leave salary in respcct of earned leave standing to theircredit subject to the condition that the maximum leave encashed under this sub-rule or at the time of rctirement from previous service, as the case may be, or taken together shall not in any case exceed 300 days. (3) The Chairperson and the Member shall be entitlcd to receive dearness allowance as admissible on the leave sarary under sub-rule (2) at the rates in force on the date of the relinquishment of their office in the Commission: Provided that they shall not be entitled to city compensatory Allowancc/compcnsatory Local Allowance or any other allowances on such leave. (t 39\.r-tts-' ntil'lloRl'l'Y ('oMPlrl-lrNl'1'O (;l{AN',l l.l:AVI:,:--l-hc Porver to grant or rcfusc lcave granted to hiln leave to thc Charrpcrs()ll ()r a Mctltbcr atltl ttl rcvttkc or curtail sirall vcst in thc (ltlvcrnor' 't'RAVlll.lN(, Al-t,owANCl,lS;- 1-hc Chairpcrson and the Member. while on tour (rnclucling thclourney undertaken to join the Conrtnission or on the expiry of his terrn rvith the Cornmissitln, to proceed to his home town ) shall be entitled to Travel and ailgrvanccs. Allowances tbr Transportation of personal ef-fects, daily allowances to a r,rtlrcr similar bencllts at the same scales and at the same rates as are adrnissible Chie f'Justice and Judge of t{igh Court' respectively' oTHUIt ]'ERMS AND CONDITIONS;- The conditions of service, benefits and facilitics of the Chairperson and the Member forwhich no provision is made in these rules. such as entitlement of the rent free accommodation, leave travel concession' conveyance allowances. electricity and water charges, telcphone charges. newspapcrs and magazine charges, facility of residential attendants, facility of me.dical treatment, sumpruary allowanccs, compcnsatory allowance. security. computers . etc., the salne shall be ar the same scales and at the sarne rates as are admissible to the Chief Justice and the Judge of lJigh Court ,respectively. 8 ITOWER 'l'O RDLAX RULES;- The State Government shall have the power to rclax any provision of these rules and to remove any difficulty arising in its implementation or intcrpretation,, 9 OPTION F-OR TEI{MS AND CONDITIONS:Ir shall be open fbr the Chairperson or the Memberto elect any one of the following twt-r options to (i) namcly, :- l'he terms and conditions prescribed under the notification issued prior to the commencement of these rules and in force at the time appointment. or (ii) the tcrms and conditions prescribed under these Rules" By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, e,othllIP.M.JOSTIIYARA) Under Secretary to Government Home Department l. 2. 'l o: T'he Principal Secretary to Governor, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar. ' The Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. to of the Opposition Party, Vidhan l. Personal Secretary Candhinagar. * q T'hc PSs to all Minister / Ministers of State, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. l-he Sccretary. Legal Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar. 5 Leader Sabha. Sachivala-va, a ! u \ 6 7 8 tt ' l{) i! ll Ii !{ i\ i(r I7 lll l9 l(i .l | l2 i i I :l )4 .'5 l-lre l(cgistrar. National llurnan t{ights comrnission,New Delhi. l'hc SccrcLarl' . Ministry of llorne Aflairs. Covernmenr of India. New Delhi * l-lrc Advocate General, Gujarat tligh C<lurt, Ahmcdabad. * I'hc Additional Advocarc Gcneral. Gu.;arat Iligh cou(. Ahmedabacl.* l'hc Sccrcrary. cujara( Public Service cornmission, Ahmedabad. " l'hc Sccrerary. cu.iarat [.egislaturc Sccretariat, Gandhinagar. * l hc Sccrctary. Vigilancc Comrnission. Gandhinagar. * l'he l{cgisrrar Gencral. Gularar lligh Court, Ahmcdabad. * I'lrc I)irector Gcneral & lnspector General of Policc, Gujarar Statc. Gandhinagar- l-hc Additional Director Gencral of ['olice & Inspector General (prison) (iujarat State" Alrnrctiubad. l-hc Sccrcrary. Cujarar Civil Servrce Tribunal, Gandhinagar. 'l'hc Sccretaryto the Speakcr, Gujarat Legislature Secretariat. (iandhinagar. * l'hc Account Ccncral Qujarat, Ahmedabad. l'he Accourrt Ceneral Gu.;arat. Rajkot. I'lrc l)uy & Accounts Of llcer, Gandhinagar. 1-hc Managcr. Covernment Central Press. Gandhinagar. With request to publish this notillcation in Govt. Gazette and send 100 printed copies of this notification to this deptt. * l'hc Assistant Draltsrnan. Translation Unit, Legislative and Parliamentary with request to translrte this Notification into Cujarati and arrange to publish the same in the appropriate parr ol'Ciularat Governmcnt E.xtraordinary Gazette and supply 100 copies of to this departmenr. All l)cpartnrents of the Sccretariat- Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. All []ranchcs of l-{onrc Dcpanment, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. I hc: Sclccl file. Do No.GHR/201 l/568517/HR .a /z\ r/ GOVERIYMENT OF GUJARAT Dr.Varesh Sinha,IAS Addl.Chief Secretary Home Department Block No.2, ltt Floor Sach ivaf aya, Gan dhin agar-3820 l0 T eL.2325 0 5 0 5, F ax:2325 0 5 0 I 2l tt November,2Ol I Dear Sudhir Sinha, His Excellency the Governor of Gujarat is pleased to appoint you as the Member of Gujarat State Human Rights Commission. The Warant in original issued in this regard on 21't November,Z}ll by Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar, Gujarat is enclosed herewith. With regards, Yours sincerely, Encl. as above. To, Shri Sudhir Sinha, IPS (Retired) Bunglow No.l5, Judges Bunglow,Bodakdev, AHMEDABAD. ru.6ld lqqqt"tt crlfQac r,r0Qq{ ?oort darla u{x r{rllc,. \L}.{ .ttruUtll${'tl Rqqis}ii Se$re s?qr qtc{.1, {v?rd il?sr? :u!.cr.r ?nnr ltctq rrfQaa qiqlcr *t ;d6i q r{ t q fue -rl qritn{lz e oo8 r ?,{rr z {.}6 a&ulce 4 ru1p+i, *sar-ro,crlr,ll4cte. l+ ',i. 1 0 s[P lAV :,.:tl, e0tiu.:ll,f::trt ?ttet ritotq i,lfQ.&? uufut tt dt.3olt,/?oq.3ott !it.:,.ii-i& t tt l-qt gXtA.e?fr,0?dl,/ ?OO.IZ a,{qZ4SH ilatlctil r"rr.tii9r, +B.il .lt{igi .j0.D.cr qatc:qr.,l rri0ar qftRqu -?qo\ lt,rlqq w,itirit ?tt,J rlt4qr{r Ertrae &6e atvq qtal]ct"{l sl{lxi 6qr-k.i l[A{A afl} dl ne.rlq.{bdl du.rtr :t'ii:q+Ll .i...1r,{l st.ltrrt r,,Lgi:..,l:lcl tigsc nlitcr0 irt.{q. }tir{l"{| qr.crl rral it;r,ii. xxlri{ i'i'rr.i.5 i'trrt t11r1,,, :i't.r,il::.,U.*)r{,ii{rd l[ee{{l ewq qr{lrtnu r,lecla uilqUtll a{} dr.rp L) (*.!. tt..,cr , ,iu uit.t. {%?tr.i ?ttrel {totc/. r,{iqStr i,Ll:jiii, ',.i.r-. 1:(rx...;. ; rl r', ;rlr, irr ::i,, I rt[ir r: i. irt.ra.l.1,f,.r;E 2- r, a,, crit{lqc*e. -i';:i | ,J rrt t:iii :t,;r,riii,.l i-:t\1.^, ,:.(,tqe eOttct, Uii-..11",l', r1i L{j"r.r1;. ,", ,,: r ii).31,, : ,:ii.,t:t. :, ,ttirlqtctz.. Jtitllrtrt?. ''il..ia.till.rdj-t ?6rr?.1 ry[rilu.r0,.r.1.uilct ?tyet {i,t.r q[qgt? rrlt:{_lJt rrro.. i-Qtilil'r .r,,,,1 ttril.i?{1, c.lv*ct ?ttq rrtfQstt lLtuiq;Jil i t. !,,1,,,i1.- 1 :,,",.;1 . ,, ,, r., {tstci rruelci :!,'tr,lti'! i,t?.t {Lrtq rrtf.]Ste qtqlrl ',.,.ii r rit(th." ;i,,.iit:titili".t iii.:{ trfrtrcir{i, cJ??rd ?ttat {tqtct r,ri'.Ett,rrtrilrr 1.j,i :tiJi::i illr)c..;11 ,,1.y?l ,,, ii 'ri ll,tt{ ;.11:.,.q t.,[g&? rr,.ta][ct ..;.i ).c,.{1, rlir:-a, .; :),1,i1 !.(', !: irJt,,q H[rl';t? ?4tenJt ;111 .,sqi1.r,rx'l ::i,i,Qt 1 i:ttra/ rttstct q[i)31g ralq]r1 a '"1i.'11r';',{; ii1;1:,..,1 i: 3, 1!.?Lct ?tvq {iot,:l u(U&? '+'i,,r, t,lt,t:, :l.1sr, ,{ [ l2t",.t-J {,tteii.,t }e.;.rr+l g ltis ) u ?--rr? +{1/o.o?01q /\cg j3??Lct \ '\.pr u lcrtq rrt[D.Ef aiG'tplc-t{ c{tv}tl, vz? t zHc\5 r utta{-).:i, -1.9, olt{i'trL?-3c,?Ot€' ctt. Js r.ii li?u r ttj t: r,rilr".,l q{,'[qa lilol:L-{1 aL. erztzrorrr.{l ur[0qu<t r{is, eurtdQn_gq.eorqtvtct &[l "tc-{l"t 6t5? 1.,^.s. "il <,ia.[l uo qec-[l {Y?tct ?tte{ rrroi.r q[QrLt rlrq]crxi e{ar R?,1'iXz'?.1?()\\"1t ir:i-.lrtl ".il tl i'lrr otult <{tee{l oqLctl +iottdct qi "..'l.zur"j il?-rt{ B. iu.. r{yrr. i} 'i{1 )c-{131-i zfr aL. aqr.[1 dc-{i"t 618?. t, A. s., uQcr+{I" 1?r?tct ?t%e{ HLotq rl[Qstt rr{tdlrL. .ilG"telct"{l ott!r11, ilsa ? -1.9, rti t{lst ri? -3(?O1,.9 jc"{i51.*,, gStt otot? ri'1t,1ttJcr t.lQtlg : "tGt? - * OBC ?3? qgqx\9 eesCXOgyEC - i,. r,t[] ct +i-l t{taa[. tap-fl"tt r, \ - ?t atQt HG e qt {. crtr[?. r{Lac-t'l$iarr. }t}ttt.c.ttt. \ \l (s\ \-L-l Ul r1 i\ .' "x) YId[) tiqs^r tt[i.q, {Y?tct 21.1€t }tt.'tq ut[QSt t rti{[.trte \J l11. ) ,? ) 3) ix ) , i ) ri, ) (.'r) {r ) i( ) (qo) (11) (1 ? ) r,1 r r r,t[i): ti,i:i uta]qsfl. )fQ lQctl:t. u[ilqlctat, ctidl'trt. r{(t): {rx:r illaiqsfl(s{ui{l rtQt ). u(Q.qtctat, rl.it{l'tr orlH Li? ?r%d{ttic:tsflott ilt{q8{1. ?tY0tctot, JLitll,,r ', ?. ) ri[i] qs{l'. ri,'tr?tcl [.)Ur'tuotl, f,lit{l"trL?. ??Kt ? Yor ?t-ts{i. lv?tct ,-stUs-ll. uLctt, u{HEtqt t. ittri c-.irai{,,1[ ttcj [dottf,il, tl'J:c,ls,:rryft itcl utc{iu slrlqt4?&ft il;I ra1['1Rlucl s[itld?8{I, uil [*r.{rtt rrlc-flu ?,{[Q5t{le{i t,i1 [*c<-tt Ast?t u[Ust{lsft rJ.i, ldqr rt $O ot"tl dHt ]{ UL cttqtl ctst]{], (13) !.r-r. r,itererr{lz'{t.r. uotra{ldlzttliq*{lztp+Arir{lzua1s.t ?rl'E ){r-{q u[Qstt 'rfiqr{lat tea u[8qr{l. ly?r.cr ctidl'tctr. t,rx)ud tLruttti, J-!y?rcr ?t%-e{ {tarq r{lqstt rltq].c1, ctitli'tcLa. ('i"r t {ilcl va crticr r,{te{].ct. r{ldi'i )l.,