agenda - Glinton Parish Council
agenda - Glinton Parish Council
GLINTON PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr John F W Holdich OBE Clerk: Mr J Haste 5 St Benedicts Close Glinton PETERBOROUGH PE6 7LJ (P) 01733 252833 (M) 07711070386 Email: NOTICE OF MEETING All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Glinton Parish Council at the Village Hall, High St, Glinton on Tuesday 17th March, 2015 at 7.15 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the meeting and at the Open Forum from 7.15 to 7.30 pm may address the Council. The formal meeting of the parish council will be preceded by presentations from i) David Cowcill on taking forward the outcome of the Zero Carbon Project ii) Brian Robins - Speedwatch AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MEMBERS DECLARATION OF INTERESTS a. Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary interests not already registered or other Interest in any items on the agenda. b. Consideration and granting of any dispensations submitted by members. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To allow up to 15 minutes for members of the public and Councillors declaring a prejudicial interest to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at this meeting. 4. TO SIGN & APPROVE MINUTES OF MEETING DATED 17th February, 2015 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES (for information only). 6. PLANNING a. To receive an update on current planning applications (see attached log of applications). b. 15/00192/CTR – Ash Tree x 1 remove – 4 Welmore Road – by Mrs Sue Lowe-Lauri. c. 15/00215/HHFUL – Single Storey rear extension including minor internal alterations – 22 The Willows-by Mr Colin Hutton d. 15/00245/HHFUL – First floor side extension & part garage conversion – 1 Oak Road – by Mr Salvatore Cammarata. e. 15/00297/FUL - Single storey extension to create a new site operations building – AMVC Helpston Road – by Trustees of AMVC f. 15/00329/CTR – Ash Trees x 4 – crown thinning – Scotts Farm 6 Peakirk Road – by Mrs Carol Duggan 7. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING – a. To note the record of the meeting of the Neighbourhood planning working group and matters being referred to the parish council for decision b. To consider means of progressing the wording of the required housing need survey questionnaire and the involvement of ACRE Page 1 of 2 Visit us at: 8. LIGHTING PLANS IN GLINTON & PEAKIRK– Cllr. Randall to report back on discussions with Peterborough City Council, in particular to consider lighting options for the Willows Footpath 9. NATIONAL CLEAN UP DAY – To note the arrangements for litter picking at 11.00 on 21st March meeting at the rear of the pharmacy in the village. 10. SPEEDWATCH To consider the content of the presentation by Brian Robbins and the detailed guidance issued by Cambridgeshire Constabulary, previously circulated with the agenda for the January meeting. To determine if there is Parish Council interest in forming a Speedwatch group. 11. FINANCE a. To receive a budgetary control report of year to date (see attached). b. To consider and approve a statement of Payments and Receipts since last meeting (see attached) c. To note monthly bank reconciliations (see attached) 12. LAWN CEMETERY ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS – To consider correspondence received and decide on appropriate action to be taken. 13. CLERKS TRAINING FOR CiLCA – approval of attendance at training courses run by CAPALC 14. COMMEMORATION of WW1 & WAR MEMORIAL RESTORATION To receive an Oral report from Councillor Skinner on a meeting with the Head of the primary school 15. HIGHWAYS To consider highway observations noted by Councillors, in particular to note the planned village Highways inspection for early April. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 21ST April, 2015 at 7.15pm in the Village Hall. Original signed J Haste Clerk/Proper Officer 11th March, 2015 Supporting Papers (Cllr’s only): Distribution: All Councillors Notice Boards & PO Cllr D Lamb (Ward Councillor) PCC Parish Liaison Officer Page 2 of 2 Visit us at: