
Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel : Dhaka : Bangladesh
Conference : 13 & 14 February 2015, Friday & Saturday
Pre-Conference : 12 February 2015, Thursday
Conference Theme: “Family Physician is a member of the family”
Conference Organizer
Conference Organizer
Conference Partner
Conference Supporter
Conference Supporter
Conference Supporter
Bangladesh Academy
of Family Physicians
Bangladesh College of
General Practitioners
Unilever Bangladesh
Bangladesh Institute
of FM & Research
University of Science
& Tech Chittagong
MRCGP [International]
South Asia
Spice Route
Movements South Asia
Conference Secretariat:
Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians
WONCA SAR Conference 2015, 7/8A Eastern Plaza, 6th Floor, Hatirpool, Dhaka 1205
Tel: +880-2-9668739, 9664019, 01720699755, Fax: +880-2-8618297, E-mail: bala@agni.com
Web-site: www.academy-bd.com www.GlobalFamilyDoctor.com Face-book: biumr_bifmr.ustc
"Family Physician is the member of the family with knowledge
and skill in medical science” – National Prof. N. Islam 2003
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure and honour to welcome all of you in this memorable event. We were expecting 350 participants but ultimately 400
participants joined the conference, one quarter of whose are from abroad. During January 2014, WONCA South Asia Regional
Committee in its meeting in Kolkata gave the Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians the responsibility of organizing the
“WONCA SAR Conference 2015” in Dhaka. Subsequently, Bangladesh College of General Practitioners, Unilever Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Institute of Family Medicine & Research, University of Science & Technology Chittagong, MRCGP [International]
South Asia, and Spice Route Movement has joined the team for organizing the conference.
Health is a basic need of human being. People from different sectors are involved in ensuring proper health. Doctors are a major
stockholder in this team. From the beginning of the human civilization, family physicians in various forms have taken the
responsibility of managing health problems of any locality. Now-a-days health delivery system has become complex, but still
family medicine is the answer. It is better for a country if the authority realizes this truth early.
The family remains the most basic relation unit and most socially dependent in our society. The basic responsibility of a family
physician emerges clearly in the definition that “Family physician is a member of the family”. Evidently he has all the
responsibilities of a family members besides the ones associated with his specialty viz health care. From all these responsibilities
of a family physician, it transpires that his all out knowledge and experience of problems besetting a family needs a very
comprehensive and yet all-inclusive educational programme.
This is the conference of WONCA and local organizers are organizing this conference on behalf of WONCA. Prof. Micahel Kidd,
Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad, Dr. Garth Manning, Dr. Ramnik Parekh and other executives of WONCA, and all WONCA staffs
played their role perfectly. Very supportive and efficient International Advisory Committee and National Advisory Committee have
advised us always. Many resource personnel have contributed significantly to this conference, we would like to thank all of them.
Participants from home and abroad have taken the trouble to join this conference; they are the soul of this conference,
congratulation to them. Many persons have taken the pain of organizing this conference; they spent a lot of time and effort to
make it a success, thank you all.
We, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, are welcoming all of you in WONCA South Asia Regional Conference 2015 in Dhaka.
Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad
WONCA South Asia Regional President
Prof. Michael Kidd
WONCA World President
Dr. Garth Manning
WONCA Chief Executive Officer
Prof. Ainul Islam Choudhury
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
President of the BAFP
Prof. Kanu Bala
Organizing Chairman
WONCA SAR Conference 2015
Dr. Md. Nurul Islam Bhuiyan
Secretary of the Organizing Committee
Secretary General of the BAFP
Web-site: www.academy-bd.com E-mail: bala@agni.com Face-book: biumr_bifmr.ustc Phone: +880-2-9668739
WONCA SAR 2015 Report
WONCA: WONCA is an unusual, yet convenient acronym comprising the first five initials of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies
and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. WONCA's short name is World Organization of Family Doctors. The World
Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) is a not-for-profit organization and was founded in 1972 by member organizations in 18 countries.
WONCA now has 126 Member Organizations in 102 countries with membership of about 300,000 family doctors and more than 90 per cent of the
world’s population.
WONCA SAR 2015: WONCA is sub-grouped under 7 regions; South Asia Region is one of them. Over 25% of the world’s population lives in South
Asia, with many people living in dire poverty with limited or no access to health care. WONCA is committed to supporting health service
developments in this region. Every year WONCA SAR organizes one conference in its member countries namely- Bangladesh, Bhutan, India,
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. WONCA SAR 2015 was held in the City of Dhaka on 13 & 14 February 2015 at Radisson Blu Water Garden
Hotel. There were Pre-conference activities on 12 February 2015.
Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians and Bangladesh College of General Practitioners were the Conference Organizers while Unilever
Bangladesh Limited was the Conference Partner. Bangladesh Institute of Family Medicine & Research, University of Science & Technology
Chittagong, MRCGP [International] South Asia and Spice Route Movements were the Supportive Organizations.
Dignitaries at the Inauguration Session
Prof. Michael Kidd-Chief Guest is offered flowers by a member of BAFP
Prof. Kanu Bala-Organizing Chairman is delivering welcomed address
Prof. Michael Kidd-WONCA World President declaring conference open
Dr. Ramnik Parekh & Dr. Jyoti Parekh is receiving Conference Award
At the end of the Inauguration Ceremony all the dignitaries
WONCA SAR 2015 Report
PARTICIPANTS: Total 398 enthusiastic Delegates attended the first WONCA SAR Conference in Bangladesh at different categories as: Invited
Speakers: 33 [25 Foreigners], Foreign Delegates: 53, Bangladesh Delegates: 264, Foreign Spice Route: 18, Bangladesh Spice Route: 30.
The delegates came from 15 different countries of the whole world: Sri Lanka, India, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Thailand, UK, France, Switzerland,
Nepal, Turkey, Malaysia, Norway, Pakistan, Japan , and Bangladesh.
PRECONFERENCE PROGRAMME: On 12 February 2015, Thursday a Pre-conference Programme was chalked out. Foreign Delegates and Local
Leaders attended ‘Meet the Leaders’ session and a ‘Buffet Dinner’ at ‘Baton Rouge Restaurant’ with 100 delicious food items. Spice Route
Delegates from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh were very much enthusiastic to meet the WONCA leaders and local leaders.
INAUGURATION SESSION: The Radisson Blu Water Garden hotel, Airport Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh was the conference venue. This is the most
expensive and most beautiful venue in the country for organizing this type of international conference. ‘Utshab Hall’ at ground level was the main
auditorium. ‘Madhabi Hall’ and Mallika Hall’ at level 2 were reserved for research paper sessions, workshops and business sessions.
Professor Michael Kidd-WONCA President was the Chief Guest at the Inauguration Ceremony, while Prof. Paratap Narayan Prasad-WONCA SAR
President and Mr. Zaved Akhter-Brand Building Director of Unilever Bangladesh Limited were the Special Guests. Prof. Ainul Islam ChoudhuryChairman of the Organizing Committee and President of the Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians chaired the session and Prof. Kanu BalaOrganizing Chairman delivered the welcome address. Dr. Ramnik Parekh and Dr. Jyoti Parikh were offered “WONCA SAR 2015 Award”.
Prof. Syed Modasser Ali-Former Advisor to the Hon’ble Prime Minister
Dr. Pteethi Wijegoonewardene-Former WONCA SAR President
Prof. Md. Nurul Islam- Former WONCA SAR President
Prof. Riaz Qureshi-Chairman, MRCGP [International] South Asia Board
Prof. Mirza Mazharul Islam-President of the BCGP
Prof. Amanda Barnard-Former Chairperson WWPWFM
WONCA SAR 2015 Report
INVITED SPEECHES: 33 world class orators from different countries presented total 38 Invited Speeches on different topics of family medicine.
Prof. Michael Kidd delivered the Annual Key-note Speech at “National Prof. N. Islam Memorial Lecture”, held in tribute to one of the great global
leaders of our profession who died, aged 84 years, in 2013. Professor Islam once wrote that, “Medicine is a science with human understanding and
warmth – selfless, dedicated and wise.” The ‘Theme’ of the conference is ‘Family physician is a member of the family’ taken from National Prof. N.
Islam, Prof. Kanu Bala delivered the theme lecture. Two Lunch Symposiums covered 2 hot topics of family medicine.
RESEARCH PAPERS: 38 research papers were presented by researchers of different countries. Wide range of research topics covered almost all
areas of family medicine and from other branches of medicine. The sessions were well attended and lively. All the participants, invited speakers
and presenters received certificate of attendance, certificate of invited speech and certificate of research paper.
WORKSHOPS: WONCA Working Party for Women and Family Medicine [WWPWFM], MRCGP [International] South Asia, and Spice Route
Movements organized 3 workshops. Good number of participants attended the workshops. MRCGP [International] South Asia is indenting to
organize the examinations in Dhaka in near future. Anyone interested may contact the secretariat at mrcgp.southasia@hotmail.com
and info@mrcgpintsouthasia.org or may visit www.mrcgpintsouthasia.org for more information.
TRADE SHOW: At the lobby of ‘Utshab Hall’ a small but resourceful trade show was participated by Unilever Bangladesh, GlazoSmithKline, MRCGP
[Int.] South Asia, General Pharmaceuticals, and other establishments. Delegates gathered information, enjoyed offered foods, collected samples,
chat with each other in between academic sessions.
WONCA SAR Committee Meeting-Prof. P. N. Prasad, Chairman
WONCA SAR Committee Meeting-Dr. Ramnik Parekh, Secretary
Spice Route Movement session
Delegates are at registration desk
From the desk of the Master of the Session
Delighted Delegates after receiving registration kits
WONCA SAR 2015 Report
WONCA SAR COMMITTEE MEETING: The business meeting of the WONCA South Asia Region was held at Madhabi Hall on 13 February
at 5.30 pm. The meeting was presided over by WONCA SAR President Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad and was conducted by WONCA SAR Secretary
Dr. Ramnik Pareck. Important topics were discussed and decisions taken. PROF. Kanu Bala presented the report on the conference. He also
presented some observations as below which were discussed in the meeting:
1. Responsibility of the conference should be given to a single organization, not to all organization of a country as a whole.
2. Every year a/more personnel of the Sub-continent should given a ‘Conference Award’ for his/their contribution
3. More clinical topics should be included in the invited speeches and research papers part
CULTURAL EVENTS: Delegates were not only busy with academic sessions, rather they enjoyed a good cultural evening and sumptuous dinner.
Charming young dancers appeared with the exotic beats of drums and ‘Tabla’. Delegates irrespective of age from home and abroad joined the
songs and dance programmes.
WONCA PARTICIPATION: WONCA SAR 2015 Conference is the programme of the WONCA, we are the local organizers only. From WONCA side Dr.
Garth Manning-WONCA CEO and Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad-WONCA SAR President maintained full time communication with Prof. Kanu BalaOrganizing Chairman and gave suggestions when necessary. Both of them visited Dhaka for monitoring the progress of conference work. Prof.
Michael Kid-WONCA World President always rendered his blessings for the conference.
Signing certificates for delegates and speakers
Delegates are enjoying food offered at the stalls of ‘Trade Show’
At the end of the ‘Lunch Symposium’ delegates enjoying lunch
Delegates at ‘Dinner Table’ enjoying ‘Cultural Evening’
Traditional Bangladeshi Song at ‘Cultural Evening’
Delegates dancing at ‘Cultural Evening’
WONCA SAR 2015 Report
AGM OF THE ACADEMY: At a meeting of WONCA South Asia Region on 5 January 2014 at Kolkata WONCA SAR 2015 was offered to the Bangladesh
Academy of Family Physicians to organize the conference in a befitting manner. The meeting was represented by Mr. M. H. Mohsin, CEO of the
BIFMR. The academy decided to incorporate other friendly organizations in it and to organize the Annual General Meeting of the Academy along
with this conference. Accordingly the AGM of the Academy was held on 14 February 2015 at 5.30 pm at the Utshab Hall. A new committee was
formed in the meeting.
PRESS CONFERENCE: ON 15 February, just after finishing the conference, the organizers arranged a ‘Press Conference’ at ‘Dhaka Reporters Unit’
auditorium. The press was informed about present status of family medicine in Bangladesh, the conference, its outcome.
CONFERENCE OUTCOMES: The conference was well organized and well participated. WONCA has a strong and growing presence in the countries
of South Asia and need to continue its work to ensure that every family doctor, every general practitioner, every primary care doctor, joins in the
commitment to deliver high quality primary care to their patients and their communities. Every person and every family in every community
deserves high quality medical care from a well-trained and qualified family doctor. This conference certainly strengthens the academic and
personal relations among South Asia Regional doctors.
EDITED & PUBLISHED: Prof. Kanu Bala, Organizing Chairman of the WONCA South Asia Regional Conference 2015 in Dhaka.
Prof. Michael Kidd is giving WONCA Crest to Prof. Kanu Bala
Prof. S. Arulrhaj-Chief Patron giving IMA-ICGP Crest to Prof. Kanu Bala
Prof. Ainul Islam Choudhury giving ‘Crest of Appreciation’
Prof. Ainul Islam Choudhury declaring closing of the conference
WONCA Officials and Organizing Chairman
AGM of the Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians
Total 398 enthusiastic Delegates attended the first WONCA SAR
Conference in Bangladesh at different categories as follows:
Invited Speakers
: 33 [25 Foreigners]
Foreign Delegates
: 53
Bangladesh Delegates
: 264
Foreign Spice Route
: 18
Bangladesh Spice Route
: 30
The delegates came from 15 different countries of the whole world
including Bangladesh:
Sri Lanka
Saudi Arabia
Delegates from different countries
Delegates from different countries
Enthusiastic Delegates from Bangladesh
Colourful female delegates signifies gender equity
Delegates from Nepal
Delegates of Bangladesh and Foreign Dignitaries
Scientific Sessions
N. Islam Memorial Lecture
Prof. Michael Kidd delivered the Annual Key-note Speech
at “National Prof. N. Islam Memorial Lecture”, held in
tribute to the great global leader of our profession.
Invited Speeches
Conference Theme Lecture
The ‘Theme’ of the conference is ‘Family physician is a
member of the family’ taken from National Prof. N. Islam,
Prof. Kanu Bala delivered the theme lecture.
Research Paper Presentations
33 world class orators from different countries presented 38 research papers were presented by researchers of
total 38 Invited Speeches on different topics of family
different countries. Wide range of research topics covered
medicine. Two Lunch Symposiums covered 2 hot topics of almost all areas of family medicine and from other branches
family medicine.
of medicine.
Prof. Michael Kidd AM-Australia
WONCA World President
World Organization of Family Doctors
Prof. Amanda Howe-UK
WONCA World President-Elect
World Organization of Family Doctors
Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad-Nepal
WONCA SA Regional President
World Organization of Family Doctors
Dr. Garth Manning-Thailand
WONCA Chief Executive Officer
World Organization of Family Doctors
Dr. Preethi Wijegoonewardene-Sri Lanka
WONCA SAR Past President
World Organization of Family Doctors
Dr. Ramnik Parekh-India
WONCA SA Regional Secretary
World Organization of Family Doctors
Prof. Valerie J. Wass-UK
Head of School of Medicine
Keele University, UK
Prof. Riaz Qureshi-KSA
Distinguished Professor of FM
King Saud University, KSA
Prof. Sundaram Arulrajh-India
Chief Patron
IMA-College of General Practitioner
Dr Shehla Naseem-Pakistan
General Secretary
College of Family Medicine Pakistan
Prof. Antoniette Perera
President, College of General
Practitioners of Sri Lanka
Dr. Raman Kumar-India
Academy of Family Physicians of India
Prof. Waris Qidwai-Pakistan
Professor & Head of Family Medicine
Aga Khan University, Pakistan
Dr. Abdulla Afeef-Maldives
Maldivian Medical Association
Dr. Sonia Mehra-UK & India
Regional Exchange Coordinator
Spice Route Movement
Dr. Chhabi Lal Adhikari-Bhutan
Organizer in Family Medicine
Paro General Hospital, Bhutan
Prof. Syed Modasser Ali
Former Advisor to P. Minister
Government of Bangladesh
Prof. Mahmud Hasan
BD Medical Association
Prof. M. Iqbal Arslan
Secretary General
BD Medical Association
Prof. Rashid-e-Mahbub
Former President
BD Medical Association
Prof. Md. Nurul Islam
WONCA SAR F. President
World Org. of Family Doctor
Mr. Ahmed Iftekharul Islam
Board of Trustees of USTC
Prof. S. A. Mahmood
Former President
BD Academy of Family Phys.
Prof. Almas Begum
Prof. Md. Maniruzzaman Bh.
Dr. Jamal Uddin Chowdhury
Secretary General
Most Important WONCA Support
Prof. Michael Kidd
Professor Michael Kidd is an Australian family doctor and the
President of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). He
is Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at
Flinders University in Australia and is a past president of the Royal
Australian College of General Practitioners. He was previously
Professor of General Practice at The University of Sydney. He chairs
the Australian Government's advisory committee on HIV, viral
hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections. He is a member of the
board of Australia's national mental health initiative, beyondblue. He
has served as an advisor to the World Health Organization on family
medicine, mental health and primary health care
Dr. Garth Manning
Dr Garth Manning, a FRCGP, is the Chief Executive Officer of the
World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA). Dr. Garth became
an International Consultant in PHC Development in 1994, working for
organisations such as the UN, European Union, Department for
International Development (DFID) and others, initially in the
countries of Central and Eastern Europe, before a prolonged period
in Bangladesh. He was appointed as RCGP’s first Medical Director for
International Development Programmes. He has worked in many
countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in the
South Asia Region, and has presented at many international
seminars and conferences.
Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad
Prof. Pratap Narayan Prasad is then WONCA South Asia Regional
President, Professor and Head of the Department of General Practice
and Emergency Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University,
Katmandu, Nepal. Prof. Prasad held the positions of President-General
Practitioner Association of Nepal, Life member- Nepal Medical
Association, Member- WONCA conference organizing committee. He is
awarded the Prestigious education award (Siksha purasakar) twice from
Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Nepal; best faculty
award- Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Best faculty award
by international postgraduate students society at- Institute of Medicine,
Tribhuvan University.
Dr. Ramnik Parekh
Dr. Ramnik Parekh is the Secretary of the WONCA South Asia Regional
Committee, born in 1936 at Karachi, he graduated in medicine in
1962 and after 20 years of Family Practice qualified in Occupational
Health from Mumbai & London. He is Honorary Fellow of IMA College
of General Practice and also Honorary Fellow of Indian Association of
Occupational Health. He was conferred Lifetime Achievement Award
by General Practitioners’ Association-Greater Bombay and National
Safety Council. He is the Immediate Past President of Federation of
Family Physicians’ Associations of India (FFPAI). He is the pastpresident of General Practitioners’ Association of Greater Bombay
and has provided some pioneering activities.
The Conference Venue
Radisson Blu Water Garden Hotel
Airport Road, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh
The most expensive Hotel of the country near airport in Dhaka
boasts ideal location for conference. A comfortable blend of East and
West, the capital city of Dhaka melds traditional and contemporary
elements together so guests can immerse themselves in cultural
history or modern convenience. Because the hotel is near the airport
in Dhaka, guests find they are off the plane and in the hotel without
much hassle.
The Radisson Blu Water Garden hotel, Airport Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh
was the conference venue. This is the most expensive and most beautiful
venue in the country for organizing this type of international conference.
‘Utshab Hall’ at ground level was the main auditorium. ‘Madhabi Hall’
and Mallika Hall’ at level 2 were reserved for research paper sessions,
workshops and business sessions. Wide open space is suitable for
registration, greetings, exhibition and catering.
Hotel Lake Castle
House # 1A, Road # 68/A, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The magnificent lavish hotel is situated by the side of a lake with
greeneries. Its elegant scenic beauty will take you to the dream
world. The hotel is in Gulshan north with its calm and quiet
environment. It is 10 minutes drive to HSJ International airport and
20 minutes drive to all the business areas. The hotel surrounds by
the American Club, diplomats and elite of the city. The secretariats
arranged transportation to and from conference venue.
BRAC Centre
75 Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh
BRAC Centre - A symbol of refreshing elegance. An authentic
example of personalised hospitality. Excellent location near the
diplomatic enclave overlooking the Gulshan lake. Unique blend of
service and comfort with the warm touch of home. Multiple cuisine,
local and international, to make your stay all the more enjoying. It is
20 minutes drive to HSJ International airport. The secretariats
arranged transportation to and from conference venue.
Places of Interest in Dhaka
National Assembly building: Bangladesh Parliament building is one of the
beautiful places in Dhaka. National Assembly Complex in Sher-e-Bangla
Nagar, designed by the famous architect Louis Kahn, has distinctive
architectural features. Natural scenery of this place is very beautiful. There
is a beautiful green garden near Assembly building named Chandrima Uddayn.
Ahsan Manzil Museum: The Museum is located on the bank of river
Buriganga in old Dhaka. This place is a model of the nations' rich artistic
heritage. It was the home of the Nawab of Dhaka and a silent witness to many
historical events. Ahsan Manzil is one of the historical places in Bangladesh.
New look Ahsan Manzil is a monument of immense historical beauty. It has
total 31 rooms with a huge dome atop which can be seen from miles around.
Shahid Minar: Language Martyrs Monument is situated near Dhaka Medical
College and Dhaka University. It is the Symbol of Bangladesh nationalism,
built to commemorate the martyrs of historic Language Movement of 1952.
Bangladeshi People get inspiration from this place and sometime different
organizations raise their voice against discrimination or other unlawful steps.
National Memorial: National Memorial of Bangladesh is located at Savar.
National Monument was built to commemorate the martyrs of the war of
independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Jahangirnagar University and its
sprawling campus are also located nearby the place.
Lalbagh Fort : This place was the Fort of Emperor Aurangabad famously
known as Lalbagh Fort. It was established in the year 1678 by Prince
Mohammad Azam, who was the son of Aurangazeb. New attraction of the
place is the Cultural Ministry of Bangladesh took initiatives to make a
documentary on Lalbagh Port and showing with laser effect in the evening
since 2014.
University of Dhaka:The University of Dhaka is the largest public university
in the nation with more than 30,000 students and 1,300 faculty staff. It was
established in 1921 being the first university in the region. The university has
23 research centres and 70 departments, faculties and institutes. Curzon Hall
of the University of Dhaka is one of the finest architect in the Dhaka City.