Encanto- Palmcroft News
Encanto- Palmcroft News
January 2008 Encanto-Palmcroft News EncantoEncantoPalmcroft News E N C A N T O - A L M C R O F T A S S O H C I I S A T T O R I I O N C P R E S E R V A T I O N EPHPA PRESIDENT’S LETTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Contact List P By Todd Templeton 2 Schedule of Events 2 Encanto Parkside Condominum Development 5 Community Announcements 5, 6, 7 Security Update By Susan Stowe 8 ‘Twas The Season Oh, Oh, Oh! By Jenise Tuchin 9 It is a new year and a time for new beginnings and optimism about the future. It seems like last year at this time I look back and wonder just where the previous year went – they go by faster every year. We started December with the annual pole wrapping event. Approximately 20 volunteers turned out to wrap all the street lamps in the neighborhood. Afterward, Diana Kem hosted a champagne brunch at her house. Thank you to everyone who turned out to make our neighborhood look festive for the holiday season. Then on the 16th, we had a wonderful holiday party, and if you were not there, you really missed a great event. I learned two things at the party: first, that Mike Brekke and his team of volunteers really know how to throw a party, and secondly, that we have a lot of good cooks in this neighborhood. The food was amazing, from the appetizer table (the chicken liver pate’ was outstanding), to the enormous spread of desserts. Thank you to all who helped make the Holiday Party such a great success. In our last newsletter, we inaugurated a new feature by including a section for recipes from our residents. After seeing the amazing spread at the Holiday Party, it is obvious that there are a lot of you that could provide recipes for the Cook’s Corner (I’ve heard several people ask about Ron Pick’s Cornbread Soufflé). If you have a favorite recipe or six, please send them to our newsletter editor, Dawn Risk. Her email address is newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org. We are looking for three recipes each month, so please send in your submissions! Architectural Update By Martin Vogel 121213 EPHPA December Meeting Minutes 161618 Conversations With My Dog 19 You will soon be receiving your updated neighborhood roster that Jay Murphy has compiled. Jay and Dawn have worked hard to get the roster completed. Thank you both for the hard work. EPHPA Meeting Agenda 20 With the New Year, the Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation has hired a new security company to patrol our streets. The new company, Valley Protective Services, features law enforcement-trained security personnel that patrol on bicycles, so when you see one of our new officers, be sure to take a moment to get to know them. This new company has agreed to a much higher level of service than Arrow was ever willing to provide and we are looking forward to seeing what they can do for us. No doubt your security corporation will be sending out much more detailed information very soon. We have a number of fun events coming up, so check the Events Calendar to make sure you don’t miss anything. I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year. Holiday Dinner Party Pictures 222223 Cooks Corner 24 P a g e 2 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t C o n t a c t The mission of the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association is to promote the preservation of the historic Encanto-Palmcroft neighborhood and enhance the quality of life Info@encantopalmcroft.org 1602 Palmcroft Way SW Phoenix, AZ 85007 within and around the neighborhood. E N C A N T O - P A L M C R O F T H I S T O R I C P R E S E R V A T I O N A S S O C I A T I O N Schedule of upcoming local events • First Fridays: The first Friday of each month, local galleries and vendors in the Art District attract thousands of people. 6-10pm. Free Admission. Shuttle service from Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N Central Ave. See www.artlinkphoenix.com for more info. • Every Saturday: Downtown Phoenix Public Market. Fresh in-season fruits and vegetables, produce, flowers, jams, baked goods, dried beans, freerange eggs and honey. Live plants and unique local arts and crafts, tasty hot foods, music and more. 721 N Central Ave. 8am—1pm, rain or shine. See www.foodconnect.org/phoenixmarket for more info. N e w s L i s t President Todd Templeton 670-0249 ttempleton@torusgroup.com Vice President Ron Pick 254-0505 Pick.ron@gmail.com Treasurer Diana Kem 261-7972 dianakem@cox.net Secretary Mike March 410-1780 mmarch@gmail.com Architecture Martin Vogel 200-1025 macvogel@bigplanet.com Outreach Kelly Morlan 271-0797 kellylarabee@yahoo.com Social Mike Brekke 694-0792 mikeb@camelothomes.com Newsletter Editor Dawn Risk 430-5122 newsletter@ encantopalmcroft.org • January 13th, Sunday: P.F. Chang’s RockRock-n-Roll Marathon and HalfHalf-Marathon. For event, detours, and downtown road closure info, see: http://www.rnraz.com/ Assets/rnraz/pdf/az_road_closures_brochure_08.pdf. Newsletter Ads Diana Kem 261-7972 dianakem@cox.net • January 17th— 17th—19th, Thursday— Thursday—Saturday: Hazardous Waste Collection. Collection 8am—2pm. Palmcroft Baptist Church, 15825 N 35th Avenue. Call 262-7251 for info. • January 17th, Monday: Neighborhood Day at the Legislature. Legislature Hear from Valley leaders. 11:30am—1pm, Capitol Mall. Block Captain Coordinator Laurie Little 254-4983 laurielittle@cox.net • January 30th, Wednesday: Healthcare Reform: Intro to Foreign Healthcare Systems. 12-1pm. The Mercado, ASU Downtown Phoenix Campus. Free Admission. Call 496-1000 for info and to RSVP. • February 2nd, Saturday: Bulk Trash Placement Begins. Collection begins on February 11th. Call 262-7251 for more info. • February 10th, Sunday: Willo Historic Home Tour and Street Festival. 10am - 4pm. $15 Admission. See www.willohistoricdistrict.com for more info. Welcome LaGayle Atwell 712-0148 lagayleatwell@cox.net EncantoEncanto-Palmcroft Security Corp. Susan Stowe 258-9232 ssstowe@cox.net CRIME STOP (non 911) 262-6151 NSDC (Code Enforcement) 262-7844 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Advertisement P a g e PET OWNERS: If you’re interested in joining a neighborhood pet-care pool, please email Susan Stowe at: ssstowe@cox.net. Advertisement 1335 WEST THOMAS ROAD 602-263-1915 Hours of Operation: Sunday: Closed Monday: 11am – 3pm Tuesday – Thursday: 11am – 3pm / 5pm-9pm Friday: 11am – 3pm / 5pm-10pm Saturday: 5pm - 10pm Now Serving Organic Food Advertisement 3 P a g e 4 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Community Announcements ENCANTO - PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION 2007 CALENDAR BOARD MEETING DATES ~ 2008 Unless otherwise noted, all EPHPA Board meetings are held at The Valley Garden Center located at 1809 North 15th Avenue. Board meetings are held on the third Monday of each month, scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM and usually last two hours. EVENT / ACTIVITIES DATES ~ 2008 Our 2008 Event/Activities list is still under construction. Look for our updated list in next month’s issue. Some of the highlights from previous years events have included: - TRASH TO TREASURES - NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE PAPPAS SCHOOL PICNIC IN PARK ICE CREAM SOCIAL ENCANTO POOL PARTY AND DIVING SPECTACULAR HALLOWEEN PARADE AND PICNIC PARTY ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING STREET LIGHT RIBBON WRAPPING PARTY HOLIDAY GALA DINNER PARTY STREET LIGHT RIBBON UNWRAPPING PARTY NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS NEEDED Contribute articles and letters to the newsletter. Know of a program or event that we should cover? Is there a neighborhood issue you would like to publicize or inform residents of? The deadline for all submissions is the 1st of each month. Send submissions (in email or Word format) to Dawn Risk by e-mail at newsletter@encantopalmcroft.org. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE for meal preparation, errands, personal care, medication reminder. I have worked as a caregiver for several years and live in the neighborhood. Mary 307-1008 Please support our advertisers! We appreciate their monthly commitment to our newsletter. Tell them you saw their ad in the Encanto-Palmcroft News! Neighborhood Email List A voluntary neighborhood email list is maintained by the board and is used to pass on information that is useful to the neighborhood. If you would like your email address added to the list please send an email with your name and street address to thelist@encantopalmcroft.org. thelist@encantopalmcroft.org You should receive a confirmation that your email address will be added. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 5 Community Announcements — Continued PLACE YOUR AD! $25 - 1/6 page or smaller $30 – 1/4 page $60 – 1/2 page $100 – Full page 10% discount for ads that run for 3 months Make checks payable to: Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association To place an ad call Diana Kem, 1806 Palmcroft Dr. NW Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-261-7972 Remember! If you see a street light with a burnt out bulb… Call APS at 602-371-7171 or go online and fill out their street light outages report form at: http://www.aps.com/customer/ reporttroublestreetlight.asp B o o k C l u b Book Club January 2008: third Thursday, Bella's house 15844 N 37th Street, Phoenix. Encanto Parkside Condominium Development Encanto Parkside, the company developing the condominiums on McDowell between 13th and 15th Avenues will be make presentation at the January Board Meeting to show the neighborhood what is being planned for the property. This development will have an impact on our neighborhood, so this is a good opportunity for you to see the plans and to voice your concerns directly to the developer. CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FREE! Yard Sales (indicate date, location, & time) - Reward – Lost/ Found – Needed Babysitting – Free Stuff Send your ‘classified’ requests to newsletter@encanto-palmcroft.org. Be sure to include your telephone number and email address. Available to residents only (for nonnon-business purposes only) Frances Hammond Please RSVP 602 258-0787 Seeking Mary Poppins Extraordinaire. We are looking for a wonderful, caring, creative, intelligent, loving, nanny to watch over our precious baby daughter. Our household is busy and a little noisy between the baby, our home office phones ringing, and the parrots chatting. We also have a sweet dog. The position will be part-time T, W, and Thurs from 9 - 5 however we would prefer someone with a flexible schedule. Bilingual is a plus (it doesn't matter what language my husband speaks Turkish). Position will be contingent on clean driving record, drug test, and completion of background check. A one year commitment is required. If you think you meet the criteria above, please contact us! Stacey 480-353-6172 or chilihills@cox.net. P a g e 6 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Community Announcements — Continued You are the eyes and ears of our neighborhood! If an incident shall occur during your presence, do not hesitate to call 911. For non-emergencies, call Crime Stoppers at 602602-262262-6151 . Are you on the Encanto Palmcroft E-mail list for updated alerts on crime issues? Send an e-mail to: thelist@encantopalmcroft.org with the subject line to read “Encanto EncantoE-mail List” List Encanto-Palmcroft EThank you and please stay alert and safe. Michael Nowakowski City Councilman District 7 invites you to coffee! Our new City Councilman, Michael Nowakowski would like to meet Encanto neighbors and hear what concerns you, hear your thoughts, hear your ideas! Please join Michael for coffee on Saturday, January 26th. Stop in between 10am – 1pm. Encanto Park Clubhouse. For more information, please call Michael’s office* at (602) 602-262-7492. 2008 EPHPA Board of Directors: Todd Templeton Allen & Charlessa Feinstein Ron Pick Bev Haarman Diana Kem Liz Kally Martin Vogel Carole Kauffman LaGayle Atwell Mike March Mary Ellen Bradshaw-Weisbuch Kelly Morlan Mike Brekke Dawn Risk Michelle Buxbaum Chris Schilling Nelda J. Caldwell Susan Stowe TJ & Marc Cohen Steve Vollmer Julie Williams E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e Advertisement Advertisement 7 P a g e 8 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation : By Susan Stowe CRIME STOP: 602-262-6151 Valley Protective Services started patrolling Encanto-Palmcroft Wednesday, January 2nd. This standout operation was chosen from a group of 10 corporations with 4 finalists presenting to the EPSC. Each member of the Security Corp. scored the presenters on multiple levels. A runaway first choice, VPS will be extremely visible with their khaki over black uniforms riding their bicycles. The means of transport allows them quick access into tight spots as well as a visible contact for residents as well as the proverbial "bad guys." VPS has been in business since 2000, specializing in neighborhood communities. Many of their highly trained professionals are former police officers with a unique blend of law enforcement experience added to their dedication to the neighborhoods they serve. Corporate CEO, Davis S. Connant also adds the knowledge of modern-day business expertise A daily contact site in the neighborhood allows VPS Professionals to utilize Pass On Forms noting residents on vacation or any information deemed necessary for them to know. In turn, VPS will leave a daily report at the same site. Random time patrols will also take away the predictability of a daily 73 drive through the neighborhood. When you see a VPS Professional riding through the neighborhood, please take time to introduce yourself to him or her. Tell them where you live and about your children, pets, or any information that would help them to know and serve you better. By the time this newsletter goes to print, you should have received an introductory letter from VPS including a refrigerator magnet with their dispatch number. Emergency calls, as always, go to 911. Calls of a non-emergency nature can be handled by your VPS Professional who will be equipped with a Nextel two-way radio. VPS dispatchers can be reached at 480-777-0003. Please attend the January Association Board Meeting so you can meet our VPS representatives. Valley Protective Services will be a highly visible source in our neighborhood as well as a willing contact for any of your concerns. We look forward to providing our Encanto-Palmcroft residents with a superior service of safety and protection with this commendable organization. Susan Stowe, President, Encanto Palmcroft Security Corp. E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e Advertisement ‘Twas The Season Oh, Oh, Oh! By Jenise Tuchin Did you know that the average weight gain over the holidays is 7 to 12 pounds? It all starts on Halloween, When the candy consumption is quite obscene. This is the first pound, From the trick or treat run around. On Turkey Day we get starched out, Because that’s what the holiday is all about. There’s barely a green on the turkey scene, Except for the bean in the mushroom soup tureen. Be thankful you may, It’s just 3 for Thanksgiving Day. Holiday parties come next, yippee, With lots of nutrition from A and C. Appetizers, alcohol, cookies and cheese, Make eating at these parties an absolute breeze. And on the day that Christmas comes, We eat and eat ‘til there are only crumbs. Add 5 more, For the parties galore. Then we ring in the New Year, With special dinners and lots of good cheer. The biggest steaks, the richest sauces, the bubbliest drinks, Now don’t cut your losses. The baked Alaska, the chocolate soufflé, A brand new year is now under way. A brand new you gained 1 more today. Just when you think you’ve had enough, Here come the games with lots of good stuff. There are bowls of football and Fritos too, There are lots of bowls to eat and view. Bowls of dips of layers of seven, If your team wins, You’ll be in heaven. In we delve, For a total of 12. You’ve hit the wall, Now heed the call. It’s at this point that I might mention, It’s time for you to set an intention. Play more, eat less, To make the new year a healthy success. Advertisement PAINTING DECORATING Interior & Exterior ►Knowledgeable ►Friendly ►Neat ►Punctual ●Faux Finishes ●Color Consulting ●Restorations 30 Years Experience Free Estimates JIM BIBIK 623-547-5311 I work alone—no crews 9 P a g e 1 0 E n c a n t o Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Extended Hours Advertisement Grooming & Boarding Available Mon-Fri 7am-10pm Sat-Sun 7am-6pm Advertisement P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e Advertisement Advertisement 602602- 460460-1216 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement STYLIST PAUL CUT COLOR STYLE CHANGE IS GOOD! FALL SPECIALS 3343 N 7TH AVENUE SUITE 3 PHOENIX, AZ. 85013 602 283 1070 1 1 P a g e 1 2 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Architectural Happenings in Encanto-Palmcroft By Martin Vogel This Update is based on a report submitted to the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association (EPHPA) Board on December 17 by Martin Vogel for the Architecture Committee. Update of the National Register of Historic Places. A major 4 year effort to update the National Historic Register is coming to its conclusion: the result includes major financial benefits for homeowners, an updated map of the neighborhood and an inventory of the additional homes that are now eligible for “Historic Status”. What does this mean? First some important, but elusive definitions. If you’re reading this Newsletter you are probably an Encanto-Palmcroft resident, which means you live in one of two subdivisions platted in the late 1920’s (The Home Tour Brochure has a very good summary of our history). The general area of our neighborhood lies between 7th and 15th Avenues, and McDowell and Encnanto Boulevard. PARTS of this area were designated as a Historic Neighborhood in the 1980s through the efforts of neighbors, including G. G. George. Key benefits of being listed on the National Register of Historic of Historic Homes (a federal entity in Washington D. C.) include eligibility for a lower property tax rate (a state and Maricopa County benefit), and eligibility for exterior renovation grants (administered by the City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office). These programs are for homeowners who must individually apply for these benefits. The City of Phoenix can also apply a Historic Overlay to an area that has the national historic designation. The City’s Historic Overlay also provides additional zoning/preservation protection for the entire area. Please note, however, that the boundaries for the City’s Historic Overlay’s are not necessarily similar to the ones granted by the Federal level. Thus we get periodic conflicts about what is included for historic protection. Generally, properties that are older than 50 years old are eligible for the “historic designation”. When the initial application for historic status was prepared in the 1980’s, obviously a number of homes were not yet eligible, since many properties had been built after the Great Depression, which lasted through the 1930s. The neighborhood worked collectively to hire a consultant and secure the “historic designation” for those early homes. Current requirements for updates to the National Register are more onerous. Four years ago, the Encanto Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association (the one that publishes this Newsletter, has monthly Board meetings, and runs the bi-Annual Home Tour) decided to organize an update of the National Register. As many as 55 or so homes (out of a total of 325) were not on the lists of historic homes available at the City of Phoenix Historic Preservation Office or the State Historic Preservation Office. Individual homeowners were not able to apply for historic designation individually. A succession of EPHPA leaders, notably Diane Bishop, Jeff Simmons, Ron Pick and Todd Templeton, have provided guidance after the EPHPA seeded this project with $10,000. These funds were used to engage two consultants (Don Ryden for architectural and overall coordination, and Vince Murray for historical content) to prepare a document that is more than half an inch thick. This document is an Amendment (or an update) of the Encanto-Palmcroft Historic District. A group of volunteers worked with EPHPA Board members to pursue this task. Joellyn Pollock and Joan Burke were involved from beginning to end in raising $16,000 from affected homeowners. So far, total expenditures have totaled about $27,000, with a possible additional charge of $1,000 for amendments that may be requested by the Keeper of the National Register. To date, the EPHPA Board has agreed to pay for additional costs incurred on this project. Final news should be available for the February Newsletter. We now know that after reviewing the 55 unlisted homes, informal but valid approvals had been granted for all but 22 homes. These 22 properties were included in the submission to the National Register. Thanks to all of you, especially Joellyn Pollock and Joan Burke, who participated in the many phases of the work. Additional Items: Recent actions indicate that City Code provisions are being more rigorously enforced, sometimes on a retroactive basis. A neighbor was asked to dismantle a garage that had been constructed around a carport, for failure to obtain appropriate permits. Continued on Page 13 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 3 Continued from Page 12 Several other neighbors have been cited or asked to attend hearings on improvements made without proper permits. Official notices of hearings have appeared on yard signs in the neighborhood. Please remember that you live in a Historic District which has specific procedures to protect the historic fabric of the neighborhood. Please plan ahead and consult the appropriate City agencies, including the Historic Preservation Office for renovation or remodeling permits. Failure to obtain appropriate permits may lead to severe penalties. Many neighbors attended a hearing on December 12 on the “excess right of way” at the corner of McDowell Road and 15th Avenue. Developer Scott Haskins of the proposed condominium complex had volunteered to assume liability for a portion of unused land in the corner of our neighborhood that has not been included in the National Register of Historic Properties. It is a piece of land that was between the former car/tire service station and 15th Avenue. Although the Encanto Citizens Association, led by G. G. George had opposed the requests as a potential “land grab” that would lead to additional building density and traffic, the Hearing Officer stipulated that “gross density” is measured from the center of the streets for the Haskins properties which extend from 13th to 15th Avenues. Thus the resolution of this issue has no impact on density or traffic. The Hearing Officer recommended granting the developer’s request primarily because it reduced the City’s liability for incidents on the affected portion. Among other stipulations, the developer agreed to maintain an oversized alley entrance from 15th Avenue. The EPHPA Board recently allocated an additional $2500 for dusk to dawn lights in the alleys and open space around 15th Avenue and McDowell due to concerns about crime levels and transients. These lights have already been turned on in the McDowell alley, and Ron Pick is arranging for consent from homeowners along 15th Avenue, south of the Valley Garden Center. If you live in that area, please expect to be contacted by Ron. The extra lights will make it easier to patrol and promote security in the neighborhood. If you have an interest in joining the Architecture Committee, please contact Martin Vogel (602) 200-1025. Advertisement Advertisement P a g e 1 4 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e Zone Block Captains Address Phone E-mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 12A 12B 13 14 15A 15B 16 17 18 19 20 21 1820 Palmcroft Dr NW 1801 Palmcroft Dr NE 1619 Palmcroft Dr SW 1615 N 9th Ave 1817 Palmcroft Way NE 1809 Palmcroft Way NE 1625 Palmcroft Way SW 1301 W Coronado 1804 Palmcroft Way NW 1005 W Coronado 1808 N 11th Ave 1319 W Palm Lane 1114 W Palm Lane 1117 W Palm Lane 925 W Palm Lane 713 W Palm Lane 1115 W Monte Vista Rd 1133 W Holly Street 2033 N 11th Ave 1101 W Encanto Blvd 1818 N 7th Ave 727 Encanto Dr SE 2225 N 9th Ave 2110 Encanto Dr SW 254-3959 258-7961 253-8438 712-1125 254-8716 254-0505 252-4988 252-2256 254-0919 254-9567 257-0707 271-0905 253-3289 253-1060 795-3511 716-0525 319-4186 340-1742 253-5430 253-3881 264-8445 716-9644 307-5916 258-2210 kateandbob1@cox.net sunshinebevh@aol.com jay@murphy.home.name mikeandy@cox.net twors2ns@msn.com pick.ron@gmail.com lindamilv@cox.net chrisschil@cox.net artbygeri@hotmail.com juliefranklin@cox.net cherstam@lrlaw.com clydehg@cox.net dinosaur.mom@cox.net cbkauffman@aol.com dmrisk@cox.net sfobke@cox.net george@georgeabrams.com denise.march@gmail.com ckkrause@fastq.com design1101@cox.net message 462-9162 sbdale@attglobal.net rwday1@cox.net alfeinstein@cox.net Kate Murphy Bev Haarman Jay Murphy Mike Rodriquez Cyndy Herrmann Ron Pick Linda Milversted Chris Schilling Geri Gittings Julie Franklin Chris Herstam Clyde Granderson Jean Thomas Carole Kauffman Dawn Risk Gene Spencer George Abrams Denise March Charles & Francoise Krause Kim Dudley Christie Ford Susan Dale Amy Day Allen/Charlesa Feinstein 1 5 WELCOME YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS! If you know of a new neighbor who has moved in, please notify LaGayle Atwell. She will deliver a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" gift to them. LaGayle Atwell, 1021 W. Enanto Blvd 602-712-0148 or e-mail lagayleatwell@cox.net P a g e 1 6 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s ENCANTO-PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION ENCANTO PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION DECEMBER MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ENFCANTO PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS December 17, 2007 7:00 PM Attendance: 15 board members - Michael March, MaryAnne, T.J. Cohen, Dawn Risk, Diana Kem, Michelle Buxbaum, Julie Williams, Ron Pick, Allen and Charlesa Feinstein, Bev Haarman, Todd Templeton, Martin Vogel, Mike Brekke, Liz Kally, LaGayle Atwell Guests: Sgt. Dave Beauchamp and Scott Melander The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Board appointment: There was a board vacancy thus a motion was made to appoint Michael March to the board. Maker: Ron Pick Second: MaryAnne Passed Voice Vote Secretary appointment: There was a vacancy for the position of secretary thus a motion was made to appoint Michael March as secretary. Maker: Ron Pick Second: Todd Templeton Passed Voice Vote Police Report: Dave Beauchamp confirmed the purse snatcher story and went on to say that the suspect had been caught and was in custody. He also asked if anyone noticed increase of the police patrols and the informal consensus was 'yes'. Mike Brekke asked about what else they wanted us to do because we currently didn't have a private security company patrolling our neighborhood and the officer again asked for everyone to call 'CrimeStop' if they say any suspicious activity. MaryAnne brought up how a neighbor's trees were cut down and their lights were stolen. Charlesa asked if we should keep our Christmas lights on all night and the officer said 'yes'. Minutes: Moved to approve the November minutes. Maker: Liz Kally Second: Diana Kem Passed Voice Vote Treasurer's Report: Diana Kem presented the treasurer's report. Motion to approve the additional monies for the pole wrapping. Maker: Diana Kem Second: Liz Kally Passed Voice Vote EPSC Report: Martin Vogel presented the EPSC report.. The meeting was December 16th, 5pm. Susan Stowe is now the new EPSC president "Arrow Security" is out and "Valley Protective Services" is in. They feature security guards that do bicycle patrols. They are going to have an open house and they will do reporting services. Out of 10 companies, four were selected to do presentations. EPSC might distribute a newsletter. Diana Kem said that about $50K was spent this year. They hope to have a contract signed by the first of the year (2008). They will do bike patrols at night. The contract term is a 30 day cancellation policy. Committee Reports Outreach Committee: No report. Architecture Committee: Brief talk of the about the removal of the wall addition of a neighbor in our neighborhood and about enforcement of policies of the city. National Register update The total cost is around $27K which was less than expected. Ron Pick: The board authorized 10K, 8K has been paid. 24K has already already paid to Don. Joellen: The neighbors are tapped out so do not count on additional funds from the Continued on Page 17 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 7 Continued from Page 16 Neighborhood. Waiting for word from Washington, DC to see if all 22 properties have qualified. Motion to pay up to $3112.50 to Don Ryden. Maker: Martin Vogel Second: LaGayle Atwell Passed Voice Vote Welcome: No report. Condo Development: Report from Todd Templeton: They might break ground soon after the first of the year. Discussion: Brekke: The ground breaking is not possible because they have to post their designs and the plans have to still be filed. So far there is only one entrance and not enough parking. They still have to go through traffic and fire so the ground breaking is probably far off. Newsletter: Report by Dawn Risk. Dawn noted that she is trying to get it out to the press earlier. It was suggested to move the deadline to the 25th but no motion was made. Website Committee: Report by Jay Murphy Jay said work would start after the first of the year. Roster Committee: Report by Jay Murphy The roster is ready to go to print. Dawn is going to take care of it so it may be delivered before Christmas. If that doesn't happen is should go out with the next newsletter. Trash to Treasures: No report. Social Committee: Report my Mike Brekke. We had a wonderful turnout for holiday party. It was suggested the meat offerings go beyond pork products. The pole unwrapping party will be Jan (5th) 9am. Old Business: McDowell and 15th Avenue lighting: Report by Ron Pick. Ron Pick is going talk to the neighbors to get the approval to install the dusk to dawn alley lights that were already approved by the board. Holly St. Lights: No report. Board consideration of official positions on controversial issues: The following board policy was moved by Liz Kally: That the Board adopt the following policy and procedures enabling it to review, debate, and adopt a position on issues, possibly controversial, which may affect the character and quality of life in Encanto-Palmcroft. "When the Board is asked to support a position for or against such a matter, it shall: Table any such seconded motion until its next regular monthly meeting. In the meantime, notify residents via the newsletter and the email network of the nature of the motion, the facts of the matter, and arguments for and against. Request feedback from residents prior to the next regular monthly meeting. Debate the motion at the next regular monthly meeting, following Roberts' Rules of Order, so as to conduct an orderly meeting. Allow comment from neighbors who request to speak, but not engage in debate with non-board members during the meeting. Proceed to a roll-call vote following discussion and debate. When the outcome of the vote is clear, require members to refrain from publicly denigrating the majority decision of the board if they feel they cannot personally support it. (Liz mentioned it was proposed last meeting that this provision should be struck she was ok with that.) Designate the President of the Board or other officer to speak on its behalf at any public meetings or hearings that may occur Discussion: Liz Kally: The motion, in short, allows the board to take to take action. Ron: Nothing in the motion to changes the bylaws. Also, the board came to the consensus because of the time spent on these issues. Continued on Page 18 P a g e 1 8 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s Continued from Page 17 Martin: We we should tighten up the time frame. Jay: Block captains can be used as the tightening up mechanism. MaryAnne proposed: Delete "regular meeting" and add " and block captains". New reading: That the Board adopt the following policy and procedures enabling it to review, debate, and adopt a position on issues, possibly controversial, which may affect the character and quality of life in Encanto-Palmcroft. "When the Board is asked to support a position for or against such a matter, it shall: Table any such seconded motion until its next meeting. In the meantime, notify residents via the newsletter, the email network and block captains of the nature of the motion, the facts of the matter, and arguments for and against. Request feedback from residents prior to the next regular monthly meeting. Debate the motion at the next regular monthly meeting, following Roberts' Rules of Order, so as to conduct an orderly meeting. Allow comment from neighbors who request to speak, but not engage in debate with non-board members during the meeting. Proceed to a roll-call vote following discussion and debate. Designate the President of the Board or his/her designee to speak on its behalf at any public meetings or hearings that may occur regarding the issue." VOTE: Passed (11:3) Website funding: Motion to pay for a web site provider up to $3000. Vogel/Vollmer Passed Voice Vote It was proposed to make a special website committee. It was proposed that Jay is the chair.. but no formal motion or vote was made. The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM. Respectfully submitted, Michael March, Secretary. Advertisement E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 1 9 Advertisement CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DOG by Gene Spencer Talking to or talking for dogs is within acceptable behavior. Having a conversation with your dog would fall somewhere between evangelical and psychotic. This Christmas I received a head smashing, ear crushing, lung flooding, nose stopping, high fever cold. After three miserable days there came a miracle. Two facts must be disclosed: Fact 1. Bonnie came to us via the giant schnauzer rescue. She had spent the first four years of her life in a three by four wire cage with no affection and plenty of abuse. Her job was to have puppies that would be taken from her six weeks after birthing. Then she would be left alone and underfed until she was once again prime for insemination. Upon arriving at our home she would cower in one corner of the den, make not the slightest sound and wet herself whenever affection was attempted. That was six months ago. Now, she’s the queen of the roost. She howls at the moon, barks at the mail carrier and dances on her hind feet whenever we call her name. When offered a milk bone, our pound hound George sits and raises one paw. Bonnie on the other hand starts talking. It isn’t a bark, a howl, a growl or a whimper. I am convinced that she is on the verge of speech. EP 2/08 : 2/15/08 . Fact 2. At 2:00 a.m. of the fourth day of fighting the cold from hell I decided to kill the bug or kill myself; two shots of Nyquil, one cup of Theraflu, four aspirin and six ounces of 12 year old brandy was my remedy. The concoction all hit about the same time. I found myself sitting on the kitchen floor holding Bonnie’s dog dish between my legs, in the event that the remedy might make a sudden reappearance. That’s when Bonnie walked in to see me looking much like a sinking ship that was listing thirty degrees to port. I prayed for death and received a miracle (miracles have an uncanny way of showing up when you least expect them.) Bonnie began to talk, not growl, howl, bark or whimper, she started talking. Her only flaw was a slight German accent. “Hey stupid, it’s me, your dog I’m talking to ya,.” I thought master Gene would have been more appropriate, but a man in my pathetic condition deserves neither respect or miracles. “You’re not a man with a cold or a man curing a cold, you are a man failing at acceptance. I got out of my box and you need to step out of your box and have a look at just how well off you are. It isn’t the cold that’s got you down, it’s your failure to accept what is. It’s a new year and you got a year older, your hair and gum line are both receding, you’ve gained another ten pounds, the polar ice caps are melting, gas prices are through the roof and the market is in the toilet. Like your cold, there are a plethora of problems that are beyond your control. The more you think about bad news the more the bad news expands. I don’t live in a box anymore, I’ve got a great place to live, I don’t have a dictator running my life, and I can go outside and pee. The more I think about that the happier I get. You’ve got freedom, you live in the greatest neighborhood on earth, you can eat too much anytime you want, you’ve got friends, a great wife, you can go to the bathroom without help, and you’ve got a talking dog. I say for 2008 you should resolve to focus on what brings you joy. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and pray for the wisdom to know the difference. Happy New Year dad, try not to hurl in my bowl.” With that she went back to the couch, curled up and went to sleep. I curled up with her and fell asleep counting my blessings. HAPPY NEW YEAR! P a g e 2 0 E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s ENCANTO-PALMCROFT HISTORIC PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION Board of Directors January Meeting Agenda When: January 21, 2008 at 7:00PM Where: Valley Garden Center Agenda items may be removed or taken out of order. Time for comments may be limited to ensure that different viewpoints are heard. Call to order – Todd Templeton Presentation by the Phoenix Police Department on criminal activities in and around the neighborhood. – David Beauchamp, CAO and/or Scott Melander, CAO Presentation of the status and design of the Encanto Parkside Condominium project at 1302 W. McDowell Rd. – Scott Haskins Presentation for approval of December 17, 2007 meeting minutes. – Mike March Presentation for approval of Treasurer’s Report. – Diana Kem Presentation and discussion of Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation actions. – Susan Stowe Presentation for Approval of Calendar of Events. – Ron Pick Committee Reports – Discussion Only Outreach Committee – Kelly Morlan Architecture Committee – Martin Vogel Welcome Committee – LaGayle Atwell Encanto-Parkside Condominium Development Update – Todd Templeton / Liz Kally Web Site Committee – Jay Murphy Newsletter Editor – Dawn Risk Block Captain Coordinator – Lori Little Trash / Treasures Committee – Marc / TJ Cohen Social Committee – Mike Brekke Old Business – Discussion and possible action. Pole Unwrapping Event – Recap and discussion – Mike Brekke McDowell and 15th Avenue Lighting Project – Ron Pick New Business – Discussion and possible action. Items to be considered for January 2008 meeting agenda Adjournment of Board Meeting E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 2 1 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Music Lessons for ALL Ages! Now accepting students at Phoenix’s finest music academy. Individual lessons & group music class settings for all ages and most instruments. Convenient midtown location on 7th St., just south of Camelback. Get a competitive edge for band/choir/ orchestra Take up the instrument you’ve always wanted to learn Learn to read music for the first time Become a better, more confident singer Pre-K music classes for early learning Open 7 day a week and evening hours Beginners through advanced Recital opportunities on a regular basis Feel free to contact me directly: 602-488-0395 or Jennifer Leitch@gmail.com. Jennifer Leitch, Founder/Director PrestigeMusicAcademy.com P a g e 2 2 E n c a n t o ENCANTOENCANTO-PALMCROFT HOLIDAY DINNER PARTY P a l m c r o f t N e w s E n c a n t o P a l m c r o f t N e w s P a g e 2 3 P a g e 2 4 E n c a n t o The Cook’s Corner This month’s recipes provided by The Templeton Family P a l m c r o f t N e w s Mayan Cochinita Pibil (Mexican) Serves 8 – 10 Driving between Phoenix and L.A., we detour off I10 to Edgardo’s Café Vera Cruz in Palm Springs, CA for Aztec/Mayan cuisine whenever we can. He won’t share his recipe, but this one I derived from several others is close. This dish takes a lot of time, but it’s really worth the effort. The oranges make the flavor incredible, and we’re lucky enough to have a sour orange tree just outside the back door! 3½ – 4½ pounds Pork Shoulder 2 teaspoons Salt 2 Tablespoons Seville Orange Juice (see Note) 1½ Tablespoon Achiote Seeds (heaping) (also called Annatto Seed) ¼ teaspoon Cumin Seeds ½ teaspoon Oregano 12 Peppercorns 3 whole Allspice 5 cloves Garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon Chile Powder or Chile Seco (may substitute Hot Paprika) 1 teaspoon Salt 3 Tablespoons Seville Orange Juice ½ – 1 cup Water Peel of the Orange, chopped in large pieces 1 Onion, thinly sliced Fried Green Tomatoes Serves 6 Green tomatoes have a wonderful lemony taste which goes great with the smoky bacon. Figure ½ large tomato and 1 slice bacon per person 3 large Green Tomatoes 6 slices Bacon, cooked crisp, and Bacon Fat reserved in frying pan 2 eggs, Beaten 1 cup Yellow Corn Meal 2 teaspoons Salt 1 Tablespoon fresh ground Black Pepper, or more to taste Put eggs in a small bowl. Mix corn meal, salt and pepper in another bowl with a flat bottom. Slice tomatoes into thick slices. Dip each slice into the egg, then into the meal and coat completely on both sides. Fry one layer of slices at a time in the bacon drippings, until the batter is golden and the tomatoes soften slightly, turning to cook both sides. Add a bit of oil to the drippings if there isn’t enough to cook all the tomatoes. Pile fried tomatoes on a platter and crumble bacon over the top. *** Pinto Beans Serves 6 This makes a great accompaniment to ribs or grilled chicken, as well as Mexican feasts. Mother, who doesn’t like hot or spicy food, always enjoys this easy, flavorful side dish. 1 29 oz. can Pinto Beans 1 large clove Garlic, pressed ½ teaspoon Smoked Paprika, or more to taste Salt to taste Put beans and their juice into a saucepan. Blend in garlic and paprika. Bring to a simmer and heat through. Taste sauce and adjust salt and paprika if needed. Great over rice! *** Remove large chunks of fat from meat, but leave a small amount for flavor. Pierce the pork all over and rub in the 2 teaspoons salt and 2 tablespoons orange juice. Set aside while you prepare the seasoning paste. In a blender, grind the achiote seeds, cumin, oregano, peppercorns and allspice together to a fine powder. Add the garlic, chile seco, salt and 3 Tablespoons Seville orange juice and mix until the mixture is a thick paste. Coat the pork with the paste. The Mayans used seared banana leaves to wrap the meat up, but I use a large Ziploc® bag. Leave the meat to season in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight. Preheat oven to 325°. Place the pork, water, orange peel and onion in a Dutch oven or roasting pan, and cover with a tight fitting lid. Cook for 2 hours. Turn the meat and baste it well with the juices at the bottom of the pot. Cook for another 2 hours, or until the meat is soft and falling off the bone. After cooking, shred the meat roughly, removing large pieces of fat as you go. Return the meat to the pan juices and reheat. Serve hot, including chunks of orange peel, over rice. Or fold the meat into warm flour tortillas. Onion Salsa: Edgardo doesn’t serve this, but most of the recipes I found included these pickled onions… ½ cup Onion, sliced in thin rings 3 Habanero Chiles, very finely chopped (omit if you don’t like a LOT of heat) ½ teaspoon Salt ?[ cup Seville Orange Juice While the meat is cooking, prepare the salsa: mix all ingredients together. Set aside to season for about 2 hours. Serve in a separate dish, with tortillas and the sauce so that each person can make his or her own tacos. NOTE: A rough approximation for ½ cup of Seville orange juice may be attained by blending 1 teaspoon finely grated Grapefruit Zest, 3 Tablespoons Orange Juice, 3 Tablespoons Grapefruit Juice and 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice. ***
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