2015 Exhibitor Application PDF


2015 Exhibitor Application PDF
Growing Up Healthy
Powered by
May 3, 2015, 10am-5pm
65 Hanson Ave, Kitchener, On
Supporting Healthy Options for Every Family
A festival of knowledge and community
Growing Up Healthy is an exciting event bringing together
community resources, local vendors, and engaging
speakers with a focus on family health & wel lness,
including mental, physical, financial, & emotional health,
child development, products and services.
Community and Networking
Monthly Business Networking Nights
The Health y Connection
An opportunity for businesses that
focus on healthy living in Waterloo
Our comprehensive marketing campaign is a great benefit
for you as a potential Sponsor, Exhibitor, or Speaker. We
are creating excitement and awareness in the community
through our website, poster & flyer blitzes, continual
social media presence, as well as our networking & free
community events. As the official publication of the event,
The Holistic Parent magazine is offering a generous
discount on ad space to all of our participants. Become an
Exhibitor, Sponsor and/or Speaker, and grow your
business and community exposure through our targeted
Growing Up Healthy will feature over 75 exhibitors, an
interactive kid’s area hosted by child development
specialists, prenatal and postnatal care area with hands on
support, as well as a speaker series which delves deeper
into topics centered around our theme of
Healthy Options for Every Family.
Growing Up Healthy offers all caregivers regardless of age,
gender, or family structure, the opportunity to interact, be
engaged, and become enlightened. We are committed to
creating a safe, inclusive, and knowledgeable e nvironment
for families looking to gather information, purchase safe
and innovative products, and connect with important
We welcome you to join in this event and help create a
healthier future for Waterloo Region.
Region to network, collaborate, and
Monthly Kids Friendly
Business Networking
A support group for families with
children with a focus on healthy
Monthly Healthy Family
Parenting Group
A support group for families with
children with a focus on healthy
Growing Up Healthy is now
Powered by
The Healthy Connection
Green Lava Media Incorporated
P.O Box 204, Petersburg ON, N0B2H0
In Partnership with
Come grow your business with Growing Up Healthy
Featuring 75+ exhibitors, expert speaker series, and family activities with a projected turnout of 700+ attendees.
Growing Up Healthy is being promoted through a targeted and comprehensive publicity campaign in
print and online. Along with our official publication The Holistic Parent magazine, we are promoting an
impressive selection of retailers, services, experts, and resources. This will be Waterloo Regions
premiere family oriented healthy living event of 2015!
Social Media Profile
(30 days prior to last event)
(website) There were 6,134 page
views from 1,270 distinct users
• (Facebook Likes) 88% Women & 10%
Men; 54% are between 25-34yrs.
• (Facebook) There were 15,564 unique
views and 38,462 total views to
content associated with our page
What is included in your
Exhibit space & business name listed in the
Growing Up Healthy event directory
Professional show drapery - Full back wall,
3ft. side walls (for booths only)
Vendor discount on ad space in The Holistic
Parent magazine - official publication of
Growing Up Healthy
Company logo and information included on
the vendor page of the Growing Up Heathy
Business name listed on the Growing Up
Healthy Social Media outlets.
Interesting Statistics
• 30% of households in the KitchenerWaterloo- Cambridge area are families
with children
• 33% of Canadians are willing to pay a
premium for health enhancing products
• The North American health and
wellness sector is projected to reach
over $200 Billion in revenue by 2015
May 3, 2015
Business Name:
Billing Name:
In order to be listed in the event
directory, inside The Holistic Parent
Magazine, you must be a registered
exhibitor before April 2, 2015
Postal Code:
Contact #:
Facebook Name:
Twitter Handle:
Are you interested in learning more about the partnering The Holistic Parent Magazine and the discount they are offering?
Featured Products/Services:
Will you be providing a service at your booth (i.e. massage therapy)? If so what?
Will you be handing out samples? If so please indicate what.
Rental Type
4ft Table (unmanned)
4ft Table (no floor space) *
6ft Table (no floor space) *
5 x 10 Exhibitor Space *
10 x 6.3 Exhibitor Space * (10 ft deep by 6.3 ft wide)
10 x 10 Exhibitor Space *
15 x 10 Exhibitor Space *
Add promotional item to tote bags - 400 items min
*must include either sample or discount
Additional Chair
Additional Table
$5 each
Booth/Area Sharing Fee per Business Quantity:
$10 each
$25 each
+13 HST
Signature: Click here to enter text.
(By signing this contract you agree to the terms and conditions.)
A disco u nt w ill b e pr o vided fo r c h ar it ies & not -fo r pr ofit s. * Exh ib it or s pace w ill b e pro vi ded wit h o ne t abl e and o ne c h air . If
roo m allo ws , an exh ib ito r may b r ing or r ent additio nal it ems . A $5 0 depos it i s du e 5 bu si ness days after t h e i nvoic e h as b een
emailed w ith final payment du e no l at er th an 30 days aft er i nvo ic i ng . A ny ex hi bi tor s acc ept ed aft er A pr il 2, 2 0 1 5 mu st pay
th e f ull amou nt w it hin 5 bu s iness days af t er invo ic e h as been email ed. P ayments c an b e made b y c h equ e, payab le to Gr een
Lava Media I nc or por at ed, b y P ayP al or EMT to inf o @g ro wing u ph eal th y.c a