3 Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers` Weekend


3 Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers` Weekend
3 r d Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers’ Weekend Plans for a weekend of encouragement, reflection and worship
24‐26 April 2015 Charlton, Massachusetts WHO: You, your Brothers from all over the Northeast, and our speaker, Bro Nathan Badger (Cambridge, ON) This event is sponsored by the Christadelphian Ecclesia at Boston (Stoughton) WHAT: A Primer on Bro Nathan’s Classes…
Ecclesial Synergy In 1 Cor. 12, the Apostle Paul presents us with a serious challenge: Many Members ... but, One Body. As brethren, we have a God‐given responsibility to exercise leadership which binds our ecclesial members together into this ONE body. Yet, every ecclesia is very diverse in personalities, needs, and skills. It is not an easy task! So, how do we do it? Paul’s solution is Synergy. What is Synergy? How can we enhance ecclesial and inter‐ecclesial synergy? What are the keys to successful synergy? What examples of synergy are provided in the Bible? And what can we learn from them to strengthen our ecclesias and remove division? Come to the 2015 New England Brothers’ Weekend and learn how to enhance Ecclesial Synergy through study classes and interactive workshops. WHAT: Classes and Workshops 4 sessions (three Saturday and one Sunday morning)
Sessions include: 45‐60 min. studies and 30 min. workshops with group discussion WHEN: Friday April 24 – Sunday April 26 • Registration and readings will start at 8:30pm on Friday 26
24 25
• Weekend will end after lunch on Sunday WHY: Goal: Provide a focused setting for Brethren to fellowship and openly discuss life’s obstacles to faithful service and Biblical solutions. 3 r d Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers’ Weekend Plans for a weekend of encouragement, reflection and worship
Objectives: • Bible‐based talks and discussions to encourage the development of closer friendships among brethren. • Create a constructive and encouraging environment where brothers can address in depth the personal challenges and struggles they face. • Based on the bond of trust, develop personal goals and action plans to strengthen the application of Biblical principles in daily life and, as much as possible, maintain accountability to each other as each brother is fortified to overcome their challenges and weaknesses. Solutions, Sharing and Support will be some of the great experiences of this weekend, as we consider our triumphs and struggles in Christ. We live in a challenging world. It is helpful to know that Christ, our brethren, and other Bible characters experienced the same challenges as we do today. Bro. Nathan will lead the classes. His workshops will complement the classes, and provide brethren a helpful opportunity to share solutions and challenges in a stimulating, interactive environment. The aim is brotherly bonds, built and strengthened this weekend, to form lifelines for a lifetime. WHERE: Joslin Diabetes Camp 150 Richardson Corner Rd, Charlton, MA Questions for the organizers?
Bro Jason Dineen (Registration) newengbros@gmail.com 617-697-7717
Bro Jim Boyko (General Organization) 508- 212 -7190 or jnkboyko@gmail.com 3 r d Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers’ Weekend Plans for a weekend of encouragement, reflection and worship
Registration ENHANCING ECCLESIAL SYNERGY Step 1 ‐ Registration Form: All attendees must register for the Brothers’ Weekend. Please complete, sign, and mail the registration form below. Mail Registrations to: Please note that registration is limited ‐ Register Early. Registrations received by April 5 th will qualify for the ‘Early‐Bird Registration Fee’. Early registrations allow us to reduce facility costs. Jason Dineen 16 Fairview Lane Plymouth, MA 02360 or newengbros@gmail.com Step 2 ‐ Registration Fee: Make Checks Payable to:
Enclose a check for the initial fee of $90 USD/CAD with your registration form. The remainder will be due at camp. Fees cover the cost of accommodation, facilities and speakers. The Christadelphians The total fee is: Student (full time): ..........no $ due at camp ........... $90 USD/CAD Non‐Student: ........................................................ $135 USD/CAD Non‐Student Early‐Bird Fee (by April): ....... $120 CAD/USD Part‐time attendees are welcome! Please contact Bro. Jason Dineen to determine fees: Email: newengbros@gmail.com Phone: 617‐697‐7717. Cancellations: If you cancel after April 12th, only a small portion of your registration fee will be retained for the facility deposit. 3 r d Annual New England Christadelphian Brothers’ Weekend Plans for a weekend of encouragement, reflection and worship
Registration Form for 3rd Annual (LORD willing) Weekend 24‐26 April 2015 ENHANCING ECCLESIAL SYNERGY Registrant Emergency Contact
Name: _________________________________
__________________________ Address: _________________________________
__________________________ _________________________________
I Am Willing to Help With ...
Leading Workshop Discussion Groups
Phone: _________________________________
Organist or Pianist for Hymns Email: _________________________________
Provide Evening Snacks (use imagination)
Ecclesia: _________________________________ Medical Conditions or Food Allergies __________________________________________________
I have enclosed a check for $______USD/CAD including the initial registration fee of $90. You will receive my registration by April 5
so I can qualify for the Early‐Bird Fee of $120. PLEASE NOTE: REGISTRATIONS MUST INCLUDE BOTH YOUR FORM AND FEE. YOU WILL NOT BE REGISTERED UNTIL WE RECEIVE BOTH. Signature:_____________________________________________________________ Step 3 ‐ Registration Confirmation: Confirmation of registration will be issued after your registration is received. A final information package will be emailed in mid‐ April.