18 May Ordinary General Meeting 2015
18 May Ordinary General Meeting 2015
GUNNEDAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING MONDAY 18TH MAY 2015: GUNNEDAH SERVICES AND BOWLING CLUB The meeting commenced at 5:32pm Committee: Ann Luke, Peter Jones, Wendy Marsh, Sarah Ranclaud, Jim Farquhar, Andrew Baker, Jodi Dolbel, David Isbester, Mike Broekman, Lyn Gurney, Nicolette Bronkhorst, Jamie Chaffey Present: Ann Luke (chair), Sarah Ranclaud, Jodi Dolbel, Nicolette Bronkhorst, Treena Daniels, Lyn Gurney, Wendy Marsh, Peter Jones, Andrew Baker, Ken Adams, Jan Sumner (guest: Northwest Health), Mark Bannerman, Joe Townsend (guest: NSWBC), Mark Rodgers, George Hoddle, Tim Duffy, Simon Groth and Mark Slack-Smith, Krysten Barros (minutes). Ann Luke: welcome to everyone; introduces committee members to guests. T F A R D 1. Apologies: Jamie Chaffey, Jim Farquhar, David Isbester, Mike Broekman Moved: that the apologies be accepted (Marsh, Baker) Carried. 2. Minutes: Minutes last OGM 30th July 2014: Ann Luke reads minutes Moved: that the minutes from the OGM on 30th July 2014 are a true and accurate record (Bronkhorst, Marsh) Carried. Business arising NA Minutes last Committee meeting 27th April: Ann Luke summarised minutes Moved: that the committee minutes from the meeting 27th April 2015 are a true and accurate record (Baker, Dolbel) Carried. Business arising NA 3. Correspondence: NA 4. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Sarah Ranclaud Moved: that the accounts are accepted and be paid (Ranclaud, Marsh) Carried Discussion re banking options: • Chamber cannot take payments by credit card, which is a problem for larger companies and their financial systems. • Chamber to send out invoices for renewals by the early June. • Treena Daniels, Wendy Marsh, Ann Luke have nominated themselves. Motion: that Treena Daniels. Wendy Marsh and Ann Luke be nominated to make a recommendation via email with majority opinion on a banking solution to be presented to the committee (Jones, Bronkhorst) Carried. 5. Reports and Meetings SUSTAINABLE SUB COMMITTEE: No report STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARDS • Peter has been handing out nomination forms and reported that many did not want to fill in the entire form. • There have been nominations for judges and the committee are deciding on three. • Sponsorship: aiming for 11 $100 sponsorships (there are 2 so far); 2 $500 sponsorships (1 so far). • The committee will decide on the direction moving forward once all nominations are submitted. GUNNEDAH GIFT CARD • Discussion about Issue with Suncorp fraud newsletter; Why Leave Town have received an apology from Suncorp, Suncorp were not aware of how the system worked. • Invoices have been sent out for the $3 card fee to businesses who have sold more than $20/6 cards. • Reporting from Why Leave Town every month on how the money has been spent on the program. • Asking participants for feedback • Treena Daniels suggests an advertisement/editorial in the newspaper communicating positive results from the program T F A R D MONTHLY MEETING WITH COUNCIL Notes from meeting Council Chamber 14 May Present: Ann Luke, Peter Jones, Eric Groth, Owen Hasler, Mike Silver Meeting started at 3.00pm concluded at 4.40pm Topics raised: • Sister City Chinese trip – need for more feedback, Council has heard that there have been questioning comments from some Chamber members regarding the trip • Chamber’s disappointment at lack of success with BPP funding. Council advised increased contact with Debra Hilton as liaison • Negative business community attitude regarding Council (as reported to Peter) and lack of proactivity in relation to developments. .. ways forward • Follow through from enquiries regarding Quia road and no contact as yet from Council’s rep • Advised of complaint to Chamber regarding state of walkway through to Coles MEETING OF CHAMBER REPRESENTATIVES WITH MINISTER FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS • Invitation from Kevin Anderson at short notice. • Mike Broekman, Ann Luke and Andrew Baker attended. • Mike Broekman raised various issues about young employees eg not being able to learn to drive a forklift until the age of 18; discussion about local provision, TAFE, development and sustainability. • The committee members invited the minister to visit Gunnedah and he is interested in visiting 2nd or 3rd week of July to talk about the Sustainable business development and to visit some businesses. • The Chamber to hold a networking session and take the minister around to visit businesses in Gunnedah. General consensus this was a great idea. 6. Events Held Networking at Lakeford Real Estate (early May): Not a huge attendance but a great night 7. Upcoming Events • Seminar streamed from NSW business Chamber this Wednesday at Pegasus (renovate your business) • Networking at k&k creative 2nd June • Business breakfast at Wild Orchards 23 June (Treena Daniels to deliver a presentation about ‘what you should talk to your accountant about’) • Non Chamber event: Roadshow: electronic conveyancing, Thursday 28th May at the Powerhouse Hotel, Tamworth. Open forum after presentation. Information to be circulated via email. 8. General Business CHINESE SISTER CITY VISIT • Business profiles to be developed to present on the trip; information will be translated. • $30 per business for the design; quote coming for translation. Estimated $50 per business. • General consensus it will be a good idea. Profile mock-up to be circulated to businesses. • Discussion about gifts to be presented to hosts. Wendy Marsh has suggested Australian pens made in Gunnedah. Motion: Chamber allocates up to $500 to be spent on gifts for the attendees to take on the China trip. (Tim Duffy, Jones) Carried SETTING GOALS AND STRATEGIES (WENDY MARSH) • Wendy suggests the Chamber focus on one significant project rather than multiple. • Chamber working to be proactive for the local businesses in Gunnedah. • Keep industry, business, employment and people local. • For the new committee to consider. Wendy to undertake further research. ADMIN SUPPORT CHANGES Krysten cannot take on the workload with her own business workload increasing. • Duties included: managing memberships; RSVPs; events; minutes; circulating emails; taking pressure off the committee. • Endorsement from the committee to get the authority to investigate the possibilities and engage further admin work. • Contractors only Motion: that Ann Luke and Wendy Marsh be authorised to engage an organization or sub-contractor to undertake administrative duties for the Chamber of Commerce (Marsh, Bronkhorst) Carried. T F A R D REPRESENTATION ON NSW REGIONAL BUSINESS CHAMBER, NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION JUNE: • Joe Townsend discussed the NSW business chamber, which advocates on behalf of small and medium businesses. • Regional Chamber: segments the state into 16 regions • 20 representatives from businesses on Regional Council discuss and prioritise issues that are affecting their industry, town and region. • Simple application including CV. Applications are presented at the AGM and are voted in by members of the NSWBC. One person elected from that committee to represent the region. • Ann would like to see Gunnedah more effectively represented. Gunnedah Chamber of Commerce can nominate someone to be on the local council. Ann calls for Chamber members to nominate someone to represent the Gunnedah. Motion: that the committee search for interest from members for nomination to the local advisory council and nominate a member to represent the Gunnedah Chamber. (Bronkhorst, Ranclaud) Carried. 9. Membership Current members 124 New members: Northwest Health, Gunnedah Furnished Apartments, Forsyth’s. Motion: that the members be accepted (Jones, Bronkhorst) Carried. 10. Next Meetings: 15th June – Committee meeting. Meeting closed: 7:15pm