Integrity - Heany Park Primary School
Integrity - Heany Park Primary School
Learn ing and Growing Toge th er GRADE 5 Thursday 26th March, 2015 27 th March Happy Easter! Children dismissed at 2.30pm 13th April First day of Term Two Naplan Testing 12th – 14th May Reminders • Inquiry Unit Being Green on the Blue Planet Look out for information about Grade 5 camp early in the term! Best Foot Forward Harmony Day Attitude Dictates Success Throughout Term One the children explored the foundations of Program Achieve – You Can Do It and considered these in relation to their own learning and school behaviours. They have reflected on how they learn best and how to get along with others, both in the in classroom and the yard. Raewyn, Kym and Lisa would like to thank all parents for their assistance with running our Bike Education program. We all enjoyed the final ride to Jells Park and our sausages. Harmony Day was a great way to acknowledge and recognize our multicultural community. For Harmony Day the children were given the choice between three activities - Designing a logo to go on a t-shirt about harmony. - Completing a range of word puzzles based on diversity. - Exploring an interactive app about the daily life of a child from a differing culture. The children loved attending the Lion Dance demonstration with their Holidays Have your child read aloud and check the meaning of tricky words. Practise times tables and basic number facts recall while travelling. The Year 5 Team wishes you a happy and safe Acceptance - Respect - Life-long Learning - Integrity Term Two Information